Activity 1 Rizal Tomines - cris.John.L

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Activity-1 GEC-9 Rizal

1. Writing exercise: Compare and contrast the views of those in favor and against R.A
1425, considering the context of 1950’s. Would similar argument still have impact

Affirmative: Negative:

If we consider today's circumstances in relation to When we evaluate the interpretation of RA 1425

the interpretation of RA 1425, we may state that in perspective of how Filipinos view the catholic
there will be some changes in terms of Filipino church, particularly how Rizal's work tarnishes the
cultures, beliefs, and such, and that identical image of the priest, certain changes will occur.
issues will not necessarily arise, but may still We do not believe that Rizal's work should be
occur. We are no longer as conservative as we taught in every school since it may cause
were in the 1950s, therefore we are more inclined students to change their ideas and join terrorist
to be open to new philosophies that are groups, putting their own beliefs and ideologies on
attempting to provide us with feedback. The goals the line. One of the reasons we oppose RA 1425
of the Rizal Law are obviously beneficial and is because of this.
generally ethical. People now, on the other hand,
would know a little bit more about being critical
than they did back then.

2. Reflect on your secondary education: Did your school comply with RA 1425? How
effective is Rizal Law in instilling patriotism and nationalism among secondary school
_The Rizal law is particularly efficient in teaching patriotism among secondary school
students, not just among them but among all young people and next generation,
because it inspires and influences us to be law-abiding citizens who are unselfish and
ethically aware for the benefit of the country. Rizal law also encourages people to
prioritize their country and fellow citizens over their own interests in everything they do.
It is also patriotism that allows a person to consider not just what is good for him or her
now, but also what is best for the nation in the days, weeks, years, and generations

Rubric- Criteria for checking

• Content: 20 points
• Organization of thought: 5points
• Grammar and Sentence Structure: 5 points
Total 30 points

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