Experiment 2 - Boolean Algebra

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Second Year – 2nd Semester Digital Systems Design Lab. Assist. Lect.

Eman Karim

Experiment 2 - Boolean Algebra


To get familiar with Boolean algebra.


Boolean algebra is a type of mathematics that deals with operations on logical values
and incorporates binary variables. It is used to analyze and simplify the digital logic
circuits and uses only the binary numbers (0 and 1). It is also called as Binary Algebra
or logical Algebra.

The fundamental Boolean identities for AND, OR and NOT operations can be
summarized as follows:-

Second Year – 2nd Semester Digital Systems Design Lab. Assist. Lect. Eman Karim


Lab2a: Simplify the following equation and perform the final equation in a truth
table and logic circuit using mix gates. Create (Lab2a) project to run the VHDL
file using Quartus Prime Lite. Show the RTL Viewer and Simulation.
F= (A'+B')(A'+C')+A'B'C

It means that F=1 if A=0 or B=0 and C=0 otherwise F=0

Second Year – 2nd Semester Digital Systems Design Lab. Assist. Lect. Eman Karim

The VHDL Code is:

The RTL Viewer is:

The RTL Simulation is:

Second Year – 2nd Semester Digital Systems Design Lab. Assist. Lect. Eman Karim

Lab2b: Simplify the equation from the truth table and perform the final
equation in a logic circuit using mix gates. Create (Lab2b) project to run the
VHDL file using Quartus Prime Lite. Show the RTL Viewer and Simulation.

Second Year – 2nd Semester Digital Systems Design Lab. Assist. Lect. Eman Karim

The VHDL Code is:

The RTL Viewer is:

The RTL Simulation is:

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