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JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR 2 Appearing on behalf of the Plaintiff:
PALM BEACH COUNTY FLORIDA 121 Majorca Avenue, Suite 200
CASENO: 502016-CA-009292 4 Coral Gables, Florida 33134
(305) 529-8500
5 Hbolz@kellerbolz com
· as successor by merger to 6 Smesa@kellerbolz com
Bank of Coral Gables, LLC, BY: SHEYIAMESA, ESQUIRE
Plaintiff. 7
Appearing on behalf of Laurence Schneider:
V. 8
STEPHANIE L. SCHNEIDER, 9 9897 Lake Worth Road, Suite 302
Lake Worth, Florida 33467
JEFFREY MARC HERMAN, 10 (833) 346-3587
UNKNOWNTENANT#l, Rgesten@4-justice com
9300 South Dadeland Boulewrd,
Defendants. (305) 670-110 I
14 Jkeller@qpwblaw com
Proceedings had and taken place before the BY: JOHNP KELLER!;
Honorable LISA S. SMALL, one of the Judges of said Also Present:
Court, at the Palm Beach County Courthouse, 205 16
North Dixie Highway, West Palm Beach, Florida, on Laurence S Sc
Tuesday, the 2nd day of October 2018, commencing
at the hour ofS:50 a.m, and being a Hearing. 18

Page Page 4
1 (Thereupon, the following proceedings were this motion and another motion filed
2 had:) 2 contemporaneous with this motion.
3 THECOURT: FirstAmericanB ersus 3 Also, since the entry of the mandate in this
4 Laurence Schneider. Good morninA 4 case, today is actually the first time I have had
5 MR. GESTEN: Ryan Gesten-ifn behal~ 5 a chance to meet with my client to discuss the
6 Defendant Laurence Schneid . w o 1s pr nt. 6 matter due to a death in his family. Also,
7 MR. BOLZ: Henry . e , · of Keller 7 fmally, Your Honor, good news, bad news.
8 & Bolz along with - I'v aglin, who is 8 I'm starting a new firm. We opened our doors
9 the assistant vice president of First American 9 yesterday, and I had informed opposing counsel
10 Bank here with e. 10 that for the last month I have been spending all
11 THE COURT. @oo,d morning. Good morning to 11 of my time really working on that and have been
12 12 unable to address this in a marmer as it should be
13 : Your Honor, may I approach? 13 addressed.
14 T: Sure. 14 Your Honor, I do apologize to the Court. It
15 should have been served five days in advance so
fi~ e reply in opposition to today's motion. 16 that you could be prepared for today's hearing.
Timow I did not comply with the five days in 17 During that month, and I'll make it very brief, I
advance notice. As required, I did contact your 18 apologize, I did speak with Mr. Bolz's partner,
office to try to send it over. 19 Mr. Keller, and I had asked him to special set
20 The motion details numerous reasons why I 20 both of these motions.
21 don't think we should be able to proceed today, 21 It was represented to me that you only had
22 both procedural and substantive, Your Honor. I do 22 one 15-minute special set hearing prior to the end
23 not believe that this is appropriate for a 23 of this year, which we have taken on October 12th
24 five-minute motion calendar hearing, as there is 24 for the other motion filed contemporaneous with
25 extensive argument related to multiple issues on 25 this motion.

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1 THE COURT: Okay. So let me just address it 1 access and to be able to assist all the cases as
2 with everyone here. See, when there is a 2 best we can with one thousand
3 representation that there is only one 15-minute 3 three-hundred-and-something cases assigned to the
4 hearing available in the whole calendar year 4 division, and every case, in our view, should be
5 remaining, that may be because you have other 5 treated equally.
6 obligations and conflicts, attorneys, and not 6 Mr. Bolz, can we --
7 because there's only 15 minutes left in the 7 MR. BOLZ: Your Honor, we're hear to
8 calendar. And the calendar is constantly 8 implement the Fourth District Court of Appeals'
9 changing, so if there is any issue with fmding 9 mandate. This is a ministerial act. There is
10 time, please call my judicial assistant, please 10 really nothing to this. The Fourth District
11 come to uniform motion calendar. 11 required us to insert some language ll)(ne of the
12 So for example, this week, we're conducting 12 two judgments that we got. We h we prepared that
13 non-jury hearings. So today we have an all-day 13 language. We have given you erder :ith that
14 foreclosure trial that starts at 10:00. Tomorrow 14 language.
15 we have time that's available, and also the 15 So we are here just to date,
16 following day, different blocks of time because 16 and I don't even e / nearing for
17 we're doing non-jury. 17 this motion ut . Gesten requested
18 And we have been trying to offer the time to 18 that we hav y.:;/pproach, Your Honor?
19 cases that need it. So please, if this is going 19 THEC e.
20 to take more than a total of 10 minutes, I can 20 MR. BO Honor, we've got the Fourth
21 hear you tomorrow. I can hear you on Thursday. 21 date, which is highlighted. We have the
22 You can have an hour of time if you need it. You 22
23 can have a half- hour of time if you need it. 'language in the amended judgment, which
24 But I did feel it's important to address the i ,S ighted. And they flow from the Fourth
25 issue of scheduling because we aim to provide District opinion to the case to the judgment.

Page 8
1 And candidly, we think that this, the releasing the bond, Your Honor.
2 mandate, needs to be enforced. And basically, e 2 THE COURT: Or lifting the stay? But all the
3 Fourth District Court of Appeal has4'di~ _ 3 bond did was secure the stay.
4 what's going to happen, and it should anp;;;?' 4 MR. BOLZ: Correct.
5 There is nothing -- we don't -~ ~ e s 5 MR. GESTEN: That's correct, Your Honor.
6 an~ing to be talked abo . wi~ 5ect to this 6 THE COURT: So now the appeal is over.
7 motion. •y 7 MR. BOLZ: Is over.
8 MR. GESTEN: Y ~{!ono ·, we have a special- 8 THE COURT: The mandate is issued.
9 set on October 12th on1'-mot1on that was filed 9 MR. BOLZ: Issued.
10 contemporaneous with this motion, which is the 10 THE COURT: And the stay is over, right? And
11 motion to distribu e ~ e cash bond. The two 11 then you release the bond.
12 actioA e incon fstent. 12 MR. GESTEN: That is correct. But the
13 e &ase law that they cited was Superior 13 problem is that they are trying to do both, and
14 G lie , mational v. E&A Produce Corporation, 14 the case that they cite in their motion says they
9 So.2d 484, which says that they have a choice 15 have a choice. So if you grant their motion
where they can either lift the stay or proceed 16 today, I'm going to file an objection tomorrow
against the bond. They are attempting to do both, 17 that you granted the motion today and we don't
and they are attempting to do it by way of setting 18 need the October 12th hearing because --
this at separate hearings on separate motions to 19 THE COURT: Well, shouldn't I release the
20 get one entered, and then we still have a hearing 20 bond today if I'm going to grant-- if I'm lifting
21 on the 12th on the other issue. 21 the stay?
22 So all I'm asking the Court to do -- 22 MR. GESTEN: Your Honor, I haven't filed a
23 THE COURT: Is there an objection to 23 reply in opposition to the stay relief yet because
24 releasing the bond? 24 that is set October 12th, not for today. But
25 MR. BOLZ: Oh, yeah, there's an objection to 25 there are issues that I can go into, Your Honor.

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1 I would be happy to argue it. 1 THE COURT: So then I address that next
2 THE COURT: If I've got a stay-- the stay is 2 Friday, right?
3 lifted automatically. 3 MR. BOLZ: Yes, ma'am.
4 MR. BOLZ: That's correct, Your Honor. 4 MR. GESTEN: Correct. Right. Your Honor, I
5 THE COURT: Right? 5 believe you were speaking to me, which is why you
6 MR. BOLZ: Yes, Your Honor. 6 are looking at me, yet I'm getting cut off every
7 THE COURT: What other reason would there be 7 single time you ask a question.
8 for the stay? The reason the stay was put in 8 Do I have a chance to respond to Your Honor?
9 place was because, one, an appeal was taken and 9 THE COURT: You do. So this is the
10 then secured by the bond. 10 procedure. So if I'm looking at one attorney and
11 MR. BOLZ: That's correct, Your Honor. 11 asking a question, I will ask him or h~ the
12 THE COURT: Right. So now, the reason for 12 question, and then I'm going to then sa~ this is
13 the stay no longer exists. The reason why this 13 my procedure, I'll inquire of the~ · counsel
14 was put in place. 14 would you like to resp that
15 MR. BOLZ: Right. 15 the Court just aske
16 THE COURT: And so now the stay is lifted. 16 So you may pro ding.
17 The bond should be disbursed to -- 17 MR. GEST N: , the issue is where
18 MR. BOLZ: First American Bank, Your Honor. 18 does the bo , ut ere::1 my full argument
19 THE COURT: No, no. 19 summed up OR the on~ minute that we have left,
20 MR. BOLZ: Yes, ma'am. 20 because that's al rntgetting today despite my
21 THE COURT: Well, that's an issue is who gets 21 dditional time.
22 the -- 22 ure is an equitable proceeding, okay?
23 MR. GESTEN: Does the bond go to -- 1.3 million house that they have
24 MR. BOLZ: That is what is set for next
25 Friday, Your Honor.

Page 12
1 judgment and sell the property, but are see Okay. That's the only thing in the mandate
2 rather execute on the money judgment, 2 or in the opinion, which the mandate is based on,
3 there's a $1.3 million asset to go ag 3 related to this. The amended fmal judgment they
4 $1.6 million judgment. A 4 have proposed to you requires the Court to set the
5 Your Honor, I believe thaU!fu -goin~ o 5 sale at the earliest date available upon their
6 able to show at an evidenti!!!'X ~ e~ at this 6 request, which is incorrect.
7 is in bad faith, and I nee-01 t~ brinlj y u back a 7 It doesn't say that anywhere in the order.
8 second to be able to arwe'L,/ 8 That would be in the determination of the Court,
9 THE COURT: The Court is required, the Trial 9 which I think we should have argument on based on
10 10 the fact that the client is residing in the
11 Fourth then to amencl - to address the final 11 property as to when the sale date would be.
12 jud~ t in the ~ er commanded by the Fourth, 12 Also, the proposed amended judgment includes
13 ri rt?~ 13 language related to adjudication of attorney's
MR. <p;STEN: Correct, and we're not disputing 14 fees and other issues that are not in here or in
that. We're saying that should happen. The 15 the mandate at all. There was one other issue I
ar ·ment in my reply is that the relief they are 16 brought up, Your Honor, in my reply related to the
mandate. 18 THE COURT: All right. We have spent 15
THE COURT: Okay. Explain. 19 minutes on the hearing thus far.
20 MR. GESTEN: Okay. Because the mandate says 20 MR. GESTEN: Oh--
21 this, "On remand, the Trial Court shall modify the 21 THE COURT: Let me just hear from Mr. Bolz.
22 foreclosure judgment so as to withhold the setting 22 MR. GESTEN: I have the second issue really
23 of the foreclosure sale of the property until the 23 quick.
24 bank certifies that its money judgment remains 24 THE COURT: We're not going to be able to
25 unsatisfied." 25 address that.

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1 MR. GESTEN: Okay. 1 hearing here today. It simply doesn't. The
2 THE COURT: Okay. So Mr. Bolz, you may 2 supersedeas bond will remain down in the court
3 respond. 3 registry pending further order of this Court.
4 MR. BOLZ: Your Honor, I think you hit the 4 THE COURT: Okay. And that's on October
5 nail on the head. The Fourth DCA has entered the 5 12th, correct?
6 mandate, and you have to effectuate that. The 6 MR. BOLZ: Yes, ma'am.
7 Fourth DCA has said that the judgment of 7 MR. GESTEN: Correct.
8 foreclosure needs to be modified. 8 THE COURT: Okay. So this is what I'm going
9 And what the Fourth DCA is saying is that 9 to direct. Number one, send the proposed amended
10 First American Bank, you first try execution on a 10 fmal judgment electronically to the Court. I
11 money judgment. If you're unsuccessful, come back 11 want to review this again in the event at I need
12 to the Court, certify to the Court that we have 12 to make any further modifications. If have any
13 been unsuccessful in full or in part, and at that 13 further questions regarding the conte t o~
14 point in time, request that the house be sold. 14 amended fmal judgment, I'll~ ou all ·
15 And we will do that at some point in time if 15 Friday, October 12th, an~ e w'H be able to
16 we are unable to collect the money judgment, but 16 address it at that ti
17 we are weeks, months away from that kind of relief 17 The Court~ ifi's counsel
18 being asserted. We're simply here to follow and 18 that at this poin m the Fourth
19 to do what the Fourth DCA has told us to do. And 19
20 the language of the Royal Pahn opinion is the 20 in the amen 1udgment is an adrninisterial
21 language that we followed and put into the order 21 need the proposed amended fmal
22 as required by the Fourth DCA, and that's all they 22 ent lectronically sent to me.
23 have done. OLZ: It will be filed, Your Honor.
24 We think that this is a ministerial order, COURT: And then if there is any issue, I
25 and a supersedeas bond has nothing to do with this

Page 16
1 first issue on October 12th. Please send it to e the stay so that we can proceed with execution if
2 today or tomorrow so that I can -- 2 and when you sigu the amended fmal judgment.
3 MR. BOLZ: It will be sent to yo 3 That's all.
4 morning, Your Honor. A 4 MR. GESTEN: How is this a five-minute
5 THE COURT: Okay. Exe€flent. ~ you so 5 motion, Your Honor?
6 much. We'll expand the tim:ihatw~ ve 6 THE COURT: It isn't. All right. I'll
7 available for you on Oc ober 12tt1-)Bfat's fme. 7 review the stay order as well. And then ifl have
8 We'll expand that. 8 additional questions, we'll address it at the top
9 MR. GESTEN: May I just tell you the second 9 of the October 12th hearing, and I'll identify
10 issue? 10 what the questions are.
11 p , you're going to tell me the 11 MR. BOLZ: Thank you very much, Your Honor.
12 secon/j'gsue on 12th. 12 MR. GESTEN: Thank you, Your Honor.
13 &_\GESTEN: On the 12th. Thank you very 13 THE COURT: Thank you. Thank you to the
l~ch, ~ ~onor. 14 parties for being present.
E COURT: All right. Thank you. 15 (Thereupon, the proceedings concluded at 9:06
. BOLZ: Your Honor, we submitted a second 16 a.m.)
order with that, Your Honor, because your November 17
15th order said that the stay would remain in 18
place pending further order of the Court. 19
20 THE COURT: Right, because the second order 20
21 on the stay -- right. 21
22 MR. BOLZ: Right, and the stay is lifted 22
23 automatically by entry of the mandate. And we 23
24 think that in an abundance of caution, we should 24
25 also -- we submitted a second order which lifts 25

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6 I, Jacob Whitaker, Reporter, certify that I
7 was authorized to and did report the foregoing
8 proceedings, and that the transcript is a true and
9 correct transcription of my electronic notes to
10 the proceedings.
12 Signed this 1st day of April 2020.
Jacob Whitaker, Reporter

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A April 17:12 9:4,6,11,15,18 conflicts 5:6 Defendant 3:6 argue 9: 1 11 :8 9:20,24 10:3 constantly 5:8 Defendants 1: 13
able3:21 6:1 argument 3 :25 12:21 13:2,4 contact 3: 18 despite 10:20
11 :6,8 12:24 10:18 11:16 14:6,23 15:3 contemporane ... details 3 :20
14:15 12:9 15:16,22 16:11 4:2,24 7:10 determination
abundance asked4:19 10:15 Bolz's4:18 content 14:13 12:8
15:24 asking 7:22 bond 7:11,17,24 Coral 1:6 2:4 different 5: 16
access 6:1 10:11,25 8:1,3,11,20 Corporation direct 14:9
act 6:9 14:21 asserted 13: 18 9:10,17,23 7:14 dir . 14:18
actions 7: 12 asset 11:3 10:18 13:25 correct 8:4,5,12 :17
additional 10:21 assigned 6:3 14:2 9:4,11 10:4
16:8 assist 6: 1 Boulevard 2: 12 11:14 14:5,7 1:14
assistant 3:9
address 4: 12 5: 1 BOYER2:12 17:9 e7:11
5:24 10:1 5:10 brief 4:17 couns ct 6:8,10
11:11 12:25 ASSOCIATI... bring 11:7 10:1 :25 7:3
14:16,25 16:8 1:12 brought 12:16 Count division 6:4
addressed 4: 13 attempting 7: 17 Dixie 1:18
7:18 C £OU l : 1, 17 3: 3 doing 5:17
attorney 10: 10 C17:1,1 ·I 14 4:14 doors4:8
administerial attorney's 12: 13 calendar 3 :24 §~ 6:8,19 7:3 due4:6
attorneys 5:6 5:4,8,8,1 ~ 22,23 8:2,6,8
authorized 17:7 call 5: 10 8:10,19 9:2,5,7 E
automatically C 9:12,16,19,21 E17:1,1
9:3 15:23 10:1,9,15,25 E&A 7:14
agree 14: 17
aim5:25 available 5:4,15 .4 11:9,9,10,19 earliest 12:5
12:5 15:7 11:21 12:4,8 effectuate 13:6
all-day 5: 13
Avenue2:3 12:18,21,24 either7:16
amend 11:11
- - -~ ---;.,.---,, ~aution 15 :24 13:2,12,12 electronic 17:9
amended 6:23
certifies 11 :24 14:2,3,4,8,10 electronically
12:3,12 14:9
back certify 13: 12 14: 17,24 15:5 14:10,22
14: 14,20,21
bad 17:6 15: 11,15,19,20 enforced 7:2
.3 chance 4:5 10:8 16:6,13 entered 7:20
American 1:5
9:18 changing 5:9 Courthouse 13:5
3:3,9 9:18
4 13:10 choice7:15 8:15 1:17 entry4:3 15:23
based 12:2,9 CIRCUIT 1:1,1 cut 10:6 equally6:5
basically 7:2 cite 8:14 equitable 10:22
Beach 1:2,17,18 cited 7:13 D ESQUIRE 2:5,6
17:4 client 4:5 12: 10 D2:11 2:11,14
behalf2:2,7 3:5 collect 13:16 Dadeland 2: 12 event 14:11
believe 3:23 7:5 come5:1113:11 Dan2:17 3:8 evidentiary 11 :6
10:5 11:5 commanded date 12:5,11 example5:12
Appearing 2:2, 7 best 6:2 11:12 day 1:19 5:16 Excellent 15:5
blocks 5:16 commencing 17:12 execute 10:25
approach 3: 13
BOCA 1:11 1:19 days 3: 17 4: 15 11:2
Bolz2:3,5 3:7,7 comply3:17 DCA6:2113:5,7 execution 13: 10
3:8 6:6,7,20 concluded 16:15 13:9,19,22 16:1
7:25 8:4,7,9 conducting 5: 12 death4:6 exists 9:13

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expand 15:6,8 14:15 16:9 issues 3:25 8:25 M

Explain 11: 19 full 10:18 13:13 hearings 5: 13 12:14 ma'am 9:20 10:3
extensive 3 :25 further 14:3,12 7:19 14:6
14:13 15:19 Henry 2:5 3:7 J
F HERMANl:10 Jacob 17:6,16
mandate 4:3 6:9
F 17:1 G highlighted 6:21 JEFFREY 1: 10
6:15,21 7:2 8:8
fact 12: 10 Gables 1:6 2:4 6:24 Jkeller@qpw... 11: 10,18,20
faith 11 :7 Garlic 7:14 Highway 1: 18 2:14
12:1,2,15 13:6
family4:6 GEORGE2:8 hit 13:4 JOHN2:14
14: · 15:23
far 12: 19 Gesten 2:8,11 hold 14:25 Judges 1:16
feel5:24 3:5,5,13,15 Honor3:13,15 judgment 6:23
fees 12:14 6: 17 7:8 8:5, 12 3:22 4:7,14 6:7 6:25 11:1,2,
file 8:16 8:22 9:23 10:4 6:18,20 7:8 8:1 11:12,22,
filed 3: 16 4: 1,24 10:17 11:14,20 8:5,22,25 9:4,6 12:3,1
7:9 8:22 14:23 12:20,22 13:1 9:11,18,25 13:11
final 11:11 12:3 14:7 15:9,13 10:4,8,17 11 :5 14:14
14: 10,14,20,21 16:4,12 12:16 13:4 16:2
merger 1:5
16:2 getting 10:6,20 14:23 15:4,14 nts 6: 12MESA2:6
finally 4:7 given 6:13 15:16,17 16:5 1:1 5:10
finding 5:9 go 8:25 9:23 16:11,12 million 10:23
fine 15:7 10:18 11:3 Honorabl , · 16
Keller2:3,14 3:7 11:3,4
firm3:7 4:8 going5:19 7:4 hour 1:2 , 5·2
4:19 ministerial 6:9
first 1:5 3:3,9 8:16,20 10:12 5:2 ,
kind 13:17 13:24
4:4 9:18 13:10 11:5 12:24 house 0-;2 ,, 4
know3:17 minute 10:19
13:10 15:1 14:8 15:11 13 :14 minutes 5:7,20
five 3: 17 4: 15 good 3:4,11,11
L 12:19
five-minute 3 :24 4:7
16:4 grant 8:
"tlentify 16:9 L 1:9 modifications
Lake2:9,9 14:12
Floor2:12 gran 1112:5 modified 13: 8
Florida 1:2, 18 implement 6:8 language 6: 11
6:13,14,22,23 modify 11 :21
2:4,9,13 17:3 6:15
flow6:24 important 5 :24 12:13 13:20,21 money 11 :2,24
Ii. 2:173:8 includes 12: 12 Laurence 1:9 13:11,16
follow 11: 10,17
If:. 5:23 2:7,16 3:4,6 month 4: 10,17
13:18 inconsistent
happen 7:4,4 law7:13 months 13: 17
followed 1 , . 1 7:12
11:15 left 5:7 10: 19 morning 3:4,11
following · 1 incorrect 12:6
happy9:1 lift7:16 3:11,15 15:4
5:16 indicated 7:3
Hbolz@keller ... informed 4:9 lifted 9:3, 16 motion 3: 16,20
2:5 15:22 3:24 4:1,1,2,24
:22 inquire 10: 13
head 13:5 lifting 8:2,20 4:25 5:11 6:17
13:8 insert 6: 11
hear 5:21,21 6:7 International lifts 15:25 7:7,9,10,11
foregoing 17:7
12:21 lighted 6:22 8:14,15,17
Fourth 6:8,10 7:14
hearing 1:20 LISA 1:16 16:5
6:20,24 7:3 issue 5:9,25 7:21
3:24 4:16,22 LLC 1:6 motions 4:20
11:11,12 13:5 9:2110:17
5:4 6:16 7:20 LLP2:3 7:19
13:7,9,19,22 12:15,22 14:24
8:18 11:6 longer9:13 multiple 3 :25
14:18 15:1,10,12
Friday 9:25 10:2 12:19 14:1 issued 8:8,9 looking 10:6,10

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nail 13:5 P2:14 question 10:7,11 requires 12:4 setting 7: 18

need 5: 19 ,22,23 P.A2:12 10:12 residing 12: 10 11:22
8:18 11:7 Palm 1:2,17,18 questions 10: 14 respect 7:6 SHEYLA2:6
14: 11,21 6:22 13:20 14:13 16:8,10 respond 10:8,14 show 11:6
needed6:16 17:4 quick 12:23 13:3 sign 16:2
needs 7:2 13:8 part 13:13 QUINTAIROS responding Signed 17: 12
new4:8 parties 16:14 2:12 10:16 simply 13: 18
news4:7,7 partner4:18 review 14: 11 14:1
non-jury5:13 pending 14:3 R 16:7
5:17 15:19 R 17:1 Rgesten@4-ju ...
North 1:18 place 1:15 9:9 RATON 1:11 2:10 S esa@ eller...
notes 17:9 9:14 15:19 really 4: 11 6: 10 right 8: 10 9:5 (6
notice 3: 18 Plaintiff! :7 2:2 12:22 9:15 10:2 So.2d 7:15
November 15:17 Plaintiffs 14: 17 reason 9:7,8,12 11:13 sold 13: 14
Number 14:9 please5:10,10 9:13 15:15 South2:12
numerous 3 :20 5:19 15:1 reasons 3 :20 16:6 speak4:18
PLLC2:8 regarding 14:13 speaking 10:5
0 point 13:14,15 registry 14:3 :22 special 4: 19 ,22
OAKS 1:11 14:18 related 3:25 special- 7:8
objection 7:23 prepared4:16 12:3,13,16 .11 3:5 spending 4: 10
7:25 8:16 6:12 release 8: 11, 9 spent 12:18
obligations 5:6 present 2: 15 3:6 releasin · 4 s starting 4:8
October 1:19 16:14 8:1 S 1:9,16 2:16 starts 5:14
4:23 7:9 8:18 president 3:9 sale 11 :23 12:5 STATE 17:3
8:24 14:4,15 PRIETO2:12 12:11 stay7:16 8:2,3
15:1,7 16:9 prior4:22 saying 11: 15 8:10,21,23 9:2
offer 5:18 problem 8: 13:9 9:2,8,8, 13, 16
office 3:19 proc maining5:5 says 7: 15 8: 14 15:18,21,22
Oh 7:25 12:20 proc remains 11 :24 11:20 16:1,7
okay5:110:15 10: remand 11 :21 scheduling 5 :25 STEPHANIE
10:22 11:19,20 proc reply3:16 8:23 Schneider 1:9,9 1:9
12:1 13:1,2 · 6 10:16 11:16 12:16 2:7,16 3:4,6 stipulated 10:24
14:4,8 15:5 t report 17:7 second 11:8 submitted 15:16
opened4:8 eding Reporter 17:6 12:22 15:9,12 15:25
opinion 6·Z§ :22 17:16 15: 16,20,25 substantive 3:22
12:2 :i o proceedings representation secure 8:3 successor 1:5
1:15 3:1 16:15 5:3 secured 9: 10 Suite2:3,9
17:8,10 represented see 5:2 14: 14 summed 10:19
o);ositfon 3: 16 Produce7:14 4:21 seeking 11: 1 Superior 7: 13
property 1: 12 request 10:21 sell 11: 1 supersedeas
order6:13 12:7 11:1,23 12:11 12:6 13:14 send3:19 14:9 13:25 14:2
13:21,24 14:3 proposed 12:4 requested 6: 17 15:1 Sure3:14 6:19
15: 17, 18,19,20 12:12 14:9,21 requesting sent 14:22 15:3
15:25 16:7 provide 5 :25 11:17 separate 7: 19,19 T
OWNERS' 1: 12 put 9:8,14 13:21 required 3: 18 served4:15 T17:1,1
6:1111:9,10 set4:19,22 7:9 take 5:20
Q 13:22 14:19 8:24 9:24 12:4 taken 1:15 4:23

Julio A. Mocega & Associates

(305) 374-0181
Page 4

9:9 unable4:12 11:10 833 2:10

talked 7:6 13:16 1.310:2311:3
tell 15:9,11 uniform 5: 11 1.611:4 9
TENANT 1:10 UNKNOWN 10 5:20 9:0616:15
1:11 1: 10,11 10:00 5:14 93002:12
terms 14:19 unsatisfied 1212:3 934 7:15
Thank 15:5,13 11:25 12th4:23 7:9,21 98972:9
15:15 16:11,12 unsuccessful 8:18,24 14:5
16:13,13 13:11,13 14:15 15:1,7
thing 12: 1 15:12,13 16:9
think3:21 6:16 V 155:712:18
7:1 12:9 13:4 vl:87:14 15-minute 4:22
13:24 15:24 value 10:24 5:3
thousand 6:2 versus 3:3 15th 1:1 15:18
three-hundre ... vice 3:9 lst17:12
6:3 view6:4
Thursday 5:21 2
time4:4,11 5:10
w 21:11
5:15,16,18,22 want 14:11 2002:3
5:23 10:7,21 way7:18 20181:19
13:14,15 14:16 we'll 15:6,8 16:8 2020 17:12
15:6 we're5:12,17 2051:17
today 3:21 4:4 6:7 11:14,15
5:13 6:17 8:16 12:24 13:18
8:17,20,24 we've6:20
10:20 14:1 week5:12
15:2 weeks 13:17 ' 3
today's 3: 16 West 1:18 2:4
4:16 62:13
told 13: 19 34672:9
tomorrow 5:14 346-3587 2: 10
5:21 8:16 15:2 4
top 16:8
total5:20 484 7:15
trans X
tra 5
1 y 502016-CA-00 ...
yeah 7:25 1:3
1:9 year4:23 5:4 529-8500 2:4
yesterday 3: 15
true 17:8 4:9 6
try 3: 19 13: 10 670-11012:13
trying5:18 8:13 z
Tuesday 1: 19 7
two 6:12 7:11 0
u 1 8:50 1:20

Julio A. Mocega & Associates

( 3 05) 374-0181

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