English Test 8th Listening and Reading

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English Department

35 points points
Total score Mark
Name: Matías Cárcamo Class: Date:
Content: Listening and reading comprehension.

I. Listen to Yuki describing her trip to U.S. Check the things she has done.
( 16 points )
1. Ridden a horse __T__

2. Been whitewater rafting __T__

3. Visited a museum __T___

4. Met Native American people __F___

5. Done a parachute jump _F____

6. Taken a lot of pictures _F_____

7. Been to Las Vegas __T__

8. Been to a theme park __T__

II. Read about Max´s new favorite sport and do the exercises.

My first parachute jump

I’ve always enjoyed doing exciting things, and I’ve just started a really exciting sport: parachute
I’ve enjoyed watching the sport since I was a child and have always wanted to know how it
feels to fall through the air. So, as soon as I had my 18 th birthday, I booked my first parachute
In the U.S. there are a lot of parachute schools, or “drop zones,” so it was easy to find one near
my home. Then I had to choose a method of learning. There are three different methods. You
can jump together with a teacher and the teacher opens your parachute. This is called tandem
jumping. Or you can try accelerated freefall. This way, you have to open your parachute, but
two teachers jump with you and check that you are doing things correctly. The third way is IAD,
or instructor-assisted deployment. Your teacher doesn’t jump with you, but opens your
parachute for you from the airplane
In the end I chose tandem jumping. It felt amazing. We fell for about 40 seconds and then our
parachute opened.
The air felt warmer than I expected, and the views were beautiful! When we reached the
ground, I wanted to do it again immediately!
I’ve now done seven tandem jumps and my teacher has told me that I can do a solo jump. I
haven’t done it yet, but I’ve arranged to do one at the drop zone next weekend. I’m so excited.
I’ll have to remember a lot of things, but I’ve practiced many times now.
After that, the next step is to get my parachute jumping license. I’ll have to do 25 solo jumps for
this. With a license, you can jump at any drop zone you choose.
I’ve told Mom and Dad about my plans for parachute jumping. Dad is pleased about it because
he does a lot of climbing and hopes that I’ll enjoy sports in my free time, too. Mom is less
happy, but she knows that I love it. And I’ve promised her that I’ll always be careful!

Read the text. Match the sentence halves. ( 3 points )

1 Max hasn’t a seven tandem jumps. _1B_____
2 He’s had b done a solo jump yet. ___2C__
3 He’s done c his eighteenth birthday. ___3A__

Correct the mistakes in the statements. ( 10 points )

1 Max has been interested in parachute jumping since his 18 th birthday.
Max has been interested in parachute jumping since he was a child.

2 Parachute students have to do tandem jumps.

Parachute students can do tandem jumps.

3 With accelerated freefall, you have to jump alone.

With the IAD fall, you have to jump only accompanied by 2 teachers.

4 Max felt colder than he expected during his first jump.

Max felt warmer than he expected during his first jump.

5 Max already has his parachute jumping license.

Max still doesn't have his parachute jump license.

Answer the questions. ( 6 points )

1 Why was it easy to find a drop zone near Max’s home?
Since in the United States there are many parachute schools, or "fall zones".

2 Which method of learning did Max choose?

Max chose the tandem jump.

3 When is he doing his first solo jump?

After doing 7 tandem jumps.

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