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Cultural Time Line


1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010


Sometimes the way we view current events or interactions are based on our
previous experiences. We are now going to do an activity that will help us get to
know each other better, but also help us understand a little of how we got where
we are today.

Take a few minutes to think about memorable events or turning points in your life.

On your paper, write down events in these 3 categories:

1. What are the important national or global events that you lived through (for
example, the Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, or war breaking out in
your country)?
2. What are the important personal events (for example, parents getting
divorced, getting married, or moving to a new place)?
3. An event or experience that impacted the way you think about racial/ethnic

“Before you begin, let me give you an example for each.” (facilitator models here)

• “Then spend 2 or 3 minutes writing at your seat.”

• “When you have some events for each category, put some examples on the
• “Write no more than 3 for each category on the timeline.”

(Several people can be writing on the chart at once.)

• After everyone has written on the timeline say, “Now we want to explain to
each other the stories. Each person should pick one national or personal story
to share. We’ll then go back to the racial story.”
• After everyone shares a personal or national story, have them share one of
the racial stories.

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