Aptitude Tests Question Types and Scoring: Sample Numerical Aptitude Test Questions

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Aptitude Tests 

> Question Types and Scoring

Whichever type of test you are given, the questions are almost always presented in multiple-choice format and
have definite correct and incorrect answers. As you proceed through the test, the questions may become more
difficult and you will usually find that there are more questions than you can comfortably complete in the time
allowed. Very few people manage to finish these tests and the object is simply to give as many correct answers
as you can.

Your score is then compared with the results of a control group which has taken the tests in the past. This control
group could consist of other graduates, current job holders or a sample of the population as a whole. Your
reasoning skills can then be assessed in relation to this control group and judgments made about your ability.
Sample Numerical Aptitude Test Questions
Identify the missing number at the end of the series.
    A B C D E
1 3, 11, 19, 27, ? 33 35 37 39 41
    A B C D E
2 3, 6, 11, 18, ? 24 25 26 27 28
    A B C D E
3 516, 497, 478, 459, ? 436  440  438  452  442

Identify the missing number within the series.

    A B C D E
4 33, ?, 19, 12, 5 31 26 29 27 24
    A B C D E
5 11, 19, ?, 41, 55 31 29 26 39 34
    A B C D E
6 98, 94, ?, 70, 38 89 85 86 87 88
7 Identify the missing number.          
    7 4   49 16
5 6   25 ?

41 36 35 18 37
8 Identify the missing number. 4 14   11 34
35 26   73 ?

51 56 45 55 52
9 It costs a manufacturer X dollars per
component to make the first 1,000
components. All subsequent
components cost X÷3 each. When X =
$1.50 How much will it cost to
manufacture 4,000 components?
10  A train traveling at 60 mph enters a
tunnel that is 5 miles long. The train is
one mile long. How many minutes does A B C D E
it take for the whole train to pass through 7 4 10 5 6
the tunnel?
11 In the Shelbyville election, the
Republican candidate received one and
a half times as many votes as the
Democrat candidate. The Democrat
candidate received one third more votes A B C D E
than the Independent candidate. 900 900 1,400 1,600 1,000 1,800
votes were cast for the Independent
candidate. How many votes were cast
for the Republican candidate?
12 Anna and John both drive to their new
home 400 miles away. Anna drives the
family car at an average speed of 60
mph. John drives the removal truck at an
average speed of 50 mph. During the A B C D E
journey, Anna stops for a total of 1 hour 60 55 40 90 80
and 20 minutes, John stops for half as
long. What is the difference in minutes
between their arrival times?
Answers to sample numerical aptitude test questions.

1) B 2) D 3) B

4) B 5) B 6) C

7) B 8) D 9) B

10) E 11)E 12)C

More information about numerical aptitude tests.
Sample Verbal Aptitude Test Questions
Glaciers begin to form where snow remains year-round and enough of it accumulates to transform into ice. New
layers of snow compress the previous layers and this compression forces the icy snow to re-crystallize, forming
grains similar in size and shape to cane sugar. Gradually the grains grow larger and the air pockets between the
grains get smaller, meaning that the snow slowly becomes more dense. After about two winters, the snow turns
into firn, an intermediate state between snow and ice. Over time the larger ice crystals become more compressed
and even denser, this is known as glacial ice. Glacial ice, because of its density and ice crystals, often takes a
bluish or even green hue.
1) Glaciers cannot form where snow does not remain all year round.

true false` can't say

2) Firn is less dense than snow but more dense than ice.
true false` can't say
3) Glacial ice is always greenish or bluish in color.

true false` can't say

4) Snow falls every year in areas where glaciers form.

true false` can't say

5) The increase in density is caused by the grains becoming smaller.

true false` can't say

Answers to sample verbal aptitude questions 1) A        2) B         3) B        4) C         5) B
More information about verbal aptitude tests.
Sample Abstract Reasoning Test Questions
1) Which figure completes the statement?

Hint: Begin by comparing the top figures. Does each one contain the same number of elements? If so, does each
contain the same elements? If so, the elements must have been moved in some way. This is usually done by
reflection or rotation. Answer = C
2) Which figure completes the series?
Hint: Begin by looking for a relationship between the figures in the top row. If you think you have found one, then
check that the same relationship holds for the second row. Answer = C 

3) Which figure completes the grid?


Hint: Check to see if each row and column contains one, and only one, of each shape. If not, then divide the grid
horizontally and vertically. Are they reflections? If not, are individual rows related in some way? What about
individual columns? If not, divide the grid into four groups of four squares? Is there a relationship between these
groups? Answer = A
More information about abstract reasoning tests.
Sample Spatial Aptitude Test Questions
1) Which group of shapes can be assembled to make the shape shown?
2) Which pattern can be folded to make the cube shown?

Answers to sample spatial ability questions 1) C      2) A

More information about spatial ability tests.
Sample Mechanical Aptitude Test Questions
1. How much force is required to lift the weight?
A) 40lbs B) 50lbs C) 60lbs D)70lbs
Answer to sample mechanical aptitude question 1) C
More information about mechanical aptitude tests.
You may be asked to answer the questions either on paper or using a PC or palm-top, as online testing is
becoming increasingly popular. The advantage of online testing is that once the test is completed, an analysis of
the results can be calculated straight away. This means that the organization can continue with the selection
process with the results ‘in hand’ rather than keep you waiting or send you home and call you back in at a later
date. Another advantage is that you can take the test at a recruitment agency or even in your own home. Online
testing is particularly suitable for initial screening as it is very cost-effective.
Some of the advantages of online testing are:
 Increased cost-savings - no printed material is needed.
 Increased security - test data can be easily encrypted.
 Increased speed - scoring and interpretation are done immediately.
 Increased standardization – question presentation is uniform.
Aptitude Tests > Speed and Power Tests

There are at least 5000 aptitude tests on the market at the moment. The types of question you can expect will
depend on which aptitudes and abilities that are needed in the job you are applying for. Aptitude and ability tests
are classified as maximum performance tests because they test what you can achieve when you are making
maximum effort. There are two different styles of maximum performance test; speed tests and power tests.
In a speed test the scope of the questions is limited and the methods you need to use to answer them is clear.
Taken individually, the questions appear relatively straightforward. Speed test are concerned with how many
questions you can answer correctly in the allotted time.
For example:

139 + 235

A) 372 B) 374 C) 376 D) 437

A power test on the other hand will present a smaller number of more complex questions. The methods you need
to use to answer these questions are not obvious, and working out how to answer the question is the difficult part.
Once you have determined this, arriving at the correct answer is usually relatively straightforward.
For example:
Below are the sales figures for 3 different types of network server over 3 months.
Server January February March
  Units Value Units Value Units Value
ZXC43 32 480 40 600 48 720
ZXC53 45 585 45 585 45 585
ZXC63 12 240 14 280 18 340
In which month was the sales value highest?
A) January B) February C) March

What is the unit cost of server type ZXC53?

A) 12  B) 13 C) 14
Speed tests contain more items than power tests although they have the same approximate time limit. Speed
tests tend to be used in selection at the administrative and clerical level. Power tests tend to be used more at the
graduate, professional or managerial level. Although, this is not always the case, as speed tests do give an
accurate indication of performance in power tests. In other words, if you do well in speed tests then you will also
do well in power tests.
These speed and power definitions apply only to maximum performance tests like aptitude and ability tests and
not topersonality tests.
Aptitude Tests > Verbal Ability Tests
These tests usually involve grammar, verbal analogies and following detailed written instructions. They can also
includespelling, sentence completion and comprehension. Because they depend on understanding the
precise meaning of words, idioms and the structure of the language they discriminate very heavily towards native
speakers of the language in which the test has been developed. If you speak English as a second language,
even if this is at a high standard, you will be significantly disadvantaged.
You will usually find questions on all of the following:

 Spelling
 Grammar
 Sentence Completion
 Analogies
 Word Groups
 Instructions
 Critical Reasoning
 Verbal Deductions
These tests are widely used since most jobs require you either to understand and make decisions based on
verbal or written information or to pass this type of information to others. In practice, the more straightforward
types of question (spelling, grammar and instructions) tend to be more applicable to administrative roles and the
reasoning and deduction type of questions to management roles.
Spelling Questions
Questions where you have to identify incorrectly spelt words are common in all levels of verbal ability tests. The
test designer needs to choose words which are fairly common and in regular usage but which are often spelt
incorrectly. There would be little point in using obscure words which only a small percentage of candidates could
be expected to know. This means that you will almost certainly have heard of the word and know its meaning.
This requirement to use words which are in everyday use but which are commonly miss-spelt means that the test
designer has a relatively restricted list of words to choose from.
Example Questions
1.      Which of the following words are incorrectly spelt?

  A) separate B) ordnance C) obviously  D) sucess E) none of these

2.      Choose the pair of words that best completes the

The -------- of the timetable caused some ----------

  A) rivision B) revision C) revission  D) revition  

  A)inconvenienc B)inconvenience C) inconvenience  D) inconvenience  

3.      The following list of 20 words contains 10 that are incorrectly spelt. Write the letter that
corresponds to    each incorrectly spelt word in the answer box
A. occurence
B. dissipate
C. weird
D. accommodate
E. embarassment
F. ecstacy
G. repetition
H. batallion
I. dispair
J. irritable
K. accidently
L. liaison
M. memento
N. millenium
O. yield
P. existance
Q. independent
R. insistant
S. excede
T.  privilege
1. D
2. B A 
3. A E F H I K N P R S
In most cases the longer that you have been out of the education system the more your spelling will have
deteriorated. Most people now use word processors with inbuilt spell-checking software and it is very easy to
forget how words are spelt as we don’t physically write them down and often rely on the software to correct them
for us. Many people find it quite embarrassing when they realize how much their spelling has deteriorated – this
is one area where remedial action is straightforward and is guaranteed to produce positive results.
Missing Word Questions
These questions are designed to measure your vocabulary, specifically your understanding of precise word
You will usually be offered a choice of four or five words, any of which could complete the sentence. These
questions are relatively straightforward but because more than one of the options will complete the sentence
satisfactorily you must read it carefully and choose the best word.
Example Questions
4. Which of these words completes the sentence in the way that makes most sense?
A spirit-level should be used to ensure that the surface is -----------
A) straight B) flat C) horizontal  D) parallel E) aligned

5. Which of these words completes the sentence in the way that makes most sense?
He avoided --------- because he was ------------
A) redundency B) indispensable C) redundancy  D) indispensible

6. Which of these words completes the sentence in the way that makes most sense?
The plan must be --------- to make the project ------------
A) feasible B) revised C) rivised  D) feasable

4. C
5. C B
6. B A
Related Word Questions

To answer these word relationship questions you need to understanding of precise meaning of the words in the
question and establish what exactly the relationship is between them. You should then look at the answer options
and decide which one is the most appropriate. These questions test your reasoning ability as well as your
Example Questions
7. Which of these is the missing word?
kick, -----------, walk
A) throw B) toes C) shin  D) feet E) hand

8. Which of these is the missing word?
key, -----------, walk
A) lock B) stand C) board  D) fob E) stone
9. Which of these is the missing word?
water, -----------, over
A) ice B) drive C) wet  D) flow E) fall

7. D – Feet are used for both kicking and walking.
8. C – Board forms the words ‘keyboard’ and ‘boardwalk’
9. E – Fall forms ' waterfall’ and ‘fall over’
There will usually be more than one possible answer, so it is important to read the question carefully and pick the 
best option.
Synonym and Antonym Questions
These are words which have either the same or opposite meanings. Once again, these word meaning questions 
test your vocabulary – you need to know the precise meaning of the words given in order to select the
appropriate synonym (same meaning) or antonym (opposite meaning).
Example Questions
10. Which of two of these words are opposite in meaning?
A) lose B) winner C) victor  D) loser E) vanquish

11. Which of these words is the odd one out?
A) swindle B) harass C) provoke  D) annoy E) pester

12. Which of these words is the odd one out?
A) verify B) authenticate C) confirm  D) ask E) substantiate

10. B D – are exact opposites.
11. A – The others are synonyms
12. D – The others are synonyms
Word Pair Questions
Firstly, you need to establish the relationship between the ‘X is to Y’ words before you can arrive at the answer.
Some people find it helpful to mentally express the relationship before they look at the answer options. This can
short circuit the process of considering and rejecting each option because you know in advance exactly what you
are looking for.
Example Questions
13. Dog is to canine as wolf is to ---------
A) vulpine B) ursine C) piscine  D) bovine E) lupine

14. Sadness is to happiness as defeat is to ---------
A) joy B) victory C) tears  D) victor E) none of these

15. Paper is to timber as --------- is to hide
A) tree B) seek C) ox  D) animal E)  leather

13. E – lupine means ‘relating to the characteristics of wolves’
14. B – The word pairs are opposites
15. E – Paper is made from timber, leather is made from hide
Comprehension Questions

These questions consist of a short passage and some related questions. They will often be about a topic which is
unfamiliar to you, but this is an advantage rather than a disadvantage because you need to answer the questions
based only on the information that you are given – not using any knowledge that you already have. Most people
find that the best way to tackle these verbal comprehension questions is to scan the text fairly quickly to get the
general idea and then to attempt each question in turn, referring back to the appropriate part of the text.
Example Question
16. Read the following short passage and say whether or not the statements are true.

There are seven species of deer living wild in Britain. The Red Deer and the Roe Deer are native species. Fallow
Deer were introduced by the Romans and, since the seventeenth century, have been joined by three other non-
native species: Sika, Muntjac and Chinese Water Deer which have escaped from parks. In addition, a herd of
Reindeer was established in Scotland in 1952. Most of the Red Deer in Britain are found in Scotland, but there
are significant wild populations in south-west and north-west England, East Anglia and the north Midlands. Red
deer can interbreed with the introduced Japanese Sika deer and in some areas, hybrids are common.
16a. All of the Red Deer in Britain are found in Scotland.
A) true B) false C) can't say
16b. Red Deer can interbreed with Fallow Deer.
A) true B) false C) can't say
16c. The Fallow Deer is not native to Britain.
A) true B) false C) can't say
16d. There are no Reindeer in England.
A) true B) false C) can't say
16a. B
16b. C*
16c. A
16d. C
*Note that you must answer these verbal comprehension questions using only the information supplied. Red
Deer cannot interbreed with Fallow Deer but, because this is not stated in the text, you must answer ‘can’t say’
even if you know that the statement is technically false.
Reasoning Questions
These questions are not concerned with measuring your facility with English. They are designed to test your
ability to take a series of facts expressed in words and to understand and manipulate the information to solve a
specific problem. Verbal reasoning questions are usually restricted to graduate and management level tests.
Example Question
17. Working together, Tom, Dick and Harry need 9 hours to paint a 400 meter long fence. Working alone, Tom
could complete the task in 18 hours. Dick can not work as fast and needs 36 hours to paint the fence by himself.
If Tom and Dick take the day off, how long will it take Harry to paint the fence by himself?
A)9 B) 12 C) 18 D)36
17. D – In 9 hours Tom would have painted half of the fence and Dick would have painted one quarter of it. This
leaves one quarter to be painted by Harry who must therefore work at the same speed as Dick.
Verbal ability tests can be divided into tests of simple verbal ability, for example; spelling, grammar, synonyms
and antonyms etc. These tests usually consist of 30 to 40 questions which need to be completed in 15 to 20
minutes. They arespeed tests in that they don’t require very much reasoning ability. You either know the answer
or you don’t.
Verbal reasoning tests, on the other hand, are designed to measure your problem solving abilities. These
questions may take the form of comprehension exercises, which are straightforward (as long as you remember to
read the relevant part of the text carefully) or more complex statements where the best tactic is to make notes
about what you can deduce from each part of the text. These tests usually consist of 10 to 15 questions which
need to be completed in 20 to 30 minutes and are designed to test your reasoning ability rather than your facility
with the language.
Verbal critical reasoning questions assess your ability to use words in a logical way. The questions measure your
understanding of vocabulary, class membership and the relationships between words. Some questions measure
your ability to perceive and understand concepts and ideas expressed verbally. While these questions are
designed to measure reasoning ability rather than educational achievement, it is generally recognized that verbal
reasoning test scores are influenced by educational and cultural background.
Aptitude Questions on Time and Distance : Time and
Distance Aptitude Questions : Time and Distance

Aptitude Questions on Time and Distance : Time and Distance Aptitude

Questions : Time and Distance Problems
1. A person crosses a 600 m long street in 5 minutes. What is his speed in km per hour?
A. 3.6 B. 7.2
C. 8.4 D. 10
2.A person covers a certain distance at 7kmph .How many meters does he cover in 2
Ans : speed=72kmph=72*5/18 = 20m/s
distance covered in 2min =20*2*60 = 2400m

3.If a man runs at 3m/s. How many km does he run in 1hr 40min
Ans : speed of the man = 3*18/5 kmph = 54/5kmph
Distance covered in 5/3 hrs=54/5*5/3 = 18km

4.If a person walks at 14 km/hr instead of 10 km/hr, he would have walked 20 km more.
The actual distance travelled by him?
A. 50 km B.56 km
C.70 km D.80 km

5.Vikas can cover a distance in 1hr 24min by covering 2/3 of the distance at 4 kmph and
the rest at 5kmph.the total distance is?
Ans : diistance=2/3S
21/15 hr=2/3 S/4 + 1/3s /5
S= 6km

6.Excluding stoppages, the speed of a bus is 54 kmph and including stoppages, it is 45

kmph. For how many minutes does the bus stop per hour?
A.9 B.10
C.12 D. 20

7.Two boys starting from the same place walk at a rate of 5kmph and 5.5kmph
respectively.wht time will they take to be
8.5km apart, if they walk in the same direction
Ans : Time= 8.5km / 0.5 kmph = 17 hrs

8.In covering distance,the speed of A & B are in the ratio of 3:4.A takes 30min more
than B to reach the destion.The time taken by A to reach the destinstion is.
Ans : Ratio of speed = 3:4
Ratio of time = 4:3
let A takes 4x hrs,B takes 3x hrs
then 4x-3x = 30/60 hr
x = ½ hr
4x = 4 * ½ = 2 hr

9.A man complete a journey in 10 hours. He travels first half of the journey at the rate of
21 km/hr and second half at the rate of 24 km/hr. Find the total journey in km.
A. 220 km B.224 km
C.230 km D.234 km
10.A car covers 4 successive 3km stretches at speed of
10kmph,20kmph,30kmph&:60kmph resp. Its average speed is.
Ans : total distance = 4 * 3 = 12 km
total time = 3/10 + 3/20 + 3/30 + 3/60 = 36/60 hr
speed =12/36 * 60 = 20 kmph
11.A person walks at 5kmph for 6hr and at 4kmph for 12hr.The average speed is.
Ans : avg speed = total distance/total time
= 5*6 + 4*12 / 18
=4 1/3 mph
12.A farmer travelled a distance of 61 km in 9 hours. He travelled partly on foot @ 4
km/hr and partly on bicycle @ 9 km/hr. The distance travelled on foot is:
A. 14 km B.15 km
C.16 km D.17 km
13.A thief steals a ca r at 2.30pm and drives it at 60kmph the theft is discovered at 3pm
and the owner sets off in another car
at 75kmph when will he overtake the thief :
Ans : Let the thief is overtaken x hrs after 2.30pm
distance covered by the thief in x hrs = distance covered by
the owner in x-1/2 hr
60x = 75 ( x- ½)
x= 5/2 hr
thief is overtaken at 2.30 pm + 2 ½ hr = 5 pm
14. The ratio between the speeds of two trains is 7 : 8. If the second train runs 400 kms
in 4 hours, then the speed of the first train is:
A. 70 km/hr B.75 km/hr C. 84 km/hr D. 87.5 km/hr

15. A train can travel 50% faster than a car. Both start from point A at the same time and
reach point B 75 kms away from A at the same time. On the way, however, the train lost
about 12.5 minutes while stopping at the stations. The speed of the car is:
A. 100 kmph B. 110 kmph C. 120 kmph D. 130 kmph

Aptitude Questions on Time and Work : Time and

Work Aptitude Questions : Time and Work Problems

Aptitude Questions on Time and Work : Time and Work Aptitude Questions

: Time and Work Problems
1.A can do a work in 15 days and B in 20 days. If they work on it together for 4 days,
then the fraction of the work that is left is
1.1/4 2.1/10
3.7/15 4.8/15
2.If 20 men take 30 days to complete a job.In how many days can 25 men completethe
1.28 days 2.24 days
3.36 days 4.20 days
3.A can do a piece of work in 9 days.,B can do the same in 12 days.In how many days
can the work be completed if A and B work together?
a)5 1/9 days b)5 1/4 days c)5 1/3 days d)5 1/7 days
4. A, B and C can do a piece of work in 20, 30 and 60 days respectively. In how
manydays can A do the work if he is assisted by B and C on every third day?
1.12 days 2.15 days
3.16 days 4.18 days
5.A alone can do a piece of work in 6 days and B alone in 8 days. A and B undertook to
do it for Rs. 3200. With the help of C, they completed the work in 3 days. How much is
to be paid to C?
1.375 2.400
3.600 4.800
6.A can do a work in 12 days.When he had worked for 3 days B joined him.If
theycomplete the work in 3 more days.In how many days can B alone can finish the
a)5 days b)6 days c)8 days d)9 days
7.4 men or 5 women can construct a wall in 82 days.How long will it take 5 men and 4
women to do the same?
a)30 days b)47 days c)32 days d)40days
8.If 9 men and 12 boys can do a piece of work in 4 days and 4 men and 16 boys can do
the same piece of work in 6 days.how long will 6 men and 24 boys take to complete the
same work?
a)5 days b)6 days c)8 days d)4 days
9.X is 3 times as fast as Y and is able to complete the work in 40 days less than Y.Find
the time in which they can complete the work together?
a)12 days b)17 days c)19 days d)15 days
10.If 6 men and 8 boys can do a piece of work in 10 days while 26 men and 48 boys can
do the same in 2 days, the time taken by 15 men and 20 boys in doing the same type of
work will be:
1.4 2.5
3.6 4.7
11.A can do a piece of work in 4 hours; B and C together can do it in 3 hours, while A
and C together can do it in 2 hours. How long will B alone take to do it?
1.8 2.10
3.12 4.24
12.A can finish a work in 18 days and B can do the same work in 15 days. B worked for
10 days and left the job. In how many days, A alone can finish the remaining work?
1.5 2.5.5
3.6 4.8
13.4 men and 6 women can complete a work in 8 days, while 3 men and 7 women
cancomplete it in 10 days. In how many days will 10 women complete it?
1.35 2.40
3.45 4.50
14.10 women can complete a work in 7 days and 10 children take 14 days to completethe
work. How many days will 5 women and 10 children take to complete the work?
1.3 2.5
3.7 4.None of these
15.A and B complete a piece of work in 10 days.B and C in 12 days and C and A in 15
days.All the three of them started working and then B left after 4 days.C left 3 days after
that and then immediately B joined A again to complete the remaining work.Inhow
many days was the work
a)10 b)12 c)14 d)22
Aptitude Questions on Profit and Loss : Profit and
Loss Aptitude Questions : Profit and Loss Problems

Aptitude Questions on Profit and Loss

1. Cost Price : The price, at which an article is purchased, is called its cost price,
abbreviated as C.P.
2. Selling Price : The price, at which an article is sold, is called its selling prices,
abbreviated as S.P.

3. Profit or Gain : If S.P. is greater than C.P., the seller is said to have a profit or gain.

4. Los s: If S.P. is less than C.P., the seller is said to have incurred a loss.

1. Gain = (S.P.) – (C.P.)

2. Loss = (C.P.) – (S.P.)
3. Gain Percentage:
Gain % = (Gain x 100)/C.P.

4. Loss Percentage :
Loss % = (Loss x 100)/C.P.

5. Selling Price :
SP = [(100 + Gain %)xC.P./100]

6. Selling Price :
SP = [(100 - Loss %)xC.P./100]

7. Cost Price :
CP = [((100)/(100 + Gain %))x S.P]

8. Cost Price :
CP = [((100)/(100 - Loss %))x S.P]

9. Net Selling Price = Marked Price – Discount

10. Discount = Marked Price – Net Selling Price

Profit and Loss Aptitude Questions with Answers

1.A man buys an article for Rs.27.50 and sells it for Rs.28.60.Find the gain percent.
Sol: C.P=Rs 27.50 S.P=Rs 28.60
then Gain=S.P-C.P=28.60-27.50=Rs 1.10
Gain%=(gain*100)/C.P% =(1.10*100)/27.50%=4%

2.If a radio is purchased for Rs 490 and sold for Rs 465.50 Find the loss%?
Sol: C.P=Rs 490 S.P=Rs 465.50
Loss=C.P-S.P=490-465.50=Rs 24.50
Loss%=(loss*100)/C.P% =(24.50*100)/490%=5%

3.Find S.P when C.P=Rs 56.25 and Gain=20%

Sol: S.P=[(100+gain%)/100]*C.P
S.P=[(100+20)/100]56.25=Rs 67.50
4.Find S.P when C.P=Rs 80.40,loss=5%
Sol: S.P=[(100-loss%)/100]*C.P
S.P=[(100-5)/100]*80.40=Rs 68.34

5.Find C.P when S.P=Rs 40.60,gain=16%?

Sol: C.P=(100*S.P)/(100+gain%)
C.P=(100*40.60)/(100+16)=Rs 35

6.Find C.P when S.P=Rs 51.70 ,loss=12%?

Sol: C.P=(100*S.P)/(100-loss%)
C.P=(100*51.70)/(100-12)=Rs 58.75

7.A person incurs 5% loss by selling a watch for Rs 1140 . At what price should the watch
be sold to earn 5% profit?
Sol: Let the new S.P be Rs x then,
(100-loss%):(1st S.P)=(100+gain%):(2nd S.P)
x=(105*1140)/95=Rs 1260
8.If the cost price is 96% of the selling price,then what is the profit percent?
Sol: Let S.P=Rs 100 then C.P=Rs 96
profit=S.P-C.P=100-96=Rs 4

9.A discount dealer professes to sell his goods at cost price but uses a weight of 960 gms

for a Kg weight .Find his gain %?
Sol: Gain%=[(error*100)/(true value-error)]%
10.A man sold two flats for Rs 675,958 each .On one he gains 16% while on the other he
losses 16%.How much does he gain or lose in the whole transaction?
Sol: loss%=[common loss or gain%/10]2=(16/10)2=2.56%

11.A man sold two cows at Rs 1995 each. On one he lost 10% and on the other he gained
10%.what his gain or loss percent?
Sol: If loss% and gain% is equal to 10 then there is no loss or no gain.
12.The price of an article is reduced by 25% in order to restore the must be increased
by ?
Sol: [x/(100-x)]*100 =[25/(100-25)]*100
13.Two discounts of 40% and 20% equal to a single discount of?
Sol: {[(100-40)/100]*[(100-20)/100]}%=(60*80)/(100*100)%
single discount is equal to (100-48)%=52%
14.A hawker sells oranges at a profit of 25 per cent. If he increases the selling price of
each orange by 30 paisa, he earns a profit of 40%. Find the cost price and the initial
selling price of each orange.
Ans : Let cost price = 100/-
Profit of 25% = Rs.125
After increasing the S.P of each orange, he earns a profit of 40%
So, profit = 140 /-
Initially profit is Rs.125/-
Different between the profits = 15
For 15 = 30 times
For 1 = 2 times
So initial S.P = Rs.125 * 2 = Rs.250
And C.P = Rs.100 * 2 = Rs.200

15.A person bought two watches for Rs.480. He sold one at a loss of 15% and the other at
a gain of 19% and he found that each watch was sold at the same price. Find the
costprice of the two watches.
Ans : Let the 2 watches are A and B.
So, 85% of A = 119% of B
Ratio between A and B is = 7:5
The whole parts is 12 parts
For 12 parts = Rs.480
For 5 parts = Rs.200.

Aptitude Questions on H.C.F and L.C.M : H.C.F and

L.C.M Aptitude Questions
Aptitude Questions on H.C.F and L.C.M : H.C.F and L.C.M Aptitude
Important Formulas :
1.Product of two numbers = Product of their H.C.F. and L.C.M
i.e., a * b = H.C.F. * L.C.M

2.H.C.F. = H.C.F. of Numerators / L.C.M. of Denominators

3.L.C.M. = L.C.M. of Numerators / H.C.F. of Denominators


1.The LCM of two numbers is 2079 and their HCF is 27. If one of the numbers is 189,
find the other number.
Ans : a * b = H.C.F. * L.C.M
189 * b = 2079 * 27
b = 297

2.The L.C.M. of two numbers is 45 times to their H.C.F.If one of the numbers is 125 and
sum of L.C.M. and H.C.F. is 1150, the other number is
Ans : Let L.C.M. be l and H.C.F. be h.
Then l = 45h ; l + h =1150
l = 1125 and h = 25
1125 * 25 = 125 * b
b = 225

3.Six bells commence tolling together and toll at intervals 2,4,6,8,10 and 12 seconds
respectively. In 30 minutes how many times they toll together.
Ans : L.C.M. of 2,4,6,8,10,12 = 120
So in 30 minutes they toll together 30/2 = 15 times
15 + 1 = 16 times in 30 minutes

4.The H.C.F. of two numbers is 23 and the other two factors of their L.C.M. are 13 and
14. The larger of the two numbers is
Ans : ( 23 * 13 ) = ( 23 * 14 )
larger = 23 * 14 = 322
5.The greatest number of four digits which is divisible by 15, 25, 40 and 75 is
Ans : Greatest number of 4 digit is 9999
L.C.M. of 15, 25, 40 and 75 = 600
On dividing 9999 by 600, the remainder is 399
Required number (9999 – 399) = 9600

6.Find HCF of 513, 1134, 1215

Ans :

1134) 1215(1

HCF of this two numbers is 81.


HCF of 81 and 513 is 27.

7.Find least number which when divided by 20,25,35,40 leaves remainders 14,19,29,34.
Ans : 20–14=6
LCM of (20,25,35,40) = 1400
1400 – 6 = 1394

8.The sum of two numbers is 216 and HCF is 27

Ans : Let numbers are 27a + 27 b =216
a + b =216/27 = 8
Co-primes of 8 are (1,7) and (3,5)
numbers=(27 * 1 ), (27 * 7) = 27,89

9.HCF and LCM of two numbers are 84 and 21.If ratio of two numbers is 1:4.Then
largest of two numbers is
Ans : Let the numbers be x,4x
x * 4 x = 84 * 21
x * x = 21 * 21
x = 21
Largest number is 4 * 21 = 84

10.The least number which should be added to 2497 so that sum is divisible by 5,6,4,3 ?
Ans : LCM of 5,6,4,3 is 60
On dividing 2497 by 60 we get 37 as remainder
Therefore number to added is 60 – 37 = 23

11.The least number which is a perfect square and is divisible by each of numbers
16,20,24 is ?
Ans : LCM of 16,20,24 = 240
2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 3 * 5=240
To make it a perfect square multiply by 3 * 5
240 * 3 * 5 = 3600

12.Sum of three even consecutive numbers is 48, and then least number is
Ans : 2n + (2n+2) + (2n+4) = 48
6n = 48-6 = 42
consecutive numbers are 14, 16, 18
least number is 14

13.If a number when divided by 296 gives a remainder 75,find the remainder when 37
divides the same number ?
Ans : Let the no be “x”
x = 296k + 75
= 37 * 8k + 37 * 2 + 1
= 37 ( 8k + 2 ) + 1
the remainder is 1.

14.A number when successively divided by 9,11 and 13 leaves remainder 8,9 and 8?
Ans : The least number satifies the condition is = 8 + ( 9 * 9 ) + (8 * 9 * 11 )
= 8 + 81 + 792 = 881

15.A number when divided by 19,gives the quotient 19 and remainder 9.Find the number
Ans : x = 19 * 19 + 9
= 361 + 9 = 370.

Aptitude Questions on Square Root and Cube Root :

Square Root and Cube Root Problems

Aptitude Questions on Square Root and Cube Root : Square Root and Cube
Root Problems
1.The least perfect square, which is divisible by each of 21, 36 and 66 is
Ans : L.C.M. of 21, 36, 66 = 2772
2772 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 7 x 11
required number = 4 x 9 x 49 x 121 = 213444
2.The square root of (5 + 3) (5 – 3) is
Ans : square root of 25 – 9
square root of 16 is 4
3.A group of students decided to collect as many paise from each member of group as is
the number of members. If the total collection amounts to Rs. 59.29, the number of the
member is the group is
Ans : (59.29 x 100) paise = 5929 paise
square root of 5929 = 77
4.0.0169 x ? = 1.3
Ans : 1000

5.If 13691/2+(0.0615+x)1/2=37.25 then x is equals to

Ans : 37+(0.0615+x)1/2=37.25(since 37*37=1369)
Squaring on both sides
6.If 3a=4b=6c and a+b+c=27 then Find c value is
Ans : 4b=6c
therefore a+b+c=27
4c+3c+2c = 27 * 2
c = 54/9
7.The greatest four digit perfect square number is
Ans : The greatest four digit number is 9999
therefore 9999-198=9801 which is required number
8.If v1 + (x / 144) = 13 / 12, the find the value of x
Ans : ( 1 + (x / 144)) = (13 / 12 )2 = 169 / 144
x / 144 = (169 / 144) – 1
x / 144 = 25/144
x = 25
9.Find the least square number which is exactly divisible by 10,12,15 and 18.
Ans : L.C.M. of 10, 12, 15, 18 = 180
Now, 180 = 2 * 2 * 3 * 3 *5 = 22 * 32 * 5
Required number = (22 * 32 * 52) = 900
10.The square root of 64009 is
Ans : 253

Ans : 3(512/125)1/2

12.How many two-digit numbers satisfy this property.: The last digit (unit’s digit) ofthe
square of the two-digit number is 8 ?
Ans : A number ending in 8 can never be a perfect square

13.The cube root of .000216 is

Ans : cube root of (216/1000000)
cube root of (6*6*6)/(100*100*100)
= 6/100
= .06

14.A man plants 15376 apples trees in his garden and arranges them so, that there are as
many rows as there are apples trees in each row .The number of rows is.
Ans : 124
15.The smallest number added to 680621 to make the sum a perfect square is
Ans : (825*825)-680621
4 is added to make it perfect square.

Aptitude Questions on Simple Interest


Aptitude Questions on Simple Interest

Simple Interest S.I. = If the interest on a sum borrowed for certain period is reckoned
uniformly, then it is called simple interest.

Let Principal = P, Rate = R% per annum (p.a.) and Time = T years. Then

S.I.= (P x R x T)/100

P = (S.I. x 100)/( R x T)
R = (S.I. x 100)/(Px T)

T = (S.I. x 100)/(PxR)

1.A sum fetched a total simple interest of Rs. 4016.25 at the rate of 9 p.c.p.a. in 5 years.
What is the sum?
Ans : Principal =(100 x 4016.25)/(9 x 5)
2.x% of y is y% of ?
Ans : x

3.A simple interest amount of Rs 5000 for six month is Rs.200. What is the annualrate
of interest?
Ans : S.I.= Rs 5000
T = 6months
Principal = 200
R = (S.I. x 100)/(Px T)
for six month intrest=200
for annual rate of interest = 400
=8 %
4.In how many years will a sum of money becomes triple at 10% per annum.
Ans : Let principal =P
S.I = 2P
S.I = (P*T*R)/100
2P = (P*T*10)/100
T = 20 years

5.A Sum was put at S.I at a certain rate for 3 years. Had it been put at 2% higher rate ,it
would have fetched Rs 360 more .Find the Sum.
Ans :Let Sum =P
If 2% is more than the original rate ,it would have fetched 360
ie., R+2
= (P*(R+2)*3/100) – (P*R*3)/100 = 360
= PR+ 6P-3PR = 36000
6P = 36000
P = 6000

6.A Person takes a loan of Rs 200 at 5% simple Interest.He returns Rs.100 at the end of
1 yr. In order to clear his dues at the end of 2yrs ,he would pay ?
Ans : Amount to be paid
= (100 + (200*5*1)/100 + (100*5*1)/100)
7.A sum of Rs. 1550 is lent out into two parts, one at 8% and another one at 6%. If the
total annual income is Rs. 106, find the money lent at each rate.
Ans : Let the sum lent at 8% be Rs. x
((x*8*1)/100) + ((1550-x)*6*1)/100=106
8x + 9300 –6x=10600
2x = 1300
x = 650
Money lent at 6%= Rs. (1550 – 650)
=Rs. 900.

8.What annual instalment will discharge a debt of Rs. 1092 due in 3 years at 12%simple
Ans : Let each Instalment be Rs. x
= ( x+ ((x*12*1)/100)) + (x+ ((x*12*2)/100) ) + x = 1092
= ((28x/25) + (31x/25) + x) = 1092
= (28x+31x+25x)=(1092*25)
x= (1092*25)/84
x= 325

9.A sum of Rs. 12,500 amounts to Rs. 15,500 in 4 years at the rate of simple interest.
What is the rate of interest?
Ans : S.I. = Rs. (15500 – 12500) = Rs. 3000
r=(100 x 3000) / (12,500 x 4)%
10.What will be the ratio of simple interest earned by certain amount at the same rate of
interest for 6 years and that for 9 years?
Ans : Let the principal be P and rate of interest be R%
((P x R x 6/100) / (P x R x 9/100) = 6pr/9pr
6/9 = 2:3

11.The difference between the compound interest and the simple interest on a certain
sum of money at 5% per annum for 2
years is Rs. 1.50. Find the sum.
Ans : 600

12.If a sum of money doubles it self in 8years, then it will become treble it self in how
many years?
Ans : The sum is Rs100 & it becomes Rs200 in which the interest is Rs100 in 8 year’s.
So if the sum Rs100 becomes Rs300 in which the interest is Rs200 i.e. in 16 years.

13.A certain sum of money amounts to Rs1125 in 5 years and to Rs1200 in 8 years. Find
the sum and the rate of interest.
Ans : In 3 years more years, the interest is Rs75.
So in 1 year, the interest is Rs25 & in 5 years the interest is Rs125.
Sum +5 years interest= Rs1125. So the sum is Rs1000.
And the rate of interest is 25/1000*100 i.e.2.5% p.a.

14.A sum of money at simple interest amounts to Rs.720 after 2 years and to Rs.1020
after a further period of 5 years. The sum is :
Ans : S.I. for 5 years = Rs.(1020-720) = Rs.300
S.I. for 2 years = Rs.(300/5)*2 = Rs.120.
Therefore, Principal = Rs.(720-120) = Rs.600.
Aptitude Questions on Partnership

Aptitude Questions on Partnership
1.A, Band C start a business each investing Rs. 20,000. After 5 months A withdrew
Rs.6000 B withdrew Rs. 4000 and C invests Rs. 6000 more. At the end of the year, a
total profit of Rs. 69,900 was recorded. Find the share of each.
Ans : Ratio of the capitals of A, Band C
= 20000 x 5 + 15000 x 7 : 20000 x 5 + 16000 x 7 : 20000 x 5 + 26000 x 7
= 205000:212000 : 282000 = 205 : 212 : 282
A’s share = Rs. 69900 x (205/699) = Rs. 20500
B’s share = Rs. 69900 x (212/699) = Rs. 21200
C’s share = Rs. 69900 x (282/699) = Rs. 28200

2.Three partners shared the profit in a business in the ratio 5 : 7 : 8. They had partnered
for 14 months, 8 months and 7 months respectively. What was the ratio of their
Ans : 14x : 8y : 7z = 5 : 7 : 8
14x/8y = 5/7; y = 49x/20

14x/7z = 5/8; z = 112x/35

x : y : z = 20 : 49 : 64

3.A, B, C rent a pasture. A puts 10 oxen for 7 months, B puts 12 oxen for 5 months and C
puts 15 oxen for 3 months for grazing. If the rent of the pasture is Rs. 175, how much
must C pay as his share of rent?
Ans : A : B : C = (10 x 7) : (12 x 5) : (15 x 3) = 70 : 60 : 45 = 14 : 12 : 9
c’s rent = 175 x9/35 = 45

4.A began a business with Rs. 85,000. He was joined afterwards by B with Rs. 42,500.
For how much period does B join, if the profits at the end of the year are divided in the
ratio of 3 : 1?
Ans : 85000 x 12/42500 x y = 3/1

y = 85000 x 12
42500 x 3


5.Simran started a software business by investing Rs. 50,000. After six months, Nanda
joined her with a capital of Rs. 80,000. After 3 years, they earned a profit of Rs. 24,500.
What was Simran’s share in the profit?
Ans : Simran : Nanda = (50000 x 36) : (80000 x 30) = 3 : 4
Simran’s share = 24500 x 3/7
= Rs. 10,500
6.A, Band C enter in to partnership.A invests 3 times as much as B invests and B invests
two third of what C invests. At the end of the year,the profit earned is Rs.6600.What
is the share of B?
Ans : Let us suppose C invests Rs.3.
B invest 2/3 of 3 = 2.
Then A would invest 6
Total investment = 11
share of B = 2/11* 6600 = 1200

7.A, Band C started a business by investing Rs 2,20,000, Rs 3,50,000 and Rs

4,50,000.Find the share out of an annual profit of Rs 10200?
Ans : Their profits 22:35:45
share of A = 22/102*10200 = 2200
share of B = 35/102*10200 = 3500
share of C = 45/102*10200 = 4500

8.3 milk man A, B and C rented a pasture A grazed his 45 cows for 12 days B grazed his
36 cows for 15 days and C 60 cows for 10 days.If b’s share of rent was Rs 540.What is the
total rent ?
Ans : share of A = 45 * 12 = 540
share of B = 36 * 15 = 540
share of C = 60 * 10 = 600
share of B’s rent is 540,
( 540+540+600) = 1680

9.Arun, Kamal and Vinay invested Rs. 8000, Rs. 4000 and Rs. 8000 respectively in a
business. Arun left after six months. If after eight months, there was a gain of Rs. 4005,
then what will be the share of Kamal?
Ans : Kamal : Vinay = (8,000 x 6) : (4,000 x 8 ) : (8,000 x 8 ) = 48 : 32 : 64

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