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This story takes place in Boyaca Colombia exactly in the municipality of Pesca, I was

8 years old and I still remember this advice as if it had been told to me today.

I was visiting my grandmother in the country one weekend, when suddenly we were
talking about the false companies that are dedicated to deceiving people to scam
them and my grandmother suddenly gave me such beautiful words that I never
forget: Daughter never leave Let worry or need become your worst enemies
because when we have problems we do not think clearly and we end up losing
money, at that time and at my young age I did not give so much importance to those
words because I did not yet have the necessary knowledge.

A few weeks ago I lost my job and we are experiencing a very difficult situation due
to the Covid 19 pandemic, suddenly when I was looking for a job and applying to
companies I found a very striking ad of a company that offered administrative jobs,
I contacted her and the company giving me everything The information came at the
time when he asked me for money for my supposed relationship, at that time the
advice that my grandmother gave me many years ago played a very important role,
because I immediately realized that it was a scam.

I thank God and my grandmother for that brilliant advice that at the time was not
useful but a few days ago I saw the strength that these precious words had in my


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