Dark at The Top of The Stairs - Inge

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The Dark at the Top of the Stairs was frst presented by Saint Subber and Elia Kazan at ‘The Music Bor, New York City, on December 5, 1957, with the following cast (ox onsan or Anreanance) cons PLoon, a young housewife noe FLo00, her husband ona 000, the tenyearold son ae 71000, the sicter-yearold miter mint conor, @ flapper frend of ‘Reon ous Lacee, Con's brother-in-law torn wicey, Con's older sir owuy anans, Fl’ boy fiend fiamey eotoexatne, Punky’ frend mecrad ny fla Kazan fers ev Ben Bawarse ‘costumes aY Hci Ballad ‘mse av Sean Roseathal ‘Theresa Wright Dat ingle hares Sark Somatiea Shaw. Jit Robinson vans Evans Frank Overion Been Hoctart (Car Reinds! Scenes ‘The home of Rubin Flood, his wife and two children, in 4 small Oklahoma town close to Oklahoma City. The time isthe early 1920s. act Gar | A Monday afternoon in ely spring act AG | Alter air, the folowing Priay ace AC ee late afteroon. ACT ONE scene: The setting Jor the entre play isthe home of HUI. ‘ruoop and his wife and to children, in a small Ohlahoma Town clone fo OKlahoma City. The time isthe erly 1920's, Gurlng an oll Boom in the area. The house is comfortable tnd commodionn, with probably eight or nine rooms. It ne of those nguare, frame houses built earlier in the cone ‘toy that Sond secure ae Block, symbols of respectability land materiel comfort. {il we se ofthe ¥.0005 house isthe livingroom, where the ation ofthe play tks place. There isa flight of stairs tthe for left At the top of them te the upstairs hallway, Gatch tenot accessible to windows and sunlight, During the Ugtime scenes, this small area ts in semidarkness, and at ‘ght is black. When the hallway is lighted, we can see the Jeet of the characters who happen to be there, We are con Jeiout of this area throughout the play, as though it holds Some powshle threat to the charters. "Ou the fr right, downstairs the ouside entrance, with aasmall hallway one must g0 through before coming into the living room: Tithe middle ofthe living room is a wicker table and two comfortable wicker char, placed one on cack side, Upstase ‘Senter are sliding doore leading into the partor, where Wwe see Grstayer plano To the left of These doors and under the Suetay, ia awinging door leading Into the dining room. Pavone downitage left tea fireplace and a lage comfort ‘bie ather cha, This area is considered RUBIN’. In the Fea of the room are Book shelves, @ desk, afew small tables “ind ports of CORA PLOOD's mother and father. Through a furge window atthe beck, we see part ofthe front porch 10 the house, and can see characters coming end gona. “is for the etmosphere of the room, despite the moodiness of shadowy corners and Vietoran (rmore or less) jurishe Ing, there isan implied comfort and hospitality. When the curtain goet up, ti alate Monday afternoon tn the early spring, about five o'clock. Outside, the sun it iting, but the room iss fled with soft, warm light. "The stage is empty when the curtain rises. CORA and RU iw are both upstairs, he preparing 10 leave on a business trp. 2s 226 ©THE DARK AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS ona (Of) Rubint uoin (Of) Yahl ‘cons (Of) How many times Jo I have to tell you to ins "Your hands before you dry them on a towel? You leave the bathroom looking ike a wild horse had been using it (nt- WV laughs) T cam smell the bay Fur clear over here. My! You're certainly getting spraced up! nummy (Starting downstairs, carrying a sultcas. He ts quite a ‘good-looking man of thirty-six, sil robust, dressed In West ‘7m clothes big Stetson, boots, narrow trousers, colorful ‘Shir and sring tle) T gotta look good for my customers. cou (Calg down o him) How tong wil you be gone ti opin’ Tooughta be home end of the week. Ssturday. cons (Calling dovn) Thats beter than you urvally do. "Whar will you be? rane unin (Goer to his comer, where he keeps hir Business pare- ‘hemalia) Te made out my route for Ya. Ie lett to the mane rmwbsoy (Calling ito. house from outside) Hey, Mr. ood, Jonsey ys Jour ties ready atthe Brags, RUDIN OK, BT be down fo ge it cons (Coming downstairs) Rubin, you've waited this long {© g0, why don't you walt now unil morning? Here itis ‘most suppertime. You won't bo able to se0-any customer tonight, ao matter where you go. Wait unt morning. Tl get up early and fic you breakfast. TN fx you biscuits Rubin, AUBIN I shoulda been out first thing this mornin’. Monday, nd I'm just gettin’ away. Tcan make it to Muskogee to- right and be thre fst thing in the mornin. T can finish ‘up by noon and then get onto Chickasha, cons I wish you were home more, Rubin, rosin I gotta make alvin’, ‘Conk Other men make a living without traveling allover the ‘county sling hacness. unm ‘The way other men make livin’ i thelr business. 1 gotta make mine the best way I know how. T cant be no 227 THE DARK AT THB TOP OF THE STAIRS schoolmaster ike your old man was when he brung you Si'Out here from Pennsylvania. Y cant be no dentist ike Sour brotherindaw Morris. { was raised on a ranch and Brought Ta spend my life on Wt. Sellin’ harness is about Uti prepared for.» as fong as there's any harness to sal. coma (With a trace of se-pty) 1 envy women who have ‘he husbands with them al the time. I never have snyone to take me any place. ive like a widow. nuvi What do you want me 10 60? Give up my job and ‘tay home here io pleasure you every day? coma (She is often disturbed by his Tanguage) Rut ‘ay that, usin Jesus Christ, ya talk tke a man had nothit else to do ‘but stay home and entertain you. ora Rubin! Its not just myself Tm thinking of Te the “hitdven, We have a daughter sateen years old now. Do Sou reat that? es, Reenie's sixteen. And Sonny's ten, Sometimes they act lke they didn't havea father, runny (Sits at table to sharpen his Knife) You're always ‘eli’ me how good they do at school, The gil plays th plano, dow she? And the boy does somethin’ (0. Gets Sp and speaks pieces, or somethin like that? (Cin con's sewing basket he finds a sock on which 9 wipe is kite) con (Again she ie shocked) Rubin! Not on a clean sock! Dune Seems t9 mie you all get aloag allright without me. ‘cons Rubin, I worry about them. Reenie's 9 shy of people Ther own age, I don't know what to make of her. She's got no confidence at al And I doa't know how to give her any. bu you could, Her eyes light up lke candies every tine you 0 near ber. ‘unin (A Title embarrassed) Come on now, Cora. ‘con It's true . «and the boy. Other boys tease him and all im names, Rubia, He doesn't know how to get along ‘with them, runt He oughta best the tar outa the other boys. ‘cona He's not ike you, Rubio. He's not like anyone T ever ‘Knew. He needs a father, Rubin, So does Reeni. Kids need Dost’ 228 ©THE DARK AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS 4 father when they're growing up, same as they need a ‘mother, unos You din sls tak te that. God snighty, when those 1a wae tom you huge esa co oy dee ‘hin they was your own penonl propery, tT din hare nothin’ to do with ‘em at all a ‘cons Rubin, that's not 20, rune The ell it aint. Ye pampered ‘em so much and odaled ‘em, they thought Iwas just bei’ mean Hf I tied to dill some sense into ther heads, (con Rubin, Don't sy that. ‘unne You'e always isin’ nd makin’ over the boy vail ‘T sometimes wonder who's top man around here. ae ‘cont Rubin! usin I just said I wonder. ‘im IE T kept th Kids 100 close to me, its only because ‘You werent there, and T had fo have someone cow to me hd to ave sosone unin You're like anol mare a ued to have on the ranch, ‘Never wanted 0 give up her elt, by God, she'd heey" Jbcked ini hee and make all ws men dig isi het with our hands 19 ge ‘em out She never wanted ot "em Bo. coma (A litle repeled by the comparon) Rabin, 1 don't Tike What You jes uns Welsh was a good mare in every other way. om You talk samely tines, AUBIN, Well, 1 got my own way of saya? thin and it's pretty hard to change, m “ con (Watching him primp before the mirror) You Fike ‘ring out onthe road, dont you? You lie 10 pretend Yous Bills Joung conboy. wasnt a bad te cons Rubin, there are ever so many things you could Jo in ‘own. Mr. Binny down here on the corner makes «very ‘ood living just selling groceries to the neighborhood Dope. We could find a store like that, Rubin, and the Kas And I could help you, too. You'd be happier ‘thin lke that, Rubin. {know you would. 229° THE DARK AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS numny Don't tell me how the happy. I told you over ‘and over, Tsin't gonna spend my life cooped up inno more. cond OF a filing slation, Rubin, You could run a filing ‘ation of a garage un God damn it, Cora, I don't mean (0 have that kinds | Tite. Just pan’ eat out for It. Now, aul pickin at me, We ‘been married seventeen Years now. It ems ime, you'd be ready Paooept me the way I'am, or start lookin’ for & cota I don't want «nes man. You know tht. uni Then start tryin’ to put up with the one you got cons 10%. sony “Case ent gn shes, Kime ge (> ly rough wth er) Yo come here and {itd gabe her na fast embrace ond they Ks) cous (Cautiouly) Rae, you've got 19 leas me some ‘money sonny How mosh yo gonna need? cons Uh... could you let me have maybe twenty-five ‘olla? unm (Iiting the ceiling) Twenty-five dollars? Tm only oma be gone til Saturday. ‘cons Thave alot of expenses this week, and. sosin I pay the bills ConA take care ofthe utlites, Rubin, And we have a big ws bil this month, Int month wes s0 cold. And Reenie’s Fevitod to.a big birthday party out at the country club. ‘The Ralston git, and Reenie has to take her a present. usin Me? Buy presents for Harry Ralston's grt when he ‘wns half this twa? cons I don’t often ask for this much, nouns (Taking ill from hie seallt) Twveaty's the best Tean do. ‘cons Thank you, Rubin. The Ralstons are giving Mary Jane big dance. (Finding a bution loose on his cout) Here, lt se ix that worn Cora, that be allright 230 THM DARK AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS cons Ill only take a minute, sit down. (They sit, and ‘ConA takes needle and thread from her sewing basket) ‘They're having a dance orchesize from Oklahoma City. umn Harty and Peg Ralston puttin’ on the dog now, are they? ‘cona Oh, yes. I hardy ever see Peg any more, opin T guess they don't have time for any of their old friends, mow that they've gots0 much money. com Anyway, they've aked Reenie to the party, Yin ‘thankful for tht, RUBIN The country club, huh? By God, Tet die in the oorhouse "fore I ever do what Harty Ralsion done, con Now, Rubin RUBIN T mean it, He shot histelf in the foot 10 collect ‘enough insurance money 10 make his first investment in oi, ‘cons Do you believe al those stores? ‘BIN Hel, yes, I believe it know it fora fact, He shot hist in the foot. He oughta bein jail now, Instead, he's focal leader, givin’ parties out at the country club. And Ym supposed to feel reat proud he invited my daughter. Huery up. con I ran info Peg downtown during the winter. My, she was wearing a beautiful fur coat Gray squirrel. And the as wearing tlt of lovely jewelry, oo. uBIN She's spendin” his money as fast as old Harry makes ‘ona Why shouldn't she have a few nice things? RUBIN They tell me they both started drinkin’ now. They 20 obt to those country club partis and get drunk as lord (CORA Peg did't used toe ike that, ‘RUDI’ They're all like that now. The town's gone oil-boom exazy. Chamber of Commerce says we're the wealthiest {own per capita in all the Southwert. I guess they'te not ‘exaggeratin” much, either, with all this oil money, those damned Indians ridi’ around i their limousines gettin’ all that money trom the government, millions of doll Millions of doltars, and nobody knows what to do with it CCome.on, hurry up naw 231 THE DARK AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS ih the butts) Rain, % you want to ce eaten it you would eat of someting “ofuely sue, you can dake that money Marna left me Sten she died Two towad doles, Rubin. You can Tinks an investment wih tat unm Ther sn no such thing ax e sure cng in the ot sine con ent there? unm No, Ya can make milion dollars oF lie your ss overight conn Rubi, you don't have to use words ike ht. run To. god job support’ ya, don't I? coma Of couse runny Then le’ let wall enough alone ons. Tyas only thinking, i makes you fee! Kind of left ‘Out 0 Be poor these days (Gulden, from owsde, we hear the sounds of young Nope ferng vce) ‘Sonny Food! Hix sane i mu Sonny runs home to Mama Sonny plys with paper dll Sonny Food; is name mul . conn See, tere! (She jumps up nervously and rant outse 10 jc her sons econo) You boy rn ng. My Sony vat dove anything To hutt you. You go home now of Tica! your mothers, every ast one of Jou. You should be asacted of yousclvs, picking on boy who's smaller {Gon comes running into the howe now. It hard 10 {seen bi felis) upme (Follows cona out tthe pore) Cora, cut it out. ‘cork _T can't stand quiely by while they're picking on my ‘boy! ‘nupin Its his battle, He's gota ight it out for hist ‘cons If they touch one hair of that boy's head J destroy ‘them, voice (One lest heckler) Sonny Flood, his name is mud! 292, THE DANK AT THE TOP oF THE STAIRS cons destroy them. (Conk renters the house) voice Sonny Flood, his mame is mud wenn (Sill on the porch) Hey, come here, you fat butterbal » n oy Hi, Me. Fld, un How you doi, Jonathan? Let me see how you're ‘growin’. (He Ufts the Boy up) Gettin fat as a pig. Say hello to your pa for me. (The boy runs off and nuns comes back inside) ‘cons Sonny, did they hut you? sonny No. cons What started it this time? SONNY T don"t kw, ‘cons Did you say anything to make them mad? sovwy No, ‘ConA They're just jealous because you make better grades ‘than they do. They're just jealous, the litle beat, suse Son! souy Huh? vai Want me to teach you how fo put up & good fight? SONNY (Turning avay from Hs faker) don think so, unIN (To cons) What ese can I do? Buy him a shotgun? ‘conk There should be something we can do. Something. omy Everybody's gotta figure out his own way of handlin’ things, Cora. Whether he ghts or whether he runs. ‘cons T hate for anything to mike me feel so heiples. RUBIN T gotta be goin ‘ConA Say good-bye to your father, Sonny. unin (Making a point of being friendly) Good-bye, son, sonsy (Difidenty) Gye. unin (Giving up) Ob, hell ‘ConA Isn't there anything you can say to him? RUBIN Cora, if that boy wants me to help him, he's gotta 233 THE DARK AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS come fo me and tell me how. I never know what's on his mind, ‘cons You're just not intrested. ‘amie Oh, bell give up plain give up. (Exasperated, now bolts outrde, COL anslously follow. Ing him 10 the door) cork Rubin... Rubin... (We hear numn’s car drive ‘of ConA comer back inside) Why don't you listen to your father, Sonay? Why don't you let him help. you? onary Where's Reenie? ‘con She's downtown. Your father isn't here very often, ‘Why dont you try aad get along with him when he Is? sox (Wanting to evade the itsue) 1 don't know. {CORA Most boys your age worship their fathers. sonny Tlike him, al sight, Where are my move tars? cont Forget your movie tars for = minute. You have a Tather t0 be proud of, Sonny. He and his family were Pioneers. They fought Tediang and bufalo, and they scitled {hie county when it was just wilderness, Why, i€ there ‘was # movie about them, you coulda wait o see i sounY Mom, it just makes it worse when you come out and tell thoee boys you're going to call their mothers. ‘cons You just wont listen to me, will you? You just won't Tsten to anyone. You're wo set ia your ways sonny T want my movi stars, ‘coRA put them in the book shelves when I was straightening ‘up this-moraing. The only pastime you have is-coming hhome here and playing with thove pictures of movie stars (Sonny ges out his serapbook and spreads it on the floor) foxny Like them. ‘cond That's ll the friends you have. Not real friends a all "Fst pictures of all the lovely fiends you'd like to have ‘There's a mighty big diference between pictures of people snd the way people really ate. soxtey Tike pictures, cons Maybe you should get out and play with the other ‘boys more often, Sonny. sown They pay stupid games. 234 mum baRx ar sun TOP OF THE sramns com People distrust you if you don't play the same games they do, Sonny. It’s the same after you grow up. & sony Ym not gong to play games just to make them like com (Suddenly warm and oflectionate) Come to ‘Sonny. I wish I understood you better, boy. ms sony T don't se why ‘coma (Caressng him) No, I don't spose you do, You're 2 spechled exp, and the old ben tht aid You cant help ‘wondering how you got in the net Dut | love you, Sonny ‘More than anything else in the world. a a sony Mom, can g0 toa movie tonight? com You know the ries, One move a week, on Fidey eke sow Pls, Mom, Ws seal apcal move tone ‘Honest, I just gor to see it, a ‘con Oh, I bot. I's always something special and you've jst got to see it lke your very lfe depended on it. No. ‘You're supposed to staly on week nights, Now, stay home and study. sowny I've already got all my lessons. ‘cons You have to speak at Mrs. Stanford's ten party next Saturday. Why don't you memorize a new recitation? sowny Tcant find anything Tike, ‘conk Oh! I found a cute litle poem in the Oklahoma City Paper this morning. I's about # Title boy who hates to fake castor oll. 1 stars of “Of all the nasty things, gee whia! thin the very worst there i» sonny (Obviously bored) 1 want to do something serious. (CORA Serious Like what? sonny Téunno, {coms Goodness, it soome to me we've got enough serious ‘things in the world without you gelling up to recite wad less (Outside the window, we see runt and neENtE come onto the porch, sealing) 235 THE DARK AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS souny Tm tired of all those stupid pieces you eut out-of the papers Conk My goodness! Aren't we, getting superior! Ob, here's "Your sister, Sonny. Be a litte gentleman and open the {oor for her. REENIE (Sticking Rer head in through the door, asking cau- tious) Is Daddy gone, Mom? com Yes, e's gone. The coast IREENIE (Runs 19 CORA excledly. She 1 a plan gil with no conscious desire to be anything else) Ob, Mem, it the retest dress [ever ha. com Bringit in. rewwte Come on in, Flirt ruin (Enters carrying a large dress box. She isa vivacious ‘Young flapper ofthe era) Hello, Mrs, Flood. com Hello, Fit, ‘(ouimr opens the ox) snunie And they took up the hem and took in the waist s0 tha it fits me jst perfectly now. Lint I think its simply serumptions, Mrs, Flood. cork Thank you, Flirt. Hold it up, Reenie, unr Yes, hold it up. nani (Holding the dress before her) Is Ded going to be fully mad, Mom? con told you, he's not going to know anything about it for & while, Reenie. He gave me somo money before he left, enough for me to make a small down paymeat. My, Tet Flirt thinks we've treble, plotting this a. vuint Shueks, no, Mama and Ido the same thing. eeNre Ob, Mom. You should see the dress list got. LIRT I all red, with spanges on it, and e real short skit Ts just davting. Deddy says he feels lke disowning me in it con Did you buy your dress at Delman’, too, Flirt? FLint (She can't help boasting an advantage) No, Mama takes me inte Oklahoma City to buy all my clothes ‘cont Ob! 236 THE DARK AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS sonny (Feang the dress) Look, sgt stars. AaEDUE (Snapping angriy) Sonny, take your dirty hands off my new dress. x y sonny (Realy 10 start a fight any tine REESE &) Mf ‘hands are not dirty! So there. u humsae You make me mad. Why dont you 49 outdoor ‘and play tll awead of staying ta the howe the tie, Soyiag on everything Ido Mother, why don't you make Hm po out and play? Sonn Is my howe as mach a is yours, and Te got as ‘much Hpht toe hee as You da So there! cons (Always. dutrested by thelr fighting) Reon He only wanted t0 touch the cree, He key prety things ‘ur Gee whir he hasn't done anything Reni. ons. OF course he hasnt. You Kids are just antagonistic {0 each other, You sr alte time, sonny That you, numer Thate yo, 00 ‘com Now stop that. fs thet any way for 8 brother and ‘iter vo talk? 'Tm not gong to have any more ot he Ft, fe you aking the Ralston pa Bthday present? LRT Mama got me a compact to gve he. Is the only thing we could tink of. She alesdy has encrything unde theaun. com Yes, ¥ suppose so. Her patents are x0 wealthy now. ‘Well Tit ave to shop fr something for Reeie fo take her sumer You ksow, my fos koew the Ralsons before he Made all hy money. Mama says Mrs, Raton Used to Gls in a miiery ore downtown, com Yes, ene her then, ume And my daddy says that Me, Reon was s0 crany fo make money i oll that he shot hingelt a the {ot Is that al? sonny Why did edo that? (atenae goer ino the parlor 10 ry on her des, sony teat the tble- Pa ftctnates hin) Lint So he could collect enough faturance money: to 237 THE DARK AT THE Tor OF THE sams make his first javestment in of, Did you hear that story, {0a Mrs. Flood? cons Ob, yes Ralstons now. Punt And you know, some of the women out at the Country club didnt want to give Mt. Ralston a member- Ship becouse they dinpproved of her. ConA Ts that so? uIRT But when you've got as much money asthe Ralstons ‘do, I guess you can be't member of anything. 1 just hate ‘Macy ‘ane Ralston, Some of the boys at school think She's prety but I think she's cow. Tm not being jealous, ther, T guess if T had as much money (0 spend of Clothes as she does, Pd have been voted the prettiest girl {nschool, too, Anyway, Im absolutely positive she perox Hes her ha ‘con Really? uENtE (Poking her head out between the sliding doors) ‘Are you sore? rum Yes, Because she and I play on the sume volley ‘alt team in gym class, and her Tocker is right next to mine, and « ‘conn (Reminding her of sonna’s presence) litt runt Tut tribe for mo to ay altho hing when in. going to her birthday party? But T don't cae, She jst favited me becouse she bed to, Bocause my daddy's her addy’ lawyer. sonny (Ar nents comes out of parlor wearing her’ new Tess he makes a grotesque foce and props his feet on the table) Ugh cont Ob, Reenit it's lovely. Sonny, take your feet down, Tet me‘see! Oh, Reenie, He did a fine job. Flr! tell me more about the young man who's taking Reenie to the arty. Furr He's aJew, Mis. Flood. conk Ob, heis? ‘eENIE Do you think Ten, Mom? ‘cons Why, ofcourse, dear i he's a nice boy. you bear al kinds of stories about the fs allright for me to go out with 238 THE DARK AT THE TOP OF THE sams wumr His name i Sammy Goldenbaum, and he comes from Hollywood, California, and his mother’s « moving: picture actress. cons Really? ‘penis Fist jost found that out, Mom. I dida't know it before. sonny (Allears) A.moving picture actress! FLIRT Yes, but she just plays itsy-bisy parts in pictures. 1 1 her once. She played a real stuck-p society woman, fnd she wae Gloria Swancon's rival. You ses, they mere in love with the stme man, ‘Thomas Meighan, and’ she {old all these les about Gloria Swanson 10 make people think: Gloria Swanson. wasnt nice, so she could marry ‘Thomas Meighan herself But Thomas Meighan found out all about i, aly, and seme Mom, what's a Jewish person like? ‘coma Well, I never knew many Jewish people, Rene, vt rine I've heard hat some of them ean be awful fast with ‘il cons Tim sure they're just like any other people. Punt (Dancing coquettisly about room) They don't be- Tove in Christianity cond Most of them don't REENI But do they act different? cova (Not really knowing) Well, wuint My daddy says they always try to got the best of you in busines com There are lots of very nice Jewish people, Reenie. FLIRT. Ob, sure! Gee whiz of course. ruuvie I don't know what to expect. rum Kid, he's 8 boy. Tha’ all you have to know. ona Thore are Jewish families over in Oklahoma City, but T guess there sre any here in torn, vuer Ob, yes there are, Mrs. Flood. The Lewises are Towish, only they changed their name from Levin #0 10 ‘one would Know. 239 THR DARK AT THB TOP OF THE STAIRS ‘con I guess Idd hear that some place. rset Mom, I fel sort of scared fo go out with someone 10 diferent. unt (She never sceme aware of her casual offensiveness) ‘Oh, youre crany, Reenie. Gece whiz, Td never go steady ihn Jewish boy, but Td sure take a dace with one—it 1 ‘ida have any other way of going ‘cons Now, Reenie, Im sure that any frend of the Givens ‘oy js nice, whether be's Tewish or not. And besides, his mother's a movie actress. Think ofthat unr Yes, but nt a famous one ConA (To REENIE) Now, you have a nie date to the party, and a lovely new dress to wear. You can be wire you" have 00d time. st Gosh, yest After all, a party's a party. And it ‘ut at the country club, and theyre having a swell dance ‘orchestta from Oklahoma City, and they'e giving favors Teint wait, Fix your hair rel cute and: youll Took all Tight, (Looks at her wrist watch) Ob, heck! T've got to g0 home con Do you want tostay here for supper, Fliet? tint No. IU my night to fix supper for the folks. My mother makes me fix supper once a week, cook’ night out She aye its good for me to lear something about home- making. Isat that crazy? The only thing T know how to ‘oak salmon Toa I learned how to make it im domestic felence clas. Te made salmon loaf every Monday night row for the whole yeat. Kid, can you help me stady f that stupid old eile test we're having next week? mente Tguess 40. runt Civies! Why can’t they teach us something in thet ‘oldschool that'd do us some good? con Good-bye, Flirt. tint Good-bye, Mrs. Flood, good-bye, Reenie. Oh, Sonay, ‘you come over to my haute nd play sometime, I know how fo be noe to lite boys. con Good-byel (FLIRT exis) Sonny, you've got £0 g0 to the store now if we're going to have anything for supper toxight 240 THE DARK AT THR ToP OF THE STARS sonny | Mom! Can I ge candy bar? cons Wouldn't you rather have the Piggy bank? sowy | No—I wanta candy bar. ‘con All ight. If you promise not 10 eat it before supper. nun Iwant one, to0. I want a nut Hershey. ‘coRi Bring one for Reeni, to. sowxy She can get her own candy bar. eanie He's mean, Mom. soxny Ian’t cere. She makes me mad, and I don't ike her con Sonny, she's your sister sonny Idon’t care. I doo' lke ber. (He exits) ‘cont Oh, God, some day you kids are going to be sorry. ‘When you can't even get along with people in your own, family, how ean you expect to got along with people out In the world? (Gaes fo the window and looks out, protec~ tively) Poor Sonny, every time he leaves the house. those feighborhood ballis pick on him. I guess they've all gone home nov. (REENIE takes off her new dress and throws it on a chatr) IREENIE I don't know if like Fit or not ‘cons (Comes away from the window) Why, what's the ‘matter? [REENIE ‘The only reason she likes me is because I help her ‘with her ste. anism goes into the parlor, getr her daytime clothes, ‘and comes buck into the living room 10 put them on) cconk Why do you say that? jckel to put in your nese I just do, ‘Conk You don't think anyone likes you, do you? went Mom, maybe we shouldn't have bought the dress ‘conn What? ‘eewie I mean it, Mom. Dad'd be awful mad if he know. {con I fold you, he's not going fo know. umse Won't he be here the night ofthe party? 241 THE DARK AT THE TOP OF THE sraIRs ‘con, No, And even if he were he woulda" notice the dress was evr unless you told him about it weanis Just the same, Mom, 1, don’t feel right about it ‘conn Why don’t you fal rght? nent Because . . . the dtess cost so much, and what ‘good is t going to’do me? T never have a good time at {hose dances, anyway. No one ever dances with me cota This time it’ going to be different. You've got a new ‘dress, and you've pot 4 nice young man coming here ll the way from California to be your escort. Think of i Why, most young girls Would be too excited to breathe vena I's just a blind date ‘Conk What are you talking about? ianent ‘They give blind dates to all the gilt in town dhat nobody else wants fo take, ‘Conk Daughter, Pm sure thats nots. ‘nneNIE Oh, Mom, you jst don't know. cons Ido too. ENTE Besides, ‘before. I'm seared. Jewish, T never knew a Jewish boy cons Daughter, you're just Tooking for excuses. You just don’t want 10 g0, do you? Reenie, doa't you want have irienas? eens Yes, but conn You're not going to make friends just staying home playing the piano, of going to the library studying your Tesions. Tm glad you'e studious and talented, but those things aren't enough justin themselves, een I don't want to tall aboutit any more. cana You're going to have to talk about these things some- ‘ay. Where are you going? neenat To practice the piano. (Ge goer nt the parlor and starts playing sales) cork (Angrily impotient) That's whero you spend half ‘your life, practicing atthe plano, (ReENIR bangs on plano ‘xasperately and exits to dining room) But will you get Up play for people so they'll know how talented you are? 242 THE DARK AT THD TOP OF THE stains 'No. You hide your light under a bushel. You stay horse and play behind closed doors, where no one can hear you except your own family. All you do is pity yoursit at the piano, That's al, You go in thre and pty yourself, play Ingall thot se pieces Gitte comes ou of dining room, and calms herself by watering er plats) [BENE Mom, I just couldn't getup before an audience and phy. [jst couldnt coma Why couls't you? What good iit for your father to eye howght the piano? Wht eis (REN Bein 408) Now, So' ery, Rese. Tn scr, (AEENIE fost Ifo Daron and resunes her monotonous Yeles Cou poet fo tsieshone) Long datance? Give me tiesicarseven) i Ottshoma Cie plane (Thee fa wal of several mat mens) Helo, Lotie. Tot etm you nd” Mots me overt ser Fay night? havent seen you for {0 lng, [vant totale with you, Lote Tve jst gt to see fome' of my own fh a0 blood. (We heat RUbIN'S cor Sam to-a Mop tide; the ar door slam ed tne ome somping up tothe font porch) Resa’ ging to 8 He party out atthe county ci and 1 thought Fave & nie dinner fit Radia woot be fee‘and 1 Weat fompany. Please cone. Ob, Tim a0 gla Tl te foking forward io ssing you ron (But ithe howe) What te bas en si ‘on behind. my back? (Seer the Innocent dress Bing on a chair) There it ist Kad ‘cons (Her phone call over) Rubin! wpm (Displaying the dress as evidence) So this s what ya ‘wanted the extra money for. Fine feathers! Fine feathers! ‘And ya buy em when my back s turned. ‘cons Retin, we were going to tll you, umn A man has ¢'go downtown and talk with some of his pals before he knows what's gon’ on in his own family, CORA Who tld you? omy That's allright wh told me. T got my own ways & finda’ out what goes on when my Back is turned ‘coma You didn't leave town at all. You've been down to that ity old pool hall. 243 THE DARK AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS ‘unIN _T got aright to go to the pool hall whenever I damn plese ‘cor thought you were in such a hurry fo gt out of town, ‘Oh, yes, you had to gt to Muskogee tonight. UnIN Tan still make it to Muskogee. (Finds she price tag ‘on the dress), Nineteen seventy-vel Lord have’ mercy! Nineteen seventyAve. ‘cor Did Loren Delman come into the pool hal while you ‘were there? Did he? Did he tell you? If he aid Til never Duy anything in that sore again. swoon ‘That suit me jst ie (cor Ob, why couldn't he have Kept his mouth shut? I was sping 10 pay for the dress a litle at a time, and . SUBIN' “The finest dress Thad in the store," he say, walkin? Into the Arcade with big cigar stuck in his mouth, wearin’ aut of fine tailored clothes. “I just sold your ‘wife the finest dress Thad in the store.” ‘cons Ob, that makes me friows AUBIN Jesus Christ, woman, whatla you take me for, one a ‘those millionaire oil men? Ts that What you think you're ‘atried to? eenIp (Potes fer head i through parlor door, speaking ‘with tears and ansiety) told you bed be mad, Mom. Let's take the dress back, Mom. I don't want to g0 {0 party anyhow. ‘cons (angrily impatient) Get back in that parlor, Resnie, ‘and don't cone i here ati el you to. (Cona slam the parlor doors shut) uome See there! That gel don't ‘you, puttin’ all these high-falloin’ ides parties, and dresses and nonsense, ‘con Rubin, of courte Resnie doesn't want: to g0 0 the arty, She never wants 10 go any place. All she wants (0 do is Tock herein the pari and practice atthe piano, oF 9 to the library and hide her nose in a book. After all she’s going to want to get martied one of these days isnt ‘She? And where's she going to look for'a hurband? In the public brary? {AUBIN goes to hls corner, sit in hie big leather chair, and hans a pint of whiskey out of his desk drawer) fen want the dress. 15 in her head about 244 ©THE DARK AT THB TOP OF THE Sram vane T bought her a fine dress... juit a litle while ‘back. ‘cont Ob, you sia? nun Yes, Idi. ‘cond ‘Thats news to me. When? UMN Just afew months ago. Sure T id ConA Tcertainly never saw it, What it look like? num Teves white, ‘cont Robin Flood, that wes the dest you bought her three "years ago when she graduated from the eighth grade, And fhe haan’ bad a new dress since then, except for few ‘choo! clothes, RUBIN. Why couldn't she wear the white dress to the party? coRA Because she's grown three inches since you got her ‘that dress, and besides T cut it up two years ago and dyed in black and made her a skirt cut of ft to wear With 2 ti. uBIN' Just the same, T ain't got money to throw away on ‘no party tops. just ain't got it ‘coxa Oh, no, You don't have money when We need some- thing here st home, do you? unin I'm tela’ ya, right now I don't. ConA. But you always have money for a bottle of bootleg whiskey when. you want i, don't you? And T daresay you've got money for a few other things, too, that 1 ‘eeda’t mention just at present. unin What're ya talkin’ about? cond You know what Pm talking about. nuBiN The bell do, ‘con 1 know what goes on when you go out on the road. ‘You may tell me you spruce up for your customers, but I happen to know better. Do you think I'm 2 fool? uBiN T don’t know what you're talkin’ about, ConA T happen to have friends, decent, self-respecting peo- ‘le, who tell me a few things that happen when you Visit Ponca City, ‘muni You mean the Werpel sisters! == 245 THE DARK AT THE TOP OF THE stars cond Its allright, who I mean. 1 have friends over there That's sl noed to ay. URN Thote nosy old maids, the Werpel siers! God ‘daran! Have they been runni’(@ you with sores? ‘CORA Maybe you don’t have money to buy your daughter ‘a new dress, but it seems you have money to take Mavis Pruitt to dinner whenever you're over there, and 10.8 movie afterwards, and gle her presents voix Tve known Mavis .. . Pritt ever since 1 was, a ‘boy! What harm is there if T take her te movie? ‘cona You're slways t00 tired to take me to a movie when yeu come home, unt Life's diferent out onthe road. cond bet itis uniw Besides, { din ark her, She come into the Gibson ‘louse one night when I was havin’ my dinner. What could do but let her join me? ‘con She went to the Gibson House because she knew you ‘were there. I know what kind of woman shes. rom She's not as bad as she's painted. That poor woman's Theda hard time of it t00. cconaOb, she hast unin Yes, she has I fel sorry for her. con Ob, you do! um Yes, I do. Is there any Taw that ‘sotty for Mavis Pruitt? ‘ConA She's had her eye on you ever since I ean remember, num Ob, shoot! ‘Conk What happened to the man sbe Teft town with after ‘we were married? nuvi He run off and left her. ‘coRA For good reason, too, I bet. I also heard that she we ‘teen sporting palr of black-bottom hose shortly after You lett town, and that you were seen buying such’ pair ‘Of hoe at the Globe Dry Goods Store. unm By God, you got yourself a real detective service sein, haven't you? 1 can't feel 246 THE DARK AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS coms 1 dont a hey ds on Al ight bowaht her a prof foe: Ladmi was nr bltiday. the Rone’ Conte eight crt ‘hey mde at oor woman happy. ater Ive known iver nce X wan oy. Beside {was aH move a oon conn How do yo ine things ke att rons Ya ough ten, cota. How cia ep AMIN (He ha to sop to remember to call Mavi Prat by he fll nae, to hep ‘ona from suspecting too much fear etacen hem) "ores me’ ead Nav? tat Mase Prats nie for you 1 worry shout cons. Theres probably woman ike her in every town i Thats why you watt to get out of (ws te go Fisng Sve te couniy ikea young ean monn You Jost his your mouth. The daughter hear yoo. cons (nduig tn Hae ep) A lot you cre about You aughe. A ot you cae Soot any of 2 um You dont think Tere for yuu sy on my ‘knee and nuzzle ya. * " cons What you need fora wie i squaw. Why did't you ‘rr oe Of the Indian wore out oy the sera? Yo. Si'd mate you rich mo oo, would se? Ad you woul vet pay any tenon her al teow aver com nto rh) usin Aight. Maybe thats ht I shoud done. ons Ob. So you man to throw upto me! Throw nt Clown lh entert. the rom, curing a sack of rove conta nu sre 10 ano ano noice Sins own You know wnt, Rubin Fd people to tell me these things. T wish to makes me feet when people tll ARUDIN I don’t know nothin ‘cons You never wanted to marry me. 247 THB DARK AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS sown never said that. cons Ws true ont ie? rowine Tm tellin’ ya, iain ‘Conn Is. I've felt ial these years gous crostes ond goer rough the parlor into. the dining room, stil unobserved by nuBie and Cora) RUBIN All right, If you're so determined to think it then ig0 ahead, T admit fm some ways T din wanna marty, no- body. Can't ya understand how 2 man fees, vit! up Bis freedom? ‘corA And how does a woman feel, knowing her husband ‘married. her only Because . . because he . « (cone row spots aeeni spying between the parlor doors. She {oreame at er) Reni, get away fom there! runt None of this i what vi was arguin’ about in the ‘iat place. We was argu’ about the dress. Ya gota take it backs con I wor’ nue Ya will, ‘cond Reenie's going to wear her new dress tothe party, ot youl have to bury me. awa You'll take that dress back to Loren Delman, ot ‘Tm leavin’ this houre for good and never comin’ back. ‘cons Go on, You're only home half the tine as it is We ‘ha get along without you the rest ofthe time onn ‘Then that's what you're gonna do, There'll be ice. ‘ream parlors in ell before I come beck to this place and Tisten to your jaw. (He bots ito the hallway) coxk Get out! Get out and go to Ponea City, Mavis ‘Pruitt is waiting, She's probably geting lonesome without you. {sonny quietly enters from the dining room, and watches) uni By God, Cora, i's all Tean do to keep {rom hittin ‘you when you talk ike that ‘cons (Following him ino hallway, taunting him. Here they ‘are bork unseen By audience) Go on and hit me! You Wouldn't dare! (But he does dare. We hear the sound of his ‘Blow, which sends cona reeling back Imo parlor) Rubin! 248 THE DARK AT THE TOP OY THE stains (nonin watches from the parlor. sons ts sill in the line room) nus Til go to Ponca City, and drink booue and take Mavis to the movies, and fase every ind of hell T ean think of, Tel with You! (He bole ouside) cons (Running 10 the door) Don’t you ever set foot in this Towse sainy Rubin Flood, Til never forget what you've said. Never! Don't you ever come Back inside this house gaint (ive hear noms car drive off now. coxa returns to the living room, stil too dazed to be ture what has happened) sony Gee, Mom. That wat the worst fight you ever had, ‘wasn't ‘cori How long have you been standing there, Sonny? son Since he bit you resnin (Coming forth) Did he mean it about not coming ‘back? Oh, Mom, why di you have to say all those things? Tilove Daddy. Why do you say those things t him? ‘ConA Oh, God, I hate for you kids to se us Hight this way. sonny What did he mean, he didn't want to marty you? cork You're not old enough to understand these things, ‘Sonny. sonny Did he hurt you, Mom. Did he? con I'm sill too mad to know whether he did or not eee I don't think hell ever come back. What'l we do, ‘Mom? ‘cori Now, don't wory, Reval. REENIE Will we have to go 10 the poorhouse? ‘con No, of courte not. Now, quit worrying. IEENIE Buti Daddy doesn't come back? ‘conkTstll have the money my mother lft me, haven’ 1? na wort cones mest We ca loa gp 1 Olahoma Gity and move in with your Aunt Lottie and Uncle Mors, sonny (lumping up and down in glee) Goody, goody, Roedy. Lanta move to Oklahoma Ci, 249 THE DARK AT THE TOP oF THE STAIRS nents Listen to him, Mom. He's glad Duddy’s gone, He's ‘lad. sowwy T don't care. I wanta move 10 Oklahoma City envio I don't, This fs home. This is. And I don't want to ‘con Now, chilérent een te you. sonny I hate you, too. So therel Oklahoma Ci ‘home City! wanta move to Oklahoms City! ‘cons Stop itt There's been enough fighting in this house for ‘one night, Reee, take your dees Upstate and hang it ia the closet BEN I hale the old dress now. Is the cause of al the trouble, I hat it ‘con You do what 1 tell you. You take that dress upstairs ‘and hang itin the closet. Youre going to go to that party if Tihave to take you there myself; (REENIE starts upriis) “The nent time youre invited to 8 pany, Ill let you go Ia a handmedown. sown (With the jo of ditcovering a new continent) Oklae noma City. cons (Weerly) 1 go out and fx supper, although 1 don't imagine any of us wil fel ike esting. sonny Ido. Pm hungry. ConA (A. litle amused) Are you? Good. Come to me, ‘Sonny! (With a den need for affection) Do you love me, bay? Do you love your ld mom? sowsry More than all the world with a fence around it ccona (Clasping him to her) Ob, God, what would 1 do “without you kids? 1 hope youl slsvay love me, Sonny. 1 hope you always sill. (REENIB comer downsttrs) Where are you going, daughter? (Givens fooks diinfully at thers, and marches into the parlor, whore, n'a moment, we Rear her playing @ lovely Chopin nocturne) 1 Oke sony Mom, I'm going to. sell my autographed photo- ‘raph of Fatty Arbuekle. Millcent Dalrymple sad. shed five me fifteen cents for ky And Fatly Arbuckle isn't one ‘Of my favorites any more. ICT sold the photograph, Td 250 THE DARK AT THE TOP OF ‘TH STAIRS have enough to go to the movie tonight and buy a sack ‘of popcorn, besides ‘cons (Lying om the floor Beside him) _f the world was fall ing to pieces all about you, you'd still want to go to the movies, wouldn't you? sone I don’t se why not ‘cons Your mother’s unhappy, Sonny. Doesn't that mean ‘anything to you? sonny Well... Hm sorry cons I want you kids neat me tonight. Can't you under- stand? Oh, God, wouldn't it be nice if life wero as sweet as music! (For a moment, mother and son le together in tach other's arms. Then Coka stands, at though fearing hher om indulgence, and taker sown by the hand) Connel Help me set the table, Soany. ACT TWO SCENE: At rise of curtain, we hear a banging rendition of “Smiles” coming from the parlor, where Lorie is of the ‘plano, sosney by her sds, both singing Iv hearty voices. femxie. sands ltlesly watching, drying a dish, onnts {its in RODIN'S ehalr, working one of those baffng Tle hand puscles, which has got the best of him arti proves to be a big, fleshy woman, a few years older than COX. She wears gaudy dese and Toit of costume Jewelry. DMonnis i « big defeatedlooking man of wrecked vit orm and sov'y (Singing) “There ate smiles that make ‘ur happy =” ‘cons (Coming into living room from kitchen) 1 woo't need you to help me with the dishes, Reenie. T want you 10 g0 Upstete now and. get feady for your party. (Calls ino parler) Sonny! Sonny! ‘MoRnis Sure was good dinner, Cora ‘conk What, Morris? onnis (Trying to make himself heard above the piano) Tesi it sure was a good dinner. ‘cona Thank you, Morris. Now go and get dresed, Reonie. ‘HUENIE reluctantly goet upstatrs) Sonny! Sonny! Lottie, wll you please stop that racket. A body ean" hear Bmselé think {Lorrie and sonny fish the chorus) ‘con. Sonny, T stid youve got to help me in the kitchen, sonny Why can't Reenie? ‘cok She cleared the table for me, and now she has to ‘tbe and get ready Tor ber party. sovwryThave todo everything around here torrie (In the voice one uses 10 indulge a child) 1 think is shame. (soNSY and CORK ext Into the dng room. LOT- {rp comes into the living room. To Moenis) Cora always ‘yas jealous because I could play the piano and she couldn. {Cooke 10 ser If CORA 1 our of hearing distance) Do 1 251 252 THE DARK AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS have something to tall you! Do you know why she asked tur over here! (Ghe hurries over 19 wownis) ‘oars For dinner. LOTHIE No! She and Rubin have had another fight. She tld ‘me all about it while I was in the Kitchen helping her get inner onthe table, saonnis What about, this time? Lorne About a new dreis she bought for Restie. But what ciference dacs that make? ‘They could fight about any- thing. Only this time he hi her. onnis He did? Lorn Don't tell her I tld you. Poor Cora. I guess maybe ‘she as a hard Gime with Rubin. ‘Monnis Has Rubin walked out age? Lorne _You gvested it, Do you know what she wants to do ‘om, honey? She wate to hring the kide over to Oklahoms City to live with ws? She says T suggested they do that ome time ago. 1 guess maybe I did, but my God, 1 never thought they'd do it Wel be perfectly miserable with her and the two Kids living with us, woulda’t wo, Mores? With ‘nly one extra bedroom, one of "em woud! have to slesp fon the davenport in the living room, and then what would happen when your patients started coming in the morning? onnis Yah. It wouldn't work out very well. Lorrie No. Oh, my! The way she pampers those kids, ‘Mors. f she ad her way, she'd spoiler rotten, ‘owns What did you tll her, honey? Lorre Well, I haven't told her anything yet. was s0 flabbergasted when se asked me, 1 just hemmed (GoxNY enters the parlor to. put awey a big. vate that (Cont fas fst washed. Lorri sees him) Bil Honey SoxNY They got me working again, Lormw_I think it’s terrible, (eon exits ito the dining room) Lorne. . snd hawed until [could think of something to ‘23. Ob, Morris, put avay that puzzle and listen 10 me She's going to come to you sometime this evening and ask you about i, and all you need to tay is, “Vm lesving al 253° THE DARK AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS that in Loti’s hands, Cora.” Cen you remember that? ust say it real nie, like 1 was none of your business. Lorne You say you wil, but will you? omnis Yes, honey, Lorrie I don't know, You're 40 afraid of hurting people’ feelings. oats. That’ nots. Lorre Oh, itis too. Don't 1 know? You had to g0 to see ome psychologist over ia. Oklshoma. City because you Iwere so afraid of hurting your patieals when you drilled thee teeth, Now, confess it It Wat actualy making. you Sick that you hid to drill your pants’ teeth and hurt them. Morais Hovey, Casa’ relly sek about it torme You were to0, Now remember what T say. Don't got softhearted at the Tast minute ané tell Cora to bring fhe kids and come on over. My God, Mortis, we'd be in the loony bin in less than to days with them in the hhowse, Cora may be my" own flesh and blood bat ould't five with her to save my life, And I Tove those Kids of hers. do, Mortis. But I couldnt live with them, ‘They'd drive me crazy. You, too. You know they would ‘conn (Enters the parlor to put napkins in the sideboard) ‘Almost ished, orm You shoulda Tet me help you. (Bur cos has re Turned to the hitches) Cora said something to me about het getting 2 job at one of the big department stores over fn Oklahoma City. Can you see her doin’ a thing like that? Tean't, "Cora," I sid, "you woulda last two days at thet ‘Kind of works on your fet all day, taking people's sus.” Well, | don't know i | convinced Ker er not, butT gave her something to think about. (Sneakr back 10 parlor door to fee if cous fs within earshot, then comes back 10 MORRIS, Speaking in avery confidential voice) Morris? Do you thigk ‘Robin sill plays around with Mavis Pruitt over in Ponce iy? onnis (Clamming up) 1 don't know, honey. torre You de too. ‘onnts Tm telling you, I dont I remember. 254 THE DARK AT THE TOP OF The sTamS tore You men, you tall etch other everything, but you all want to protect each other. And wild horses tnd ‘creaming ravens couldn't got you to tal, Monnis Well, whatever Rubin doce . .. ike that .. is ‘hs business Lorrie My! Don’t we sound righteous all of ¢ sudden! Wel, ‘bet anything he sil ses het Mounis Wel, dont you let on to Cora Lorne, 1 won't. Did T ever tell you about the first time she met Rubin? Monnis Yes, honey. Lorne I did not! Cora and 1 were coming out of the five- ‘and-ten. She'd wanted to buy a litle lace fo put on @ dze, ‘And here comes Rubia, Hike picture of Sin, riding down the street on a shiny black horse. My God) he was hand Some. Neither of us knew who be was. But he looked at Cora and smiled, and Cora Bepan to ge all nervous and ‘utery. And do'you know what? He eame by the house that very night and wanted to see her Mama and Paps didn't know what to do. They stood around like they were afraid of Robin. But Cora went out riding with him. He'd brought a bugay with him. And six weeks later they were married, Mama and Papa were worried sick, Rubin's peo- ple were all right, but they were ranchers, Kind of wild, ‘And Cora only seventeen, not out of igh school. T think thats the reason Papa had his stroke, don't you Mortis? seonnis Maybe Lorrie I do. They just fet lke Core might as well be dead as married to 2 nian lke Rubia, But Cora was always a determined ereatore, Mama and Papa were no match for her when she wanted her owa way Monnis Well, like Rubin, Lorne 1 do; too, honey. I'm not saying anything against him. And he's ‘made & ot better husband than T ever thought he would. But I'm glad i'm not married to him, Td bbe worried to deuth all the time. Tm glad Tm married to 2 nice man I can trust (stonais does not know how 10 respond to this endearment. He croses the room troublediy) ‘omnis What Cora do if Rubin doesn't come back? 255 SIE DARK AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS Lorna Well thas not ou problem, honey. onnis Yes but jos the same, 1 Lorne Listen, she's gota nice tig house here, has’ se? She can akin rover If she has fo. And Mama fel het {to two dollar hen se ded die’ sbe? Yes, Cora Wis the baby 60'Mama Tet the money to her. Tim not ng to weer uu (Upstara) Aunt Lotte! ‘Mons Allright. Twas jst wondering orig Now, remember. All youve got to say i, "I'm ieaving al that to Lat, Cora mounis Yes, bon (xeenTe comer downstairs Joking somewhat wan and Imghtene) Lorrie Shih! (Nov she tums fo ERNIE with a prepared ‘mile) ‘Well, honey, aren't you glting ready for your far? Mortis"nod sre dying 40 460 your new es rena 1 don foot wall Lith dia’ have tog orm (Alarmed) You dont feet well? Did you fl your ‘mothe nenvie Yes. But she won't bllove me. wish you'd tl he, ‘Ant Lats . Lorne (Rusher excedy into dain room, where we hear Ther speaking fo Cons) Corat Reenie says she int fcling Wo Cora think. maybe she shoulda 0 to the Paty $She‘syn she doe wat to go. Corm, What 60 ou think ifwrona? com (Enters ving room from ding room--followed by Tow), Theres nehing wrong wit the chy Loti. Larris But she says she int feting wall, Cora (Turns fo Trenvte) Come bere, honey, lt me see if youve got a Temperature, No, Not a sign of temperature. Stick oot Sour tongue Are yu sk at your stomach? eee Kind of Lorn My God, Cora, Her litle ands are ike lee. oma (Quie calm and wie). "Tere noting wrong wit oe Mie tote She eto alg He ew te Secreto pny. 256 ‘THE DARK AT THE TOP o THE sraIRs Lorne She's not going to have a very good time if she ‘oes fel wel 7 a cons Its something she's got to get over, Lottie. Plas aro already made now. 1 go her the dress and she's gota dite with 8 boy whos come here ll the way from California Now, Ym aot ging to let er pty sik snd not go. Th Ralston il would never invite Reens to another Paty long sr ahs lived if he backed out noe (Ger svargy defeated, meen goes back up the stis) Lorrie Its avful funny when a young gil doesnt want 10 10 10 a party, dont you thik, Moris? (She watcher Anes departure, puczledy) I jst though of something Tye got + bole of perfume I'm going to give het. Its CCoty's Origa Finest pecfume made. One of the big droge over In Okita ang a ancy mae With each bok of Caty's face ponder, they gave YOU a Tile bottle of petume, suck ght ontop of te box. More fs, rum oi tothe car and get the that package, Ison the Back seat. take it wptais to Ress, 1ll make her fel ood, don't you ink? ona That very thoughtful of you, Late ‘Momus (On his way 10 door) You'll have her smeling Uke "fancy woman, Lorrie (With a sudden bite) How do you know what fancy woman snl the? won Teanmakea oe cnt onns ete CORA ond LOTTE ct on either side of the { able " i ort Itwas a wonderful dinner, Coa i, ccana_ Tm glad you thought 40 It al ated like ashes to me Lorne Oh, now, Cor, gut aking on. cons Seventeen years we've been married, Loti, and we \ sill can't get along. orm What are you talking about? Why, T've known H mes when you got along jst Be « «fF months at & ‘cons When Rubin was gone, orm Cor, thats nots. Hetty to rs a cn te ts 257 THE DARK AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS Lorne Cora, you've got the two nicest kids in the whole ‘world, Why, they're wonderful children, Cora, coma Toworry about them, Lowe . .. You saw Rene just ‘now. Flere she ick because she's going toa party, when Tht girs her ape would be ticked to death. And the other boys tease Sonny so. Lorrie Ob, Reenie'l get over that. So will Sonny. coma Kids don't just “get over" these things, fn some magic ‘Way. These troubles way with kis sometimes, and affect thelr Hves when they row up. wonnis (Returns with « smell package) This what you ‘want? rors Yes, Reenie—Tve got something for you, Reenis, TTve got something here to make you smell good. Real ‘Frond perfume. Morris saye (Ml make you smell like @ fancy woman. (Ghe oct running upstairs, exuding her own brand of warmth and oection) cons Lotie's awl good-hearted, Mortis, wonnis She thinks on awful lot of your Kids, Cor Te been thinking. wouldnt cools con 1 know she Joss, Mon ‘be nie i Sonny and Reenie could goto those big you have in Oxishoma City? mean « sorrie (Hurying back downstairs) Cora, 1 wish you'd tet ime curt Reeni’s hair for het. 1 could have her Tooking {ke areal baby doll gran artist ati, Last week, Morris ack me toa pasty atthe Shrine, and everybody told me T had the pretest head of e whole pity ‘coRk Go on and doit Lorre T can’t right now, She's in the bathtub. When are "You going to got Your hair bobbed, Cora? ‘cons Rubin doesnt like bobbed har. Lorrie Oh, he dotsatt! You like my bobbed hair, don't ‘you, Morris? sons If allright, honey. Lorrie Til be darned i€ 1 fet any man tell me whether 1 ould bob my hait_oF not, Why, T wouldn't go back 0 ong hair now for anything, Moris says maybe 1 should {Eke up smoking cigarettes now. Would you belive it, 258 "TUE DARK AT THE TOP OF THE STADS Cora? Women all over Oklahoma City are smoking Sisreten now, Int dat epraceul? What in God's name ste we all coming to? coma (There is 100 much on her mind for her 10 partake now of cortie's smal talt) I Td tir Bish in the kitchen, “ (Gir exits through the diing-ro0m door) Lorrie Mortis, I don't know what todo. I jst can't Beart ‘see little Cora so unhappy. b bear Donnas After al isnot your worry, Bone. torr Ob, I know, but in a way iis my worry. mea Tve alvaye looked after Cora, ever since we were i {ook het t her teacher the fst day of shook T gave Up the wishbone for her every time We had fred chicken She was the baby of the femily, and T gues we all felt ‘we ad to pamper he. ‘onns Honey, if you want to take inher and the kids, is Upto you. We'd manage somehow. orn Ob, God, Moris Life'd be miserable. sown (Enters thvough parlor) Wanta see my movie star “Aunt Lote? ° ~ orm I guess so, honey. (SONNY goes nto parlor 10 set Terapbooks at votrie trae fo Monash @ private voles) Every time we come over here weve ot t0 Took st hs Monnis Got any of Norma Talmadge? sour (Spreading the sraphook onthe floor Bfoe them) torre Norma Talmadge, Norma Talmadge! ‘That's all you ‘ever think about is Noma Talmadge. T don't know what os sae in her, Besides, she's a Catholic omnis Honey, you've just got a bug shout the Catholics, 8 I do, do I! Maybe you'd like 10 marry Norma to do the ret of your life, Your money to the church, and bring up all your children Catholic, and then join the Knights of Columbus and take fan oath to go ob and kil all the nice Protestant women ‘when the day comes for the Catholics 10 take over the 259 WE DARK AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS {cous enters the parlor on her way to the sideboard, shen Sette inte she ling 0m) onnHoney, were do you pickup these stories? wetne Well ifs the truth. Marietta Flazeyer told me- re eli in very cote friend who wed (0 DO 8 Cathole but ia't any more. She even joined a convent, but Gath ray becuse the found out all thove thgs and ae a ae fortes. Tis end ost Maret that the oul ty he basements oftheir churches led with {Steno aaa of ammunition « coun (She has heard vores rantings before) Lot eae her head hopelessly and returns to the parlor, Sn erway tothe chen) ome. because some day they plan to rise and take re theta il ofall the Fe of 1 who dont sre he BON Cahotes T believe every word of i 00. suonnas Well.» » Tatil like Norma Talmadge, Got any of ‘Bebe Daniels? Sort pads monn a picture, which saree snaps uP frst Joran approving look) orn don't kaow what yu sea he. “ane now pass the Picture 7 1 HORS) ous "You dow ike any ofthe women sts honey verre 1 pues { don't. I bear they're alla bunch of tol Te dpkg) “Honey, avhen is your daly coming home? sonny Ob, he's not coming back at all, He and Mom had 2 wat Mere one of your favorites, Aunt Lote (Ute hands her pieture) torn Wha? Rudolph Valentin, He's not one of my fo ‘rie al awoms You sw The Sheik four Sines. forrie Thats jst Decave Masitta Plagmeyer wanted me To keep her company. monnts . Rudoigh Valentino must be a Catholic, fo. Hes 80 ‘yan orm But hes pot a Cathoi, Maret find as Te aun the poople i Hollywood who are Catbor 260 THE DARK AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS liek. (She studies the pleure very intently) You know, it fares mea litle to lo at han. hone eyer tha seem to be laughing at you, and al tho white tech think vs sin for‘ man tO be as pretty ashe is. Way, I'd be scared to sah feta man tke hn och. (ons rec ow, ‘thou? her apron: the ts carrying @ paper bos) But you now, they say be really © very nce man. Core, do You Know there's this woman ove in Oklahoma Cty Whe wore ships Rugoiph Valentino? ‘Thats the truth, Maret knows het She's made alte sbrine to him dowa in her basement, and she keops the room filed with candles end he. goes lon tere every say and cay ate prayer for hm. ‘cons thought you were going to fx Reenie’s har. {VoTTHn Oh, yes I guess she's out ofthe bathtub now. ona. (Pute she bag on the table) There's a lot of fried hicken let, Lotte. 1 brought you some to take home with you, Lormie Won't you andthe kids want i? ‘ConA They won't eat anything but the breast Lorne Thaaks, Cora. ‘con Sonny, I don’t want your pictures al ‘when the young people came by for Resale sony Allright cover the foot ous (As Lorie takes a drumtick out of the bas Honey, you just ate. a Lori Don't scold me, Daddy. (Ste whipert olily 10 ‘him before storing upacrs) Remember what l told you, Ma (om the gtr ring up he sas) Resi Pt omg upto fx your hat im gogo tun you nt ara coming foing totum you nt a rea (Upsiairs) Ym in here, Aunt Lottie, (Qtonnis draws over to the door, at though hoping to evade com) conk Morris ‘happened ours Well, uh . ‘about it, Morris! 1 suppose Lotti told you what's yes, Cora... she said something ‘coma 1 guess now that maybe my folks were right, Morris. 1 shouldn't have married Rubin. “s 261 THE DARK AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS omnis You're going to forget all this squabble after a ‘while, Cor. S's Rubin. cons 1 don’t think we should forget jt. T don't think we ‘Should ry to come bask together | think I've fale. onnis Now, Cora, I think you're exaggerating things in ‘your own mind ‘cons Mortis, I'm only thirty-four. That's stil young. T thought Ta lke to take the kids to Oklahoma City and put thent in sehool there, and get myself a jb in one of the de- pertment stores. rkvow Ive never done work ike that, but Think Fd like it, and» .- itseems to me that P've got to, Morris Ive got to. roanis Well, Cora . . . maybe - « Loris (Upiteire we see her fet treading the hallway) Let's ip ito the bathroom, Reet, where the igh’ better. Monnis It's awful hard, Cora, being on your fetal day. conn But I'd get used toi Morais Well... its ard for me to advise you, Cor coma Morris, 1 wes wondering if maybe the kids and T could ome and live with you and Lottie for while. ust for 3 Sine, Until we got used to the eit Until I got myself job aad we ft more or less at home. onais Well, = uh con 1 promise we wouldn't be any bother. I mean, Td ‘ep things straightened up after the kids and do as much bf the cooking as Lotie wanted me todo. Monnis Well... uh... coma just don't know what else the kids and I ean do, ‘Mortis. eonais Yes. Well... Cora, I don't know just what to ay. ‘cond Would we be to0 much inthe way, Morris? MoRKIs Oh, no, Of course not, Cor But cons (Hopejuly) [think we could manage. And Td pay four share ofthe bills insist on that (runt, Puniy and sinew are seen through the window, coming onto the porch) Monnis Wel, Cora,1 262 wm banx AT tH Lorri (Comes hurling halfway down the stairs, fall of ans- “ety) Cora, Reenles sick. She's vomiting all-over the bathroom. (ie bustles back upstairs as cons start 10 follow) con Oh, my God! (The doorbell rings, catching conn for a ‘moment) Oh, deat! Is the young people after Reene. Sonny, put on your manners and answer the door. (sonny ‘ans 10 the door, stopping to turn on the porch light before opening i. We see the three young people on the porch uiside—eeint in daccling party dress, and the two boys {in uniforms rom a nearby miltary academy. One boy, FUNKY OIVENS, I teen drinking from a flask, preparing ‘Himself 10 meet people: Inside, CORA starts upstairs tn Wor ‘led concern) Oh, deat! What could be wrong with the ‘hild? Mors, ty to entertain the young people untit I get back, (Cona goee of. sonny swings open the door) sonny Wos't you come in? ruin (Comer dancing into the halbsay, Bringing the atmos: Phere of a chilly spring ight with her), Sonny! Is your ster ready? sonny Not yt ‘ToP OF ThE STAs FLIRT Oh, shucks! (Sticks her head out the door) Come ‘on i, felows. We're going to have to wall. (PUNKY GWENS Gand savin cooennavnn make a colorful entrance, Both ‘are dressed in uniforms of lustrous blue, which fi ther Ike Smooth upholitery. runt begins the iniroductions) Saran, this Sonny Flood, Reeaie’s itl brother. (Gunny GOLDENBAUM eps forth correctly, hir plumed Yeadgear in his hand. He ts darkly beauiiad young man ‘of seventeen, with lusirous black bair, back eyes and 9 ap tivating gle. Yet, something about him seems @ litle for- ‘ign, at Least in comparion with the Midwestern company in whieh he now finds himself. He could be @ Person brince, saved from his native kingdom. But he has become ‘adept over the years in adapting himself, and he shows an ‘eagerness to make friends and 1 be lked) ——— 263. THE DARK AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS the hallway 10 face the lighted room full of people, For owns lea discppeiniment sx a human being. Phe miltary ‘teademy has done nothing as yet Jor hs posture, and he teu is uniform ae though embarassed by its splendor. Te offers long hand when being Inrodiced, mumbles Jome incoherent greeting, and then retires in hopes that no ne will notice hime Theve introductions made, FLIRT NOW notices Monnts) Oh, belo Fim Mizt Conroy. How’te you? onnis How d'ya do? I'm Mortis Lacey. Reenie’s uncle, "From Oklahoma City uit Ob, yes I've heard hee speak about you. Fellows, this is Dr. Lacey. He's Reenie's uncle. From Oflahoma City. sanenty (Crossing the roam to present himself to MORRIS, he brisk and alert even though his speech betrays a alight Stammer) ow do you do, sie? My name is G-Golden- ‘bam, Sammy, they ell me. Morais Glad Wo know you, Sumy, vine And this is Punky Givens. (Nudging him) Stand up straight, Punky. Monnts Glad to know you, Punky. (Puke mumbles. SMomnis now feels the burden of his eeponsill as tem porary host) Uh. - anyone cae for a Life Saver? {ite ofers.a peck fiom his packet, but no one is intrested. Lorrie comer bustling dow the stars, eager 10 take over the suction, exuberansly babbling consequential all the way down) Lorris Hella everyone! Pm Lottie Lacey, Resne's aunt. Vm ‘Cora Floods ser. From Oklahoma City. Oklahoma City’s f great big town now. People say in another ten years i's foing to be the biggest city in the whole United States, big- fer even than New York or Chicago. You're the litte Con- oy gr are't you! Uve beard my ster speak of you. My! ‘What a prety ted dress, Have you all met my. husband? Dr, Lacey, He's a detist, Come over to Oklahoma City and bell pull all your teeth. (She Toughs hearty, and then her yes lowly widen at the magnificent uniforms) My good: fess! Aren't those handsome getips? fi swanty Hi, Sonny! i souny (Shaking hands) Hit Lin (Bringing PUNY up from the rear) And this is Pky | Givens. (She all but drags him rom the dark corner of swiory (Stepping forth) How do you do, myam? Tm ‘Semimy Goldenbaum, From Califor tors Ob, yes. Cora told me sbout the young man from, 264 THE DARK AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS fornia. He's from Hollywood, Mores. His mother ‘movies. Has she played in anything Tight have teem? siuoay She was in T-Thomas Meighan's last picture. Hee ‘ame ie Gertrade Vanderhot. It wae avery small pat, She Fan a star or anything. Lorrim Gertrude Vanderhof! Did we see Thomas Msighsn's last picture, Mortis? T don't believe so. 1 ike ‘Thomas Meighan, bat we don't have time to see all the movies. Do ou think you ever aw Gertrde Vanderot i anything, (LorTiE seems to refer 10 her husband on every topic with- ‘out waiting for his judgment. Neverthelee, Monn ml ‘ver this as query as PLINY interrupts) Liar Mrs, Lacey, have you met Punky Givens? Loris How do you do? Tve heard my sister peak of you. ‘Your people ae very prominent in town, aren't they? Yes, ve heard Cora speak'of them. (PONKY offers a hand and mumbles) What did you say? (He repeats his mumble Lorri ib silat sea but makes the Bert of things) Thank you very much. (At the t0p of the stairs, we see RERNIE'S feet trying t0 26 4p the conrag 0 bring her down, and we hr Ca Coating her) cons (Off) Go on, Reesie. (But neenie cant make i yet. The feet go scurrying back tosafetr) Lorne (Trying to avoid embarrassment) Well Vm afraid youre all going to have to wait a few minutes, Reene Isnt ‘uite ready. ‘ConA (Upstairs) Reenie, not another word. Lorn Cora’ upstairs now, helping her. I guess you'l have to entertain yourselves awhile. Do any of you play mah. jong? (She norces the beg of fried chicken, and hides it under the table) Punt I want to play some music, Got any new piano rol, ‘Sonny? Sonny A fow. (They run into the partr, tthe piano) FL Gee, wish you had a Victrola like we do, 265 THE DARK AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS orm: (Sitting, turning her attention 10 saMony) My, ‘yu'e along way from home, arn't you? saneny Yes, mean. torrie Morris and I went to California once. A Shriners ‘oavention. Oh, we thought ie was perfectly wonderful, all those oranges and things, Didn't we, Morvs? I should think you'd want fo go home on your spring vacation. suveney Well, T.- . F guess I don't relly have a home Mes. Lacey (Sonny wanders back fron the parlor. saves file hin ‘wih ewriosity and fascination) Lorie Did you tll me your mother Hived out there? sareney Yes, but, you see, she's pretty busy in moving p= tures, and» + Ohy ake feolsateully bad that she doesn’t have more time for me. Really she does. But she doesnt have a place where could say vight now . .. and Bis nother faut tort Where's your father? ssuenay Ob, I never knew him. Lorrie You never knew your father? sannaey No. You see, be dod before Twas born. My mother fhas been married +» afew times since then. But T never inet any of her husbands «although they were all very fine gentlemen. torrie Well—t just never knew anyone who did't have a Thome. Do you sped your whole life n military academies? suviney ust about, I bot I've been in almost every military fncedemy in the whole country. Well, I take that back. ‘There's some I didn't goto. mean . .. there's some that woulda take me. sonny (Out of the innocent blue) My mother says you're Tew. orn (Aghast) Sonny! sasenty Well... yes Sonny. 1 guess Tam. allright, Why. we ae ve, torre (Consoliny) That's perfect don't think a thing about a person's being Jews Mores? monnis No. Of coutse not.

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