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3/28/2021 Quiz: RAC Part Two Sp19c (Logan Malone 2018)

RAC Part Two Sp19c (Logan Malone 2018)

Started: Mar 28 at 11:44am

Quiz Instructions

Question 1 4 pts

What sampling method or plan was used by the authors in this study?

Simple random sampling

Systematic sampling

Purposive (convenience) sampling

Network sampling

Question 2 4 pts

According to Grove & Gray (2019), what are the potential biases of this sampling

This is a strong probability sampling method with very little potential for bias

This method is used when an ordered list of all members of the population are available and
provides a random but not equal chance for inclusion in the study.

This method provides little opportunity to control for bias because subjects are included in the
study merely because they happen to be in the right place at the right time.

This method is specific to the individuals who were recruited and the information gained
cannot be generalized to others who don't share these types of experiences.

None of the above biases best describe the sampling method chosen by the author. 1/10
3/28/2021 Quiz: RAC Part Two Sp19c (Logan Malone 2018)

Question 3 4 pts

What was the final sample size reported by the authors for this study?

1000 participants

351 participants

250 participants

128 participants

Question 4 4 pts

Was a power analysis conducted? If so, which statement best describes the results of
the power analysis?

The authors mention that a power analysis was conducted, and state that the low power level
of 0.89 for the Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient is a limitation of the study.

The authors mention that an a priori power analysis was conducted, and 1000 subjects were
determined to be needed for the study.

The authors do not report that a power analysis was conducted.

Question 5 4 pts

Which of these statements would be considered to be inclusion criterion for the

sample in the research article?

Have at least two years of acute care experience

No inclusion criteria were specified

Be a member of the American Nurses Association 2/10
3/28/2021 Quiz: RAC Part Two Sp19c (Logan Malone 2018)

Work at the bedside at least 8 hours per week

Question 6 4 pts

Which of these statements would be considered to be exclusion criterion specifically

identified by the author for the sample in the research article?

There were no exclusion criteria mentioned by the authors.

Nursing charge nurses and managers were excluded from the study.

New graduate nurses were excluded from this study.

PRN and float pool nurses were excluded from this study.

Question 7 4 pts

What is the refusal rate for this study? (Hint: see page 253 in your text)

250/351 X 100% = 69.25%

223/351 X 100% = 63.5%

unknown / cannot be calculated.


Question 8 4 pts

Which of the following would be accurate for the attrition rate for this study?

128/351 X 100% = 36.4% 3/10
3/28/2021 Quiz: RAC Part Two Sp19c (Logan Malone 2018)

128/223 X 100% = 57.4%

unknown / cannot be calculated.

Question 9 4 pts

What was the setting for this research study? Briefly describe the setting and indicate
whether it was appropriate for conducting this study.

The setting for this study was a partially controlled setting and was appropriate for this
study's research design.

The setting for this study was a natural or field setting and was appropriate for this study's
research design.

The setting for this study was a highly controlled setting and was appropriate for this study's
research design.

The setting for this study was not well described by the authors and therefore not appropriate
for conducting this study.

Question 10 4 pts

Which one of these questionnaires, scales, or physiologic measures is used in this

research study?

The Nursing Incivility Scale (NIS)

The Team STEPPS Scale

The Team Characteristics Survey

The Attitudes About Incivility Scale (AAIS)

Question 11 4 pts 4/10
3/28/2021 Quiz: RAC Part Two Sp19c (Logan Malone 2018)

How do the authors describe the CURRENT reliability of the Attitudes About
Teamwork Survey?

they compared the odd and even questions on the test to determine their equivalence

a team of staff nurses was trained by the primary investigator to administer the questionnaire.

they tested the current group of subjects twice using the same questionnaire (test-retest

they reported a Cronbach's alpha on the current group of subjects.

Question 12 4 pts

How do the authors describe the validity of the Attitudes About Teamwork Survey?

Discriminant validity demonstrated that each question measured the same constructs.

A content validity index (Lynn, 1986) was calculated based on item ratings provided by a
national panel of experts.

The authors obtained evidence of validity from contrasting groups because they gave it to
spouses of ED nurses.

Construct validity was established and reported by Agervold (2007).

Question 13 4 pts

What types of questionnaires or surveys were used in this research study?

(Select all that apply.)

The authors developed the Negative Intention Questionnaire (NIQ).

The authors developed their own questions to ask about demographic information.

Interviews were reportedly used, but the authors do not explain what was included in them. 5/10
3/28/2021 Quiz: RAC Part Two Sp19c (Logan Malone 2018)

The authors used previously developed questionnaires or surveys to measure the study

This study did not use any questionnaires or surveys.

Question 14 4 pts

Were any physiological measurements collected from the subjects for the purpose of
this study?



Question 15 4 pts

Which one of the following best describes the data collection process used in this

questionnaires / surveys were completed using a survey link / online.

participants were given the pencil and paper questionnaire on enrollment in the study.

questionnaires / surveys were mailed to the prospective participants and returned in a self-
addressed stamped envelope.

nurse researchers interviewed the study participants in a focus group.

Question 16 4 pts

If there were more than one data collector for the study, would an estimation of inter-
rater reliability be an important concept for the authors to report on for this study? 6/10
3/28/2021 Quiz: RAC Part Two Sp19c (Logan Malone 2018)

yes, and the authors reported their efforts to achieve inter-rater reliability.

yes, but the authors do not discuss any efforts to achieve inter-rater reliability.

no, the issue of inter-rater reliability does not apply here.

Question 17 4 pts

What descriptive statistics were used in this study?

(Select all that apply.)




standard deviation


percentage distributions

Question 18 4 pts

Which one of these inferential statistics was used to examine the data obtained from
the subjects?

Pearson Correlation Coefficient



ANOVA 7/10
3/28/2021 Quiz: RAC Part Two Sp19c (Logan Malone 2018)

Question 19 4 pts

What is the level of significance (alpha) set at for this study? (Hint: is there an alpha
given under the Tables or specifically mentioned in the text of the article?)

p < .001

p < .05

p < .10

a level of significance was not specifically mentioned by the author.

Question 20 4 pts

There are several statistically significant findings in this study. Which of these
statements from the article would be considered a significant and predicted result
about teamwork?

The belief that each team member should spend time and energy to make the team work
(AATS) was significantly associated with the TCS item communication.

Older nurses have higher levels of belief in the importance of teamwork than younger nurses.

Nurses were more likely to report observing others being bullied (53%) than to report the
direct experience of being bullied (31%) in the past 6 months.

Nurses who work longer shifts (12+ hours) have greater likelihood of observing incivility at
work compared to shorter shifts (8-10 hours).

Question 21 4 pts

There are several statistically significant findings in this study. Which of these
statements from the article would be considered a significant and predicted result
about workplace bullying? 8/10
3/28/2021 Quiz: RAC Part Two Sp19c (Logan Malone 2018)

the highest rating for the TCS was highly characteristic and the highest rating for the NIQ
was rarely/never

Older nurses are more likely to report witnessing bullying behavior than younger nurses.

Nurses were more likely to report observing others being bullied (53%) than to report the
direct experience of being bullied (31%) in the past 6 months.

Nurses who work longer shifts (12+ hours) have greater likelihood of observing incivility at
work compared to shorter shifts (8-10 hours).

Question 22 4 pts

Which one of these statements from the article would be considered clinically

Manager support positively predicts the level of teamwork reported within a unit.

Strong leadership on teams allows a patient care plan to be revised effectively.

Lower levels of decision-making power on teams can result in staff burnout.

Nurse managers can capitalize on these baseline perceptions and attitudes to further
develop and maintain effective team performance.

Question 23 4 pts

Which statements below would be considered a limitation of the study?

A convenience sample from two hospitals was used without clear inclusion / exclusion

Very few participants answered all of the questions on all three surveys.

The authors did not make any efforts to discuss the reliability or validity of their surveys.

The authors did not use very many current resources when writing the review of literature. 9/10
3/28/2021 Quiz: RAC Part Two Sp19c (Logan Malone 2018)

Question 24 4 pts

Which one of these statements would be considered a statement regarding

generalization of these results?

A majority of nurses in this study believed that working as a team was an effective means to
provide patient care.

The study results regarding nurses' perceptions, attitudes and experiences related to
teamwork and workplace bullying are consistent with current literature.

A convenience sample of acute care nurses enhances generalizability to nurses working in

other environments (i.e. long term care or outpatient settings).

The study's intervention did not yield the expected results and thus cannot be generalized.

Question 25 4 pts

Which one of these statements from the article would be considered a

recommendation for future studies?

Research to discover why older nurses have less compassion satisfaction compared to
younger nurses.

Future development of programs to help relieve the strain of caring in ED nurses.

This study demonstrated that a brief, inexpensive family oriented intervention is feasible in
the ED.

Additional work is needed to determine potential direction of effects between team variables
and dysfunctional behavior such as bullying.

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