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Section I: Preamble

I, _________________________ (Filmmaker's Name), agree to enter into the following legally

binding agreement with _________________________ (Composer's Name) for the creation of a
score for my film, _________________________ (Film's Title).

Section II: Terms and Conditions

We, the undersigned, agree to the following terms and conditions of the agreement and reserve
the right to legal recourse in the case of any breaching of this contract or its terms and

1) The filmmaker and composer shall have a minimum of one (1) spotting session.
2) The filmmaker shall provide the composer with all relevant information the composer needs
to create an appropriate score for the film.
3) The composer shall submit the final score to the filmmaker in accordance with any technical
requirements deemed necessary by the filmmaker.
4) The composer shall submit the final score to the filmmaker by no later than
_________________________ (Date).
5) The composer and filmmaker shall both retain the right to invite other parties to view any
progress made on the film's score.
6) The filmmaker shall pay the composer a minimum of $0.01 upon submission of the final
7) The filmmaker shall pay the composer ____% of any monetary gains derived from the film,
such as contest and/or festival prizes, sales of the film, etc.
8) The filmmaker shall retain all rights to the film in every form.
9) The composer shall retain all rights to the score in every form.
10) The filmmaker shall credit the composer for the score in the opening and closing credits.
11) The filmmaker shall have the authority to request changes to the score until ___ days before
the date of final submission.
12) The filmmaker shall reserve the right to dissolve this contract and render its terms and
conditions null and void without penalty at any time until the date of final submission. In
the event of such a dissolution, the composer shall retain all musical rights to any work
completed thus far, and the filmmaker shall be barred from using any of the composer's
music without a new agreement.
13) This contract shall be null and void only in the case of dissolution or amendment. Any
amendment to this contract shall be submitted in writing and agreed upon by the signature
of both parties. The amended contract shall take effect immediately upon signing.
14) This contract and its terms and conditions shall take effect immediately upon signing.
15) Any legal disputes over this contract and/or its terms and conditions shall fall under the
jurisdiction of the courts of the state of Oklahoma and all applicable statutes of that state.
Section III: Signatures

These signatures denote an agreement to the above terms and conditions and are non-revocable,
except in the cases specifically addressed therein.

______________________________________ _______________________

______________________________________ _______________________

______________________________________ _______________________

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