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Environment and Human Health

Spoken Part
Good Morning everyone,
I’m Ananya Narang, And I’ll be taking TWO TOPICS - The First topic being - Environment
and Human Health and The second one - Human Rights
Okay so now we explore the relationship between environment & human health and how they
are co -related.

Now, First we look at the definition of “Health” given by WHO that is -

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the
absence of disease or infirmity.”
Human health is influenced by many nutritional, biological, chemical or psychological
These factors may cause harmful changes in the body’s conditions called disease.

Now, before we move forward, lets first watch a video by WHO on the same –

Having watched the video we now can see on our screens these infographics given by WHO
again. I’d pause here for everyone to take a brief glimpse of these images.

Moving On –
We look at

Environmental Factors impacting Human Health include –

 Infectious organisms
 Chemicals
 Noise
 Radiations
 Diet
 Settlement
Now lets look at each of these in detail –
1. Infectious Organisms
Disease causing organisms pose great environmental threats to health, more severely in
the developing countries especially the tropical ones. High temperature and moisture
along with malnutrition help many diseases to spread in these countries.
Microbes especially bacteria can cause food poisoning by producing toxins in the
contaminated food.

Some moulds grow on food and produce poisonous toxins. Infectious organisms can also
cause respiratory diseases (pneumonia, tuberculosis, influenza etc.) and gastrointestinal
diseases (diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera etc.

2. Chemicals

Chemicals can be divided into two categories i.e. hazardous and toxic chemicals. Hazardous
are the dangerous chemicals like explosives, inflammable chemicals etc. Toxic chemicals
(toxins) are poisonous chemicals which kill cells and can cause death.

There are other types too –

Cancer causing chemicals - (carcinogenic),

Chemicals that affect genetic material (DNA) in cells (mutagenic)

Some even cause abnormalities during embryonic growth and development (teratogenic)

And some that affect nervous system (neurotoxins) and the reproductive system.

3. Noise

Although human ear is capable of tolerating a range of sound levels, yet if sound levels
beyond the permissible level exist for certain duration, it becomes painful and
sometimes irreparable damage occurs. Besides hearing damage various types of
physiological and psychological changes are induced by noise pollution.

4. Radiations

Radiations are known to cause short-term and longterm changes in various organs. Cosmic
rays and ultra-violet rays cause harmful effects on human health which may include cancer.

5. Diet

Diet has a very important role in maintaining health. Malnutrition makes humans
prone to other diseases. Food contamination can cause various ill effects. There had been
cases of Dropsy in India, a disease which occurred due to contamination of mustard oil with
the poisonous seeds of Argemone mexicana. Likewise various adulterated pulses,
condiments, oils etc. sold in the market to earn profit affect human health.
6. Settlement

Proper environment, availability of basic necessities of life like, water, sanitation etc. are
essential for healthy living. Housing is very important from security point of view. Improper
settlement and poor physical environment may cause various psychological problems which
affect various vital physiological processes in the body.
Moving On, We Look At An Image Released By the World Health Organisation Explaining
Environmental factors Impacting Human Health

As, I end with the topic, I’d Like to share with the class again an infographic issued by the

Okay, So now we move to our Next topic that is *Human Rights*

Human rights are the rights that a human being must enjoy on this earth since he/she is a
human being.

The foundation of human rights was laid in the 13th century.

And, Before I continue with the topic, lets first watch a video.

Now, lets look at The – UNDHR.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UNDHR) was given by the United Nations
Organisation on December 10, 1948. This declaration provided comprehensive protection to
all individuals against all forms of injustice and human rights violations.

The Declaration defines specific rights, civil, political, economic, social as well as cultural.

It defines the rights to life, liberty, security, fair trial by law, freedom of thought, expression,
conscience, association and freedom of movement.

As a declarartin, It emphasizes right to equal pay for equal work, right to form and join trade
unions, right to health care, education, adequate rest etc.


Although the human rights are considered to be universal, there is a wide disparity between
the developing and the developed countries.
World Health Organisation estimates indicate that –

One out of every five persons in this world is malnourished, lacks clean drinking water, lacks
proper hygienic conditions and adequate health facilities;

One out of three persons does not have enough fuel to cook or keep warm ;

One out of five persons is desperately poor for whom life is nothing but struggle for survival.

Every year 40 million people are dying due to consumption of contaminated drinking water.

After the Earth Summit 1992, the need for sustainable development was recognized.
Soon after on May 16, 1994 at Geneva, the United Nations drafted the first ever
Declaration of Human Rights and Environment, which embodies the right of every
human being to a healthy, secure and ecologically sound environment. A sustainable
society affirms, equity, security, attainment of basic human needs and environmental justice
to all

Now, The Draft Declaration Of Human Rights Has 5 parts to it -

Part I: It deals with human rights for an ecologically sound environment, sustainable
development and peace for all. It also emphasizes the present generation’s rights to fulfill
its needs to lead a dignified and good quality life. But, at the same time it lays stress on
the fact that it should be without impairing the rights of the future generations to meet
their needs.

Part II: It mainly deals with human rights related to an environment free from pollution and
degradation. It also emphasizes the rights to enjoyment of natural ecosystems with their rich
biodiversity. It defines right to own native land or home. No one can be evicted from
one’s native place except in emergency or due to a compelling purpose benefitting the
society as a whole which is not attainable by other means. All persons have the right to
timely assistance in the event of any natural or technological disaster.

Part III: It deals with right of every person to environmental information, education,
awareness and also public participation in environmental decision making.

Part IV: It deals with the duties to protect and preserve the environment and prevent
environmental harm. It includes all remedies for environmental degradation and
measures to be taken for sustainable resource use. It emphasizes that states shall avoid
using environment as a means of war and shall respect international law for protection of

Part V: This lays stress on social justice and equity with respect to use of natural
resources and sustainable development.

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