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A Guide to Some of The Many

Different Types and Uses of Reiki
as a Energy Healing System.

by Amanda Hadley
Copyright 2016 and beyond
Table Of Contents


What is Reiki?
Reiki as energy healing, Reiki today, what
can Reiki do, ways of practising and using
Reiki energy

Different types of Reiki

A brief look at some different forms of
Reiki, from Kundalini Reiki, Animal Healing
Reiki, Crystal Reiki, Shamanic Reiki and
many more forms and systems of Reiki
available to us.

Closing Thoughts

This e-book has been written to hopefully give everyone who reads it
something new to think about in the field of Reiki and energy healing.
It is however assumed that you have some prior basic knowledge of
what Reiki is and we can take it from there!
If you are a practitioner, the initial pages may sound like old hat to
the more experienced among you, but do keep reading, we're always

This e-book has been written with the intention of exploring what
Reiki is and what it can do, examining traditional Usui Reiki and the
many other systems available. However please bear in mind when
reading that the information given is merely my own perspective
collected from information that I have gained and collated over the
last twenty years.

The information given is by no means set in stone. When we talk of

Reiki healing it is impossible to talk as though it were an exact
science. Energy healing changes for each individual and their
perceptions and experiences will differ greatly.

Reiki for me is a magical and wonderful gift that I am continually

grateful for. It is something that the Universe gives us freely,
continually and abundantly. We can all tap into and use Reiki energies
for the greatest good of the whole planet..
The more people who practise Reiki or any form of energy healing, for
the greatest good of mankind, the better we make this planet for us

The following ramblings are my own perspective on Reiki, I hope that

you will gain some useful ideas from them and that you will be
inspired to further undertake your own journey and learn and develop
your own energy healing in whatever form that may take.

This e-book may be freely distributed in it's entirety in order to

promote Reiki healing, but I ask as a courtesy to my efforts in writing
it, that it is not changed in any way and the following reference to my
web site remain in place.

with love and light on your journey,


This book is not intended to be a source of legal information nor is it's contents
intended to take the place of western medicine. It is written purely for information
purposes and the reader should always use his/her own judgement.
What is Reiki

Reiki is energy healing. Generally speaking whatever type of Reiki we

are talking about it is based upon channelling natural energies,
universal life force energy to heal either ourselves or any other living

Please note that by living thing I refer to anything that has vibrational
energy, reiki energies can help plants grow, be stored in crystals and
stones, be used to help purify liquids, etc. It really has amazing

Often Reiki is used as a general term to refer to traditional Usui Reiki

brought into Western society by Mikao Usui. However over many
decades of practise and different energy healing systems coming into
prominent use there are now many forms of Reiki available to us. They
take the form of attunements, empowerments, initiations and full reiki

These other systems of Reiki will be briefly looked at and outlined in

the next section of this book. For this section I am using Reiki to refer
to traditional Usui Reiki. Please remember that all attunements and
courses for all levels of Usui Reiki are available on my website.

Reiki, the positive life force energy is available to all of us at any time.
Reiki is a gentle, natural healing system that anyone can use once
attuned. Once attuned to Reiki, you are attuned for life and the
energies grow stronger and stronger the more you practise working
with them.
Reiki has been used to effectively treat and relieve people of many
physical illnesses and ailments, but it can also be used to heal the
body, mind and spirit, bringing total harmony and balance to a
person, connecting us to our source, lifting our vibration and bringing
complete alignment within us.

Reiki can be used for self healing, one to one in person, as a group
healing session or remote, distant healing. It really is an incredibly
versatile form of energy healing with boundless possibilities.

The principles of Reiki passed down by Mikao Usui have been

translated in many different ways from their original Japanese version.
My favourite translation is:

Just for today, do not worry.

Just for today, do not anger.
Just for today, honour your parents, teachers and elders.
Just for today, earn your living honestly.
Just for today, show gratitude to every living thing.

If we all lived our lives in accordance with these principles, imagine

what a world we would live in!
Reiki Today

Many of you reading this will already be familiar with Reiki, either as a
practitioner or as someone who has received Reiki treatments. You
will be familiar with the feelings of energy transmission that occur
during a session and the wonderful possibilities that energy healing
using Reiki has.

If not -what are you waiting for! You truly are missing out on an
amazing experience.

As technology continues to develop at an astounding rate more and

more people are becoming interested in spirituality. Strangely enough
this has two main perspectives, firstly many people are so
overwhelmed by the technological world we live in that they are
looking within to find and explore their inner being, on the other hand
the advance of technology has allowed systems like Reiki to have
global publicity. Anyone can access information and learn about it
from their their own homes!

The world around us is changing, whatever our thoughts may be on

that there is no escaping it. The changes in attitudes to Reiki are quite
amazing. Reiki is now offered in many hospitals, re-rehabilitation
clinics and hospices throughout the Western world and has been given
to adults, the elderly and children with amazing results.

The International Centre for Reiki Training estimated a couple of years

ago that more than 4 million people worldwide have taken at least the
level one Usui Reiki Training. Studies and interest in it's capabilities
have expanded worldwide. Reiki is no longer being so discredited or
dismissed, it is recognised as an effective alternative healing method.
What can Reiki Healing Do?

*Reiki healing can relieve stress and tension, promoting a deep

relaxed state on a physical and mental level.
*Reiki healing can help reduce and relieve pain, even chronic pain.
*Reiki healing helps restore harmony to the emotions.
*Reiki healing helps bring clarity of mind, aiding in problem solving
and overcoming difficult situations.
*Reiki healing sharpens and develops our own intuitive system.
*Reiki healing brings about feelings of unconditional love and comfort
*Reiki healing can help re-establish our connection to source energy
* Reiki energies accelerate the bodies own capabilities to heal.

The list goes on and you only need put a search on the internet to find
hundreds of different experiences people have had from Reiki healing

So, what do we do with this wonderful Reiki Healing Energy?

Well as previously said it is very versatile, in the following pages we'll
look at;

-self healing
-giving 'in person' treatments-one to one and group
-distant healing
-receiving and giving attunements
Self Healing

For me it is no accident that the Usui level one training focuses on self
healing, for two reasons;

Firstly - it is possible to take level one Reiki and never go any further,
just using the energies to clear and heal yourself.

Healer-heal thyself

It is so important for anyone thinking of practising Reiki on others to

look after themselves, on every level.

Self healing treatments have many benefits and whether you use Reiki
only to practise on yourself or to practise on others regular self
healing are of huge value to you.
Regular self healing can-
– clean the physical body of toxins
– help remove negative emotional blocks
– bring you in to alignment with your higher self
– promote general well being
– ease and relieve physical pain and discomfort
– accelerate the body's ability to self heal
– promote self awareness and self assurance
– raise your own energy vibration
– strengthens your immune system
– and many other advantages...
Many students have described the 21 day period after their Reiki
attunements, whilst the new energies are working through the body as
overwhelming. During this time students are advised to practise self
healing every day. It is quite amazing what is “flushed out” and
experienced by some people. Toxins and emotional debris that have
built up for years are suddenly released and then replaced with a
wonderful sense of balance, Oneness and well being.

Being able to give yourself Reiki is an amazing gift. It enables us to

become aware and in tune with ourselves, often picking up on
physical and emotional changes within us, allowing us the opportunity
to act before they manifest as illness or dis-ease.

Self Reiki can be used to identify blockages in any of the seven major
Chakras of the body and it can be used to align and heal them.

The more you practise Reiki on your self the easier it becomes and the
more natural it feels. You notice your overall sense of well being
increase dramatically and your ability to channel these energies to
others increases as you give the Reiki energies a wonderfully clean,
positive, vibrant conduit to work through!
Giving in person Treatments
The following pages contain my thoughts and experiences on giving
in person Reiki treatments.

One to one treatments

The Reiki practitioner begins a treatment by grounding and centering

themselves then calls in the Reiki energy which flows through them,
through the chakras (wheels of energy) in the palms of their hands. I'd
like to point out at this stage something that I was first taught and has
never left my head- the energy comes through you NOT of you. Giving
your own energy is tiring and nowhere near as effective or beneficial
as giving universal life force energy!

Giving a treatment to a person involves the laying on of hands,

whether this be by physically touching or hovering your hands a few
inches above the person.

There are many ways of giving a treatment, the person can be sitting
or lying down, the treatment can be aimed at a particular problem
area or a full body treatment can be conducted. Generally a full
treatment lasts about an hour, but if time is short or the situation calls
for it shorter sessions can easily be performed.

For many people learning Reiki was a strict system. The style of Usui
Reiki practised in the Western world was brought to us by Mrs Takata.
There has been much debate as to how much of what she taught was
directly from Mikao Usui, in particular the standard procedure and
hand positions she stipulated. I have no intention of continuing the
debate here as I really don't think it matters for my purposes. I am just
grateful that she introduced her version of the system to the West.

Many teachers still hold fast to Mrs Takata's teachings, others opt for
the Japanese style, often thought to be closer to Mikao Usui's style.

My belief is that if you have the right intention, that is you want to
allow positive universal life force energy to flow through you and heal,
you will find your own unique way of conducting a Reiki healing
session. Of course you will need to take the necessary courses and
receive the attunements to enable you to do this, but once you have
the knowledge and are attuned your own natural way of healing will
flourish if you allow it.

It is so important to relax and let the energy flow. The healing Reiki
energies are far more intelligent than you or me-they know
instinctively where to go on a person, where they are needed and will
find their own way.
Sometimes students feel so worried about how long they have been in
one position or where they need to move next, trying to follow rules
and procedures that they actually slow down, or even block the
natural flow of energy.

Every person is different, there are over 7.1 billion of us on this

planet, each one would have a different Reiki experience during a
healing session. It is impossible to implement strict rules as to how to
conduct a session.

Guidelines are invaluable, I am in no way trying to imply otherwise,

use them for as long as you need to gain your confidence and
expertise, then begin to develop your own natural way. Getting in tune
with a person and their needs is far more valuable and beneficial than
rigidly going through a set of rules. Relax and enjoy each treatment as
the unique experience that it is.

In person treatments are great for both the giver and the receiver. It is
such a wonderful, gentle way of healing and bringing about positive
change, positive results and the bonus is that this natural, healing
energy just flows through you once you know what you're doing. By
this of course I mean once you have studied whatever system you
chose and have received the necessary attunements!

In Person Group Reiki Treatments

Group Reiki healing sessions or Reiki shares are powerful ways for
practitioners to exchange Reiki energy with each other. There are
different ways of organising them but the principle is the same, a
group of people all giving and receiving healing energies together-

Here are some ideas for group healings/reiki shares;

*If there are a few of you can have one person as the recipient,
receiving healing from all the others in the group and then the
recipient takes the place of a giver and someone else from the group
receives it. This is great, the energies are very strong coming from
several people at once. Often the healing is shorter that a one to one
session because so much energy is being directed your way, it is much
more intense for the recipient. Also the general buzz of the group is
electrifying! This is better with a few as if there are a lot of people it
can become very time consuming!
It is also possible in this situation to perform a Reiki stack. If one of
the recipients has a particular problem all the practitioners stack their
hands over the area and beam a concentrated energy flow to it. Again
this is very powerful and should only be attempted by qualified Reiki

*Another option for a group is a Reiki circle. All sit in a circle, you can
either sit facing the back of another and place your hands on their
shoulders and so on around the circle or everyone sits in a circle and
holds hands with the person to their right and left. It doesn't really
matter as long as a circle of energy is maintained. Often candles and
incense are burnt, gentle music is played and the reiki energies just
flow around the circle. It is a very peaceful and loving way to exchange

*You can also ,if there are an even number of you in the group, simply
pair up and give and receive Reiki from each other and then at the
next meeting change partners. Again the energies when you have
several people channelling Reiki at the same time are quite intense
and often this type of share feels stronger than a one to one because
of all the other energies all around you.

Healing and helping others is an amazing and rewarding experience. I

don't mean rewarding from an egotistical point of view, but rather the
feeling that you have helped someone, albeit not with your own
energy but through allowing the life force to flow through you, is an
incredibly loving feeling that brings you as a practitioner into harmony
with yourself and everyone. I always experience great “Oneness” when
I practise Reiki and I believe that whether you are giving or receiving
Reiki you will experience feelings of oneness with all that is and
understand yourself as part of the whole as this unique energy flows
into you.
Distant Healing

Distant Healing is an amazing experience, both for the giver and the
receiver. At level two of Usui Reiki you are taught the distant healing
symbol and this helps to strengthen you ability and connection to the
healing energies and send healing to anyone in the world at any time.
There are other systems of Reiki that use and practise distant healing
too but for those interested in Usui here is my link,

Distant healing has many benefits, it can be really useful if it is not

physically possible to be present with the other person, this is useful
in modern day life as you can schedule a session and get comfy at
home to receive it, also if a person is very ill it can bring comfort and
support without them needing to move or accommodate you in any

Reiki Distance Healing works no matter what the receiver is doing.

They do not have to do anything special to prepare for it or do
anything during it to gain all the benefits. Once sent, the energy will
simply find the receiver and begin its work.

During and after a reiki distant healing session the receiver

automatically absorbs the positive Universal Life Energy and this boost
enables them to clear blockages and begin self healing.
Distance Healing can be sent for many physical, mental and spiritual
reasons such as;

–pain relief caused by injuries or other physical conditions, to boost

the immune system, accelerate natural healing after an operation or
other form of treatments, promote restful sleep
– stress release, relieve depression or anxiety, emotional imbalance,
overcoming addiction
– helping to reduce anxiety over a particular event, like an exam, job
interview etc.
-easing the transition for the terminally ill and their families

In my experience sending distant healing works as well as one to one

healing and it's uses are far reaching, you can send healing to a
person you know and love, to a person have never met, to a pet, to a
wild animal, to endangered species of animal, to a group of people, to
a community, to a country, people in war zones or disaster zones, or
to the world!

When you first practise distant healing it can sometimes feel time
consuming and difficult, but with practise it becomes easy to tune into
the energies and send healing no matter where you are, it's possible if
you witness an accident for example to send healing to all those
concerned in that moment. You can also send healing to someone
who looks a bit unhappy on the bus if you choose! Healing never
harms, the energy is always for the other person's/people's highest
good. There are many applications where distant healing can be used
and it is a very powerful means of healing.
I have found that the key to distant healing is INTENTION, the stronger
your intention the stronger the healing.

One thing to always be aware of when sending healing is that it is

always to be sent for the person's greatest and highest good and it is
important to remember that as a healer you do not know what this is!

You can only send the energy to the person but then you have to let
the intelligence of the energy do it's thing, you cannot make someone
better if that is not what is meant to be or if the person doesn't truly
want to be healed.

The last point is very important to bear in mind when you are asked to
send healing to someone by a person who is close to them and wants
nothing more in the world than for the person to be well, on whatever
level. It can be truly heartbreaking to try and explain that distant
healing is not a miracle cure that will fix everything.

Whilst it maybe not be a miracle cure, distant healing is however an

incredibly powerful tool for healers to use. It has many applications
and the effects are truly amazing.

Forms and Styles of Reiki

Traditional Usui Reiki has always been for many the basis of and
beginning of their Reiki Journey. Some people choose to only use Usui,
whilst others explore the many other forms that have evolved and are
now readily available to us, these encompass, Animal Reiki, Angel
Reiki, Abundance Reiki, Tibeten Reiki, Egyptian Reiki, Shamanic Reiki,
Chakra Healing Reiki, God/Goddess Reiki, Dragon Reiki, Crystal Reiki,
Celtic Reiki, Protection Reiki, Clearing Reiki....there's a lot!

Reiki, in my opinion has exploded over the last few decades, now
there are so many healing modalities to choose from and use. It really
is incredible and with so much information being available online and
distant attunements making life so much easier, Reiki has become a
major healing phenomenon.

There are full systems of healing, empowerments, initiations and

flushes available. They can be used for self healing, self and spiritual
development, connecting to your higher self, connecting to guides,
connecting to your desires, healing others, distant healing, healing
past lives, healing pets, healing the earth....again, there's a lot!

So, I can't begin to list the different forms here (though there are
many on my website, the link is at the bottom of this page! Sorry
promotional plug!) I can however list and briefly explain some of the
more common systems and categories of Reiki for you. This is just to
give you an idea of what is available and to get your healing juices
flowing and maybe help you think of other ways to use Reiki or begin
to explore the myriad of Reiki forms out there.

I'm going to start with one of my favourites, Kundalini Reiki...
Kundalini Reiki

Kundalini Reiki was founded by Ole Gabrielsen, a Scandinavian healing

teacher from Denmark.

The system consists of three attunements, level 1, 2 and Master Level.

It is a very simple system to use, it has no symbols or complicated
rituals, but it is very effective and powerful. Often referred to as the
simplest form of Reiki available!

The Reiki energies are accelerated by having the Kundalini energies

open. Kundalini is the intelligent life force, or prana, which resides in
all of us, once awakened the energy spirals up from the base or root
chakra up to the crown chakra at the top of the head. The process of
opening the chakras and healing channels is often called “the
Kundalini Fire”. The attunements in Kundalini reiki awaken the
Kundalini energies within you in a safe and controlled manner.

When the Kundalini is opened the healing energies are amplified


Kundalini Reiki has many uses, it can be used for self healing and
spiritual development, healing others, distant healing, room cleansing,
healing the karmic band, situation healing, past life reiki, DNA reiki,
attuning objects and more!
Animal Healing Reiki

There are many different animal reiki healing systems available to us

for the purposes of animal healing.

Healing animals can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Animals

are very responsive to Reiki because in general animal senses are
more finely tuned than humans. Animals like humans have chakras
(energy centres) that run through their body, the major chakras run
along the spine. Hands on healing or distant healing directed at these
chakras can have incredible healing benefits and can help with many
issues that animals suffer from.

There are animal reiki systems that can help with animal
communication, trauma healing, animal behaviour, protect animals,
whether they be pets or wild animals or endangered species and
systems to help animals (and their owners) when it is time for the
animal to cross over.

Although not necessarily animal healing ( as in healing for animals),

there are also many animal empowerments that help bring you into
alignment with different animal medicine, power animals and their
energies, such as totem animal empowerment, wolf empowerment,
bear, tiger, lion, frog, eagle, owl, dolphin, hummingbird, horse,
dragonfly, the list goes on! These can be very useful to align yourself
with a particular animal's energies and there is lots of information
online about power animals and totem animals.
Crystal Reiki

There are many Crystal Reiki attunements. Some are designed to bring
you into alignment with one particular crystal, so that you can use the
energies for healing and spiritual/ self development. You can attuned
to almost any crystal you can think of, amethyst, moonstone, angelite,
citrine, turquoise, quartz, labradorite, etc,etc.

Other systems align and attune you to a variety of crystals that you
can use without the physical presence of a a crystal- this is good news
for anyone who uses crystals in energy healing but wants to travel
light! In Ethereal Crystals Reiki there are three attunements that attune
you to 61 different crystals!

Shamanic Reiki

There are some very powerful and useful Shamanic systems available,
one of my favourits and I think the most powerful (in my experience)
is Ama Deus Shamanic Healing.

Ama Deus (meaning ‘I love God’) is a simple healing system. However,

simple though it is do not underestimate it’s power in healing.

The Guarani Indians living deep in the Amazon jungle of central Brazil,
have been using this system of healing for about the last 6000 years.
It was first brought to the West by Alberto Aguas, a third-generation
Brazilian healer, who lived alongside and studied the practices of the
Guarani shamans for many years.
The Ama Deus Shamanic Reiki system combines God’s love with a
series of ancient multi-dimensional symbols, which act as vehicles for
the energy transmission. Although similar in some ways to Reiki as it
seeks to balance the energy centres within the body, the Ama Deus
symbols are designed for more specialised actions than those used in

Ama Deus Shamanic Reiki can be employed in a multitude of

situations, including the following:
– Healing for oneself and others
– Distance healing
– Healing for emergency situations
– Healing for animals, birds and plants
– Helping those near death or dying
– Helping departed souls in their transition to the spirit world
– Purification of food, water, medicines etc.
– Physical and emotional healing of the heart
– Helping babies make a smooth transition into the world
– Receiving spiritual information during your dreams
– Healing the Earth
and many more.

Ama Deus is a wonderful system that once attuned will help you
through your life.

Another wonderful Shamanic system is Ma’heo’o Reiki channeled by

Sheryl Rain Carter, the system uses many aspects of Shamanism

-Creating a Medicine Wheel-types of Medicine Wheel, Medicine Wheel

-Spirit Guides and Helpers-contacting your spirit guides and
connecting with your power animal

-Working with the Elements- earth, air, water, fire and Spirit

-Chakra and Nadis systems- chakra chart, energy flow chart,

awareness technique-learning the energy flow

-Awareness and Breath – chakra awareness, psychic breathing, sacred

circuit technique

-Healing Treatments-using Ma’heo’o Reiki in person, for distance

healing, self healing and group healing.

It's a very comprehensive and beautiful Shamanic system to use.

Other Shamanic Reiki systems and empowerments are available, the

list is endless. The above two are to give you an idea of what they


The number of different styles of Reiki is endless, I have not even

touched the tip of the iceberg here, but hopefully I have inspired you
to take another look at what is available.


Reiki has flourished and expanded over the last few decades. We have
at our disposal an incredible healing force that has unlimited uses, is
perfectly safe to use and that any person can be attuned to and use.

Every day people are channelling new forms of Reiki to help heal us at
every possible level.

Reiki is a means of energy healing that can easily be incorporated into

daily life to whatever degree is comfortable for you.

You can literally use Reiki to heal yourself or help heal the world.

This short e-book of my ramblings was written to promote the

wonderful healing modality that is Reiki in all it's many forms. If you
have read this far.... thank you for reading!

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to share them
with me at,


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