July 7 2018

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Pearl Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District Meeting -- Minutes July 7, 2018

The meeting was held at Jeff Swenson’s and was called to order by Chairman Roger Volden at 8:34

Roll Call: Roger Volden, Dave Paulick, Randy Rucks, Dick Fjellman , Ed Sheppard

The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

The minutes for the May 26th 2018 Meeting have been posted on the website prior to the meeting
and copies of those minutes and the agenda were available at the start of the meeting, Roger
asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes and Debra Semrad (PRD Member)
indicated she had a list of changes and corrections or issues with the minutes: The issues and
concerns where then noted and the minutes will be amended where appropriate.
After a lengthy discussion a motion was made by Volden seconded by Rucks to approve the
amended minutes that were discussed and agreed upon by the PRD and Ms Semrad and which now
appear in the updated minutes from May 26, 2018 that are on the website the vote was
unanimous among the commissioners present.

Secretary’s note: Perhaps at future meetings if there are issues or concerns with the minutes
they could be brought to light to the secretary prior to the meeting to avoid a lengthy delay at
the start of the meeting. The minutes are posted to the website and changes could be prepared
to be brought to the meeting be discussed and voted on prior to the start of the meeting.

Public Comments

Roger then introduced Marty Weasner from the Waushara County Sheriff’s Dept. who was at the
meeting to discuss the boat patrol activities and boating safety; a question and answer then
ensued for informational purposes: This lasted for approx. 40 minutes. No formal action taken

Treasurers Report by Randy Rucks: Several miscellaneous bills have been paid including the milfoil
treatment of $5591.00.

Checking account is at $7927.90 as of the July 7th meeting with some small bills that may need to
be paid. Water Quality fund is at $ 97,992.96 Motion made by Dave Paulick seconded by Ed
Sheppard to accept the treasurer’s report-vote unanimous:

Roger then reported on the formal open meetings violation complaint that was made to the
Waushara County District Attorney’s Office. Roger indicated that the DA notified the PRD that he
would be filing no formal charges. There were some recommendations made by the DA. A copy of
the lengthy 4 page letter will be attached to the website.

Roger also mentioned some of the issues that will be on the agenda at the upcoming PRD annual
meeting that will be held on September 1 2018. He also noted that to conform to state statue 33.
That formal letters will be sent to all of the people listed on the tax roll that are in the PRD. That
information has been received from Waushara County and mailing labels have been made. That
will be the annual meeting where the budget will be discussed and a new commissioner will need
to be elected to replace Dick Fjellman who has chosen not to run for his current position. Roger
indicated that notice will be sent out at least 14 days prior to the meeting. One question was
raised by one of the members of the PRD in attendance as to how much money that will cost and
an estimate of approx.--$150.00 to $200.00 was listed with postage printing and labels as there
are about 180 members of the PRD.
Another member of the PRD Debra Semrad also noted that a “special meeting” can be called by
the PRD if needed. Members can vote at those meetings in addition to the annual meeting and
Roger agreed with that.

Roger then went through the water clarity readings from the secci disk:

June 25, 2018 clarity 19 feet 3 feet the temp was 74 degrees 15 feet 60 degrees and 45 feet 42

Question from Sue Beeze (PRD Member) if we still report those to the university that was involved
with the “Great North American Dip In” which they did when she was an officer Roger said that
was not part of the process any longer but that they send the information to a data base called

Clean Boat Clean Water information was shared with the group by Roger—the lady at the boat
launch indicated that thus far this year there have been 43 boats entered and exited Pearl Lake.
Only 5 of those boats reported being on other lakes prior to launching on Pearl Lake. People have
been cooperative.

The meeting was opened for any public comments and there were none voiced.

Motion by: Dave Paulick seconded by Roger to adjourn motion passed unanimously by the
commissioners present.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:32 am on July 7, 2018.

Ed Sheppard, Secretary Pearl Lake PRD

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