Appraisal of The Effect of Faulty Design On Construction and Maintenance of Buil

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Cover Page
Title page
List of figures
Table of contents

1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of Problem
1.3 Aim and Objectives:
1.4 The following Are the Objectives of This Study
1.5 Research Questions
1.6 Research hypothesis
1.7 Scope and Delimitation of the study
1.8 Limitation of the study
1.9 Significant of the Study
1.10 Area of the study

2.0 Review of the related literature
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Repercussions of Design Deficiency
2.2.1 Materials
2.2.2 Ventilation
2.2.3 Wet areas
2.2.4 Floors
2.2.5 Building lifespan
2.3 Some Causes of Failure in Building Design
And Construction Supervision Process,
2.4 Defining Defective Construction
2.5 Classification of Defective Works
1. Qualitative Defects
2. Patent and Latent Defects

Research Methodology
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Sources of Data
1. Primary Data
2. Secondary Data
3.3 Population of the Study
3.4 Sample Collection and Sample Techniques
3.5 Instrument for Data Collection
1. The Questionnaires
2. Oral Interview
3. Reconnaissance Survey
3.6 Validation of the Instrument
3.7 Method of Data Collection
3.8 Method of Data Analysis and Presentation

4.0 Data Analysis, Questionnaire, Discussion and Finding
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Data Presentation and Analysis from the Respondents
4.2 Test of Hypothesis
4.3 Summary of Findings
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1 Summary of Findings
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendations
Appendix A
Appendix B

List of Figures
Fig; 1 Showing MAP of Anambra State
Fig; 2 Showing Map of Awka

Table of Contents
Table 1: Administration of questionnaires
Table 4.1: In what Gender bracket are you?
Table 4.2: In what age bracket are you?
Table 4.3: What is the state of your origin?
Table 4.4: What is your level of education?
Table 4.5: Which one of these is your profession?
Table 4.6: Type of crafts
Table 4.7: Type of project
Table 4.8: Professional qualification
Table 4.9: The main Causes of design errors.
Table 4.10: Contribution of the architects to design errors.
Table 4.11: Contribution of the engineer to design errors.
Table 4.12: Contribution of the Builders to design errors.
Table 4.14: effects of defect on building maintenance .
Table 4.14: Cause of design errors is more significant than the other
Table 4.15: Effects of design errors on construction and maintenance of
building projects.
Table 4.16: Using proper construction management to reduce cause of
design failure.
Table 4.17: Using competent professionals to reduce cause of design
Table 4.18: Remedies to design failure in construction site


1.1 Background to the study

Maintenance and housekeeping of buildings and other Engineering structures in the

country have been the areas of neglect and not given the importance they deserve

in both, the education and training of professionals as well as in the practicing field.

Professionals should ensure that these buildings which are designed and constructed

at huge expense of time and money are properly maintained so as to ensure their

optimal functionality, durability and longevity (Gahlot & Sajay, 2016).

The construction industry plays an essential role in the economic development of

any developing nation cited by Kheni, Gibb and Dainty, (2008). Ibironke, 2003;

Shittu and Shehu 2010 also added that construction industry plays vital role

especially in an expanding economy like Nigeria country. Okeola (2009) averred that

at least 50% of the investment in various development plans is primarily in

construction and the industry is the next employer of labour after agriculture in

underdeveloped countries. The last decade however exposed the declining level of

clients’ satisfaction from the built facilities as a result of poor quality performance of

structural design in addition to it’s maintenance problems in the Nigerian

construction industry (Arazi & Mahmoud, 2010).

The relationship between design, construction and maintenance is closely related but

not easily distinguished. Hardy and lammers cited in maisarah (2012) explained the

vital role of design in the early stage of project management. They stated that a

functional design can promote skill; economy, conveniences, and comforts while a

non-functional design can impeded activities of all types of detract from quality of

care, and raise cost to intolerable levels. A typical saying by Vonnegut (2007)’

everybody wants to build and nobody want to do maintenance. In Nigeria precisely

Owerri the capital of Imo State building design are copied from other States and

countries without considering the conditions that lead to such design, hence

maintenance experts are seldom included to advice on maintenance efficiency of

such design. In a related development iyagba (2005) reveal that there are

substantial numbers of people who do not know the meaning of maintenance. The

mistakes most designer made is believing that a building that is design with the best

aesthetics materials requires little or no maintenance, but such notion or argument

are wrong because The maintenance of a building begins after the construction is

completed Haniff, (2007). Eizzatul ‘Ain (2012) observed that the maintainability

aspect at the design stage is often ignored and this has contributed to future

problems when implementing maintenance work. He further explained that this

happens when the aesthetics value has become more important in the design of

asset, besides the design factor, site selection, apparatus, tools or facilities to

maintain the asset are hard to obtain or very costly. According to Rozita (2006) the

effectiveness of the building is not dependent on its aesthetic value but on the ability

to perform maintenance works on the building in the future. Just like the military

slogan that if you fail to plan, and then you are planning to fail. That is, if a building

is design and constructed without any plan for maintenance the building is hovering

towards failure. According Norhaniza et al (2007) if the designer failed to plan well

the entire plan would also fail. Every decision made during the building design and

construction has its own impact, too often the professionals that constructs and

design don’t worry whether the building they design and build will work properly,

their major concern is just to complete the project and move to the next job while

the consequence is left for the client to handle. The effect of faulty building design
and construction has become one of the major issues in maintaining building in

Nigeria. United nation (1992) mentioned that the world as pass a demographic

milestone i.e. for the first time in the history of mankind. World Bank suggested that

urbanization and resulting housing problems are the most dominant phenomenon in

all developing countries. But a fact indicated that urban population forms an

overwhelming majority in all developed countries, (World Bank, 1990). Nigeria has a

population estimated to be around 150 million which has the largest black populace

in the world and as such new building are being built daily to accommodate the

demands of the teeming population, this has lead to the desperation of every single

individual to have a building of his own , the consequence is that an inexperience

designer is given a contract to design and same to another to construct in a short

period of time which will result in many defects especially during the design and

construction stage and this will inevitably result in high maintenance cost.

Abdulmohsen and sadi, (1997) stated that the increase in maintenance cost is

attributed to the failure of the building design. If we compare the production of cars,

for example a car is designed and then built; it is tested exhaustively, fault identified

and then rectified. If we relate this to building work, we need to construct a building,

test it overtime and then demolish and rebuild, removing all problem in the next

design. Faulty construction also accounts for many building failure, if a new copied

design has not been specified or built previously(most especially designed copied

from abroad) the builder will have no experience of this design and may build it

incorrectly resulting in high cost of maintenance with inherent defects. It is therefore

sacrosanct for both the designer and the builder to consider the importance of

maintenance at the onset of the design because decision made at the planning stage
have a large effect on the maintenance of the building and the cost. It is most times

worry some that most building expert that suppose to educate the public on the

importance of building maintenance will say age building result in high cost of

maintenance. It is most time correct but we should also know that there are some

new building with numerous defect as a result of faulty design and construction

which previous research work estimated to surpass the cost of maintaining the age

building. Dauda and muyiwa (2010) found out that defects within new building are

area of non compliance with the building code of practice older buildings or building

out of warranty period may not comply with these standards but must be judged

against the standard at the time of construction or refurbishment.

Defective construction is not limited to developing economies alone. Pole (1997)

stressed that there had been claims of defective construction in the California

housing market which focused on the development of condominium subdivisions;

this has resulted to rapid increase of “Construction Defects Litigation" since the

"building boom" of the 1980's”. This is a proof of the existence of the problem of

defective construction in developed counties. It is however not astonishing that it is

a significant challenge found in the Nigerian International Journal of Civil

Engineering, Construction and Estate Management building industry. “Defective

construction work can be as a result of inadequate design, faulty workmanship or

poor materials management – or some combination of these failings. Someone is

actually to blame, either the builder (or artisan) or one or more of the professional

consultants, or even the entire project team. It is important therefore that the

project team should possess a good working knowledge of their responsibilities and

liabilities” (Barrett, 2008).

In construction projects, the nature and type of defects can vary strikingly, as can

the point at which they become obvious or readily perceived (Outlaw, 2011).

Sometimes minor defects can simply be corrected before the building is handed over

to the employer, at other times significant defects may occur long after the original

work has been finished and require large remedial works to repair. In instances

where these defects are abandoned on account of being unnoticed or they are

beyond correction, such buildings are left to the clients or users to maintain, endure

the unpleasant aesthetics, and risk possible failures in very terrible cases (outlaw,


In the entire lifecycle of any building, defective construction can be both a bane and

a burden to that building, its users and its neighbourhood. Generally, this deficiency

can be traced to design errors, poor or inferior materials, supervision lapses, and the

incompetence of artisans. Sometimes, designers may not be conscious of the

implication of their design decisions and the ability of contractors to meet or fulfill

them safely. The client or contractors are sometimes culpable of the procurement of

poor building materials. During construction, supervision which helps in resolving

certain misinterpretations and unprofessionalism is sometimes needlessly

insufficient. The contractors and artisans who bring the designer’s dream to reality

are either incompetent, looking for the easiest way out, or in haste in order to create

time and clinch other contracts. In the construction stage, these delinquencies affect

the future maintenance, cost and time of construction because such works have to

be revisited. During use, such buildings are left to the clients to grapple with and

maintain. As a result, Imo State precisely Owerri lack confidence in indigenous

professionals, therefore they invite expatriates to design and build for them.
Poor quality in construction projects is a common phenomenon in the world. Many

disputes happened among clients, house owners and parties involved in construction

(especially contractors) on construction defects cases. According to Baiden & Tuuli

(2004), “defects and variations in construction products from standards is

persistently a problem of concern in the construction industry in Ghana”. Defects in

construction project could also be seen as incompliance or lack of conformity with

contract agreement which include; working drawing, specification, quality of

workmanship, and any-other condition not expressly stated such as “durability,

aesthetic, performance or design”. The problem of defective construction witnessed

in the construction sector was tackled by the introduction of “Quality Assurance (QA)

techniques” which was initiated by other industries, however, the technique is still

being improved on to be suitable in the construction companies.

Kazaz & Birgonul (2005) stated that the satisfaction of quality level in the

construction projects has not been achieved and is a serious problem in Turkey.

Abdul Razak , H. R. Matthew, Z. Ahmed and I. Ghaffar, (2010) stated that quality of

the certain construction projects in Malaysia does not always meet satisfaction.

Nevertheless, Wai Kiong & Sui Pheng (2005) found out that the majority of human

errors arise as a result of “forgetfulness and carelessness,” and about 30% were due

to inadequate knowledge of the structural design while the least error arises from

the willingness of the contractor. Wai-Kiong & Sui Pheng (2005) further claimed that

the absence of incentive is the key factor affecting workmanship quality and also

that the incidence of risk result to the occurrence of defects. In general, defects are

considered to arise as a result of “poor design, lack of knowledge, lack of

information or lack of motivation” while “Carelessness” was claimed to be the most

significant cause. Defects in building can therefore arise from either or a

combination of the occurrence of following situation; error in design by the Architect,

flaws from the manufacturer, defects in materials, wrong use or inappropriate

installation of equipments, and inconformity to specification by the contractor,

among others.

1.2 Statement of Problem

Most public buildings in Owerri the capital of Imo state are in a state of derelict

conditions of structural and aesthetic disrepair and if corrective measures are not

properly carried out, it could results in a total breakdown of structural component.

Despite the various strategies being adopted by the government for the

maintenance of those facilities, the buildings remain a home for defects that should

have been avoided if proper feasibility planning on maintenance has been given

cognizance right from the design stage and construction stage of the project. This

has led to unnecessary expenditure from the various authorities in carrying out

remedial work to curb the effects. Brennan (2000) opined that the main purpose of

maintenance of property is essentially to retain it values for investment, aesthetics,

safety and durability with a view to ensuring that the property is continually used for

habitation and to satisfaction of the owner. It was even observed that majority of

the new construction were being built up with defects which later transpire into

substantial expenses on maintenance.

The rate of construction project accomplishment is weak because of the rapid

increasing rate of major defects in building as a result of poor design which has

been identified as the major cause of defects in construction projects (Abdulrazak et

al 2010). In the same vein, Abdul Rahman et al (2006) stated that the causes of

defects in construction are varied and at times cannot be easily established due to

their nature which could be independent or combined occurrence (i.e. interrelated

persons or groups). It is against this backdrop that this research was carried out to

examine the effect of design errors on construction and maintenance of building

project as a cause of building defect, variation, cost overrun with the intent to

proffer suitable solutions to the problem.

1.3 Aim and Objectives:

The aim of this research is to assess the effect of faulty design on construction and

maintenance of building project in Imo state precisely Owerri as a case study:

The following are the objectives of this study:

i. To determine the factors responsible for design errors on construction and

maintenance of building project.

ii. To determine the effect of design errors on construction and maintenance of

building project.

iii. To identify possible measures on how to mitigate design errors on

construction and its effect on maintenance of building.

1.4 Research Questions

In order to study the problem identified, the following questions have been stated

for the study:

i. What are the factors responsible for faulty design on construction and

maintenance of building project?

ii. What are the common effect of faulty design on construction and

maintenance of building project?

iii. What are the possible measures on how to mitigate faulty design on

construction and its effect on maintenance of building?

1.5 Research hypothesis

Ho: Faulty design has no significant effect on construction and maintenance of

building project

1.6 Scope and Delimitation of the study

The scope of this study covers the building construction sites in Owerri Capital of

Imo state. Study was done in some building construction sites within Owerri


1.7 Limitation of the study

Enough effort has been put to exhaust the scope aforementioned but time and cost

constraint relative to the magnitude of design errors problems are the major forms

of limitations for the total achievement of the project objective.

Some of the limitation experienced during the course of the research for this project

includes: limited literature on the subject matter concerning construction companies

do not keep a record on their sites, delay in return of questionnaires and inadequate

time in which to gather materials and finish the project.

1.8. Significance of the Study:

Most public buildings in Imo state are faced with problems of defects such as

“cracking, staining/discolouration, sealant failures, efflorescence, rising

dampness/water penetration, corrosion, buckling/deflection, tile/plaster

delaminating” which have resulted due to effect of design errors on construction and

maintenance of the building. According to Dimuna (2010), the rising incidents of

building collapse in Imo State, Owerri precisely are due to effect of faulty design at

the earlier stage of the project and lack of maintenance of the building and also

engagement of incompetent professionals in construction activities. These problems

have contributed setbacks in the construction industry in Imo environs. Most of the

authors only discovered that the major problem of defects is due to poor design

quality and maintenance problems but have not carried out an in-depth study of this

problem. Hence it becomes necessary to carry out a research that would examine

the effect of design on construction and maintenance of building project critically in

order to help in contributing for providing solutions to the problem faced by effect of

design in public buildings using Owerri the capital of Anambra as a case study so as

to improve the quality of the public building construction project in the environ.

This study will also be of importance to building professionals and the general public

because it would not only clarify but also create awareness of the extent to which

design errors can adversely affect construction and its future maintenance. The

study will also help designers, contractors, clients, consultants and all parties

involved in construction projects about ways of improving their current method of

quality designs of a building project. This research will also serve as a resource base

to other scholars and researchers interested in carrying out further research in this

field subsequently, if applied will go to an extent to provide new explanation to the


1.9 Area of the study

The study area was in Owerri, the Capital of Imo State. The sampling sites

comprised of two major construction site (residential and commercial building) in

Owerri west Local government. The building projects were: 3-storey Residential

Building in Nekede, Owerri, Imo State and A Shopping more 2-storey building in

Owerri West.

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