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Ervalen: One million Gold or your Captain’s gonna be dead! You hear me?

Schniel: Oh man that’s way too expensive you got a discount or something
Celine: Hey kid, do you want anything?
Karin: A bagel.
Karin: Two bagels.
Lidica: How much money do you have?
Lots: Uh… 69 Gold.
Lidica: Ah! You know what that means.
Lots: *crying* I don’t have enough money for chicken nuggets…
*on a date with Cerise*
Pavel: I’ve been waiting in this cafe for five hours.
Violet: They won’t go to your table man you have to go to the counter
Sez: Hey Lidica, what time is it?
Lidica: Pass me that sax over there and we’ll find out.
Lidica: *horrible sax solo*
Violet: Apartment ‘complex’? Sounds pretty simple to me.
Pavel: ‘Based’? Based on what?
Luluca: You’re telling me a shrimp fried this rice?
Cerise: Please I’m begging you what are you saying
Angelica: Release all the sound entrapped in your mind…
Clarissa: *high-pitched demonic screeching*
Rin: Come on, Sez! You’ve been in there forever! Come out of the closet
Sez: I’m bisexual!
Rin: Not what I meant, but I’ll support you!
Kawerik: I’m here. Open up.
Vivian: Well, it all starts when I was young and discovered my talent for
Elena: I saw you hanging out with Lena yesterday –
Ray: Elena, it’s not what you think!
Elena: I WON’T HESITATE BITCH *pulls out gun*
Ras: Hey Vildred, I dreamt yesterday that we fucked.
Vildred: Dude, that’s gay. I wouldn’t fuck you.
Ras: You won’t?
Vildred: Well unless you want to…
Tenebria: Have you ever wanted to make someone dab against their own will?
Well what if I told you, you’re not the only one? Hi, I’m Tenebria, and I’m a
diagnosed psycopath.
Arbiter Vildred: Can I get a waffle?
*Kayron, Tenebria and Nilgal beat each other up*
AVil: Can I PLEASE get a waffle?
oh and since you’re here i’d like to propose: yuna x karin, the yuri version of ras
x vildred
- the Heir of the world, with all the burden on their shoulder
- their loyal swordswielder who will always protect them
- dark variants included
Montmoracy: Just remember, no one can hate you more, than you are already
hating yourself.
*talking about Krau*
Clarissa: He doesn’t deserve you. If he doesn’t treat you right by now, you’re
Montmoracy: I’m gone.
Clarissa: Now go chop his dick off!
Lilias: Hey, Pavel –
Ralph: *growls aggressively*
Pavel: It don’t bite.
Lilias: YES IT DO
Vildred: A lot has happened when you’re gone. The 6th World was destroyed.
Ras: Really?
Vildred: And the 7th Archdemon is about to be awakened already.
Ras: Okay, I’m gonna be right back.
Ras: Then I flew myself right into the sun.
Laika: Come on you two!
Kanna: SHOT GUN!
Brinus: Ugh, Kanna, you’re always – WHOA WHAT THE HELL?
Kanna: No, I found a shotgun! And I want the front seat. *ka-click*
Kanna: *enters the car with balloons*
Laika and Brinus: Are they helium balloons? What the fuck – I told you the car
is not to have helium balloons – Ah it’s too late we’re flying now –
Cermia: Here’s a song called “What I want for Christmas”.
Cermia: Money.
Celestial Mercedes: I am legally obligated to state the following: Three Hos and
a Merry Goddess’s birthday is on December 25th.
Landy: Lovecore this. Cottagecore that. What about the reactor core it’s about
to explode
Alexa: Wanna play 21 questions?
Iseria: I’ll start. What’s your favourite color?
Arbiter Vildred: Quick! Follow Ras!
Morfid: Is he going to follow me back?
AVid: No, I don’t think so –
AVid: *slowly leaves*
Ray: So tell me more.
Lena: Well, I feel like my doctor’s hitting on me.
Ray: And how does that make you feel?
Lena: Pretty good.
Ray: *happy squealing*
Me: Oh no!
Ambitious Tywin: Oh no.
Last Rider Krau: *busts through the wall* OH YEAH

rta’s a bitch
Yuna: Tama! Your singing’s so good yesterday!
Tamarinne: Ohmygod I didn’t even try it was just improv –
Yuna: Oh my god why can’t you just take a freaking complimEEEEE
Schuri: This one’s to end all war on Orbis *misses*

also please come home i need my eyepatch trifecta

edit: nvm he came home
Vildred: Watch out, Ruele. The weather’s a bit muggy today.
Ruele: I swear if I see all our mugs outside…
Vildred: *sips coffee from bowl*
Benevolent Romann: I’m thinking of doing some magic –
Ambitious Tywin: You? Magic? Romann, this is a *talent* show.
Lilibet: *walks through the Chaos Gate*
Luluca: And just like that she whipped and nae nae’d out of my life
Lilibet: Kawerik was so annoying.
Kawerik: *teleports* I heard you were talking shit about me
Lidica/Clarissa/Blood Blade Karin: Violence is never the answer. Violence is a
question and the answer is yes.
Mortelix: Hello. Is your aunt home?
Yufine: Uh, you know what…
*Alencia throws herself out of the window in the background*
Yufine:… she just left.
Iseria: Do you want to hold hands?
Cermia: Uh, no, that’s kinda gay.
Iseria: Cermia, we’ve been dating –
Charles, charging into battle: LET’S GO LESBIANS LET’S GO HERE WE
Blood Moon Haste: You don’t have a couch or a TV right here?
Haste: This is my fridge.
BMH: Where’s the indoor water park? This is sad.
Haste: Indoor – THIS IS MY FRIDGE
Luluca: I’ve learned something. Vegetable oil is made from vegetables, coconut
oil is made from coconut, so baby oil is made from –
Violet: Stop it you’re embarassing me in front of the dinner table
BBK: I’ve went through an entire character arc during the holiday. I became
more evil if you’re asking
Judith: Don’t worry! That means your redemption arc is coming soon!
BBK: I’m going to become even more evil on purpose
Hazel: Are you ready for the history test tomorrow?
Yuna: Sure am! Ask me anything!
Hazel: What ended in 442?
Yuna: 441!
Hazel: …You’re ready.
Mortelix: *scrolls through facebook* Hmm… beneath me, beneath me,
juvenile, beneath me,… juvenile, this one’s good, beneath me, juvenile,…
Tempest Surin: I’m 16 and I have seen literally everything
Singelica: Don’t mind me I’m doing hot girl shit *becomes an immortal being*
Mortelix: Haha… you’re all beneath me. I’m a god compared to you. Don’t you
know that, you pathetic fucking worm? *trips and busts his ass while saying that
to Ras*

i gotta make fun of him man he shares his name with a fucking rat from
Kayron: I don’t need friends. They disappoint me. *strikes a cool pose*
Kiris, drawing her bow to a mushroom: Tell me the face of the Goddess you
fungal piece of shit
The mushroom: Can you feel your heart burning? Can you feel the struggle
within? The fear within me is beyond anything your soul can make. You cannot
kill me in a way that matters.
Kiris pulling the bow, tears streaming down her face: I’M NOT FUCKING

Silk: Uhh Kiris? What’s that story supposed to mean?

Kiris: Decay exists as an extant form of life.
Silk: That’s a terrifying answer, have a nice day
Tenebria: Would you rather die or –
Kayron: Die.
Tenebria: I didn’t even –
Kayron: D I E.
this has been done before hasn’t it
Captain Rikoris: I’ve arrived at Cidonia! Ask me anything!
Krau: Any milfs?
Yuna: Any milfs?
Captain Rikoris: The AMA is now over! Thanks for your thought provoking
and interesting questions!
Lilias: Know why I called you in here?
Violet: Because I accidentally sent you a dick pic
Lilias: *stops pouring wine* Accidentally?
Top Model Luluca: What’s with these dumb accessories? It looks lame.
Designer Lilibet: It’s caaaaaAAAAALLLLLEED designer’s choice.
Tomoca: I’ve spilled lipstick in your Valentino white bag.
Dilibet: You spilled – wuhwuhwauh – LIPSTICK IN MY VALENTINO
Bellona: Smile!
Rin: Sweet!
Aramanthia: Sister!
Lidica: Sadistic!
Sez: Surprise.
Charlotte/Ludwig: Of course I have a lot of pent-up rage you fool I’ve been the
same height since I was 12
All-Rounder Wanda: Do you ever want to talk about your feelings?
Hurado: No.
Sven: I do.
AR Wanda: I know.
Sven: I’m sad.
AR Wanda: I know, Sven.
Violet: Send dudes!
Luluca: Don’t you mean nudes?
Violet: I got into a barfight. I need more men. Also they better be nude
Krau: Two shots of vodka *pours an entire bottle into the cup*
Martial Artist Ken: Go suck a dick, suck a dick, suck a motherfucking dick,
suck a dick –
Champion Zerato: Suck a big or small dick~~~
The Acolytes gang: Sorry but we are no longer accepting applications to join
our toxic polycule. Please wait 9-10 business weeks until one of us has been
voted out through trial of competitive strip jenga matches
MA Ken/Cerato: I’ll kick anyone’s ass. I’ll kick your ass. I’ll kick your dog’s
ass. I’ll kick my own ass
Charles: Let me see what you have!
Aither: A knife!
Charles: NO!!
Alencia: Can you get my pillow from the top shelf?
Mortelix: So you admit you need me in your life.
Alencia: I can and will replace you with a step stool.
alternative universe: bbk but instead of being possessed by the destructive
power of a cursed blade she is possessed by the destructive power of a wrapping
paper tube
Serila: I am not sorry for my massive titties nor the multiple atrocities I have
Violet: I have no soul, have a nice day! *hands Riolet a balloon*
Riolet: I have none either.
*Luluca wheezes off-screen*
Flan: *giddily skips and jumps onto the couch* Teeheeheehee, hahaha!
Flan: *through her intercom* Landy♡!
Kawerik: You ready to fucking die?
Lilibet: I’m a bad bitch, you can’t kill me!
Kawerik: …BITCH
*awaking Operator Sigret for the first time*
Operator Sigret: Daddy?
Last Rider Krau: *seductively* Yes?
Operator Sigret:
Operator Sigret: *system shut down*
Assassin Coli: Oh I talk in my sleep btw
Assassin Cidd: It’s okay
Assassin Coli sleeptalking: Fuck you Cidd you ugly piece of shit *throws
dagger* ponytail having motherfucker
Flan: Haha that’s so funny! *leans over to Landy* I’ll cover this up please kill
this fucker for me
Sezan: I was once a great sorcerer with immense power
Baal: Sure my lady let’s get you to bed
concept: the five Banshee girls form a goth girls band
they don’t get along well and their first album is just solo songs
Archdemon’s Shadow: I have to be dramatic ever since the minute I was born or
I’ll die
*first meeting*
Pavel: You have some white hair. Is that because of your ice power?
Cerise: That’s stress from overwork, but thanks for asking!
Pavel: Do you need some rest?
Cerise: My job knows no rest. Come on, we’re going to be late!
Roaming Warrior Leo: I’ve bitten six people this year by hiding in the rack of
sweaters and lunging when someone reaches out to touch them but the banana
republic staff can’t put me down because I’m an endangered species

get it? cause no mf use him ever?

Angelica: “What time is it” you asked, I pull out my 2.7 metric ton granite
sundial and crush both of your feet, I loudly announce “It is cloudy”
Luluca: It’ll be fun
Luluca: We’ll make it a date
Luluca: Come on you punk bitch
Violet: I can’t believe I have to say this
Violet: I don’t have time to get tested for STIs with you tomorrow
Cerise: Come on! Support your girl! She’s nervous!!!
Violet: She once fed me pepper spray without my knowledge

gotta love the Cidonian squad

Dingo: *creates soup that destroys the self* My masterpiece
Eda: Today’s a great day… can’t wait for tomorrow *breaks down crying*
Researcher Carrot: I haven’t sleep for a week my blood is full of caffein and
sugar. My soul is screaming beyond human limits while transcending through
23 different dimensions to fight my evil alternative self but if I make another
swing of the staff my body will crumble into dust
Hazel: Damn. Same
Yuna: Been there
Doll Maker Pearlhorizon: Understandable
The rest of Reingar: Same
Guider Aither: It’s quick, it’s easy and it’s free: pouring river water in your
Wanderer Silk: Why would I want to do that lmao
Guider Aither: It’s quick, it’s easy and it’s free

rare characters time woo

Briar Witch Iseria: Hmmm I might get it. And we could be friends in it?
Iseria: Yeah we can be friends. You can come to my island too.
Briseria: That sounds nice.
Yuna: Are you two getting Animal Crossing or are you dying on the battlefield

briseria plays ac for comfort

Dingo: Hey. Want some blades?
Khawana: No. Blades are for skating!
Khawana: You dingus.
Khawana: *distant* It’s kinda snowy
Cecilia: *sends a selfie with a hat* What do you think of my new hat?
Nemunas: I like it
Cecilia: Was that too forward? Sorry I don’t usually send hat pictures to people
Nemunas: No you’re fine
Ras: Time sensitive question how flirt boy
Cerato: Throw rocks at he
MA Ken: Hot Dog
BBK: Kill him
Ras: Thanks guys

gathered the dark kids for this specific purpose only

this might work with others but i’m not sure
Mortelix: What? You’re not coming to my tea party? ALENCIA I MADE B I S
Fallen Cecilia: Hatred and vengeance swells within me. Even when the crystals
are slowly encasing me, even when my limbs are growing numb, I must soldier
on until that witch is slain. Only by then can they rest easy.
Briseria: I have lived for too long… Watching my friends and comrades die by
my own hands… My soul has never known solace ever since. Their screams,
their cries, their pain,… they torment me every waking moment, until the final
day that will never come. Tell me, what other reason is there for me to live?
Riolet: I… have some apples left.
Briseria: Thank you.
F.Cecilia: I’ll have one as well.
ok back to funny
Operator Sigret: This mission should be easy considering your combat
capability. Right now, you have a 98.6% chance of success.
Last Rider Krau: So there’s a 1.4% chance of me failing this mission and die.
Operator Sigret: … Yes, but that’s not –
Last Rider Krau: I like those odds. Let’s do it.
Clarissa: Your word is ‘destroy’.
Achates: Can you use that in a sentence?
Clarissa: Sure. Last night I desTROY THAT PUSSY –
Corvus, swinging Enott at Kayron: I’M GOING TO BEAT YOU
Yuna: I’m Elon Musk of bad ideas, if Elon Musk was a 5’8 Korean high school
girl and DUMB.
Sezan: Once I rematerialize into a revered and sexy dom sorcerer it’s over for
you fuckers
Challenger Dominiel: OwO what’s twis? An unconcwious perswon? This is not
guwud... Don’t wowwy! Here comes the defibwiwatow!
Dominiel: Just electrocute me please
Achates: Welcome to bible study we’re all children of the Goddess
*cuts to Angelica snorting coke*
Achates: kumbaya MY GODDESS
Cecilia: How does it feel to be a big sister of four?
Carmainerose: Well, imagine living in a family with siblings who will always
behave and care for each other.
Cecilia: Okay.
Carmainerose: Now throw that thought out of the window.
Luluca: *creates massive waves* It’s still stealthy if no one is alive to tell,
Ah yes, the five Heirs of the world:
Yuna: a
Iseria: i don’t think I’ll ever find love
Ludwig: wtf is wrong with me
Ras: i’m losing it
Krau: i need to see some mf titties this instant
Fairytale Tenebria: Here. Pick any card.
Mad Hatter Serila: *picks her credit card*
Krau, drunk at 3am: You think fish can see air but not water just like how we
can see water but not air
Friedrich: Why the fuck are you here
Krau: Everything is either wine or not wine
Friedrich: One more stupid bullshit from your mouth and I’ll kick you out
Krau: Our skeletons are always wet
Basar: They are my flip-flops.
Fun fact I learned today: Aither is ranked 4th in the E7 wiki page’s husbando
list, which is higher than Violet and Vildred

what the heck

what i want to see if anime is introduced into orbis:
Both Kaguya-sama OPs performed by FTene and White Bunny Kayron
Wotakoi OP performed by the Cidonia squad(Vio/Lulu/Pavel/Cerise)
JJK 1st ending Lost in Paradise performed by the Acolytes
Violet: Looks like we can’t gaslight gatekeep girlboss out of this one boys
Ras: What does any of the words you said even mean
Sven: The best part about an Oreo is the frosting and not the black cookie. Deal
with it
Hurado: Darkness without light is an abyss. Light without darkness is blinding.
You cannot only have one side of the coin.
AR Wanda: Yo Hurado it’s a fucking cookie
The embodiment of destruction sent by the Gods to destroy the world falls in
love with the cruel illusionist acolyte
Call that Demon Queen and Mage
Karin: I just want to enjoy some sweets without the manifestation of an ancient
vengeful spirit stopping me from doing so
Bellona: …Isn’t that just your rational thoughts?
Karin: I said what I said.
Watcher Schuri & Assassin Cartuja: We came to this Orbis in order to find and
eliminate the Black Knight Straze. Now that the mission is done, we’ll continue
to assist the Phantom CIC on new adventures and further investigate the forces
behind the Chaos Gates.
Celestial Mercedes: I just came here in this big tiddy girl’s body to fuck around
and build trippy labyrinths while smoking some weird plants lmao hey why are
there six of you
Violet: This lady here’s my destiny, she says –
Bellona: Ooooooh-ooh-ooh-ooooh – Shut up! Shut up.

this also works with trozet and like. 90% of the girls he encountered
Alencia: If you’re fortunate enough, your internal organs will spend their entire
lifespan in darkness.
Choux: Not if I swallow this glow stick!
Doll Maker Pearlhorizon: You walk into the kitchen and I’m wearing gloves
and goggles and welding a living creature together
Chloe: Go to horny jail *smashes the enemy so hard their bones collapses like
an accordion*
speaking of chloe i have a hc
she and choux will be best friends and often play with cream together
that’d be pretty cute i think
Basar: You will never die at the hands of quicksand.
Cartuja: How are you so sure about this?
Basar: Because they don’t have hands.
Furious: I sentence you to 10 years in prison.
Violet: Well what if I… *unbuttons his shirt*… change your mind?
Furious: … 20 years.
Krau: The club is bumping. The ladies look good. The alcohol is flowing. There
is much pain in this world but not in this room
Dingo: I’m thinking of opening up a chain restaurant.
Cidd: Cool! Can I try the main dish?
Dingo:*hands him a plate of chains*
Cidd: :)
Cidd: :|
Dingo: Cidd will be going for a week so while he’s gone I’m going to cut the
sleeves off all my jackets.
Jenua: Why?
Dingo: He’s like 85% of my impulse control.
Chloe: Country roads~~~Take me home~~~To the place~~~Where I belong~~~
Tenebria: If you ever had a crush on me god bless your poor misguided heart
Tenebria: Just kidding!<3 I hope you burn to death
Cerise: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
Criminal: No.
Cerise: *covers mic* What do I do now
Luluca: So true best tits! I mean…*looks away from Roana’s badonkahonkers*
Eligos: Alright, Cidd has 19 bottles of dish soap, and he gives –
Assassin Coli: Wait, why does Cidd have so many dish soap!?
Ras: If life’s a journey, I’m suing the travel agency
Bellona: *dragging Specimen Sez’s dead body, wondering whether she should
throw it into the recycleable or non-recycleable trash bin*
concept: Operator Sigret gets her own motorcycle but it’s one of those slow
bikes your mother would use
Clarissa: Listen Elson, you gotta stop letting people walk over you!
Elson, his lungs crushed under Clarissa’s feet: Okay-
Riolet/Briseria: I’m stressed and depressed but at least I’m well dressed
Dingo: Okay first we’ll cut open your stomach to see if there’s anything wrong
so don’t panic –
Zerato: But I only have a slight fever -
Dingo: Did I stutter? Nurse, bring me the scalpel.
BBK: *handing him a butcher knife* Here you go.
Cerato: *creates a crater* Don’t worry fam, I prepared for the worst.
My friend said “Rose can now bonk the horny people” as if she ain’t horny for
Cerato: I was going to challenge you to a battle of wits, but you appears to be
MA Ken: Your mom sucked me hard and good thru my jorts
Brinus: *hands Kanna a harmonica* If you play this you’ll get 100 million
Gold, but 100 million people will die.
Kanna: *plays aggressively*
Laika: KANNA NO –
Khawazu: You better buckle up and do your work or you’ll end up at
Khawana: *gasp* We’re going to McDonalds if I don’t do my work!?
Khawazu: NO -
side note very excited for the possible Tomoca/Dilibet story
we’re gonna see Designer Straze and he’s probably going to wear the most
flamboyant outfit since Elton John in Kingsman 2
Luna: Anyone know any good substitutes for love and personal fulfillment
Yufine: Crunchwrap supreme from Taco Bell
Chloe: Yo this push pop’s bangin
Aither: That’s… a glue stick…
Solitaria to Eda: Aren’t you tired of being nice? Don’t you just want to go
Clarissa: Whoever ate my casserole kindly step forward and I’ll forgive you in
the name of the Goddess.
Clarissa: Smart. You know I’ll never forgive you.
Violet: Stop asking the universe to send you the most beautiful person in the
world. She can’t be anywhere at once.
Luluca: *lifts her face up from the mud puddle she fell into* Huh?
Fighter Maya: Who’s out there!? I have a hammer and I’m not afraid to SEND
Karin: WHO the hell is reading fanfic about multi-level marketing!?
Hazel: Wrong mlm girl
Yuna: The World Health Organization is doing what now
*playing dnd or whatever the fuck orbis’ equivalent of that is*
Jena: You see a warehouse.
Aither: Is that like a werewolf but instead of a wolf they turn into a house?
Jena: *quickly rewrites the stats* It is now.
hey what do you think the chances are for Sonia to become a successful pro
gamer if she wasn’t a hacker
i mean she has it all: the looks, the skills, the anger issues
Surin: Everytime people point out that I speak very monotone I’m like. I’m
sorry, I’ll never be your cute girlfriend, I’ll never homph while eating bread, I’ll
never kyaa when the wind blows up my skirt. I’ll never be her. Why even
fucking try
Inferno Khawazu: I should’ve left you falling into that burning pit when you
were a child.
Great Chief Khawana: …But you DIDN’T.
Yuna: Hey look I can fit my whole fist in my mouth
Adlay: Freaky flexing, but alright
Yuna, through her fist: I’m sorry what did you say
Luluca, about Violet: If I’m a bi girl and I fuck a bi guy it’s literally gay sex btw
it’s like pemdas or whatever it cancels out
Dominiel: Dni if you’re me from another world
Challenger Dominiel: Hey lol
Dominiel: YOU.

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