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Approximately 840; mixed human and dwarf.


Azar is governed by a council of wealthy landowners, led by a female dwarf named Bura.

Notable Places:

The Harper and Flail: An elegant adventurer's inn, kept by a silver dragon named Nidea.

A few NPCs:

Heide: Female Elf Fighter, Good. Heide has a narrow face, with golden hair and blue eyes. She wears plate mail and wields a
fauchard-fork. Heide has an animal companion, a black wolf named Berta.

Snolfo: Male Human Merchant, Evil. Snolfo is repulsive in appearance, with silver hair and light brown eyes. He wears
modest garments and carries a long knife.
Baldo: Male Human Fighter, Evil. Baldo has black hair and bright green eyes. He wears chain mail and wields a two-handed
sword. Baldo has a severe allergy to moulds and oozes.

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