1st English Workj

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Clarity means you, as a sender of a message,

will deliver a specific message.

Your message should have very specific goals.
So rather than trying to say too many things at the same time,
make sure that you state clearly what you want your audience to do.
So make it clear about the intention of your message.

Principle of Adequacy:the state or quality of being adequate

The information communicated should be adequate and complete in all respects.
Inadequate information may delay action and create confusion.
Inadequate information also affects efficiency of the receiver.
So adequate information is essential for taking proper decisions and making action
integrity: the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles
If we truly value honesty, safety, and fairness,
upholding integrity in communication values requires
that we find ways to express our concerns to people who are in a position to do
something to resolve them,
rather than just complaining about others behind their backs, making jokes that
are actually disguised

Time is an integral part of a communication,

When a group of people are having communication one must pay attention and
on time as it adds value to one's opinion.
If time is managed well during a communication it leads to a great communication
with the desired results.

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