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Standing wave Resonace in a coil

Resonance is used in allot of application, and so as well in electronics, if u are on your pc reading this
then u are using more then one part that makes use of resonance, for instance your computer power
supply also known as a ATX, in this thing is a transformer a SMPS or Switch mode power supply.
This transformer makes use of a resonance, but this transformer is not a transformer that will generate
anything it will only transfer “transform” and dissipate its energy
in the 0(.)energy world there is allot of talk about resonance as well. But what is different about this
resonance that can seemingly generate energy instead of dissipating it. Well this is might seem very
complex it is rely not.

As if one is familiar with the terms “As above so below, As below so above”
one can see that every thing in the universe revolves around resonance things resonating with one and
other, creating beats, even the the so called atoms are created in the same way, every thing vibrating at
its own scale, the smaller in the scale we go the higher the frequencies well be.
Every small vibration is hold in place by every other small vibration. Its actually just like music,

Tesla was one of the people who was able to discover something of grate significance. He found the
way to generate energy from the eather. Or how we like to call it now a days the 0(.)
how he did this is actually quite simple, but you will need a visual mind and you will have to let go of
allot of now a days accepted electrical theory.

First we need to know what a Tesla coil is and how it is able to do what it does in the conventional sens
Make sparks...!
but what is this spark making and is it productive if u want to generate energy inside the coil...?
for this we need to know what resonance is, in a coil of wire... and more so how does it look..

a coil of wire will have a specific length, this length is the wave length of the coil well know as the full
wave length, this is the length that that the wave travels one rotation. See picture below

0 Column B
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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when we talk about resonance, in a Tesla coil or a transformer one is not talking about full wave length
resonance, but speaks of ¼ wavelength resonance..
well what is this quarter wavelength and how does it look...?
let us first look at how we can break the full wavelength into parts let, take 4 parts

0.6 Column B
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8

the above picture is how a quarter wavelength looks like.

You will see that its the part of the wave that is able to get to max potential.

Column B
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5

this is a half a wavelength and as u can see the wave starts at 0 and ends at 0.



0 sin(x)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5


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the above wavelength is a ¾ wave length 3x a quarter wavelength.

Now way does a tesla coil use a quarter wavelength, and not a half or ¾ or even a full wavelength.
This is very simple, with a quarter wavelength you are able to get the most amount of power with the
least amount of work,
if u look at the quarter wavelength u will probably understand way, as compared to the other
wavelengths it goes from 0 to max potential.
What will happen if there is enough pressure inside the coil it will eject its energy as leakage Sparking.

So in this sens u can see that the sparking is energy/pressure release.

And so loosing energy in the system.
So we may come to the conclusion that sparking is not something u want, as it is energy release.
But let us get back to way tesla his resonance was different from that of a lets say a SMPS

for one he used bifiller coils, these coils have very interesting properties and will be described later in
this document.
Second and most important, he used more than one coil of wire, if u look at the Colorado spring notes,
tesla is experimenting with allot of extra coils in the system. Well one might wonder way the use of a
extra coil . It is know that it increases pressure in the coils and so is able to generate energy, but way
does the pressure rise in the coils.
As we have seen a tesla coil uses a ¼ of the wavelength, this for the reason that was explained above.
But now we have energy that wants to go somewhere aka sparking, and we found that this is not useful,
but here Is the key use these sparks for something,
before we go on we will have to take a look at sound.
What happens when u take 2 of the same frequencies of ultra sound and aim them at one and other..?
well this is interesting as it will create a standing wave this is a wave that is like the name standing still.
It does not travel like a normal transverse wave, these waves are formed by compression of air in
between the waves, the effect that can be made by this is acoustic levitation. see picture below..
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Tesla found out that this is possible with energy as well..!!

so to use coils to create standing waves in eather, made from the compression of eather, just as the
standing wave in air is made by the compression of air.

Now there are many many ways of doing this, and some of these ways I will explain.
At first one will have to know how a standing wave works before one can make them.
The basic thing what u need is a wave that cancels one and other,
this can be done in more ways but let us focus on reflection.. what is reflection

well its simple its like a bounce, the same way radar works, u send a wave and this wave reflects of
something and will return to the sender.
If we would look at a full wavelength that does this, it would look like this..

4/4 wave
4/4 Reflection wave
-0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

the waves travel in opposite directions and so creating a standing wave just as the picture above

Now how do we exploit this effect...? well this is where the extra coil comes In.
if we look at the wavelengths of the coils.

We start with a ¼ coil, what would happen if we take a other ¼ coil and use that as a extra coil
as ¼ + ¼ = 2/4 we will end up with a half a wavelength. Like this

Column B
Column D
-0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
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this Is not a full wavelength but still it creates a standing wave, and this would look something like

0.5 sin(y)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 sin(y)

now if we take a ¼ coil and add a ¾ coil as a extra coil one will get a full wavelength standing wave
¼ + ¾ = 4/4 =1
This looks like this...


0.5 sin(y)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 sin(y)


lets no some numbers now so thing may become somewhat more clear.

If we have for instance a 50m coil. Lets call this coil L1. Lets calculate what the frequencies and
wavelengths are..

the resonant frequencies of a coil is calculated with this formula;

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so for a 50m coil these are the frequencies at there particular wavelength.

L1 4/4= 6Mhz
3/4= 4.5Mhz

now lets take a other coil of 3x the length of the L1 coil.

So a coil of 150m. Lets call it L2 hes the frequencies at the following wavelength

L2 4/4=2Mhz

now as we described above we want to use the ¼ frequencies for pulsing, as this moves the most
energy for the least amount of work.

So for L1 we want to use the ¼

now for the L2, the extra coil! We want to make sure that the frequency is the same only that the
wavelength in the coil is different.
As u can see of the small calculation above, the ¾ of L2 is the same as the ¼ of L1

1.5 1.5
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
-0.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 -0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
-1 -1
-1.5 -1.5

what u will do in this way is generate pressure in side the L1 and let this energy be released inside the
L2 coil by means of a spark, so that u are able to reflect the wave on the Ground node of the L2 coil
and so able to create standing waves, in this way the coils do not lose there power but use it to amplify
the energy inside the coil, and in this way creating enormous amounts of pressure in the system.
As shown before these effects are not limited to the full wavelength and can be made with many
wavelengths for instance the half wave length standing wave.

For even more pressure in the system one could use a bifiller winding, as this winding will be able to
store allot more energy then a normal wound coil.
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as explained in Tesla patent No. 512.340, the effects of a bifilar coil are very beneficial for the purpose
of generating energy, match more the a conventional coil, this is mostly because the coil acts more like
a capacitor than a coil when in resonance, to say, the self induction of the coil will be almost
eliminated, this because of the very useful effect that the coil can absorb its own Back EMF and is able
to store it in it windings until the next cycle, As well one can use DC resonance to do some interesting
things, think of the bi-filar choke coil Mr Meyer used in his HHO driver.

Below is a picture of a normal wound coil, this is the coil winding most “not all” transformers use,
the down side about this winding is that the capacitance in the coil is spread over a large area”the
whole coil”
so to say that the left side is ground and the right is high potential, and in the middle a rising potential,
the picture next to it as a capacitor one plate is a positive plate the other a negative plate,
the coil can be given the same drawing only that one side of the coil is negative and the other positive,
so to say there Is one capacitor in the coil, but spread over the entire coil. So when a coil hes 10000
turns and there is a potential of 1000 volts across the whole coil there will be a charge an every wire
equal to the amount of Volts over the amount of turns. In this case this is 0.2 volts per turn.

The picture below shows a bifilar coil,

in this configuration the coil will be wound in such a way that there will exist a maximum potential
difference in between turns,
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as u can see below when the coil is wound in this way, you will use 2 wires and this 2 wires have the
most amount of difference in potential as possible, if we take the green wire the negative and follow it
up to its maximum of potential, than the wire will go back to the negative side of the coil, and is laying
next to the negative wire, so you will have one max positive wire and one maximum negative wire, so
compared to the normal coil this coil hes a small capacitor on every winding instead of one big
capacitance on the total coil this will have as effect that the total amount of potential of the coil is split
in 2 and this potential will be on every winding, so as for the bifilar coil, if we take a coil with 10,000
turns and 1kv of potential we will have a potential on every winding of 500 volts, the difference in
stored energy compared to the normal wound coil is very big , this can be calculated in this manner.
(bifilar coil potential per turn2 ) 500 2
= =25,000,000
(normal coil potential per turn2 ) 0.12

so from this u can see that the amount of energy in the described bifilar coil will be about 25,000,00x
more then in a normal coil,

the ResFreq of the coil will be different as well, as these coils need to be calculate as a LC circuit, this
can not be done with the normal equation that is used in normal coils f =
this can only be done with a complex calculation of the self capacitance of the coil and the inductance
of one of the windings.

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