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In the name of Allah , the most gracious the most merciful.

I appreciate my head of the department, Mr. Lawal usman Tilde and also my project

supervisor also Mr. Lawal Usman Tilde, and my old head of the department of hausa (Mr.

Muhammad Mustapha Sa’idu) Mr. ashiru shehu Darazo and malam shehu Umar kafi and also

appreciate my daddy (Mr. Dahiru Adamu Saleh), because he is my sponsor and my mummy

(Zainab Dahiru maigari) brothers (Aliyu, Abubakar, Badulhazz, and Nurudeen) sisters (Umaiya,

Rahima, Manira and Ummi) children (Muhammad, Khalifa, and Salifa) and my friends (Sakina,

A’isha, Hadiza) I’m also appreciating my Daddy Tafida (Bursary). Through their prayers and

support, may Allah bless them all Amen!.


All praise is to almighty Allah, the most graceful and the most merciful. we would like to express

my sincere gratitude and appreciation to Allah (SWA) for giving us this golden opportunity

toward the success and completion of our study at Adamu Tafawa balewa College of Education


Also our appreciation goes to our supervisor Malam Lawan Tilde for his kindness,

support and encouragement towards the completion of this research work.





Martha john


With deepest appreciation onto God almighty for given me the opportunity to read social

STUDY/CRS as a course at college of education Kangere.

Indeed you have been my strength provider guidance and protection in the course of

my program, may your name be blessed. I thank you lord for even out my nothingness in me

you yet made me do be a graduate thank you God.

I owe you much appreciation to my competent and able supervisor Mallam Lawan Tilde

for his patience, kindness and time spent in reading each page, sentence on the research work

and making necessary corrections where it is necessary with all sincerity of heart I have to

thank you sir for the word please you always use for me for it always stirred up Joy and

happiness in me may God bless you abundantly Amen.

I absolutely give my sincere gratitude to my loving and caring husband Mr John B. Sara,

word alone cannot express the way I feel, so also I will not forget my able sister Mrs Victoria

Samuel, this word of appreciation can’t be completed without you sister. It has not been easy,

through difficulties and the hardship but you still support me and ensured my success in my

educational pursuit. Thank you again for your finance, care and concern.

I equal wish to express my sincere gratitude to my beloved children, (Elijah, Juliana,

Joseph, Ayuba, Jonathan and Philip) may God almighty reward you more and more Greece to

your elbow in Jesus Name Amen!.


With deepest appreciation onto God almighty for given me the opportunity to read social

STUDY/CRS as a course at college of education Kangere.

Indeed you have been my strength provider guidance and protection in the course of

my program, may your name be blessed. I thank you lord for even out my nothingness in me

you yet made me do be a graduate thank you God.

I owe you much appreciation to my competent and able supervisor Mallam Lawan Tilde for his

patience, kindness and time spent in reading each page, sentence on the research work and

making necessary corrections where it is necessary with all sincerity of heart I have to thank

you sir for the word please you always use for me for it always stirred up Joy and happiness in

me may God bless you abundantly Amen.

I would also wish to express my gratitude to my loving parents Mr and Mrs Yusuf Dung,

words alone cannot express the way I feel. It has not been easy but again all difficulties you still

supported me and ensured my success in my academic pursuit, since from day one till date, you

really deserve my thanks, for all you’ve done to me, may God bless you!

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