Unit 9G Environmental Chemistry: Name: .

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Unit 9G

Environmental Chemistry
Name: ……………………………..

Year 9: …………

Erosion, Weathering and Deposition

What is soil made of?

How are soils different from each other?

Universal Indicator and the pH scale

Which building materials are affected by acid rain?

Mini research projects

What do we do about acidic soils?

Finding out whether or not the rain is acidic

The effects of acid rain

Where do the gases causing acid rain come from?

The chemical reactions that cause acid rain










Air pollution

Catalytic converters












Monitoring air quality

How is the Earth’s temperature changing?

What could be causing Global Warming?





Evidence for and against increased carbon dioxide concentration as the cause of Global Warming








Ozone Depletion:
*Since the 1970s stratospheric ozone has been decreasing ("Ozone hole")

Antarctic hole: 9 million square miles (size of North America)

Less Ozone, so more UV radiation hits Earth, causes more skin cancer, eye damage, harm to
crops, etc.

How is the Hole Formed? By certain man made chemicals (CFC -chlorofluorocarbons and
Halocompounds (bromine)

CFCs: A common industrial product, used in refrigeration systems, air conditioners, aerosols,
solvents and in the production of some types of packaging. Although chemically inert in the
lower atmosphere (troposphere), they are taken to very high altitudes where they are broken
down into their components by the stronger sunlight (UV) at these altitudes. It is the chlorine
formed in this process that causes the damage to ozone.

CFC Facts:

*CFCs are not washed back to the earth by rain or destroyed in reactions with other chemicals.

*CFCs don't break down in lower atmosphere. They remain in the atmosphere for up to 120
years! They are relatively stable.

*CFCs are transported to stratosphere- eventually they are broken down by sunlight (UV) -
releasing Free Chlorine. This Chlorine is actively involved in the destruction of Ozone.

Cl + O3 -> ClO + O2

ClO + O -> Cl + O2


Ultimately Ozone is broken down to form oxygen:

2 O3 -> 3 O2

Montreal Protocol 1987: The first step in limiting more damage to Ozone layer in stratosphere
is decreased production and use of CFCs. Many countries signed this protocol.

Acid Rain

Polluted Air may move hundreds of km from the source.

Effects of Acid Rain:

*Increased Acidity of lakes, streams

*Increased Acidity of soils

*Death of trees (Europe & North America) disrupts availability of soil nutrients

*Acid particles in air: Respiratory problems

Greenhouse Effect:
*Our moderate temperatures are NOT just the result of saying our planet orbits at just the right distance from
the sun to absorb the right amount of solar radiation.

*Our moderate temperatures are the result of having just the right kind of atmosphere!

*The Earth's Greenhouse effect makes this planet suitable for life as we know it.

*Earth's atmosphere contains trace amounts of gases (some of which absorb heat). These gases (Methane, Water
Vapor, Carbon dioxide) are called Greenhouse gases.

*Just like a greenhouse which is designed to retain heat, these gases also retain heat.

The Greenhouse effect is a good thing! It allows us to live on this planet.

Global warming:
Global warming is the gradual increase in global temperatures caused by the emission of gases that trap the
sun's heat in the Earth's atmosphere. Gases that contribute to global warming include carbon dioxide, methane,
nitrous oxides, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), and halocarbons (the replacements for CFCs). The carbon dioxide
emissions are primarily caused by the use of fossil fuels for energy.

Effects of Global Warming:

* Snow cover, ice in Arctic decreasing

*Sea levels gradually risen 4 to 8 inches/century


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