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Writing evaluation

Hello everyone
Do you guys remember me ?Im ana maria , im thirteen years old ,I want
you to know that im an extroverted person thats why I really like to meet
new people ,I’m not shy at all , I spend most of the time with my best
friend but I think my priority its my family. Lately I’ve been learning more
about music and how to play the ukulele cause it is one of my passions, I
have been living with my dad and my grandmother since I was 3 months,in
my free time I like to cook ,salads an burgers are my specialties ,my dad
had always pushes me to study English and here I am ,im about to finish
my course I started to study English when I was 9 years old and I am proud
of me.

I had a lot of goals to achieve ,one of my biggest dreams is to travel around

the world ,meet new cultures and maybe studying in another
country,markeI like people who can express their feelings with no
problem ,that can be leaders, people that are not afraid of the consequences
that the live brings with it,I hope that when I could accomplish all of my
dreams my family stills alive ,my fam includes my best friend she’s been
with me since I was 6 years old and I hope that everything works out for us
but first we have to graduate .
Im writing this to introduce few things about me
Have a nice day

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