A Comparative Study of Laser Ignition and Spark Ignition For Gasoline Mixtures (Xu2014)

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Optics & Laser Technology 64 (2014) 343–351

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A comparative study of laser ignition and spark ignition

with gasoline–air mixtures
Cangsu Xu n, Donghua Fang, Qiyuan Luo, Jian Ma, Yang Xie
Department of Energy Engineering, Yuquan Campus, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, People's Republic of China

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The ignition probability and minimum ignition energy (MIE) of premixed gasoline–air mixture for
Received 16 February 2014 different equivalence ratio was experimentally studied using a nanosecond pulse at 532 nm and
Received in revised form 1064 nm from a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser in a constant-volume combustion chamber (CVCC) The result
3 May 2014
was compared with the spark ignition. The initial pressure and temperature of the mixture was 0.1 MP
Accepted 14 May 2014
Available online 26 June 2014
and 363 K, respectively. The research indicates that within the flammable range, the probability
increases when the ignition energy increases and the distribution of MIE with the equivalence ratios
Keywords: is U-shape for both laser and spark ignition. For laser ignition with 532 nm, when the incident energy is
Laser ignition higher than 110 mJ or the absorbed energy is high than 31 mJ, 100% of ignition could be obtained within
Spark ignition
equivalence ratios of 0.8–1.6. For 1064 nm it is 235 mJ and 30 mJ. To get the same ignition probability of
Minimum ignition energy
mixture with identical equivalence ratio, the incident energy of 1064 nm is twice more than the incident
energy of 532 nm, while the absorbed energy values are virtually the same. It indicates that significant
wavelength dependence is expected for the initial free electrons but irrelevant for the process of
absorbing energy. The initial free electrons are produced from impurities in gasoline–air mixture
because the intensity in the focus (1012 W/cm2) is too low to ionize gas molecules via the multi-photon
ionization process, which requires higher irradiance ( Z1014 W/cm2). The MIE obtained with a laser-
spark ignition is greater than that measured by electrical sparks. The MIE for laser ignition was obtained
at equivalence ratio of 1.0 both of 532 nm and 1064 nm, and it was 13.5 mJ and 9.5 mJ, respectively. But
for spark ignition, the MIE is 3.76 mJ with equivalence ratio of 1.6. What's more, laser ignition extends
the lean flammability limit from 0.8 to 0.6.
& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and rail-plugs ignition [5]. Most of the problems listed above could
potentially be solved by the use of laser induced spark ignition
With the development of industry and economy, energy short- because it has many potential benefits. The major benefits are
age and environmental problems have been becoming more and greater control over the timing and locations of ignition. Moreover,
more serious. The internal combustion engine and automotive it is accomplished without electrodes, which allows the lifetime of
industry are confronted with severe and realistic challenges. Lean a laser-ignition system to be significantly longer. What is more,
burn is one of the effective methods to solve the above-mentioned laser induced spark ignition would also allow ignition in multiple
problems. However, current engines cannot be operated suffi- locations inside the chamber to shorten the combustion time of
ciently lean due to ignition related problems such as the sluggish lean mixtures.
flame initiation and propagation along with potential misfiring [1]. In recent years, laser ignition has become an active research
It is anticipated that the spark ignition engine of the future will topic because of its many potential benefits over the conventional
operate with much higher compression ratios, faster compression electric spark ignition. Laser ignition of reactive mixtures can be
rates, and much leaner fuel-to-air ratios, which will aggravate the divided into four categories: laser thermal ignition, laser induced
electrode degradation and erosion [2]. photochemical ignition, laser-induced resonant breakdown igni-
In order to improve the ignition stability and reduce the cycle- tion and laser induced spark ignition [6]. Laser induced spark
by-cycle variations, researchers are exploring new techniques, ignition begins with the initial seed electrons produced from
including plasma jet igniters [3], laser induced spark ignition [4] impurities in the gas mixture (e. g dust, aerosol or soot particles).
It is very unlikely that the initial electrons are produced by
multiphoton ionization because the intensities in the focus
Corresponding author. Mobile: þ 86 135 0581 4628. (1012 W/cm2) are too low to ionize gas molecules via this process,
E-mail address: xucangsu@zju.edu.cn (C. Xu). which requires intensities of more than 1014 W/cm2 [7,8]. Kopecek

0030-3992/& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
344 C. Xu et al. / Optics & Laser Technology 64 (2014) 343–351

et al. [7] maintained that no wavelength dependence was expected energy might result in ignition failure if the spark size is not large
for this initiation effect while Dhananjay et al. [8] hold the enough to support the flame growth or the deposited energy is
opposite idea that significant wavelength dependence was less than the minimum ignition energy. Lawes [13] found that the
expected for this initiation effect based on Drude model. Initial minimum ignition energy depended on the likelihood of a droplet
electrons readily absorb more photons via the inverse bremsstrah- existing at the focus of the laser beam.
lung process to increase their kinetic energy. If the electrons gain As far as we know, few papers were devoted to liquid fuel with
sufficient energy, they can collide with other molecules and ionize laser induced spark ignition and there is controversy about
them, leading to an electron avalanche, and breakdown the gas. whether the wavelength plays a role in laser ignition. This paper
This process is repeated until the spark plasma of high tempera- focuses on the impact of the equivalence ratio (Φ) and wavelength
ture and high pressure is created. This extreme condition relative (λ) on the ignition energy [7,8]. We use a parametric study to
to the ambient gas leads to the development of a rapidly expand- examine the effects of the equivalence ratio and wavelength on
ing shock wave that is of sufficient strength to ignite flammable the ignition energy values of gasoline–air mixture and results are
mixtures [6]. compared with the spark ignition ones.
The laser induced spark ignition has previously been found to
be associated with the laser pulse width, laser energy, the size of
focusing spot, the composition of mixture and its initial conditions. 2. Experimental setup and experiments
Studies have mainly focused on mixtures containing hydrogen [9],
methane [7,10] or propane [11] although some studies have also Fig. 1 shows a schematic of the experimental apparatus for
been performed on hydrocarbon fuels such as dodecane, isooctane laser ignition, which can be separated into five main parts: ignition
or Jet-A [11–13]. In these studies, the ignition characteristics are laser, combustion chamber, temperature and pressure measuring
usually expressed according to the energy delivered by laser. system, heating system and intake and exhaust system.
Dhananjay et al. [8] studied characterisation of laser ignition in The optical scheme of the igniting beam is depicted in Fig. 1a, A
hydrogen–air mixtures in a combustion bomb at initial pressure of Q-switched Nd:YAG (Dawa-100) was used as the ignition source
3 MPa and temperature 323 K and the results are compared with operating at 532 nm and 1064 nm with pulse duration of 6.6 ns
the laser ignition ones. They found that the rate of pressure rise and 7.9 ns, respectively. The initial diameter of laser beam was
inside the combustion chamber was higher when the mixture was 6.0 mm. After being broadened and collimated, the laser beam was
ignited by laser plasma compared with spark plug ignition. focused on the center of the combustion chamber by a 500-mm
Weinrotter et al. [9] investigated laser ignition to hydrogen–air focal length lens. The operating frequency range of laser is 1–20 Hz
mixtures at high pressures and their results showed that with and has the single-shot mode.
increasing initial pressures the minimum pulse energy was The energy was controlled by the operating voltage. Two
decreasing. Measurements and model calculations of ignition by energy meters were used to measure the beam energy before
electrical sparks and nonresonant laser sparks show that the and after the chamber as shown in Fig. 1a. The energy meter Ea
minimum ignition energy (MIE) for laser sparks is higher than (COHERENT J-25-MB-LE) obtained energy before the chamber by
for electrical sparks [10,11,14]. Donald [14] attributed it to the using a beam-splitter that reflected a fraction of the incident
higher energy cost of laser spark formation (both breakdown and energy (2.4%@532 nm &2.0%@1064 nm) while transmitting the
heating) and more efficient removal of the energy absorbed in rest measured by the energy meter Eb(COHERENT J-50-MB-YAG).
laser sparks to regions outside the nominal ignition kernel by the Laser energy power meter (EMP2000) could record the incident
shock. Ternel et al. [12] found that a too small spark size or spark energy and transmitting energy simultaneously.

Fig. 1. Schematic of laser-induced ignition experimental apparatus. (a) laser beam propagation in the laser-induced ignition experiment, (b) top view of the constant-volume
combustion chamber, (c) photograph of the experimental apparatus for laser-induced ignition.
C. Xu et al. / Optics & Laser Technology 64 (2014) 343–351 345

The combustion chamber equipped with a heating system is following equation (1)
cubical (200 mm  200 mm  200 mm) chamber with a volume of Z t
1.69 L. Before experiment, the chamber was heated up to give an EIn ¼ uðtÞiðtÞdt ð1Þ
initial temperature to ensure a homogenous mixture reliably. It 0

was capable of withstanding high pressures and temperatures up where EIn is an accurate value of energy produced by high voltage,
to 2 MPa and 600 K. The chamber comprised three pairs of u(t) is the voltage between both ends of the electrode measured by
orthogonal windows used to allow the passage of the laser beam voltage probe(Tektronix,P6015A), i(t) is the current through the
and view the entire volume of the chamber. The windows were electrode measured by current probe(Tektronix,TCP2020), and t is
equipped with quartz glass of diameter 120 mm and thickness the duration of ignition process. The oscilloscope (Tektronix
23 mm. Two valves were installed on the two corners located on DPO2024B) used in this paper has operation and integration
the top-side of the CVCC for liquid injection and gas inlet and function.
outlet shown in Fig. 1b. Temperature and pressure sensors were As a general rule, the spark plug has built-in resistance to
also installed on the other corners. The pressure transducer reduce wave interference. The energy consumption of the resis-
(Kistler, Model 6115B) combined with a charge amplifier (Kistler, tance is considered as well, which is given by the following
Type 5018A) was used to measure the dynamic pressure during equation
the combustion. Z t
1-Nd:YAG-Laser (Dawa-100), 2-beam attenuator (wave plate/ EΔ ¼ i2 ðtÞRdt ð2Þ
polariser), 3-beam-splitter(2.4%@532 nm &2.0%@1064 nm), 4- 0
concave lens, 5-convex lens, 6-mirror(reflectivity  99.5%), 7-
where R is the built-in resistance of 5.1 kΩ.
spherically corrected convex lens f ¼500 mm, 8-constant-volume
Therefore, the spark ignition energy could be calculated by the
combustion chamber (with quartz glass window diameter
following equation
120 mm,thickness 23 mm), 9-laser energy sensor Eb(COHERENT
J-50-MB-YAG), 10-laser energy sensor Ea(COHERENT J-25-MB-LE), ESI ¼ EIn  EΔ ð3Þ
11-laser energy power meter (EMP2000) 1-temperature meter, 2-
EIn and EΔ could be calculated by the oscilloscope.
thermocouple sensor 3-piezoelectric pressure sensor (Kistler,
Different air–fuel ratio of the gasoline–air mixtures at ambient
Model 6115B), 4-charge amplifier (Kistler, Type 5018A), 5-digital
temperature 298 K and air humidity 56% were investigated in this
storage oscilloscope (Tektronix DPO2024B).
study. Before each experiment, the chamber was initially evacu-
The investigation of spark ignition characters could be con-
ated by vacuum pump to remove residual gases and moisture. The
ducted by using the spark plug installed on the metal disc (Fig. 2a)
initial pressure in the chamber was 0.1 MPa and the chamber was
instead of the quartz glass. Fig. 2b shows a schematic of the
heated up to an initial temperature 363 K for each combustion
experimental apparatus for spark ignition. The central electrode
attempt to guarantee a homogeneous mixture. The liquid fuel used
was made out of the spark plug. The central electrodes used in the
in the experiment is No. 93 gasoline of Sinopec. With certain
present investigation were equipped on the opposite sides of the
volume and temperature, the volume of the fuel was calculated
combustion chamber for spark ignition. The spark was produced
using the expression:
by high voltage in the mixture, which was characterized by a flash
of light and a sharp acoustic sound. The spark released the energy pV c M r
mair ¼ ð4Þ
between the two electrodes. If the voltage varying with time on T R  103
both ends of an igniting bridge thread can be measured and
recorded and so can the current, the accurate ignition energy of mair
Vf ¼ ϕ ð5Þ
spark ignition systems can be obtained, which is given by the αρf

Here the mair is the air mass, Vf the volume of the gasoline, Vc
the volume of the chamber (equal to 1.67 L), p the initial pressure
(0.1 MPa), T air temperature (equal to 298 K), Mr the relative
molecular mass of air (equal to 28.8 g/mol), R molar gas constant
(equal to 8.314 J/(mol K)), α theoretical air–fuel ratio of gasoline
(equal to 14.7), ρf the density of gasoline (equal to 0.725 g/mL) and
φ the equivalence ratio.

3. Results and discussion

The incident energy (Ea) has to be discerned from the absorbed

energy (Eabs); the absorbed energy is exactly the energy necessary
to yield ignition inside the combustion chamber, incident energy
determined by working voltage is the total pulse energy needed to
generate ignition. The laser energy was deposited in the plasma
after breakdown which leaded to a shock wave generation. If the
plasma is intense enough, then the resultant ignition kernel is
sufficiently strong to permit transition into full scale combustion.
The probability of ignition was defined as the ratio of effective
trials and the number of shots. The ignition phenomenon involved
the formation of a flame front, a sharply increase of pressure inside
Fig. 2. Spark ignition systems. (a) The metal disc, (b) photograph of the experi-
the chamber (Fig. 3) and the combustion of the mixture, as
mental apparatus for spark ignition. described in Ref. [15].
346 C. Xu et al. / Optics & Laser Technology 64 (2014) 343–351

Fig. 3. Typical time-resolved pressure chart of an ignition event.

3.1. Energy loss

The incident energy and absorbed energy were measured by

the energy meter Ea and Eb, respectively. The main absorbed
energy was deposited in the plasma while the rest was lost with
the development of the plasma. Ma et al. [16] insisted that losses
due to diffraction were negligible and the attenuation could be
considered to be due solely to the absorption by the plasma. In
order to obtain the accurate absorbed energy, we also took into
account the energy loss in the optical devices, which was mea-
sured by placing the energy meter Eb in different locations of the
light path. The experiment results showed that a large part of the
energy loss was in the quartz glass. Fig. 4 shows that the energy
absorbed by the quartz glass depends on the laser wavelength and Fig. 4. The energy loss in the quartz glass.
increases linearly with the incident energy. The relationship
between the energy loss in the quartz glass and the incident
energy could be deduced according to the experiment results by Comparing Fig. 5a and b, we found that getting the same
the least square method, as shown in Eq. (6) for 532 nm and Eq. probability the incident energy for 532 nm differed from that for
(7) for 1064 nm, respectively: 1064 nm. For equivalence ratios of 0.8, 1 and 1.2, 100% of ignition
was indeed obtained when the incident energy was greater than
ΔE532 ¼ 0:053Ea þ 0:216 ð6Þ
110, 105 and 108 mJ, respectively, when it was 240, 220 and
ΔE1064 ¼ 0:067Ea  0:226 ð7Þ 230 mJ for 1064. To get the same ignition probability of mixture
with identical equivalence ratio, the incident energy of 1064 nm is
twice more than the incident energy of 532 nm. This is due to the
Here ΔE is energy loss and Ea is the incident energy. The root difference of pulse width and divergence angle. The divergence
mean squared error (RMSE) is 0.299 and 0.332, respectively. angle is obtained by measuring the spot radius in the focal plane
with CCD; the smaller the spot radius, the smaller the divergence
3.2. Incident energy and ignition probability angle is. The divergence angle was 0.409 and 0.417 mrad for 532
and 1064 nm, respectively. Fig. 6 shows the far field intensity
The relationship between incident energy and ignition prob- distribution of 532 and 1064 nm.
ability was discussed in detail. Fig. 5a and b show the probability If we assume that the beam is cylindrical [10] with a Gaussian
of ignition in gasoline–air mixture for 532 nm and 1064 nm. The beam profile, its radius r and length l at the focal point are:
probability changes depending on incident energy and mixture   
2λ f
composition. The ignition of gasoline–air mixtures in different r¼ ð8Þ
π D0
equivalence ratio was investigated. For equivalence ratios between
0.8 and 1.6, the ignition probability could reach 100%. For equiva- pffiffiffi θ 2
lence ratios equal to 0.6 and 1.8, we failed to obtain a reliable l ¼ ð 2  1Þ f ð9Þ
ignition during our experiments. The maximum probability for
532 nm was 65% and 12% for equivalence ratios of 0.6 and 1.8,
V ¼ πr 2 l ð10Þ
respectively; it was 70% and 35% for 1064 nm. As shown in Fig. 5,
the ignition probability increased with incident energy, which was Here f is the focal length of the focusing lens (mm), D0 the laser
consistent with the studies by Bradley [6]. However, Virginie et al. beam diameter before the focusing lens (mm), θ the beam divergence
[17] suggested that the probability of ignition do not increase (mrad) and V the volume of focal spot. In this paper, f¼ 500 mm,
necessarily with increasing incident energy. This is due to the D0 ¼24 mm (the expanded laser beam diameter), θ532 ¼0.409 mrad
variability of absorbed energy by plasma for the same incident and θ1064 ¼0.417 mrad. The calculating results are as following:
energies. Only by absorbing enough energy can the mixture be r532 ¼ 0.007 mm, l532 ¼1.764 mm, V532 ¼2.76  10  13 m3; r1064 ¼
ignited. 0.014 mm, l1064 ¼ 1.798 mm, V1064 ¼11.26  10  13 m3. The focal spot
C. Xu et al. / Optics & Laser Technology 64 (2014) 343–351 347

Fig. 5. Incident energy and probability. (a) 532 nm of incident laser beam wave length, (b) 1064 nm of incident laser beam wave length.

radius of 1064 nm is greater than that of 532 nm. This would mean through the chamber measured by the energy meter Eb. The
that more incident energy is required for ignition of 1064 nm. absorbed energy Eabs can be calculated by the expression:
Based upon this result, the focal intensity can be immediately
Eabs ¼ Ea  Eb  ΔE ð12Þ
ðEa  ΔE1 Þ Fig. 7 shows the relationship between the absorbed energy and
If ¼ ð11Þ incident energy at stoichiometric ratio. For the same incident
t pulse πr 2
energy, the absorbed energy by plasma is not a constant value and
only by absorbing enough energy can the mixture be ignited,
Here ΔE1 is the absorption of the first window of the chamber, which is consistent with the studies by Virginie [17].
tpulse is the pulse width(6.6 ns@532 ns and 7.9 ns@1064 nm). For In most of the previous studies of laser-induced ignition, the
532 nm, the focal intensity for 100% of ignition is greater than probabilities of ignition are expressed according to the incident
9.682  1012 W/cm2; for 1064 nm, it is greater than 4.348  energy [9,12]. Given the variability of deposited energy for same
1012 W/cm2. The results confirm that the initial free electrons are incident energy, it seemed more appropriate to express the
produced from impurities in gas mixture because the intensity in probability of ignition versus energy absorbed by the plasma
the focus(1012 W/cm2) is too low to ionize gas molecules via the during breakdown. Fig. 8a and b shows the ignition probability
multiphoton ionization process, which requires higher irradiance of all equivalence ratios for 532 and 1064 nm, respectively. As
(Z 1014 W/cm2) [7,8]. The focal intensity changes depending on mentioned above, getting the same ignition probability of mixture
wavelength, which means that significant wavelength dependence with identical equivalence ratio, the incident energy of 1064 nm is
is expected for this initiation effect. twice more than the incident energy of 532 nm, while the
absorbed energy values for 532 and 1064 nm are approximately
3.3. Absorbed energy and ignition probability equal, particularly for equivalence ratios between 0.8 and 1.2. It
indicated that significant wavelength dependence is expected for
The absorbed energy was deposited in the plasma to yield the initial free electrons but irrelevant for the process of absorbing
ignition inside the combustion chamber. A part of incident energy energy. For equivalence ratios between 0.8 and 1.2, little energy is
was absorbed by plasma and optical devices, the rest transmitted needed to ignite the mixture. The absorbed energy for 100% of
348 C. Xu et al. / Optics & Laser Technology 64 (2014) 343–351

Fig. 7. Absorbed energy versus incident energy at stoichiometric ratio. (a) 532 nm
of incident laser beam wave length, (b) 1064 nm of incident laser beam wave

energy at 100% of ignition. Fig. 9 presents the results. The

distribution of minimum ignition energy with the equivalence
ratios is U-shape. With leaner mixtures the ignition energy has to
be higher to produce more radicals in the focal region to create a
self-sustaining flame front. With richer mixtures the number of
molecules in the focal region is increased and more energy is
Fig. 6. The far field intensity distribution. (a) 532 nm of incident laser beam wave needed to ignite the mixture. The least values of minimum ignition
length, (b) 1064 nm of incident laser beam wave length.
energy, both of 532 and 1064 nm, were obtained at stoichiometric
ratio and were 13.5 and 9.5 mJ, respectively. When equivalence
ratios deviate from stoichiometric ratio, the minimum ignition
ignition is greater than 19 mJ. For equivalence ratios equal to energy becomes increasingly large. The minimum ignition ener-
1.4 and 1.6, 100% of ignition is obtained with absorbed energies gies remain at lower values for mixtures of equivalence ratio
were greater than 25 and 30 mJ, respectively. For equivalence between 0.8 and 1.4. Increases in the minimum ignition energies
ratios equal to 0.6 and 1.8, we failed to obtain 100% of ignition toward both the lean side and the rich side of the equivalence ratio
during our experiments. The maximum probability was 59 and are similar to the reports of other researchers [11,15,18,19]. For
48% for equivalence ratios of 0.6 and 1.8, respectively. What is equivalence ratios of 0.6 and 1.8, the minimum ignition energies of
more, it indicates that the equivalence ratio also plays a role on the 532 nm is 36 and 51 mJ, respectively, while it is 27 and 39 mJ for
shape of the curve. For equivalence ratios between 0.8 and 1.2 with 1064 nm.
1064 nm, the energy gap between an ignition probability of 0 and
100% is thin. As described in [17] the gap becomes increasingly 3.5. The comparison between spark and laser ignition
large when equivalence ratios deviate from these values. It is
therefore more interesting to use a mixture with an equivalence The spark ignition energy was obtained from the high voltage
ratio to ensure the ignition and the reproducibility of the and current between the two electrodes. The voltage and current
phenomenon. varying with time was measured and recorded by the oscilloscope
as shown in Fig. 10, wave 1 for voltage and 2 for the current.
3.4. The minimum ignition energy Typical value of peak voltage and current in our experiment is
about 6 kV and 200 mA. And the gap between cursor a and b is the
The minimum ignition energy is one of the important para- duration of ignition process.
meters for safety production, design of combustion device and Fig. 11 shows the probability of ignition in gasoline–air mixture
system reliability. The ignition energy is defined as the amount of for spark ignition. The probability changes depending on spark
laser energy that is absorbed by the plasma [2]. The minimum energy and mixture composition. The ignition of gasoline–air
ignition energy in this paper is defined as the minimum absorbed mixtures in different equivalence ratio was investigated. For
C. Xu et al. / Optics & Laser Technology 64 (2014) 343–351 349

Fig.8. Absorbed energy and probability. (a) 532 nm of incident laser beam wave length, (b) 1064 nm of incident laser beam wave length.

As shown in Fig. 12, the distribution of minimum spark ignition

energy with the equivalence ratios is also U-shape. The least
values of minimum spark ignition energy was obtained at the
equivalence ratio of 1.6 and it was 3.76 mJ. These results are in
good agreement with recent studies [14,20], which indicates that
the minimum ignition energies obtained with a laser-spark igni-
tion are greater than those measured by electrical sparks. The
reasons were attributed to the short time duration of the laser
pulse and the small focal spot size that tends to rapidly dissipate
the thermal energy due to high thermal gradient induced by the
laser spark in comparison to electric sparks [11]. Another major
difference is that the free electrons can be readily accelerated from
the metal surface of the cathode for electrical sparks, whereas the
free electrons in the gas in laser sparks must be somehow initially
produced by using an internal energy-absorption process [21].
Fig. 13 shows the flammability limit for laser and spark ignition.
Fig. 9. The minimum ignition energy. It is not hard to find that the maximum probability for equivalence
ratio of 0.6 was 65% for 532 nm and 70% for 1064 nm by laser
ignition nevertheless, we failed to obtain a successful ignition with
equivalence ratios between 0.8 and 2.0, the ignition probability spark ignition, no matter how much energy was deposited in the
could reach 100%. The maximum probability for equivalence ratios spark. What is more, the least values of minimum ignition energy
2.2 was 36.7%. For equivalence ratios equal to 0.6, we failed to was obtained at the equivalence ratio of 1 for laser ignition and it
obtain a successful ignition during our experiments. The ignition was obtained at 1.6 for spark ignition. It can be concluded that
probability increases with spark energy, which is similar to laser laser ignition extends the lean flammability limit, while the spark
ignition. ignition could be more favorable for rich mixture.
350 C. Xu et al. / Optics & Laser Technology 64 (2014) 343–351

Fig. 10. The voltage and current varying with time.

4. Conclusions

The incident and absorbed energy of gasoline–air mixtures

with laser-induced spark ignition were experimentally investi-
gated. The results can be summarized as follows:

(1) A large part of the energy loss was in the quartz glass, which
depends on the laser wavelength and increases linearly with
the incident energy.
(2) Within the flammable range, the probability of ignition
increases when the incident energy increases. For equivalence
ratios of 0.8–1.6, 100% of ignition is obtained. The distribution
of minimum ignition energy with the equivalence ratios is U-
shape. The least values of minimum ignition energy, both of
Fig. 11. The probability of ignition for spark ignition. 532 and 1064 nm, were obtained at stoichiometric ratio and
were 13.5 and 9.5 mJ, respectively. And it was 3.76 mJ at the
equivalence ratio of 1.6 for spark ignition. Compared with
spark ignition, laser ignition extends the lean flammability
(3) For 532 and 1064 nm, the focal intensity for 100% of ignition is
greater than 9.682  1012 and 4.348  1012 W/cm2, respec-
tively. It confirms that the initial free electrons are produced
from impurities in gas mixture.
(4) For the same incident energy, the absorbed energy by plasma
is not a constant value and only by absorbing enough energy
can the mixture be ignited. Getting the same ignition prob-
ability of mixture with identical equivalence ratio, the incident
energy of 1064 nm is twice more than the incident energy of
532 nm, while the absorbed energy values for 532 and
1064 nm are approximately equal. It indicates that significant
wavelength dependence is expected for the initial free elec-
Fig. 12. The minimum ignition energy for spark and laser ignition. trons but irrelevant for the process of absorbing energy.


This work is supported by the State Key Development Program

for Basic Research of China (Grant no.2013CB228100), National
Natural Science Foundation of China (nos. 50976100 and
51076138) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central
Universities (no. 2013QNA4017).


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Xie Yang (1990.01-): Current Master Students of Zhe-

jiang University. Research on vehicle engineering and
Cangsu xu(1963.09-): Ph.D. Zhejiang University; Dep-
spray atomization.
uty Director of Power Machinery and Vehicular Engi-
neering Institute of Department of Energy Engineering
in Zhejiang University. Research interests: laser igni-
tion; spray atomization; biomass fuel.

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