Sample Position Research Plan Joyete Myrie

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Sample Position Research Paper Plan

Corporal Punishment – Discipline or Abuse?

To flog or not to flog? That is the question that is currently being asked by numerous
parents, psychologists and children’s advocates.
Definition of Terms
The International Save the Children Alliance (2005) defines corporal punishment as “the
use of physical force intended to cause some degree of pain or discomfort for discipline,
correction, and control, changing behaviour or in the belief of educating/bringing up the
child.” It involves an adult hitting various parts of a child's body with a hand, or with
canes, paddles, yardsticks, belts, or other objects expected to cause pain and fear.
Background Information
Corporal punishment is a common religious and cultural practice that has for centuries
been used as a means of disciplining children in the home and at school. But does this
mean that corporal punishment is right? Aren’t there in fact many traditional practices
that need to be abolished?
Thesis Statement
I contend that corporal punishment should be prohibited because it is destructive to our
Supporting Ideas
1. Corporal punishment physically harms children. (TS for paragraph 2)
2. Furthermore, it causes them to display antisocial behaviour.
3. Moreover, corporal punishment affects their emotional health.
It is clear that corporal punishment has a negative impact on children and therefore is not
the best form of discipline.


Topic Sentence: When children are flogged it causes them physical damage which may

even lead to death.

Supporting Detail 1: In many cases children have serious physical injuries as a result of

being flogged.

Evidence: Research conducted by the Child Abuse Center of America in 1999, indicated

that several children suffered from physical injuries associated with corporal

punishment. The list of injuries included the following: burst eardrums,

concussion, blindness, brain damage, broken bones, dislocated joints and torn


VTDI – PRPO – 1.0 Persuasive Research Paper Outline

October, 2008
Supporting Detail 2: Corporal punishment is a leading cause of child death.

Evidence: Shifrel and Connor (2008) reported the case of Nixzmary Brown who died

from injuries received from a stepfather who regularly beat her.

Clincher: Do you really think that the physical damage that results from flogging is

worth it?


Topic Sentence: Corporal punishment can cause children to display antisocial behaviour.

Supporting Detail 1: Children who are flogged frequently become more aggressive

towards their peers and family members.

Evidence: Gershoff (2002) states that corporal punishment leads to increased child

aggression and antisocial behaviour.

Supporting Detail 2: There is a direct correlation between corporal punishment and


Evidence: Maurer and Wallerstein (1987) discovered that many criminals and high

school dropouts had been flogged as children.

Clincher: Discipline is not intended to teach children that aggression and violence is



Topic Sentence: Flogging children has a negative impact on their emotional health.

Supporting Detail 1: Children may suffer from depression and other psychological

ailments as a result of being flogged.

Evidence: Strauss (2001) indicated that children who are flogged frequently suffer from

psychological diseases as adults. These diseases include depression and

anxiety disorders.

Supporting Detail 2: Corporal punishment engenders fear and shame in children and

leads to low self esteem.

Evidence: Gup (2001), in his newspaper article, recounted a childhood incident in which

he was caned in school. He said that after the incident, “…I did not speak in

class at all. Mostly, I tried to be invisible…”

VTDI – PRPO – 1.0 Persuasive Research Paper Outline

October, 2008
Clincher: We do not want our children to become depressed or to think that they are not


PARAGRAPH FIVE (Paragraph of Refutation)

There are many who abide by the Biblical saying “Spare the rod and spoil the child.”
(Proverbs 23:13, 14). They believe that a child who is not flogged will become
undisciplined and unruly. However, isn’t it a fact that King Solomon, the author of the
abovementioned scripture verses, had very rebellious, disrespectful and aggressive
children? Corporal punishment in his case was obviously ineffective. Others claim that
they were flogged as children and it did them no harm. However, flogging does harm
many individuals; it leaves permanent physical scars and many persons cannot lead
productive lives because of psychological damage such as depression and low self
esteem. There are even those who believe that corporal punishment teaches children to
be obedient, upstanding and respectable citizens. If this is so, why is it that so many
children who are flogged become criminals and display antisocial behavior?

PARAGRAPH SIX (Conclusion)

While it is important to discipline our children corporal punishment is not the right
medium. Flogging has a really negative impact on our children. It can leave permanent
physical and emotional scars and can cause children to display antisocial behaviour.
Corporal punishment is a model for aggressive behaviour and gives children the
impression that it is acceptable to use violence to deal with conflict. It causes children to
be afraid and to lose trust which destroys the parent-child relationship. We love our
children and would not knowingly harm them therefore let us find an alternative form of
discipline. Instead of using negative reinforcement try positive reinforcement. Taking
away privileges and implementing time out sessions can be effective means of enforcing
discipline. Let us teach our children that discipline does not have to include violence.

NOTE: This sample plan only has two (2) supporting

details per paragraph. However, in your
assignment you are required to provide THREE
(3) supporting details.

This sample paper does not have a reference page.

However, you are expected to submit a reference
page with your work.

VTDI – PRPO – 1.0 Persuasive Research Paper Outline

October, 2008

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