Pathology MCQ

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A 15-year-old healthy girl with no major medical problems notes blotchy areas

of erythema that are pruritic over the skin of her arms, legs, and trunk within
an hour every time she eats seafood, followed by diarrhea. These problems
abate within 3 hours, and then physical examination reveals no abnormal
findings. Which of the following immunologic abnormalities is she most likely
to have?

A   Localized anaphylaxis

B   Cell-mediated hypersensitivity

C   Complement activation

D   Hypergammaglobulinemia

E   Immune complex deposition

A 22-year-old woman has experienced episodes of myalgias, chest pain, and

arthralgias for the past 3 years. On examination a friction rub is audible on
chest auscultation and there is dullness to percussion at posterior lung bases.
No joint deformity is noted. She has continued working at her job. She has a
mild normocytic anemia. A chest x-ray shows bilateral pleural effusions.
Which of the following laboratory screening tests is most appropriate to begin
the workup for her condition?

A   CD4 lymphocyte count

B   Blood culture

C   Antinuclear antibody test

D   Sedimentation rate

E   Creatine phosphokinase
A hypersensitivity response of the immune system is noted to be stimulated
by release of IL-4 and IL-5. This is accompanied by eosinophilia. This
response is most likely be directed against which of the following?

A   Amyloid protein

B   Spirochetes

C   Neoplasms

D   Inhaled dusts

E   Liver flukes

Twelve hours after going on a hike through dense foliage, a 40-year-old man
notices a slightly raised and tender irregular reddish rash on one forearm that
was not covered by clothing. This rash gradually increases in intensity for 2
days and then fades away after two weeks. Which of the following forms of
immunologic hypersensitivity is most likely demonstrated in this patient?

A   Type I hypersensitivity

B   Type II hypersensitivity

C   Type III hypersensitivity

D   Type IV hypersensitivity

A 9-year-old boy has a sore throat. A throat culture grows group A

hemolytic Streptococcus. He receives antibiotic therapy. However, 17 days
later he develops dark-coloured urine. Laboratory studies show 3+ blood on
urinalysis. A renal biopsy is performed. On immunofluorescence staining the
biopsy shows granular deposition of IgG and complement around glomerular
capillary loops. Which of the following immune hypersensitivity mechanisms is
most likely responsible for this pattern of findings?

A   Type I
B   Type II

C   Type III

D   Type IV

Class I HLA antigens are located on:

A. All nucleated cells of the body B. B and T lymphocytes

C. Macrophages D. Complement system

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