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Hospitality Industry

Oberoi Hotels and Resorts


Group 3

Mansa Lakshmi
Meenakshi A. K
Manuel Joe Nixon
An organization is a social arrangement which pursues collective goals, which controls its own
performance, and which has a boundary separating it from its environment. Organization is the
association formed by a group of people who see that there are benefits available from working
together towards some common goal.
Organization studies are the study of individual and group dynamics in an organizational setting, as
well as the nature of organizations themselves. Whenever people interact in organizations, many
factors come in to play. Organizational studies attempt to understand and model these factors.
Organizational study is essential to any Management graduate as it helps them to connect theory with
Organization study refers to the study of organization as a whole and getting adequate knowledge
with various departments in the organization. The study was carried out at OBEROI GROUPS . This
study is based on the different aspects and dimensions of different departments of the company the
study was carried out at the OBEROI GROUPS , situated at Kerala.


The organization study at OBEROI GROUPS aims at getting accustomed to the business
environment for a period of one month. The study will be conducted to understand the structure,
function and process of various departments and their interdependence.


The organization study was carried out in OBEROI GROUPS situated at Kerala , is to achieve the
following specific objectives:
1.3.1 To familiarize with the organization structure and it’s functioning
1.3.2 To familiarize with the different departments in the organization and their functions and
activities including documentation.
1.3.3 To understand how the key business processes are carried out in an organization.
1.3.4 To understand how information is used in organization for decision making at various levels
including data flow diagram.
1.3.5 To understand the extent of technology adoption including ICT, in the organization for various
1.3.6 To understand the growth and diversification strategies, portfolio Structure of the Organization
1.3.7 To study the Overall performance of the organization
1.3.8 To understand the performance measurements of employees and various employee welfare
activities, Training activities
1.3.9 To understand the steps taken to increase the productivity in the organisation
1.3.10 To conduct a SWOT analysis of the organization
The reason for selecting The Oberoi Group is that, they have been the best and will remain being the
top most hotel chains globally. The work culture that Oberois have undertaken for its employees is
something which is beyond any comparison to any other hotels. What differentiates the Oberois from
the other hoteliers is their attention to detail, Highly motivated staff and unrelenting focus on guest
satisfaction and never compromises on quality. The luxury hotel offers spacious and richly appointed
guest rooms with private terraces and many with swimming pools, large marble bathrooms that
overlook walled courtyards, restaurants that serve traditional Rajasthani, Indian and International
cuisine, a magnificent outdoor swimming pool and a luxurious Oberoi Spa. Recognised as the best
resorts in India, Oberoi Hotels & Resorts have traditional architecture, lush gardens and magnificent
views. We guarantee warm, sincere hospitality, luxurious accommodation and authentic, personalised
experiences at every destination. Unlike other hotel companies like the Taj and ITC which are
promoted by conglomerates (Tatas and ITC Ltd respectively), The Oberoi group's core business is
hotels along with allied businesses of travel agency, car rentals, a printing press and aviation. Hence,
all along they have focused their attention and harnessed their energies on hotels and never ventured
out of this business.The Oberoi Group is one of the best paying companies in the hospitality industry,
which is notorious for it's low pay and long working hours. 

The success of a research depends largely on the methodology used. The appropriate methodology
will improve the validity of the findings.
The following methodologies were adopted for the study.
1.5.1 Identification of the company The Oberoi groups, was selected for the organization study,
considering various factors including reputation of the firm, ease of getting permissions, industry,
location etc.
1.5.2 Identification of the Objectives The specific objectives of the organization study was identified
and listed out in order of priority. This helped in conducting the organization study in a systematic
and effective manner.
1.5.3 Data collection both primary sources and secondary sources were used in this particular
research. Primary Data Primary data were collected through observation, personal interview, discussion
with managers and employees of the various departments of the organization. Secondary Data Secondary data were collected through literature review which includes
company’s internal records, publications, annual reports, journal, statutory report, website (official
and others) etc.
1.5.4 Analysis and Interpretation the data collected must be properly analysed to evaluate and enhance
the data quality. The analysis is done to identify the actual meaning of the data which helps in proper
interpretation. Data analysis involves working to uncover patterns and trends in data sets and data
interpretation involves explaining those patter ns and trends.
1.5.5 Documentation After the analysis and interpretation of collected data, the information is
documented in the form of organization study report, which gives an elaborate report on the
organization study.


There were some limitations in conducting the organization study at The hospitality industries Pvt ltd.
1.6.1. There were difficulties in obtaining data from executives and managers due to their busy work
1.6.2. An in-depth study of the company could not be carried out due to shortage of time.
1.6.3. The reliability of data used for study is largely depends upon the companies reports and the
information given by executives.
1.6.4. The company has the limitation to disclose their financial details, so a detailed analysis of
financial performance of the company is not possible.

Group Members
Mansa Lakshmi
Meenakshi A K
Manuel Joe Nixon

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