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Thank you Nafiz.

Now I am going to talk about requirement 2 which consist of value

proposition, online market place structure, market segment and revenue model of bKash. Value
Bkash offers to customers five primary values. As you can see in the diagram. The values
proposed for its customers are:
 Fast: A customer can transact using bkash in real time that is fast transaction.
 Affordable: It offers lower online banking costs than others which is affordable to a
large range of people.
 Convenience: bKash is convenient because a user can use its service 24/7.
 Secure: bKash’s defensive IT software and skilled employees ensures the highest
security for customers.
 Coverage: bKash is available within a few steps throughout the country.

Online marketplace structure: As bKash is a mobile banking institution, so its marketplace

structure is multichannel. First comes the agent who collects the revenue from the user and those
agent recharge the account of customers. Also customers can transect between each other and
that is how bKash operates their online market place structure.

Market segment

bKash divides its customer in two segments. Those are demographical & socio-economical.
bKash segments the market demographically, focusing on occupation, income of various people,
students, business persons and many more. People from various social economic class are also
segmented as customers.

M.A.M. (2019, December 20). How bKash became the most loved brand of the country. The Daily Star.

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