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ICT50220 – Diploma of Information Technology

BSBXTW401 - Lead and facilitate a team


Version no: 1.1

BSBXTW401 Lead and
facilitate a team
Student Assessment Booklet

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Version: 1.1 Responsibility: Course Coordinator Last Reviewed: June 2021

BSBXTW401 Lead and
facilitate a team
Student Assessment Booklet



COURSE NAME: ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology




UNIT CODE AND TITLE: BSBXTW401 - Lead and facilitate a team

ASSESSSMENT TASKS Task 1 Task 2 Task 3


1. This form must be stapled on top of the completed Student Assessment Booklet when
submitting same.
2. The Assessment Receipt Form must be stamped and signed.

1. I am aware that penalties exist for plagiarism and cheating.
2. I am aware of the requirements set by my assessor.
3. I have retained a copy of my assessment.
4. I have used Turn It In when submitting the assessment

Student Signature: _________________________________ Submission Date: ___________________

Assessment received by RGIT Staff

Name: _____________________________ Signature: __________________ Date: ______________

=================================TEAR HERE ==================================

Students must retain this as a Record of Submission
Assessment handed in on:
Unit code and title: BSBXTW401 - Lead and facilitate a team

Assessment received by RGIT staff

Name: …………………………………………… Student ID:…………………………………..

Signature: ………………………...……...……... Student Signature:…………………………

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BSBXTW401 Lead and
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Student Assessment Booklet

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BSBXTW401 Lead and
facilitate a team
Student Assessment Booklet
About this booklet
This assessment booklet has been designed for students undertaking face-to-face/online mode
of study to provide information before you undertake these assessments. It also contains
assessment tools to assess the skills and knowledge required from you to be deemed competent
in this unit.
Please read all the information given to you when you receive this assessment booklet. If you do
not understand any part of this booklet, please inform your assessor.
The assessment booklet contains two (2) parts:

PART 1: Assessment tasks: This part contains the information to successfully undertake the
assessment task. In each assessment task, students will find the following information:

PART 2: Assessment information: This part contains information on the assessment for this unit of
competency and how an assessment will be conducted throughout this unit to achieve the
competency. It includes:
 Application of the unit of competency.
 Purpose of assessment.
 Elements, performance evidence and knowledge evidence requirements of the unit.
 Conditions, context, required resources and location of the assessment.
 Assessment tasks.
 Outline of evidence to be collected.
 Administration, recording and reporting the requirements including special adjustments,
appeals, reasonable adjustments and assessors’ intervention.
 Task instructions.
 Role play / Practical Demonstration information.
 Information on resources required, where applicable

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facilitate a team
Student Assessment Booklet
PART 1: Assessment information

Application of the unit of competency:

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to effectively lead and facilitate a team in a
workplace within any industry.
This unit has a specific focus on the teamwork skills required for team leader or supervisor level
(depending on organisational structure) workers with responsibility for others or teams.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

Purpose of assessment:
The purpose of assessment is to determine competency in the unit BSBXTW401 - Lead and facilitate
a team.

1. Plan team outcomes
2. Coordinate team and individuals
3. Support team
4. Monitor team performance
Performance evidence:
Evidence of the ability to:
 assign tasks to team members with appropriate instruction and considering any required
 provide feedback and assistance to team members
 collate feedback on individual and team performance
 identify and implement development opportunities for others
 manage conflicts and challenges according to organisational requirements.

Knowledge evidence:
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:
 organisational requirements relevant to workplace teams:
o workplace policies
o codes of conduct
o organisational reputation and culture
 legislative requirements relevant to the workplace
 facilitation techniques to encourage team cohesion and effectiveness
 mentoring and coaching techniques to support team members
 strategies for conflict resolution and negotiation
 different methods and styles of communication

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facilitate a team
Student Assessment Booklet
 key principles of cross-cultural communication and communication with individuals with
special needs or disabilities
 professional behaviours to role model as a leader
 typical workplace contingencies that can impact teams:
o unplanned leave or absence of workers
o re-allocation of work tasks
o succession planning for important team roles
 teamwork challenges relevant to performance evidence:
o difficulties performing tasks
o conflicts with clients or team members
o potential risks or safety hazards
o unethical or inappropriate behaviour.

Context and conditions for assessment:

To comply with the assessment conditions of this unit:
 A safe working or simulated environment

Resources required:
The assessor will ensure that assessment is conducted in a safe environment and you have access to
the following resources for the unit.
 Computer with internet connection to refer to various resources.
 Student assessment booklet.
 RGIT Learners’ resources for the unit BSBXTW401 - Lead and facilitate a team (organised by
the trainer).
Learner’s notes
Clustering/holistic assessment:
There is no provision for clustering of assessments in this unit.

Competency requirements:
To be judged competent in this unit, you will be required to demonstrate all indicators which are
shown in the Marking Guide (assessor’s document).
You must satisfactorily complete all assessment tasks to be Competent (C) in the unit. Students with
unsatisfactory completion of any of the assignment tasks will be deemed Not Yet Competent
Assessors will ensure that the evidence collected meets the requirements of the Rules of Evidence
(authentic, current, sufficient and valid) prior to entering results into the competency record sheet.
Students unsuccessful at achieving “Satisfactory” for any assessment at the first attempt will be
given two opportunities for reassessment. If the student is still deemed Not Yet Competent (NYC)
after two reassessments in a unit of competency student will be required to repeat the unit as per
the scheduled delivery of the course. For further details, refer to RGIT Assessment Policy and

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Student Assessment Booklet
Procedure and RGIT Course Progress Policy.

Assessment tasks Assessment description Due date Location of


Assessment 1: This assessment includes a series of Week 2 Completed

Project required evidence you are required assessment work to
to produce be submitted on LMS

Assessment 2: This assessment requires you to play Week 2 Needs to be

Role Play a specified role and submit a report completed in the
to your assessor classroom.

Assessment 3: This assessment contains 10 Week 2 Needs to be

Knowledge questions; you need to answer all completed in the
Questions questions correctly classroom.

Assessment tasks:
To achieve competency in this unit, you must satisfactorily complete all the following assessment
tasks within the date and time specified in the session plan. This will demonstrate that you have all
the required skills and knowledge for this unit.

Outline of evidence to be collected:

You must submit the following evidence to be marked competent for this unit. Your assessor will
ensure that the evidence submitted meets the Rules of Evidence which are valid, sufficient, current
and authentic.

Assessment 1:  Produce all required evidence electronically

Project  Complete and sign the cover sheet for assessment task

Assessment 2:  Play a role and submit a report to the assessor

Role Play  Complete and sign the cover sheet for assessment task

Assessment 3:  Answer all questions correctly in the Written Knowledge Questions and
Knowledge submit to your assessor electronically.
Questions  Complete and sign the cover sheet for assessment task

Administration, recording and reporting requirements:

You must read and follow this information carefully while completing assessments for this unit of
competency and if you are unsure of any instruction, please contact your assessor to clarify.
The assessments are intended to be equitable, fair and flexible.

Submission of assessment:
You must ensure that the completed assessment tasks are submitted along with the assessment cover
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Student Assessment Booklet
 Your assessor will mark the submitted assessment, provide feedback to you and complete the
comments section against each task, where applicable.
 ALL tasks must be completed in legible English. It is preferred that the tasks submitted for
assessments are typed and that they are legible and clear, if handwritten.
 You must submit all assessments on or before the due date specified by the assessor as per
the training plan.
 Extensions for individual assessment tasks may be negotiated in specific circumstances with
your assessor/trainer. However, you need to provide genuine evidence documents when
seeking an extension to due date (e.g. extensions due to illness will require a medical
certificate). To arrange an extension, you must speak to your assessor prior to the due date.
Extensions must be confirmed by the trainer in writing.
 You are permitted to use dictionaries and to seek support (as required) unless it puts in
jeopardy the integrity of the assessment, your assessor will let you know if this is the case.
 Unless the assessment task specifically allows pair work or group activities such as
brainstorming, you must submit your own original work and must not copy the work of other
students. Plagiarism is unacceptable.
 You can submit your assessment tasks through the learning management system or hand in
hard copies in the classroom.

Recording an assessment result:

Once the assessments have been completed, the assessor will record the assessment results on the
student assessment record sheets and LMS/student management system and all results will be
approved by the course coordinator.
Assessors will check that you have completed the student declaration prior to filling out the
assessment sheet.

Retaining assessment records:

RGIT will securely retain all completed student assessment items for each student for a period of six
months from the date on which the judgement of competence for the student was made. RGIT will
also retain sufficient data to be able to reissue AQF certification documentation for a period of 30
All assessment records submitted to the assessor for marking will be stored and retained properly.
And a hard copy submitted to student administration for filing along with the evidence.
The assessor will ensure that the student records are securely retained in accordance with the RGIT
record control policy accessible by the Student Administration Officer.

Assessment outcomes:
For unit of competency:
There are two outcomes for assessments: C = Competent and NYC = Not Yet Competent (requires
more training and experience).
You will be awarded C = Competent on completion of the unit when the assessor is satisfied that

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facilitate a team
Student Assessment Booklet
you have completed all assessments and have provided the appropriate evidence required to
meet all criteria in line with the Rules of Evidence. If you fail to meet this requirement, you will
receive the result NYC = Not Yet Competent and will be eligible to be re-assessed in accordance
with the RGIT Assessment Policy and RGIT Course Progress Policy. For more information, refer to
Assessment Policy and Procedure or contact Student Services Department.

For assessment task:

There are two assessment outcomes for tasks. S = Satisfactory and NS = Not Satisfactory.
On the individual assessment cover sheet for assessment tasks you will be marked Satisfactory, if
you have completed the task successfully, submitted all evidence and satisfied the assessment
criteria and Not Satisfactory, if you have not completed the task, the evidence is not sufficient or
does not meet the requirements of the assessment criteria.

If you are unsuccessful at achieving competency at the first attempt, you will be given two further
opportunities for re-assessment at a mutually agreed time and date. For further details, refer to the
RGIT Assessment Policy and RGIT Course Progress Policy. As this is a competency based program,
the assessment continues throughout the program until you either achieve Competency in the
assessment tasks or a further training need is identified and addressed.

Student access to records:

You have the right to access current and accurate records of your participation and results at any
time. You can see your results or attendance progress by logging in to the Learning Management
System at any time or you can request a copy of your records by contacting the student
administration and the assessor.

You may seek clarification about the assessment information and the instructions and tasks at any
time from the assessor.

Reasonable adjustments and special learning needs:

RGIT Australia works to ensure that students with recognized disadvantages can access and
participate in education and training on the same basis as other students. Disadvantages may be
based, for example, upon age, cultural background, physical disability, limited or non-current
industry experience, language, numeracy or digital literacy issues.
Where pre-training interviews and assessments reveal that a student may require special support or
where, after enrolment, it is made apparent that the student requires special support, reasonable
adjustments will be made to the learning environment, training delivery, learning resources and/or
assessment tasks to accommodate the particular needs of the student. An adjustment is
reasonable if it can accommodate the student’s particular needs, while also taking into account
factors such as the student’s views, the potential effect of the adjustment on the student and
others and the costs and benefits of making the adjustment.
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facilitate a team
Student Assessment Booklet
Any adjustments made must:
a. Be discussed, agreed and documented in the assessment record
b. Benefit the student.
c. Maintain the integrity of the competency standards and course requirements as stipulated in
the training package.
d. Be reasonable to expect in a workplace.
Reasonable adjustment may consist of:
a. Providing additional time for students to complete learning and assessment tasks.
b. Presenting questions orally for students with literacy issues.
c. Asking questions in a relevant practical context.
d. Using large print material.
e. Extending the course duration.
f. Presenting work instructions in diagrammatic or pictorial form instead of words and

Complaints and appeals:

If you are dissatisfied with an assessment outcome, you may appeal the assessment decision. In the
first instance, you are encouraged to appeal informally by contacting the assessor and discussing
the matter with them. If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of such discussion, you may appeal
further to either the course coordinator and/or Head of Department. If you are still dissatisfied, you
may appeal formally and in writing to have the result reviewed. For more information, refer to the
Assessment Policy and the Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedures.

Assessor intervention:
Assessors will check if you are ready for the assessment, and defer the assessment if you are not.
Feedback will be given to you at the completion of the assessment. During role play, the assessor
may act as a client or employer, where required, but the assessor will not interfere with the
assessment. If the assessment activities might impact on your safety or that of others, the assessor
will stop the assessment immediately.

Plagiarism, cheating and assessment dishonesty:

RGIT considers plagiarism and cheating as a serious misdemeanor. Evidence of plagiarism and
cheating is treated on a case by case basis and the consequences for students engaging in such
practices may include failure of the assessment or unit or exclusion from the course. For more
information, refer to RGIT’s Plagiarism and cheating policy and procedure.
Students will have a total of 3 attempts per assessment submission to satisfactorily achieve the
threshold and submit their assessment for consideration, therefore, if a student achieves a similarity
report outcome above 25% at the first try, they will have another 2 opportunities to meet the
If an assessment that is above the similarity report outcome threshold is submitted, it will not be
assessed and will automatically receive the outcome of “Not Satisfactory” - for details on
reassessment, see RGIT’s Reassessment Policy and Procedure.

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Student Assessment Booklet

Assessor feedback:
Assessors will provide feedback on the assessment that you have submitted. This can identify your
strengths and weaknesses or be an overall comment on your submission. A copy of the feedback
along with your submission will be given to you and you must keep a copy of it throughout the
completion of the course.

Student Declaration:

I .............................................................................. (Student Name) have read and understand the

information provided above and also understand and accept that any act of plagiarism and
academic dishonesty may have penalties including cancellation or suspension of my enrolment
with RGIT. I further declare that:
I have sued Turn It In when submitting the assessment
 All assessment work submitted for this unit competency is my own original work and plagiarism
and collusion has not occurred.
 Assessment work has not been copied or submitted for any other unit/course.
 I have taken proper care and effort to ensure my work has not been copied by another person.
 I have retained a copy of this assessment for my own records in the event I have to reproduce
my work.
 I am aware that any assessment deemed unsatisfactory will require me to undergo
reassessment which may be different to the one originally submitted.

Student signature: ............................................................... Date: ....../....../.......

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BSBXTW401 Lead and
facilitate a team
Student Assessment Booklet
Assessment Task 1 Cover Sheet:

Student details

Student name: Student ID

Assessment details

Unit of competency: BSBXTW401 - Lead and facilitate a team

Assessment task: Project

Due date:

Issued date:

Date of submission:

Assessment Outcome: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Not Assessed

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


Student Plagiarism Declaration: By submitting this assessment to the college, I declare that this
assessment task is original and has not been copied or taken from another source except where
this work has been correctly acknowledged. I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or
photograph of my assessment task, which I can produce if the original is lost.
Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, Student: I have received,
reliable and flexible assessment of this student, and I have discussed and accepted my
provided appropriate feedback. I also declare that I have result as above for this
undertaken the indicated assessment integrity checks assessment and I am aware of
Plagiarism check Yes No NA my appeal rights.

Check for copying/collusion Yes No

Check for authenticity (own work) Yes No
Cheating or use of model answers Yes No

Signature: ......................................................... Signature:.....................................

Date:................................................................. Date:.............................................

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Student Assessment Booklet

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facilitate a team
Student Assessment Booklet
Assessment task 1: Project

Required documents and equipment:

 Computer with internet connection to refer to various resources.
 Student assessment booklet.
 RGIT Learners’ resources for the unit BSBXTW401 - Lead and facilitate a team (organised by
the trainer).
 Learner’s notes

Instructions for students:

This assessment will be conducted in the RGIT classroom or outside the campus with access to the
resources listed above.
You must satisfactorily perform all tasks to be deemed Satisfactory for this assessment.

Planning the assessment

 Recommended date for assessment: After session 4.
 Access all resources mentioned in required resources either printed copies or access via the
 Time required for assessment: 2 sessions.
 You must:
○ Produce all evidence as required in the Project assessment.
○ Complete them and submit in due timelines.
○ Submit with a completed assessment cover sheet.
 Your assessor will set a time to provide feedback.

Evidence specifications:
At the end of the assessment, you will be required to submit the following evidence before the due
date specified by the assessor:
 Completed and signed cover sheet for assessment.
 Completed scenarios with all tasks answered.

Evidence submission:
 Documentation can be submitted electronically on student LMS to the Trainer/Assessor.
 Evidence submitted should include the information provided under “Evidence
 Your assessor will record the assessment outcome on the assessment cover sheet.

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BSBXTW401 Lead and
facilitate a team
Student Assessment Booklet
Consider yourself as a team leader having a team of three software developers in a software
company named RGIT Software Solutions Ltd. You are leading a group of three developers who are
responsible for developing web based projects for clients of RGIT Software Solutions Ltd. In the last
few months, there have been a number of projects where you had to reschedule deadlines. There
were instances of scope creep as well. This is causing unrest in the management.

You are required to prepare a report by completing all of the following tasks:
Task 1. Identify common objectives of workplace team and responsibilities of each of the team
Task 2. Identify expected outcomes, goals and behavior of team members.
Task 3. Device strategy to fix accountability of each member.
Task 4. Identify contingencies that may affect the team performance.
Task 5. Device a communication plan to timely and effectively communicate all decisions to team
Task 6. Identify the possibilities of cross collaboration among team members to achieve outcomes.
Task 7. Develop a plan to train team members regarding time management in line with
organizational policies and procedures.
Task 8. Design KPIs to measure team member performance customised to web development
Task 9. Prepare a feedback form that will be used to provide feedback to team members at the end
of each project.

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facilitate a team
Student Assessment Booklet
Project checklist – to be completed by the assessor

Marking criteria Student’s

response (to be
During the Project, the student
completed by
the assessor)

Performance evidence

assign tasks to team members with appropriate instruction and considering any required

provide feedback and assistance to team members S NS

identify and implement development opportunities for others S NS

manage conflicts and challenges according to organisational requirements S NS

Knowledge evidence

facilitation techniques to encourage team cohesion and effectiveness S NS

mentoring and coaching techniques to support team members S NS

strategies for conflict resolution and negotiation S NS

different methods and styles of communication S NS

key principles of cross-cultural communication and communication with individuals with

special needs or disabilities

professional behaviours to role model as a leader S NS

typical workplace contingencies that can impact teams:

 unplanned leave or absence of workers
 re-allocation of work tasks
 succession planning for important team roles

teamwork challenges relevant to performance evidence:

 difficulties performing tasks
 conflicts with clients or team members S NS
 potential risks or safety hazards
 unethical or inappropriate behaviour.

Task outcome S NS

Assessor’s remarks

Assessor’s signature Date

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Student Assessment Booklet
Marking criteria Student’s
response (to be
During the Project, the student
completed by
the assessor)

Assessment date

Student’s signature Date

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Student Assessment Booklet
Assessment Task 2 Cover Sheet:

Student details
Student name: Student ID

Assessment details

Unit of competency: BSBXTW401 - Lead and facilitate a team

Assessment task: Role Play

Due Date:

Issue Date:

Date of submission:

Assessment Outcome: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Not Assessed

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


Student Plagiarism Declaration: By submitting this assessment to the college, I declare that this
assessment task is original and has not been copied or taken from another source except where
this work has been correctly acknowledged. I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or
photograph of my assessment task, which I can produce if the original is lost.
Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, Student: I have received,
reliable and flexible assessment of this student, and I have discussed and accepted my
provided appropriate feedback. I also declare that I have result as above for this
undertaken the indicated assessment integrity checks assessment and I am aware of
Plagiarism check Yes No NA my appeal rights.

Check for copying/collusion Yes No

Check for authenticity (own work) Yes No
Cheating or use of model answers Yes No

Signature: ......................................................... Signature:.....................................

Date:................................................................. Date:.............................................

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Student Assessment Booklet
Assessment task 2: Role Play

Required documents and equipment required for this assessment:

 RGIT Learners’ resources for the unit BSBXTW401 - Lead and facilitate a team (organised by
the trainer).
 Learner’s notes

Instructions for students:

This assessment will be conducted in the RGIT classroom in a simulated work environment with
access to the resources listed above.
The assessor will provide you with a summary of the tasks to be completed as shown on the
Observation Checklist. This will include clear, explicit instructions outlining:
• The specific nature of the task to be performed (the how).
• The level of assistance permitted (if any).
• Other specific requirements e.g. time limit, consideration of safety aspects, etc.
You must satisfactorily perform all tasks listed on the Observation Checklist and as directed by the
assessor to be deemed Satisfactory for this assessment.
At the completion of the allocated tasks, both the student and the assessor are required to sign
and date the Observation Checklist, verifying that they acknowledge the outcome for this
assessment task and have been provided with feedback from the assessor.

Planning the assessment

 Recommended date for assessment: After session 6.
 Access all resources mentioned in required resources.
 Time required for assessment: 1 session.
 You must:
○ Demonstrate all tasks in the practical demonstration checklist.
○ Complete them to the best of your ability
 Your assessor will set a time to provide feedback.

Evidence specifications:
At the end of the assessment demonstration, you will be required to submit the following evidence
before the due date specified by the assessor:
 Various documents as specified under section Tasks.
 Completed and signed the cover sheet for assessment.

Evidence submission:
 Your assessor will record the assessment outcome on the assessment cover sheet.

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Student Assessment Booklet
Role play task:
You are required to perform all tasks outlined below.
The assessor will use this form to record the student’s skills and abilities against the performance
criteria in the unit/s of competency as outlined in the attached Assessment Marking Sheet.
The completed checklist will form part of the evidence collected by your assessor to make a
decision of whether the student’s demonstration of skills was satisfactory or not.

You are working as a team leader in a team of three customer care executives in a software
company named RGIT Software Solutions Ltd. The company learns that customers are unhappy with
customer support and this is causing a loss of customers. In order to improve customer support, you
need to introduce the problem and encourage an open discussion in order to put all the relevant
issues on the table and get participants thinking about the problem in depth prior to the team role
As a team leader, you need to demonstrate leadership skills by letting each team member think and
provide the following:
Task 1. Encourage discussion among team members to reach common consensus.
Task 2. List and communicate the objectives of the team to all team members.
Task 3. List and communicate the responsibilities of each member and respective outcomes.
Task 4. Provide performance plans to each team member with expected outcomes and goals.
Task 5. List strategies that your team will adopt and fix accountability of each team member
Task 6. List contingencies and plan to mitigate those.
Task 7. Identify where each team member can provide services/help to other team member.
Task 8. Train your team members to improve the work culture of your organisation.
Task 9. Work with team members to identify, brainstorm, report and resolve issues and inefficiencies
related to customer satisfaction.
Task 10. Categorise challenges as team, task or individual and apply your problem solving skills to
each challenge.
Task 11. Use Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to measure performance of each team member.
Task 12. At the end of the activity, provide constructive feedback to each team member regarding
their performance.
Task 13. Identify training needs of team members and schedule the training plan.

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Student Assessment Booklet
Practical Demonstration checklist – to be completed by the assessor after the demonstration

Period of Assessment Location

Marking criteria Student’s skills Comment on skills observed:

(to be (Include the context in which the
The student demonstrated their skills and
completed by candidate was assessed)
ability to:
the assessor)

Performance evidence
assign tasks to team members with
appropriate instruction and considering S NS
any required contingencies
provide feedback and assistance to team

collate feedback on individual and team S NS


identify and implement development S NS

opportunities for others

manage conflicts and challenges S NS

according to organisational requirements

Knowledge evidence

organisational requirements relevant to

workplace teams:
 workplace policies S NS
 codes of conduct
 organisational reputation and culture

facilitation techniques to encourage team

cohesion and effectiveness

mentoring and coaching techniques to

support team members

strategies for conflict resolution and S NS


different methods and styles of S NS


key principles of cross-cultural S NS

communication and communication with
individuals with special needs or disabilities

professional behaviours to role model as a S NS


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Student Assessment Booklet
Period of Assessment Location

Marking criteria Student’s skills Comment on skills observed:

(to be (Include the context in which the
The student demonstrated their skills and
completed by candidate was assessed)
ability to:
the assessor)

typical workplace contingencies that can

impact teams:
 unplanned leave or absence of workers
 re-allocation of work tasks
 succession planning for important team

teamwork challenges relevant to

performance evidence:
 difficulties performing tasks
 conflicts with clients or team members
 potential risks or safety hazards
 unethical or inappropriate behaviour.

Task outcome S NS

Assessor’s remarks

Assessor’s signature Date

Assessment date

Student’s signature Date

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Version: 1.1 Responsibility: Course Coordinator Last Reviewed: June 2021

BSBXTW401 Lead and
facilitate a team
Student Assessment Booklet

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Version: 1.1 Responsibility: Course Coordinator Last Reviewed: June 2021

BSBXTW401 Lead and
facilitate a team
Student Assessment Booklet
Assessment Cover Sheet:

Student details

Student name: Student ID

Assessment details

Unit of competency: BSBXTW401 - Lead and facilitate a team

Assessment task: Knowledge Questions

Due Date:

Issued Date:

Date of submission:

Assessment Outcome: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Not Assessed

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


Student Plagiarism Declaration: By submitting this assessment to the college, I declare that this
assessment task is original and has not been copied or taken from another source except where
this work has been correctly acknowledged. I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or
photograph of my assessment task, which I can produce if the original is lost.

Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, Student: I have received,
reliable and flexible assessment of this student, and I have discussed and accepted my
provided appropriate feedback. I also declare that I have result as above for this
undertaken the indicated assessment integrity checks assessment and I am aware of
Plagiarism check Yes No NA my appeal rights.

Check for copying/collusion Yes No

Check for authenticity (own work) Yes No
Cheating or use of model answers Yes No

Signature: ......................................................... Signature:.....................................

Date:................................................................. Date:.............................................

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facilitate a team
Student Assessment Booklet

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BSBXTW401 Lead and
facilitate a team
Student Assessment Booklet
Assessment task 3: Knowledge questions

Required documents and equipment:

 Student assessment booklet

Instructions for students:

This assessment will be conducted in classroom with access to the resources listed above.
You must answer all knowledge questions as part of this assessment and you can submit answers
electronically on LMS. The assessor will verify the authenticity of your work by asking questions
regarding the answers provided. You must satisfactorily answer all knowledge questions to be
deemed Satisfactory for this assessment.

Planning the assessment:

 Recommended date for assessment: After session 8.
 Access all resources mentioned in required resources.
 Time required for assessment: 2 hours.
 You must:
o Answer all questions in the knowledge questions assessment.
o Complete them and submit in due timelines.
o Submit with a completed assessment cover sheet.
 Your assessor will set a time to provide feedback.

Evidence specifications:
At the end of the assessment, you will be required to submit the following evidence before the due
date specified by the assessor:
 Completed Student Assessment Booklet with all questions answered.
 Completed and signed cover sheet for the assessment.

Evidence submission:
 Documentation can be submitted electronically.
 Your assessor will record the assessment outcome on the assessment cover sheet.

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BSBXTW401 Lead and
facilitate a team
Student Assessment Booklet
Knowledge questions:

1. What are team lead responsibilities?

Outcome  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

2. What are the qualities of a good team leader?

Outcome  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

3. How would you communicate common team objectives and responsibilities to team members?

Outcome  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

4. What is the importance of communication and collaboration between team members?

Outcome  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

5. What are your preferred methods of communication with team members? Provide reasons.

Outcome  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

6. Discuss strategies to hold team members accountable for their roles and responsibilities.

Outcome  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

7. Explain some metrics to measure team member performance against agreed work plans.

Outcome  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

8. Discuss importance of timely and constructive feedback.

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BSBXTW401 Lead and
facilitate a team
Student Assessment Booklet
Outcome  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

9. Explain ethical and legal, regulatory and organisational responsibilities of a team member in a
typical ICT organisation.

Outcome  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

10. How would you allocate tasks to team members based on staff expertise or development
potential and provide appropriate instructions?

Outcome  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Task outcome S NS


Assessor’s Date

Assessment date

Student’s Date

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facilitate a team
Student Assessment Booklet

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Version: 1.1 Responsibility: Course Coordinator Last Reviewed: June 2021

BSBXTW401 Lead and
facilitate a team
Student Assessment Booklet
Final Assessment Record

Student’s name: Student’s ID:

Date of
Assessor’s name:

Unit of competency: BSBXTW401 - Lead and facilitate a team

Student results
Assessments Not
Satisfactory Not Completed

Assessment 1: Project

Assessment 2: Role Play

Assessment 3: Knowledge Questions

Comments/ Feedback:

Unit outcome: Competent Not Yet Competent

Is re-assessment/re-enrolment required? Yes No

If the answer to the above question is ‘YES’, the study

Yes No
and/or support plan is created and provided?

Assessor Signoff
By signing this final assessment record:
 I confirm that the student has attempted all requirements of this unit of competency
 I am satisfied the work submitted is their own work.
 I have informed the participant of the assessment decision.
 I have advised student of the next step in relation to assessment/reenrolment (if applicable)

Assessor’s signature: Date:

Student Signoff
By signing this final assessment record:
 I have received, discussed and accept the outcome from my assessment as above for this unit of
competency and I am aware of my right to appeal.

Student’s signature: Date:

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Version: 1.1 Responsibility: Course Coordinator Last Reviewed: June 2021

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