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Ziggurat of the Sun Princess

A Dungeon World Adventure

By Josh Mannon
Introduction Your patron is very powerful and far
seeing, why did she choose to rely on
Three factions are fighting over the you?
ziggurat and the Sun Stones it
contains. What are Sun Stones and There are all kinds of myths about the
what do they do? That is really up to powers of the Sun Stones, what myth do
each GM but to be sure they store and you hope is not real?
release energy like a battery. If you
Ask these questions to one player each.
think it is interesting that they do
more, go for it. They are very rare and Anita D'ral is not what she appears to
the fact that there are five in this one be, what do you think she is?
building makes it a magnet for trouble.
Trouble comes in two forms, Zorphis Zorphis the Floramancer has been a
the Floramancer and the D'rals, Taris laughing stock for years, what was one
time he tried to be kind and you saw
who slavishly serves his wife and Anita
him mocked?
an exiled Fey queen. Both factions
already have one Sun Stone and both There are legends about Xevis, the Sun
need six stones to pull off their master Princess, what is your favorite?
plan. Princess Xevis has her own plan
to exact vengeance on the locals for
allowing her rest to be disturbed.

Enter the player characters, they are

there to keep anyone from controlling
enough of the Sun Stones to be a real
danger. How will they do that? Play to
find out.

Ask these questions to each of the
players before you begin. Take notes
about the answers and make sure to
integrate the answers as much as you
can. Feel free to move or change as
much about the adventure as you need
Fronts The D'ral Expedition
Impending Doom
Zorphis Anita will use the Sun Stones to pull
all of the surrounding region into the
Impending Doom Fey where she was banished.
I will use the Sun Stones to grow an Stakes
army of plant warriors, the fools in What are Taris and Anita doing with the
Karackis will rue the day they threw Sun Stone they have?
For what price is Gambin willing to
me out!
betray the D'rals?
Stakes What will Anita do with Taris when she
How much control does Zorphis have no longer needs him?
over his plant men?
What is Zorphis doing with the Sun
Stone he has? Taris D'ral
Cast Anita D'ral
Zorphis the Floramancer Gambin
Grim Portents Grim Portents
Zorphis begins to send his plant men The goblins storm the ziggurat
into the ziggurat after the Sun Stones. looking for Sun Stones.
Zorphis uses two Sun Stones to raise a Taris uses two Sun Stones to restore
plant giant. Anita to her full fey glory.
Zorphis uses four Sun Stones to turn Anita will use four Sun Stones to open
the forest around the ziggurat into a a gate into the Fey and call forth those
plant dragon. loyal to her.
Dangers Dangers
The plant men Gambin's goblin helpers
Zorphis' Gauntlet of Kryos Anita's Mask of Hopeful Glamor
Plant Giant Frost Pixies
Plant Dragon
Princess Xevis Locations
Impending Doom
The fools shall pay for blocking out The D'ral
my sun, starting with the city of
Karackis! Encampment
Stakes Foes
What do the Sun Stones do once they Depending on when the party arrives
are brought together? at the D'ral encampment any of these
What is Xevis doing with the Sun Stone may be there.
she has in her throne room? Taris D'ral - 15(1d12+3) Damage, 30
Can Xevis awaken enough protectors in HP, 1 Armor
Bond with blood
Cast Cover with blood
Princess Xevis Light his blood on fire
Grim Portents Goal: to protect Anita
Xevis awakens the Mummies
protecting the remaining two Sun Anita D'ral - 9(1d10) Damage, 20 HP, 0
Fascinate those around her
Xevis uses two Sun Stones and
Command those who love her
awakens the Naga Twins, Spite and
Attack all others
Goal: to get back into Fey
Xevis uses four Sun Stones and
awakens the Royal Guard Mummies. Gambin - 9(1d10) Damage, 20 HP, 1
Dangers Armor
The Sun Leopards Call on the Goblins
Xexis' sword Long Ray Command a Goblin attack
Guardian Mummies Strike with a pick
Spite and Petty Goal: to get paid
Royal Guard Mummies
Goblins (20) - 5(1d6) Damage, 20 HP, 1
Surround an enemy
Tie up an enemy
Attack an enemy with knives
Goal: to do what Gambin says
Servants (5)
The D'rals are traveling in style, a large
white tent with a somewhat smaller
tent for their servants. Gambin's tent is
much smaller and very rugged. The
goblins tend to build new hovels as
their old ones break down and new
and wrecked mounds can be seen all
The D'ral's tent is full of finery, about
100 Gold and 15 Load worth of it.
Gambin's tent contains 10 Load worth
of Adventurer's Gear. The golblins
have nothing of value.
Anita D'ral's mask allows the wearer to
stop any creature from attacking her so
long as they can see the mask covering
her face. The wearer also has this
move: when you wear the mask and
command someone who can see the
mask and understand you Roll+ CHA.
On a hit they willingly do what you
ask so long as you promise to reward
them with your company. On a 10+
they become devoted to you, any time
they do as you ask they mark
experience. On a miss they become
obsessed with you, take -1 forward on
any interaction where they are
The Courtyard
Zorphis - 7(1d6+1) Damage, 10 HP, 4
Cast a spell
Raise a plant man
Attack with a staff
Goal: to grow and expand his plant

Plant Men - 5(1d6) Damage,

18 HP, 1 Armor
Restrain with vines
Goal: to protect Zorphis
and each other

Zorphis has set up camp just outside
the entrance to the ziggurat and is
spending his time building more and
more plant men.
Much of Zorphis' equipment is
valuable but heavy. Zorphis himself
wears a gauntlet that allows him to
manipulate the technology

Gauntlet of Kryos: this device gives
the wearer +2 to any roll dealing with
Xevis' Ziggurat's The Ants' Labyrinth
Entrance Foes
Big Ant Swarms 8(1d8) Damage, 12 HP,
Foes 4 Armor
Sun Leopards (5) - 5(1d6) Damage, 13 Cover an opponent
HP, 1 Armor
Immobilize an opponent
Drag an opponent away
Drag away Goal: to feed the colony
Goal: to guard the entrance
A maze of strangely wandering tunnels
Environment work their way through the sand.
A highly embellished arch leads off the
Thousands of tiny ants constantly
courtyard and into the ziggurat. The
wander around but it is the occasional
passageway leads all the way back to
rat sized ant that is troubling.
the other side of the ziggurat and at
that end starts a stairwell to the left. Loot
The scoured corpses of fallen
Loot adventurers lay around these hallways.
Each of the Sun Leopards are worth a
If the characters enter looking for any
high price on the black market id they
item, including the Sun Stone, they
can be captured.
find it after fighting one swarm.

The Central Passage

A stairway, leading off from the
entrance, slowly winds itself around
and up. In each of the four cardinal
directions and at ascending levels,
there are four chambers leading off this
stairway. At the top the stairs end at
the throne room.
The Spider's Web The Lair of the Naga
Foes Sisters
Hhalashlith - 10(1d10) Damage, 33 HP, 4
Armor Foes
Poison Spite & Petty - 13(1d12+1) Damage, 35
HP, 1 Armor
Trap with web
Hypnotize an opponent
Drink blood
Goal: to kill those who disturb his web Command a hypnotized opponent
Drag an opponent below
Environment Goal: to feed
At the heart of the Ant's Labyrinth is a
large, web covered hole. Light glows
The wall outside this room bares the
out of it making the shadow of the
image of a divine looking woman.
giant spider inside the hole shine out
Inside this room are five pillars spaced
unevenly around this
There is a Sun Stone within the web
Each time a character takes damage
from Hhalashlith give them two
poison counters. If they ever have
There is a Sun Stone on the far wall of
more poison counters than remaining
this room.
HP they drop unconscious
The Naga sisters in this room are likely
asleep when the party enters but if you
are allowed to make a hard move here,
feel free to wake them up.
The Treasure Trove The Mummies' Stone
Environment Foes
On the wall outside this room is the Guardian Mummies (2) - 11(1d12)
pictograph of a skeleton picking up Damage, 23 HP, 2 Armor
treasure from a pile. This room is filled Slam
with pile upon pile of treasure in every Bite
sort of description. At the far side, not Throw
Goal: to protect the Sun Stone
visible from the door, is a Sun Stone.
Loot Environment
A round room with a pit in the
Once the Sunstone is removed from
middle. At the sides of the pit are two
this room there is 800 Loads of
mummies with their arms raised above
treasure in this room. Each 1 Load is
their heads, over the pit. In their
worth between 500 and 5000 Gold
hands, held between them is a Sun
once appraised.
Stone. They watch whom ever enters
Magic with malice.
While the Sun Stone remains in this
room any one who touches the
The Sun Stone is the only thing of
treasure immediately looses all of their
value in this room.
HP and can only make their las breath
move if they are taken outside the Magic
room. Anyone who is damaged by the
mummies must Roll+CON after the
battle. On a 10+ they are fine, on a 7-
9 they take -1 permanently to CON,
on a miss they gain they must make a
Last Breath move.
Xevis' Throne Room
Xevis 22(1d20+2) Damage, 17 HP, 2
Cast a spell
Command undead
Heal herself by drinking blood
Goal: to remove intruders from her

Sun Leopards (3) - 5(1d6) Damage, 13

HP, 1 Armor
Drag away
Goal: to guard the Xevis
At the top of the stairs is a
short passage which opens into
a golden room. At the far end, under a
large, golden sun, sits the throne of
Xevis wears a golden crown worth the
price of a mansion to any jeweler and
the price of a castle to an antiquities
collector who has it verified. She also
carries a magical sword called Long
Long Ray allows it's bearer access to
the Turn Undead move or, if they
already have that move, allows them
to mark experience when they destroy
an undead.
Frost Pixies - 5(1d6) Damage, 14 HP, 2
Attack with spears
Cast a net
Cast a spell
Goal: to serve Anita D'ral

Plant Dragon - 24(1d20+4) Damage, 60

HP, 4 Armor
Grab and fly
Breath fire
Frighten into non-action
Goal: to end all creatures of flesh

Plant Giant

Swipe away with a club

Freeze foes with a yell
Goal: to serve Zorphis

Concluding the
The adventure is over when none of
the three factions can possibly get their
hands six Sun Stones or one faction
manages to collect the six they need.
How that happens and what happens
after is totally up to you as the GM.
Design: Josh Mannon

Art: Storn Cook

This adventure is presented under a
Creative Commons, Attribution,
Non-Comercial, 3.0 US License

All art in this adventure is presented

under a Creative Commons,
Attribution, Non-Commercial, 3,0
US License

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