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Kinematies of Human Motion Vladimir M. Zatsiorsky, PhD Department of Knesiology, The Pennsyfvania State Univesity Human Kinetics ogi Pan Da ‘as, Vin, 132- Za (esoszse ss ‘Avapro xcept tn se, eatin rattenin i wt Sami Ets Ln rere a rs Sra nd "oder eros Gro Des Tea Eo Artes De Le ue ema int Boy, Win OH NY ‘To the memory of my parents Michel 7 Zatsiorsky (1903-1945) ‘Berta Barlentein (1903-1959) Contents: Price vi ‘Adtaowedgments A ‘Neon and onveasone es Chapter 1 Kinematic Geometry of Human Motion: Body Position and Displacement 1 11 Defsing body 4 Tue-dimeosional presentation of bman move 14 Sammy 72 1S Questions forrvew 72 Bitogpy 74 Chapter 2 Kinematic Geometry of Human Motion: Body Posture ” 21 Joineconigurton 80 2.3 Biological solutions to oematic poems 132 25 Quesion frseiew U2 Bbiogaphy 183 Chapter 3 Differential Kinematics of Human Movement 447 1.1 Velocity of kinematic cn 148 212 Acceurion ofaknematic chia 103 313 Boogie souone wth problems of ies inns: ol ofmoveneat velocy 207 ‘ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ‘ile Acls, who have helped met improve he ready ofthe book. The book would mo have been writen withot the sctvesapport andthe en ga Sas ion Zasorky Se Clee eesyvaia dae 1996 Notarion and CONVENTIONS ‘Seco and subsections ofthe chats re nmr hs eee edn ol Hence, Scion Lk eats: Capt, Secon 3, Sabeson "A vectors dented by aleter in ole pe fr ean, Fhe se Jeter ight ype dent te apie of vee Mateos pte ssqune traces, ke [R) Subse wally refer «sya of Cond {arto ie ta, when xia oot ean whet and tan fo ‘Sclerton 8s of me syabolsflows * the gbal sytem G ° 8,0 angular veociy Ba anger setaon (Rin mat Teton ax D)—plcensst nats ait mae (eed szobion Haren Kinemaric Geometry oF HuMAN Motion: Boby Posirion AND DisPLACEMENT Kisente gomeey isa bach Kneis tht ea with he ein at plan spent wie ie es ach The fstion of tbody ined thelacton of pinton tbody cede ody sorenaton Tahaan bay cane viewed a nsatem fgd ‘ek commd iy ts Hematol ae ly ips cae, sogreicae ofthis approach wrasse Based this poste, we cn ‘fn mas boy pation by (cation, place) resin ct ‘sin (© jon congrtion. pore Figo 1) Cape is oat come ny n Chutes 2 " ‘Stn Lt dee with eiing bay to bythe corn method conainsa geen oduct he mtn end disses Cars od ‘omponeas ad projections are introduced. Section 1.2 wil fibre a dents win sme ind fo dai oy octane with tin ‘fale courts stm withina sli bad adh ding ro Tema econsere wih ache acne ye oa bum dyed de nebo i mn abl clad ie papal oes all of wc eee 1. How w die a body postion ina sven efemnce tem (Whee ‘igre 11 When ds pir sv, i aly ana potion CD Sti) rion i yo a) i 2, How deste 3 ys sing mains fence nae ‘She urgent known ts lisp: at i ese 4, Howto deere the dilacement ofthe body when tans der st pron Tiscali pelo “sess in Son 1.24 Fnaly eye movement of arn 0 resect cal n cramp of apple he mets of hinemate vow fc cones and eve vs daca capes 1L1 DEFINING BODY LOCATION ‘words ina reference frame. Various cooninat systems e.p, Cartesian, ob Tu, eal und hve besa in sew Sete sem te eer Resnesi | ‘Motion ete eet pe | A potas mo lent, with, 8d och fn thr wor he represen sucrete onton of prt a rations th renement of Hy 4 tht ay ie ae wit he ‘yey purl tot Wihtanaon al fh dy ve ‘leg pri paths and svete sane vlan mle aay Roary, or angular motion te maveet of «dy aod asi, ‘aed aif rotaton Durieg entry moto fe fhe boy elite sae ron high gan, Wh rove in pre! plies ao cncettsesinsyented on te ase aed ans The angle of tate eased oe «ae eect Soe ne en wr ee of aon og —__| ower ete pera chor and have bee sed ich re 1.11 The Coordinate Method coords die 2. ny one pit Pathe by x thet of his poinin te al elec tem is ee Convoy, global syemis desea ihhundoorhogoa isd hth orn afinste ve esteem iat he eon. ‘omen he lie fied in he roa th pte X ai ovata rw. th poe Y is eral masa an te pose {eZ asherzotl sad the gt gue 2) Aner popu ce to ‘est he pnt Xan he ah he ove Ya heal abd fae "Toe ava the sg ight and ssi ona tht he same vba diffe sigs Le, ove or sega) foe ita hen oy nn in: Bl Pine tines 5 vod this nconvenence, “Forward. Outward, Upward (FOU) semis bunded. The FOU systems are practical for Kinematic nals; Owes, the Lox ftp maybe gienby vse Pay components pt se ea Tecan obs 1.1.2 Cartesian Versus Oblique Coordinates ‘ol oblique efience ame ae roel wed Wien the beef interests [Stttoew epemn smear thw se movement ‘Geybyasaney opener he cnet neon) pera ‘iacoranasuwe aunt te nue of opin Fo ax ‘seloth Hence, to oxs of masta sensiy of te semicclr cass mashed lense kt yon en pu ay i (Canesiancorinae stew, the componeats and projections ae identical Crean a ld not cor Catarina o> ‘Shaheed ely seg he alan nies “Teer ie coat by is poco (the costar ean 9 he ve re corn fant y mating Be cra ett amr on hi Sey inl oe epee in cova pecs of ‘tems, bower. re the prefened coe and have been wed mech more 1.1.1 The Coordinate Method stot rg of Il pen feo, nx San 12 en Coney. ystemis ent earned onhogos iad wast egnafiaed sme erence pointe cay fe prone {Comm pol me fed pound wah the ove X as onze the postive Ye verieal and span ade poss te Z ats horn sido he igh (Fgae12). Anse poplar cso Site re X uhh ete atom Teint te bj to cng iat doves of pm ieest he robes of single rigt- bn sytem 9 ports sate sm arletve den (pose cr eg) fr te gh and Esra need naa mane Digna $ Ses in ene ove tr Bea ou ee ess {da nove» Torvan Ost pt” COU) see ‘Summit ese spropiey digs er Se oe Si fore mnneas none ‘areca Cares faethe components of ector coed wi BS dese taro on esac es Tengen of ‘Soy hy my tae eon csp ge 1.1.2 Cartesian Versus Ot ue Coordinates Cota olga then o Hota tokoblge eee une egal ad hen cece ae tow wep mre b ow ke one poe Gg bys may gmx a,c mee Cops te semitelr cals fhe vests ran ae nt quite gt anges (comer Heeb eso matin ey ft eile a, Sma steve aes sea ‘wo ways citer by components orb pojtons Pig 1.3) Ite compo. Faso pectin aa eped and oe i sen ne a Gltoun canton yom compu sh rojas ee Ste component cosa Cled enrmerin cons eal eon Cerone cori vers Cori samycns co {SP whe sun ecvy engi Se raogtan ule pod ‘tts PT be commuter ree ho cede pale omen Cota rooney cain epettin ot esr a ments, indy sige cova ery sor chia asain pa mile ae re FT ae Shien dott le a : : “Sts sma fleet in oat mpc te sulcus ur Fr eam, epee oe et Figare13_ Copan, nd X oe Wp an rope {cari weve ote voor te peo he fan fase “y | espns sais coin tins Inyrin, wtin he ner se propotn othe psetion of teas ct ‘etian of oe hed oo teu tania eth soccer ale sens sig, any sr espose, es pode yi fam mle Ths, he motor espns ae hlved to be prs ‘evades anton . 1.2 DEFINING BODY ORIENTATION Projection-to-Component Tranformations in Movement Control Source: Felons, AJ (1981). Coen: A vaca dese ‘on of anfomiins of overoplte CNS cordon sel eno ‘Sn ung the MooePeaee ive Jol of Theol Bok gs 10,3593 ‘Thismodelofbead movement cote Fgue )inhae seven tas formats of covariant al sovatat voor sta fom ise Senna say ves a cs i sae of bh ‘a rom th velar ae poprioa te pias tthe eub-oenin ves, the pon eed 2, Toocuat nate amen exer ps cova seepson 4. The ovat intenson stories ioscan ta Figue 4p te resto of the vertu serie canls Isshown wih especoe jaal an pck aen ae (A sro ats CD Ea mts schematically playing nso Sen by ee xn sa 9 ey tcsforion Bice 330 contvauttasfoato a me tings ever Pin ie wit be vst Qiao 38 the Sigh band har ues do gus of teh and ar | ‘zed in he destin fom vesor Pp sexe @, eed than epee en of vstr Vigne, | gue ie Te iad ow lid eee Qn nut sene feo arc younger os Pto Your buns Soertedeeoect¥, “The flamingo prope of ete pods ze potas fr pl (Sto ia meee 1. rcs penton heer mtr wd ey ae toned whee order factors severed PQ (Q > Pl Shon nets Pod ae cline he eae been Pa Q sali) Be mao yn Fr pan as ‘vith te toy while sinning i oremsion i suse. Te origin of this ‘ati wey inthe pce Come of yp. Te sco sees ‘atm led th somata wat the boty aod chang 1.2.1 Fisation ofa Local System With a Rigid Body boy lle io sl he tance heresy ops win the nd does ab change Aigo) maton poses te ale owe nye ls fhe oly. Ate ipl oy atheist. AS th ie bce oot oxatncae, Fartch ina ease eta ‘sole in some serch recs te ranks tprvetd aa ingle igh, {Sesh ets mode a pte wo oe sll beds ca seedy jira asp dele: The desi of we ope the stdied and is upto the researcher yi he ea erence sum within spd body, the coats of ew ncn pits wien he yt Re Kava (per 1. Tve a. ee lite Crs of tse es a he fllowing routine proce employed wo fx the referer frame ta 2: The cross pet of ctor and, orf) wn) sector At ths pein tee anally espe acs estos ae kno were each sat erent, tn 12 and 3th boy wegen Vectors a re cam fen Pre pam ad 8 Vs, sd an dese oss pcs, 4 Local Reference System ‘toa Body Part, Inc ly by Wel et a ee ste ub ee ieduced i follows (ge 1.8) The emp of be yen of oda othe ear | sais is abscton, postive rotation about he ¥ axis iatenal rotation, ‘Cardinal Planes and Axes ofthe Human Body oat sface with arms haeeing sta down the eso the by, end ees lowing pane dane ee pan ting bmn xy tole eight Sagittal aN 1 eatin oon teopesterodrctin te plane divides the bint wom Bae scale te cao poncipl cgi plane The term soll plane lows dence ae Fords ins sieht postu te hon plac psig toa be Pena anv pa. The anes pss ah Ply eat er coral pine ot eos pe {Grates the bay it anterior and posterion seco. When this lane pve trephf o ofuaetaledtecadt o | esa lane Te ato th inertia ote aes cal | 1 nett! Gates of he sap an onl ple) 1 keene or foal intereptin of he owl ad nese | | planes This systems the mos convene! nis syste unpre owen dos ape he dette oon cenfrsin can | tei poston? ‘The heal reference syste oo compel defied vlan vith rgd othe slob fees sym rece 0 he de “ptr ofthe tide of teal item tach oh a eave a {helo one Thay he robles hom ta esse” aad ‘fbn desea de of he sl me” ogee 1.22 Fixation of a Somatic System With a Human Body ‘Te human ty ot ete i system of toes ogmens o try at) won elie poston ay The mat reeace ye fo neal cont of ast) od acs (2, peicipalans of int of (6. oh (aan () Whee a soared on mecha {al pom, he efonac aks change ik poston eave we sea Reference Systems forthe Whole Body Based ‘on Anatomie Landmarks Sse: ape (198) Simaation of nif ana iborne ove ‘furl of lohan 14 819, “Ty Bick ming, vo referent fas ced to he dy ee kines One ta. RO, was fed ote oper Eon egens sl he {econ Rly war ied te lower unk segnent (Fate 110) Bat ‘il nef, ee ‘Sct Peon ate Ki (2 ="). Theother two axes wer steer nd refed the diene ‘ween he cotton he ple th retain o hips. Tostwotunk pment mee tee twist bt nto elaie oe “Moments of Inertia and Angular Momentum ‘momen of nent meso th boy'reitance change it {nin on rs nlogoa oases itil ete) Sean) ofthe parle fom th also ton ther ener mas and ae perpen rthogead esc the, Cpe thr ae at ps tog he eter o ms, fe Pee ple ae es 0th os oa oii te art ed ‘he principal moms of bra he ment abst he pnp ‘help of eee tai tc ht eine bys ‘owen a wih espet anya psig oh i ero ia Inapine a pit, plore ona 5 dt nh eter oF aye ‘Thence pointes ond fms te ello ne, P Jpsion ofthe lid of nua anto pine giver heli of nar The argulr momen of rig by equ th profit te aes dengue | toman bly canbe esl ym fei osama bad | ‘Spmea)-The anglr amen of sche tncn be ond Py Soy Te scum ae nodefoabi ose ht a be views ss Wis eh ea pl ae ‘sysca is far fom ides. The sbouke gale consists of any bones ‘haan chang tire potions onerereenpoyed nse Investigadon, ne curl erseton of he bodys tte reference system (fom the pont af = performer tt a externa ob ‘ere islocln the ale deol ahha fied 3, Pmt This ea conveien butt ih prea bse etek ar (a) the principal uma ye and (te “spi-body syst the [ica somatic jee, te egos ten aly’s tro Essind erence rc gt sp Ae ‘efecse sham tential equation 0 yma ea hoe Iovme canbe weenie spt em Tite aaa the paca rfaence jtom Homeve ace te sal som yen wile the Baye leon fal the Do at foxned In ation, te pina tes emnetbe defined when fe two pein (r"owboy pte” fleet fm the isan aches Inthe pio method be bay i ied into pps tl ower pan. ‘Tov cre of was love fr ah pte tn dese. Te at if teeteeecesytemischotc tage lc conmecng fe selec cer of ‘enc f mut of he whole bx The second als dete log he Ir i the ev, T dae deen te oss ed 2 Eno fan oe nye pices nr ot lo root of nen Ths tubo even exposed bsg roaons ou th fw: marty naps ny uy Pepe whe tube oat (eae oe he one bow cae in iu 112 coped wih he ith ight etre own ia gic 12, woul be egaied raed lok tiough 0 Wie speedy sem he ation? Conse Snomorscagle Iagite atuman wats btn tsk oat fos (Pee 113A legate gueston aes a wheter er nt Soy sancti coating Te snrer ts eerer fr each soe ss Tre tank bed some yam ab enon the Dyn he tun trot pose (lg 113 totam rw) dlrs fen the ial wight Per sgl flo 180 Ta ran oth bs ais ets Fee splrbey atc 0 andthe ceaon nh pial ns expres ei. Body ‘Somatic systems posture Trak Principat Sell ae body ttt Vp a7 Z = \ bo ‘An Anatomically Based Split-Body System Source: Yeon, MR. (1990), The smb of aril movement I Cheat adie tip cots The id a aan the mip of ie sentes othe mis of he shaler ote lye scm ‘nas ond fo he coe ee fhe ose ut We pa 1.14 dpc aa Sure pecting ump in pe pion Sada i of etal ero wl cee the nl dy bee thn ystem ened none patsy . 1 i | | | (4 aa Porol | 2 nt fen 1.23 Indirect Method of Defining Body Orientation wd tits gh ony bing x uF eit Telnet seats oe ee ‘omnis yhee rang ona, thelr ligase monras nti owe oes Arg te ‘nein sed dn igs seas: Beate de ftalio tit ee me a ee 1H, Wit the eth, he angalar nena ote baby (ise Sb ay pe ft igh hes tes owe mo hog. Treponema rc ae fe koe i patente by onan wl be tp Soe eh Sa le Angle ease = (1) 1 av she hye fe formal seed wit indie etd, wat xa saa ron alr esate hea soma Ste eine. Tae {now end work wellness, fo examples oreacd hice ones is orberarat prevetbady ton ie chod wal it ‘someraling snglr ky o =H bu he nk el change is sande 1.24 What is “Body Rotation” Thoda encore whe selena soa se of cou tsa ph lero one Tey alin tem foe ore funda Ie how wine re erste consiug of eer egal a ‘ont prevent lo fas Ir heating? Or ite ome rotig [Seams fo cnet ine body? Aer sve rm ce, he Junge {Sse ila body pose and rest (gue U1). Di bs oat ‘aon ise sions Spe on dean of sation Ie dt {fers fom zr nod seme hoy prs, ay thea, ae etasing the whole ‘psem ssitobe ong. even ough he able of be ody word ty a ‘fa soma sstem stachol tote body, th presence of ration depends oo thessemselecied. fanantic besedsomai sem se, oper iso changed his tt i pcs ‘ipa 148 Fora jsp he a porns Aad Cw etal Wha ‘rap dipxemet fe peo fa tae kote ‘Sa ton oa samen fe nes ty cose 9 a 112.5 Describing Position and Displacement Representative papers: Berm Caporz,& Meghin, 99; inet, Hall, &Hilberry, 19730 sen in biomes ss emataly camped ope I lve tissue Eveo hohe mathemati whch set me eed ie ethane que ct Sniing he an aa sip Matrices Sec cats | The diagonal of square marx consist ofthe element 2 Sur-8) transpose mane (A of ho ai (AD he mac with rm 08 Colton isthe Taspotion of ao mate ves column, ute ad The sm fwo marie of te ane dimes it ti wih ments Ut av eto fe sonespning lene a prea ame Eire iene are] | Segoe estan ti talon: Dos pent oslo salar er rode Te saa ros ok ‘ec po ofthe maps fe vests mae by tbe “orn of te gl evens he ‘arc pradcs ofan (op) mix Aap) i), needy | {(ADY, 3 an ma) ux whose elrent ne tom and th clus | ‘edict eho oar [Bl-otherwise matrix waiplicaton i wot defined. Matix mukipication [Peseta ABs ot pal BAL “A (eft) inverse matrix [A}"is the matrix that satisties the condition | “oe ace of ge mst he in fe ements oft ign When a moving refrac syste od within by i elertaa ‘toa gt shit canbe dosmined by doe coon town eto 125.1 The Matsix Method ‘neon lta jsumeante coined That poston te ct ‘Seren ame ant dase ane beds 125.4 Relative Orman of Lal end abl Stes (The "Wheres ‘econ. Deising eno s single gr 1.16, Lt OXYZandoyzbs loa nao sys of sone, respi Tyr te eco ‘wien as elements ofthe clams mats (LLL) Trasltion fom poi Otopincoi dene th ame compan Ly and Fig oon ofa aoe vii pinto a UTTht caus ya eum eor pe ecot espn bahia ania nh te cate nc esc mp Riine ap visestoysersctaise¥sh hemes Rotton- Bac ni etn 9,2 te oes pn eps ‘Srnec ei ieee ar depen Fp L17-Di component byte leagh ote vce ich seul) verte ne of ni th eer ake ih cache Sorat aes of fhegbul syn These angles weal he doecio ange adhe oes are toma deco coins (se Fg 117, Directo cosines can be rumters instead of less o designate refeeoce ares, In this textbook, the unfree ue nersanghy epee tr desig (ste loa se and lower eae eter reeset he ae a a tert ari) xn be wan om " ale Jens, ext, cone) | Ato ote lob sate rm) we SS therotoe maitre 3 Tat veces, repressing rain othe ce ‘eswece aus ia the gel Fame Toe cian cosipond ota ates Toa stead toms tan mat matt fee te ht “romain nd ton Te oi ea ihe che ‘ecbed By te column 3% 1 mati for ransion andthe 3% 3 mati of ‘eton cases roti. By blag teow 1.000), wich sip eas beeps oe 4% 4m cae rn. This mt, eld prion ‘etc rajormaonms,joret ett aon a 23% 1 stm mai, wc gives the Isao o toni of one 1 tow ma wah lems (1,0) aloe fr atest ine i 04 fox} ~ (ex al | emi (1 dossitsay sine ston ofthe a eee fae, ‘Socal esp ty enue ee i ae oo hay Hover cock posto ts ody des anew at 1251. Deftnng Poston in Too Reference Frame (Coordinate ‘aajormaton, the Alias Problem) hc i enti iri re en al ‘eel ster comin cam be fan ode abo te bas ‘Pwr Translation. coors of apa Pinas efeece (P,P) {nt esto of aca sate wither te lao i any ‘Posksion coli mats or bean tie Pinte pal ame i ermine by te can sa [] (Wk he sa of cls sie] my ca) te m1 By El foe SS RS Bit) ls fit fee ol) fe) [tee te somes wees pe ei ep i {jirstine of be} column atl mas al woo 4 suas aac hcl |i eat Tes intone ye pdt of “orange spec he cnc of hn btn tas ion nn oh on antler to ms (este ntorcna cote noua) Scns peg ‘ie enon a ald omapenons Now tas ate coon vce coven tpn Se Sue we Seow cere Determinants Isiah verbs Tae detonate eth “het oie deen of 3% 3 mais sefat-| eo at os Bay ~ Oya Py sth =ren vee 30 nt fama eo ponetnig oss vecerhy senor i, Thee ‘Suu bs hen ye compensate 118) The rote id te poo ote sane earl pba sso. Desa css eee tec, wh etd te X sot Y wes oe bl te, ae cn doo G0" ~ a tr ‘Eecion con tes y mvc (©!) and oe Malin Fg 8 Tee pel in ie Palace Lew eon by i ‘te X snd Yes inh pba ese cn ecole Te coo eas of vse along ties B 08 a4, x8 6040) en La “cI on vers fa) av colume matrices fhe somone of he wee Pin ‘ati. Elments in the cous of mtx OR] ae te direction cosines ofthe Ip erence acs wih spc to the aes Othe pba sytem of oad ‘ati [XR] canbe also writen as “es " : wee = a EES SSIES] on Ina ie dimensional sep wer ven bys component ia net rctence yen an aloe ens bys poen na bale PHS = Si Tan core ofa verge ina loa sm wt al ote wanspore mati teat hl ot deter aay taFee=t ous fy and ma a noon ma. Ws ao ‘i i cae ae clu ata av ut gh The St Sofa est end cae tn) OF ae on wit pon ot Pie y 8 YR Sate clefts syst cab of spot inte Be ome at bend he tate nd oon aes aro, Teper ine ete pean OE fro cos canbe al, ay ol be exe te onl sen, Z Higa Li9 Poo of pane stale acy COR HEEL amotrene rien fern . EREHES lon, om, uns 14nd .15 pov the coins maton om eo alte othe gata fame G. Te tafrnation ven ates ofthe ‘Scorch ese the ction te oi of heal ne frets Poa ne endo mate [repeating he oeattin of be bal dame: Ung estan mi 7) usaon i on bo al cos, oot ot, | P cos, em, coh | F 6) ; oe nteunt bie PM om The tassorion mat isa amogcacoes max oth aston xed rotons ese one coon tena persion In gee fa Saison of he pce f=? fx paar ovement and = 3 for tree ‘Sentinal moreno +1) % fo 1) an (desing an thm ad oto, ald the homogenous anor. Te poston of ny ‘pun gen by iscomponens inne eres symone nly Stine {ues fomogeneos unser (Fawn 3 tl rae with rgd 6 eo Lert a Deserbing Orientation of he Seapula | smc pein Reel RED, ) Somat Sha sont nae cre a Se ee eee a | Sainte erent | |e ih ane ee | | fa oo | (Rele] 8-1 9 eo) | Sena eee ee state es one cee caer ee ere Ne apc tome | RR a a | | [ab 0 mi pon ay oe ey | Lee o explo) 0 allo sae owe 12.513 Defining a Dilacment (The Ai Problem) ip 120 depicts a nea! rane, L a change pst in ps. al poson sh bl ran I eed byte #4 mae Ee ral postion, pesto 2. with rp othe pele ted Oy the it lg) WH rege othe ial potion I poston? dic by th thee sane aT or tie poionl heel oe ower a given ean at) the sue fr ll pins of body to whch he oe fame fs tare Ctentnes, te Tita pan mati a as (Teas Inobmaton nae Maa, dines ial pan tol rae nse (7) Sef eteaon a vin Sis ees ya Ry) om ats especialy. Mat ae i pad erence ‘Ofthetour mete arin ts, [Fh [Ta aD, wo so considered pt ad two arto Tete plane el 1. Was tefl poston of te lasses wt rato the hb System, Ths ba tal porto (Ty), an ulate po ‘Son (Ts knows Inport a fe ety ea) Me npc oi gw 120 Aisle, Te J nso ven. What it thee posto a with regard a oer weds, what i TP Asi, [Ty] and To we gen, What he doce [DJ ex ese we lbaleame ‘ewe a dglactment te om an tal poston coining with The ltl eens rae Goi esa potion. Tha, tel po Sion eat be considered he composition of two dspace rel aus In gene he compotion seve laces given byl pcan ofthe comepening anebraton mt [Tab here ssh numberof iplcemeat To apply equations 1.19 and [he oorkntes x2) sold be marred cl enorsnse ras. Tat, bs homogencos tna Ty} sapped oe ‘pit messed ine al reference fe Ie covers he ensue usvomatins Wi Be bomogcoans wansors on £19, asi quo cat be wet: (eu am (RelelRal Ra} aan Roto Rs pone sound te aes fhe ol efereace Say Thema Pgh eo eee ma ats oon chaos mati cage). ven cl sca mana yen WS Ral 180] an) 5 oe marie Ring freee rst Sa ‘Ts toa ela prteed sou to es h hbl ‘vinci, and te subsequetretaben Rs also pefonaed sound {al tem. Ti is oe of te gene popeties a ton mat fc (ws toute mari ed bel he san ot Windeates tas unde sts of he el frac ae Indes ens und ae ofthe lle, eur) sn Rae note, ty defn ira ston, When oan "ue (8) spin emenay raion mies, cn be inter pried diferent wha reting anit ig (cee recon Ter eto) ar rr igo arn arom al oon se) Indi texbeok te consecave otaoas a tered eo 2 Wheat hal urns of Larval tpsions a 2.he ic ofthe live poston canbe ind Fem oan 149 aloft ax “Tis satin transforms Il ood in ase Lo ood wesin he eal ame, Appin sop I 17 mesa we bel) 020 wer te soins ofthe pin Pinte al fee ate and, eps. Equation 13 reel the Sse cua 7 aso tow ain pon. asian 1 the ne dered foto ooo te aa 3. To fin displacement mae [wich tastes gba oa TREE a poo Pl Coos poston 7 he lowing Web =fred Rd as) 026 w(t bl cont font Pat poss Trt anit andi, ate coring te oie Besse {Pe ane ain teal mes, eye be wit fsb) Tia oan 25 em be seurange st bl=ttal () Sustato quan {27a equson 126 ove he fon eke aan The dplnnnent ut, [Pa}=ltel lal” a» Egon 1.23 nd 12 te nt ine er of maison: r=, (Tala, ae fbebenby fm th css canbe cel frame and vie vera Sones, te tansloeaton ma ‘Sted we nee norman mai 08 the plot {Dl isested te lo raormaton marie Because nthe ie Site smb forte maces ay vary be ear soald te enue whether he lel repo mas ae beg se. ‘Sonpton a evel dpa onary fo hh enteral caine beac sens ih bey fe When succes fbn press ied wih exo ‘eBoy segment iis called joint rotation ~ u 1 the Matrix Method for Deseribing ‘Arm Movement Source: Hoga, A (199) On he ican of be sholer com Flee Jona of Bomechanic. 13 The elnive ton ofthe a with ecto the oso was stad Fig- Fae pa ne of Be soe ee eel SERS OSET yu geen te en nos hope Be | foro Teel psn of pit Pin he ined ee sven by th eqn | Re ere tbe corset aint x9? epost Twit caps othe ie face ane an epee rn 0 ih ese a ae i la rap | eccrine of Pin postion 2 canbe expensed trough ihe cor | este | 1.0 Soutien amass oem, he it arfomaton se ne Daes | | eerste eran 125.4 Projesion Als Toned tbe dein angle, pracon angen we asa pS {emo mean promises ome eon Te {tt plnes oft ba reference fame sn) he es of irae + OA cae “A x ee 2 | hotest sent pon xz ‘Figare 122 Thace projection eon costes For sump reais oe el ference tn | tan (2), =27 = con Paes) tan (190, = YK = ou (ios CK) tan (XZ), = N/Z=cos Xo (2) aso) he a 2 tm (3 an an OZ) ae he get of he ojo epi of bean x othe ples YZ, YX. edn cor cu) ‘2s (2) we doco esas ofthe agi ome bythe wtf he al Fre an the aes X,Y, anf th dato coins se knows te cs stig onsale ee agin Te en, an 900, 10 22), 130 Tnscaly eo pectin anges of beth cane chose sia: Ea tin 31 ingens commit on epson ngs Inn eee ie Ee pven mate’, te dotonosnevcan bees acl Ae fe uation natn ed tie mi Those como ‘Sly atin exgesinenal euch Fea! a nee erent ave novemen ewes Teo Teas Nine deton cons nay senda, becuse he poston tf abe spe cane excited with 2 salir sumer of les, Tee lndegendeot anges cemeponig te teratoma epee Feo) they mot be pected especie ord This cope msy ex be demon Sad witatok rth sl set Plast ook ons desk andro ‘i wo ine ase tle aes oot, sa ont ed ats teor Repeat his simple eprinet hanging deo tne rte took wl odo bode sase ety ae cach Sx of uous. Save fate nos ae at comaie (2 D'* a) ey ena Be “Te cage of cao can be dtd a sens oft ce sirens om nal oto at which wo referene fas Gand ouside Ele age ar deine hse ie sucess agi fo aut eam + fit perfoing the Snows sonra wh 0 st fon etl agar 175) The pas By fextodieenonmens Thea of oti snide wih he Foal is of he gyms body only excaseal eg ae moment of {cas and does ot chegs orca ae gal eee fame ines and dss lai oth at plane. Tis pos called ‘both te global refecense Fae ante eal reference fume (withthe ebay) ts sete eaten” Thea Pi Posy Tigre 123 Too anna ot ih os wi one a ip) hei erivinn ih fia Te nica spd ose ‘en ei sch thao st €. tates sound its longidina axis. The ais changes erentation in space bts ted with the body. The retation called is <4sibedseqene ess fn thst panc) use nto ay ‘tard spt pane), sa vi (loupe eis ed the ps comzony ada boners However x pose to ge ‘honed gence flrs amples edt tn repo the st ‘gi the rotten othe by sou the neopterin Ths sgn "ay eve ae when sing yaa eee om pore hte ‘ice thtltand wise lo be reefioed. Alo, he ale ma ‘alan, yn pu ad al aren eT ff a on| ‘tn sot ihe sof ming ane el Ba tao at eats of Be loc ame hl tice 1 eguncs fain (Er conveaions), However, tse cnn Te tran ie ‘Tih egard to an ais fxed within the rotating body, and the sooed is pe med velvet Noung ns. The seve ud he dd oats se ‘Bout eal aes tanfaned previous stone, These oa anes aed ducdbnw ys esa ie). ee ‘ote previously around the gil X aie. The hid rotons around the [Dela ch war ed previo avn th global X san ten end oj The emi coon sii te aque ofseeion maybe ere icles, yond (op, Ky). Some ators wee ‘mle’ ng” sean thi eens wt mal cox nes anther “Cars eles” or “Sey angle" fr be i ence wih fle teilmea t al te 12 sequences, Sie ty ae come ee Seed we “Eae' anh” Wen Toner ton inp th er “Card's ls” alo wed Tes or Caras angle cacy be visio oc imeines oly lrg poston ote Ear opersn lees of tain atl eoe as, fr exampl te ser Yer" ae ne XY pa. Card's Stspenso comps the diferent, for example YX and 2 The ‘Golan s acl convention ea refered abe he-ae seo te Ene’ or Candas angles ca be comiered the gle of rtton of he gi Fatrnatning is bc Invariant herarey of ese ‘nal ifeen Far nea hoo aay be nse wn 9 {igure 1288). The various convesons give set diferent sets of coe ‘Whca the se by tite sea a varios Ele’ or Caan’ comvsson te aga valves ifn Comicer be ep in Pane popendicuar tthe oe of his paper Inthe Botiom panel the oes, st {Saiom tbe ne pestlon, vege oe oto abst he ¥, and ¥° ‘he Inbal sane. Ths pheoomenon see i 12 Rene of i Ga alsa ‘me ati afte sna ced ery ing 18 ry bing in awe esa ng sin Tv ene the same aide ofthe ar can be represented ete a (x, 0,0} ara (0, 2 geal eaten i ete mode et toe fhe x axes a fos Hone, dete» body Coc, al be ree ners agi soa be knows * Te ex eu tn cn ete ny afte opted the tsps oder ofthe embalratins The ntl nae ‘hs eb yer sartig fom he er hts the pera man, i rg wat st haa. Sci Hac fos goa Eales or Cada’ signet, fie ttc glare ar ndependen of sequence: Ths athe go ‘cers crore ihe, a gence caso, slo ‘Spay ung rou be Za ory eps oing 37,50) the asd ot eps on he aon een, Wh ing e mn, set ay steno ol sang ‘Span fatness Fst sre ig dc “Tv sane nae age fran coment bt scent. Tiny yb ened geome io eng ea ‘Site tanesom bedi oie te oe a, kat ‘Sinton cos tom eal spc andthe snd fm te ea igus 10) fh spout ed ne ja oon coven ‘sh nt tsetse Capers ral reno Detain sae anasto been bodes wh Er sng tassel abomape The sg acne dco ey fnecurd Forest Er snp ten opens DAN (soy nts ang Rees Wands Ths gerbes eee aly asia defn, Ts th u's sige donot Torn shomogeenar sem. anton al oon ms ‘enue spate. Ye, he Fler np cane ely epesed le sent 33 maton mai R= LIL wee. ‘eusoeatin mai Tuy bcos a stint aly Fork 2 rion sous “ae eft eapr oo (wet wea of 01 0 fo omy 0 af-up 0 cope sey omy [ivan B cseaainfany ster? cormsia wy + desi) -fimaenB seasinBsny + cnaony snasafowy cm asiny sin ebny cob | ao 03 eats nh combined mac (eson 1.2) present con co- Sis etvece he es of ofl ae. They segs tfc ‘in ft Euler: Tia pert elo dros he ales tng: agi re emp i th pects eto ans the ner same | ittgue 12, Pound enone fe oes mediately Soar rachel ered eatin oa a | Sena ns ofthe ssn deeds abc ad | Shiosen sic date ee som psf te to 8 toeinapcs when doe ee irl beg fth ‘Saw etn sol elon ser Wie fe oe ec ‘Sata postion ey id hc, obo spe ed Sones riage och | Z | 7 [etna Sovak ieageit mene | pr a_i dcjopaiane i Bom e Wt ag 3.3) Ne a Spa shel rane An ines operatic lo poss, When amr Rube "athe E's angie pen he cement at ane eg inves ofthe Euler's tls oe aemers etn oer of rations Pe spats 12 sa 123 los daa ars nin re 0x sec)" Dee eee | ‘gstenn,O-X,Y,Z, where es isk number, and ‘ered dees he ventana +, en angle teen the postive itn ofthe Xe and he, | centres eosaure The ois ape aro oun as fos: enc h)=0 enon X80), wenosl vn) <0 1 nan vere NZ) Ay} and Aa ae the ale oton around ees Torpericlr ans positon nent aon snge 20a he fest aed thrd mes wp de Er unglesctnotbe sie, These angle [epost he ale fh ts id ier ame etcined Oly ins amo diene) mean For example, won aman nding ‘eltary steton faa 0 ts ingen to cen he as of ean: Westin gl ten te Yano in caste ey 87 The Ugur sons ae ion fr each of Ear’ angle and eenty ube vida oper slo farfennes ame or mgr conten Feceoa stovemsns bower eh Eae convention sate "at imsapbl vantage of any Ene caeon he ependence (ion, when ssc in vases alr ovine ame ohuroceind by aleet vale of nga cornses Alan inte seqoenee of re (Gos rly nd to asd et In expernentl tags, when Dete Uo mon at ny leroy fs yo sn ot 1.25.3 Serew (ical) Method ‘Representative paper: Kaze tl, 1972; Ramakrishnan & Kaaba, 1991. “Te stow mtd emit a ein of dy aide what fering © tahiry chosen ses of race, hn Euler's and Chasles' Theorems sere evento! ten ee og a a cobra nerretogier asc toe eer ert ody. eas the pot with ro velocity daring infinitesimally small motion. 12 semis ery swe ls Teo ‘alld the scr ax (an ld ara) hlical ai (a relatively new tx oe ete ecu Guat rey tet mane be een ota Se Aa ree ih iene canny aps aia ota cas betkeloarpete ares Shacate gue 130 Goins fhe Paw pia i diet a 1 ee dresion ei ec nd 1 the potion of eR ang the se (2), 08 the ation of he yout ea) The fling si preter ae ended dies aly poston a2 Two coments ofthe rein oi of thew ai wth ny on te ie coon ass, che XY ae, and 6. The trmlaton lng andthe ree The talon fhe boy log and its retin aout ths ei isc be ly dese ys pk of eee, ach defined as he olbwing eae Goma fm Mes By Poe mene 8 Using the Helical Method for Deseribing ‘Arm Movement Sune: Engi, AE (980. On te Nomestanis ofthe soul com 2c efcctsoe sual naan npc aus Ape | ‘enon epson ons pelos seein ——-| deticed asthe ain Zo and repeesens the magaitde of wanltioa per ne ‘nda of ie main The pls is ned to conmabze Se hs lain "lave bela rvabon Wace he pics 2 (C= 0) he moon 3 ore rng when th ih enfin (a0) the meio ie emalaton ong he ss Any Beal main cas be acieed in to sp, anon {odin nitro forsee nes, he ars mlpeton ffmauitne,Ad> atte mae wie element ae eon of "When the helical ais metho it wed to define ota, $= Dad ony tee pecan tenie Rotten be resois comply Sorted bythe decon afte rotaon (vo purus) nthe angl eon. ‘acto fh wes slants freon, eas ag po. oven oe npn of eaion The the dinenonal wt etoraang Shand, eset te son cosas fa ditetinvestarU, Cees (Sine of gl aan Seem tothe Se of alee enh ottoa matc hb told the ton vet, te on miter soll be mpeg by foe this tthe most spi case, che direction csins ofthe helical axis are rigid ye ao angle, esr in ran: ne a9, we yan a tion cones of Ue decton e U, This ‘pret, mua, not conveie fr cmpating. Trt ed tthe ange of ton th eo get vl eel. The ‘aoa Vesa includ 5 Use} Uefa) The dsectn of roion vse is determined sco tthe it and buble Wea ie ‘68 posted Th ton veto ee xl magutdatrataly pal ot cote el frm sees etary ens a be seul casas om see convention ast oo eso eli reins a hve eign low 1sa2) bey stan) cvs) dmcox(an) Tee pannel ar conseda4 Iv vt EI=I6 ne 6 Te irs pease uyectedo he llowng cost eat Goes ect Hone, he parameters se et independent Daly tw of tam cn be conn ey. The Sst tee Euler's pts, by nde ete Carn compen of te aon stor Una). 1B, Roshguc’sparmatr me ast of ee independ asa Asurtalen) Bew;-tm(a2) Cau, <1s0) ‘Toe Radeiue's psn eto Cate componeats af ther thn ystor Utama. ‘Qusteion a renzadsocl met bjs. Foal ey fvwritenas som ofa see sta ectr id BeBe spams ‘Morte, qa c+ 6 needa clo ‘mutes Qusronecan aio een nd nto st hm ‘ec oumbuedoendng on our uit jk Mate oper ‘gto ose nti ep yee sents the tation shout aosrain wis, his wis schon as mais of he ‘aca fone, he by soa i line pepe the efeece i} em, com Ol=|sne ewe 9} aay) Lo" “obo 0 a Sir diferent cer of contin ae ey alle th avon ‘mais (R consis nine element expensed in temas of wigonowee Fane os though cnet dears tidy aint, hist toon soevesien ors Wes th aon as fe cannes sinper fap body poston Hears it any mation matrix IR] represents a otation about a ite wis U a angle i IR] an be witen a (Ue), secying bot the deco and ‘Megas roto. In wha lows estou of gee sad en ‘Contr ety he flog lems: ‘Teena max} given Fad hasan ie np of rotation, 2 The ats andthe angle of rtaton we known Obtain be mai 8) swsh neostn a pute te of todas, 1, Arontion 3 3 nae i proper egal mae Hen, th leeghofte genes sited whe + oe change Steroaon The isecter ofthe roo mars [Rasa a Matrix Alge sro veteran clr ext trey ti eon mnvaav The vector Vand besa ocala egemectr ad eee, siposuvly of 1} Te expression AV cu be toed sting tog the eto of ecu VT, th expen [TIV = NV ans ‘Gatien he retort [1 apple, eer ¥ doe oc chage te ies. Novos ot chasm i iin ceria ligenyectors and E Proper ation sins ve ae cigevae, + Seton ctr ds eigen he roten me sul be dt fins, Ta ection ves af te raon mats sien by he Fewing expen: u=feon - ea, no») Fe fretnpe tens ané ow), erkersaon aieshown fnceaion 135, egemvecors (0-2 sna Inds example, ise vcs loge ir 7 nde engin? sia Th es {tonngl leo cante any onsaed Frome cic form) (gvenis equation 13, eld ur TR) = +2 co wae Fal the ee of te ton mah fons ha noe! (nis) oy Besa theta of mati) svar alr ost, te etaon falc uly be cpt witout. mai The eltoshp btwn be ie ttn Yara am he ee won rican Be rely fan Tae for of eaonip ‘Spoon al rut (Eler'sprtete, Rogue's ‘furan, or neo). Por Bae’ parameter, We relaonsp [afer eei-1 2b-ea) aoc) [RI-|2pe0458) Aree 2P0e-83) | ayy Leto) atbews) 28 40-1, “Theft tion vesior ae wel to defioe eer the body oven Tirta placement Te diferente al pose Whe ove ‘etannathe foe ate (10 eatin eer ei by {he body cconert| ct nase 4 as nee hey me 6 Rt Maen 1.26 Advantages and Disadvantages of the Various Angular Conventions Showa «dyin pes, Yr Yny pn sein fete th ma ss fete priory eguementsof icing body stiade tom a pata sd + Diet mai, * tame ysl ewig Th oy ote shoo esta + Grp rpesaatce Changes th aide sould be aly i + Shela oh sk singular positions. ln Some convents, the Te Compursn othe Dirt Angola Cardin Syme «Pasty, he ak of peri problem. Pala angular ps one sppoutisg 180" (e. 17" ane 11°) may be preset of thy ae tae om each tes, sh 9 and 1" + Conenensofdessbing soe tons, The vas corns ystems ae compare eT Li [very mars entre of coi sym soniye 1g Body Postion from Experimental Representative papers Chall, 195; Spor & Veldpans, 1980: Neldpaus et al, 198; Wolting 1091; Wu, 1995 Insp he sn ye 8 on an rt ‘nthe markers oust not ion sight ine. The coordinates ofthe makers tte meted wi invble eon ich ee cose ele noe, The Sn band ys eer dpe wih ge wn ‘on s cloud fom coordinates that have been sifted by aoe, the ror ‘ns Teer et be minis, bowever if oper ocedcs we eo ‘ed nexpernental ech, ws hain potas ae en cay pose 1, Tens igomd oly emacs pr sm ed nh fat cathe reir ages the marke dot chang thei estos wh eprd tote Boy semen ow ch hey ae ett. Hens ‘odeerine he won man dtemining aaron even veel, isn elementry opti), to glibc of te tee marr a ‘etre The fr each asker P=, 9,3) leas =P Lai acl. wee Pea psstonvstort he pin Pinte pb ere ingretereace ayer he lol coondnate sytem hut moves in ala ‘oon, the eeeae anes eagle othe asf the oblast. The ‘soodints ofall de marks inthe moving system are reread the 3 ‘nd, bene, equation 11 ean be applied. Because te equation bas ray Pal] ir “heroine ma ane on ee (rJ-tRI] a tks fed a boty segment db xing bay postos para th pinnae cies. Whe rea ee aire ae ae at Te] sce gue mat nd etn 43 sao eet spp A cps rte aon mi) ae nd ibe Peceete tces bps dterention of be oton mai Sth tlt vet Lean beached yang {Spas 19) er as are Pan Pe eth cornts of pin Pinte nla globe ames, ‘Maa Sar apostate ben decoy fort Ener anges and ‘When bere Perse saree fr Seagal oto sauces expen Cater Sve 30.3) ho a mat Un)=[rall = ef (RIRT)) cas ore (,] ant Ph 3% a macs ofthe make connate he oar anal ae ang, =Te_ FURIE TY supseutawese ol) roses tee, vwenis “ 1.3 THREE-DIMENSIONAL REPRESENTATION OF HUMAN MOVEMENT: EYE MOVEMEN Representative publication Carpenter, 17. nun novemens eset thes dtc! te he resin a [ot thas ee owe ht dre-dmenon! positon sad dpc ibe dee in varos ways When shag maine jet the favre the method rst omen forbin ober ht or fro uncover the serescn ed by CNS, ats by te perme: ‘She ofcourse od hte wed by mtr ay be ages, or cane, te CXS may eo a mora oe erwern the “englnweing” (te verve’) tad “hua sciaist™ he Fesomecs) pps sul etaken nto exc. ovens of ces ia god example of te Anema bles he tiomecunt sm ack Sty of eye movence sa aval fl of reed here. Wha consi ope movement we alg it bow te 13.1 Bye Or then ome pce ih bee tena gas Seer eh onl en Fr be Sealae hac avons etapa ey syns fed ibs a alo one ed ve sea Te Sothys fant ogee ne ti ete tne shtml os Poe on aca ‘neater en a il ose Tee caso sfondi sin ntation retinal horizon. Ts the xy plane of the al ys, which owes wth he je Te vertical lane Uw te canter of etson, hie sth plane of Spec nt te ria Noma. ee Fnaon oth ej’ cate of tson elle eine of iano ere fig Te ain) oto yt ize ong hs Une Tele of Faton sy be tne in "updwnandTeeigh” ens. The ane ‘god wit be hc ln nd terest eta wise ye and ovr witht Hoc, when head does oto te plane of aon ms Fe le nde rl rao my be le sod ae es npr ‘rd tht plan of aon dst Delong de eo sy. ‘emofsvorintes C7. oct sl syanm.x32 Taste pine Xa soto ec fs Xj When Bt eet on. Pin of pian 68 rane. ee cles sine ew fan By SIE ariel nga vn eee erate mss tea! sass seat eee ‘ost Te sag been the el rion andthe rl harzn fener Sipe rferrer cn vere nf al tte pv wi or nf toe ete main ho pepoen hy SSE te pe nt be Ts pret creer ‘Ss. anh opm ee Te sun Ss Sreseinte ti done fos up ibe aoe ote Thee on eben aide ‘be nay psn ch a te sal an 2 evecodry postions with ye ca ane at rtaton sot ‘er koro vee a Ar uh ator fr expe, bur the axis of fbaton () and the ais hat was cxented vertically in tng he earbieloed vet ae pat 2. the tei pritons orl te psoas Ate ea ess he te dee 20 rae soo he nef s(t penne wl Be ‘reve in moe dtl te, sng’ a ese i Sesion 13.2) ats usu onto om wach ay ‘ezanay ory postions cn be enced ig tn so at intisngs lane. Te ccfereace oson se pstion x wich ey ae lactase (0.0.0 nts bok lw ase apponct nd inp usin by asring tae iy poston si eee Routine inensn! ace are mt commatie. Tf, he ‘irr Tay etry te eel Sh ofa im rey emt bony Pe non ad fini spc ft te el comp Gat) an te Hiatt, soon Loe ono no ‘Sstoepeorstees comm hoon esata ‘tebe lnnmecdie Crd Wi pc eerie ‘Si onda me ps Gane. ba be Pe ad sh mare even be cnrhy othe msg of ssi of son eB ia als tae wn Sova Tevesnust aetna ‘Sinn a rl ste spe fae Deh ‘ethan ot eae tae ee ne ene ft Fic, pat vec ing a Se ‘XSeogrighiepoecon, smart fan gographial map is wed. Crates setilamstlewece te ests meets tue scone equa gmbal town one igh Ta Hes (par ects, Inthe Heol’ gible vrais xed ia he eit ‘sz The cond ato, ou ene) as per ‘elas of fon, The eal zane ss uae wh he Plane es A al son oc, Tis ton, bse the ea “Tete fale tso as heen moda ihe Herat diferente the ee oon about he ite of nation. Dung described mame, he tatoo rendthe ine tzaton. Tere ofan as tower ie ct Netwtstaling the 2c ata tron the ye ave a fret Erect he a on genom he ne wtih eee ‘Was an je postion sve, ifrent ese of coms er at mime values Tn prs fort ame eye poston th pee era no the whee mesoure it F's ad Halaboie's sy, ‘ening ees Eien any en wen po sacs wen the potion of oat ona planes dssbed i Crs 2 bcos, the metal ass lifer (ee ase 125, “The case F's and He's cords hae tee Waly wedi tsar repistcng eye movemoat en themeles more ara ag ton ect Therotsionvecorispralelo the au uo sed ngs schist ofthecordnte es andthe ore of tion, athe ‘mit oy grap erect 132 Motions Actually Made by the Human Eye ‘Wonders's Law and Listing’s Law) Ths yes mechanically fee stam any nga Poin within he ange othe mat tn ts it The ee msec ra tee sd ay ‘is However une the cous fama vii, he ee ooo ea A 2 IReUsin( 72) SS ¥ ‘Renate abr Sanga ice ee Set wie ‘tl tnt rela pot Ts angle rman To Donde’ lw (887 sales ht he ange of win i coast for any sven ounon oi ne f i oer words te age us fant of de angles dating the gue en, oral, be ale tevin aa te mga snes Hel coveton Te rae Stilo esol epson the ay ees tlt epson of wees ‘Teeny pope tial of tre caoot te changed wlan wot ‘polingtom tig Danis eae at a {Tsenionl one. The eye dec ot make we al tres pb tations ‘niyo pire te ned ode ope poten. Hence, bee postion cant concnety represen bys two-dimensional pt The Few is ots concuoce of can consti sparc he E> and ot meal a aston te oye sprite ott sb tee su Te tons oe couple mee in soc 48 ht he pe ieee comply dtrmbe te maga yeatotiea, Dons ntl these fae, Telia example sy) Sendby te CNS to rote th umber of arate pate of wa he soaed Remsen’ problem hich toe Ste pecs he ee mavens: Doe's ca be cose erly of Listings av: Ising’ ae balls, Dna’ ay to. Teng eo ocalr eens (1855 maybe ate allows (he case cy pan tty aly ng en |Searotheaza dion te inary poston The find paces isting lane ge 39, Th iw des nme athe ye el a onda te as Ont contary th el an De done in any wi ‘uel To vnlze Ling nw maine a wal clock The pane of the {isk face aso Listings plane A hand of he clack changer oto. Non: rhe magi ration of ody he petal) rand engi O00 S6e O00. Wexner fiyantedaeeca on and Listng’s laws are being actively discussed. Two issues have been addesto: Figs 57 Te open eo ie el eo Secel mee iti) The eno ed cme se preci a i seme eee ieee Bovis Succ Doar ange he, 1.33 Rotation Surfaces: The Laws Obeyed by the Point. {ng Head and Arm Movements, ‘Representative papers More, Watts & Vis 1992; Mer, ‘acces, & Glen, 1992; Tweed & Vil 1092. intl; the ee fe oat about os bogota, Vader the ft lane Hence, he aye dct ace mike eo ptt ity My oft e's orton, wc ae chnaly ail et ‘Sto nae crn only fate on ae ing i evn nts ong nent wl stl am The flowing isis ve boc Added ia experimental + Donna fe pining nd re-dcing movers, When ead ay sig pong con, doe aan ie "rescmeaoa ernaton The answer ex” Weve the + Tho gown Lisig' la: Doth ates of um tes ein ding oiming movement Leis aengl see sts acest pine if Sein ims etd ig whe ‘the answer tothe second question is “no thee tis san example of the alent’ teks bon repre athe rete vt Hse, gnea Ling’ aw va for fs ht of oveme sting head movement, he rowion vectors le ia a sag plane. An ‘yeand for hes oar movement. We canoe move eee volutaily cose Wi the (genre) Lig oe ‘aw rage of joint moon, about 30°. Fora broader rage of motion, the Sic consi he aon vests ot at ps tis cod Ts ‘hc soe ots pode byron ava anes Fk gimbal hs ‘erica sis ix nthe hnontal a moves wi he gba none ‘Sans tones aes poplar lo nematic ays fae age ofsnglr mover ieee 1.4SUMMARY Thischater des withthe diferent tide for Geseing Iocan a “oentaton ofabady in spas. Two aprscie have ec se seach ‘Gees «bmn toys onetaton apace Io the ft cals SSenintes (sat am) aad ih be ay a the, ema fe som yt ih enuf the ll semis determined. The ‘Seon Cec) apron bal on clelion fe qutent angle ‘Scocitminonaat foetal fmeveek oe ndet pp he Fain by at cmisred bet of the wl by. Sach an ‘proch oy lend entons thre yaaa aii aor "When oa ae dfn reste lave oh tl rae cx by hse tod Liat The awng meh ae con Sisco! att bod e's agi, nd te ele sod. Tse et cs pm he inerpctaon hy pein nen fee tbo thd ts bdy on, pen in te ube mera Infested) te dnpuon of bos place om 0B on eT ie on of Ee De We ‘edt homens rangor Prova cons of ves agua ee Tentons wedi neal cach are esd Tn Secin 13 heir epee ye ove ‘ben a Kaleb and he msn emp avssoveming ee ove ‘Donn’ ad fing lav, ae dcsted, Rosie Yes we dered ndrcomaended as convene os of ass: Pale eng betwen ie oe movement sae poming hea oa movement we cy de pet eta of dtcing aman by tation ‘A global efeence ys, Ge fed within aan, ch vaste tobe rigt bay Alea eens syne Ife wis opet ar Tue attude of up aen wih ead oth ak seed typed 3 ocean ms [Tote flowing peers (ie 2 Apion pote nger inthe cl tome sth by {hecorR, Fadapositon of tinge wi ep oe 1, A poston othe ip of be igure ie hbase i decried ‘ty Lvl, nd pon th fnge ith ogra upper ‘fea ao, evr etn The exon a "ane ron of 5 rekon Wee on ‘etn ind hel ration i hope a i ed 2 een 4 Hott ini sat te losin of he em wit rea othe sok ei Nite usin fd tn jt gi ion inte eon angen. ‘mews nk eet Ws un ston id er ‘les Sesion he hl tere, 7 ale: (1) the oar swing angle in the horizontal plane projection, 2) Shearge eae nthe vera le pein ad (3) Be gio te orton abet itn ates Can he agen be cle Intbefienmre some sts ave des Fler’ sgh a pence. pendsot Cosy lara ve mentions i eo ste mer indepenent an, thos, ageing, What he "Shon Er angles thy ae mth? 11, Deseret parame ein te etl meta fo etn body BIBLIOGRAPHY. * fae medal nce 128837. ote. Sde LH LCS Suzan B (1985), Co as ene Capgort, 5 Mel (160), Resmi oN. Bee & A. in ih Bie of han mementos ea ‘hai, 1 (895, A coef etemsing si bod wstormatin p> utes Jaa df Biomechanics 28 337 : roy Hetil E (196), Antote loa of andomia d ln ie nt fa. ens ‘ag AE” (900), On te bach of i der cpl Jounal of ler (095) Mable ee dnenson eytation. ib Re ore Wat 3 Vie (1982), Cosas nam potion wen oiag ignestincnons Dole nde kg eee Jama Nesopislgs 8 2) 37433 sul Oi al £8. bers, Bt 97D. tee of he tl ‘eens 9308 vo Iatrsonal Say of Bomacans, Aas (py 30493) avs, ae Paws Men C1 Te tl em ag ‘wos (1984) Roatiena kinematics ofthe boman vesbuloexlarrefles 3 Lig Yama of Neve, 38 nai MM, Rng, Ms © Goel Vk GORD, Aegon ‘BSP etnies or mca norman nats (AMARC Coa ‘ie iene i ene Cr rate Pp. ‘Sinic to al morenent sou date ener of ton oud nal seo) motors ep. S616, New ek Ord Unt Tomei man Factra NUIT bln Dt (DRO The ef ss ansyig the de ies Ssiamat F-(979). Level of xmrancne presale of Mahe sac hota 20 ‘brn. 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