Magic WWII

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Playable Races

Humans are the only race native to Earth, and remain a strong majority. In addition to native
humans, many can trace their ancestry to humans who arrived through the rifts with the other Visitants.
Humans are chiefly notable for an adaptability that can verge on unpredictability. Despite almost five
hundred years to get accustomed to the existence of other sapient races, underground subcultures
rooted in human supremacy lurk among many societies (which has had the ironic side effect of all but
eliminating intra-human racism).

2 Br 2 Ag 2 Int 2 Cun 2 Will 2 Pr

Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn

Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower

Starting Experience: 110 XP

Starting Skills: Humans begin with one rank in each of two different non-career skills. You still cannot
train these skills above rank 2 during character creation.

Ready for Adventure: Once per session as an out-of-turn incidental, a Human may move one Story Point
from the Game Master’s pool to the players’ pool.

Elves are the most insular of the Visitants. They generally keep to their own cities, often
constructed deep in the forests. Despite this, they are far from difficult to find, and many are more than
happy to mingle and interact with other races. Elves tend to be slightly above human height and are
often slender and agile.

2 Br 3 Ag 2 Int 2 Cun 1 Will 2 Pr

Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn

Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower

Starting Experience: 90 XP

City elves are those that have chosen to live among other cultures. While they still generally
have their own enclaves in other peoples’ cities, they are the most comfortable dealing with outsiders.

Starting Skills: City Elves begin with one rank in Streetwise. You still cannot train their Streetwise above
rank 2 during character creation.
Nimble: Elves have a melee and ranged defense of 1.

Wood Elves live in communities of their own far from others, especially in the deep forests that
give them their name. While outsiders are not exactly forbidden from Wood Elf cities, they are not
welcomed either. Wood Elves who leave their homelands find themselves much in demand for their
knowledge of natural lore.

Starting Skills: Wood Elves begin with one rank in Survival. You still cannot train their Survival above
rank 2 during character creation.

Nimble: Elves have a melee and ranged defense of 1.

Dwarves are industrious and sociable. They prefer large cities, where they can find plenty of
customers for the craftwork that they are renowned for. While shorter than Humans or Elves, Dwarves
are often heavyset and are renowned for both their physical and mental toughness.

2 Br 1 Ag 2 Int 2 Cun 3 Will 2 Pr

Wound Threshold: 11 + Brawn

Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower

Starting Experience: 90 XP

Mountain Dwarves reside in great cities carved out of the living stone of mountains. Many
rugged ranges are most easily crossed through the great tunnels that connect Dwarven cities to either
side, bringing a constant flow of visitors. Mountain Dwarves are as comfortable in the darkness beneath
the earth as in the light above the surface.

Starting Skills: Mountain Dwarves begin with one rank in Resilience. You still cannot train their
Discipline above rank 2 during character creation.

Dark Vision: When making skill checks, Mountain Dwarves remove up to 2 Setback imposed due to

Tough as Nails: Once per session, a Dwarf may spend a Story Point as an out-of-turn incidental
immediately after suffering a Critical Injury and determining the result. If they do so, they count the
result rolled as “01.”

Dwarves that choose to live away from their mountain cities are known as Valley Dwarves.
Valley Dwarves are most often found among the greatest cities of other races, where the quality of their
products, and the prices they charge, have become legendary.

Starting Skills: Valley Dwarves begin with one rank in Negotiation. You still cannot train their
Negotiation above rank 2 during character creation.

Stubborn: Valley Dwarves add 1 Setback to social skill checks targeting them.

Tough as Nails: Once per session, a Dwarf may spend a Story Point as an out-of-turn incidental
immediately after suffering a Critical Injury and determining the result. If they do so, they count the
result rolled as “01.”

Orcs are tall, burly Visitants with great capacity for strength. Despite their reputation for
brutality, Orcs tend not to be any more inclined to evil than the people of other races. They often take a
casual approach to violence, however, and their rough behavior does a lot to reinforce their reputation
as savages.

3 Br 2 Ag 2 Int 2 Cun 2 Will 1 Pr

Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn

Strain Threshold: 8 + Willpower

Starting Experience: 100 XP

Plains Orcs prefer to live the nomadic existences their ancestors led before coming to Earth.
While they can be found throughout the world, their tribes usually congregate in the open plains of
North America and Africa. While by no means primitive, Plains Orcs enjoy hunting with hand weapons
and often have a terrifying appearance.

Starting Skills: Plains Orcs begin with one rank in Coercion. You still cannot train their Coercion above
rank 2 during character creation.

Battle Rage: When making a melee attack, a Plains Orc can choose to add 1 Setback to the check to add
+2 to the damage dealt by one hit of that attack.

Stone-Dweller Orcs dwell in cities and are the most familiar of their race to outsiders. Their
strength and quick reaction time puts them in high demand as security guards and police officers,
although they still carry a hot-blooded streak that can easily lead to trouble in those roles.
Starting Skills: Stone-Dweller Orcs begin with one rank in Cool. You still cannot train their Cool above
rank 2 during character creation.

Hot Tempered: While a Stone-Dweller Orc’s strain exceeds half of their strain threshold, they add 2
Setback to all social skill checks and add 1 to the damage of one hit of each melee attack they make.

The most reclusive of their kind, Wilderness Orcs tend to live in small villages deep in the most
inhospitable areas. Travelers from all over the world seek to study their alchemical recipes handed
down from before the first Orcs came to Earth. Some Wilderness Orcs go out into the world seeking
adventure or wealth, but most are content to lead quiet, isolated lives.

Starting Skills: Wilderness Orcs begin with one rank in Alchemy. You still cannot train their Alchemy
above rank 2 during character creation.

Tenacious: After a Wilderness Orc hits a character with a successful combat check, they add 1 Boost to
combat checks targeting the same character until the end of the encounter.

Gnomes are the most numerous of Visitants. These diminutive, silver-tongued folk can be found
everywhere, and while they have very few communities of their own they have a knack for fitting in
among other races as though born to them.
1 Br 2 Ag 2 Int 3 Cun 1 Will 3 Pr

Wound Threshold: 6 + Brawn

Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower

Starting Experience: 90 XP

Small: Gnomes are silhouette 0

Despite the name, Burrow Gnomes aren’t actually particularly given to living underground.
Rather, it’s a nickname for those Gnomes who prefer to live in one place. Burrow Gnomes tend to be on
a first-name basis with everyone who lives nearby. They’re very protective of their homes, and it’s quite
common to see a disproportionate number of Gnomes in a community’s military reserves or militia.

Starting Skills: Burrow Gnomes begin with one rank in Charm and one rank in Resilience. You still
cannot train their Charm or Resilience above rank 2 during character creation.

Militia Training: Burrow Gnomes add 1 Boost to all combat checks that target characters who have a
larger silhouette than they do.

Some Gnomes are struck by a desire to wander the world, meeting new people and seeing new
things. Between their natural friendliness and a knack for sneaking, Wanderer Gnomes have an uncanny
ability to get where they want to go regardless of who doesn’t want them there. Wanderer Gnomes are
often considered ‘lovable rogue’ types in popular imagination.

Starting Skills: Wanderer Gnomes begin with one rank in Charm and one rank in Stealth. You still
cannot train their Charm or Stealth above rank 2 during character creation.

Tricksy: Once per encounter during their turn, a Wanderer Gnome may use this ability and spend a Story
Point to produce a previously undocumented small item (encumbrance 1 or less) with a rarity no greater
than 4 from a pocket, bag, pouch, nearby windowsill, or other convenient location—even if there is no
logical explanation for the item’s presence. This item cannot be a weapon unless the weapon has the
Limited Ammo 1 quality.
Aerial Cavalry
Career Skills: Cool, Driving, Gunnery, Medicine, Perception, Riding, Ranged (Light), Vigilance

Career Skills: Alchemy, Discipline, Knowledge (Education), Knowledge (Supernatural), Mechanics,
Perception, Ranged (Heavy), Spellcraft

Career Skills: Charm, Coordination, Deception, Discipline, Leadership, Melee, Skulduggery, Stealth

Career Skills: Charm, Cool, Deception, Knowledge (Education), Leadership, Melee, Negotiation, Vigilance

Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Coordination, Deception, Perception, Ranged (Heavy), Stealth, Survival

Career Skills: Computers, Discipline, Knowledge (Education), Mechanics, Perception, Spellcraft,
Streetwise, Vigilance

Career Skills: Charm, Coercion, Cool, Discipline, Leadership, Melee, Negotiation, Perception

Career Skills: Arcana, Coercion, Cool, Discipline, Knowledge (Lore), Knowledge (Supernatural),
Perception, Vigilance

Career Skills: Cool, Discipline, Knowledge (Education), Medicine, Melee, Resilience, Survival, Vigilance

Career Skills: Alchemy, Brawl, Discipline, Knowledge (Lore), Medicine, Melee, Primal, Survival

Career Skills: Charm, Cool, Coordination, Deception, Ranged (Light), Skulduggery, Stealth, Streetwise

Career Skills: Knowledge (Education), Knowledge (Supernatural), Perception, Ranged (Light), Driving,
Stealth, Survival, Vigilance
Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Coercion, Melee, Perception, Ranged (Heavy), Survival, Vigilance

Spell Warrior
Career Skills: Arcana, Brawl, Cool, Coercion, Discipline, Melee, Resilience, Vigilance
General Skills
Alchemy (Int)
Combat Skills
Brawl (Br)
Athletics (Br)
Gunnery (Ag)
Computers (Int)
Melee (Br)
Cool (Pr)
Ranged (Heavy) (Ag)
Coordination (Ag)
Ranged (Light) (Ag)
Discipline (Will)
Driving (Ag)
Mechanics (Int) Social Skills
Medicine (Int) Charm (Pr)
Operating (Int) Coercion (Will)
Perception (Cun) Deception (Cun)
Resilience (Br) Leadership (Pr)
Riding (Ag) Negotiation (Pr)
Skulduggery (Cun)
Stealth (Ag) Knowledge Skills
Streetwise (Cun) Knowledge (Supernatural)
Survival (Cun) Knowledge (Education)
Vigilance (Will) Knowledge (Lore)

Magic Skills*
Arcana (Int)
Primal (Cun)
Spellcraft (Int)

*A magic skill cannot be used or increased unless it is a career skill or you have at least one rank

New Skills
Alchemy: Used to concoct, identify, and analyze drugs, poisons, potions, and elixirs
Arcana: Used to bend magic to your will through study and practice
Driving: Equivalent to Piloting (Planetary) in Star Wars; used to control any ground-based vehicles
Operating: Used to control large, crew-served vehicles such as ships
Primal: Used to tap into naturally-occurring magical forces
Riding: Used when riding animals
Spellcraft: Used to create, modify, or ‘hack’ magical artifacts
prone and move them up to one range band
Tier 1 (5 XP) away from your character.
Tier: 1
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes Tier: 1
When a patient under your character’s care Activation: Active (Maneuver)
heals wounds from natural rest, they heal Ranked: Yes
additional wounds equal to twice your Once per encounter, your character may use
character’s ranks in Apothecary. this talent to choose a number of adversaries
within short range no greater than your
character’s ranks in Challenge! (a minion group
Bar Brawler counts as a single adversary for this purpose).
Tier: 1 Until the encounter ends or your character is
Activation: Passive incapacitated, these adversaries add 1 Boost to
Ranked: No combat checks targeting your character and 2
Your character adds 1 Advantage to Brawl Setback to combat checks targeting other
checks and combat checks using improvised characters.
Clever Retort
Bought Info Tier: 1
Tier: 1 Activation: Active (Out of Turn Incidental)
Activation: Active (Action) Ranked: No
Ranked: No Once per encounter, your character may use
When making any knowledge skill check, your this talent to add automatic 2 threat to another
character can instead use this talent to spend character’s social skill check.
$50 times the difficulty of the check and
automatically succeed on the knowledge check Desperate Recovery
with one uncancelled Success (instead of Tier: 1
rolling). At your GM’s discretion, your character Activation: Passive
may not be able to use Bought Info if the Ranked: No
information is particularly sensitive or difficult Before your character heals strain at the end of
to find, or buying it doesn’t make narrative an encounter, if their strain is more than half of
sense. their strain threshold, they heal two additional
Tier: 1 Duelist
Activation: Active (Incidental) Tier: 1
Ranked: No Activation: Passive
When your character makes a Brawl or Melee Ranked: No
combat check after using a maneuver to engage Your character adds 1 Boost to their melee
a target, you may spend 3 Advantage or 1 combat checks while engaged with a single
Triumph to use this talent to knock the target opponent. Your character adds 1 Setback to
their melee combat checks while engaged with Once per round, your character may use this
three or more opponents. talent to perform a ranged combat check
against one non-vehicle target within range of
Durable the weapon used. If the check is successful,
Tier: 1 halve the damage inflicted by the attack (before
Activation: Passive reducing damage by the target’s soak). The
Ranked: Yes target is immobilized until the end of its next
Your character reduces any Critical Injury result turn.
they suffer by 10 per rank of Durable, to a
minimum of 01. Jump Up
Tier: 1
Elementalist Activation: Active (Incidental)
Tier: 1 Ranked: No
Activation: Passive Once per round during your character’s turn,
Ranked: No your character may use this talent to stand
When your character purchases this talent, from a prone or seated position as an
choose one of the following attack spell effects incidental.
(and the element associated with it): Fire (fire),
Ice (water), Impact (earth), or Lightning (air). Knack for It
Whenever your character casts an Attack spell, Tier: 1
they always add the chosen effect to the spell Activation: Passive
without increasing the difficulty. However, they Ranked: Yes
may never add any of the other three effects to When you purchase this talent for your
a spell they cast. character, select one skill. Your character
removes 2 Setback from any checks they make
Forager using this skill.
Tier: 1 Each additional time you purchase this
Activation: Passive talent for your character, select two additional
Ranked: No skills. Your character also removes 2 Setback
Your character removes up to 2 Setback from from any checks they make using those skills.
any skill checks they make to find food, water, You cannot select combat or magic skills when
or shelter. Checks to forage or search the area choosing skills for this talent.
that your character makes take half the time
they would normally. Know Somebody
Tier: 1
Grit Activation: Active (Incidental)
Tier: 1 Ranked: Yes
Activation: Passive Once per session, when attempting to purchase
Ranked: Yes a legally available item, your character may use
Each rank of Grit increases your character’s this talent to reduce its rarity by one per rank of
strain threshold by one. Know Somebody.

Hamstring Shot Let’s Ride

Tier: 1 Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Action) Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Once per round during your character’s turn, they may suffer a number of strain to use this
your character can use this talent to mount or talent to add an equal number of Advantage to
dismount from a vehicle or animal, or move the check. The number may not exceed your
from one position in a vehicle to another (such character’s ranks in Proper Upbringing.
as from the cockpit to a gun turret) as an
incidental. In addition, if your character suffers Quick Draw
a short-range fall from a vehicle or animal, they Tier: 1
suffer no damage and land on their feet. Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
One with Nature Once per round on your character’s turn, they
Tier: 1 may use this talent to draw or holster an easily
Activation: Active (Incidental) accessible weapon or item as an incidental.
Ranked: No Quick Draw also reduces a weapon’s Prepare
When in the wilderness, your character may rating by one, to a minimum of one.
make a Simple (-) Survival check, instead of
Discipline or Cool, to recover strain. Quick Strike
Tier: 1
Painful Blow Activation: Passive
Tier: 1 Ranked: Yes
Activation: Active (Incidental) Your character adds Boost for each rank of
Ranked: No Quick Strike to any combat checks they make
When your character makes a combat check, against any targets that have not yet taken their
you may voluntarily increase the difficulty by turn in the current encounter.
one to use this talent. If the target suffers one
or more wounds from the combat check, the Rapid Reaction
target suffers 2 strain each time they perform a Tier: 1
maneuver until the end of the encounter. Activation: Active (Out of Turn Incidental)
Ranked: Yes
Parry Your character may suffer a number of strain to
Tier: 1 use this talent to add an equal number of
Activation: Active (Out of Turn Incidental) Success to a Vigilance or Cool check they make
Ranked: Yes to determine Initiative order. The number may
When your character suffers a hit from a melee not exceed your character’s ranks in Rapid
combat check, after damage is calculated but Reaction.
before soak is applied, your character may
suffer 3 strain to use this talent to reduce the Second Wind
damage of the hit by two plus their ranks in Tier: 1
Parry. This talent can only be used once per hit, Activation: Active (Incidental)
and your character needs to be wielding a Ranked: Yes
Melee weapon. Once per encounter, your character may use
this talent to heal an amount of strain equal to
Proper Upbringing their ranks in Second Wind.
Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Incidental) Shield Slam
Ranked: Yes Tier: 1
When your character makes a social skill check Activation: Active (Incidental)
in polite company (as determined by your GM),
Ranked: No Basic Military Training
When your character uses a shield to attack a Tier: 2
minion or rival, you may spend 4 Advantage or Activation: Passive
1 Triumph to stagger the target until the end of Ranked: No
the target’s turn. Athletics, Ranged (Heavy), and Resilience are
now career skills for your character.
Tier: 1 Block
Activation: Passive Tier: 2
Ranked: Yes Activation: Active (Out of Turn Incidental)
When your character makes a Medicine check Ranked: No
to heal wounds, the target heals one additional Your character must have purchased the Parry
wound per rank of Surgeon. talent to benefit from this talent. While
wielding a shield, your character may use the
Swift Parry talent to reduce damage from ranged
Tier: 1 attacks as well as melee attacks targeting your
Activation: Passive character.
Ranked: No
Your character does not suffer the penalties for Brilliant Casting
moving through difficult terrain (they move Tier: 2
through difficult terrain at normal speed Activation: Active (Incidental)
without spending additional maneuvers). Ranked: No
When your character casts a spell, you may
Toughened spend one Story Point to use this talent to add
Tier: 1 Advantage equal to your character’s ranks in
Activation: Passive Knowledge (Supernatural) to the results.
Ranked: Yes
Each rank of Toughened increases your Bulwark
character’s wound threshold by two. Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Out of Turn Incidental)
Tumble Ranked: No
Tier: 1 Your character must have purchased the Parry
Activation: Active (Incidental) talent to benefit from this talent. While
Ranked: No wielding a weapon with the Defensive quality,
Once per round on your character’s turn, they your character may use Parry to reduce the
may suffer 2 strain to disengage from all damage of an attack targeting an engaged ally.
engaged adversaries.
Coordinated Assault
Unremarkable Tier: 2
Tier: 1 Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Activation: Passive Ranked: Yes
Ranked: No Once per turn, your character may use this
Other characters add 1 Fail to any checks made talent to have a number of allies engaged with
to find or identify your character in a crowd. your character equal to your ranks in
Leadership add 1 Advantage to all combat
checks they make until the end of your
Tier 2 (10 XP)
character’s next turn. The range of this talent Activation: Active (Incidental)
increases by one band per rank of Coordinated Ranked: No
Assault beyond the first. After your character inflicts a Critical Injury on
an adversary, they may use this talent to
Counteroffer upgrade the difficulty of that adversary’s next
Tier: 2 check.
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No Dual Wielder
Once per session, your character may use this Tier: 2
talent to choose one non-nemesis adversary Activation: Active (Maneuver)
within medium range and make an opposed Ranked: No
Negotiation versus Discipline check. If Once per round, your character may use this
successful, the target becomes staggered until talent to decrease the difficulty of the next
the end of their next turn. combined combat check they make during the
At your GM’s discretion, you may spend 1 same turn by one.
Triumph on this check to have the adversary
become an ally until the end of the encounter. Fan the Hammer
However, the duration of this may be shortened Tier: 2
or extended depending on whether your GM Activation: Active (Incidental)
feels your offer is appealing to the adversary Ranked: No
and whether your character follows through on Once per encounter before making a combat
their offer! check with a pistol (your GM has the final say
on whether a weapon is a pistol or not), your
Daring Driver character may use this talent to add the Auto-
Tier: 2 fire quality of the pistol when resolving the
Activation: Active (Incidental) check. If your character does, the weapon runs
Ranked: Yes out of ammo exactly as with an Out of Ammo
Before your character makes a Driving check, result.
they may add a number of Threat to the results
to use this talent to add an equal number of Flash of Insight
Success. The number may not exceed your Tier: 2
character’s ranks in Daring Driver. Activation: Active (Out of Turn Incidental)
Ranked: No
Defensive Stance When your character generates Triumph on a
Tier: 2 knowledge skill check, roll 2 Boost and add the
Activation: Active (Maneuver) results to the skill check, in addition to spending
Ranked: Yes the Triumph as usual.
Once per round, your character may suffer a
number of strain no greater than their ranks in
Defensive Stance to use this talent. Then, until
Tier: 2
the end of your character’s next turn, upgrade
Activation: Active (Incidental)
the difficulty of all melee combat checks
Ranked: No
targeting your character a number of times
Your character may suffer 2 strain to use this
equal to the strain suffered.
talent. Until the start of your character’s next
turn, enemies must spend two maneuvers to
Dirty Tricks disengage from your character.
Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Heightened Awareness Ranked: No
Tier: 2 When your character purchases this talent,
Activation: Passive choose one characteristic. After your character
Ranked: No makes a successful combat check, you may
Allies within short range of your character add 1 spend one Story Point to use this talent to add
Boost to their Perception and Vigilance checks. damage equal to your character’s ranks in that
Allies engaged with your character add 2 Boost characteristic to one hit of the combat check.
Natural Communion
Heroic Recovery Tier: 2
Tier: 2 Activation: Passive
Activation: Active (Incidental) Ranked: No
Ranked: No When your character uses the Conjure magic
When your character acquires this talent, action, the spell gains the Summon Ally effect
choose one characteristic. Once per encounter, without increasing the difficulty. All creatures
you may spend one Story Point to use this your character summons must be naturally
talent to have your character heal strain equal occurring animals native to the area.
to the rating of the chosen characteristic.
Reckless Charge
Inspiring Rhetoric Tier: 2
Tier: 2 Activation: Active (Incidental)
Activation: Active (Incidental) Ranked: No
Ranked: No After using a move maneuver to engage an
Your character may sue this talent to make an adversary, your character may suffer 2 strain to
Average (2) Leadership check. For each Success use this talent. They then add 2 Success 2
the check generates, one ally within short range Threat to the results of the next Brawl or Melee
heals one strain. For each Advantage, one ally combat check they make this turn.
benefiting from Inspiring Rhetoric heals one
additional strain. Scathing Tirade
Tier: 2
Inventor Activation: Active (Action)
Tier: 2 Ranked: No
Activation: Active (Incidental) Your character may use this talent to make an
Ranked: Yes Average (2) Coercion check. For each Success
When your character makes a check to constrict the check generates one enemy within short
new items or modify existing ones, use this range suffers 1 strain. For each Advantage, one
talent to add a number of Boost to the check enemy affected by Scathing Tirade suffers 1
equal to ranks of Inventor. In addition, your additional strain.
character may attempt to reconstruct devices
that they have heard described but have not Side Step
seen and do not have any kinds of plans or Tier: 2
schematics for. Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: Yes
Lucky Strike Once per round your character may suffer a
Tier: 2 number of strain no greater than their ranks in
Side Step to use this talent. Until the end of
your character’s next turn, upgrade the making an attack targeting an undead
difficulty of all ranged combat checks targeting adversary.
your character a number of times equal to the
strain suffered.
Tier 3 (15 XP)
Signature Spell Animal Companion
Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: Yes
When your character gains this talent, decide Your character creates a bond with a single
on a signature spell for them, consisting of a animal approved by your GM. This animal must
particular magic action and a specific set of one be silhouette 0 (no larger than a mid-sized dog).
or more effects. When your character casts The bond persists as long as your character
their signature spell (consisting of the exact chooses, although at your GM’s discretion, the
combination of action and effects previously bond may also be broken due to abusive
chosen), reduce the difficulty of the check by treatment or other extenuating circumstances.
one. As long as the bond persists, the animal
follows your character, and you dictate the
animal’s overall behavior (although, since the
Threaten animal is only bonded with the character, not
Tier: 2 dominated, it may still perform inconvenient
Activation: Active (Out of Turn Incidental) actions such as scratching furniture, consuming
Ranked: Yes rations, and marking territory). Once per round
After an adversary within short range of your in structured encounters, your character may
character resolves a combat check that deals spend one maneuver to direct their animal in
damage to one of your character’s allies, your performing one action and one maneuver
character may suffer 3 strain to use this talent during your character’s turn. The animal must
to inflict a number of strain on the adversary be within hearing and visual range of your
equal to your character’s ranks in Coercion. The character (generally medium range) to do this
range of this talent increases by one band per Otherwise, the animal does not contribute to
rank of Threaten beyond the first. the encounter. The specifics of its behavior are
up to you and your GM.
Well-Traveled For every additional rank of Animal
Tier: 2 Companion your character has increase the
Activation: Passive allowed silhouette of the companion by one
Ranked: No (this may mean your character gets a new
Knowledge (Education), Negotiation, and companion or their companion grows in size).
Vigilance are now career skills for your
character. Backstab
Tier: 3
Wraithbane Activation: Active (Action)
Tier: 2 Ranked: No
Activation: Passive Your character may use this talent to attack an
Ranked: No unaware adversary using a one-handed Melee
Your character counts the Critical rating of their weapon. A Backstab is a melee attack, and
weapon as one lower to a minimum of 1 when follows the normal rules for performing a
combat check, using the character’s
Skulduggery skill instead of Melee. If the check
succeeds, each uncanceled Success adds +2 Counterattack
damage (instead of the normal +1). Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Out of Turn Incidental)
Barrel Roll Ranked: No
Tier: 3 Your character must have purchased the
Activation: Active (Out of Turn Incidental) Improved Parry talent to benefit from this
Ranked: No talent. When your character uses the Improved
Your character can only use this talent while Parry talent to hit an attacker, they may also
riding an aerial creature of Silhouette 3 or less. activate an item quality of the weapon they
When your creature suffers a hit from a ranged used as if they had generated 2 Advantage on a
combat check, after damage is calculated but combat check using that weapon.
before soak is applied, your character may have
their creature suffer 3 strain to use this talent. Disciplined Strike
Then reduce the damage suffered by a number Tier: 3
equal to your ranks in Riding. Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Battle Casting Once per round on your character’s turn, your
Tier: 3 character may suffer 3 strain to use this talent
Activation: Passive to add damage equal to their ranks in Discipline
Ranked: No to one hit of a successful melee attack.
Your character does not add Setback to magic
skill checks for wearing heavy armor (armor Dodge
with +2 soak or higher), using a shield, or not Tier: 3
having at least one hand free. Activation: Active (Out of Turn Incidental)
Ranked: Yes
Body Guard When your character is targeted by a combat
Tier: 3 check (ranged or melee), they may suffer a
Activation: Active (Maneuver) number of strain no greater than their ranks in
Ranked: Yes Dodge to use this talent. Then, upgrade the
Once per round, your character may suffer a difficulty of the combat check targeting your
number of strain no greater than their ranks in character a number of times equal to the strain
Body Guard to use this talent. Choose one ally suffered.
engaged with your character; until the end of
your character’s next turn, upgrade the Dual Strike
difficulty of all combat checks targeting that ally Tier: 3
a number of times equal to the strain suffered. Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Cavalier When resolving a combined check to attack
Tier: 3 with two weapons in melee combat, your
Activation: Active (Maneuver) character may suffer 2 strain to use this talent
Ranked: No to hit with the secondary weapon (instead of
While riding a mount trained for battle spending 2 Advantage).
(typically a flying mount), once per round your
character may use this talent to direct the Eagle Eyes
mount to perform an action Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No the spell’s Blast quality, instead of spending
Once per encounter before making a ranged Advantage (even if the attack misses).
combat check, you may use this talent to
increase your weapon’s range by one range Face of the Wild
band (to a maximum of extreme range). This Tier: 3
lasts for the duration of the combat check. Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Easy Prey When your character casts a transform spell on
Tier: 3 themselves using the Primal skill, you may
Activation: Active (Maneuver) spend a Story Point to have them use this talent
Ranked: No to maintain the effects of the spell until the end
Your character may suffer 3 strain to use this of the encounter, without performing
talent. Until the start of your character’s next concentrate maneuvers.
turn, your character and allies within short
range add 2 Boost to combat checks against Field Commander
immobilized targets. Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Action)
Elementalist (Improved) Ranked: No
Tier: 3 Your character may use this talent to make an
Activation: Passive Average (2) Leadership check. If successful, a
Ranked: No number of allies equal to your character’s
Your character must have purchased the Presence may immediately suffer 1 strain to
Elementalist talent to benefit from this talent. perform one maneuver (out of turn). If there
When your character purchases this talent, they are any questions as to which allies take their
gain one of the following abilities based on the maneuvers first, your character is the final
element they selected when they purchased arbiter.
Elementalist: they cannot be knocked prone or
staggered (earth), they cannot be immobilized Forgot to Count?
and can breathe underwater (water), they Tier: 3
cannot be disoriented an can fly using the Activation: Active (Out of Turn Incidental)
hovering guidelines in the Flying sidebar (air), or Ranked: No
they are immune to fire—including ignoring When an opponent makes a ranged combat
damage from attacks with the Burn item quality check, you can spend 2 Threat from that check
and from other fire-based attacks (fire). to use this talent to cause their weapon to run
out of ammo, as long as the weapon can
Explosive Casting normally run out of ammunition.
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental) Full Throttle
Ranked: No Tier: 3
When your character casts an attack spell, they Activation: Active (Action)
treat the spell’s Blast quality as having a rating Ranked: No
equal to twice your character’s ranks in While driving, your character may use this
Knowledge (Supernatural) (instead of their talent to make a Hard (3) Driving check. If
ranks in Knowledge (Supernatural)). When your successful, the top speed of the vehicle
character casts an Attack spell with the Blast increases by one (to a maximum of 5) for a
effect, you may spend one Story Point to trigger number of rounds equal to your character’s
remain within the spell’s range after being cast.
Grenadier You may spend two Story Points to make the
Tier: 3 illusion last until the end of the session instead.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Potent Concoctions
When your character makes a ranged combat Tier: 3
check with a weapon that has the Blast item Activation: Passive
quality, you may spend one Story Point to use Ranked: No
this talent to trigger the weapon’s Blast quality, When your character makes an Alchemy check
instead of spending Advantage (even if the that generates Triumph, roll an additional
attack misses). In addition, your character Proficiency and add its results to the pool, in
treats grenades as having a range of medium. addition to spending the Triumph naturally.
When your character makes an Alchemy check
Innate Focus that generated Despair, roll an additional
Tier: 3 Challenge and add its results to the pool, in
Activation: Active (Incidental) addition to spending the Despair normally.
Ranked: No Each of these effects can occur only once per
While not using a magic implement, your check.
character increases the base damage of all
Attack spells they cast by two. In addition, Potion Specialization
when casting a spell while not using a magic Tier: 3
implement, your character may use this talent Activation: Passive
to decrease the difficulty of the check by one. If Ranked: Yes
they do so, they increase the strain suffered for When your character uses medical potions, the
casting the spell by one. target heals one additional wound per rank of
Potion Specialization. The sixth medical potion
Inspiring Rhetoric (Improved) and beyond each day still has no effect.
Tier: 3
Activation: Passive Precise Shooting
Ranked: No Tier: 3
Your character must have purchased the Activation: Passive
Inspiring Rhetoric talent to benefit from this Ranked: No
talent. Allies affected by your character’s When making a Ranged (Heavy) or Ranged
Inspiring Rhetoric add 1 Boost to all skill checks (Light) combat check targeting a character
they make for a number of rounds equal to your engaged with one of your character’s allies,
character’s ranks in Leadership. downgrade the difficulty of the check once
(thus negating the penalty for shooting at
Master of Illusion engaged targets).
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental) Pressure Point
Ranked: No Tier: 3
After your character makes a successful Mask Activation: Active (Incidental)
spell to create an illusion, you may spend a Ranked: No
Story Point to have your character use this When your character makes an unarmed Brawl
talent to make the illusion last until the end of check targeting a living opponent, they may use
the encounter, without performing this talent to deal strain damage instead of
concentration maneuvers, and not need to
wound damage, and inflict additional strain
damage equal to their ranks in Medicine. Parry (Improved)
Tier: 3
Scathing Tirade (Improved) Activation: Active (Out of Turn Incidental)
Tier: 3 Ranked: No
Activation: Passive Your character must have purchased the Parry
Ranked: No talent to benefit from this talent. When your
Your character must have purchased the character suffers a hit from a melee combat
Scathing Tirade talent to benefit from this check and uses Parry to reduce the damage
talent. Enemies affected by your character’s from that hit, after the attack is resolved, you
Scathing Tirade add 1 Setback to all skill checks may spend 1 Despair or 3 Threat from the
they make for a number of rounds equal to your attacker’s check to use this talent. Then, your
character’s ranks in Coercion. character automatically hits the attacker with a
Brawl or Melee weapon your character is
Heroic Will wielding. The hit deals the weapon’s base
Tier: 3 damage, plus any damage from applicable
Activation: Active (Out of Turn Incidental) talents or abilities. Your character can’t use this
Ranked: No talent if the original attack incapacitates them.
When you purchase this talent for your
character, choose two characteristics. You may Tier 4 (20 XP)
spend a Story Point to use this talent to have
your character ignore the effects of all Critical
Injuries on any skill checks using those two Tier: 4
characteristics until the end of the current Activation: Passive
encounter. (Your character still suffers the Ranked: No
Critical Injuries, they just ignore the effects.) While engaged with one or more allies, your
character and allies they are engaged with add
Boost to combat checks. If one or more allies
Natural engaged with your character also have Back-to-
Tier: 3 Back, the effects are cumulative to a maximum
Activation: Active (Incidental) of 2 Boost.
Ranked: No
When your character purchases this talent,
choose two skills. Once per session, your
Can’t We Talk About This?
character may use this talent to reroll one skill Tier: 4
check that uses one of those two skills. Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Your character can use this talent to make an
Rapid Archery opposed Charm or Deception versus Discipline
Tier: 3 check targeting a single non-nemesis adversary
Activation: Active (Maneuver) within medium range. If the check succeeds,
Ranked: No the target cannot attack your character (or
While your character is armed with a bow (or perform hostile actions against your character)
similar weapon, at your GM’s discretion) they until the end of their next turn. You may spend
may suffer 2 strain to use this talent. During 2 Advantage to increase the length of the effect
the next ranged combat check your character by one additional turn, and spend 1 Triumph to
makes this turn, the bow gains the Linked extend the benefits to all of their identified
quality with a value equal to their ranks in the allies within short range.
Ranged (Heavy) skill.
The effect ends immediately if your Defensive Driving
character or a known ally attacks the target In Tier: 4
addition, your GM may rule that some targets Activation: Passive
are immune to this ability. A magically- Ranked: Yes
animated weapon, for example, has no interest Increase the defense of any vehicle your
in resolving a conflict through talking, nor character drives by one per rank of Defensive
would someone consumed by range and the Driving.
desire for revenge against your character.
Elementalist (Supreme)
Conduit Tier: 4
Tier: 4 Activation: Active (Incidental)
Activation: Active (Maneuver) Ranked: No
Ranked: No Your character must have purchased the
Once per encounter, your character may spend Improved Elementalist talent to benefit from
a Story Point to perform a magic action as a this talent. When your character casts an
maneuver. augment, barrier, or transform spell, they may
use this talent to choose to have the targets of
Deadeye the spell gain the ability your character gained
Tier: 4 when they purchased Improved Elementalist for
Activation: Active (Incidental) the spell’s duration.
Ranked: No
After your character inflicts a Critical Injury with Enduring
a ranged weapon and rolls the result, your Tier: 4
character may suffer 2 strain to use this talent. Activation: Passive
Then you may select any Critical Injury of the Ranked: Yes
same severity to apply to the target instead. Each rank of Enduring increases your
character’s soak value by one.
Death Rage
Tier: 4 Field Commander (Improved)
Activation: Passive Tier: 4
Ranked: No Activation: Passive
Your character adds +2 damage to melee Ranked: No
attacks for each Critical Injury they are currently Your character must have purchased the Field
suffering. (Your GM may also impose additional Commander talent to benefit from this talent.
penalties on social skill checks your character When your character uses the Field
makes if they are suffering Critical Injuries due Commander talent, your character affects a
to their frenzied behavior.) number of allies equal to twice the character’s
Presence. In addition, you may spend 1
Defensive Triumph to allow one ally to suffer 1 strain to
Tier: 4 perform an action, instead of a maneuver.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes How Convenient
Each rank of Defensive increases your Tier: 4
character’s melee defense and ranged defense Activation: Active (Action)
by one. Ranked: No
Once per session, your character may use this strain to use the Scathing Tirade talent as a
talent to make a Hard (3) Mechanics check. If maneuver instead of an action.
successful, one device involved in the current
encounter (subject to your GM’s approval) Signature Spell (Improved)
spontaneously fails. This can be because of Tier: 4
your character’s actions, or it can simply be Activation: Passive
incredibly convenient timing! Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the
Inspiring Rhetoric (Supreme) Signature Spell talent to benefit from this talent.
Tier: 4 When your character casts their signature spell,
Activation: Active (Incidental) reduce the difficulty of the check by two instead
Ranked: No of one.
Your character must have purchased the
Inspiring Rhetoric talent to benefit from this Unrelenting
talent. Your character may choose to suffer 1 Tier: 4
strain to use the Inspiring Rhetoric talent as a Activation: Active (Incidental)
maneuver, instead of an action. Ranked: No
Once per round after resolving a successful
Masterful Casting Brawl or Melee combat check, your character
Tier: 4 may suffer 4 strain to use this talent to make an
Activation: Active (Incidental) additional melee attack as an incidental against
Ranked: No the same target. Increase the difficulty of the
When your character casts a spell, they may use combat check by one if this attack uses a
this talent to spend 1 Triumph to trigger up to second weapon, or by two if the attack uses the
three different qualities or spell effects instead same weapon.
of one. These qualities or spell effects must be
ones that can be triggered by spending
Advantage or Triumph.
Tier 5 (25 XP)
Polymorph Tier: 5
Tier: 4 Activation: Passive
Activation: Passive Ranked: Yes
Ranked: No Each rank of Dedication increases one of your
If your character has at least one rank in the character’s characteristics by one. This talent
Arcana skill, they can cast the transform spell. cannot increase a characteristic above 5.
However, they can use the spell only to
transform into magical or supernatural Dire Animal Companion
creatures (such as dragons or elementals). Tier: 5
Activation: Passive
Scathing Tirade (Supreme) Ranked: No
Tier: 4 Your character must have purchased the Animal
Activation: Active (Incidental) Companion talent to benefit from this talent. If
Ranked: No your character has at least one rank in the
Your character must have purchased the Primal skill, the animal companion they have
Scathing Tirade talent to benefit from this bonded with through the Animal Companion
talent. Your character may choose to suffer 1 talent increases its Brawn by one, to a
maximum of 5, and its wound threshold by four.
If it is a nemesis, it increases its strain threshold Ruinous Repartee
by four. If it is a minion or rival, it becomes a Tier: 5
nemesis and gains a strain threshold of 6. If it is Activation: Active (Action)
silhouette 0, it becomes silhouette 1. Your Ranked: No
character also chooses to increase either its Once per encounter, your character may use
Agility or its Willpower by one, to a maximum of this talent to make an opposed Charm or
5, and its Brawl, Discipline, Perception, or Coercion versus Discipline check targeting one
Survival by one, to a maximum of 5. character within medium range (or within
earshot). If successful, the target suffers strain
Indomitable equal to twice your character’s Presence, plus
Tier: 5 one additional strain per Success. Your
Activation: Active (Out of Turn Incidental) character heals strain equal to the strain
Ranked: No inflicted.
Once per encounter, when your character If incapacitated due to this talent, the target
would be incapacitated due to exceeding their could flee the scene in shame, collapse in a
wound or strain threshold, you may spend a dejected heap, or throw themself at your
Story Point to use this talent. Then, your character in fury, depending on your GM and
character is not incapacitated until the end of the nature of your character’s witty barbs.
their next turn. If your character reduces their
strain or wounds to below their threshold Spin Attack
before the end of their next turn, they are not Tier: 4
incapacitated. Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
Master Your character may suffer 4 strain to use this
Tier: 5 talent to make a Brawl or Melee attack against
Activation: Active (Incidental) the engaged adversary who is hardest to hit (as
Ranked: No determined by the GM), increasing the difficulty
When your purchase this talent for your by one. If the combat check succeeds, each
character, choose one skill. Once per round, adversary engaged with the character suffers
your character may suffer 2 strain to use this one hit from the attack, that deals base damage
talent to reduce the difficulty of the next check plus damage equal to the total Success scored
they make using that skill by two, to a minimum on the check.
of Easy (1).

Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Out of Turn Incidental)
Ranked: No
Once per round when an adversary attacks an
ally within medium range, your character may
spend one Story Point to use this talent to
automatically hit that enemy once with a
weapon your character is wielding, if the enemy
is within the weapon’s range. This hit deals the
weapon’s base damage, plus any damage from
applicable talents or abilities.

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