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FEBRUARY 27, 2021

Historical Background

“A place of abundance,” words that define a Maguindanaon term “tulun” in

which the name “Tulunan” was derived. Municipality of Tulunan is indeed a place

where graces fall because it continuously getting up from different chain of


Tulunan was first founded last August 6, 1961 and by the virtue of Executive

Order No. 441, s. 1961, it was declared as an independent municipality. It is

considered as the second class Municipality which located at the southernmost part

of North Cotabato Province in Mindanao, with boundaries to Maguindanao, Sultan

Kudarat, and Davao del Sur Province. With its total land area of about 39,348.7132

hectares, it was politically subdivided into 29 barangays: Bacong, Bagumbayan,

Banayal, Batang, Bituan, Bual, Bunawan, Daig, Damawato, Dungos, F. Cajelo,

Galidan, Genoveva Baynosa, Kanibong, La Esperanza, Lampagang, Magbok,

Maybula, Minapan, Nabundasan, New Caridad, New Culasi, New Panay, Paraiso,

Poblacion, Popoyon, Sibsib, Tambak, and Tuburan.

The place was first settled by the Muslim tribes that brought Islam religion.

They occupied the lowland area of the town where they found the sources for their

daily living. On the other side, most of the nomadic tribes or indigenous people like

B’laans, Bagobos and Tirurays lived in the upper portion of the town particularly at

the hills or mountains. Most of the people in town before were composed by Muslims

and the population was increased when Christians from Luzon and Visayas arrived.

The practices, traditions and customs of Christian quickly spread out as they unite or

have inter-marriages with the inhabitants of the place.

Datuism was the first system of government in town and it was believed that

the first ruling datu who dominated the Place was Datu Enok. Muslims, Nomadics,

and Christians lived at the different particular places in town ever since with graces.

Farming was their major source of their needs and wants because the place was

covered by the agricultural lands. Their life was depended on their bountiful harvests

of different products like rice, corn, watermelons, coconuts, and etc. These products

were one of the factors why Municipality of Tulunan has developed.

Historical Events

Several years ago, Tulunenses were living with abundance coming from the

Almighty Father. The three tribes dealt with their daily living with graces but not until

the conflicts began to sprout. Despite of the abundances that showered in town, it

also has a tragic past that caused loss of lives and planted a deep sorrow to every

Tulunense. The place was covered by multiple gun fires that prompted a squeal. The

people of Tulunan before played like a hide and seek in order to get away from the

precipitation of bullets. Many of them were wounded and buried and many families

suffered from the symphony of fright and sorrow.

It was already long time ago that Tulunan experienced a bloody war between

Muslims and Christians and still it was unforgettable for all the Tulunenses. Territorial

rivalry was one of the major reasons why the conflict between the two tribes

sprouted in town. Due to the Muslim-Christian war, the population of the municipality

was dramatically dropped from 24,538 in 1970 to 12,367 in 1975. Most of the

affected families decided to settle in other places in order to save their respective

lives. But many times after, it ended when the peace agreement was initiated in
order to replant the harmony and solidarity. Both tribes agreed to empower the

peace in municipality in order to crack down the conflict.

In year 2007, a group of loud voices tuned in at town as they protested the

unfair and unjust result of election. Many people of Tulunan gathered in front of the

Municipal hall to express their notions regarding on the controversial issue about the

counting of votes. The supporters of former Mayor Lani S. Candolada stayed the

whole night in the said place with courage and hope that their votes will not be

wasted just because of the biases. After a critical recounting of votes, the

Candolada’s supporters happily celebrated as the former Mayor Lani won against

her rival in politics. The hope and happiness were marked at the faces of every

Tulunense as they heard the outcome of the election. The peace rally that happened

before was very remarkable to the land of Tulunan because it viewed that the town

was once finding for a good leader who will serve the people and the community with

passion and determination.

As the years passed by, Tulunan was experienced various disasters that

devastatingly affected people’s lives. Some of the natural calamities that caused

damages of properties and loss of lives were floods, earthquakes, El Niño, and etc.

Many Tulunenses suffered from the different disasters because the major sources of

their daily needs have been damaged.

One of the devastating events that have been recorded before was the strong

flash flood happened last July 26, 2013. The raining of cats and dogs was the major

issue why almost 12 barangays have been affected by the calamity. Most of the

crops were damaged and about 170 families (2,331 individual) felt unlucky. Even

without deaths have been recorded, the disaster caused a massive disruption in
production activities and resulted to the dropping of economy and environmental


With the collective experiences happened in town, the Local Government Unit

(LGU) of Tulunan gave time to plan for mitigating measures to prepare themselves

from the recurrence of various natural calamities. Not so long time ago, Tulunan

declared a state of calamity when a tremendous earthquake stroke in most part of

Mindanao. The town was the epicenter of the strong ground shaking and thousands

of families have been affected. A three consecutive tremendous earthquake

happened in the month of October, 2019 brought anxiousness to all Tulunenses.

Many house properties were damaged, and great numbers of people have been

wounded. But whatever happened in town, people of Tulunan kept becoming

resilient as they face with multiple conflicts, disasters and other challenges in their

life and their society.

Notable People

As the number of Christian endeavors increased in town, their practices and

traditions began to influence every individual. Due to the underdeveloped Christian

place, some missionaries from Western part of the world were sent to Mindanao

particularly in North Cotabato province to spread evangelization. One of them was

Fr. Tulio Favali, an Italian Priest and a member of Pontifical Institute for Foreign

Missions (PIME).

Fr. Tulio Favali was much known because of his dedication to spread the

Words of God in all people. He touched everyone’s heart with his inspiring and
empowering words that enlightened everybody. Late 1983, he arrived in the

Philippines to do his missions as Priest. Then after, he was ordained as the Parish

Priest of San Isidro Labrador Parish, Tulunan. Many people of Tulunan was inspired

by him and most of them were grateful and blessed to have Fr. Tulio in their town as

well as in their life. In order to interact with the people of the municipality, he studied

the major native language which is Ilonggo.

Fr. Tulio was not only the Italian priest who was sent in the island of

Mindanao. He was accompanied by his comrade named Fr. Peter Geremiah. Fr.

Peter was known because of his deeds against the abuse to human rights of every

Filipino. Due to his actions, his life was put into the boiling temper of some people

who were blinded about truths. During the Marcos regime, dictatorship was really

intense in the nation and it dominated the country with full of military forces.

When Marcos dictatorship intensely ruling the country, there were some armed

psuedo-relugious cults have been hired. They were commissioned as Bario Self-

Defense Units or commonly known as Integrated Civilian Home Defense Force

(ICHDF). This group was composed by most of notorious members including

Edilberto, Norberto Jr., and Elpidio Manero. These brothers were highly known as

killing sprees of town because of their pride and bravery that stepped down most of

the innocent individual. Fr. Peter Geremiah was one of their targets to be slain from

their merciless arms.

April 11 of year 1985, Fr. Tulio Favali was called by somebody for help

because the Manero brothers were doing abusive actions that feared out the people.

Before the night covered the town, Fr. Peter and Fr. Tulio were breaking a leg in

deciding what to do about the very dangerous matter. The Manero brothers were
waiting for the appearance of Fr. Peter so that they would shot him to death. The

Priests decided to go in the place to help their fellow. Instead of passing the

Bagumbayan road, Fr. Tulio went thru the place by passing the km. 125 road where

the notorious brothers were standing by.

When Fr. Tulio arrived at the place and was in hurry in entering the house of

the victim, the Manero brothers saw him. Norberto Jr. dragged his motorcycle and

set it on fire. The priest went into the area where his motorcycle was being fired.

Without any mercy, Edilberto pointed his gun targeting the head of the priest and

shot it without conscience and fear to God. They never felt contented with what they

have done so they fired again until Fr. Tulio swam into his own blood. Right after the

pitiful scenario, the Manero brothers along with other gang members laugh as if they

are like devil. It was a success for the notorious brother but it was a devastating

event for Tulunan. The night of that day was filled by a deep sorrow that made many

people who genuinely loved Fr. Tulio Favali cried.

The event was really unforgettable to all Tulunenses because it reminds them

about the martyrdom of the late Fr. Tulio Favali. In honor for his compassion and

dedication to spread evangelization, the Local Government Unit of Tulunan built his

statue that located in Barangay La Esperanza particularly in a place where the tragic

event was happened.

Other notable person that gave great contribution to the Municipality of

Tulunan was the reigned Miss Universe Philippines 2014 Mary Jean Lastimosa. She

represented the Philippines at the Miss Universe pageant 2014 that held in Dorall,

Florida. With her astonishing beauty and brilliance, she belonged to the top 10. Even
she didn’t win to the said big competition; her determination to get into the stage

wearing her shining smile with confidence gave inspiration to every Filipino.

Beauty Queen Lastimosa has experienced lots of struggles in pageantry. She

joined many times in different pageants especially in Binibining Pilipinas. Her

dedication has brought her into where she is right now. Municipality of Tulunan is so

proud for her because she brought the name of town worldwide. She showed that

Tulunenses have golden talents that could raise the Flag of Philippine nation in

whatever aspect and wherever part of the world.

Fr. Tulio Favali and Beauty Queen Mary Jean Lastimosa are just some of the

Tulunenses who made a remarkable contribution to the town. Their existence was a

great honor to the community because they contributed great stories to the history of

Tulunan. Municipality of Tulunan is indeed has a lot of dramatic pasts but these

events happened before shaped the beauty of town. The said notable people are the

special example of how great the Tulunenses are.

February 22, 2021

Mrs. Adela M. Awit

District 4 Church Leader
San Isidro Labrador Parish
Sibsib, Tulunan, North Cotabato

Dear Mrs. Tisara:

Greetings of Peace!
In partial fulfillment of my requirement for GE8 Readings in Philippine History, I, John
Mark S. Basalio a student from University of Mindanao, taking up Bachelor of
Science in Civil Engineering would like to ask for your permission to conduct an in-
depth interview with you discussing about the history of Tulunan.
It’s an honor for me to write a document about the history of our Municipality. Rest
assured that the data I will be gathered will not be subjected to any form of
misconducts that could ruin or harm my birthland.
I believe that you are with me in my enthusiasm to finish my requirement as
compliance for my subject. I am hoping for your positive response on this humble
Your approval to conduct this interview will be greatly appreciated. Thank you and
God bless!

Respectfully yours,


UM BSCE Student

Study Title: Historical Investigation of Municipality of Tulunan

Purpose of the Study: To know the significant events that happened in the
Voluntary Procedure: Your participation in this interview is completely voluntary. I
will respect your decision about this matter. You may choose to refuse in answering
any of the questions that I will ask to you. There is no corresponding punishment for
not participating.
Right to Withdraw: You have the right to withdraw from the interview at any time
without consequences.
I willingly and voluntarily participated in the historical investigation regarding our
community. Provided that this participation will not be subjected to any form of
malicious attacks that could harm my privacy for which I know the very purpose of
the interview, without being forced and pressured to be part of this study.

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