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The 7 Major Methods for Timing in Horary Astrology - Ancient and Chinese Astrology

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The 7 Major Methods for Timing in Horary Astrology

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2021.08.11. The 7 Major Methods for Timing in Horary Astrology - Ancient and Chinese Astrology

The 7 Major Methods for Timing in Horary Astrology

Leave a Comment / Horary Astrology / 28/09/2020

Contents 
Timing events in horary Astrology is tricky
Method 1 for timing in horary Astrology – the usual application between the
major significators
Example chart 1: When will my gift racquets arrive
Significators and delineation
Timing of the prediction
Table for timing in horary
Method 2 for timing in horary Astrology – a significator making a heliacal
phase/station or ingressing into a new zoidion where it changes dignity
Example chart 2: Timing by the station of a significator
Example chart 3: Timing by the significator changing dignity
Method 3 for timing in horary Astrology – when the Moon or the lord of the
Ascendant reaches the significator with their body
Example chart 4: Where is myCookie
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for timing in horary
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distance between
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showing recovery to the angle to which it goes
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Example chart 5: Is our cat alive,
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2021.08.11. The 7 Major Methods for Timing in Horary Astrology - Ancient and Chinese Astrology

Method 5 for timing in horary Astrology – the Lot of Fortune, the Moon (or
another Lot) directed to its lord, to the Moon, or to the lord of the Ascendant
Example chart 6: Will the missing dog be found and taken to surgery
Delineation and prediction
The astrologer travels 200 km to look for the stray dog in a big city
The stray dog was found where I said it would be, but my timing was off
Method 6 for timing in horary Astrology – Umar’s fourfold way
Example chart 7: Will I get my documents
Example chart 8
Example chart 9
Method 7 for timing in horary Astrology – the ascensional times of the zoidia of
the significators and the minor years of the planets in their respective unit
Example chart 10
Example chart 11
Conclusion on timing in horary Astrology

Timing in horary Astrology refers

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will happen, as shown by the significators, and converting
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this to earth time.

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2021.08.11. The 7 Major Methods for Timing in Horary Astrology - Ancient and Chinese Astrology

This comprehensive article covers the seven major methods

for timing events in horary Astrology. As always, I am basing
my work on ancient sources, some of which go back 1,000+
years. As such, they are unlikely to be familiar to modern
horary astrologers. I also illustrate each of the timing
methods with actual real-life horary charts.

Timing events in horary Astrology is tricky

For some reason, timing events is not as clear-cut as we

would like it be. We make the prediction based on the chart,
it clearly gives the correct answer to us, and yet our timing is
off more times than it should be. Take locating missing pets
or items, something I am known
Cookie for. The astrologer correctly
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says where the lost animal or object is, but their timing of its
you wish.

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2021.08.11. The 7 Major Methods for Timing in Horary Astrology - Ancient and Chinese Astrology

recovery is off. Thus while the general answer given the client
is correct, the timing of the prediction is off.

As the astrological chart is in astrological language, the

astrologer has to convert that language into human one and
earth time.

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There are two ways in which timing can be off:

1) The astrologer uses the incorrect unit. Say the timing is 3

and 1/2 units. These units can mean hours, days, weeks,
months, or years. The astrologer predicts that the event will
happen in 3 and 1/2 days, but it happens in 3 1/2 weeks;

2) Using the same distance of 3 1/2 units, the event does not
happen in 3 1/2 hours, days, weeks, months or years, and
yet the general prediction is correct, the given location or
person is correct, etc.

So what is going on here? Well, the answer is that the

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astrologer must be familiar with other methods for timing in
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horary Astrology and mustyou

to checking for
them as well and looking for overlapping
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of testimonies and
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confirmation. As the ancient astrologers liked to say “Mix

discretion with art.”

Method 1 for timing in horary Astrology – the usual

application between the major significators

This is the major method which everyone knows about and I

am guessing pretty much everyone uses. It is given by all
ancient and modern authors, and it works in the majority of
cases. But not 100%, of course.

Example chart 1: When will my gift racquets arrive

Here is a most recent example from my horary files:

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Special Note:

I switched to using whole sign houses in horary

Astrology 7 years ago, but am showing the charts also with
active Porphyry houses for those that use quadrant houses.
Also, when it comes to the angles, I pay special attention.

A foreign friend of mine ordered 2 tennis racquets for me last

year. He was going to come andNotice
visit and bring them to me,
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but due to “covid 19” he chose
you wish.not

to leave his country. He
ordered one of theCookie
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August 2019
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November 2019. He informed me in July this year that he

wanted to send me the racquets by post and that he was
giving them away to me as an early birthday present.

He shipped the racquets on the 13th of July 2020, and as you

see by the horary chart, they had not arrived by the 4th of
September – over 7 weeks later. I asked the question on that
Friday whether my gift racquets would arrive, because I had
had enough of waiting and my friend also said that he was
considering contacting the postal office and asking for the
insurance coverage.

Significators and delineation

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My friend is the 11th – Scorpio ruled by Mars in Aries;
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The racquets are my friend’s property and as such are 2nd

from the 11th = the natal 12th – Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter
in Capricorn. Notice that Jupiter also rules Pisces, the 3rd
zoidion/image from the Capricorn Ascendant, which is the 5th
from the 11th and shows the gifts of friends;

I am the Asc Capricorn and its lord Saturn in Capricorn, and

am also represented by the Moon in Aries.

As soon as I calculated the chart, I immediately noticed that

both Lights are applying to Jupiter, with the latter being in
the Ascendant, although retreating.

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Because the Sun is not a significator, I ignored its application
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to Jupiter within 5

applies by a square to
Jupiter within 8.20
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portions between Jupiter/the racquets and Saturn/myself,

indicating the same timing.

I judged that I will have racquets for sure, and it will happen
within 8 to 9 units.

Because of the opposition of Venus to the Asc, I judged I

would have some problems with women in superior position,
due to Venus being lord 10. The square of Mars to both
Saturn/L1/L2 and the Ascendant, showed some quarreling or
expenses, although ameliorated somewhat due to Mars
receiving Saturn/me in its exaltation.

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I was concerned that something could be wrong with the
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racquets due to the South Node

the 12th representing the

racquets. I was also concerned

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position in fall and
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walking back, although it is very close to its evening

station/second station and is of the sect. Having said that,
the racquets are old models and have been used/are second
hand, so I was not sure whether this was describing their
used condition more rather than showing some flaws in them
or the package.

Timing of the prediction

Now comes the timing part and why I am sharing this

particular chart for the major method. John Frawley, among
other horary astrologers and writers, says that the separation
between the significators carries its own timing and by using
proportion to extrapolateCookie Notice timing, we would be on
the future
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safer ground rather than youusing

the application between

significators. In other words, ACCEPT
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2021.08.11. The 7 Major Methods for Timing in Horary Astrology - Ancient and Chinese Astrology

from Jupiter by 10.25 portions = my friend

separating/mailing the racquets. He did that on 13th of July
= 53 days before I asked the question. So 10.25 portions =
53 days and by using proportion we can tell when the
racquets will arrive, provided this is shown by chart (which it

In other words, this 8.20 units distance between the Moon

and Jupiter or Jupiter and Saturn would equal me having the
racquets in about 42.30 days because 53:10.41 = 5.09 per 1
unit. The point is that the proportion method does not work
in this chart if one uses the weekly unit – the one which
showed the last event, namely
Cookie Noticemy friend mailing the
racquets/separating from them.
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Of course, with timing being known to be tricky in horary, it is

always preferable to look for confirmation from other parts of
the chart.

So in this case, the Moon is in Aries, a movable zoidion, and

as far its house position is concerned it is in the 4th by whole
sign houses, which I use, or it is in the 2nd by quadrant. I
took it to be pivotal and hence it gives the shortest time unit,
which in this case is days. I ignored its house position,
otherwise it would have shown the middle unit = weeks.

Table for timing in horary

Here is a table from John Frawley’s

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and also in his Horary Textbook. I have worded it in the
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language ancient astrologers used and added my own


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Please keep in mind that many other astrologers use different

rules for the same table. And other astrologers use mostly
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the Moon for timing in horary Astrology. I have found
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Frawley’s table the most reliable
you wish. in

my experience, BUT only
when using the caveats I haveACCEPT
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Read You
More cannot just use
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the table as it is and rely to get the timing right every time
without thoroughly examining the whole horary chart.

So continuing with the Moon above, by taking only its

movable zoidion, it showed the unit to be days. Did I get
further confirmation from the chart that it is days? Well, 4 of
the other significators: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, and the Asc are
all in movable zoidia/images. Despite the fact that I don’t like
like using real-time ingresses/transits and mixing them with
horary, because like some authors I consider horary to be a
self-contained universe, I noticed that Jupiter makes an
evening station on the 13th of September – 9 days after the
asking of the question. Thus Cookie my conclusion was that I would
get the
This website uses racquets for your
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experience. 8 or 9you're
We'll assume days, but
ok with this,because of if
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you wish.

the mutual application between the significators, they could

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2021.08.11. The 7 Major Methods for Timing in Horary Astrology - Ancient and Chinese Astrology

arrive a little earlier. Keeping in mind that I asked the

question on a Venus day/Friday, and the postal office is
closed on Saturday and Sunday, this meant they could not
arrive in 8 days/Saturday or 9 days/Sunday, so I would have
them in 7 days/Friday or 10 days/Monday.

What happened? They arrived in Bulgaria on Wednesday, in 5

days, BUT they did not arrive  in my town until Friday – 7
days after the asking of the question. Moreover, it was Friday
afternoon and I did not yet have a postal notice in my postal
box. Thus I had to look for and find the phone number of my
local post office branch. I then called the postal office and
spoke to a woman whom I asked
Cookie Noticewhether a package has
arrived for me – something I had never done before in all
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these years.
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When I got to my local postal office, I had to pay small a fee

to the female postal clerk for a “performed customs check” –
something I had never done before. I remind about the
opposition of Venus and the square of Mars. Fortunately, both
racquets arrived safely. Nevertheless, when I got home and
put them on the electronic scale to measure them, it turned
out that one of the racquets weighs about 5 grams more.
Now, that may not seem much, but this Wilson racquet is
very heavy to begin with (346 grams strung). In addition I
added 10 grams lead tape and 2 overgrips. I always add lead
tape to my racquets to increase the swing weight. As such,
the racquet now weighs 369 grams, heavier, for example,
than the actual frame Roger Federer
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The bottom line is the racquet turned out to be a a little

heavier and the seller had not specified this in his description.
All in all, I am very pleased that I got over the effect of the
South Node and the square and opposition of the contrary to
sect planets with these minor inconveniences.

One last thing: during this 60 day period, from the sending of
the racquets to me getting them, I ordered books from
England and a tennis string reel from France. They both
arrived within the expected time period, without any delay.

Method 2 for timing in horary Astrology – a significator

making a heliacal phase/station or ingressing into a
new zoidion where it changes dignity

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I do not recommend this timing
you wish.method

to be used by itself.
The exception is ifCookie
question covers
a longer period of
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time, and even then it can be tricky.

With the chart above, Jupiter, one of the significators made a

heliacal phase, namely evening station/second station 9 days
after the asking of the question.

Another example would be, preferably, a superior planet

changing zoidion and going to dignity or outside of essential
dignity, which would show an improvement or worsening of
whatever the significator indicates. However, unlike heliacal
phases, like appearing, disappearing, stopping/going, that
concern real-movement in the sky, this is not necessarily the
case with changing dignity. It can be either real-time,
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especially with the superior planets Mars, Jupiter, or Saturn,
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as they move slowest, or you


time, as shown by the

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specific horary chart.
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Example chart 2: Timing by the station of a significator

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2021.08.11. The 7 Major Methods for Timing in Horary Astrology - Ancient and Chinese Astrology

An example from that is a question my sister asked me 10

years ago. Back then, I was using Regiomontanus quadrant
houses for horary and also included the Trans-saturnian
planets, though never as “rulers of signs”. She asked whether
she will get the documents, and when.

The correct timing was shown by Venus, lord of the 11th

quadrant house (2nd from the 10th and showing the movable
property of the government, because IDs and other similar
documents are not our property but of the government)
applying to square Mars after Venus leaves Aries and
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ingresses into Taurus.
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However, Saturn as exalted, trigon and bound lord of the

11th house cusp and conjunct the cusp, can also be used. It
was going to make evening station/second station on the
31st of May, which coincided with the application of Venus to
Mars in both ways:

1) If Mars was standing still the application was 8.53 units =

8 weeks and 6 days, with the unit being weeks = 26th of May
– the day they arrived.

2) The perfection as seen in the ephemeris = after 8 days

and 15 hours (at 3.23 Tau-3.23Leo) = 8 units and 5/8 = 8
weeks and 5/8 of a week = 56 days + 4.37 days = 60.37
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days from 25 March at 10.23 pm = 25th of May – 1 day
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Example chart 3: Timing by the significator changing


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Here is another example from 10 years ago from my early

horary practice. A man asked me whether he should continue
working for his current employer. Because his Asc ruler
Saturn was going to enter Libra, its exaltation, triplicity and
bound. I told him to wait until that happens. He would
become very strong and valued by the employer and would
be able to take advantage then. I advised him when that
happens (22nd of July from the ephemeris) to send another
email to his employer asking for a big raise. 

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There are other considerations of the delineation, which,
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along with the previous chart, IACCEPT

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here, but the
2021.08.11. The 7 Major Methods for Timing in Horary Astrology - Ancient and Chinese Astrology

point is that the ingress of the significator in the place of its

major dignity was the key in that horary chart. Of course, a I
predicted, it ended very positively for the querent, to his

Method 3 for timing in horary Astrology – when the

Moon or the lord of the Ascendant reaches the
significator with their body

Special note: I have taken this rule from Al Kindi. It is on p.

337 of the Book of the Nine Judges translated by Ben Dykes,
and it concerns lost things. Dykes says in a footnote that this
reaching is by transit. I found a chart that proves how
valuable this rule is. However, it works by tweaking the rule
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and using the application of the significators, because if the
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lord of the Ascendant is Saturn or Jupiter, then it applies to

you wish.

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no planets in the first case, and only to Saturn in the second,
2021.08.11. The 7 Major Methods for Timing in Horary Astrology - Ancient and Chinese Astrology

all things being equal and the significators direct in


Having said that, keep in mind this rule may also work in
regular horaries.

Example chart 4: Where is my ring

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This is not my chart but that of astrologer Derek Appleby. It

is on p. 167 in his book Horary Astrology. I hope he or the
publisher does not mind me sharing it. I will not quote the
author’s delineation but just summarize what happened.
Derek uses Placidus quadrant houses and this is how I
calculated the chart, though I used whole sign houses in my

A woman came to him at an astrological conference to ask

him a horary question about a ring
Cookie that had been missing for
over 3 years. Derek cast the chart and interpreted it with 3
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other colleagues and they concluded

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the ring would be found,
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they correctly predicted where it would found, but the timing

of their prediction was off.

The ring was found 63 days after the asking of the question
and all Derek could say was that transiting Venus made a
conjunction with Neptune at the MC. Of course, I don’t use
Neptune, nor am I satisfied with this explanation. Anyway,
that chart is from the year 1979, when there was no Project
Hindsight, no published translations of James Holden, Robert
Zoller, Ben Dykes, etc.

When I studied the chart, I noticed that on the day when the
ring was found, transiting Mars was conjunct Jupiter. Thus the
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lord of the 2nd zoidion from the Pisces Ascendant came to
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conjunct the lord of the Ascendant

you wish.

– hence my tweaking this

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2021.08.11. The 7 Major Methods for Timing in Horary Astrology - Ancient and Chinese Astrology

If one reads the Book of the Nine Judges, they will see that
other methods for timing events in horary Astrology include
the bound lord of the Moon, etc. Well, Jupiter is the bound
lord of the Moon, the bound lord of lord 2 and the exalted
and bound lord of Mars/lord 2.

Method 4 for timing in horary Astrology – the distance

between the planet showing recovery to the angle to
which it goes first

Special note: I have also taken this rule from Al Kindi. It is on

p. 337 of the Book of the Nine Judges translated by Ben
Dykes, and it also concerns Notice
things. Having said that,
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keep in mind this rule also you

in regular horaries. I know

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of astrologers who love using this rule for all kinds of


Please note that Al Kindi does not say in what direction to

take the distance “in degrees”: by primary or secondary
motion, and it of course makes a difference.

Example chart 5: Is our cat alive, where is she

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Here is a horary question that a foreign client asked me

about a missing cat. She asked whether their cat was alive
and where it was. She did not ask, in the case of the chart
showing that the cat would be found, when they would find

Based on the chart, I predicted that they would find their

missing cat and told them what places to look. They had
looked for the cat for 12 days prior to finding me, contacting
me and asking me the question. By following the direction
and descriptions I gave them, they were able to find the cat 3
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days after the asking of the question. To be exact, it was
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about 2 hours short of 3 days = 70
you wish.
hours since the asking of
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Notice that the Moon at 18 Gemini is exactly 70 portions from

the Ascendant at 28 Leo in secondary/zodiacal motion,
signifying 70 hours. Also, Saturn, lord 6 in the 7th place at 0
Aquarius is also 70 portions from the IC at 20 Scorpio.

Notice that directing the Moon to the MC and Saturn to the

Dsc would not have worked.

There is another indication, which I consider more important,

and it concerns the rule below, which is the next method for
timing events in horary.

Method 5 for timing in horary Astrology – the Lot of

Fortune, the Moon (orCookie another Notice Lot) directed to its lord,
to the
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lord of the
We'll Ascendant

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2021.08.11. The 7 Major Methods for Timing in Horary Astrology - Ancient and Chinese Astrology

Special note: I have also taken this rule from the Book of the
Nine Judges translated by Ben Dykes, and it also concerns
lost things. Having said that, keep in mind this rule also
works in regular horaries.

I want to add that I am not entirely sure whether that book

contains the rule for directing another Lot to its lord, but this
rule is from natal or even mundane Astrology, and it works.

Example chart 6: Will the missing dog be found and

taken to surgery

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2021.08.11. The 7 Major Methods for Timing in Horary Astrology - Ancient and Chinese Astrology

This is another horary question about a missing animal a

client asked me, this time about a stray dog. The dog’s leg
had been hit by a car 5 days prior to the asking of the
question, as is seen in the chart – with lord 6 Mars being
afflicted by the South Node, and its lord Saturn in the 3rd of


The mother of the querent’s boyfriend was driven to another

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city to take the dog to surgery. The dog somehow got away
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when going to pee, and she
not catch it. She phoned

her son and the querent and they

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Read Moredrove to this city
2021.08.11. The 7 Major Methods for Timing in Horary Astrology - Ancient and Chinese Astrology

with their car in search for the dog. They saw it but could not
catch it or lure it, not matter how much they ran after it and
tried. They posted many posters in the city, left a note on
facebook and other channels, but nothing happened. Then
they offered a big reward to anyone who catches the dog.
Many people were searching in the city, the vast majority of
them were volunteers and some of them were even children.
This is when the native asked me the question – 2 days and
about 7 hours after losing the dog.

Delineation and prediction

As Mars ruled both the Ascendant and the 6th domicile and
house, I gave the Moon to Notice querent and used Mars
the female
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for the dog. The reason is because it is the dog that is
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primary, and Mars describes its condition and situation

perfectly, unlike the Moon.

Upon immediately seeing the sextile in related Sagittarius-

Aquarius zoidia, I predicted that the dog would be found
easily, much to the disbelief of the querent. The two benefics
in the primary angles also confirmed that the dog would be

I described the dog’s location but was unsure of the timing of

its recovery. You can’t see it in this software, but Mars is
actually making a /morning station/1st station in 2 days.
Thus the dog is standing still, which would help finding it.
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Notice that the last planet that separated from Mars/the dog
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is Venus in the 10th, even you


the MC within minutes.

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The 10th is the 4th from the 7th showing the parents of the
2021.08.11. The 7 Major Methods for Timing in Horary Astrology - Ancient and Chinese Astrology

querent’s boyfriend, specifically the mother, as Venus is also

associated with the mother by day by some astrologers.
Anyway, the point is the separation is by 4.16 portions and
yet she lost the dog 2 days and 7 hours prior to asking the
question. I also did not like the fact that the Moon was
succedent and not in a movable zoidion. So her aspect
perfecting in 4.48 portions means 4.48 units, and all this
inclined more to weeks than to days.

Given the deteriorating condition of the dog’s leg, it was not

quickly captured, it could worsen to the point where surgery
could not help. It was limping and running, quite fast, on its
3 remaining legs. I also noticed
Cookie Noticethat, in real time, the
transiting Moon would come to conjunct Mars/the dog in
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about 5 days. Because Saturday was that 5th day, there was
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2021.08.11. The 7 Major Methods for Timing in Horary Astrology - Ancient and Chinese Astrology

a chance that the dog could be found then. The other

alternative was that the units would be weeks, so 4.48
weeks, which meant bad news for the dog’s health.

The astrologer travels 200 km to look for the stray dog

in a big city

Because the querent and her boyfriend were a friends of

mine, and because and I wanted to save them the big reward
by finding the missing dog with horary Astrology only, I
decided to travel to this city on my day off and search for the
dog. They covered my travelling expenses and I met up with
a woman who was a volunteer and loves animals. She drove
me by car to the locationCookie
the dog was lost.
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2021.08.11. The 7 Major Methods for Timing in Horary Astrology - Ancient and Chinese Astrology

I had printed out a map and circled a specific part of this

particular neighbourood/district of the city and, based on my
reading of the horary chart, insisted the this is where all of us
must look (there were 2 more people). It did not matter to
me that I had never been to this part of this particular city. I
was relying entirely on the science of Ancient Astrology and
my experience. We searched unsuccessfully for about 90
minutes when it started to rain. The others left and I was on
my own. I was carrying my backpack and searched for
another 4 hours in the rain, but to no avail. I was 100%
certain that the dog was in the part I circled, but I was not
sure whether it would be found on that day or in 4.48 weeks.
I had to give up or miss my transport
Cookie Notice back to my town.
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The stray dog was found where I said it would be, but
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my timing was off
2021.08.11. The 7 Major Methods for Timing in Horary Astrology - Ancient and Chinese Astrology

Long story short, even though there were over 10,000 views
of the facebook message with the reward, even though quite
a number of people looked for the dog for WEEKS, and some
of them were very motivated to find it because of the money
offered, the dog was not found until the horary chart allowed

The dog was successfully captured on the 18th of July 2018

around 7 pm – 23 days after the asking of the question = 3
weeks 2 days and 3 hours = 3.30 weeks. The dog was found
where I said it would be. It was lured by a man with food,
after earning its trust first. He had to act like this. The dog is
a small breed and very Cookie quick. Notice
Some of the people who had
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2021.08.11. The 7 Major Methods for Timing in Horary Astrology - Ancient and Chinese Astrology

hid. Others were carrying sedating darts, but could not hit it.
As promised, my friends sent the reward.

This is where the timing rules of horary Astrology comes into

play. The only timing method that works in this chart is the
Lot of Fortune directed to its lord in weeks. The Lot is in the
6th/ the Ascendant of the Dog at 5.57 Aries = 3.15 portions
to its lord Mars in Aquarius at 9.12 Aquarius = 3.15 weeks =
3 weeks 1 day and a few hours = 1 day early.

Why this method for this chart? Well, notice that Mars is
conjunct the IC. If one directs Mars to this closest angle, the
timing would also be off. Note that Mars is square the
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Ascendant, but the timing is also not as accurate as the Lot
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of Fortune to Mars. you wish.

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2021.08.11. The 7 Major Methods for Timing in Horary Astrology - Ancient and Chinese Astrology

Also, why did the Moon not show the timing? Well, back in
July 2018 Ben Dykes had not yet published The Astrology of
Sahl ibn Bishr. On p. 236-237 Sahl says we take the indicator
of time from the lord of the Ascendant and the Lights,
especially the one which is stronger and more authoritative in
the question, and more victorious over it. He also adds that
the indicator of time is more authoritative than the Lights,
and if we use a luminary, to take the time from the one which
is looking at the Ascendant.

Bingo! Is the Moon looking at the Ascendant? No, it is averse.

This rule is golden and emphasizes the importance of light.
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Now someone could say, well, notice
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scrutinizes Fortune by a trine, the Sun scrutunizes Fortune by
you wish.

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a squre and Saturn squares Fortune within 3 minutes, though
2021.08.11. The 7 Major Methods for Timing in Horary Astrology - Ancient and Chinese Astrology

separating. The point is, the chart is screaming at the Lot of

Fortune. Of course, Mars will sextile the Lot of Fortune when
it starts to walk back.

So this is the rule for this method of timing in horary

Astrology, namely that we direct the Lot of Fortune to its lord.

Another version of the rule is to direct the Moon to its lord or

vice versa. Go back to the previous chart about the lost cat
and enter the data in your program. If you direct/move
Mercury/the lord of the Moon to the Moon, with the Moon
standing still, you will see that Mercury perfects the superior
square in just over 3 days in the ephemeris. In this case,
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these 3 units in days = 72+ hours = the 70 portions from the
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Moon directed to the Ascendant and Saturn to the IC.

you wish.

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Method 6 for timing in horary Astrology – Umar’s

fourfold way

This quote comes from Ben Dykes’ translation of Hermann of


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In my email communication with Dykes, he said that “the

ascending part of the circle” refers to the Eastern part of the
chart, that is, the left half of the chart aka the free will part in
modern astrology. Reading
Cookie what
Notice Masha’allah and other
authors, who also mention this term, does seem to confirm
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this is what 8th century astrologer Umar meant as well.

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2021.08.11. The 7 Major Methods for Timing in Horary Astrology - Ancient and Chinese Astrology

Notice that Umar skips the week unit and goes from days to
months, which I firmly disagree with. We have 7 days of the
week, ruled of course by the 7 planets in Ancient Astrology. 7
is among the most used numbers in the christian bible as
well. Besides, let’s face it, how many of the horary questions
last for years, as opposed to weeks. As such, I advise not to
skip a unit and use common sense when assigning them.
Thus we have 3 options:

1) Minutes, hours, days or weeks;

2) Hours, days, weeks or months;

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3) Days, weeks, months or years.
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2021.08.11. The 7 Major Methods for Timing in Horary Astrology - Ancient and Chinese Astrology

I will apply the method to 3 of the charts:

Example chart 7: Will I get my documents

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This is example 2 chart about the documents my sister asked

me about. The major and applying significator is Venus, lord
of the 11th house of the documents applying to its domicile
lord, Mars – also the Ascendant ruler.

The shortest unit cannot be minutes nor days, so it is option

2: hours, days, weeks, months.

1) Venus is not in the ascending part of the circle;

2) Venus is not eastern of the Sun (although I hope the

author does not mean Cookie
“oriental” in the sense of Ptolemy,
because Venus is visible and thus oriental. Venus is also in an
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eastern quadrant);Cookie settings ACCEPT Read More

2021.08.11. The 7 Major Methods for Timing in Horary Astrology - Ancient and Chinese Astrology

3) Venus is moving quickly;

4) Its receiving lord is not moving quickly

3 of the conditions are missing. If all 4 were missing it would

be months. Therefore the unit is weeks.

Another way to put it is reversely, namely that only 1

condition is present = it is not hours, it is not days, but it is

Example chart 8
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This is example chart 6 of the missing stray dog. The

significator is Mars, as was established.

The most appropriate unit is number 2: hours, days, weeks

or months.

1) Mars is in the ascending part of the circle;

2) Mars, while preceding the Sun is making a morning station

and is hence no longer eastern in the way ancient astrologers
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considered it.
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3) Mars is not proceeding quickly;

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4) Its lord Saturn is not proceeding quickly

Same in this chart. 3 of the conditions are missing. If all 4

were missing it would be months. Therefore the unit is

Another way to put it is reversely, namely that only 1

condition is present = it is not hours, it is not days, but it is

Example chart 9

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This is example chart 5 for the missing cat. The Moon is the
timing indicator, as was shown. Besides, it also rules animals.

Option 2 makes the most sense: hours, days, weeks,


1) The Moon is in the eastern part of the chart;

2) The Moon is eastern (ancient astrologers consider the

Moon eastern from conjunction with the Sun to the
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3) The Moon is not moving quickly (under 13 portions per


4) The Moon’s lord Mercury is moving quickly (1.16 portions

per day and increasing);

3 of the 4 conditions are met = it is not hours but days = the

correct unit.

Notice that for this Umar method to work, we would have to

give the primary importance to the direction of the Moon’s
lord to the Moon, not to the direction
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The former shows just over 3 days, while the latter is 70 and
one would have to convert the 70 to hours. I prefer to work
in the same unit and not convert one into the other for

Method 7 for timing in horary Astrology – the

ascensional times of the zoidia of the significators and
the minor years of the planets in their respective unit

This is also from the Book of the Nine Judges, from Sahl,
from Valens in natal Astrology, etc.

I have never used this method because I know how tricky it

is from Valens. Even though it looks easy, it is not. It has
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many variations which makes a technique far more complex
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and demanding than it ought to
be.  I would use it as a
you wish.

tertiary indication or onsettings

Cookie hindsight.
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Example chart 10

Here is the chart of the missing cat again. This time I have
added the rising times of the zoidia.

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Notice that if you combine the minor period of the Moon in

Gemini + its ascensional times + the ascensional times of its
lord Mercury in Pisces = 25+28.21+16.67 = 69.88 units = 3
days short of 2 hours and about 8 minutes – unbelievably

One can also combine the the minor period of the Moon + its
rising times + the minor period of its lord Mercury =
25+28.21+20=73.21 = 3 days 1 hour and 20 minutes – not
as accurate.

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Example chart 11
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Here is chart 2 and 7 about the documents again. I have

added the ascensions of the zoidia.

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As usual, we combine the rising times and planetary periods

of the significators. In this case, they are Venus, lord 11 of
the documents, and Mars, its domicile lord and also the lord
of the Ascendant. The minor period of Venus + the minor
period of Mars+ its rising times

= 8+15+39.31= 62.31 = unit is days to match the 8+ unit in


= 62.31 days from the asking of the question on the 25

March = early morning of 27th of May – 1 day late, as the
documents arrived on theCookie
26th Notice
of May.
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However, notice that this method for timing in horary

Astrology does not work for the missing stray dog/example
chart 6 and 8. It does not work for example chart 1 about the
racquets either, unless one resorts to adding in the major
periods of at least one of the significators and uses the hour
unit. I mean the Moon 25 + Jupiter 79 + Saturn 30 + rising
times of Capricorn 28.21 = 162.21 in hours = almost 6 hours
short of 7 days. I got the racquets 4 hours short of 7 days
after asking the question. We don’t need such accuracy, and
horary is not supposed to be that involved. Remember,
horary is the lowest branch of Ancient Astrology. Otherwise
one could get tempted into using the full method given, by
Valens in his Book VII, Cookie
by using the major periods of the
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planets, as well as 1/2 and 1/3 of the total result.
you wish.

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Conclusion on timing in horary Astrology
2021.08.11. The 7 Major Methods for Timing in Horary Astrology - Ancient and Chinese Astrology

There are some other methods for timing events in horary,

but these are by far the major ones.

I trust this article will be of big use for those that wish to
increase their learning about timing in horary Astrology. We
astrologers should remain humble and remember that the
truth is in the chart. I love (horary) Astrology and its amazing

My usual thanks to the website and to the author for the free
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