CCHT 1041prep2010 1

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES is completed and the estates are settled. All of this adds
This chapter will offer participants a quick overview up to a need for tax practitioners to be well versed in the
of the fiduciary income tax return, Form 1041 (U.S. rules for fiduciary income taxation.
Income Tax Return for Estates and Trusts). OVERVIEW OF ESTATES AND TRUSTS
Upon completion, you will: A decedent’s estate includes an intestate estate (where a per-
son dies without leaving a valid will) as well as a testate estate
Understand the nature of a fiduciary income tax
subject to administration. A decedent’s estate consists only
of assets subject to probate administration and, therefore,
Know the unique terminology related to the fiduciary
does not include property that passes by right of survivor-
income tax return
ship or by contract directly upon an owner’s death (such as
Know the following about filing returns:
life insurance proceeds or retirement plan assets).
When they are due
How to file The regulations define a trust as an “arrangement created
Where to file either by a will or by an inter vivos declaration whereby
trustees take title to property for the purpose of protect-
NEW THIS YEAR ing or conserving it for the beneficiaries under the ordi-
nary rules applied in chancery or probate courts” (Reg.
The gross income filing threshold in 2009 for bank- §301.7701-4). There are a number of different types of
ruptcy estates is $9,350 (up from $8,950 in 2008).
trusts, which are explained in Chapter 2.


In the government’s fiscal year ending September 30, The rules for determining the taxation of income to
2007, more than 3.7 million fiduciary returns were filed trusts, decedents’ estates, and their beneficiaries are
(up from just under 3.7 million, or 0.6%, in fiscal year governed by Subchapter J of the Internal Revenue Code
2006 ( (there (Code Secs. 641-692).
are no more recent statistics available). These statistics
Sections 641-645 contain the general rules for the
show that the number of fiduciary returns is expected
income taxation of trusts and decedents’ estates.
to increase annually.
Section 646 governs Alaska Native Settlement Trusts.
One of the reasons for increased filings is the ever-growing Sections 651-652 explain deductions for trusts
popularity of various types of trusts. One example of that distribute only current income (the rules for
this trend is the increased use of living trusts, which are “simple trusts”).
generally classified as “grantor” trusts for federal income Sections 661-664 discuss accumulations of income and
tax purposes. Once the purview of the rich, living trusts distributions of corpus (the rules for “complex trusts”).
are becoming widely utilized by middle-class taxpayers Sections 665-668 detail the treatment of excess dis-
throughout the country. tributions by trusts.
Sections 671-679 cover the grantor trust rules.
New types of trusts, such as domestic asset protection Sections 681-685 contain miscellaneous concepts
trusts, qualified residence trusts and supplemental needs affecting trusts used for charitable purposes, in case
trusts for Medicaid beneficiaries are being developed. of divorce, and other situations.
Also, despite the increasing estate tax exemption amount
that relieves a growing number of decedent’s estates from Sections 691-692 explain income in respect of a
transfer tax, such estates continue to have income tax decedent, as well as the income taxes of certain spe-
issues and filing requirements until the administration cial taxpayers (e.g., astronauts and members of the
Armed Forces).

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2 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

Form 1041 is an income tax return for trusts and estates. Personal Liability
The method of taxation for estates and trusts is hybrid in The fiduciary has personal liability for filing the fiduciary
nature, because it incorporates rules and concepts from income tax return. In the case of an estate, liability attaches
the various models of taxation (for individuals, partner- to the executor or administrator up to and after his or
ships and corporations) and ensures that income is taxed her discharge if, prior to distribution and discharge, the
only once—either at the entity or beneficiary level. fiduciary had notice of tax obligations or failed to exercise
due diligence in ascertaining whether or not such obliga-
Income retained by the trust or estate is taxed to the entity.
tions existed (Reg. §1.641(b)-2(a)). Regulations state that,
In this respect, the return functions as a regular income
“Representative of a person or estate ... paying any part of
tax return, with the tax liability borne by the entity.
a debt of the person or estate before paying a claim of the
Income that is distributed to a beneficiary is taxed
U.S. is [personally] liable to the extent of unpaid claims
to that beneficiary. In this respect, the return serves
of the Government” (31 USC §3713(b)).
as an information return, detailing the income that
is taxed to the beneficiary and supports the conduit For example, an executor who exhausts an estate’s assets
theory (similar to a partnership return). by paying state income taxes and debts to general credi-
tors, yet fails to pay the decedent’s final federal income
Income items passed through to a beneficiary retain their tax, is personally liable for the unpaid tax (Rev. Rul.
tax attributes. For example, tax-exempt income passes 79-310, 1979-2 CB 404). Liability also follows assets
through as such. The entity receives a deduction for the distributed to heirs. Similar rules for personal liability
income it distributes to a beneficiary. apply to trustees of trusts.

NOTE: Entities other than simple trusts, complex Discharge from Personal Liability
trusts, and estates (including bankruptcy estates) An executor or any person acting in a similar capacity can
that use the fiduciary return are not specifically dis- obtain a discharge from personal liability for a decedent’s
cussed in this book. Thus, for example, fiduciaries
income taxes by making written application to the IRS
for pooled income funds may wish to seek additional
guidance on return preparation.
(Code Sec. 6905). An application can be made at any
time after the filing of the income tax return that reports
the taxes from which discharge is sought. An application
Nonresident alien estates and foreign trusts with U.S. should be filed when the estate tax return (Form 706) has
source income do not use Form 1041. Instead, they file been filed, or if no federal estate tax return is required,
Form 1040-NR, U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Re- when the decedent’s final income tax return has been
turn. Fiduciaries for foreign estates and trusts required filed. If the executor does not receive notification from
to report their income to the U.S. government should the IRS, discharge is automatically effective nine months
consult the instructions to Form 1040-NR. after the IRS receives the application for discharge.
Some forms and schedules are unique to Form 1041. For
example, there is a special Schedule D for Form 1041. PRACTICE POINTER: Be sure to send the application
Other forms and schedules are taken from Form 1040. by certified or registered mail or by an authorized
For example, Schedule C, Schedule E, and Schedule F private delivery service so that there is evidence of
the date of filing the application for discharge from
are the same schedules used for Form 1040. personal liability.


Notice of Fiduciary Relationship
The fiduciary is the person responsible for filing a return
on behalf of the entity. This can be an individual or a A fiduciary may be required to notify the IRS of fiduciary
corporation (such as a bank’s trust department). For status. This is done by filing Form 56, Notice Concerning
trusts, the fiduciary is the trustee named in the trust in- Fiduciary Relationship. The notice is given when the fidu-
strument or subsequently appointed as trustee by a court. ciary relationship is created (e.g., when an executor receives
For estates in which the decedent died and left a will, the court appointment for a decedent’s estate). If there is more
fiduciary is the executor or personal representative. For than one fiduciary, each must file a separate Form 56.
estates in which the decedent died intestate, the fiduciary
is the administrator or personal representative appointed PRACTICE POINTER: The same form is used to re-
by the court to represent the estate. For bankruptcy es- voke or terminate the notice of fiduciary relationship
(fully or partially).
tates, the fiduciary is the trustee in bankruptcy.

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MODULE 1 — CHAPTER 1 — Introduction 3

PRACTICE POINTER: The fiduciary signing the return
may also authorize the preparer to discuss the return
1. The number of fiduciary returns being filed is
with the IRS for return processing purposes.
expected to increase annually. True or False?

2. Income distributed to the beneficiary of a trust is: DEFINITIONS

a. Taxed to the trust
In preparing a fiduciary return, there are a number of
b. Taxed to the beneficiary
terms and concepts that should be firmly understood.
c. Taxed half to the trust and half to the beneficiary
3. Which of the following schedules is unique to
Form 1041? A fiduciary is a person who has a duty to act primarily for
a. Schedule C the benefit of another person (e.g., a trust beneficiary). A
b. Schedule D fiduciary can be an individual or a corporation (such as a
c. Schedule E bank trust department).

4. Which statement regarding a fiduciary is not

The fiduciary of a trust is called a trustee. The fiduciary
of a decedent’s estate is called an executor, administra-
tor, or personal representative. A fiduciary can also be a
a. A fiduciary must be an individual.
person in possession of a decedent’s estate. The fiduciary
b. A fiduciary has personal liability for filing
of a bankruptcy estate is called a trustee.
the fiduciary income tax return.
c. The fiduciary of a bankruptcy estate is Bankruptcy Estate
called a trustee.
This is an entity that comes into effect when an indi-
vidual debtor files a petition under either Chapter 7 or 11
of Title 11 of the U.S. Code and is treated as a separate
NOTE: Answers to Study Questions, with feedback
taxable entity. (A separate taxable entity is not created
to both the correct and incorrect responses, are pro-
vided in a special section beginning on page 101.
when a partnership or corporation files a petition under
any chapter of Title 11 of the U.S. Code.)


The preparer must report all required information on the The term beneficiary is used to describe an heir, lega-
return and the attached schedules or statements. He or she tee, devisee, or beneficiary of a trust or estate (Reg.
must figure the immediate tax liability for the entity and §1.643(c)-1). An income beneficiary in a trust is entitled
the income, if any, to be distributed to the beneficiary. to income and, in some cases, a portion of principal.
A remainderman is a beneficiary of a trust who receives
PRACTICE POINTER: To properly prepare a fiduciary all property remaining in the trust when the term
return, the preparer should review the governing of the income beneficiary has been completed. For
instrument (i.e., trust document for a trust or will for example, in a typical unified credit shelter trust of a
an estate).
married couple with children, the surviving spouse is
This procedure ensures that the correct beneficiaries given an income interest for life (income beneficiary),
are taken into account and that accounting income
with claims on the principal to pay for the surviving
reflecting allocations of income and principal con-
forms to the grantor/decedent’s wishes.
spouse’s health, welfare, etc. The children who receive
the remaining trust property when he/she dies (i.e.,
what has not been used by the surviving spouse) are
In preparing the return, the preparer needs to consider the the remaindermen.
long-range effect of certain tax elections—for example, if
an estate adopts a tax year other than a calendar year. Trusts

Today, the preparer typically uses computer software Generally, each trust is treated as a separate entity and
for the preparation of the return. However, the preparer files a separate return (if otherwise required to file a
needs to be astute about what information he or she return). However, multiple trusts can be treated as
enters into the return preparation program. one trust for income tax purposes. This occurs where

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4 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

two or more trusts have substantially the same grantor DNI limits the income distribution deduction for
and beneficiary and a principal purpose of the trusts amounts paid, credited, or required to be distributed to
is tax avoidance. beneficiaries and is used to determine how much of an
amount paid, credited, or required to be distributed to
Irrevocable trusts created before March 1, 1984, are a beneficiary will be includible in the beneficiary’s gross
grandfathered (i.e., even though they would otherwise income instead of the trust’s or estate’s taxable income.
be multiple trusts treated as one trust, they are treated as It is also used to apportion the character of the income
separate trusts). The only exception to this grandfathered distributed to beneficiaries, as well as credits and deduc-
rule is for contributions to corpus after this date. tions allocable to beneficiaries.

PRACTICE POINTER: Generally, custodianships, Income Distribution Deduction

guardianships and agencies do not create a trust ar-
This is generally the amount of income distributed to
rangement (Letter Ruling 8831055; Rev. Rul. 70-567,
1970-2 CB 133). a beneficiary. The trust or estate deducts this amount
from its income so that such income is only taxed once
(at the beneficiary level).
Income and Corpus
Accumulation Distribution
Income is defined as income determined by the governing
instrument and applicable local law (Reg. §1.643(b)-1 and This is a term unique to complex trusts that allows the
Reg. §1.651(a)-2)). “Income required to be distributed trustee to accumulate income rather than distribute it
currently” is income that is required to be distributed in annually to the beneficiary. An accumulation distribu-
the year in which it is received. For trust purposes, income tion is a distribution of income that had previously been
has been revised to reflect the Uniform Principal and accumulated by the trust. Since it has already been taxed
Income Act (see Chapter 4) (T.D. 9102, 12/30/03)). to the trust, it is not taxable again when the beneficiary
receives it.
For a complex trust, an election can be made to treat
income distributed in the first 65 days of a tax year as
being made in the preceding tax year (Code Sec. 663(b)). OBSERVATION: In the past, complex throwback rules
were used to determine the beneficiary’s tax on an
This election also applies to estates.
accumulation distribution. These rules have been
repealed for distributions made in tax years beginning
PRACTICE POINTER: To make the election, include after August 5, 1997. These rules had been used to
the amount of the distribution on the appropriate ensure that trusts would not accumulate income as a
line of Schedule B (“Other amounts paid, credited or means of reducing income taxes. However, in light of
otherwise required to be distributed”) and check box the compressed tax brackets for trusts and estates,
6 of the “Other Information” section of Form 1041. this strategy is not an option so the throwback rules
are no longer needed.

PITFALL: The election is irrevocable but applies STUDY QUESTION

only to that specific tax return, so a new election
must be made for subsequent years if desired (Reg.
5. With respect to the election to treat income distrib-
uted within the first 65 days of the following year
as made in the preceding year, which statement is
Corpus is the principal (property) of the entity from which not correct?
income flows. Other terms used to denote corpus include a. The election applies only to complex trusts
res and principal—the terms are interchangeable. and estates.
b. The election is irrevocable.
Distributable Net Income (DNI)
c. Once made, the election continues for sub-
Distributable net income (DNI) is the taxable income of sequent years unless revoked.
a trust or estate, computed with certain modifications
(Reg. §1.643(a)). For example, taxable income for this
purpose is figured without regard to the income distribu-
tion deduction and the personal exemption amount.

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MODULE 1 — CHAPTER 1 — Introduction 5

Income in Respect of a Decedent (IRD) Estates file Form 1040NR if their income comes from
sources outside the U.S. that are not effectively con-
This is income to which a decedent is entitled at
nected with the conduct of a U.S. business, and that
death but is not includible on decedent’s final Form
income is not includible in gross income.
1040 (Code Sec. 691). It includes all accrued income
of a cash basis decedent, income accrued solely by Bankruptcy Estates
reason of the application of the accrual method of
accounting upon a decedent’s death, and income Bankruptcy estates must file Form 1041 for 2009 if they
upon which a decedent has a contingent claim at the have gross income of $9,350 or more.
time of death. Simple or Complex Trusts
Examples of IRD for a cash basis decedent include: Simple or complex domestic trusts must file Form 1041
Deferred salary payments payable to decedent’s if they have any of the following:
estate Gross income of $600 or more,
Uncollected interest on U.S. savings bonds Any taxable income (regardless of gross income), or
Proceeds from the completed sale of farm produce A nonresident alien beneficiary
Traditional IRAs and qualified retirement plan ben-
efits, including traditional 401(k)s A domestic trust is one over which a U.S. court is able to
Pro rata share of any income item of an S corpo- exercise primary supervision regarding administration
ration that would have been IRD if it had been (court test) and one or more U.S. persons have authority
acquired directly from the decedent-shareholder. to control all substantial decisions regarding the trust
The initial basis of the inherited stock is reduced (control test) (Reg. § 301.7701-7). A domestic trust also
by the IRD (it can then be increased by any IRD includes a trust in existence on August 20, 1996 that was
included in income). treated as a domestic trust as of that date and elected to
continue to be treated as a domestic trust.
OBSERVATION: The IRD has the same character it A foreign trust files Form 1040NR instead of Form 1041.
would have had if the decedent had lived and had
received such amount.
A foreign trust with a U.S. owner usually must file Form
3520-A, Annual Information Return of Foreign Trust with
a U.S. Owner.
STUDY QUESTION A charitable remainder trust that has any unrelated
business taxable income does not file Form 1041. In-
6. All of the following items are considered income in stead, such a trust files Form 4720, Return of Certain
respect of a decedent except: Excise Taxes under Chapters 41 and 42 of the Internal
a. Interest on a savings account after the date Revenue Code.
of death
Certain trusts are exempt from filing the fiduciary return
b. Deferred salary payments payable to a
decedent’s estate
because trust income is reported directly on the benefi-
c. Funds in a traditional IRA
ciary’s income tax return. More specifically, a grantor
trust that is not a revocable grantor trust does not have
to complete Form 1041. Instead, the trust must attach
FILING REQUIREMENTS a statement to the fiduciary tax return of the grantor,
AND OTHER FILING RULES including the beneficiary’s name, address, taxpayer iden-
tification number (TIN), trust income, and deductions
The 1041 filing requirements for estates and trusts are and credits.
similar but not identical.
A revocable grantor trust created after 1980 does not have
Estates of Decedents to file Form 1041 if the grantor is also a trustee or co-
Domestic estates of decedents must file Form 1041 if trustee and is treated as the owner of all trust assets by
they have either: virtue of the power of revocation (Reg. §1.671-4). Thus,
so-called living trusts set up by a grantor in which the
Gross income of $600 or more, or grantor is the beneficiary and trustee or co-trustee, are
A nonresident alien beneficiary exempt from filing the fiduciary return.

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6 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

A grantor type trust is a trust under applicable state law that

PRACTICE POINTER: There are several practical
is not recognized as a separate taxable entity for income
benefits to making this election.
tax purposes because the grantor has not relinquished
complete dominion and control over the trust. First, only one income tax return is filed (covering
both the estate and the revocable trust treated as
For a trust that is treated as being owned by someone part of the estate). This saves both return preparation
other than the grantor and for a trust with a third-party costs and perhaps additional fiduciary fees.
trustee, the regulations obviate the need to file a return
Second, the need to make estimated tax payments
if one of two alternatives is used (Reg. §1.671-4):
by the trust may be avoided since an estate is not
Optional Method 1. For a trust that is treated as required to make estimated tax payments for any
tax year ending within two years after the decedent’s
owned by someone other than the grantor, the trustee
death—another cost saver.
is required to furnish payors of income or proceeds
Third, there are tax-planning advantages because of
during the year either with the:
the opportunity to elect fiscal year reporting.
Name, TIN of the grantor or other person, and
address of the trust, or
Name and address of the trust A qualified revocable trust is any trust or portion of
a trust that is treated as being owned by the decedent
Optional Method 2. For a trust with a third-party whose estate is making the election because of the power
trustee, the trustee can provide the grantor with a to revoke the trust.
Form 1099 for each type of income or gross proceeds;
listing the trustee as the payor and the grantor as the For this purpose, a power does not include any power
payee. Once this alternative method has been used, it that is treated as held by the grantor because it is held
must continue to be used in future years. If the trust by the grantor’s spouse. A trust is treated as a revocable
is owned by more than one grantor, the alternative
trust as long as the grantor’s agent or legal representative
reporting method must be used.
had the power to revoke the trust under local law during
the grantor’s incapacity (Reg. §1.645-1(b)).
PRACTICE POINTER: A trustee who has been fil-
ing Form 1041 can change to one of the optional The advantages of making the Code Sec. 645 election
methods for reporting. To make the changeover, file include the following:
a final Form 1041 for the immediately preceding tax
year for which the election is being made (check the The trust can claim a charitable deduction for
box on the top of Form 1041 to indicate that is a amounts permanently set aside for charity without the
final return). On the top of the form, write “Pursuant requirement that such amounts actually be paid.
to Section 1.671-4(g), this is the final Form 1041 for The trust can use a fiscal year.
the grantor trust.”
The active participant requirement under the passive
loss rules is waived for two years after the death of the
Where the grantor is a trustee or co-trustee who is treated grantor/decedent (Code Sec. 469(i)(4)).
as the owner of the trust, the trust must give a statement The trust can hold S corporation stock without dis-
to the grantor showing all tax items of the trust that are qualifying the S election (the estate is treated as the
attributable to the grantor and provide all information shareholder) (Code Sec. 1361(b)(1)(B) and (c)(2)).
necessary for the reporting of these items. No estimated taxes need be paid for two years follow-
ing the decedent’s death.
Special Rule for Certain Revocable Trusts
Of course, except as otherwise noted here, making the
When a grantor of a qualified revocable trust (QRT)
election does not change the taxation of income from the
dies, a special election can be made to treat the trust as
trust (i.e., the election does not convert taxable income
part of the estate for income tax purposes. Making the
into tax-free income).
election obviates the need to file a Form 1041 for the
trust (Code Sec. 645). Instead, the estate reports trust
income on its Form 1041.

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MODULE 1 — CHAPTER 1 — Introduction 7

Form 7004
(Rev. December 2008)
Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File Certain
Business Income Tax, Information, and Other Returns OMB No. 1545-0233
 File a separate application for each return.
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service  See separate instructions.

Name Identifying number

Type or
Number, street, and room or suite no. (If P.O. box, see instructions.)
File by the due
date for the
return for which
an extension is City, town, state, and ZIP code (If a foreign address, enter city, province or state, and country (follow the country’s practice for entering
requested. See postal code)).

Note. See instructions before completing this form.

Part I Automatic 5-Month Extension Complete if Filing Form 1065, 1041, or 8804
1a Enter the form code for the return that this application is for (see below)
Application Form Application Form
Is For: Code Is For: Code
Form 1065 09 Form 1041 (estate) 04
Form 8804 31 Form 1041 (trust) 05
Part II Automatic 6-Month Extension Complete if Filing Other Forms
b Enter the form code for the return that this application is for (see below)
Application Form Application Form
Is For: Code Is For: Code
Form 706-GS(D) 01 Form 1120-PC 21
Form 706-GS(T) 02 Form 1120-POL 22
Form 1041-N 06 Form 1120-REIT 23
Form 1041-QFT 07 Form 1120-RIC 24
Form 1042 08 Form 1120S 25
Form 1065-B 10 Form 1120-SF 26
Form 1066 11 Form 3520-A 27
Form 1120 12 Form 8612 28
Form 1120-C 34 Form 8613 29
Form 1120-F 15 Form 8725 30
Form 1120-FSC 16 Form 8831 32
Form 1120-H 17 Form 8876 33
Form 1120-L 18 Form 8924 35
Form 1120-ND 19 Form 8928 36
Form 1120-ND (section 4951 taxes) 20
2 If the organization is a foreign corporation that does not have an office or place of business in the United States,
check here 

3 If the organization is a corporation and is the common parent of a group that intends to file a consolidated return,
check here 
If checked, attach a schedule, listing the name, address, and Employer Identification Number (EIN) for each member
covered by this application.
Part III All Filers Must Complete This Part
4 If the organization is a corporation or partnership that qualifies under Regulations section 1.6081-5, check here 
5a The application is for calendar year 20 , or tax year beginning , 20 , and ending , 20

b Short tax year. If this tax year is less than 12 months, check the reason:
Initial return Final return Change in accounting period Consolidated return to be filed

6 Tentative total tax 6

7 Total payments and credits (see instructions) 7

8 Balance due. Subtract line 7 from line 6. Generally, you must deposit this amount using the
Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS), a Federal Tax Deposit (FTD) Coupon, or
Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW) (see instructions for exceptions) 8
For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate Instructions. Cat. No. 13804A Form 7004 (Rev. 12-2008)

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8 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

Making the election. The executor and the trustee Trusts and estates can obtain filing extensions. Ef-
must make the election. If there is no executor ap- fective for returns due on or after January 1, 2009,
pointed for the estate, then the trustee alone makes the extension is five months (IR-2008-84, 6/30/08);
the election. The election is made by attaching Form previously, trusts and estates could obtain a six-
8855, Election to Treat a Qualified Revocable Trust as month extension. However, this period for trusts
Part of an Estate, to a timely-filed Form 1041 (includ- (other than certain special trusts) and estates was
ing extensions). If the combined estate and electing shortened to five months in order to give beneficia-
trust do not have sufficient income to be required to ries an opportunity to receive their Schedule K-1
file Form 1041, Form 8855 must still be filed no later and file their personal returns within their six-month
than the due date for the Form 1041. Form 8855 is extension period.
reproduced in Chapter 11.
PRACTICE POINTER: An extension granted to an
Once made, the election is irrevocable. The election
estate or trust does not extend the time for filing by the
then applies to all tax years of the estate ending after beneficiaries. Therefore, it is advisable for beneficiaries
the date of the decedent’s death and before the ap- to obtain their own personal filing extensions.
plicable date.
The applicable date is either: Trusts and estates seeking a filing extension must use
Form 7004, Application for Automatic Extension of
Six months after a final determination of federal es- Time to File Certain Business Income Tax, Information,
tate tax liability if the estate is required to file Form and Other Returns (reproduced on page 7). An estate
706, or requesting an automatic extension must enter Code 04
Two years after the date of death if the estate is not in the appropriate box and a trust uses Code 05—these
required to file Form 706 are in Part 1 of Form 7004.
Who Must File the Return Certain special trusts still have a six-month filing
The obligation to file the return and pay the tax is placed extension. The Electing Alaska Native Settlement
on the fiduciary, who is both the: Trust uses Code 06 and a Qualified Funeral Trust
uses Code 07 in Part II of Form 7004. No additional
Trustee for trusts and bankruptcy estates, and extension of time to file can be obtained (T.D. 9229,
Executor, administrator, or personal representative 11/7/2005).
for decedents’ estates
PITFALL: An extension of time to file does not extend
PITFALL: The fiduciary is personally liable for this the time to pay the tax.
obligation if any debt or bequest is paid before sat-
isfying the federal tax obligation. This liability does
not end when the fiduciary’s role is terminated. STUDY QUESTIONS

7. All of the following entities must file Form 1041

Due Dates for Filing the Return except:
a. Estates of decedents with gross income of
The due date for filing the 2009 Form 1041 is April $600 or more or with a nonresident alien
15, 2010, for trusts required to use a calendar year. In beneficiary
the case of estates (and qualified revocable trusts that b. Bankruptcy estates with gross income of
elect to be treated as part of the grantor’s estate for $9,350 or more in 2009
income tax purposes), if a fiscal year is selected, the c. Revocable trusts created after 1980 where the
due date is the 15th day of the fourth month after the grantor is treated as the owner of all trust assets
close of the estate’s tax year. and acts as trustee (so-called living trusts)

EXAMPLE: An estate adopts a fiscal year ending on

May 31. The estate’s income tax return is due no
later than September 15.

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MODULE 1 — CHAPTER 1 — Introduction 9

THEN use this address if you:

8. If a qualified revocable trust elects to be treated
as part of a grantor/decedent’s estate, all of the Are not enclos- Are enclosing
following result except: IF you are ing a check or a check or
located in ... money order ... money order ...
a. The active participation rules under Code
Sec. 469 are waived for two years after the Connecticut, Internal Revenue Internal Revenue
Delaware, District of Service Center, Service Center,
death of the grantor/decedent.
Columbia, Georgia, Cincinnati, Ohio Cincinnati, Ohio
b. The trust must continue to make estimated Illinois, Indiana, 45999-0048 45999-0148
tax payments despite the election. Kentucky, Maine,
c. The trust can claim a charitable contribu- Maryland, Massa-
tion deduction for amounts permanently chusetts, Michigan,
set aside for charity without the require- New Hampshire,
ment that such amounts actually be paid. New Jersey, New
York, North Caro-
9. An estate adopts a fiscal year ending on May 31. lina, Ohio, Pennsyl-
vania, Rhode Island,
The estate’s income tax return for 2009 is due no
South Carolina,
later than:
Tennessee, Ver-
a. March 15, 2010 mont, Virginia, West
b. April 15, 2010 Virginia, Wisconsin
c. September 15, 2010 Alabama, Alaska, Internal Revenue Internal Revenue
Arizona, Arkansas, Service Center, Service Center,
California, Colorado, Ogden, Utah Ogden, Utah
Where to File Florida, Hawaii, 84201-0048 84201-0148
Idaho, Iowa, Kan-
Generally, all trusts and estates required to file do so sas, Louisiana, Min-
in the IRS Service Center in which they are located. nesota, Mississippi,
The location of the entity generally is based on the Missouri, Montana,
Nebraska, Nevada,
location of the fiduciary, which may differ from the New Mexico, North
location of the beneficiaries or the location of the Dakota, Oklahoma,
decedent. There are two service centers that process Oregon, South
Form 1041 returns. Dakota, Texas,
Utah, Washington,
A list of these IRS Service Centers is on the follow-
ing page. A foreign country Internal Revenue Internal Revenue
or a United States Service Center, Service Center,
possession Ogden, Utah, Ogden, Utah,
NOTE: Different addresses are used for returns ac- 84201-0210 84201-0222
companied by payment than those without payment,
as well as foreign entity returns.

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10 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

Private Delivery Services STUDY QUESTIONS

Returns can be filed using designated private delivery
10. Trusts and estates can obtain an automatic filing
services in order to meet the “timely mailing as timely
extension? True or False?
filing/paying” rule for tax returns and payments. The
following services have been designated (Notice 2004- 11. All of the following statements are correct except:
83, IRB 2004-52): a. An IRS-designated private delivery service
can be used to satisfy the “timely mailed as
DHL Worldwide Express (DHL): DHL Same Day timely filed/paid” rule.
Service; DHL Next Day 10:30 am; DHL Next Day b. Form 1041 returns can be e-filed.
12:00 pm; DHL Next Day 3:00 pm; and DHL 2nd c. A decedent’s Form 1041 must be filed in
Day Service. the same service center in which the dece-
Federal Express (FedEx): FedEx Priority Overnight, dent was domiciled.
FedEx Standard Overnight, FedEx 2Day, FedEx Inter-
national Priority, and FedEx International First.
United Parcel Service (UPS): UPS Next Day Air, RECENT DEVELOPMENTS
UPS Next Day Air Saver, UPS 2nd Day Air, UPS 2nd The IRS has issued a notice of a proposed revenue ruling
Day Air A.M., UPS Worldwide Express Plus, and UPS explaining the tax results when a family members create
Worldwide Express. a private trust company (PTC) to serve as the trustee of
trusts having family members as grantors and beneficia-
Electronic Filing ries (Notice 2008-63, IRB 2008-31, 261). Under the
proposed ruling, neither the appointment nor service of
Estate and trust returns can be filed electronically. The
a PTC as trustee will, by itself, cause a trust to be treated
IRS’s 1041 e-file program enables fiduciary returns to
as a grantor trust.
be filed through e-file providers. For a list of providers,
go to The IRS has shortened the extended due date for returns
of trusts (other than certain special trusts) and estates
PRACTICE POINTER: Fiduciaries who submit multi- due on or after January 1, 2009, to five months (IR-
ple returns may wish to become an e-file provider. 2008-84, 6/30/08).
The IRS designated certain actions that manipulate
grantor trusts as transactions of interest which have the
potential for tax evasion and will be closely watched
(Notice 2007-73, IRB 2007-36, 545).

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Overview of Trusts and Estates

LEARNING OBJECTIVES Examples of a simple trust include the following:

This chapter will enable participants to gain a quick A Subchapter S Trust (QSST) is a simple trust in
overview of the taxation of trusts and estates. all years other than the year of termination (when
corpus is distributed) because, by definition, the
Upon completion, you will know: trust requires the current distribution of all income.
How trusts and estates are created A separate share trust may not be treated as a QSST
How to identify different types of trusts if there is a remote possibility that the corpus of the
The different types of estates trust will be distributed during the lifetime of the cur-
rent income beneficiary to someone other than that
INTRODUCTION beneficiary (Rev. Rul. 93-31, 1993-1 CB 186).
A Terminable interest property trust (QTIP trust)
Before focusing on the details of completing the fidu- is a simple trust in all years other than the year of
ciary return, it is advisable to review some basic rules termination (when corpus is distributed) because, by
for trusts and estates. Note that, even though the federal definition, the trust requires the current distribution
estate tax is currently being temporarily phased out for of all income to the surviving spouse.
2010 (unless Congress passes further legislation), the
use of trusts in estate and financial planning should not
diminish appreciably. Also, estates will still have to file OBSERVATION: A trust requiring the distribution
of all of its income annually to a beneficiary (other
income tax returns for the period of administration even than a charity) is a simple trust even if it makes no
though there may be no estate tax owed. distributions.

Complex Trusts
An individual can create a trust during life (inter vivos
trusts) or by will (testamentary trusts). Examples of spe- Complex trusts include all trusts that do not fit the defi-
cific types of trusts include marital deduction trusts, qual- nition of simple trusts. Examples of complex trusts in-
ified terminable interest property (QTIP) trusts, credit clude charitable remainder trusts and discretionary trusts
shelter trusts and irrevocable life insurance trusts. that do not mandate current distribution of income.
A simple trust will become a complex trust in any year
PRACTICE POINTER: A copy of the trust instrument it distributes principal. A simple trust automatically
need not be filed with Form 1041 unless the IRS becomes a complex trust in the year of termination since
requests it.
principal is distributed in that year.
There are two basic types of trusts: simple trusts and The governing instrument and/or state law can deter-
complex trusts. Whether a trust is classified as a simple mine the type of trust. For example:
or complex trust affects the amount of the exemption
A testamentary trust provided that the trust would
that the trust can claim and who reports the income.
distribute all of its income to the son, as income
Simple Trusts beneficiary, but undistributed income at the time of
the son’s death would be distributed under the father’s
A trust is treated as a simple trust if the trust instrument residuary clause. The trust was a simple trust in all
requires the current distribution of all income and pro- years during the son’s life but would be a complex
hibits the distribution or use of trust funds for charitable trust in the year of the son’s death (S.A. Seligson,
purposes, and if the trust does not distribute amounts
attributable to corpus (Code Sec. 651; Reg. §1.651(a)-1).

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12 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

63 TCM 3101, TC Memo 1992-320, aff ’d CA-9, A qualified disability trust is any trust established solely
unpublished opinion, 1/6/94). for the benefit of an individual under the age of 65
Gain or loss on the sale of S corporation stock by a who is disabled and all of the beneficiaries of which
qualified Subchapter S trust is taxable to the benefi- are determined by the Social Security Administration
ciary (not the trust), even if state law allocates the to have been disabled for some part of the year (Code
proceeds to principal and thus, the QSST is a simple Sec. 1396p(c)(2)(B)(iv) of the Social Security Act). The
trust (Rev. Rul. 92-84, 1992-2 CB 216). trust must be set up by a parent, grandparent, legal
guardian or court for the benefit of disabled person;
Grantor Trusts the disabled person cannot set up such trust on his or
A grantor trust is a trust that is treated as being substan- her own behalf.
tially owned by the grantor. Different incidents of own-
ership can cause a trust to be treated as a grantor trust PRACTICE POINTER: A trust will not be disqualified
(Code Sec. 673-678). For example, a grantor trust is one merely because the trust’s corpus may revert to a
in which a grantor is treated as the owner of any portion of person who is not disabled after the trust ceases to
the trust in which he or she has a reversionary interest in have any disabled beneficiaries.
either the income or corpus if, at the creation of the trust,
the value of that interest is more than five (5) percent of Family Estate Trusts
the value of that portion. This definition only applies to
This type of trust goes by several different names. It is re-
transfers made in trust after March 1, 1986.
ferred to as a family, family estate, pure, equity, equity pure,
A grantor is treated as holding any power or interest prime, or constitutional trust. With this type of entity, an
that was held by either the grantor’s spouse at the time individual transfers property to a trust or assigns income to
the power or interest was created, or by a person who a trust in exchange for the services of that individual. The
became the grantor’s spouse after that power or interest trust instrument typically includes provisions to pay the liv-
was created (Code Sec. 672(e)). ing expenses of the individual and/or his or her family. The
individual may be the trustee of the trust or an executive
The best example of a grantor trust is a revocable living officer of the entity. Ownership interests in the trust are evi-
trust. The advantages of this type of trust are discussed denced by certificates of beneficial interest. When the trust
in Chapter 11. When a grantor of a revocable trust dies, terminates, corpus and undistributed income is distributed
his or her estate can elect to treat the trust as part of the to the owner of the certificates (i.e., the individual who set
estate (Code Sec. 645). This election was discussed in up the trust and members of his or her family). A family
Chapter 1. estate trust is generally treated as a grantor trust.

STUDY QUESTIONS PRACTICE POINTER: Family estate trusts are no

longer popular, having largely been replaced by
1. Once a trust is a simple trust, it can never be a family limited partnerships and family limited liability
complex trust. True or False? companies (LLCs).

Charitable Remainder Trusts

NOTE: Answers to Study Questions, with feedback
to both the correct and incorrect responses, are pro- A charitable remainder trust is designed to provide the
vided in a special section beginning on page 101. trust donor or chosen beneficiaries with income for life
or for a term of years (not exceeding 20 years), after
Qualified Disability Trusts which the remaining trust property passes to an exempt
organization. These trusts can be set up during a person’s
Disabled individuals can qualify for Medicaid while still lifetime, or under a person’s will or revocable living trust
enjoying some “extras” through the use of special trusts, to be created upon the donor’s death.
called qualified disability trusts, which are set up for their
benefit. Since the trustee is not required to distribute all There are two key advantages to a charitable remain-
of the income annually, it is a complex trust. These trusts der trust:
are sometimes referred to as supplemental needs or special 1. Appreciated property can be transferred to the trust,
needs trusts. which can sell it income tax free (because the trust

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M O D U L E 1 — C H A P T E R 2 — O v e r v i e w o f Tr u s t s a n d E s t a t e s 13

is a tax-exempt entity) and reinvest the proceeds of Ordinary income to the extent of the trust’s ordinary
sale to produce income for the grantor-beneficiary. income for the year and any undistributed ordinary
Consider, for example, a grantor who owns a highly- income from prior years
appreciated vacation property, which he no longer uses. Short-term capital gains to the extent of the sum of the
Instead of selling the property and paying capital gains trust’s net short-term capital gains for the year and un-
on the profit, the grantor can transfer it to a charitable distributed short-term capital gains from prior years
remainder trust. The trustee can then sell the property Long-term capital gains to the extent of the sum of the
without any current income tax and use the proceeds trust’s net long-term capital gains for the year and un-
to buy income-producing assets that will furnish the distributed long-term capital gains from prior years
grantor with an income stream. Other income, including tax-exempt income, to the
2. The grantor (if the trust is set up during his or her extent of the sum of the trust’s other income for the year
lifetime) can claim a current charitable contribution and undistributed other income from prior years
income tax deduction for the value of the remainder Distribution of corpus
interest that will pass to charity. In the case of a testa-
mentary charitable remainder trust, the estate can claim PRACTICE POINTER: The IRS had required a married
an estate tax charitable contribution deduction. person setting up a charitable remainder trust (CRT) on
or after June 28, 2005, to obtain a written waiver from
There are two types of charitable remainder trusts: a spouse stating that the spouse will not exercise a
state’s right of election upon the grantor’s death as a
1. The charitable remainder unitrust condition of qualification for a CRT (Rev. Proc. 2005-24,
2. The charitable remainder annuity trust 2005-1 CB 909).
Many of the rules are applicable to both types of trusts, However, in response to complaints by practitioners
but there are some differences. about the burden of compliance, the IRS has extended
the safe harbor deadline indefinitely while it reconsiders
Charitable remainder unitrust. This type of trust re- the issue (Notice 2006-15, IRB 2006-8, 501). To date, no
quires payments to the non-charitable beneficiary of a additional guidance has been provided.
fixed percentage (not less than 5 percent) of the trust
property’s fair market value determined each year. Charitable remainder trusts are taxed on unrelated
business taxable income (UBTI) (Code Sec. 512). If a
PRACTICE POINTER: If the value of assets in the trust charitable remainder trust has UBTI, it remains exempt
appreciates, income beneficiaries receive increased from federal income tax but is subject to a 100 percent
distributions. excise tax on its UBTI.
The tax is reported on Form 4720, Return of Certain
Charitable remainder annuity trust. This type of trust
Excise Taxes under Chapters 41 and 42 of the Internal
requires the payment to the non-charitable beneficiary Revenue Code. The tax is treated as paid from corpus,
of a fixed amount annually, based on a percentage of not and the trust income that is UBTI income of the trust
less than five percent of the value of the property con- for purposes of determining the character of the distri-
tributed to the trust. Since payments are fixed, principal bution made to the beneficiary is allocated to corpus.
may have to be used if income is insufficient to meet (Proposed amendment to Reg. §1.664-1(D)(2), NPRM-
required distributions. REG-127391-07, 3/7/08).
Special income tax rules apply to charitable remainder
trusts (Code Sec. 664). In general, charitable remainder PRACTICE POINTER: The IRS has identified a transac-
trusts are exempt from taxation. Taxation of the trust arises tion involving charitable remainder trusts as a transac-
only if there is unrelated business income. In that case, the tion of interest for purposes of the reportable transac-
trust can claim a deduction for distributions of income tion rules (Notice 2008-99, IRB 2008-47, 1194).
to beneficiaries. Income beneficiaries are not exempt
from taxation of income they receive from a charitable Charitable Lead Trusts
remainder trust. The character of the income distributed
to the beneficiaries is determined by using the ordering In a charitable lead trust, a charity has an income interest
rules contained in Reg. §1.664-1(d). These regulations for a term of years, with the reversion to the grantor (or the
are complex, but in general the income beneficiaries are remainder to someone else designated by the grantor).
treated as receiving income in the following order:

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14 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

Grantor Retained Income Trusts (GRITs)

3. Which statement regarding a charitable remainder
These are irrevocable inter vivos trusts in which the trust is correct?
grantor keeps an income interest for a term of years, with a. The trust is tax-exempt (unless there is unre-
property then passing to a named beneficiary at the end of lated business income).
that term. The purpose of a GRIT is to transfer property b. The income beneficiary is tax-exempt.
at reduced transfer tax costs. c. Both a. and b. are correct.

With a GRIT, a trust is set up for a fixed term (e.g., 10

or 15 years), typically funded with appreciating assets. Qualified Subchapter S Trusts (QSSTs)
Only the value of the remainder after the end of the trust
term is a gift for gift tax purposes if the remainder passes These are trusts set up to hold stock in an S corporation.
to someone other than the grantor or spouse. They must meet certain statutory requirements (Code
Sec. 1361(d)):
Today, GRITs must take one of three forms:
There is only one income beneficiary at a time.
Grantor retained annuity trust (GRAT) for members Any corpus distributed during the life of the cur-
of the family of the grantor rent income beneficiary must be distributed to
Grantor retained unitrust (GRUT) for members of that beneficiary.
the family of the grantor
Grantor retained income trust (GRIT) for a person As mentioned earlier, a QSST is a simple trust in all
who is not a family member of the grantor years except the year of any distribution of corpus (such
as upon the termination of the trust).
A variation on the GRIT is a qualified personal residence
trust (QPRT). A donor can establish a QPRT to own his Electing Small Business Trusts (ESBTs)
or her personal residence (or qualified vacation home) and These are also trusts set up to hold stock in an S corpora-
the trust cannot hold any asset other than a modest cash tion (Code Sec. 1361(e)). However, they provide more
holding and the residence. flexibility than QSSTs. For example, they can have more
Like a GRIT, QPRTs are designed to pass the home to than one current income beneficiary at a time and the
children or others at reduced transfer tax cost. There are trustee can have discretion on the distribution or ac-
severe restrictions on what the trust can own and other cumulation of income.
terms that the trust must contain. ESBTs are subject to special rules (Code Sec. 641(c)).
The portion of an ESBT consisting of stock in one or
PRACTICE POINTER: As a practical matter, a QPRT more S corporations is treated as a separate trust. This
does not generally produce income and qualifies as a separate trust is taxed as follows:
grantor trust and so would not have to file a separate
income tax return. The separate trust is not entitled to claim any exemption.
Income from the separate trust is taxed at the highest
marginal rate imposed on trusts and estates (i.e., a flat
STUDY QUESTIONS rate in 2009 of 35 percent on ordinary income and
15 percent on net capital gains).
2. All of the following are requirements of a qualified The only items of income, loss, deduction, or credit
disability trust except: that can be taken into account are the pro rata share
a. The trust must provide that corpus be pay- of S corporation items, gain or loss from the dis-
able to the disabled individual’s estate upon position of S stock, state or local income taxes and
the death of the disabled person. administrative expenses allocated to S corporation
b. The trust must be set up by a parent, grand- items. Also, interest paid or accrued on indebtedness
parent, legal guardian, or court for the benefit to acquire stock in an S corporation can be taken into
of the disabled person.
account in computing the taxable income of the S
c. The disabled person must be under the age
of 65.
portion of an ESBT (Code Sec. 641(c)(2)(iv)). No
deduction can be claimed for capital losses in excess
of capital gains. No exemption or income distribu-
tion deduction can be claimed.

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M O D U L E 1 — C H A P T E R 2 — O v e r v i e w o f Tr u s t s a n d E s t a t e s 15

No item relating to S corporation stock is allocated to the

beneficiary. All such income and other items are taxed 5. Which of the following types of trusts is a simple trust?
to the trust. The income is not included in the distribut- a. Qualified disability trust
able net income of the trust and is not included in the b. Electing small business trust (ESBT)
beneficiary’s income. Instead, tax on this separate portion c. A trust that requires the current distribution of
all income, prohibits the distribution or use of
is entered as an additional tax on Schedule G of Form trust funds for charitable purposes, and does
1041 (explained in more detail in Chapter 7). not distribute amounts attributable to corpus

PITFALL: It would appear that the alternative minimum 6. A qualified subchapter S trust (QSST) is:
tax exemption for the ESBT separate trust is zero. a. Always a simple trust
b. Always a complex trust
c. Sometimes a simple trust and sometimes
The balance of the trust (the portion not treated as a
a complex trust (depending on principal
separate trust holding S stock) is taxed without taking distributions)
into account items already considered by that separate
trust. The trust can figure distributable net income for 7. Which statement regarding an electing small busi-
the non-separate trust. ness trust (ESBT) is not correct?
a. The income from the separate trust is taxed
If the trust terminates before the end of the S corporation
at a flat rate, which is the highest marginal
tax year, the trust must take into account it’s pro rata rate on trusts and estates.
share of S corporation items for its final year. b. No item relating to S corporation stock is al-
located to the beneficiary.
PRACTICE POINTER: On the termination of any or c. The separate trust may use the exemption
all of the separate trust, any unused loss carryovers allowed to complex trusts.
and excess deductions are taken into account by
the entire trust.
Multiple Trusts (Code Sec. 643(f))

Regulations clarify who is the beneficiary of the ESBT Multiple trust rules are effective for irrevocable trusts
(Reg. §1.1361-1(m)). A “beneficiary” includes any per- set up after March 1, 1984. These rules also apply to
son with a present, remainder, or reversionary interest additions to corpus to pre-March 2, 1984, trusts. In
in the trust other than a remote, contingent interest. general, these rules require multiple trusts to be ag-
If the trust makes a distribution to another trust, the gregated and treated as one trust where multiple trusts
beneficiary of the distributing trust is the beneficiary were created for tax avoidance purposes. Only one
of the distributor trust (not the trust itself ). Generally, Form 1041 is required to be filed for trusts treated as
where there is a less than 5 percent probability that a multiple trusts.
person will receive an interest in the trust, it is viewed
as a remote, contingent interest and the person is not PRACTICE POINTER: When faced with multiple
viewed as a beneficiary. Also, effective after December trusts that are aggregated, it is usually advisable
31, 2004, powers of appointment that are not exercised from a tax perspective to distribute income, so that
are disregarded in determining the potential current it is not taxed at the trust’s high rate.
income beneficiaries of the ESBT.
Definition of multiple trusts. Multiple trusts are two
STUDY QUESTIONS or more trusts with substantially the same grantor
and substantially the same primary beneficiary, if
4. Which of the following types of trust is not a a principal purpose of having multiple trusts is tax
simple trust? avoidance. A married couple is treated as one person
a. Qualified Subchapter S trust (QSST) (other for purposes of this definition.
than in the year of termination)
b. Charitable remainder trust (CRT) EXAMPLE: A parent sets up Trust A and Trust B
c. Qualified terminable interest property trust for a child in order to keep taxes down. Income,
(QTIP) (other than in the year of termination) expenses, etc. of Trust A and Trust B are aggregated
for reporting purposes.

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16 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

However, where there is a valid purpose for multiple trust accumulates income, changes its status to a do-
trusts, they will not be aggregated merely because there mestic trust and then distributes accumulated income,
is the same beneficiary. the distribution is treated as being made from a foreign
trust (Rev. Rul. 91-6, 1991-1 CB 89).
EXAMPLE: A parent sets up Trust A and Trust B as
Regulations clarify the rules for determining whether a
trust is a domestic or foreign trust (Reg. §301.7701-7).
Trust A provides that all income is payable to Child A
The regulations add investment trusts to the category
for life, with the remainder payable to Child B upon
the death of Child A.
of trusts that can use the control test to determine the
situs of the trust. (Situs is the jurisdiction governing
Trust B gives discretion to the trustee to pay income and
principal to Child A for medical expenses and also gives
the trust.) These trusts are subject to reporting require-
discretion to the trustee to pay income to Child B for ments that ensure that all trustees are U.S. persons and
education, support and maintenance, with the remain- the interests offered for sale are primarily in the United
der payable to Child B upon the death of Child A. States to U.S. persons.
Since the purpose of these multiple trusts is not tax
avoidance, they should not be aggregated. Abusive Trusts

Trusts that are abusive, which include those that lack

Accumulation distributions and multiple trusts. If a economic substance or otherwise attempt to skirt tax
beneficiary receives a distribution from three or more rules, will be disregarded for tax purposes even though
trusts related to the same tax year, then special rules they may be legally valid under local law.
apply (Code Sec. 667(c)). In determining a partial tax,
the trust may not use as an offset or credit any taxes paid For example, in one case, a taxpayer set up a family
by third or additional trusts. This rule does not apply if trust and transferred all of his property to the trust,
the accumulation distribution is less than $1,000. including the right to receive salary from a closely-held
business. The main trust was an asset management trust
Alaska Native Settlement Trusts used to pay all of the taxpayer’s personal expenses,
These are trusts set up to receive awards to these Native including management fees to the taxpayer, and to
Americans in settlement of Alaska aboriginal settlement distribute excess corpus to a charitable trust also set
claims under the Alaska Native Settlement Claims Act up by the taxpayer.
of 1971 (“ACT”). The ACT established more than 200
After claiming all expenses as deductions, the trust
Native corporations to receive almost $1 billion and 44
reported no taxable income. An appellate court held
million acres of land. Subsequent legislation authorized
that the trust was a sham transaction lacking any
settlement trusts, which are allowed only to invest the funds
economic effect other than to generate tax losses (F.
passively to promote the health, education and welfare of
Muhich, CA-7, 2001-1 USTC ¶50,199, 238 F3d 860).
the beneficiaries and preserve the heritage and culture of
The taxpayer’s personal expenses were not deductible
the Native Americans. These trusts can elect under Code
trust administration expenses. As such, the taxpayer
Sec. 646 to be taxed on their income at the lowest federal
was subject to the disallowance of deductions and
tax rates for unmarried individual taxpayers (i.e., 10 percent
accuracy-related penalties.
for ordinary income; zero percent for capital gains).
In some instances, charitable lead and remainder trusts
Foreign Trusts
can be viewed as abusive trusts. As part of the IRS
If a trust is a nonresident alien trust or a foreign trust crusade against these abusive trusts, regulations seek to
with U.S. source income, then the trustee must file Form limit the opportunity for abusive trusts in the case of
1040-NR. The estate of a nonresident alien is taxed on charitable lead and remainder trusts (T.D. 8923 and
U.S. source income. If an estate or domestic trust was the T.D. 8926). These regulations eliminate the possibility
grantor of or made transfers to a foreign trust, this fact must of so-called vulture trusts by limiting who can be the
be noted on line 4, page 2 of Form 1041 in the “Other measuring life for determining the term of the trust
Information” section. If so, then Form 3520, Annual Re- (precluding the use of seriously ill individuals, who are
turn to Report Transactions with Foreign Trusts and Receipt unrelated to the grantor or the remainder beneficiaries
of Certain Foreign Gifts, may have to be completed. as measuring lives for charitable lead trusts). The regula-
Special rules apply to accumulation distributions from tions also prevent the mischaracterization of distribu-
foreign trusts (Code Secs. 667(d) and 668). If a foreign tions from the trust.

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M O D U L E 1 — C H A P T E R 2 — O v e r v i e w o f Tr u s t s a n d E s t a t e s 17

The IRS has also ruled that trusts cannot be used to

PRACTICE POINTER: A copy of the decedent’s will
avoid the restrictions on private foundations (Letter
does not need to be filed with the estate’s income
Ruling 200047048). Thus, where one instrument has tax return unless the IRS requests it.
created four trust funds, each with its own employer
identification number and bank account, the trusts
must be viewed together for purposes of determining A bankruptcy estate is created when an individual files
the charitable contribution limit. a petition under either Chapter 7 or 11 of Title 11 of
the U.S. Code. A separate taxpayer is not created when
a partnership or corporation files for bankruptcy under
PRACTICE POINTER: The IRS continues to crack
any chapter of Title 11 of the U.S. Code.
down on what it perceives as a “misuse of trusts,”
where unscrupulous promoters promise to reduce
income by claiming a deduction for various personal PITFALL: The filing of a tax return for a bankruptcy
expenses that are not allowed under the tax law. estate does not relieve the individual debtor of his
The IRS has pursued both civil and criminal sanc- or her individual tax obligations.
tions against those participating in these trusts. It
has included misuse of trusts in its “Dirty Dozen”
list of tax scams in which the IRS said it has seen Foreign Estates
an increase in the improper use of private annuity
Where a decedent is a nonresident alien, the estate is still
trusts and foreign trusts to divert income and deduct
personal expenses (IR-2009-41, 4/13/09). taxed on U.S. source income. If a foreign estate was the
grantor of or made transfers to a foreign trust, this fact
must be disclosed on line 4, page 2 of Form 1041, in the
For a listing of trusts that the IRS has classified
“Other Information” section. The estate may have to file
as abusive, go to
Form 3520, Annual Return to Report Transactions with
Foreign Trusts and Receipt of Certain Foreign Gifts.
8. In 2009, a mother and father each create a trust
with their child as the beneficiary (and there is no 10. Which statement concerning a bankruptcy estate
reason other than tax avoidance for the two trusts). is correct?
For tax purposes, which statement is correct? a. It is created when any taxpayer (individual,
a. Each trust must file a separate Form 1041. partnership, or corporation) files for bank-
b. Income and expenses from both trusts are ruptcy under Title 11 of the U.S. Code.
aggregated for reporting purposes. b. It is created when an individual files a petition
c. Income and expenses of each trust are under either Chapter 7 or 11 of Title 11 of the
reported separately, so that each trust can U.S. Code.
claim an exemption amount. c. Once a bankruptcy estate comes into be-
ing, the bankrupt person no longer has to
9. Assume an Alaska Native settlement trust makes a file a return.
Section 646 election. Which statement is correct?
a. The trust pays a flat tax rate on ordinary
income of 10 percent. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS
b. The trust pays tax on ordinary income at
The IRS has identified a transaction involving charitable
graduated rates for trusts and estates.
remainder trusts as a transaction of interest for purposes
c. The trust pays no tax—all income is distrib-
uted to the beneficiaries who pay tax.
of the reportable transaction rules (Notice 2008-99, IRB
2008-47, 1194).
The IRS will not rule on various trust and estate mat-
ters—including whether the settlement of a charitable
A separate taxpaying entity, an estate, comes into being remainder trust upon the termination of the nonchari-
at the death of a decedent and continues until the estate table interest is made within a reasonable period of time,
administration concludes and the estate terminates. This or the period of administration or settlement of an estate
is so even though the probate process may not actually is reasonable or unduly prolonged (Rev. Proc. 2009-3,
begin until weeks or months after the decedent’s death. IRB 2009-1, 107).

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18 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

Tax-free division of a single charitable remainder trust The IRS has released sample forms for inter vivos and
into separate trusts is allowed without adverse tax results testamentary charitable lead trusts (Rev. Proc. 2008-
(Rev. Rul. 2008-41, IRB 2008-30, 170). 45, IRB 2008-30, 224, and Rev. Proc. 2008-46, IRB
2008-30, 238).

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General Information


(PAGE 1 OF FORM 1041)
This chapter will assist readers in completing the fidu-
ciary income tax return. On line A, check the box next to the appropriate type
of entity:
Upon completion, you will be able to:
Decedent’s estate
Complete the basic information on the top of page Simple trust
1 of Form 1041 Complex trust
Answer the questions in the “Other Information” Qualified disability trust
section on page 2 of Form 1041 Electing small business trust (ESBT—S portion only)
Grantor-type trust
Bankruptcy estate under Chapter 7
Form 1041 is a two-page form with various supporting Bankruptcy estate under Chapter 11
forms and schedules. Start to complete the return by Pooled income fund
filling in the general information on lines A through
G (see below). At the top of the form, fill in the calendar or fiscal year
beginning and ending dates (see the Tax Year section on
page 20), the name of the estate or trust, the name and
PRACTICE POINTER: The 2009 version of Form 1041 title of the fiduciary, and the fiduciary’s address.
is essentially the same as the version for 2008.
Unlike the version prior to 2008, Schedule I, Al- On line B at the top of the return, enter the number of
ternative Minimum Tax—Estates and Trusts, is a Schedules K-1 attached. Essentially, the number of K-1s is
separate form and is no longer part of the body of the same as the number of beneficiaries that are required
Form 1041. to be informed of trust or estate income, deductions, etc.
allocated to them.
Department of the Treasury—Internal Revenue Service

U.S. Income Tax Return for Estates and Trusts 2009 OMB No. 1
A Type of entity (see instr.): For calendar year 2009 or fiscal year beginning , 2009, and ending
Decedent’s estate Name of estate or trust (If a grantor type trust, see page 14 of the instructions.) C Employer identification

Simple trust
Name and title of fiduciary D Date entity created

Complex trust
Qualified disability trust
Number, street, and room or suite no. (If a P.O. box, see page 15 of the instructions.) E Nonexempt charitable and

ESBT (S portion only)
interest trusts, check app
Grantor type trust boxes (see page 16 of the

a 9
Bankruptcy estate-Ch. 7 Described in section 494
City or town, state, and ZIP code

Bankruptcy estate-Ch. 11 Not a private foundation

f 0
Pooled income fund Described in section 494

B Number of Schedules K-1 F Check

Initial return Final return Amended return Change in trust's name
attached (see applicable


boxes: Change in fiduciary Change in fiduciary's name Change in fiduciary's add

G Check here if the estate or filing trust made a section 645 election . . . . . . 

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 19 10/19/2009 10:13:43 AM
20 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

NOTE: A decedent’s estate does not need to attach PRACTICE POINTER: Revocable trusts that elect to
a copy of the decedent’s will to the Form 1041. The be treated and taxed as part of the estate can use a
executor does, however, need to attach a copy of fiscal year—the same fiscal year as the estate.
the will to the decedent’s federal estate tax return This enables some tax deferral planning for the
(Form 706). trusts and their beneficiaries. For grantor trusts that
are wholly-owned by the grantor, deferral is not an
On line C at the top of the return, enter the employer issue; since trust items are taxed to the grantor, the
identification number (EIN) for the entity. All estates trust uses the same tax year as the grantor (Rev. Rul.
90-55, 1990-2 CB 161).
and trusts that are required to file income tax returns
must have an EIN. A decedent’s estate may not use the
decedent’s Social Security number as its EIN. If the entity is using a calendar year, nothing special
must be noted. If the estate is using a fiscal year, enter
To obtain the EIN, the fiduciary should file Form SS-4. the beginning and ending date of the entity’s tax year for
If the entity has not obtained an EIN by the time it files which the return relates. Similarly, if the return is for a
a return, enter “Applied for” on line C. short year for an entity, fill in the applicable period at
the top of the return.
PRACTICE POINTER: Form SS-4 can be ob-
tained online at
A 2009 Form 1041 is filed for the calendar year 2009
article/0,,id=102767,00.html. and fiscal years beginning in 2009. The 2009 Form 1041
The EIN Assistant is an online application process
may also be filed for a tax year beginning in 2010 if the
that gives you an EIN immediately upon verification. entity has a tax year less than 12 months that begins in
You can receive a verification letter from the IRS. 2010 and the 2010 Form 1041 is not available at the
time the entity is required to file its return.

NOTE: The online EIN Assistant may not be used PRACTICE POINTER: If using a 2009 Form 1041 for
by a foreign filer. a tax year beginning in 2010, be sure to incorporate
any tax law changes effective for 2010.
On line D at the top of the return, enter the date that
the entity was created. This is the date of the decedent’s
death, the filing of a petition in bankruptcy in the case
of an estate, or the date of the execution of the trust 1. An estate or trust that is required to file Form 1041
instrument in the case of a trust. must obtain an employer identification number.
True or False?
On lines E, F, and G at the top of the return, check any of
the special boxes that apply. There are boxes for nonexempt 2. Which type of entity is required to use a calendar
charitable trusts and split-interest trusts. Indicate if: year to report income?
The return is an initial return, amended return, or a. Charitable remainder trust
final return b. Decedent’s estate
c. Bankruptcy estate
There has been a change in the name of the trust
There has been a change in the fiduciary or in the
fiduciary’s name or address
NOTE: Answers to Study Questions, with feedback
Check box G to indicate if the estate or filing trust has to both the correct and incorrect responses, are pro-
made a Section 645 election, as explained in Chapter 2. vided in a special section beginning on page 101.

Tax Year
Trusts (other than grantor trusts and revocable trusts that
elect to be treated and taxed as part of the estate) are re-
quired to use a calendar year. Estates, including bankruptcy In the case of bankruptcy estates, Form 1041 is only
estates, can use a calendar or fiscal year. The advantages to a transmittal for Form 1040. Attach Form 1040 to
using a fiscal year are discussed in Chapter 11. Form 1041. In the top margin of Form 1040, write
“Attachment to Form 1041. DO NOT DETACH.”

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 20 10/19/2009 10:13:44 AM

MODULE 1 — CHAPTER 3 — General Information 21

g p g , 7
Other Information Yes No
1 Did the estate or trust receive tax-exempt income? If “Yes,” attach a computation of the allocation of expenses
Enter the amount of tax-exempt interest income and exempt-interest dividends  $
2 Did the estate or trust receive all or any part of the earnings (salary, wages, and other compensation) of any
individual by reason of a contract assignment or similar arrangement? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 At any time during calendar year 2009, did the estate or trust have an interest in or a signature or other authority
over a bank, securities, or other financial account in a foreign country? . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
See page 29 of the instructions for exceptions and filing requirements for Form TD F 90-22.1. If “Yes,” enter the
name of the foreign country 
4 During the tax year, did the estate or trust receive a distribution from, or was it the grantor of, or transferor to, a
foreign trust? If “Yes,” the estate or trust may have to file Form 3520. See page 29 of the instructions . . . .
5 Did the estate or trust receive, or pay, any qualified residence interest on seller-provided financing? If “Yes,” see
page 30 for required attachment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 If this is an estate or a complex trust making the section 663(b) election, check here (see page 30) . . 
7 To make a section 643(e)(3) election, attach Schedule D (Form 1041), and check here (see page 30) . . 
8 If the decedent’s estate has been open for more than 2 years, attach an explanation for the delay in closing the estate, and check here 
9 Are any present or future trust beneficiaries skip persons? See page 30 of the instructions . . . . . . . .
Form 1041 (2009)

Complete only the identification area at the top of foreign bank account. This form is due by June 30, 2010,
Form 1041. and is filed with the Department of the Treasury at the
address shown on the return.
Enter the name of the individual debtor (e.g., John
Doe, Public Bankruptcy Estate). Beneath this entry,
PRACTICE POINTER: Do not file Form TD F 90-
write the name of the trustee in bankruptcy (e.g., Sue
22.1 with Form 1041. Form TD F 90-22.1 is not a
Smith, Trustee). In item D, enter the date the peti- tax return.
tion was filed or the date of conversion to a chapter
Failure to file this form with the Treasury can result in
7 or 11 case. a penalty of up to $10,000 (more in some cases).


Line 4. Indicate whether the entity received a distribu-
The bottom portion of page 2 of Form 1041 requires tion from, was a grantor of, or transferor to a foreign
additional information (see above). Some of this in- trust. If yes, file Form 3520, Annual Return to Report
formation is provided merely as a response to a yes/ Transactions with Foreign Trusts and Receipt of Certain
no question. Foreign Gifts if required to do so.

Line 1. Indicate whether the entity received any tax-exempt

PRACTICE POINTER: An owner of a foreign trust
income. If so, the entity must compute an allocation of must ensure that the trust files an annual information
expenses to such income. The allocation is explained in return on Form 3520-A, Annual Information Return
Chapter 4. The allocation is necessary for purposes of of Foreign Trust with a U.S. Owner.
computing the income distribution deduction discussed in
Chapter 6. Also enter the dollar amount of any tax-exempt
Line 5. Indicate whether the entity received or paid any
interest income and exempt-interest dividends received.
qualified residence interest on seller-provided financing.
Line 2. Indicate whether the entity received any earnings If yes, then attach a statement showing name, address,
under a contract assignment or similar arrangement (e.g., and taxpayer identification number (TIN) of the seller
salary, wages, and other compensation). who is being paid the interest from the entity or the
buyer who is paying interest to the entity. Provide the
Line 3. Indicate whether the entity had an interest in or a identical statement to the person liable for such interest
signature or other authority over a foreign bank, foreign (i.e., the buyer).
securities, or other foreign accounts at any time during
the calendar year 2009. If yes, then enter the name of the Line 6. Indicate whether an estate or complex trust is
foreign country. Also file Form TD F 90-22.1, Report of making an election under Code Sec. 663(b). This is
Foreign Bank and Foreign Financial Accounts if the interest an election to treat any amount paid or credited to a
is more than $10,000 or if the entity owns more than beneficiary within 65 days following the close of the
50 percent of the stock of any corporation that owns a tax year as being paid or credited on the last day of the

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 21 10/19/2009 10:13:44 AM

22 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

tax year for this return. This election is made by the ex- STUDY QUESTIONS
ecutor of a decedent’s estate or the trustee of a complex
trust. Once made, it is irrevocable. It must be made on 3. All of the following questions must be answered in
a timely filed return. the “Other Information” section on page 2 of Form
1041, except:
Line 7. Indicate whether the entity is making an election a. The dollar amount of any tax-exempt income
under Code Sec. 643(e)(3) to recognize gain on property received
distributed in kind. If so, then the entity must attach b. Whether the entity has an interest in or sig-
Schedule D (Form 1041) to the return. nature or other authority over a foreign bank
account, foreign securities or other foreign
The Section 643(e) election permits the fiduciary to accounts during the calendar year
choose whether the entity or the beneficiary reports gains c. The date the entity was created
or losses on property that is distributed in kind. This
decision impacts the distributable net income (DNI) 4. An estate that has been open for more than two
and, thus, the amount taxed to the entity. years must attach an explanation to the return.
True or False?

EXAMPLE: Assume a complex trust has DNI of

$55,000 and that the only distribution for the year Line 9. For trusts only, indicate whether there are any
is a distribution of property with a basis of $10,000 present or future trust beneficiaries who are skip persons
and a value of $25,000. If the election is not made, (usually a beneficiary in a generation that is two or more
then the trust claims a distribution deduction of generations below the generation of the transferor to
$10,000 (the basis of the property distributed to the trust). The determination of whether a beneficiary
the beneficiary), leaving $45,000 of taxable income is a skip person is made under the generation-skipping
remaining in the trust. If the election is made, then
transfer tax rules. For general rules on making this
the distribution deduction is $25,000 (the value of
the property distributed to the beneficiary), leaving
determination, see the instructions to Schedule R of
$30,000 of ordinary income and $15,000 of capital Form 706.
gains in the trust.
Line 8. For decedent’s estates only, indicate if the estate
has been open for more than two years. If so, attach an 5. A trust must indicate in the “Other Information”
section on page 2 of Form 1041 whether the trust
explanation for the delay:
had any interest in a foreign bank account. True
The IRS has ruled that an estate that continues to or False?
hold S corporation stock during the period that the
6. Which of the following items are included in the “Other
estate is paying estate tax in installments under Code Information” section on Page 2 of Form 1041?
Sec. 6166 is not considered to be using an unreason-
a. The type of entity
ably prolonged time to keep the estate open (Letter
b. The number of Schedule K-1s attached
Ruling 200226031). c. Whether there are any present or future trust
The IRS will not issue an advance ruling on whether beneficiaries who are skip persons
an estate has been open for an unreasonably long
period (Rev. Proc.2008-3, IRB 2008-1, 110).

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Fiduciary Accounting

LEARNING OBJECTIVES (GAAP). Fiduciary accounting is concerned only with

the allocation of income and principal (also referred to
This chapter will enable participants to gain a quick as corpus).
overview of fiduciary accounting.
For the most part, fiduciary accounting concerns inter-
Upon completion, you will understand: est income (taxable and tax-exempt), dividends, rental
The nature and importance of fiduciary accounting income and business income (including income from
The impact of the Uniform Principal and Income sole proprietorships and partnerships). Capital gains
Act on tax reporting usually are not part of fiduciary accounting (although
How to allocate expenses between income and this is somewhat modified by the regulations under
principal Code Sec. 643, discussed below). On the expense side,
fiduciary accounting generally considers those expenses
NEW THIS YEAR allocated to income (including a reasonable depreciation
allowance). Limitations, such as the 2 percent floor on
Fiduciaries should check their state law to de-
certain expenses and the passive activity loss rules, are
termine adoption of the 2008 amendments to not taken into account.
the Uniform Principal and Income Act and its ef-
fect on fiduciary accounting. (
With the exception of amortization, depreciation and
Update/uniformact_factsheets/uniformacts- depletion, fiduciary accounting generally uses the cash
fs-upia08.asp). method of accounting.
Complex trusts must report fiduciary accounting income
INTRODUCTION on Schedule B of Form 1041. However, there is no special
IRS form for figuring fiduciary accounting income.
Since the fiduciary income tax return is a unique taxing
arrangement in which the entity reports some items STUDY QUESTION
and some are passed through to the beneficiary, the
tax preparer must use special accounting rules . While 1. With respect to fiduciary accounting, which state-
the result of fiduciary accounting is reported on the ment is not correct?
return, there is no IRS form for making the calcula- a. There is a special IRS form used to figure
tions; instead, computations are made on self-prepared fiduciary accounting income.
statements or schedules. b. Fiduciary accounting is used to compute the
distribution deduction.
NATURE AND IMPORTANCE c. Complex trusts figure fiduciary accounting
income on Schedule B.

The fiduciary return rules are designed to allow each

taxpayer (fiduciary and beneficiary) to properly report NOTE: Answers to Study Questions, with feedback
his or her share of income and deductions. Fiduciary to both the correct and incorrect responses, are pro-
accounting is also used to figure the income distribution vided in a special section beginning on page 101.
deduction unique to the fiduciary return.
Fiduciary accounting is not the same as tax account- UNIFORM PRINCIPAL AND INCOME ACT
ing (trust accounting income and taxable income are
not necessarily the same). Fiduciary accounting is not The Uniform Principal and Income Act (UPAIA) is a
governed by generally accepted accounting principles series of laws, adopted by most states, that is used to

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 23 10/19/2009 10:13:45 AM

24 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

determine what is principal and what is income of a and the anticipated effects of inflation, taxes and other
trust or an estate. The purpose of the new act, like its economic conditions.
predecessors, is to provide procedures for fiduciaries ad-
ministering a trust or an estate to separate principal from PRACTICE POINTER: How do trustees know if they
income, and to ensure that the intention of the entity’s have sufficient authority under trusts established
creator is the guiding principle for the fiduciaries. before the UPAIA to make these allocations? Gen-
eral trustee powers, such as the ability to make tax
The newest version of the UPAIA was enacted in 1997 elections or allocations, must be sufficient under the
(“revised law”), with amendments made in 2008. The governing instrument and/or applicable state law to
amendments were made to conform to IRS policy and to authorize a trustee’s actions in this regard.
clarify certain technical language. The amendments have
been adopted in Idaho, North Dakota, South Dakota,
Virginia, and Utah. PRACTICE POINTER: In some states, the trustee
has discretion to convert a trust to a noncharitable
The following chart lists states that have introduced the unitrust if the trust beneficiaries have no objection
2008 amendments but have not yet adopted them: and certain other conditions are satisfied. This al-
lows a specified percentage of trust principal (e.g.,
Arizona Nebraska four percent) to be treated as “income” annually,
California New Mexico providing the trustee with authority for making dis-
Colorado Oklahoma tributions to income beneficiaries. For example, in
Connecticut Washington New York under the revised Uniform Prudent Investor
Indiana West Virginia Act (UPIA), trustees are empowered to create a four
percent unitrust.
Principal means property held in trust for distribution
to a remainder beneficiary when the trust terminates. What is a reasonable apportionment under UPAIA? Ac-
More specifically, principal includes funds used to create cording to the IRS, an allocation of no less than three
the trust as well as gain (or loss) resulting from the sale percent and no more than five percent of trust princi-
or other disposition of property and increases due to pal in a unitrust is a reasonable apportionment (Reg.
liquidating distributions from corporations. Examples of §1.643(b)-1; amended 12/30/03, T.D. 9102). This rule
principal in a decedent’s estate include the following: applies to tax years ending after January 2, 2004.
Legacies paid to beneficiaries
Gains and losses on assets as they are sold PRACTICE POINTER: The impact of the UPAIA is to
Assets held by the estate on the date of death give fiduciaries greater investment flexibility. In effect,
fiduciaries can make investment choices without be-
Income means “money or property that a fiduciary re- ing viewed as favoring one class of beneficiary over
ceives as current return from a principal asset.” Examples another class: both income and remainderman can
of income include interest income, dividends (to the benefit from this increased flexibility.
extent not included as principal such as liquidating
dividends) and net income from rental real estate or
other property. PITFALL: The UPAIA cannot be used to override the
wishes of a grantor that have been expressed in a
The UPAIA authorizes the trustee to make allocations trust or the wishes of a decedent that are expressed
of some principal to income (and some income to prin- in a will.
cipal) in order to distribute a “fair share” to the income
beneficiary. This rule has been necessitated because of the
generally low yields on income-generating instruments ALLOCATING RECEIPTS
(e.g., less than two percent for interest-bearing money BETWEEN INCOME AND PRINCIPAL
market funds and CDs). To make an equitable adjust- In general, income passes through (i.e., is allocated) to
ment, a trustee must take into account all the facts and a beneficiary while principal stays with the entity. The
circumstances, including nature, purpose and expected governing instrument is the primary guide to the alloca-
duration of the trust, the grantor’s intent, the needs of tion. Local state law (the state’s version of the UPAIA)
the beneficiaries, the types of property held by the trust is secondary.

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 24 10/19/2009 10:13:45 AM

MODULE 1 — CHAPTER 4 — Fiduciary Accounting 25

EXAMPLE: A trust instrument to which pension ben- 5. What is the primary guide to allocating the income
efits are paid specifically instructs that 85 percent of and principal of an entity?
such distributions be allocated to principal and 15 a. Trustee’s discretion
percent to income. b. State law
This trust instruction governs the allocation of the c. Governing instrument
pension benefits in this case. But if the trust instru-
ment is silent, then state law (and its version of the
Allocations generally follow a common sense approach
but can be altered by the trust document or state law. Deductions that are allocated to the fiduciary are reported
Typical income items, such as interest income, dividends, on page 1 of Form 1041 and reduce income taxed to the
and business profits, are allocated to income, while short- entity. Deductions that are allocated to the beneficiary
term and long-term capital gains are usually allocated are reported on Schedule K-1, as well as being taken into
to principal. The allocation of capital gains is made on account in figuring accounting income on Schedule B.
Schedule D of Form 1041. Allocations of income to the As in the case of allocations of income, allocations of
beneficiaries are reported on Schedule K-1. expenses are also based on the governing instrument and
Regulations give trustees some discretion in the alloca- local law. Deductions allocable to corpus are deductible
tion of items between income and principal, taking into by the fiduciary; deductions allocable to income are
account the impact of the UPAIA (Reg. §1.642(c)-2, deductible by the beneficiary.
Reg. §1.643(a)-3, Reg. §1.643(b)-1; Reg. §1.651(a)-2;
Reg. §1.661(a)-2 and Reg. §1.664-1(a)-3). This discre- EXAMPLE: Under New York law, accounting fees are
tion is necessary in view of the prudent investor standard allocated entirely to income; fiduciary income taxes
that allows trustees to invest more heavily in stocks and are allocated entirely to principal; regular trustee
less in bonds and to later make equitable allocations of commissions are allocated one-half to income and
one-half to corpus, except for trustee commissions
capital gains to compensate income beneficiaries.
relating to a final distribution, which are allocated
entirely to corpus.
Expenses allocable to corpus include losses from a trade or
2. Which statement concerning the most recent
version of the Uniform Principal and Income Act
business or from the sale of property and casualty losses.
is correct?
a. All states have now adopted the latest ver-
sion of the Act.
b. The trustee is authorized to distribute a “fair
6. Deductions allocated to the fiduciary are re-
share” to the income beneficiary. ported on:
c. Net income from rental real estate is consid- a. Page 1 of Form 1041
ered to be principal. b. Schedule B
c. Schedule K-1
3. Under the most recent version of the Uniform
Principal and Income Act, a trustee may have 7. Deductions generally allocated to principal include
discretion to convert a trust to a noncharitable all of the following except:
unitrust. True or False?
a. Losses from a trade or business
4. If a trustee elects under the UPAIA to create a non- b. Casualty losses
charitable unitrust, a reasonable apportionment is: c. Fiduciary fees

a. 2 percent
b. 4 percent
c. 6 percent

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 25 10/19/2009 10:13:45 AM

26 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

Depreciation, Depletion, exception to this rule. State income taxes and business
and Amortization Allocation expenses that are allocable to tax-exempt income can
be deducted.
Special rules are used for allocating depreciation, deple-
tion, and amortization (Code Sec. 642(e) and (f )): Expenses that are directly related to tax-exempt income
are allocated only to that income. A reasonable proportion
The entity can claim depreciation, depletion, or
of expenses indirectly related to both tax-exempt income
amortization only to extent the deduction is not al-
and other income are allocated to each class of income.
located to the beneficiary.
For property held by an estate, the deduction is al- In making the allocation between tax-exempt and other
located between heirs, legatees, and devisees on the income, determine the percentage of tax-exempt income
basis of income allocable to each. to gross income. Do this by dividing tax-exempt income
For property held by a trust, the deduction is allocated by the total of all items of gross income, including tax-
between the income beneficiary and the fiduciary on exempt income.
the basis of trust income allocable to each, unless the
governing instrument requires or permits the trustee
EXAMPLE: A trust received $2,000 of tax-exempt
to maintain a depreciation reserve. If so, depreciation interest, $8,000 of taxable dividends, and no other
is first allocated to the trust up to the amount of the income. The percentage of tax-exempt income to
reserve, with any excess allocated to the beneficiary gross income is 20 percent (tax-exempt income of
according to the accounting rules. $2,000 divided by total gross income of $10,000).
A trust that holds mortgaged property that, under
the terms of the governing instrument, charges pay- Then determine the excludable amount of each specific de-
ments of principal on the note against trust income duction by applying the percentage to each deduction.
for purposes of the income distribution deduction
must allocate a portion of depreciation to the trust
EXAMPLE: The trust described in the example above
(Rev. Rul. 90-82, 1990-2 CB 44). incurred an accounting fee of $500. The excludable
Trusts and estates may not use the Code Sec. 179 first- (nondeductible) portion is $100 (20 percent of $500).
year expense deduction (Code Sec. 179(d)(4)).
Then determine the deductible amount by subtracting
PRACTICE POINTER: Under the American Recovery the excludable portion from the specific deduction.
and Reinvestment Act of 2009, trusts and estates can
claim 50 percent bonus depreciation or apportion
such deduction to beneficiaries for 2009. EXAMPLE: The trust described in the example above
can deduct $400 of the $500 accounting fee ($500
less $100 excludable portion).

PRACTICE POINTER: For 2009, Form 4562, Depre-

If the trust or estate receives rental income, the gross
ciation and Amortization, is filed only if depreciable
property is placed in service in 2009, amortization of
rent income is used in allocating deductions related to
costs begins in 2009, there is depreciation of listed tax-exempt income. Rent expenses are not netted against
property (regardless of when it was placed in service), rent income in making the allocation.
or there is a deduction for a vehicle reported on any
form other than Schedule C (or C-EZ). STUDY QUESTION

8. A trust receives tax-exempt interest income on mu-

ALLOCATING DEDUCTIONS WHEN THE nicipal bonds. Which statement is not correct?
a. All deductions allocated to this income gen-
Generally, no deduction is allowed for expenses allocable erally are deductible.
to tax-exempt income. Tax-exempt income includes, b. Expenses directly related to this income are
allocated solely to this income.
for example, interest on state and local bonds (Code
c. Expenses indirectly related to this income are
Sec. 103), compensation for injuries or sickness (Code
apportioned to this income.
Sec. 104), and income from the discharge of indebted-
ness (Code Sec. 108). However, there is an important

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MODULE 1 — CHAPTER 4 — Fiduciary Accounting 27

For purposes of fiduciary accounting, capital gains al-

PRACTICE POINTER: Attach a statement to the re-
located to principal are ignored and are not taken into
turn showing the allocation of deductions when the
account in the fiduciary’s gross income (Manufacturers entity receives tax-exempt income.
Hanover Trust Co., Cl. Ct., 312 F.2d 785 (1963)).
However, capital gains allocated to income may be in-
cluded as part of the fiduciary’s gross income (Rev. Rul.
CPE NOTE: When you have completed your study
77-355, 1977-2 CB 82). and review of this Module, you may wish to take the
Quizzer for this Module.
PRACTICE POINTER: Expenses related to tax-ex-
For your convenience, you can also take this Quizzer
empt income of an estate that cannot be deducted on
online at
the fiduciary’s income tax return may be deductible
on the federal estate tax return (Form 706).

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Answers to Study Questions

CHAPTER 1 — Introduction 6. a. Correct. Interest earned on a savings account after the

date of death is not income in respect of a decedent.
1. True. Correct. IRS statistics show that the number
b. Incorrect. Deferred salary payments payable to a dece-
of fiduciary returns is expected to increase annually dent’s estate are income in respect of a decedent because
through 2010. the decedent earned the money before death.
False. Incorrect. There is no evidence to support a con-
c. Incorrect. Funds in a traditional IRA are income in
clusion that the number of filings for fiduciary returns respect of a decedent because the funds were not taxed
will flatten or decline. to the decedent during his or her lifetime.
2. a. Incorrect. Income distributed to the beneficiary is
7. a. Incorrect. Estates of decedents with gross income
not taxed to the trust. of $600 or more or a nonresident alien beneficiary must
b. Correct. Income distributed to the beneficiary is
file a return.
taxed to that beneficiary. In this sense, the Form 1041 b. Incorrect. Bankruptcy estates with gross income of
acts as an information return and supports the conduit $9,350 or more in 2009 must file a return.
theory. c. Correct. Revocable trusts created after 1980 where
c. Incorrect. Taxes are not apportioned between the
the grantor is treated as the owner of all trust assets
trust and beneficiary when income is distributed to and acts as trustee (so-called living trusts) do not have
the beneficiary. to file a return. All of the income is reported on the
grantor’s personal income tax return.
3. a. Incorrect. The Schedule C that is used with Form
1041 is the same Schedule C that is used with Form 8. a. Incorrect. One of the benefits to making the elec-
1040. tion is that the active participation rules under Code
b. Correct. There is a special Schedule D used solely
Sec. 469 are waived for two years after the death of the
for Form 1041. grantor/decedent.
c. Incorrect. The Schedule E that is used with Form 1041
b. Correct. By making the election, the trust is
is the same Schedule E that is used with Form 1040. relieved of the requirement to make estimated tax
payments for at least two years following the dece-
4. a. Correct. A fiduciary can be an individual or a
dent’s death.
corporation, such as a bank trust department. c. Incorrect. One of the benefits to making the election is
b. Incorrect. Tax law imposes personal liability on the
that the trust can claim a charitable contribution deduc-
fiduciary for filing the fiduciary return. tion for amounts permanently set aside for charity without
c. Incorrect. The fiduciary of a bankruptcy estate is
the requirement that such amounts actually be paid.
called a trustee, even though the fiduciary of a decedent’s
estate is called an executor. 9. a. Incorrect. March 15, 2010, is the due date for an
estate with a November 30, 2009, fiscal year end.
5. a. Incorrect. The election does apply only to complex
b. Incorrect. April 15, 2010, is the due date for calendar-
trusts and estates. year estates and trusts to file their 2009 returns.
b. Incorrect. The election is irrevocable with respect to
c. Correct. The return is due on the 15th day of
the return for which it is made. the fourth month following the close of the estate’s
c. Correct. A new election must be made each year tax year, making September 15, 2010, the due date
if desired. for the 2009 return for an estate with a fiscal year
ending on May 31.

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102 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

10. True. Correct. The fiduciary return for both es- 5. a. Incorrect. The trustee of a qualified disability trust
tates and trusts can obtain an automatic five-month does not have to distribute income annually, so the trust
filing extension. is a complex trust.
False. Incorrect. In the past, an estate was not able to b. Incorrect. Income can be accumulated in an electing small
obtain an automatic filing extension, but a regulation business trust (ESBT), so the trust is a complex trust.
change made automatic extensions possible. c. Correct. The definition of a simple trust is a trust
that requires the current distribution of all income,
11. a. Incorrect. An IRS-designated private delivery prohibits the distribution or use of trust funds for
service can be used to satisfy the timely mailed as timely charitable purposes, and does not distribute amounts
filed/paid rule. attributable to corpus.
b. Incorrect. Form 1041 returns can be e-filed.
c. Correct. A decedent’s Form 1041 is filed in the 6. a. Incorrect. While a QSST is usually a simple trust
service center where the fiduciary is located, not because it is required to distribute all of its income
where the decedent was domiciled. annually, it will become a complex trust if it makes
principal distributions.
CHAPTER 2 — Overview of Trusts and Estates b. Incorrect. While a QSST will be a complex trust
1. True. Incorrect. The fact that a trust is a simple trust if it makes principal distributions, it is not always a
can change, depending on the type of trust distribu- complex trust.
tions. c. Correct. A QSST is usually a simple trust, but it
False. Correct. A simple trust will become a complex becomes a complex trust when it distributes principal
trust in any year that it distributes principal. (e.g., upon termination).

2. a. Correct. The trust does not have to provide that 7. a. Incorrect. The income from the separate trust is
corpus be payable to the disabled individual’s estate taxed at a flat rate, which is the highest marginal rate
upon the death of the disabled person. The corpus on trusts and estates (e.g., in 2009 it is 35 percent on
may revert to a person who is not disabled. ordinary income and 15 percent on capital gains).
b. Incorrect. The law does require that the trust be set b. Incorrect. No item relating to S corporation stock
up by a parent, grandparent, legal guardian, or court for may be allocated to the beneficiary.
the benefit of a disabled person. c. Correct. The separate trust may not use the exemp-
c. Incorrect. The law requires that the disabled person tion allowed to complex trusts.
be under the age of 65.
8. a. Incorrect. A single Form 1041 must be filed for
3. a. Correct. The trust is tax-exempt (unless there is both trusts.
unrelated business income). b. Correct. Income and expenses from both trusts
b. Incorrect. By definition, the income beneficiary is not a are aggregated for reporting purposes. The trusts are
nonprofit organization and, therefore, is not tax-exempt. treated as a single trust for reporting purposes.
c. Incorrect. The income beneficiary is not tax-exempt. c. Incorrect. Separate reporting of income and expenses
for each trust is not allowed. Both trusts are combined
4. a. Incorrect. A qualified Subchapter S trust (QSST) and claim a single exemption amount.
is a simple trust because it is required to distribute all of
its income annually. 9. a. Correct. By making a Section 646 election, the trust
b. Correct. A charitable remainder trust (CRT) does pays a flat tax rate on ordinary income at the lowest
not necessarily distribute all of its income annually federal tax rates for unmarried individual taxpayers,
and, therefore, is not a simple trust. which is currently 10 percent.
c. Incorrect. A qualified terminable interest property b. Incorrect. After making a Section 646 election, the
trusts (QTIP) is a simple trust because it is required to trust no longer pays tax on ordinary income at the gradu-
distribute all of its income annually (other than in the ated rates for trusts and estates.
year of termination when it becomes a complex trust). c. Incorrect. The trust generally accumulates funds for
the benefit of the health, education and welfare of the
Native Americans. The trust, not the beneficiaries, pays
the tax on ordinary income.

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10. a. Incorrect. No bankruptcy estate is created when 6. a. Incorrect. The type of entity is entered on line A
a partnership or corporation files for bankruptcy under on the top of page 1 of Form 1041.
Title 11 of the U.S. Code. b. Incorrect. The number of Schedule K-1s attached is
b. Correct. A bankruptcy estate is created when an entered on line B of the top of page 1 of Form 1041.
individual files a petition under either Chapter 7 or c. Correct. Whether there are any present or future
11 of Title 11 of the U.S. Code. trust beneficiaries skip persons is entered on line 9
c. Incorrect. Filing a tax return for a bankruptcy estate of the Other Information section.
does not relieve the individual debtor of his or her indi-
vidual tax obligations. CHAPTER 4 — Fiduciary Accounting

1. a. Correct. There is a no special IRS form used to

CHAPTER 3 — General Information figure fiduciary accounting income.
1. True. Correct. An estate or trust that is required b. Incorrect. One of the purposes of fiduciary account-
to file Form 1041 must obtain an employer iden- ing is the computation of the distribution deduction.
tification number. c. Incorrect. Form 1041 contains a separate Schedule B
False. Incorrect. The beneficiary’s or trustee’s personal that must be used by complex trusts to figure fiduciary
EIN may not be used. accounting income.

2. a. Correct. All trusts, including charitable remain- 2. a. Incorrect. Although a number of states have now
der trusts, are required to use a calendar year (the only adopted the latest version of the Act, many states still
exceptions are grantor trusts and revocable trusts that rely on the former version of the law.
elect to be part of a decedent’s estate). b. Correct. The UPAIA does authorize the trustee to
b. Incorrect. A decedent’s estate can use a fiscal year. distribute a fair share to the income beneficiary.
c. Incorrect. A bankruptcy estate can use a fiscal year. c. Incorrect. Under the UPAIA, net income from rental
real estate is considered to be income and not principal.
3. a. Incorrect. Line 1 of the Other Information section
requires the entity to enter the dollar amount of any 3. True. Correct. The latest version of the UPAIA
tax-exempt income received. gives a trustee this discretion (if state law adopts
b. Incorrect. Line 3 of the Other Information section such a provision), provided that the beneficiaries of
requires the fiduciary to answer whether the entity has an the trust have no objection and certain other condi-
interest in or signature or other authority over a foreign tions are met.
bank account, foreign securities, or other foreign accounts False. Incorrect. The latest version of the UPAIA gives
during the calendar year. the trustee this discretion.
c. Correct. The date the entity was created is not en-
tered in the Other Information section but on line D 4. a. Incorrect. 2 percent is not reasonable because it is
at the top of the return. outside the IRS’ acceptable range.
b. Correct. 4 percent is reasonable because it falls
4. True. Correct. Line 8 of the Other Information within the IRS’ acceptable range of no less than 3
section requires an explanation as to why the estate percent and no more than 5 percent.
is still open after two years. c. Incorrect. 6 percent is not reasonable because it is
False. Incorrect. Even though the IRS will not issue an outside the IRS’ acceptable range.
advance ruling as to whether the estate has been open for
an unreasonably long period, the fiduciary must attach 5. a. Incorrect. The trustee’s discretion is not the
a statement to the Form 1041 explaining why the estate primary authority.
has been open for more than two years. b. Incorrect. While state law is the secondary guide to allo-
cating income and principal, it is not the primary guide.
5. True. Correct. Line 3 of the Other Information sec- c. Correct. The governing instrument is the primary
tion requires the fiduciary to indicate whether the estate guide to allocating income and principal.
or trust has any interest in a foreign bank account.
False. Incorrect. The fiduciary may not ignore this

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104 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

6. a. Correct. Deductions allocated to the fiduciary

are reported on page 1 of Form 1041.
b. Incorrect. Deductions allocated to the beneficiary
are taken into account on Schedule B (relating to the
calculation of distributable net income or DNI).
c. Incorrect. Deductions allocated to the beneficiary are
taken into account on Schedule K-1.

7. a. Incorrect. Losses from a trade or business are al-

located to principal.
b. Incorrect. Casualty losses are allocated to principal.
c. Correct. Fiduciary fees may be partially allocated
to principal but typically are allocated partially to
income as well.

8. a. Correct. Only state income taxes and business

expenses allocable to tax-exempt income are deduct-
b. Incorrect. For fiduciary accounting, expenses directly
related to this income are allocated solely to this income.
c. Incorrect. For fiduciary accounting, expenses indirectly
related to this income are apportioned to this income.

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Filled in Form 1041: Explanation

FILING REQUIREMENTS revocable trust can elect to treat the trust as part of the
estate instead of filing a separate Form 1041 (Code Sec.
Most fiduciaries of estates and trusts are required to use 645). A qualified revocable trust is one that, because of
Form 1041. However, a fiduciary of a nonresident alien a power held by the grantor, is treated as owned by the
estate or foreign trust must file Form 1040NR, U.S. decedent whose estate is making the election. The elec-
Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return. tion to treat the trust as part of the estate must be made
A trustee of a taxable domestic trust must file Form 1041 by the due date (including extensions) of the estate’s
if one of the following applies: Form 1041 for its first tax year and is irrevocable.

The trust has $600 or more in gross income. A fiduciary for an estate of an individual that is involved
The trust has taxable income in any amount. in a bankruptcy proceeding under chapter 7 or 11 of the
The trust has a beneficiary who is a nonresident alien. Bankruptcy Code should file a Form 1041 as a transmit-
tal document with the related Form 1040. A return for
Most trusts are required to file on the basis of a calendar 2009 is due if the bankruptcy estate has gross income
year. Thus, a trustee must file the return by the 15th of $9,350 or more.
day of the fourth month of the year. However, if the fil-
ing date is a Saturday or Sunday or a legal holiday, the Fiduciaries, including bankruptcy trustees, may be re-
return must be filed on the next business day. For the quired to file various additional documents, such as Form
2009 Form 1041, the due date is April 15, 2010. Fiscal 56 (notice concerning fiduciary relationship),
years may be used by:
Form 7004 (extension of time to file fiduciary return for
Trusts that are tax exempt under Code Sec. 501(a) an estate), Form 706 or Form 706-NA (estate tax returns),
Charitable trusts under Code Sec. 4947(a)(1) Form 706-GS(D) (return for generation-skipping transfer
Trusts that are treated as wholly owned by a grantor tax for distributions), Form 706-GS(D-1) (notification
under Code Secs. 671–679 of distribution from generation-skipping trust), Form
Trusts that are treated as part of the decedent’s estate 706-GS(T) (return for trust terminations subject to
under Code Sec. 645 generation-skipping transfer tax),
As an alternative to filing Form 1041, trustees of certain Form 720 (quarterly excise tax return), Form 940 (em-
grantor trusts are provided with three optional filing ployer’s FUTA tax return), Form 941 (employer’s quarterly
methods. These methods are described in the Form federal tax return), Form 945 (withheld federal income
1041 instructions. tax), Form 1041-ES (estimated tax payments), Form
1041-A (trust accumulations of charitable amounts),
An administrator or executor for a decedent’s estate is required Form 1041-T (allocation of estimated tax payments to
to file a return if the estate has gross income of $600 or beneficiaries), Forms 1042 and 1042-S (U.S. source in-
more during the year or the estate has a beneficiary who is a come of foreign persons), and Forms 1099-A, -B, -INT,
nonresident alien. Decedents’ estates may elect to use either -LTC, -MISC, -MSA, -OID, -R, and -S (various benefi-
a calendar year or a fiscal tax year beginning on the date that ciary information returns).
the decedent died. If the latter option is chosen, the due date
for the return is generally the 15th day of the 4th month The use of the 1099 forms, however, is not necessary
following the close of the tax year. Thus, if an estate has a tax where they would merely duplicate income information
year that ends on May 31, 2010, the return must be filed by that is otherwise required to be reported on Schedule
September 15, 2010. K-1. Forms 8275 and 8275-R are disclosure statements,
filed to avoid parts of the accuracy-related penalty and
For the estates of decedents dying after August 5, 1997, preparer penalties. Forms 8288 and 8288-A are used
the executor of the estate and the trustee of a qualified with regard to dispositions by foreign persons of U.S.

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110 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

real property interests. Form 8300 is used to disclose a Allocation of Estimated Taxes to Beneficiaries
trade or business’ receipt of cash payments of more than
A trustee or executor may elect to allocate any portion
$10,000. Unless requested to do so by the IRS, fiduciaries
of the estimated tax payments to any beneficiary. The al-
are not required to attach copies of trust instruments or
location election is available for an estate only for its final
wills to Form 1041.
tax year. The fiduciary makes the election by complet-
Fiduciaries are required to indicate the number of Sched- ing and filing Form 1041-T and completing Line 14 of
ules K-1 attached to Form 1041 in Item B on page 1 Schedule K-1 for each beneficiary to whom the estimated
of Form 1041. tax payments are allocated. A trust’s or estate’s election
must be filed on or before the 65th day after the close of
Fiduciaries that would like to take part in the electronic/ its tax year otherwise it will be considered invalid (Code
magnetic media filing program should file Form 9041, Sec. 643(g)). For calendar tax year 2009, Form 1041-T
Application for Electronic/Magnetic Media Filing of Busi- must be filed on or before March 5, 2010. Form 1041-T
ness and Employee Benefit Plan Returns, unless they par- should be attached to Form 1041 only if the election is
ticipated in the program last year and there have been made before the Form 1041 is filed. Otherwise, Form
no changes in the firm’s name, employer identification 1041-T is signed and filed separately.
number, mailing address, and contact person’s phone
and FAX number. Form 8453-F, U.S. Estate or Trust TRUST EXAMPLES
Income Tax Declaration and Signature for Electronic and
Magnetic Media Filing, is the signature document that The amounts and computations appearing in the filled
completes the filing of Form 1041 on electronic or in Form 1041 are based on an assumed factual situa-
magnetic media. tion, designed to illustrate the preparation of a return
for a complex testamentary trust. For purposes of this
TAX PAYMENTS return, it is assumed that John Tyler, who died in 1988,
created by his will a trust (“John Tyler Trust”) that had
A trust is required to make estimated tax payments starting the following provisions:
with its first tax year. However, an estate (or a grantor trust
receiving the residue of a decedent’s estate) is required to An amount equal to two thirds of the income is to be
make estimated tax payments starting with any tax year that currently distributed to a niece, Ms. Mary S. Warden,
ends two or more years after the date of a decedent’s death. and a nephew, Mr. Harold Draper, in equal parts, for
Generally, an estate or trust will have to pay the estimated tax the duration of their respective lives.
if it expects to owe, after subtracting withholding and credits, The balance of the annual income is to be ac-
at least $1,000 in tax for the current tax year and it expects cumulated and added to the corpus, which upon
the withholding and credits to be less than the smaller of the death of both beneficiaries goes to designated
either (1) 90 percent of the tax shown on the current year’s remaindermen. (None of the remaindermen is a
tax return or (2) 100 percent of the tax shown on the tax charitable organization.)
return for the preceding year’s tax return (110 percent if The income is to be distributed as above after deduction
adjusted gross income on the preceding year’s return is more for any expenses, including depreciation, of the trust.
than $150,000 and less than two-thirds of gross income is
from farming or fishing (Code Sec. 6654)). INCOME WHICH IS TAXED TO
PITFALL: Trusts and estates do not qualify for the
2009 special estimated tax safe harbor that can be
Accumulations and Other Special Types of Income
used by certain small business owners. The gross income of an estate or trust includes:

If the estate or trust did not file a return in the preceding Income accumulated in trust for the benefit of unborn
year or the preceding year’s return did not cover a full 12 or unascertained persons or persons with contingent
months, item (2) above does not apply. Form 1041-ES interests, and income accumulated or held for future
may be used to compute the required estimated tax pay- distribution under the terms of the will or trust.
ments. If there has been an underpayment of estimated Income that is to be distributed currently by the fidu-
taxes, the fiduciary should file a Form 2210 and report ciary to the beneficiaries, and income collected by a
any penalty for underpayment of estimated taxes on guardian of an infant that is to be held or distributed
Line 26, Form 1041. as the court may direct.

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Income received by estates of deceased persons during the by the trust from bank deposits, mortgage notes, cor-
period of administration or settlement of the estate. poration bonds, and government obligations, and as a
Income that, in the discretion of the fiduciary, may regular interest holder in a real estate mortgage invest-
either be distributed to the beneficiaries or be accumu- ment conduit (REMIC).
lated (Code Sec. 641(a)).
Income in the first category is taxed to the estate or trust;
income in the second category that is currently distributable Many obligations of a state or political subdivision are
(not in excess of distributable net income) is deductible by exempt from tax. But interest on such securities (as ad-
the fiduciary and taxed to the beneficiary; income in the justed) must be excluded from the distributions deduc-
third and fourth categories may be eventually taxed to the tion on Line 18, page 1 (as computed on Schedule B, page
fiduciary or to the beneficiary, depending upon the amounts 2, of Form 1041). Taxable interest on U.S. government
that are properly paid or credited to the beneficiary. How- obligations is included on Line 1, page 1, Form 1041.
ever, all taxable income that passes through the hands of an
estate or trust is includible in its gross income. DIVIDENDS
Page 1: Income and Deductions The total amount of taxable dividends is entered on Line
The income shown on page 1 of Form 1041 on Lines 1–8 2a, page 1. The beneficiary’s allocable share of qualified
and the deductions on Lines 10–15b are entered as if the dividends is entered on line 2b(1), and the trust’s or es-
entire net income were taxable to the trust. From the net tate’s share is entered on line 2b(2). Qualified dividends
income of the trust are deducted the amount distributed are eligible for a lower tax rate than other ordinary in-
or required to be distributed to the beneficiaries (Line 18), come, and are generally dividends reported to the estate
certain estate or generation-skipping taxes (Line 19), and the or trust in box 1b of Form 1099-DIV. For exceptions,
appropriate exemption (Line 20). The remainder (Line 22) see page 14 of the 1041 instructions. Dividends in the
is the taxable income on which the fiduciary pays the tax. John Tyler Trust are not allocable to corpus. Therefore,
the dividends are apportioned between the trustee and
In order to deduct administrative expenses or selling beneficiaries. Each beneficiary’s share is shown on Line
expenses incurred when disposing of property from a 2 of a separate Schedule K-1.
decedent’s estate or casualty and theft losses incurred
during the settlement of the estate, a statement must be BUSINESS PROFIT OR LOSS
filed indicating an election to waive the right to deduct
those items on Form 706 for estate tax purposes. If an estate or a trust was engaged in a trade or business
or in farming during the tax year, the net profit (or loss)
Income and Expenses in Respect of a Decedent from the business is entered on Line 3, page 1, Form 1041,
Items of income to which a decedent was entitled, but and the net profit (or loss) from the farming is entered on
that were not includible in computing the decedent’s Line 6, page 1, Form 1041. The net income from such
taxable income for the tax year ending with the date of enterprises is computed on either Schedule C or C-EZ
death, or for a previous tax year under the decedent’s (business income) or Schedule F (farming income). These
method of accounting, are includible in the gross schedules are the same schedules used by an individual to
income of the estate, trust or person receiving them complete a Form 1040. However, only the estate’s or trust’s
as “income in respect of a decedent.” share of the depreciation is deducted on the schedules.

Similarly, deductions for business expenses, interest, INCOME FROM RENTS, ROYALTIES,
state and local income and real estate taxes, investment AND FLOW-THROUGH ENTITIES
expenses, and percentage depletion and foreign tax credits
that were not allowable on the decedent’s final return gen- The estate’s or trust’s share of income or losses from rent-
erally are allowed to the estate in the tax year in which the als of real estate, royalties, partnerships, S corporations,
underlying expense is paid (Code Sec. 691(a) and (b)). other estates and trusts, and REMICs (attributable to a
residual interest in the REMIC) is reported on Schedule
INTEREST INCOME E (Form 1040), and the net profit or loss is entered on
Line 5, page 1, of Form 1041.
The $5,000 reported on Line 1, page 1, of the filled in
Form 1041 represents taxable interest that was received Items for which a determination must be made at the in-
dividual partner or shareholder level (interest, dividends,

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112 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

capital gains or losses) that are contained in a Schedule Generally, the basis of property must be reduced by the
K-1 received from a flow-through entity are reported on disallowed depreciation or amortization deduction, and
the corresponding line of Form 1041. Losses attributable the basis of the remainder interest must be increased by
to passive activities may be disallowed. such amount. The disallowance does not apply to hold-
ers of life estates or terminable interests (as described in
On Schedule E, Form 1040 (not included), the John Code Sec. 273).
Tyler Trust reported receiving $45,000 in total rents from
an apartment building. The trust’s expenses amounted AT-RISK AND PASSIVE
to $19,529, including: repairs, $2,950; heating costs,
$10,000; insurance premiums, $2,050; janitor costs,
$1,300; and real estate taxes, $3,229. There is no depreci- An estate or trust may be subject to the at-risk and the
ation expense as the building has been fully depreciated. passive activity loss limitations. If an estate or trust is
Net rental income of $25,471 from Line 26, Schedule subject to both loss limitation rules, the at-risk rules
E, is reported on Line 5, page 1, of Form 1041. apply before the passive activity rules.

DEPRECIATION At-Risk Limitations on Losses

The estate’s or trust’s share of depreciation, amorti- The at-risk rules of Code Sec. 465 apply to estates and
zation, or depletion expenses attributable to certain trusts engaged in any activity carried out as a trade or
activities is reported on Schedule C, C-EZ, E, or F of business or for the production of income. The deductible
Form 1040. The net profit or loss amounts from the loss is limited to the amount at risk in the activity.
schedules are reported on Line 3, 5, or 6 of Form 1041. When applying the at-risk rules, each of the following
Line 15a of Form 1041 is used to report depreciation, items is treated as a separate activity:
amortization, and depletion expenses unrelated to a
specific business or activity. In the case of a trust, these Motion picture and video tape holding, producing,
deductions are apportioned between the fiduciary and and distribution
the beneficiaries as specified in the trust instrument. If Personal property leasing
the trust instrument is silent on this point, the deduc- Farming
tions are apportioned between the fiduciary and the Exploring for, or exploiting, oil and gas properties
beneficiaries in the same manner that income is divided Exploring for or exploiting, geothermal properties
between them. In the case of an estate, the deductions
All other activities can be treated as a single activity if the
for amortization, depreciation, and depletion are ap-
fiduciary is an active participant in the enterprise. The
portioned between the estate and the beneficiaries in
at-risk adjustment of a loss is made on Schedules C, E, or
the same way.
F of Form 1040 and will be reflected in the net income or
Form 4562 is filed only if depreciable property is placed loss entered on Line 3, 5, or 6 of Form 1041. If an estate
in service during the year, if depreciation is claimed on or trust has a loss from a business, rental of real estate,
listed property, or if amortization of costs begins dur- or a farm and is not at risk with regard to some related
ing the year. In this case, the property has been fully amounts, the fiduciary must attach Form 6198.
depreciated, so there is no deduction to be allocated
Passive Activity Loss and Credit Limitations
to the beneficiaries.
Losses derived from passive activities are limited to the
An estate or trust may not elect to expense property under amount of income derived from all passive activities
Code Sec. 179. The 50 percent first-year bonus deprecia- conducted by the estate or the trust (Code Sec. 469).
tion deduction is allowed. Depreciation or amortization Similarly, tax credits from passive activities are limited to
deductions are not allowed for any term interest in property the tax liability generated by the passive activities. These
held directly or indirectly by a related person (as defined in limitations are first applied at the estate or trust level.
Code Sec. 267(b) or (e)) (Code Sec. 167(e)). In tax years
beginning after August 5, 1997, the executor and benefi- Generally, a passive activity is one that involves the
ciary of an estate are considered related persons, except in conduct of a trade or business in which the taxpayer
the case of a sale or exchange in satisfaction of a pecuniary does not materially participate. While rental activities
bequest (Code Sec. 267(b)(13)). are generally considered passive activities, rental real

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estate activities are not subject to passive loss limita- 15 percent for estates and trusts that are subject to an
tions for certain taxpayers who materially participate ordinary income tax rate in excess of 15 percent.
in real property trades and businesses (Code Sec.
469(c)(7)). In the case of a grantor trust, material A 25 percent rate applies to unrecaptured section 1250
participation is determined by reference to the ac- gain (i.e., unrecaptured depreciation) from the sale,
tivities conducted by the grantor. The IRS has taken exchange, etc., of depreciable real estate if the property
the position that only the activities of the fiduciary was held for more than one year. Unrecaptured section
are to be taken into account for determining what 1250 gain is computed on a worksheet provided on page
constitutes material participation for an estate or 34 of the Form 1041 instructions.
nongrantor trust (TAM 200733023). A 28 percent rate applies to long-term collectibles gain
Portfolio income received by an estate or trust (interest, and the amount of gain equal to the exclusion claimed
dividends, royalties, annuity income (Code Sec. 469(e)) for qualified small business stock under Code Sec.
is not treated as income derived from a passive activity. 1202. (50 percent of qualified small business stock gain
Similarly, income derived from a working interest in oil is exempt from tax; the remaining gain is treated as 28
and gas property is not income from a passive activity percent rate gain.)
(Code Sec. 469(c)(3)). Property acquired by a decedent’s estate from a de-
An estate can deduct up to $25,000 in rental real cedent is considered held for more than 12 months
estate activity expenses incurred in tax years ending (Code Sec. 1223(10)).
within two years after the decedent’s death, provided The short and long-term carryover amounts entered on
that the decedent actively participated in the activity Lines 4 and 11 are determined using the capital loss carry-
(Code Sec. 469(i)(4)). Any unused losses or credits over worksheet contained in the Form 1041 instructions.
are suspended and are carried forward indefinitely.
Also, if an estate or trust distributes an interest in a Part III of Schedule D is used to show the allocation of
passive activity, the basis of the property immediately the net short term capital gain or loss reported on Line
before the distribution is increased by passive losses 5 and the net long-term capital gain or loss reported on
allocable to the interest. The amount of such losses is Line 12 between the estate or trust and the beneficiaries
not deductible by the distributing estate or trust (Code as a group. The amount allocated to each beneficiary is
Sec. 469(j)(12)). shown on each beneficiary’s Schedule K-1.
The amount of an allowable passive activity loss is com- The beneficiaries’ share of net short-term capital gain
puted on Form 8582, Passive Activity Loss Limitations. or loss is reported on Line 13, column 1, Part III.
The amount of an allowable credit is computed on Form The estate or trust’s share is reported in column 2.
8582-CR, Passive Activity Credit Limitations. Form 8582 Net long-term capital gain is allocated between the
should be completed first so that the deductible amount beneficiaries and estate or trust on Line 14a, columns
of net loss from real estate can be determined on Sched- 1 and 2, respectively. The transactions resulting in
ule E of Form 1040, the amount of a loss reported on unrecaptured section 1250 gain and the 28 percent
Schedule C or F of Form 1040 can be determined, and rate gain are identified separately on Lines 14(b) and
the amount of a loss from a partnership or other fiduciary 14(c), respectively. Each beneficiary’s share of net
can be determined on Schedule E. capital gain is reported on Schedule K-1 as follows: net
short-term capital gains, Line 3; total net long-term
CAPITAL GAINS AND LOSSES capital gains, Line 4a; long-term capital gain subject to
the 28 percent rate, Line 4b; and unrecaptured section
Gains and losses from the sale or exchange of capital 1250 gain, Line 4c.
assets are computed on Parts I and II of Schedule D,
Form 1041 and allocated between the fiduciary and Capital gain may only be allocated to beneficiaries to the
the beneficiaries on Part III of Schedule D, Form 1041. extent that it is considered as paid, credited, or required
Capital assets are defined on page 31 of the instructions to be distributed to any beneficiary during the tax year
for Form 1041. (Reg. §1.643(a)-3(a)). Similarly, capital losses are taken
into account only to the extent that they enter into the
The maximum long-term capital gain tax rate is gener- determination of any capital gains that are paid, credited,
ally zero percent for estates and trusts that would be or required to be distributed to any beneficiary during
taxed at the 15 percent rate on ordinary income and the tax year (Reg. §1.643(a)-3(b)).

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114 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

Generally, capital gain is considered paid, credited, or An estate or trust that incurs a net capital loss must com-
required to be distributed to a beneficiary only if it is: plete Part IV of Schedule D to compute its capital loss
limitation. A worksheet is provided in the Form 1041
Allocated to income under the terms of the governing instructions to determine any capital loss carryover.
instrument or local law.
Allocated to corpus and actually distributed to Gain from the disposition or involuntary conversion of
beneficiaries. property subject to recapture under Sec. 1245, 1250,
Utilized (pursuant to the terms of the governing instru- 1252, 1254, or 1255 is entered in Part III, Form 4797
ment or the practice followed by the fiduciary) in deter- Sales of Business Property. Any ordinary income from the
mining the amount distributed or required to be distrib- recapture is carried to Part II, Form 4797. Code Sec.
uted to the beneficiaries (Reg. §1.643(a)(3)-3(b)). 1231 transactions are reported in Part I of Form 4797,
including gains from installment sales and casualties. If
Any capital gain paid or permanently set aside for the Sec. 1231 items result in a net gain on Part I, the net
a charitable purpose specified in Code Sec. 642(c) gain is carried to Line 10, Part II, Schedule D of Form
must be allocated to the estate or trust in column 2 1041, and is treated as a long-term capital gain. If a net
(Reg. §1.643(a)-3). Sec. 1231 loss results, it is entered in Part II, Form 4797,
Except for the year in which an estate or trust terminates, and combined with other ordinary gain or loss items. The
if there is a net short-term capital loss from the sale or net ordinary gain or loss on Line 18, Part II, Form 4797,
exchange of capital assets on Line 5, the entire net loss is transferred to Line 7, page 1, of Form 1041. A Sec.
must be allocated to the estate or trust (Reg. §1.642(h)-1). 1231 gain from a casualty or theft of recapture property
Similarly, a net long-term capital loss on Line 12 of sched- is transferred from Line 32, Part III, Form 4797, to Line
ule D must be allocated entirely to the estate or trust. 33, Part II, Section B, Form 4684.

Part IV is completed to determine the capital loss limita- Casualty or Theft Gain or Loss
tion (the smaller of the loss reported on Line 15, column Gains and losses from casualties and thefts of property
(3) or $3,000) if a total net loss is reported on Line 15, are reported item-by-item on Form 4684 Casualties
column (3). If the Line 15, column (3) loss is greater and Thefts in either Section A (for property not used in
than $3,000 (or a negative taxable income (net operating a trade or business or for income-producing purposes)
loss) is reported on Line 22 of Form 1041) the capital or Section B (for property used in a trade or business or
loss carryover worksheet contained in the instructions for income-producing purposes). Non-business losses
should be completed. are deductible only to the extent that the total amount
In the final year of a trust or decedent’s estate, short-term of such losses, after a $100 reduction for each casualty
and long-term capital loss carryovers may be claimed by or theft, exceeds 10 percent of a taxpayer’s adjusted
the beneficiaries on Schedule K-1, Line 11. gross income.

Part V of Schedule D applies the appropriate tax rates to Casualty and theft losses are allowable to an estate only if
net long-term gain reported elsewhere on the schedule. the loss has not been claimed as a deduction from the gross
estate of the decedent in a federal estate tax return.
A short-term or long-term capital loss carryover is re-
ported on Line 4 or 11 of Schedule D, respectively. Section B, Part II, of Form 4684, which deals with prop-
erty used in a trade or business or for income-producing
For the illustrative Form 1041, the sale of stock that pro- purposes, separates casualty and theft gains and losses
duced long-term capital gain took place on May 1. The into two general types. The first involves such gains and
governing trust instrument is silent on the treatment of losses on short-term property. Net gains of this type are
gains from the sales of corpus. Under most state laws, such taxed as ordinary income, and net losses are treated as
gains are not distributable to the life beneficiaries, but are ordinary losses. The second type involves such gains and
added to, and become a part of, the corpus held for the losses on long-term property. Net gains from this type of
remaindermen unless the trust instrument directs other- property qualify for Sec. 1231 (capital gain) treatment,
wise. Accordingly, no part of this gain in the filled in form and net losses are treated as ordinary losses. The gains
is included in Lines 3 and 4a–4c of separate Schedule K-1. and losses reported on Form 4684 may be reported
It remains as capital gain income, taxable to the trust. The directly on page 1 of Form 1041 and on Schedule D of
trust’s gain of $16,200 on Line 15 column (2), Schedule Form 1041, or on Form 4797 in accordance with the
D, is entered on Line 4, page 1, Form 1041. following rules.

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Casualty or theft of property held short term (Form respect of a decedent; and any portion of a lump-sum
4684, Section B, Part II, Lines 29–32). Short-term distribution from a qualified employee benefit plan that
casualty and theft gains and losses are separated into: is taxable as ordinary income.
Losses involving trade, business, rental or royalty
property (column (b)(i))
Losses involving income-producing property An estate or trust can claim two general classes of de-
(column (b)(ii)) ductions. The first class includes deductions from total
Gains from casualties and thefts includible in income reported on Line 9 to arrive at the adjusted total
income (column (c)) income amount reported on Line 17, Form 1041. These
The net gain or loss from combining columns (b)(i) and deductions include: interest expenses (Line 10), taxes
(c) of Line 30 is an ordinary gain or loss and is transferred (Line 11), fiduciary fees (Line 12), charitable contribu-
to Line 14, Part II, Form 4797. However, if Form 4797 tions (Line 13), fees paid to attorneys, accountants, and
does not otherwise have to be filed, the net gain or loss is return preparers (Line 14), other deductions that are not
reported on Line 7, page 1, Form 1041, with the notation subject to the 2 percent floor (Line 15a), and those that
“Form 4684.” Total losses from other property (column are subject to the 2 percent floor (Line 15b). The sum
(b)(ii), Line 30) are entered on Line 32 of Form 4684 of Lines 10 through 15b is entered on Line 16.
and are then deducted as “other deductions” on Line If an estate or trust has tax-exempt income, the deduction
15a, page 1, Form 1041. amounts claimed on Lines 10 through 15b must be reduced
Casualty or theft of property held long term (Form by an allocable portion attributable to tax-exempt income.
4684, Section B, Part II, Lines 33–39). In Part II, This is done by multiplying the amount of each deduction
long-term casualty and theft gains and losses are also by a percentage factor that is derived by dividing the total
categorized into losses involving trade or business, etc., tax-exempt income by gross income (including tax-exempt
property, losses from income-producing property, and income) included in distributable net income.
gains from casualties or thefts includible in income. The second general class of deductions is reported on
The gain from recapture property from Form 4797 is Lines 18 through 20. It includes the income distribution
reflected in the computation. A net loss from Line 38a deduction (Line 18), the estate tax deduction (Line 19),
is transferred to Line 14, Part II, Form 4797, where it and the exemption (Line 20).
becomes part of the ordinary gain and loss computa-
tion. If Form 4797 does not otherwise have to be filed, INTEREST AND TAXES
the net loss from Line 38a is reported on Line 7, page
1, Form 1041, with the notation “Form 4684.” In ad- All interest paid or accrued during the tax year, except
dition, total losses from income-producing property interest deducted elsewhere on the return, is entered on
(Line 35, Form 4684, column (b)(ii)) are entered on Line 10. The types of interest that are deductible on Line
Line 38b and then are deducted on Line 15a, page 1, 10 (subject to limitations) include:
Form 1041. However, if the netting of total gains on
Line 36 against the total losses on Line 37 produces Investment interest
a net gain, the net gain is reported on Line 39 and Qualified residence interest
is treated as a capital gain. The net gain, as reported Interest on the estate tax that is deferred or paid in
on Line 39, is carried to Line 3, Part I, Form 4797, installments under Code Sec. 6601
where it becomes part of the capital gain-ordinary Interest on a debt that was incurred or continued in order
loss computation. to buy or carry tax-exempt obligations is not deductible.
Interest on debts incurred in connection with business
The John Tyler Trust did not have any dispositions of
activities (including rental activities) is deducted on
assets that required the filing of Form 4684 or 4797.
Schedule C, C-EZ, E or F of Form 1040 rather than on
Line 10 of Form 1041.
Qualified residence interest includes interest incurred
If an estate or trust has other income not provided for
by an estate or trust on debt secured by the qualified
on Lines 1 through 7 on page 1 of Form 1041, the type
residence of a beneficiary. A deduction may be claimed
and amount of such income should be entered on Line
only if the beneficiary has a present or residuary interest
8, page 1. This includes wages received as income in
in the estate or trust.

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116 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

The deduction for investment interest is limited to net Deductions Not Subject to Two Percent of AGI Floor
investment income for the tax year and is computed on
On Line 15a, the fiduciary deducts miscellaneous ex-
Form 4952. The box on Line 10 must be checked.
penses that are not subject to the 2%-of-adjusted-gross-
Taxes income (AGI) floor and that are not deducted elsewhere.
These expenses include:
On Line 11, the fiduciary deducts all deductible taxes
that have not been deducted elsewhere on Form 1041. Bond premiums that the fiduciary has elected to
Deductible taxes include state and local income or real amortize
property taxes and the generation-skipping tax imposed Nonbusiness casualty and theft losses from Form 4684,
on income distributions. provided that an estate tax deduction has not been
claimed and the necessary waiver has been filed
FIDUCIARY, ACCOUNTANT, ATTORNEY, The deduction for clean-fuel vehicles and certain
AND RETURN PREPARER FEES refueling property
Net operating loss, supported by a statement showing
The total amount of deductible fees paid to the fiduciary its computation
for administering the estate or trust should be entered on The estate’s or trust’s share of amortization, deprecia-
Line 12, Form 1041. Other deductible fees paid to the at- tion, and depletion not claimed elsewhere
torneys, accountants, and/or return preparers of the estate Commercial revitalization deductions described in
or trust should be entered on Line 14. Some deductions Code Sec. 1400I
of an estate or trust are subject to a 2 percent floor on ad-
justed gross income. For purposes of the John Tyler Trust, Deductions Subject to Two Percent of AGI Floor
it is assumed that the expenses are costs paid or incurred in
the administration of an estate or trust that would not have The estate or trust deducts on Line 15b miscellaneous
been so paid had the property not been held in trust. itemized deductions that are subject to the 2%-of-
AGI floor. This deduction is the excess of the total
amount of miscellaneous itemized expenses over 2
percent of the estate’s or trust’s AGI for the year.
Estates and complex trusts may claim a charitable deduc- The most common types of deductions subject to
tion, which is first computed on Schedule A, Line 7, the 2 percent floor are expenses for the production
and then entered on Line 13, page 1, of Form 1041. A or collection of income such as investment advisory
charitable deduction may be claimed only if the contri- fees, safe deposit box rentals, and subscriptions to
bution is provided for in the governing instrument and investment advisory publications.
the contribution is made from the gross income of the
estate or trust. In the case of an estate, the deduction is An estate or trust has to make a special AGI computa-
available for actual payments made during a year and for tion to apply the above rules. This special AGI amount is
amounts permanently set aside for a charity. However, computed by subtracting from total income (Line 9):
trusts (other than certain pre-1969 trusts) may claim a The total administration costs as reported on Lines
deduction only for cash payments to a charity. An elec- 12, 14, and 15a
tion is available whereby a fiduciary can treat payouts The income distribution deduction reported on
made up to the end of the following tax year as having Line 18
been paid in the prior year for deduction purposes. This The estate’s or trust’s exemption reported on Line 20
election is made by attaching a statement to the return The net operating loss deduction claimed on Line 15a
(or to an amended return) for the tax year in which the
fiduciary chooses to claim the contribution deduction. The income distribution deduction is computed in dif-
Complex trusts claiming a charitable contribution de- ferent ways depending on whether distributions are less
duction must also file Form 1041-A, U.S. Information than or more than distributable net income (DNI). If
Return—Trust Accumulation of Charitable Amounts. the amount of such distributions is less than DNI, the
amount of the actual distributions is used. If the amount
OTHER DEDUCTIONS of the distributions is more than DNI, the DNI must
be computed by taking into account the miscellaneous
Expenses that are not deductible elsewhere are deducted itemized deductions after applying the 2 percent floor.
on either Line 15a or Line 15b of Form 1041. Schedules An algebraic formula for this computation is provided
itemizing these deductions must also be submitted. in the Form 1041 instructions.

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DISTRIBUTIONS DEDUCTION compute distributable net income. DNI must also be

determined before the separate Schedules K-1 for each
An estate or trust claims a deduction from income for beneficiary’s share of income, deductions, and credits
distributions to beneficiaries, and the amount so allowed can be completed.
is included in the income of the beneficiaries (Code Sec.
661(a)). The distributions deduction claimed on Line The distributable net income, which is computed in
18, page 1, of Form 1041 is computed on Schedule B, Schedule B, page 2, of Form 1041, is the income of the
Line 15. (Instead of completing Schedule B, a pooled trust for the current year that is available for distribu-
income fund attaches a statement showing how the tion. It includes all tax-exempt interest and all dividends.
income distribution deduction was determined.) (Instead of using Schedule B to compute the income
distribution deduction, pooled income funds attach a
Schedules K-1 must be attached for the beneficiaries of an statement showing how the deduction was computed.)
estate or trust that claims the income distribution deduc-
tion. Also, the distribution deduction must be recomputed If a single trust has more than one beneficiary with
on a minimum tax basis on Schedule I. The deduction separate and independent shares of the trust, their shares
is the total of the amounts paid, credited or required to are treated as separate trusts in determining distributable
be distributed to the beneficiaries, or the distributable net income allocable to each beneficiary. A similar rule
net income, whichever is less. In either case, the amount applies to treat beneficiaries’ substantially separate and
must be adjusted to exclude any tax-exempt income (it is independent shares of the estate of a decedent dying after
assumed that there is none in the filled in return). August 5, 1997, as separate estates. When the separate
share rule applies, distributable net income allocable to
Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund each beneficiary should be computed on a separate sheet
On Line 18, page 1, of Form 1041, the amount paid for attached to the return.
the maintenance of cemetery property (limited to $5 per
In determining distributable net income, if capital gains
gravesite) may be deducted. The number of gravesites
are required to be distributed to beneficiaries or if the
should be entered to the right of the entry space for Line
trust takes a deduction for a charitable contribution that
18. Also, “(Section 642(i) Trust)” should be written after
is made up in whole or in part of capital gains, the net
the trust’s name at the top of Form 1041. It is not necessary
capital gain distributable to beneficiaries and the long-
to complete Schedules B and K-1 for a cemetery perpetual
term capital gain and short-term capital gain that are paid
care fund.
or permanently set aside for charitable, etc., purposes are
65-Day Election to be included. Otherwise, capital gains are excluded.
A trustee of a complex trust can make a yearly irrevocable In the illustrative return, the amount of $45,471 entered
election to treat a distribution, or any part of it, made on Line 1 of Schedule B is the trust’s adjusted total income
within the first 65 days of the trust’s tax year as having from Line 17, page 1, of Form 1041. This amount is
been distributed to the beneficiary on the last day of the computed by taking the trust’s total income on Line 9 of
trust’s preceding tax year. This 65-day election is also page 1 and subtracting the trust’s total deductions reported
available to decedents’ estates. The election is made by on Line 16 on page 1. Thus, the distributions deduction
checking the box at Item 6 under “Other Information” and the deduction for estate taxes attributable to income
on the bottom of page 2 of Form 1041. in respect of a decedent are disregarded. Adjustments for
items of tax-exempt interest, etc., described above are to
The amount of income required to be distributed cur- be accounted for on Lines 2 through 6 of Schedule B. In
rently in the filled in Form 1041, $19,514, is less than this illustrative return, since the capital gains are assumed
the distributable net income of $29,271. Therefore, the not to be distributable to the beneficiaries, they are to be
income distribution deduction is $19,514. This amount excluded from distributable net income and, accordingly,
is carried from Line 15, Schedule B, page 2, Form 1041, are deducted on Line 6 of Schedule B. The deduction of
to Line 18, page 1. $16,200 of capital gains leaves a distributable net income
of $29,271, as noted on Line 7, Schedule B. This amount
DISTRIBUTABLE NET INCOME also is the trust’s accounting (or Code Sec. 643(b)) income,
which is determined under the terms of the governing
Before the amount of the deduction for distributions
instruments and the applicable local law, as reported on
to beneficiaries, to be entered on Line 18, page 1,
Line 8, Schedule B.
of Form 1041 may be determined, it is necessary to

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118 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

REQUIRED DISTRIBUTIONS — Income Shares Shown in Schedule K-1

Each beneficiary must include in gross income the
The amounts of income of the estate or trust required to be smaller of either the amounts paid, credited or required
distributed currently to each beneficiary, whether distributed to be distributed, or the proportionate share of distribut-
or not, and any other amounts paid, credited, or required able net income. Either is reduced by the share of dis-
to be distributed during the tax year, are to be entered on tributable tax-exempt income (decreased by the share of
Lines 9 and 10 of Schedule B, page 2, Form 1041. In the expenses incurred in earning that income). The character
illustrative return, no amounts are entered on Line 10 be- of the income reported on each separate Schedule K-1 by
cause the only distribution made by the trust for 2009 was the fiduciary should be the same as the items that enter
the required two thirds of current income less expenses. into the computation of distributable net income.

The $19,514 in the illustrative return, which appears on If the total of the amounts paid, credited or required to
Line 9 of Schedule B and constitutes the amount of income be distributed is more than the amount of distributable
currently distributable to the beneficiaries, is computed net income shown in Schedule B, then the amounts that
from the amounts appearing on page 1 as follows: go into the computation of distributable net income are
reported on each Schedule K-1 in proportion to each
Income: beneficiary’s share of income.
Line 1: Interest on bank deposits, notes, and $5,000
corporation bonds If the total payments, credits, and required distributions
Line 2: Dividends 1,200 are less than the distributable net income, only a propor-
Line 5: Net rents 25,471 tionate part of each item entering into the computation
Total $31,671 of distributable net income is reported on Schedule K-1,
according to the ratio of each particular item of income to
Expense: the distributable net income. This is the situation in the
Line 11: Taxes $1,575 case of the illustrative filled in form as explained below.
Line 12: Fiduciary fees 675
Line 14: Return preparer fees 150 If capital gains and losses are involved (see below) or a
Total $2,400 charitable deduction is claimed, special computations are
required to determine the beneficiaries’ shares of income.
Current income less expenses $29,271
Distributable to beneficiaries (2/3 of $29,271) $19,514 Allocation of Deductions

Deductible items that enter into the computation

Since the trust instrument specifies that the beneficiaries of distributable net income are allocated among
are to share equally in two-thirds of the trust income income items in a manner that is not inconsistent
after deduction of expenses, one half of the $19,514, or with the passive activity loss limitations under Code
$9,757, is assigned to Mary S. Warden, and $9,757 is Sec. 469. In determining the amount of each item
assigned to Harold Draper. of distributable net income, deductions directly
related to a particular class of income are deducted
BENEFICIARIES’ INCOME AND CREDITS from that class. Deductions not directly related to
any particular class of income may be deducted
Separate Schedule K-1
from any class, as long as a reasonable proportion
Schedule K-1 is used to report a beneficiary’s share of is deducted from tax-exempt income. If the deduc-
the income, deductions, and credits from the estate or tions allocable to one class of income exceed that
trust. Three copies of Schedule K-1 must be prepared income, the excess may be allocated to other classes
for each beneficiary. One copy of each Schedule K-1 is of income. However, excess deductions allocable to
filed with Form 1041, another copy is given to the ben- tax-exempt income may not be allocated to other
eficiary, and the third copy is retained by the fiduciary. classes of income. Additionally, excess deductions
The fiduciary must request an identification number from passive activities may not be allocated against
from each beneficiary. Further, the fiduciary is subject nonpassive activities or portfolio income earned by
to a $50 penalty under Code Sec. 6723 for failing to an estate or trust. Deductions that enter into the
include the identification number on a Schedule K-1, computation of distributable net income may not be
unless such failure is due to reasonable cause. allocated to corpus items or to income not included
in distributable net income.

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Trust or estate deductions cannot generally be claimed

Personal property tax $1,575
by the beneficiary. Therefore, no negative amounts may Trustee fees 675
be shown for any class of income except in the final year Fee for preparing income tax return 150
or for amortization, depreciation or depletion. Total $2,400

Capital Gains and Losses

In this filled in return, the fiduciary elects to reduce the
Generally, capital gains are not included in distributable rental income by these deductions. This leaves taxable
net income unless they are one of the following: dividends of $1,200, interest of $5,000, and rental in-
come of $23,071 (net rents of $25,471 minus $2,400).
Allocated to income under the governing instrument
or local law Because the total amount distributed, $19,514, is less
Allocated to corpus and actually distributed to ben- than the distributable net income, $29,271, only pro-
eficiaries during the taxable year portionate parts of the dividends and the other taxable
Used, under the governing instrument or the practice income are reported on each separate Schedule K-1.
followed by the fiduciary, in determining the amount
which is distributed or required to be distributed The dividends allocable to the beneficiaries are deter-
Paid or to be used for charitable purposes so that a mined by multiplying the gross dividends of $1,200 by
contributions deduction is allowed a fraction with the actual amount distributed ($19,514)
as the numerator and the distributable net income
Capital losses are excluded from the computation of dis- ($29,271) as the denominator. The result is $800 al-
tributable net income. But if capital gains are distributed, locable to the beneficiaries, $400 to each.
the capital losses are offset against the gains to determine
the net capital gains distributed. Similarly, this fraction is applied to the interest and
rental income to arrive at interest of $3,333 applicable
Credits to the beneficiaries, $1,667 to each, and rental income
Income tax credits are generally allocated between an of $15,380, $7,690 to each.
estate or a trust and its beneficiaries, based on the divi- On Schedule K-1 (Form 1041) for Mary S. Warden,
sion of income. interest of $1,667 is reported on Line 1 and qualifying
The general business credit limitation based on tax li- dividends of $400 are reported on Line 2b. A similar
ability generally may not exceed net income tax minus Schedule K-1 would be prepared for Harold Draper
the greater of the tentative minimum tax or 25 percent of (not reproduced).
the net regular tax liability over $25,000. For estates and Net short-term capital gains and net long-term capital
trusts, the $25,000 limitation amount must be reduced gains are reported on Lines 3 and 4a–c, respectively, of
to an amount that bears the same ratio to $25,000 as Schedule K-1. Total net long-term capital gain for the
the portion of the income of the estate or trust that is year is reported on Line 4a, unrecaptured section 1250
not allocated to beneficiaries bears to the total income gain is reported on Line 4c, and net long-term capital
of the estate or trust (Code Sec. 38(c)(3)(D)). gain subject to the 28 percent capital gains rate (collect-
Filling in Schedule K-1
ible gains and the nonexcludible gain from the sale of
qualified small business stock) is reported on Line 4b.
In the filled in form, there is no interest or other income For a beneficiary other than a corporation, the benefi-
exempt from tax, and no capital gains are distributable. ciary’s allocable share of a capital loss carryover upon
This leaves only dividends and other taxable income to be termination of the estate or trust is entered as a loss in
reported on each separate Schedule K-1 (Form 1041). parentheses on Line 11.
Total income, exclusive of capital gains, includes divi- On Line 5, the beneficiary’s share of annuities, royalties
dends of $1,200, interest of $5,000, and net rental in- or any other income that is not subject to any of the pas-
come of $25,471. Assuming they are not directly related sive activity loss limitations is reported. Line 8 is used to
to any income item, the following expenses are to be report income items that could be subject to the passive
allocated in the fiduciary’s discretion: activity rules at the beneficiary’s level, such as rental and
rental real estate income.

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 119 10/19/2009 10:14:08 AM

120 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

Rental income from real estate activities of $7,690 is ESTATE TAX DEDUCTION
reported on Line 7 of the filled-in return. To assist the
beneficiary in computing any applicable passive activity If an estate or trust includes in gross income an item of
loss limitations, a separate schedule should be attached income that had accrued as of the date of death so that
showing the beneficiary’s share of income derived from the item was included in the decedent’s estate for estate
rental real estate, other rental, trade or business activi- tax purposes, the estate or trust may claim a correspond-
ties. ing deduction based on the estate tax attributable to
the item’s net value. A deduction is also allowed for the
On Line 9, the beneficiary’s shares of depreciation, generation-skipping transfer tax that is imposed because
depletion, and amortization are reported. There are no of a taxable termination or a direct skip that results from
allocations of depreciation, depletion, or amortization on the death of a transferor (Code Sec. 691(c)).
the filled in Schedule K-1, as the building has been fully
depreciated. Any adjustments or tax preferences attribut- The above deductions are claimed on Line 19, page 1
able to these three items are reported on Line 12. of Form 1041. They are computed on a separate sheet
that must be attached to Form 1041.
The allocable portion of an estate tax deduction is re-
ported on Line 10, Schedule K-1, Form 1041. Allocable EXEMPTIONS
portions of unused loss carryovers or excess deductions
upon termination are reported on Line 11, and allocable An estate is entitled to an exemption of $600. The ex-
portions of foreign taxes are reported on Line 14, Sched- emption of a simple trust is $300. Complex trusts, such
ule K-1. A computation for each should be prepared on as the one used in the example, are entitled to a $100
a separate sheet. exemption. A $100 exemption is therefore entered on
Line 20, page 1, Form 1041. No exemption is allowed
A number of miscellaneous items, not reported elsewhere on a final return.
on Schedule K-1, are also reported on Line 14 or on
an attached statement. These include the beneficiary’s In 2009, a qualified disability trust established solely for
share of: the benefit of a disabled person under age 65 is allowed
a $3,650 exemption if the trust’s modified AGI does not
Estimated taxes exceed $166,800.
Tax-exempt interest
Gross farming and fishing income COMPUTATION OF TAX
Investment income under Code Sec. 163(d)
Foreign trading gross income as defined in Code The tax computation is made on Schedule G, page 2,
Sec. 942(a) Form 1041. The tax is computed either by using the Tax
Various tax credits Rate Schedule (also known as “regular tax rates”) or, if
eligible, the trust or estate may use the applicable rate for
The John Tyler Trust must complete Schedule I, even net capital gains. The total tax liability (Line 7, Schedule
though it has no alternative minimum tax liability, G) is reported on Line 23, page 1, Form 1041.
because it has made an income distribution to its ben-
eficiaries during the year. The John Tyler Trust has taxable income of $25,857,
which is subject to the top marginal rate of 35 per-
The John Tyler Trust has an adjusted total income of cent. Using the 2009 Tax Rate Schedule, the regular
$45,471 (Line 17, Form 1041) to which taxes of $1,575 tax on that amount would be $8,026. However, the
(Line 11, Form 1041) are added to obtain an adjusted trust has net capital gains of $16,200 and qualified
alternative minimum taxable income of $47,046 (Line dividends of $400, and may compute its tax liability
25, Schedule I) (the trust does not have any alternative using the appropriate capital gains tax rate (Part V,
minimum tax adjustments, tax preference items or net Schedule D, Form 1041). The maximum tax taking
operating losses). into account the capital gains tax rate, as shown on
The trust is entitled to a distribution deduction on a Line 35, Schedule D, is $4,744. Because this amount
minimum tax basis of $19,514 (Line 44, Schedule I), is smaller than the $8,026 regular tax on Line 34, it is
and the trust’s allocable share of the alternative minimum entered on Line 1a, Schedule G, Form 1041.
taxable income (Line 29, Part I, Schedule I) is $27,532 Tax credits are offset against the tax liability in two differ-
($47,046 - $19,514). ent places on Form 1041. The nonrefundable tax credits

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 120 10/19/2009 10:14:09 AM


are reported on Line 2, Schedule G, page 2, Form 1041, adjustments (Lines 2 through 23 of Schedule I) and
and the refundable credits are reflected on Line 24, page reduced by its alternative minimum tax net operating
1, Form 1041. As to the nonrefundable credits: loss deduction (Line 24 of Schedule I).
The trust’s or estate’s share of the foreign tax credit The alternative tax net operating loss deduction (AT-
is reported on Schedule G, Line 2a (attach Form NOLD) entered on Line 24 of Schedule I is the sum
1116) of the alternative tax net operating loss (ATNOL) car-
Other nonbusiness credits are reported on Line 2b ryovers and carrybacks to the current year.
The trust’s or estate’s share of business credits is re-
ported on Line 2c (attach the appropriate form) An election to forego the carryback period for regular tax
The credits for prior years’ minimum tax (attach Form purposes also applies for minimum tax purposes.
8801) are reported on Line 2d The alternative tax net operating loss deduction (AT-
NOLD) is modified by:
Recapture taxes from Line 5, Schedule G, are reported 1. Adding adjustments (or subtracting if the adjustments
either on Form 4255, Recapture of Investment Credit, or were negative) made under Code Secs. 56 and 58
on Form 8611, Recapture of Low-Income Housing Credit. to the NOL under Code Sec. 172.
The alternative minimum tax is reported on Line 1c 2. Reducing the NOL by any item of tax preference
(from Schedule I). An estate or trust that incurs house- under Code Sec. 57 (except for the now repealed
hold employment taxes lists the amount of these taxes on appreciated charitable contribution preference
Schedule G, Line 6 (attach Schedule H, Form 1040). item).
Alternative Minimum Tax
Any ATNOL not used may be carried back 2 years and
Schedule I, Form 1041, Alternative Minimum Tax, con- forward for up to 20 years (prior to 1998, the carryfor-
sists of four parts. The estate or trust computes its share of ward period was limited to 15 years). In some cases, the
alternative minimum taxable income in Part I, its income carryback period may be longer than 2 years.
distribution deduction on a minimum tax basis in Part
II, its alternative minimum tax liability in Part III, and PRACTICE POINTER: The treatment of ATNOLs does
the Part III Line 52 capital gain amount in Part IV. not affect the regular tax NOL.
The alternative minimum tax liability from Part III is
reported on Line 1c, Schedule G, page 2, Form 1041. Estate’s or trust’s share of alternative minimum tax-
Part I and Part II of Schedule I have to be completed able income. The income distribution deduction from
for any year for which an income distribution deduction Part II and the estate tax deduction are subtracted from
has been claimed, regardless of whether or not there is AAMTI (Lines 26 and 27, Schedule I) to obtain the
an alternative minimum tax liability. estate’s or trust’s share of alternative minimum taxable
income on Line 29, Schedule I.
Part III must be completed if the estate’s or trust’s share
of alternative minimum taxable income (Line 29, Part I) Credits. Nonrefundable credits (other than the foreign
exceeds $22,500. The computation in Part IV is required tax credit) may not be claimed against alternative mini-
for estates and trusts that have qualified dividends or mum tax liability. When a trust or estate seeks to offset its
complete Schedule D, Form 1041, and have a gain on alternative minimum tax liability with foreign tax credits,
Lines 14a and 15 of column (2) of Schedule D (Form it must complete and attach a separate Form 1116 for
1041), as refigured for the AMT. The reduced rates that each type of income specified at the top of Form 1116.
apply to net long-term capital gain also apply when Then, at the top of that form, the trust or estate should
figuring the alternative minimum tax. also add the phrase “Alt Min Tax.”

Adjusted alternative minimum taxable income. In The John Tyler Trust must complete all four parts of
determining adjusted alternative minimum taxable Schedule I. The John Tyler Trust is not subject to the tax
income (AAMTI) on Line 25, Schedule I, a fiduciary because its regular tax of $4,744 exceeded its tentative
for an estate or a trust must combine Lines 1 through alternative minimum tax (AMT) liability of $755.
24, which represent the estate’s or trust’s adjusted total
The zero AMT tax liability was determined by first
income or loss (Line 17, Form 1041 as entered on Line
reducing the trust’s alternative minimum taxable income
1 of Schedule I) increased by its tax preferences and

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 121 10/19/2009 10:14:09 AM

122 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

($27,532 on Line 29) by the $22,500 exemption amount. Taxes paid with an extension of time to file are reported
The $5,032 difference (Line 51) is the amount subject on Line 24d (attach Form 7004). Any erroneously with-
to the applicable AMT tax rate. Although the applicable held (and not repaid) income taxes on wages and salaries
tax rate is generally 26 percent on the first $175,000 of of a decedent that were received by the decedent’s estate
AMTI as reduced by the exemption amount, long-term and any credit for back up withholding is reported on
capital gain of the trust which is subject to the 15 percent Line 24e (attach Form W-2). Any credit for backup
rate for regular tax purposes is also subject to a 15 percent withholding for income distributed should be reported
rate for AMT purposes. on Line 14, Schedule K-1.
Since the Trust had $16,200 in long-term capital gain The refundable tax credits for regulated investment
and $400 in dividends subject to a 15 percent rate for companies (attach Copy B of Form 2439) and the credit
regular tax purposes, the entire $5,032 of AMTI is deemed for federal tax on special fuels (attach Form 4136) are
attributable to long-term capital gain and its tentative reported on Line 24f–g and totaled on Line 24h.
alternative minimum tax is $755 ($5,032 × 15%) (Lines
72 and 73). No AMT is due because the $755 tentative In the example for the John Tyler Trust, a total of $7,000
alternative minimum tax is less than the $4,744 .(PLEASE was paid for estimated taxes. This figure is entered on
COMPARE WITH TAX SHOWN ON PAGE 1, LINE Line 24a. Since there are no applicable tax credits, the
23 (4,774) – PIR) regular income tax liability entered $7,000 figure is carried to Line 25 before being sub-
on Line 55. tracted from the amount on Line 23.

Payments and Refundable Tax Credits COMPLETION OF RETURN

Any estimated tax payments (including amounts ap- The declaration at the bottom of page 1 calls for the
plied from the previous year) are reported on Line 24a signature of the fiduciary, without a requirement of
of Form 1041. If the fiduciary has elected to allocate notarization. Financial institutions that act as trustees
estimated taxes to beneficiaries, the amount so allocated and submit estimated tax payments must provide their
from Form 1041-T is entered on Line 24b, the amount employee identification number (EIN). A person who
on Line 24b is subtracted from Line 24a, and the result received compensation for preparing the return must also
is entered on Line 24c. sign. The additional information required at the bottom
of page 2 must be supplied.

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 122 10/19/2009 10:14:09 AM


Department of the Treasury—Internal Revenue Service


U.S. Income Tax Return for Estates and Trusts 2009 OMB No. 1545-0092
A Type of entity (see instr.): For calendar year 2009 or fiscal year beginning , 2009, and ending , 20
Decedent’s estate Name of estate or trust (If a grantor type trust, see page 14 of the instructions.) C Employer identification number

Simple trust John Tyler Trust 21 1234567
Name and title of fiduciary D Date entity created

✔ Complex trust
Qualified disability trust South End Trust Co. 01/01/88
Number, street, and room or suite no. (If a P.O. box, see page 15 of the instructions.) E Nonexempt charitable and split-

ESBT (S portion only)
interest trusts, check applicable
Grantor type trust 25 Beach St boxes (see page 16 of the instr.):

a 9
Bankruptcy estate-Ch. 7 Described in section 4947(a)(1)
City or town, state, and ZIP code

Bankruptcy estate-Ch. 11 Not a private foundation

f 0
Pooled income fund Detroit, MI 48226 Described in section 4947(a)(2)

B Number of Schedules K-1 F Check

Initial return Final return Amended return Change in trust's name
attached (see applicable


boxes: Change in fiduciary Change in fiduciary's name Change in fiduciary's address

G Check here if the estate or filing trust made a section 645 election . . . . . . 

D /23
1 Interest income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5,000
2a Total ordinary dividends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2a 1,200
b Qualified dividends allocable to: (1) Beneficiaries 800 (2) Estate or trust 400
3 Business income or (loss). Attach Schedule C or C-EZ (Form 1040) . . . . . . . . . 3

4 Capital gain or (loss). Attach Schedule D (Form 1041) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 16,200

5 Rents, royalties, partnerships, other estates and trusts, etc. Attach Schedule E (Form 1040) . 5
6 Farm income or (loss). Attach Schedule F (Form 1040) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
7 Ordinary gain or (loss). Attach Form 4797 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
8 Other income. List type and amount 8
9 Total income. Combine lines 1, 2a, and 3 through 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9 47,871
10 Interest. Check if Form 4952 is attached  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
11 Taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1,575
12 Fiduciary fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 675
13 Charitable deduction (from Schedule A, line 7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

14 Attorney, accountant, and return preparer fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

15a Other deductions not subject to the 2% floor (attach schedule) . . . . . . . . . . . 15a
b Allowable miscellaneous itemized deductions subject to the 2% floor . . . . . . . . . 15b
16 Add lines 10 through 15b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16 2,400
17 Adjusted total income or (loss). Subtract line 16 from line 9 . . . 17 45,471
18 Income distribution deduction (from Schedule B, line 15). Attach Schedules K-1 (Form 1041) 18 19,514
19 Estate tax deduction including certain generation-skipping taxes (attach computation) . . . 19
20 Exemption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 100
21 Add lines 18 through 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21 19,614
22 Taxable income. Subtract line 21 from line 17. If a loss, see page 23 of the instructions . . . 22 25,857
23 Total tax (from Schedule G, line 7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 4,774
24 Payments: a 2009 estimated tax payments and amount applied from 2008 return . . . . 24a 7,000
Tax and Payments

b Estimated tax payments allocated to beneficiaries (from Form 1041-T) . . . . . . . . 24b

c Subtract line 24b from line 24a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24c 7,000
d Tax paid with Form 7004 (see page 24 of the instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . 24d
e Federal income tax withheld. If any is from Form(s) 1099, check  . . . . . . . . 24e
Other payments: f Form 2439 ; g Form 4136 ; Total  24h
25 Total payments. Add lines 24c through 24e, and 24h . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25 7,000
26 Estimated tax penalty (see page 24 of the instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
27 Tax due. If line 25 is smaller than the total of lines 23 and 26, enter amount owed . . . . . 27 0
28 Overpayment. If line 25 is larger than the total of lines 23 and 26, enter amount overpaid . . 28 2,256
29 Amount of line 28 to be: a Credited to 2010 estimated tax  ; b Refunded  29 2,256
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct,
and complete. Declaration of preparer (other than taxpayer) is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge.

May the IRS discuss this return
Here  76 5432101 with the preparer shown below
(see instr.)? ✔ Yes No
Signature of fiduciary or officer representing fiduciary Date EIN of fiduciary if a financial institution

Date Check if
self-employed ✔
Preparer’s SSN or PTIN

Firm’s name (or Riley P Burns 66 1071367
Use Only yours if self-employed),
address, and ZIP code 51 N Oak St, Detroit, MI 48216 Phone no. (317) 578-3267
For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the separate instructions. Cat. No. 11370H Form 1041 (2009)

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 123 10/19/2009 10:14:09 AM

124 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

Form 1041 (2009) Page 2

Schedule A Charitable Deduction. Do not complete for a simple trust or a pooled income fund.
1 Amounts paid or permanently set aside for charitable purposes from gross income (see page 25) 1
2 Tax-exempt income allocable to charitable contributions (see page 25 of the instructions) . . . 2

3 Subtract line 2 from line 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

4 Capital gains for the tax year allocated to corpus and paid or permanently set aside for charitable purposes 4
5 Add lines 3 and 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

6 Section 1202 exclusion allocable to capital gains paid or permanently set aside for charitable
purposes (see page 25 of the instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

a 9
7 Charitable deduction. Subtract line 6 from line 5. Enter here and on page 1, line 13 . . . . . 7
Schedule B Income Distribution Deduction

ft 0
1 Adjusted total income (see page 26 of the instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 45,471

2 Adjusted tax-exempt interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0

a /2
3 Total net gain from Schedule D (Form 1041), line 15, column (1) (see page 26 of the instructions) . 3

4 Enter amount from Schedule A, line 4 (minus any allocable section 1202 exclusion) . . . . . 4

D /23
5 Capital gains for the tax year included on Schedule A, line 1 (see page 26 of the instructions) . . 5
6 Enter any gain from page 1, line 4, as a negative number. If page 1, line 4, is a loss, enter the loss
as a positive number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 (16,200)
7 Distributable net income. Combine lines 1 through 6. If zero or less, enter -0- . . . . . . . 7 29,271

8 If a complex trust, enter accounting income for the tax year as
determined under the governing instrument and applicable local law . 29,271

9 Income required to be distributed currently . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 19,514
10 Other amounts paid, credited, or otherwise required to be distributed . . . . . . . . . . 10 0
11 Total distributions. Add lines 9 and 10. If greater than line 8, see page 26 of the instructions . . 11 19,514
12 Enter the amount of tax-exempt income included on line 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 0
13 Tentative income distribution deduction. Subtract line 12 from line 11 . . . . . . . . . . 13 19,514
14 Tentative income distribution deduction. Subtract line 2 from line 7. If zero or less, enter -0- . . 14 29,271
15 Income distribution deduction. Enter the smaller of line 13 or line 14 here and on page 1, line 18 15 19,514
Schedule G Tax Computation (see page 27 of the instructions)
1 Tax: a Tax on taxable income (see page 27 of the instructions) . . 1a 4,774
b Tax on lump-sum distributions. Attach Form 4972 . . . . 1b
c Alternative minimum tax (from Schedule I (Form 1041), line 56) 1c
d Total. Add lines 1a through 1c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1d 4,774
2a Foreign tax credit. Attach Form 1116 . . . . . . . . . . . . 2a
b Other nonbusiness credits (attach schedule) . . . . . . . . . 2b
c General business credit. Attach Form 3800 . . . . . . . . . . 2c
d Credit for prior year minimum tax. Attach Form 8801 . . . . . . 2d
3 Total credits. Add lines 2a through 2d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3 0
4 Subtract line 3 from line 1d. If zero or less, enter -0- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4,774
5 Recapture taxes. Check if from: Form 4255 Form 8611 . . . . . . . . . . . 5
6 Household employment taxes. Attach Schedule H (Form 1040) . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
7 Total tax. Add lines 4 through 6. Enter here and on page 1, line 23 . . . . . . . . . .  7 4,774
Other Information Yes No
1 Did the estate or trust receive tax-exempt income? If “Yes,” attach a computation of the allocation of expenses ✔
Enter the amount of tax-exempt interest income and exempt-interest dividends  $
2 Did the estate or trust receive all or any part of the earnings (salary, wages, and other compensation) of any
individual by reason of a contract assignment or similar arrangement? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ✔
3 At any time during calendar year 2009, did the estate or trust have an interest in or a signature or other authority

over a bank, securities, or other financial account in a foreign country? . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
See page 29 of the instructions for exceptions and filing requirements for Form TD F 90-22.1. If “Yes,” enter the
name of the foreign country 
4 During the tax year, did the estate or trust receive a distribution from, or was it the grantor of, or transferor to, a

foreign trust? If “Yes,” the estate or trust may have to file Form 3520. See page 29 of the instructions . . . .
5 Did the estate or trust receive, or pay, any qualified residence interest on seller-provided financing? If “Yes,” see

page 30 for required attachment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 If this is an estate or a complex trust making the section 663(b) election, check here (see page 30) . . 
7 To make a section 643(e)(3) election, attach Schedule D (Form 1041), and check here (see page 30) . . 
8 If the decedent’s estate has been open for more than 2 years, attach an explanation for the delay in closing the estate, and check here 
9 Are any present or future trust beneficiaries skip persons? See page 30 of the instructions . . . . . . . . ✔
Form 1041 (2009)

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 124 10/19/2009 10:14:10 AM


SCHEDULE I Alternative Minimum Tax—Estates and Trusts OMB No. 1545-0092

(Form 1041)
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
 Attach to Form 1041. See the separate instructions
for Schedule I (Form 1041). 2009

Name of estate or trust Employer identification number

Part I Estate’s or Trust’s Share of Alternative Minimum Taxable Income

1 Adjusted total income or (loss) (from Form 1041, line 17) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2 Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

a 9
3 Taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1,575

4 Miscellaneous itemized deductions (from Form 1041, line 15b) . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

f 0
5 Refund of taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ( )

6 Depletion (difference between regular tax and AMT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

a 2
7 Net operating loss deduction. Enter as a positive amount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

r /
8 Interest from specified private activity bonds exempt from the regular tax . . . . . . . . . 8

D /10
9 Qualified small business stock (see page 2 of the instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
10 Exercise of incentive stock options (excess of AMT income over regular tax income) . . . . . 10
11 Other estates and trusts (amount from Schedule K-1 (Form 1041), box 12, code A) . . . . . 11
12 Electing large partnerships (amount from Schedule K-1 (Form 1065-B), box 6) . . . . . . . 12

13 Disposition of property (difference between AMT and regular tax gain or loss) . . . . . . . 13
14 Depreciation on assets placed in service after 1986 (difference between regular tax and AMT) . . 14
15 Passive activities (difference between AMT and regular tax income or loss) . . . . . . . . 15
16 Loss limitations (difference between AMT and regular tax income or loss) . . . . . . . . . 16
17 Circulation costs (difference between regular tax and AMT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
18 Long-term contracts (difference between AMT and regular tax income) . . . . . . . . . 18
19 Mining costs (difference between regular tax and AMT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
20 Research and experimental costs (difference between regular tax and AMT) . . . . . . . . 20
21 Income from certain installment sales before January 1, 1987 . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 ( )
22 Intangible drilling costs preference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
23 Other adjustments, including income-based related adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . 23
24 Alternative tax net operating loss deduction (See the instructions for the limitation that applies.) . 24 ( )
25 Adjusted alternative minimum taxable income. Combine lines 1 through 24 . . . . . . . . 25 47,046
Note: Complete Part II below before going to line 26.
26 Income distribution deduction from Part II, line 44 . . . . . . . 26 19,514
27 Estate tax deduction (from Form 1041, line 19) . . . . . . . . 27
28 Add lines 26 and 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 19,514
29 Estate’s or trust’s share of alternative minimum taxable income. Subtract line 28 from line 25 . . 29 27,532
If line 29 is:
● $22,500 or less, stop here and enter -0- on Form 1041, Schedule G, line 1c. The estate or
trust is not liable for the alternative minimum tax.
● Over $22,500, but less than $165,000, go to line 45.
● $165,000 or more, enter the amount from line 29 on line 51 and go to line 52.
Part II Income Distribution Deduction on a Minimum Tax Basis
30 Adjusted alternative minimum taxable income (see page 6 of the instructions) . . . . . . . 30 47,046
31 Adjusted tax-exempt interest (other than amounts included on line 8) . . . . . . . . . . 31
32 Total net gain from Schedule D (Form 1041), line 15, column (1). If a loss, enter -0- . . . . . 32
33 Capital gains for the tax year allocated to corpus and paid or permanently set aside for charitable
purposes (from Form 1041, Schedule A, line 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
34 Capital gains paid or permanently set aside for charitable purposes from gross income (see page
6 of the instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
35 Capital gains computed on a minimum tax basis included on line 25 . . . . . . . . . . 35 ( 16,200 )
36 Capital losses computed on a minimum tax basis included on line 25. Enter as a positive amount 36
37 Distributable net alternative minimum taxable income (DNAMTI). Combine lines 30 through 36.
If zero or less, enter -0- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 30,846
38 Income required to be distributed currently (from Form 1041, Schedule B, line 9) . . . . . . 38 19,514
39 Other amounts paid, credited, or otherwise required to be distributed (from Form 1041, Schedule B, line 10) 39 0
40 Total distributions. Add lines 38 and 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 19,514
41 Tax-exempt income included on line 40 (other than amounts included on line 8) . . . . . . 41 0
42 Tentative income distribution deduction on a minimum tax basis. Subtract line 41 from line 40 . . 42 19,514
For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 1041. Cat. No. 51517Q Schedule I (Form 1041) (2009)

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 125 10/19/2009 10:14:11 AM

126 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

Schedule I (Form 1041) (2009) Page 2

Part II Income Distribution Deduction on a Minimum Tax Basis (continued)
43 Tentative income distribution deduction on a minimum tax basis. Subtract line 31 from line 37.
If zero or less, enter -0- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 30,846

44 Income distribution deduction on a minimum tax basis. Enter the smaller of line 42 or line 43.

Enter here and on line 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 19,541
Part III Alternative Minimum Tax

s 9
45 Exemption amount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 $22,500 00
46 Enter the amount from line 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 27,532

47 Phase-out of exemption amount . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 $75,000 00

48 Subtract line 47 from line 46. If zero or less, enter -0- . . . . . . 48

f 0
49 Multiply line 48 by 25% (.25) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 0

50 Subtract line 49 from line 45. If zero or less, enter -0- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 22,500


51 Subtract line 50 from line 46 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

r /
52 Go to Part IV of Schedule I to figure line 52 if the estate or trust has qualified dividends or has a

D /10
gain on lines 14a and 15 of column (2) of Schedule D (Form 1041) (as refigured for the AMT, if
necessary). Otherwise, if line 51 is—
● $175,000 or less, multiply line 51 by 26% (.26).
● Over $175,000, multiply line 51 by 28% (.28) and subtract $3,500 from the result . . . . . 52 755

53 Alternative minimum foreign tax credit (see page 7 of the instructions) . . . . . . . . . . 53 0

54 Tentative minimum tax. Subtract line 53 from line 52 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
55 Enter the tax from Form 1041, Schedule G, line 1a (minus any foreign tax credit from Schedule G, line 2a) 55 5,256
56 Alternative minimum tax. Subtract line 55 from line 54. If zero or less, enter -0-. Enter here and
on Form 1041, Schedule G, line 1c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 0
Part IV Line 52 Computation Using Maximum Capital Gains Rates
Caution: If you did not complete Part V of Schedule D (Form 1041), the Schedule D Tax Worksheet,
or the Qualified Dividends Tax Worksheet, see page 8 of the instructions before completing this part.
57 Enter the amount from line 51 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 5,032
58 Enter the amount from Schedule D (Form 1041), line 22, line 13 of the
Schedule D Tax Worksheet, or line 4 of the Qualified Dividends Tax
Worksheet, whichever applies (as refigured for the AMT, if necessary) 58 16,600
59 Enter the amount from Schedule D (Form 1041), line 14b, column (2)
(as refigured for the AMT, if necessary). If you did not complete
Schedule D for the regular tax or the AMT, enter -0- . . . . . . . 59 16,600
60 If you did not complete a Schedule D Tax Worksheet for the regular tax
or the AMT, enter the amount from line 58. Otherwise, add lines 58 and
59 and enter the smaller of that result or the amount from line 10 of the
Schedule D Tax Worksheet (as refigured for the AMT, if necessary) . . 60
61 Enter the smaller of line 57 or line 60 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 5,032
62 Subtract line 61 from line 57 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 0
63 If line 62 is $175,000 or less, multiply line 62 by 26% (.26). Otherwise, multiply line 62 by 28%
(.28) and subtract $3,500 from the result . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  63 0
64 Maximum amount subject to the 0% rate . . . . . . . . . . 64 $2,300 00
65 Enter the amount from line 23 of Schedule D (Form 1041), line 14 of the
Schedule D Tax Worksheet, or line 5 of the Qualified Dividends Tax
Worksheet on page 27 of the Instructions for Form 1041, whichever
applies (as figured for the regular tax). If you did not complete
Schedule D or either worksheet for the regular tax, enter -0- . . . . 65 9,257
66 Subtract line 65 from line 64. If zero or less, enter -0- . . . . . . 66 0
67 Enter the smaller of line 57 or line 58 . . . . . . . . . . . 67 5,032
68 Enter the smaller of line 66 or line 67 . . . . . . . . . . . 68 0
69 Subtract line 68 from line 67 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 5,032
70 Multiply line 69 by 15% (.15) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  70 755
If line 59 is zero or blank, skip lines 71 and 72 and go to line 73. Otherwise, go to line 71.
71 Subtract line 67 from line 61 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 0
72 Multiply line 71 by 25% (.25) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  72 0
73 Add lines 63, 70, and 72 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 755
74 If line 57 is $175,000 or less, multiply line 57 by 26% (.26). Otherwise, multiply line 57 by 28%
(.28) and subtract $3,500 from the result . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 1,308
75 Enter the smaller of line 73 or line 74 here and on line 52 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 755
Schedule I (Form 1041) (2009)

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 126 10/19/2009 10:14:11 AM


SCHEDULE D OMB No. 1545-0092

(Form 1041) Capital Gains and Losses
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
 Attach to Form 1041, Form 5227, or Form 990-T. See the separate
instructions for Form 1041 (also for Form 5227 or Form 990-T, if applicable).

Name of estate or trust Employer identification number
John Tyler Trust 21 1234567

Note: Form 5227 filers need to complete only Parts I and II.
Part I Short-Term Capital Gains and Losses—Assets Held One Year or Less

(a) Description of property (b) Date acquired (c) Date sold (e) Cost or other basis (f) Gain or (loss) for

(d) Sales price (see page 4 of the the entire year

(Example: 100 shares 7% preferred of “Z” Co.) (mo., day, yr.) (mo., day, yr.) instructions) Subtract (e) from (d)

1a Co-Work Corp.

f 0
02-06-09 04-22-09 44,000 50,000 (6,000)

7,000 shares common

ra /2
D /10
0 9
b Enter the short-term gain or (loss), if any, from Schedule D-1, line 1b

Short-term capital gain or (loss) from Forms 4684, 6252, 6781, and 8824 .
. . .









3 Net short-term gain or (loss) from partnerships, S corporations, and other estates or trusts . . . 3
4 Short-term capital loss carryover. Enter the amount, if any, from line 9 of the 2008 Capital Loss
Carryover Worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ( )
5 Net short-term gain or (loss). Combine lines 1a through 4 in column (f). Enter here and on line 13,
column (3) on the back . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5 (6,000)
Part II Long-Term Capital Gains and Losses—Assets Held More Than One Year
(a) Description of property (b) Date acquired (c) Date sold (e) Cost or other basis (f) Gain or (loss) for
(d) Sales price (see page 4 of the the entire year
(Example: 100 shares 7% preferred of “Z” Co.) (mo., day, yr.) (mo., day, yr.) instructions) Subtract (e) from (d)
6a Mixture Corp.
02-06-05 05-01-09 47,200 25,000 22,200

b Enter the long-term gain or (loss), if any, from Schedule D-1, line 6b . . . . . . . . . . 6b

7 Long-term capital gain or (loss) from Forms 2439, 4684, 6252, 6781, and 8824 . . . . . . . 7

8 Net long-term gain or (loss) from partnerships, S corporations, and other estates or trusts . . . 8

9 Capital gain distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

10 Gain from Form 4797, Part I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

11 Long-term capital loss carryover. Enter the amount, if any, from line 14 of the 2008 Capital Loss
Carryover Worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 ( )
12 Net long-term gain or (loss). Combine lines 6a through 11 in column (f). Enter here and on line 14a,
column (3) on the back . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12 22,200
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 1041. Cat. No. 11376V Schedule D (Form 1041) 2009

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 127 10/19/2009 10:14:12 AM

128 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

Schedule D (Form 1041) 2009 Page 2

Part III Summary of Parts I and II (1) Beneficiaries’ (2) Estate’s
(3) Total
Caution: Read the instructions before completing this part. (see page 5) or trust’s
13 Net short-term gain or (loss) . . . . . . . . . . 13 (6,000) (6,000)

14 Net long-term gain or (loss):

a Total for year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14a 22,200 22,200
b Unrecaptured section 1250 gain (see line 18 of the wrksht.) . 14b

c 28% rate gain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14c
15 Total net gain or (loss). Combine lines 13 and 14a . .  15 16,200 16,200

a 9
Note: If line 15, column (3), is a net gain, enter the gain on Form 1041, line 4 (or Form 990-T, Part I, line 4a). If lines 14a and 15, column (2), are net

gains, go to Part V, and do not complete Part IV. If line 15, column (3), is a net loss, complete Part IV and the Capital Loss Carryover Worksheet, as

f 0

Part IV Capital Loss Limitation

a /2
16 Enter here and enter as a (loss) on Form 1041, line 4 (or Form 990-T, Part I, line 4c, if a trust), the smaller of:

a The loss on line 15, column (3) or b $3,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 ( )

D /10
Note: If the loss on line 15, column (3), is more than $3,000, or if Form 1041, page 1, line 22 (or Form 990-T, line 34), is a loss, complete the Capital
Loss Carryover Worksheet on page 7 of the instructions to figure your capital loss carryover.
Part V Tax Computation Using Maximum Capital Gains Rates
Form 1041 filers. Complete this part only if both lines 14a and 15 in column (2) are gains, or an amount is entered in Part I or Part II and there is an

entry on Form 1041, line 2b(2), and Form 1041, line 22, is more than zero.

Caution: Skip this part and complete the worksheet on page 8 of the instructions if:
● Either line 14b, col. (2) or line 14c, col. (2) is more than zero, or
● Both Form 1041, line 2b(1), and Form 4952, line 4g are more than zero.
Form 990-T trusts. Complete this part only if both lines 14a and 15 are gains, or qualified dividends are included in income in Part I of Form 990-T,
and Form 990-T, line 34, is more than zero. Skip this part and complete the worksheet on page 8 of the instructions if either line 14b, col. (2) or line
14c, col. (2) is more than zero.

17 Enter taxable income from Form 1041, line 22 (or Form 990-T, line 34) . . 17 25,857
18 Enter the smaller of line 14a or 15 in column (2)
but not less than zero . . . . . . . . . 18 16,200
19 Enter the estate’s or trust’s qualified dividends from
Form 1041, line 2b(2) (or enter the qualified dividends
included in income in Part I of Form 990-T) . . . . 400
20 Add lines 18 and 19 . . . . . . . . . 20 16,600
21 If the estate or trust is filing Form 4952, enter the
amount from line 4g; otherwise, enter -0- . .  21 0
22 Subtract line 21 from line 20. If zero or less, enter -0- . . . . . . . 22 16,600
23 Subtract line 22 from line 17. If zero or less, enter -0- . . . . . . . 23 9,257

24 Enter the smaller of the amount on line 17 or $2,300 . . . . . . . 24 2,300

25 Is the amount on line 23 equal to or more than the amount on line 24?
✔ Yes. Skip lines 25 and 26; go to line 27 and check the “No” box.

✔ No. Enter the amount from line 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

26 Subtract line 25 from line 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
27 Are the amounts on lines 22 and 26 the same?
Yes. Skip lines 27 thru 30; go to line 31. No. Enter the smaller of line 17 or line 22 27 16,600

28 Enter the amount from line 26 (If line 26 is blank, enter -0-) . . . . . 28 0

29 Subtract line 28 from line 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2,490

30 Multiply line 29 by 15% (.15) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2,254
31 Figure the tax on the amount on line 23. Use the 2009 Tax Rate Schedule for Estates and Trusts
(see the Schedule G instructions in the instructions for Form 1041) . . . . . . . . . . . 31 4,744

32 Add lines 30 and 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 8,026

33 Figure the tax on the amount on line 17. Use the 2009 Tax Rate Schedule for Estates and Trusts
(see the Schedule G instructions in the instructions for Form 1041) . . . . . . . . . . . 33 4,744
34 Tax on all taxable income. Enter the smaller of line 32 or line 33 here and on Form 1041, Schedule
G, line 1a (or Form 990-T, line 36) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 4,744
Schedule D (Form 1041) 2009

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 128 10/19/2009 10:14:12 AM


Final K-1 Amended K-1 OMB No. 1545-0092
Schedule K-1 Part III Beneficiary’s Share of Current Year Income,
(Form 1041)
Department of the Treasury
2009 Deductions, Credits, and Other Items
Interest income 11 Final year deductions
For calendar year 2009, 1

Internal Revenue Service
or tax year beginning, , 2009, 1,667

and ending , 20 2a Ordinary dividends
Beneficiary’s Share of Income, Deductions, 2b Qualified dividends

Credits, etc. 
See back of form and instructions.

a 9
3 Net short-term capital gain
Part I Information About the Estate or Trust

ft 0
A Estate’s or trust’s employer identification number 4a Net long-term capital gain

a 0
4b 28% rate gain 12 Alternative minimum tax adjustment

D /28/ 2
B Estate’s or trust’s name
John Tyler Trust 4c Unrecaptured section 1250 gain

5 Other portfolio and

nonbusiness income

C Fiduciary's name, address, city, state, and ZIP code
South End Trust Co. Ordinary business income

25 South Beach St.
Detroit, MI 48226
7 Net rental real estate income
7,690 13 Credits and credit recapture
8 Other rental income
9 Directly apportioned deductions

D Check if Form 1041-T was filed and enter the date it was filed
14 Other information

E Check if this is the final Form 1041 for the estate or trust
10 Estate tax deduction
Part II Information About the Beneficiary
F Beneficiary's identifying number
G Beneficiary's name, address, city, state, and ZIP code
Mary S. Warden
7891 Code Drive
Chicago, IL 60600

*See attached statement for additional information.

Note. A statement must be attached showing the
beneficiary’s share of income and directly apportioned
deductions from each business, rental real estate, and
other rental activity.
For IRS Use Only

H ✔ Domestic beneficiary Foreign beneficiary

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 1041. Cat. No. 11380D Schedule K-1 (Form 1041) 2009

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 129 10/19/2009 10:14:13 AM

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 130 10/19/2009 10:14:14 AM
FORM 1041 131

Department of the Treasury—Internal Revenue Service


U.S. Income Tax Return for Estates and Trusts 2009 OMB No. 1545-0092
A Type of entity (see instr.): For calendar year 2009 or fiscal year beginning , 2009, and ending , 20
Decedent’s estate Name of estate or trust (If a grantor type trust, see page 14 of the instructions.) C Employer identification number

Simple trust
Name and title of fiduciary D Date entity created

Complex trust
Qualified disability trust
Number, street, and room or suite no. (If a P.O. box, see page 15 of the instructions.) E Nonexempt charitable and split-

ESBT (S portion only)
interest trusts, check applicable
Grantor type trust boxes (see page 16 of the instr.):

a 9
Bankruptcy estate-Ch. 7 Described in section 4947(a)(1)
City or town, state, and ZIP code

Bankruptcy estate-Ch. 11 Not a private foundation

f 0
Pooled income fund Described in section 4947(a)(2)

B Number of Schedules K-1 F Check

Initial return Final return Amended return Change in trust's name
attached (see applicable


boxes: Change in fiduciary Change in fiduciary's name Change in fiduciary's address

G Check here if the estate or filing trust made a section 645 election . . . . . . 

D /23
1 Interest income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2a Total ordinary dividends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2a
b Qualified dividends allocable to: (1) Beneficiaries (2) Estate or trust
3 Business income or (loss). Attach Schedule C or C-EZ (Form 1040) . . . . . . . . . 3

4 Capital gain or (loss). Attach Schedule D (Form 1041) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
5 Rents, royalties, partnerships, other estates and trusts, etc. Attach Schedule E (Form 1040) . 5
6 Farm income or (loss). Attach Schedule F (Form 1040) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
7 Ordinary gain or (loss). Attach Form 4797 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
8 Other income. List type and amount 8
9 Total income. Combine lines 1, 2a, and 3 through 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
10 Interest. Check if Form 4952 is attached  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
11 Taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
12 Fiduciary fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
13 Charitable deduction (from Schedule A, line 7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

14 Attorney, accountant, and return preparer fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

15a Other deductions not subject to the 2% floor (attach schedule) . . . . . . . . . . . 15a
b Allowable miscellaneous itemized deductions subject to the 2% floor . . . . . . . . . 15b
16 Add lines 10 through 15b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
17 Adjusted total income or (loss). Subtract line 16 from line 9 . . . 17
18 Income distribution deduction (from Schedule B, line 15). Attach Schedules K-1 (Form 1041) 18
19 Estate tax deduction including certain generation-skipping taxes (attach computation) . . . 19
20 Exemption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
21 Add lines 18 through 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
22 Taxable income. Subtract line 21 from line 17. If a loss, see page 23 of the instructions . . . 22
23 Total tax (from Schedule G, line 7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
24 Payments: a 2009 estimated tax payments and amount applied from 2008 return . . . . 24a
Tax and Payments

b Estimated tax payments allocated to beneficiaries (from Form 1041-T) . . . . . . . . 24b

c Subtract line 24b from line 24a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24c
d Tax paid with Form 7004 (see page 24 of the instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . 24d
e Federal income tax withheld. If any is from Form(s) 1099, check  . . . . . . . . 24e
Other payments: f Form 2439 ; g Form 4136 ; Total  24h
25 Total payments. Add lines 24c through 24e, and 24h . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
26 Estimated tax penalty (see page 24 of the instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
27 Tax due. If line 25 is smaller than the total of lines 23 and 26, enter amount owed . . . . . 27
28 Overpayment. If line 25 is larger than the total of lines 23 and 26, enter amount overpaid . . 28
29 Amount of line 28 to be: a Credited to 2010 estimated tax  ; b Refunded  29
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct,
and complete. Declaration of preparer (other than taxpayer) is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge.

May the IRS discuss this return
Here  with the preparer shown below
(see instr.)? Yes No
Signature of fiduciary or officer representing fiduciary Date EIN of fiduciary if a financial institution

Date Check if
Preparer’s SSN or PTIN

Firm’s name (or
Use Only yours if self-employed),
address, and ZIP code Phone no.
For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the separate instructions. Cat. No. 11370H Form 1041 (2009)

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 131 10/19/2009 10:14:14 AM

132 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

Form 1041 (2009) Page 2

Schedule A Charitable Deduction. Do not complete for a simple trust or a pooled income fund.
1 Amounts paid or permanently set aside for charitable purposes from gross income (see page 25) 1
2 Tax-exempt income allocable to charitable contributions (see page 25 of the instructions) . . . 2

3 Subtract line 2 from line 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

4 Capital gains for the tax year allocated to corpus and paid or permanently set aside for charitable purposes 4
5 Add lines 3 and 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

s 9
6 Section 1202 exclusion allocable to capital gains paid or permanently set aside for charitable
purposes (see page 25 of the instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

7 Charitable deduction. Subtract line 6 from line 5. Enter here and on page 1, line 13 . . . . . 7
Schedule B Income Distribution Deduction

ft 0
1 Adjusted total income (see page 26 of the instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2 Adjusted tax-exempt interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

a 2
3 Total net gain from Schedule D (Form 1041), line 15, column (1) (see page 26 of the instructions) . 3

r /
4 Enter amount from Schedule A, line 4 (minus any allocable section 1202 exclusion) . . . . . 4

D /23
5 Capital gains for the tax year included on Schedule A, line 1 (see page 26 of the instructions) . . 5
6 Enter any gain from page 1, line 4, as a negative number. If page 1, line 4, is a loss, enter the loss
as a positive number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
7 Distributable net income. Combine lines 1 through 6. If zero or less, enter -0- . . . . . . . 7

8 If a complex trust, enter accounting income for the tax year as
determined under the governing instrument and applicable local law .

9 Income required to be distributed currently . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
10 Other amounts paid, credited, or otherwise required to be distributed . . . . . . . . . . 10
11 Total distributions. Add lines 9 and 10. If greater than line 8, see page 26 of the instructions . . 11
12 Enter the amount of tax-exempt income included on line 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
13 Tentative income distribution deduction. Subtract line 12 from line 11 . . . . . . . . . . 13
14 Tentative income distribution deduction. Subtract line 2 from line 7. If zero or less, enter -0- . . 14
15 Income distribution deduction. Enter the smaller of line 13 or line 14 here and on page 1, line 18 15
Schedule G Tax Computation (see page 27 of the instructions)
1 Tax: a Tax on taxable income (see page 27 of the instructions) . . 1a
b Tax on lump-sum distributions. Attach Form 4972 . . . . 1b
c Alternative minimum tax (from Schedule I (Form 1041), line 56) 1c
d Total. Add lines 1a through 1c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1d
2a Foreign tax credit. Attach Form 1116 . . . . . . . . . . . . 2a
b Other nonbusiness credits (attach schedule) . . . . . . . . . 2b
c General business credit. Attach Form 3800 . . . . . . . . . . 2c
d Credit for prior year minimum tax. Attach Form 8801 . . . . . . 2d
3 Total credits. Add lines 2a through 2d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
4 Subtract line 3 from line 1d. If zero or less, enter -0- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
5 Recapture taxes. Check if from: Form 4255 Form 8611 . . . . . . . . . . . 5
6 Household employment taxes. Attach Schedule H (Form 1040) . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
7 Total tax. Add lines 4 through 6. Enter here and on page 1, line 23 . . . . . . . . . .  7
Other Information Yes No
1 Did the estate or trust receive tax-exempt income? If “Yes,” attach a computation of the allocation of expenses
Enter the amount of tax-exempt interest income and exempt-interest dividends  $
2 Did the estate or trust receive all or any part of the earnings (salary, wages, and other compensation) of any
individual by reason of a contract assignment or similar arrangement? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 At any time during calendar year 2009, did the estate or trust have an interest in or a signature or other authority
over a bank, securities, or other financial account in a foreign country? . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
See page 29 of the instructions for exceptions and filing requirements for Form TD F 90-22.1. If “Yes,” enter the
name of the foreign country 
4 During the tax year, did the estate or trust receive a distribution from, or was it the grantor of, or transferor to, a
foreign trust? If “Yes,” the estate or trust may have to file Form 3520. See page 29 of the instructions . . . .
5 Did the estate or trust receive, or pay, any qualified residence interest on seller-provided financing? If “Yes,” see
page 30 for required attachment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 If this is an estate or a complex trust making the section 663(b) election, check here (see page 30) . . 
7 To make a section 643(e)(3) election, attach Schedule D (Form 1041), and check here (see page 30) . . 
8 If the decedent’s estate has been open for more than 2 years, attach an explanation for the delay in closing the estate, and check here 
9 Are any present or future trust beneficiaries skip persons? See page 30 of the instructions . . . . . . . .
Form 1041 (2009)

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 132 10/19/2009 10:14:14 AM

FORM 1041 133

SCHEDULE I Alternative Minimum Tax—Estates and Trusts OMB No. 1545-0092

(Form 1041)
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
 Attach to Form 1041. See the separate instructions
for Schedule I (Form 1041). 2009

Name of estate or trust Employer identification number

Part I Estate’s or Trust’s Share of Alternative Minimum Taxable Income

1 Adjusted total income or (loss) (from Form 1041, line 17) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2 Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

a 9
3 Taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

4 Miscellaneous itemized deductions (from Form 1041, line 15b) . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

f 0
5 Refund of taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ( )

6 Depletion (difference between regular tax and AMT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

a 2
7 Net operating loss deduction. Enter as a positive amount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

r /
8 Interest from specified private activity bonds exempt from the regular tax . . . . . . . . . 8

D /10
9 Qualified small business stock (see page 2 of the instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
10 Exercise of incentive stock options (excess of AMT income over regular tax income) . . . . . 10
11 Other estates and trusts (amount from Schedule K-1 (Form 1041), box 12, code A) . . . . . 11
12 Electing large partnerships (amount from Schedule K-1 (Form 1065-B), box 6) . . . . . . . 12

13 Disposition of property (difference between AMT and regular tax gain or loss) . . . . . . . 13
14 Depreciation on assets placed in service after 1986 (difference between regular tax and AMT) . . 14
15 Passive activities (difference between AMT and regular tax income or loss) . . . . . . . . 15
16 Loss limitations (difference between AMT and regular tax income or loss) . . . . . . . . . 16
17 Circulation costs (difference between regular tax and AMT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
18 Long-term contracts (difference between AMT and regular tax income) . . . . . . . . . 18
19 Mining costs (difference between regular tax and AMT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
20 Research and experimental costs (difference between regular tax and AMT) . . . . . . . . 20
21 Income from certain installment sales before January 1, 1987 . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 ( )
22 Intangible drilling costs preference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
23 Other adjustments, including income-based related adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . 23
24 Alternative tax net operating loss deduction (See the instructions for the limitation that applies.) . 24 ( )
25 Adjusted alternative minimum taxable income. Combine lines 1 through 24 . . . . . . . . 25
Note: Complete Part II below before going to line 26.
26 Income distribution deduction from Part II, line 44 . . . . . . . 26
27 Estate tax deduction (from Form 1041, line 19) . . . . . . . . 27
28 Add lines 26 and 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
29 Estate’s or trust’s share of alternative minimum taxable income. Subtract line 28 from line 25 . . 29
If line 29 is:
● $22,500 or less, stop here and enter -0- on Form 1041, Schedule G, line 1c. The estate or
trust is not liable for the alternative minimum tax.
● Over $22,500, but less than $165,000, go to line 45.
● $165,000 or more, enter the amount from line 29 on line 51 and go to line 52.
Part II Income Distribution Deduction on a Minimum Tax Basis
30 Adjusted alternative minimum taxable income (see page 6 of the instructions) . . . . . . . 30
31 Adjusted tax-exempt interest (other than amounts included on line 8) . . . . . . . . . . 31
32 Total net gain from Schedule D (Form 1041), line 15, column (1). If a loss, enter -0- . . . . . 32
33 Capital gains for the tax year allocated to corpus and paid or permanently set aside for charitable
purposes (from Form 1041, Schedule A, line 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
34 Capital gains paid or permanently set aside for charitable purposes from gross income (see page
6 of the instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
35 Capital gains computed on a minimum tax basis included on line 25 . . . . . . . . . . 35 ( )
36 Capital losses computed on a minimum tax basis included on line 25. Enter as a positive amount 36
37 Distributable net alternative minimum taxable income (DNAMTI). Combine lines 30 through 36.
If zero or less, enter -0- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
38 Income required to be distributed currently (from Form 1041, Schedule B, line 9) . . . . . . 38
39 Other amounts paid, credited, or otherwise required to be distributed (from Form 1041, Schedule B, line 10) 39
40 Total distributions. Add lines 38 and 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
41 Tax-exempt income included on line 40 (other than amounts included on line 8) . . . . . . 41
42 Tentative income distribution deduction on a minimum tax basis. Subtract line 41 from line 40 . . 42
For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 1041. Cat. No. 51517Q Schedule I (Form 1041) (2009)

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 133 10/19/2009 10:14:15 AM

134 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

Schedule I (Form 1041) (2009) Page 2

Part II Income Distribution Deduction on a Minimum Tax Basis (continued)
43 Tentative income distribution deduction on a minimum tax basis. Subtract line 31 from line 37.
If zero or less, enter -0- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

44 Income distribution deduction on a minimum tax basis. Enter the smaller of line 42 or line 43.

Enter here and on line 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Part III Alternative Minimum Tax

45 Exemption amount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 $22,500 00
46 Enter the amount from line 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

a 9
47 Phase-out of exemption amount . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 $75,000 00

48 Subtract line 47 from line 46. If zero or less, enter -0- . . . . . . 48

f 0
49 Multiply line 48 by 25% (.25) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

50 Subtract line 49 from line 45. If zero or less, enter -0- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

a /2
51 Subtract line 50 from line 46 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

52 Go to Part IV of Schedule I to figure line 52 if the estate or trust has qualified dividends or has a

D /10
gain on lines 14a and 15 of column (2) of Schedule D (Form 1041) (as refigured for the AMT, if
necessary). Otherwise, if line 51 is—
● $175,000 or less, multiply line 51 by 26% (.26).
● Over $175,000, multiply line 51 by 28% (.28) and subtract $3,500 from the result . . . . . 52

53 Alternative minimum foreign tax credit (see page 7 of the instructions) . . . . . . . . . . 53

54 Tentative minimum tax. Subtract line 53 from line 52 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
55 Enter the tax from Form 1041, Schedule G, line 1a (minus any foreign tax credit from Schedule G, line 2a) 55
56 Alternative minimum tax. Subtract line 55 from line 54. If zero or less, enter -0-. Enter here and
on Form 1041, Schedule G, line 1c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Part IV Line 52 Computation Using Maximum Capital Gains Rates
Caution: If you did not complete Part V of Schedule D (Form 1041), the Schedule D Tax Worksheet,
or the Qualified Dividends Tax Worksheet, see page 8 of the instructions before completing this part.
57 Enter the amount from line 51 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
58 Enter the amount from Schedule D (Form 1041), line 22, line 13 of the
Schedule D Tax Worksheet, or line 4 of the Qualified Dividends Tax
Worksheet, whichever applies (as refigured for the AMT, if necessary) 58
59 Enter the amount from Schedule D (Form 1041), line 14b, column (2)
(as refigured for the AMT, if necessary). If you did not complete
Schedule D for the regular tax or the AMT, enter -0- . . . . . . . 59
60 If you did not complete a Schedule D Tax Worksheet for the regular tax
or the AMT, enter the amount from line 58. Otherwise, add lines 58 and
59 and enter the smaller of that result or the amount from line 10 of the
Schedule D Tax Worksheet (as refigured for the AMT, if necessary) . . 60
61 Enter the smaller of line 57 or line 60 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
62 Subtract line 61 from line 57 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
63 If line 62 is $175,000 or less, multiply line 62 by 26% (.26). Otherwise, multiply line 62 by 28%
(.28) and subtract $3,500 from the result . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  63
64 Maximum amount subject to the 0% rate . . . . . . . . . . 64 $2,300 00
65 Enter the amount from line 23 of Schedule D (Form 1041), line 14 of the
Schedule D Tax Worksheet, or line 5 of the Qualified Dividends Tax
Worksheet on page 27 of the Instructions for Form 1041, whichever
applies (as figured for the regular tax). If you did not complete
Schedule D or either worksheet for the regular tax, enter -0- . . . . 65
66 Subtract line 65 from line 64. If zero or less, enter -0- . . . . . . 66
67 Enter the smaller of line 57 or line 58 . . . . . . . . . . . 67
68 Enter the smaller of line 66 or line 67 . . . . . . . . . . . 68
69 Subtract line 68 from line 67 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
70 Multiply line 69 by 15% (.15) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  70
If line 59 is zero or blank, skip lines 71 and 72 and go to line 73. Otherwise, go to line 71.
71 Subtract line 67 from line 61 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
72 Multiply line 71 by 25% (.25) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  72
73 Add lines 63, 70, and 72 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
74 If line 57 is $175,000 or less, multiply line 57 by 26% (.26). Otherwise, multiply line 57 by 28%
(.28) and subtract $3,500 from the result . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
75 Enter the smaller of line 73 or line 74 here and on line 52 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Schedule I (Form 1041) (2009)

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 134 10/19/2009 10:14:16 AM


2008 Department of the Treasury

Internal Revenue Service

Instructions for Form 1041

and Schedules A, B, G, J,
and K-1
U.S. Income Tax Return for Estates and Trusts
Section references are to the Internal Contents Page • The IRS is expected to release final
Revenue Code unless otherwise noted. G. Section 645 Election . . . . . . . . . . 17 regulations regarding costs paid to an
Contents Page Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 investment advisor by a nongrantor
What’s New . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Deductions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 trust or estate as generally being
Reminders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Tax and Payments . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 subject to the 2-percent floor for
Photographs of Missing Schedule A — Charitable miscellaneous itemized deductions (line
Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Deduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 15b). Additionally, the IRS is expected
Unresolved Tax Issues . . . . . . . . . . .2 Schedule B — Income to address the issue raised when a
How To Get Forms and Distribution Deduction . . . . . . . . . 25 nongrantor trust or estate pays a
Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Schedule G — Tax Bundled Fiduciary Fee for costs
General Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Computation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 incurred in-house by the fiduciary,
Purpose of Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Other Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 some of which are subject to the
Income Taxation of Trusts and Schedule J (Form 1041) — 2-percent floor. These final Regulations
Decedents’ Estates . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Accumulation Distribution for under section 1.67-4 will be consistent
Abusive Trust Arrangements . . . . . . .3 Certain Complex Trusts . . . . . . . . 30 with the Supreme Court’s holding in
Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Schedule K-1 (Form 1041) — Michael J. Knight, Trustee of William L.
Who Must File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Beneficiary’s Share of Rudkin Testamentary Trust v.
Electronic Filing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Income, Deductions, Credits, Commissioner, 552 U.S. __ (2008), Slip
When To File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Op. 06-1286, 2008 -17 I.R.B. 828. Also,
Period Covered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 the IRS has announced that the
Where To File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 unbundling of fees would not be
Who Must Sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 What’s New required for tax years beginning before
Accounting Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 January 2009.
• For 2008, Schedule I will not appear • For tax years beginning in 2008, the
Accounting Periods . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 on pages 3 and 4 of Form 1041.
Rounding Off to Whole Dollars . . . . .8 Instead, it will be a separate form titled requirement to file a return for a
Estimated Tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Schedule I (Form 1041), Alternative bankruptcy estate applies only if gross
Interest and Penalties . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Minimum Tax — Estates and Trusts income is at least $8,950.
Other Forms That May Be (AMT). The filing requirements remain • For 2008, qualified disability trusts
Required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 the same for Schedule I as in previous can claim an exemption of up to
Additional Information . . . . . . . . . . . 11 years. If you have to prepare a $3,500. A trust with modified adjusted
Assembly and Attachments . . . . . . . 11 Schedule I (Form 1041), be sure to gross income above $159,950 loses
Special Reporting include it immediately after the Form part of the exemption deduction. See
Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1041. See Assembly and Attachments the instructions for line 20 on page 23
Grantor Type Trusts . . . . . . . . . . . 11 for information about the correct for more details. In addition, the 2008
Pooled Income Funds . . . . . . . . . 12 assembly of the return. reduction of the phaseout of the
Electing Small Business • For 2008, the Instructions for exemption for qualified disability trusts
Trusts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Schedule D and the Instructions for is only 1/2 the amount of the reduction
Bankruptcy Estates. . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Schedule I will be separate products that otherwise would have applied for
Specific Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . 14 and will no longer be included in the 2007.
Name of Estate or Trust . . . . . . . . . . 14 Instructions for Form 1041.
Name and Title of Fiduciary . . . . . . . 15 • For Form 1041 filers, the automatic
Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
extension of time to file is now 5 Reminders
months. To apply for an automatic
A. Type of Entity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 extension of time to file, use Form
• Review a copy of the trust instrument
B. Number of Schedules K-1 7004, Application for Automatic (including any amendments) or the will,
Attached . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Extension of Time To File Certain if any, before preparing an estate’s or
C. Employer Identification Business Income Tax, Information, and trust’s return.
Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Other Returns. • Include farm rental income and
D. Date Entity Created . . . . . . . . . . . 16 • The estate and trust deduction for expenses based on crops or livestock
E. Nonexempt Charitable and sales taxes, set to expire at the end of produced by a tenant on line 5 and not
Split-Interest Trusts . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2007, was extended through December on line 6 of Form 1041. Report the
F. Initial Return, Amended 31, 2009, by the Emergency Economic income and expenses on Part I of
Return, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Stabilization Act of 2008. Schedule E (Form 1040).

Cat. No. 11372D

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 135 10/19/2009 10:14:17 AM

136 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

• Call, write, or fax the Taxpayer

Photographs of Missing Advocate office in its area (see Pub. General Instructions
Children 1546, Taxpayer Advocate Service, Your
The Internal Revenue Service is a
Voice At The IRS, for addresses and Purpose of Form
phone numbers). The fiduciary of a domestic decedent’s
proud partner with the National Center
for Missing and Exploited Children. • TTY/TDD help is available by calling estate, trust, or bankruptcy estate uses
Photographs of missing children 1-800-829-4059. Form 1041 to report:
selected by the Center may appear in • Visit the website at • The income, deductions, gains,
instructions on pages that would advocate. losses, etc. of the estate or trust;
otherwise be blank. You can help bring • The income that is either
these children home by looking at the accumulated or held for future
photographs and calling How To Get Forms and distribution or distributed currently to
1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678) if the beneficiaries;
you recognize a child.
Publications • Any income tax liability of the estate
Internet. You can access the IRS or trust; and
Unresolved Tax Issues website 24 hours a day, 7 days a week • Employment taxes on wages paid to
at to: household employees.
If you have attempted to deal with an
IRS problem unsuccessfully, you • Download forms, instructions, and
should contact the Taxpayer Advocate. publications; Income Taxation of
The Taxpayer Advocate independently • Order IRS products online; Trusts and Decedents’
represents the estate’s or trust’s • Research your tax questions online;
interests and concerns within the IRS • Search publications online by topic or Estates
by protecting its rights and resolving keyword; A trust (except a grantor type trust) or a
problems that have not been fixed • View Internal Revenue Bulletins decedent’s estate is a separate legal
through normal channels. (IRBs) published in the last few years; entity for federal tax purposes. A
While Taxpayer Advocates cannot and decedent’s estate comes into existence
change the tax law or make a technical • Sign up to receive local and national at the time of death of an individual. A
tax decision, they can clear up tax news by email. trust may be created during an
problems that resulted from previous individual’s life (inter vivos) or at the
contacts and ensure that the estate’s or DVD for tax products. You can order time of his or her death under a will
trust’s case is given a complete and Pub. 1796, IRS Tax Products DVD, and (testamentary). If the trust instrument
impartial review. obtain: contains certain provisions, then the
The estate’s or trust’s assigned • Current-year forms, instructions, and person creating the trust (the grantor) is
publications. treated as the owner of the trust’s
personal advocate will listen to its point assets. Such a trust is a grantor type
of view and will work with the estate or • Prior-year forms, instructions, and trust. See page 11 for special rules for
trust to address its concerns. The publications.
grantor trusts.
estate or trust can expect the advocate • Tax Map: an electronic research tool
to provide: and finding aid. A trust or decedent’s estate figures
• An impartial and independent look at • Tax Law frequently asked questions. its gross income in much the same
manner as an individual. Most
your problem, • Tax Topics from the IRS telephone
• Timely acknowledgment, response system.
deductions and credits allowed to
• The name and phone number of the • Internal Revenue Code - Title 26.
individuals are also allowed to estates
individual assigned to its case, and trusts. However, there is one major
• Updates on progress, • Fill-in, print, and save features for distinction. A trust or decedent’s estate
• Timeframes for action, most tax forms. is allowed an income distribution
• Speedy resolution, and • Internal Revenue Bulletins. deduction for distributions to
• Courteous service. • Toll-free and email technical support. beneficiaries. To figure this deduction,
The DVD is released twice during the the fiduciary must complete Schedule
When contacting the Taxpayer B. The income distribution deduction
Advocate, you should provide the year.
determines the amount of any
following information. distributions taxed to the beneficiaries.
• The estate’s or trust’s name, — The first release will ship the
address, and employer identification beginning of January 2009. For this reason, a trust or decedent’s
number (EIN). estate sometimes is referred to as a
• The name and telephone number of — The final release will ship the “pass-through” entity. The beneficiary,
an authorized contact person and the beginning of March 2009. and not the trust or decedent’s estate,
hours he or she can be reached. pays income tax on his or her
Purchase the DVD from National
• The type of tax return and year(s) Technical Information Service at
distributive share of income. Schedule
involved. K-1 (Form 1041) is used to notify the for $30 (no
• A detailed description of the problem. handling fee) or call 1-877-233-6767 toll
beneficiaries of the amounts to be
• Previous attempts to solve the free to buy the DVD for $30 (plus a $6
included on their income tax returns.
problem and the office that had been handling fee). The price is discounted Before preparing Form 1041, the
contacted. to $25 for orders placed prior to fiduciary must figure the accounting
• A description of the hardship the December 1, 2008. income of the estate or trust under the
estate or trust is facing and supporting will or trust instrument and applicable
documentation (if applicable). By phone and in person. You can local law to determine the amount, if
You can contact a Taxpayer order forms and publications by calling any, of income that is required to be
Advocate as follows: 1-800-TAX-FORM (1-800-829-3676). distributed, because the income
• Call the Taxpayer Advocate’s toll-free You can also get most forms and distribution deduction is based, in part,
number: 1-877-777-4778 publications at your local IRS office. on that amount.

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 136 10/19/2009 10:14:17 AM


the tax results promised by the income on the accrual method of

Abusive Trust promoters of abusive trust accounting, and
Arrangements arrangements are not allowable under • Income to which the decedent had a
the law, and the participants in and contingent claim at the time of his or
Certain trust arrangements purport to promoters of these arrangements may her death.
reduce or eliminate federal taxes in be subject to civil or criminal penalties
ways that are not permitted under the in appropriate cases. Some examples of IRD for a
law. Abusive trust arrangements decedent who kept his or her books on
typically are promoted by the promise For more details, including the legal the cash method are:
of tax benefits with no meaningful principles that control the proper tax • Deferred salary payments that are
change in the taxpayer’s control over or treatment of these abusive trust payable to the decedent’s estate,
benefit from the taxpayer’s income or arrangements, see Notice 97-24, • Uncollected interest on U.S. savings
assets. The promised benefits may 1997-1 C.B. 409. bonds,
include reduction or elimination of For additional information about • Proceeds from the completed sale of
income subject to tax; deductions for abusive tax arrangements, visit the IRS farm produce, and
personal expenses paid by the trust; website at and type in the • The portion of a lump-sum
depreciation deductions of an owner’s keyword “Scams” in the search box. distribution to the beneficiary of a
personal residence and furnishings; a decedent’s IRA that equals the balance
stepped-up basis for property in the IRA at the time of the owner’s
transferred to the trust; the reduction or Definitions death. This includes unrealized
elimination of self-employment taxes; appreciation and income accrued to
and the reduction or elimination of gift Beneficiary that date, less the aggregate amount of
and estate taxes. These promised A beneficiary includes an heir, a the owner’s nondeductible contributions
benefits are inconsistent with the tax legatee, or a devisee. to the IRA. Such amounts are included
rules applicable to trust arrangements. in the beneficiary’s gross income in the
Abusive trust arrangements often Decedent’s Estate tax year that the distribution is received.
use trusts to hide the true ownership of The decedent’s estate is an entity that The IRD has the same character it
assets and income or to disguise the is formed at the time of an individual’s would have had if the decedent had
substance of transactions. These death and generally is charged with lived and received such amount.
arrangements frequently involve more gathering the decedent’s assets, paying
than one trust, each holding different the decedent’s debts and expenses, Deductions and credits. The
assets of the taxpayer (for example, the and distributing the remaining assets. following deductions and credits, when
taxpayer’s business, business Generally, the estate consists of all the paid by the decedent’s estate, are
equipment, home, automobile, etc.). property, real or personal, tangible or allowed on Form 1041 even though
Some trusts may hold interests in other intangible, wherever situated, that the they were not allowable on the
trusts, purport to involve charities, or decedent owned an interest in at death. decedent’s final income tax return.
are foreign trusts. Funds may flow from • Business expenses deductible under
one trust to another trust by way of Distributable Net Income section 162.
rental agreements, fees for services, (DNI) • Interest deductible under section
purchase agreements, and 163.
distributions. The income distribution deduction • Taxes deductible under section 164.
allowable to estates and trusts for • Investment expenses described in
Some of the abusive trust amounts paid, credited, or required to
arrangements that have been identified section 212 (in excess of 2% of
be distributed to beneficiaries is limited adjusted gross income (AGI)).
include unincorporated business trusts
(or organizations), equipment or service
to DNI. This amount, which is figured • Percentage depletion allowed under
on Schedule B, line 7, is also used to section 611.
trusts, family residence trusts,
charitable trusts, and final trusts. In
determine how much of an amount • Foreign tax credit.
paid, credited, or required to be
each of these trusts, the original owner distributed to a beneficiary will be For more information, see section
of the assets that are nominally subject includible in his or her gross income. 691 or IRD in Pub. 559, Survivors,
to the trust effectively retains the Executors, and Administrators.
authority to cause financial benefits of Income, Deductions, and
the trust to be directly or indirectly Income Required To Be
returned or made available to the Credits in Respect of a
owner. For example, the trustee may be Decedent (IRD) Distributed Currently
the promoter, or a relative or friend of Income. When completing Form 1041, Income required to be distributed
the owner who simply carries out the you must take into account any items currently is income that is required
directions of the owner whether or not that are IRD. under the terms of the governing
permitted by the terms of the trust. instrument and applicable local law to
When trusts are used for legitimate In general, IRD is income that a be distributed in the year it is received.
business, family, or estate planning decedent was entitled to receive but The fiduciary must be under a duty to
purposes, either the trust, the that was not properly includible in the distribute the income currently, even if
beneficiary, or the transferor to the trust decedent’s final income tax return the actual distribution is not made until
will pay the tax on income generated by under the decedent’s method of after the close of the trust’s tax year.
the trust property. Trusts cannot be accounting. See Regulations section 1.651(a)-2.
used to transform a taxpayer’s IRD includes:
personal, living, or educational • All accrued income of a decedent Fiduciary
expenses into deductible items, and who reported his or her income on the A fiduciary is a trustee of a trust, or an
cannot seek to avoid tax liability by cash method of accounting, executor, executrix, administrator,
ignoring either the true ownership of • Income accrued solely because of administratrix, personal representative,
income and assets or the true the decedent’s death in the case of a or person in possession of property of a
substance of transactions. Therefore, decedent who reported his or her decedent’s estate.

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138 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

Note. Any reference in these 2. Gross income of $600 or more electing trust do not have sufficient
instructions to “you” means the fiduciary (regardless of taxable income), or income to be required to file Form
of the estate or trust. 3. A beneficiary who is a 1041. However, if the estate is granted
nonresident alien. an extension of time to file Form 1041
Trust for its first tax year, the due date for
A trust is an arrangement created either Two or more trusts are treated as Form 8855 is the extended due date.
by a will or by an inter vivos declaration one trust if such trusts have
substantially the same grantor(s) and Once made, the election is
by which trustees take title to property irrevocable.
for the purpose of protecting or substantially the same primary
conserving it for the beneficiaries under beneficiary(ies) and a principal purpose Qualified revocable trusts. In
the ordinary rules applied in chancery of such trusts is avoidance of tax. This general, a QRT is any trust (or part of a
or probate courts. provision applies only to that portion of trust) that, on the day the decedent
the trust that is attributable to died, was treated as owned by the
Revocable Living Trust contributions to corpus made after decedent because the decedent held
A revocable living trust is an March 1, 1984. the power to revoke the trust as
arrangement created by a written A trust is a domestic trust if: described in section 676. An electing
agreement or declaration during the life • A U.S. court is able to exercise trust is a QRT for which a section 645
of an individual and can be changed or primary supervision over the election has been made.
ended at any time during the administration of the trust (court test), Election period. The election period
individual’s life. A revocable living trust and is the period of time during which an
is generally created to manage and • One or more U.S. persons have the electing trust is treated as part of its
distribute property. Many people use authority to control all substantial related estate.
this type of trust instead of (or in decisions of the trust (control test). The election period begins on the
addition to) a will. See Regulations section 301.7701-7 date of the decedent’s death and
Because this type of trust is for more information on the court and terminates on the earlier of:
revocable, it is treated as a grantor type control tests. • The day on which the electing trust
trust for tax purposes. See Grantor Also treated as a domestic trust is a and related estate, if any, distribute all
Type Trusts later for special filing trust (other than a trust treated as of their assets, or
instructions that apply to grantor type wholly owned by the grantor) that: • The day before the applicable date.
trusts. • Was in existence on August 20, To determine the applicable date, first
1996, determine whether a Form 706, United
Be sure to read Optional Filing
TIP Methods for Certain Grantor • Was treated as a domestic trust on States Estate (and Generation-Skipping
August 19, 1996, and Transfer) Tax Return, is required to be
Type Trusts. Generally, most
people that have revocable living trusts • Elected to continue to be treated as a filed as a result of the decedent’s
domestic trust. death. If no Form 706 is required to be
will be able to use Optional Method 1. filed, the applicable date is 2 years after
This method is the easiest and least A trust that is not a domestic trust is the date of the decedent’s death. If
burdensome way to meet your treated as a foreign trust. If you are the Form 706 is required, the applicable
obligations. trustee of a foreign trust, file Form date is the later of 2 years after the
1040NR instead of Form 1041. Also, a date of the decedent’s death or 6
Who Must File foreign trust with a U.S. owner months after the final determination of
generally must file Form 3520-A, liability for estate tax. For additional
Decedent’s Estate Annual Information Return of Foreign information, see Regulations section
Trust With a U.S. Owner. 1.645-1(f).
The fiduciary (or one of the joint
fiduciaries) must file Form 1041 for a If a domestic trust becomes a foreign Taxpayer identification number (TIN).
domestic estate that has: trust, it is treated under section 684 as All QRTs must obtain a new TIN
having transferred all of its assets to a following the death of the decedent
1. Gross income for the tax year of
foreign trust, except to the extent a whether or not a section 645 election is
$600 or more, or
grantor or another person is treated as made. (Use Form W-9, Request for
2. A beneficiary who is a
the owner of the trust when the trust Taxpayer Identification Number and
nonresident alien.
becomes a foreign trust. Certification, to notify payers of the new
An estate is a domestic estate if it is Special Rule for Certain TIN.)
not a foreign estate. A foreign estate is
Revocable Trusts An electing trust that continues after
one the income of which is from
the termination of the election period
sources outside the United States that Section 645 provides that if both the does not need to obtain a new TIN
is not effectively connected with the executor (if any) of an estate (the following the termination unless:
conduct of a U.S. trade or business and related estate) and the trustee of a
is not includible in gross income. If you qualified revocable trust (QRT) elect the
• An executor was appointed and
agreed to the election after the electing
are the fiduciary of a foreign estate, file treatment in section 645, the trust must trust made a valid section 645 election,
Form 1040NR, U.S. Nonresident Alien be treated and taxed as part of the and the electing trust had filed a return
Income Tax Return, instead of Form related estate during the election as an estate under the trust’s TIN, or
1041. period. This election may be made by a
QRT even if no executor is appointed
• No executor was appointed and the
Trust QRT was the filing trust (as explained
for the related estate. later).
The fiduciary (or one of the joint In general, Form 8855, Election To
fiduciaries) must file Form 1041 for a Treat a Qualified Revocable Trust as A related estate that continues after
domestic trust taxable under section Part of an Estate, must be filed by the the termination of the election period
641 that has: due date for Form 1041 for the first tax does not need to obtain a new TIN.
1. Any taxable income for the tax year of the related estate. This applies For more information about TINs,
year, even if the combined related estate and including trusts with multiple owners,

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see Regulations sections 1.645-1 and If there is more than one electing If the electing trust continues in
301.6109-1(a). trust, the filing trustee is responsible for existence after the termination of the
General procedures for completing ensuring that the filing trust’s share of election period, the trustee must file
Form 1041 during the election the combined tax liability is paid. Form 1041 under the name and TIN of
period. For additional information on filing the trust, using the calendar year as its
requirements when there is no accounting period, if it is otherwise
If there is an executor. The
executor, including application of the required to file.
following rules apply to filing Form 1041
while the election is in effect. separate share rule, see Regulations If there is no executor. If there is
• The executor of the related estate is section 1.645-1(e). For information on no executor, the following rules apply to
responsible for filing Form 1041 for the the requirements when an executor is filing Form 1041 for the tax year in
estate and all electing trusts. The return appointed after an election is made and which the election period ends.
is filed under the name and TIN of the the executor does not agree to the • The tax year of the electing trust
related estate. Be sure to check the election, see below. closes on the last day of the election
Decedent’s estate box at the top of Responsibilities of the trustee period, and the Form 1041 filed for that
Form 1041. The executor continues to when there is an executor (or there tax year includes all items of income,
file Form 1041 during the election is no executor and the trustee is not deduction, and credit for the electing
period even if the estate distributes all the filing trustee). When there is an trust for the period beginning with the
of its assets before the end of the executor (or there is no executor and first day of the tax year and ending with
election period. the trustee is not the filing trustee), the the last day of the election period.
• The Form 1041 includes all items of trustee of an electing trust is • The deemed distribution rules
income, deduction, and credit for the responsible for the following during the discussed above apply.
estate and all electing trusts. election period. • Check the box to indicate that this
• The executor must attach a • To timely provide the executor with Form 1041 is a final return.
statement to Form 1041 providing the all the trust information necessary to • If the filing trust continues after the
following information for each electing allow the executor to file a complete, termination of the election period, the
trust: (a) the name of the electing trust, accurate, and timely Form 1041. trustee must obtain a new TIN. If the
(b) the TIN of the electing trust, and (c) • To ensure that the electing trust’s trust meets the filing requirements, the
the name and address of the trustee of share of the combined tax liability is trustee must file a Form 1041 under the
the electing trust. paid. new TIN for the period beginning with
• The related estate and the electing the day after the close of the election
trust are treated as separate shares for The trustee does not file a Form period and, in general, ending
purposes of computing DNI and 1041 during the election period (except December 31 of that year.
applying distribution provisions. Also, for a final return if the trust terminates Responsibilities of the trustee
each of those shares can contain two during the election period as explained when there is an executor (or there
or more separate shares. For more later). is no executor and the trustee is not
information, see Separate share rule on Procedures for completing Form the filing trustee). In addition to the
page 25 and Regulations section 1041 for the year in which the requirements listed above under this
1.645-1(e)(2)(iii). election terminates. same heading, the trustee is
• The executor is responsible for If there is an executor. If there is responsible for the following.
insuring that the estate’s share of the an executor, the Form 1041 filed under • If the trust will not continue after the
combined tax obligation is paid. the name and TIN of the related estate close of the election period, the trustee
For additional information, including for the tax year in which the election must file a Form 1041 under the name
treatment of transfers between shares terminates includes (a) the items of and TIN of the trust. Complete the
and charitable contribution deductions, income, deduction, and credit for the entity information and items A, C, D,
see Regulations section 1.645-1(e). related estate for its entire tax year, and and F. Indicate in item F that this is a
If there is no executor. If no (b) the income, deductions, and credits final return. Do not report any items of
executor has been appointed for the for the electing trust for the period that income, deduction, or credit.
related estate, the trustee of the ends with the last day of the election • If the trust will continue after the
electing trust files Form 1041 as if it period. If the estate will not continue close of the election period, the trustee
was an estate. File using the TIN that after the close of the tax year, indicate must file a Form 1041 for the trust for
the QRT obtained after the death of the that this Form 1041 is a final return. the tax year beginning the day after the
decedent. The trustee can choose a close of the election period and, in
At the end of the last day of the general, ending December 31 of that
fiscal year as the trust’s tax year during election period, the combined entity is
the election period. Be sure to check year. Use the TIN obtained after the
deemed to distribute the share decedent’s death. Follow the general
the Decedent’s estate box at the top of comprising the electing trust to a new
page 1 during the election period. The rules for completing the return.
trust. All items of income, including net
electing trust is entitled to a single $600 capital gains, that are attributable to the Special filing instructions.
personal exemption on returns filed for share comprising the electing trust are When the election is not made by
the election period. included in the calculation of DNI of the the due date of the QRT’s Form 1041.
If there is more than one electing electing trust and treated as distributed. If the section 645 election has not been
trust, the trusts must appoint one The distribution rules of sections 661 made by the time the QRT’s first
trustee as the filing trustee. Form 1041 and 662 apply to this deemed income tax return would be due for the
is filed under the name and TIN of the distribution. The combined entity is tax year beginning with the decedent’s
filing trustee’s trust. A statement entitled to an income distribution death, but the trustee and executor (if
providing the same information deduction for this deemed distribution, any) have decided to make a section
regarding the electing trusts (except the and the ‘‘new’’ trust must include its 645 election, then the QRT is not
filing trust) that is listed under If there is share of the distribution in its income. required to file a Form 1041 for the
an executor above must be attached to See Regulations sections short tax year beginning with the
these Forms 1041. All electing trusts 1.645-1(e)(2)(iii) and 1.645-1(h) for decedent’s death and ending on
must choose the same tax year. more information. December 31 of that year. However, if

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140 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

a valid election is not subsequently information (using the trust’s EIN), an amended return has not expired for
made, the QRT may be subject to checking the Final return box, and both the QSF’s first tax year and all
penalties and interest for failure to file signing and dating the form. Do not later tax years and the same tax years
and failure to pay. report items of income, deduction, and of the transferor. A grantor trust
If the QRT files a Form 1041 for this credit. These items are reported on the election under this paragraph requires
short period, and a valid section 645 related estate’s return. that the returns of the QSF and the
election is subsequently made, then the transferor for all affected tax years are
trustee must file an amended Form
Alaska Native Settlement consistent with the grantor trust
1041 for the electing trust, excluding all Trusts election. This requirement may be
items of income, deduction, and credit The trustee of an Alaska Native satisfied by timely filed original returns
of the electing trust. These amounts are Settlement Trust may elect the special or amended returns filed before the
then included on the first Form 1041 tax treatment for the trust and its applicable period of limitations expires.
filed by the executor for the related beneficiaries provided for in section For information about QSFs established
estate (or the filing trustee for the 646. The election must be made by the by the U.S. government by February 3,
electing trust filing as an estate). due date (including extensions) for filing 2006, see Regulations section
the trust’s tax return for its first tax year 1.468B-5(c)(3).
Later appointed executor. If an
executor for the related estate is not ending after June 7, 2001. Do not use Election statement. The election
appointed until after the trustee has Form 1041. Use Form 1041-N, U.S. statement may be made separately or,
made a valid section 645 election, the Income Tax Return for Electing Alaska if filed with Form 1041, on the
executor must agree to the trustee’s Native Settlement Trusts, to make the attachment described under Grantor
election and they must file a revised election. Additionally, Form 1041-N is Type Trusts. At the top of the election
Form 8855 within 90 days of the the trust’s income tax return and statement, write “Section 1.468B-1(k)
appointment of the executor. If the satisfies the section 6039H information Election” and include the transferor’s:
executor does not agree to the election, reporting requirement for the trust. • Name,
the election terminates as of the date of • Address,
appointment of the executor. Bankruptcy Estate • TIN, and
If the executor agrees to the The bankruptcy trustee or debtor-in- • A statement that he or she will treat
possession must file Form 1041 for the the qualified settlement fund as a
election, the trustee must amend any
estate of an individual involved in grantor type trust.
Form 1041 filed under the name and
TIN of the electing trust for the period bankruptcy proceedings under chapter
7 or 11 of title 11 of the United States Widely Held Fixed
beginning with the decedent’s death.
The amended returns are still filed Code if the estate has gross income for Investment Trust (WHFITs)
under the name and TIN of the electing the tax year of $8,950 or more. See Trustees and middlemen of WHFITs do
trust, and they must include the items Bankruptcy Estates on page 13 for not file Form 1041. Instead, they report
of income, deduction, and credit for the details. all items of gross income and proceeds
related estate for the periods covered Common Trust Funds on the appropriate Form 1099. For the
by the returns. Also, attach a statement definition of a WHFIT, see Regulations
to the amended Forms 1041 identifying Do not file Form 1041 for a common section 1.671-5(b)(22). A tax
the name and TIN of the related estate, trust fund maintained by a bank. information statement that includes the
and the name and address of the Instead, the fund may use Form 1065, information given to the IRS on Forms
executor. Check the Final return box on U.S. Return of Partnership Income, for 1099, as well as additional information
the amended return for the tax year that its return. For more details, see section identified in Regulations section
ends with the appointment of the 584 and Regulations section 1.6032-1. 1.671-5(e) must be given to trust
executor. Except for this amended interest holders. See the General
return, all returns filed for the combined
Qualified Settlement Funds Instructions for Forms 1099, 1098,
entity after the appointment of the The trustee of a designated or qualified 5498, and W-2G for more information.
executor must be filed under the name settlement fund (QSF) generally must
and TIN of the related estate. file Form 1120-SF, U.S. Income Tax Charitable Remainder Trusts
Return for Settlement Funds, instead of A section 664 charitable remainder trust
If the election terminates as the Form 1041.
result of a later appointed executor, the (CRT) does not file Form 1041. Instead,
executor of the related estate must file Special election. If a QSF has only a CRT files Form 5227, Split-Interest
Forms 1041 under the name and TIN of one transferor, the transferor may elect Trust Information Return. If the CRT
the related estate for all tax years of the to treat the QSF as a grantor type trust. has any unrelated business taxable
related estate beginning with the To make the grantor trust election, income, it also must file Form 4720,
decedent’s death. The electing trust’s the transferor must attach an election Return of Certain Excise Taxes Under
election period and tax year terminate statement to a timely filed Form 1041, Chapters 41 and 42 of the Internal
the day before the appointment of the including extensions, that the Revenue Code.
executor. The trustee is not required to administrator files for the QSF for the
amend any of the returns filed by the tax year in which the settlement fund is Electronic Filing
electing trust for the period prior to the established. If Form 1041 is not filed Qualified fiduciaries or transmitters may
appointment of the executor. The trust because Optional Method 1 or 2 was be able to file Form 1041 and related
must file a final Form 1041 following the chosen, attach the election statement schedules electronically. If you wish to
instructions above for completing Form to a timely filed income tax return, do this, you must file Form 8633,
1041 in the year in which the election including extensions, of the transferor Application to Participate in the IRS
terminates and there is no executor. for the tax year in which the settlement e-file Program. If you file Form 1041
Termination of the trust during the fund is established. electronically, you may now sign the
election period. If an electing trust Transition rule. A transferor can return electronically by using a personal
terminates during the election period, make a grantor trust election for a QSF identification number (PIN). See Form
the trustee of that trust must file a final that was established by February 3, 8879-F, IRS e-file Signature
Form 1041 by completing the entity 2006, if the applicable period for filing Authorization for Form 1041, for details.

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If you do not sign the electronically filed on June 30, 2009, must file Form 1041 The private delivery service can tell
return by using a PIN, you must file by October 15, 2009. If the due date you how to get written proof of the
Form 8453-F, U.S. Estate or Trust falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal mailing date.
Income Tax Declaration and Signature holiday, file on the next business day.
for Electronic Filing. Extension of Time To File
For more details, get Pub. 1437, If more time is needed to file the estate
Procedures for the 1041 e-file Program,
Private Delivery Services or trust return, use Form 7004 to apply
U.S. Income Tax Returns For Estates You can use certain private delivery for an automatic 5-month extension of
and Trusts For Tax Year 2008 and Pub. services designated by the IRS to meet time to file.
1438, FILE SPECIFICATIONS, the “timely mailing as timely filing/
VALIDATION CRITERIA AND paying” rule for tax returns and Period Covered
RECORD LAYOUTS FOR THE payments. These private delivery File the 2008 return for calendar year
ELECTRONIC FILING PROGRAM services include only the following. 2008 and fiscal years beginning in 2008
FOR FORM 1041, U.S. INCOME TAX • DHL Worldwide Express (DHL): DHL and ending in 2009. If the return is for a
RETURN FOR ESTATES AND Same Day Service, DHL Next Day fiscal year or a short tax year (less than
TRUSTS FOR TAX YEAR 2008. If 10:30 am, DHL Next Day 12:00 pm, 12 months), fill in the tax year space at
Form 1041 is e-filed and there is a DHL Next Day 3:00 pm, and DHL 2nd the top of the form.
balance due, the fiduciary may
Day Service. The 2008 Form 1041 may also be
authorize an electronic funds
withdrawal with the return. • Federal Express (FedEx): FedEx used for a tax year beginning in 2009 if:
Priority Overnight, FedEx Standard 1. The estate or trust has a tax year
When To File Overnight, FedEx 2Day, FedEx of less than 12 months that begins and
International Priority, and FedEx ends in 2009, and
For calendar year estates and trusts, International First. 2. The 2009 Form 1041 is not
file Form 1041 and Schedule(s) K-1 on
or before April 15, 2009. For fiscal year • United Parcel Service (UPS): UPS available by the time the estate or trust
Next Day Air, UPS Next Day Air Saver, is required to file its tax return.
estates and trusts, file Form 1041 by However, the estate or trust must show
the 15th day of the 4th month following UPS 2nd Day Air, UPS 2nd Day Air
its 2009 tax year on the 2008 Form
the close of the tax year. For example, A.M., UPS Worldwide Express Plus, 1041 and incorporate any tax law
an estate that has a tax year that ends and UPS Worldwide Express. changes that are effective for tax years
beginning after December 31, 2008.
Where To File
For all estates and trusts, including charitable and split-interest trusts (other than Charitable Who Must Sign
Remainder Trusts).
THEN use this address if you:
The fiduciary, or an authorized
IF you are located in Are not enclosing a check or Are enclosing a check or money representative, must sign Form 1041. If
... money order ... order ... there are joint fiduciaries, only one is
Connecticut, Delaware,
required to sign the return.
District of Columbia, A financial institution that submitted
Georgia, Illinois, estimated tax payments for trusts for
Indiana, Kentucky, which it is the trustee must enter its EIN
Maine, Maryland,
in the space provided for the EIN of the
Michigan, New Department of the Treasury Department of the Treasury fiduciary. Do not enter the EIN of the
Hampshire, New Internal Revenue Service Center Internal Revenue Service Center trust. For this purpose, a financial
Jersey, New York, Cincinnati, Ohio 45999-0048 Cincinnati, Ohio 45999-0148 institution is one that maintains a
North Carolina, Ohio, Treasury Tax and Loan (TT&L)
Pennsylvania, Rhode account. If you are an attorney or other
Island, South Carolina, individual functioning in a fiduciary
Tennessee, Vermont, capacity, leave this space blank. Do not
Virginia, West Virginia, enter your individual social security
number (SSN).
Alabama, Alaska, If you, as fiduciary, fill in Form 1041,
Arizona, Arkansas,
California, Colorado,
leave the Paid Preparer’s space blank.
Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, If someone prepares this return and
Iowa, Kansas, does not charge you, that person
Louisiana, Minnesota, should not sign the return.
Department of the Treasury Department of the Treasury
Mississippi, Missouri,
Internal Revenue Service Center Internal Revenue Service Center
Montana, Nebraska,
Ogden, Utah 84201-0048 Ogden, Utah 84201-0148
Paid Preparer
Nevada, New Mexico, Generally, anyone who is paid to
North Dakota,
Oklahoma, Oregon,
prepare a tax return must sign the
South Dakota, Texas, return and fill in the other blanks in the
Utah, Washington, Paid Preparer’s Use Only area of the
Wyoming return.
A foreign country or Internal Revenue Service Center Internal Revenue Service Center The person required to sign the
United States P.O. Box 409101 P.O. Box 409101 return must:
possession Ogden, Utah 84409 Ogden, Utah 84409 • Complete the required preparer

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142 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

• Sign it in the space provided for the information, see Pub. 538, Accounting However, if a return was not filed for
preparer’s signature (a facsimile Periods and Methods. 2008 or that return did not cover a full
signature is acceptable), and 12 months, item 2 does not apply.
• Give you a copy of the return for your For this purpose, include household
records. Accounting Periods employment taxes in the tax shown on
For a decedent’s estate, the moment of the tax return, but only if either of the
Paid Preparer Authorization death determines the end of the following is true:
If the fiduciary wants to allow the IRS to decedent’s tax year and the beginning • The estate or trust will have federal
discuss the estate’s or trust’s 2008 tax of the estate’s tax year. As executor or income tax withheld for 2009 (see the
return with the paid preparer who administrator, you choose the estate’s instructions on page 24 for line 24e), or
signed it, check the “Yes” box in the tax period when you file its first income • The estate or trust would be required
signature area of the return. This tax return. The estate’s first tax year to make estimated tax payments for
authorization applies only to the may be any period of 12 months or less 2009 even if it did not include
individual whose signature appears in that ends on the last day of a month. If household employment taxes when
the “Paid Preparer’s Use Only” section you select the last day of any month figuring estimated tax.
of the estate’s or trust’s return. It does other than December, you are adopting
not apply to the firm, if any, shown in a fiscal tax year. Exceptions
that section. To change the accounting period of Estimated tax payments are not
If the “Yes” box is checked, the an estate, get Form 1128, Application required from:
fiduciary is authorizing the IRS to call To Adopt, Change, or Retain a Tax 1. An estate of a domestic decedent
the paid preparer to answer any Year. or a domestic trust that had no tax
questions that may arise during the liability for the full 12-month 2008 tax
processing of the estate’s or trust’s Generally, a trust must adopt a year;
return. The fiduciary is also authorizing calendar year. The following trusts are 2. A decedent’s estate for any tax
the paid preparer to: exempt from this requirement: year ending before the date that is 2
• Give the IRS any information that is • A trust that is exempt from tax under years after the decedent’s death; or
missing from the estate’s or trust’s section 501(a); 3. A trust that was treated as owned
return, • A charitable trust described in section by the decedent if the trust will receive
• Call the IRS for information about the 4947(a)(1); and the residue of the decedent’s estate
processing of the estate’s or trust’s • A trust that is treated as wholly under the will (or if no will is admitted to
return or the status of its refund or owned by a grantor under the rules of probate, the trust primarily responsible
payment(s), and sections 671 through 679. for paying debts, taxes, and expenses
• Respond to certain IRS notices that of administration) for any tax year
the fiduciary has shared with the ending before the date that is 2 years
preparer about math errors, offsets, and Rounding Off to Whole after the decedent’s death.
return preparation. The notices will not Dollars
be sent to the preparer. For more information, see Form
You may round off cents to whole 1041-ES, Estimated Income Tax for
The fiduciary is not authorizing the dollars on the estate’s or trust’s return Estates and Trusts.
paid preparer to receive any refund and schedules. If you do round to
check, bind the estate or trust to whole dollars, you must round all Electronic Deposits
anything (including any additional tax amounts. To round, drop amounts A financial institution that maintains a
liability), or otherwise represent the under 50 cents and increase amounts TT&L account, and acts as a fiduciary
estate or trust before the IRS. from 50 to 99 cents to the next dollar. for at least 200 taxable trusts that are
The authorization will automatically For example, $1.39 becomes $1 and required to pay estimated tax, may be
end no later than the due date (without $2.50 becomes $3. required to deposit the estimated tax
regard to extensions) for filing the If you have to add two or more payments electronically using the
estate’s or trust’s 2009 tax return. If the amounts to figure the amount to enter Electronic Federal Tax Payment
fiduciary wants to expand the paid on a line, include cents when adding System (EFTPS). The electronic
preparer’s authorization or revoke the the amounts and round off only the deposit requirement applies in 2009 if:
authorization before it ends, see Pub. total. • The total deposits of depository taxes
947, Practice Before the IRS and (such as estimated, employment, or
Power of Attorney. excise tax) in 2007 were more than
Estimated Tax $200,000, or
Accounting Methods Generally, an estate or trust must pay
• The fiduciary (on behalf of a trust)
was required to use EFTPS in 2008.
Figure taxable income using the estimated income tax for 2009 if it
method of accounting regularly used in expects to owe, after subtracting any If the fiduciary is required to use
keeping the estate’s or trust’s books withholding and credits, at least $1,000 EFTPS on behalf of a trust and fails to
and records. Generally, permissible in tax, and it expects the withholding do so, it may be subject to a 10%
methods include the cash method, the and credits to be less than the smaller penalty.
accrual method, or any other method of: A fiduciary that is not required to
authorized by the Internal Revenue 1. 90% of the tax shown on the make electronic deposits of estimated
Code. In all cases, the method used 2009 tax return, or tax on behalf of a trust may either use
must clearly reflect income. 2. 100% of the tax shown on the the payment vouchers (see Form
Generally, the estate or trust may 2008 tax return (110% of that amount if 1041-ES) or voluntarily participate in
change its accounting method (for the estate’s or trust’s adjusted gross EFTPS. To enroll in or get more
income as a whole or for any material income on that return is more than information about EFTPS, call
item) only by getting consent on Form $150,000, and less than 2/3 of gross 1-800-555-4477.
3115, Application for Change in income for 2008 or 2009 is from Depositing on time. For deposits
Accounting Method. For more farming or fishing). made by EFTPS to be on time, the

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fiduciary must initiate the transaction at penalty is 25% of the unpaid amount. including the definition of responsible
least 1 business day before the date The penalty applies to any unpaid tax persons.
the deposit is due. on the return. Any penalty is in addition
to interest charges on late payments. Other Penalties
Section 643(g) Election Other penalties can be imposed for
Fiduciaries of trusts that pay estimated If you include interest on either negligence, substantial understatement
tax may elect under section 643(g) to TIP of these penalties with your of tax, and fraud. See Pub. 17, Your
have any portion of their estimated tax payment, identify and enter Federal Income Tax, for details on
payments allocated to any of the these amounts in the bottom margin of these penalties.
beneficiaries. Form 1041, page 1. Do not include the
interest or penalty amount in the
The fiduciary of a decedent’s estate balance of tax due on line 27. Other Forms That May
may make a section 643(g) election
only for the final year of the estate.
Be Required
Failure To Provide Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement,
You make the election by filing Information Timely and Form W-3, Transmittal of Wage
Form 1041-T, Allocation of Estimated You must provide Schedule K-1 (Form and Tax Statements.
Tax Payments to Beneficiaries, by the 1041), on or before the day you are
65th day after the close of the estate’s Form 56, Notice Concerning
required to file Form 1041, to each Fiduciary Relationship. You must notify
or trust’s tax year. Then, you include beneficiary who receives a distribution
that amount on the Schedule K-1 for the IRS of the creation or termination of
of property or an allocation of an item of a fiduciary relationship. You may use
the beneficiary(ies) for whom you the estate.
elected it. Form 56 to provide this notice to the
For each failure to provide Schedule IRS.
Failure to make a timely election will
result in the estimated tax payments K-1 to a beneficiary when due and each Form 706, United States Estate (and
not being transferred to the failure to include on Schedule K-1 all Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax
beneficiary(ies) even if you entered the the information required to be shown Return, or Form 706-NA, United States
amount you wanted transferred on (or the inclusion of incorrect Estate (and Generation-Skipping
Schedule K-1. information), a $50 penalty may be Transfer) Tax Return, Estate of
imposed with regard to each Schedule nonresident not a citizen of the United
See the instructions for line 24b on K-1 for which a failure occurs. The States.
page 24 for more details. maximum penalty is $100,000 for all Form 706-GS(D),
such failures during a calendar year. If Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax
Interest and Penalties the requirement to report information is Return for Distributions.
intentionally disregarded, each $50
Interest penalty is increased to $100 or, if Form 706-GS(D-1), Notification of
greater, 10% of the aggregate amount Distribution From a
Interest is charged on taxes not paid by Generation-Skipping Trust.
the due date, even if an extension of of items required to be reported, and
time to file is granted. the $100,000 maximum does not apply. Form 706-GS(T),
The penalty will not be imposed if Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax
Interest is also charged on penalties Return for Terminations.
imposed for failure to file, negligence, the fiduciary can show that not
fraud, substantial valuation providing information timely was due to Form 709, United States Gift (and
misstatements, substantial reasonable cause and not due to willful Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax
understatements of tax, and reportable neglect. Return.
transaction understatements. Interest is Form 720, Quarterly Federal Excise
charged on the penalty from the due Underpaid Estimated Tax Tax Return. Use Form 720 to report
date of the return (including If the fiduciary underpaid estimated tax, environmental excise taxes,
extensions). The interest charge is use Form 2210, Underpayment of communications and air transportation
figured at a rate determined under Estimated Tax by Individuals, Estates, taxes, fuel taxes, luxury tax on
section 6621. and Trusts, to figure any penalty. Enter passenger vehicles, manufacturers’
the amount of any penalty on line 26, taxes, ship passenger tax, and certain
Late Filing of Return Form 1041. other excise taxes.
The law provides a penalty of 5% of the Caution. See Trust Fund Recovery
tax due for each month, or part of a Trust Fund Recovery Penalty Penalty earlier.
month, for which a return is not filed up This penalty may apply if certain excise,
to a maximum of 25% of the tax due income, social security, and Medicare Form 926, Return by a U.S.
(15% for each month, or part of a taxes that must be collected or withheld Transferor of Property to a Foreign
month, up to a maximum of 75% if the are not collected or withheld, or these Corporation. Use this form to report
failure to file is fraudulent). If the return taxes are not paid. These taxes are certain information required under
is more than 60 days late, the minimum generally reported on Forms 720, 941, section 6038B.
penalty is the smaller of $100 or the tax 943, 944, or 945. The trust fund Form 940, Employer’s Annual
due. The penalty will not be imposed if recovery penalty may be imposed on all Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Tax
you can show that the failure to file on persons who are determined by the IRS Return. The estate or trust may be
time was due to reasonable cause. If to have been responsible for collecting, liable for FUTA tax and may have to file
the failure is due to reasonable cause, accounting for, or paying over these Form 940 if it paid wages of $1,500 or
attach an explanation to the return. taxes, and who acted willfully in not more in any calendar quarter during the
doing so. The penalty is equal to the calendar year (or the preceding
Late Payment of Tax unpaid trust fund tax. See the calendar year) or one or more
Generally, the penalty for not paying instructions for Form 720, Pub. 15 employees worked for the estate or
tax when due is 1/2 of 1% of the unpaid (Circular E), Employer’s Tax Guide, or trust for some part of a day in any 20
amount for each month or part of a Pub. 51 (Circular A), Agricultural different weeks during the calendar
month it remains unpaid. The maximum Employer’s Tax Guide, for more details, year (or the preceding calendar year).

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144 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

Form 941, Employer’s QUARTERLY distributions from an HSA, Archer MSA, 3. Had an acquisition, disposition, or
Federal Tax Return. Employers must or Medicare Advantage MSA. change in proportional interest in a
file this form quarterly to report income foreign partnership that:
tax withheld on wages and employer Also, use certain of these returns to
report amounts received as a nominee a. Increased its direct interest to at
and employee social security and least 10%;
Medicare taxes. Certain small on behalf of another person, except
amounts reported to beneficiaries on b. Reduced its direct interest of at
employers must file Form 944, least 10% to less than 10%; or
Employer’s ANNUAL Federal Tax Schedule K-1 (Form 1041).
c. Changed its direct interest by at
Return, instead of Form 941. For more Form 8275, Disclosure Statement. least a 10% interest.
information, see the instructions for File Form 8275 to disclose items or 4. Contributed property to a foreign
Form 944. Agricultural employers must positions, except those contrary to a partnership in exchange for a
file Form 943, Employer’s Annual regulation, that are not otherwise partnership interest if:
Federal Tax Return for Agricultural adequately disclosed on a tax return. a. Immediately after the
Employees, instead of Form 941, to The disclosure is made to avoid parts contribution, the estate or trust owned,
report income tax withheld and of the accuracy-related penalty directly or indirectly, at least a 10%
employer and employee social security imposed for disregard of rules or interest in the foreign partnership or
and Medicare taxes on farmworkers. substantial understatement of tax. Form b. The fair market value (FMV) of
Caution. See Trust Fund Recovery 8275 is also used for disclosures the property the estate or trust
Penalty earlier. relating to preparer penalties for contributed to the foreign partnership,
Form 945, Annual Return of understatements due to unrealistic for a partnership interest, when added
Withheld Federal Income Tax. Use this positions or disregard of rules. to other contributions of property made
form to report income tax withheld from Form 8275-R, Regulation Disclosure to the foreign partnership during the
nonpayroll payments, including Statement, is used to disclose any item preceding 12-month period, exceeds
pensions, annuities, IRAs, gambling on a tax return for which a position has $100,000.
winnings, and backup withholding. been taken that is contrary to Treasury
Caution. See Trust Fund Recovery regulations. Also, the estate or trust may have to
Penalty earlier. file Form 8865 to report certain
Form 8288, U.S. Withholding Tax dispositions by a foreign partnership of
Form 1040, U.S. Individual Income Return for Dispositions by Foreign property it previously contributed to that
Tax Return. Persons of U.S. Real Property foreign partnership if it was a partner at
Form 1040NR, U.S. Nonresident Interests, and Form 8288-A, Statement the time of the disposition.
Alien Income Tax Return. of Withholding on Dispositions by
Foreign Persons of U.S. Real Property For more details, including penalties
Form 1041-A, U.S. Information for failing to file Form 8865, see Form
Return Trust Accumulation of Interests. Use these forms to report and
transmit withheld tax on the sale of U.S. 8865 and its separate instructions.
Charitable Amounts.
real property by a foreign person. Also, Tax shelter disclosure statement.
Form 1042, Annual Withholding Tax use these forms to report and transmit Use Form 8886, Reportable
Return for U.S. Source Income of tax withheld from amounts distributed to Transaction Disclosure Statement, to
Foreign Persons, and Form 1042-S, a foreign beneficiary from a “U.S. real disclose information for each reportable
Foreign Person’s U.S. Source Income property interest account” that a transaction in which the trust
Subject to Withholding. Use these domestic estate or trust is required to participated, directly or indirectly. Form
forms to report and transmit withheld establish under Regulations section 8886 must be filed for each tax year
tax on payments or distributions made 1.1445-5(c)(1)(iii). that the federal income tax liability of
to nonresident alien individuals, foreign the estate or trust is affected by its
partnerships, or foreign corporations to Form 8300, Report of Cash participation in the transaction. The
the extent such payments or Payments Over $10,000 Received in a estate or trust may have to pay a
distributions constitute gross income Trade or Business. Generally, this form penalty if it has a requirement to file
from sources within the United States is used to report the receipt of more Form 8886 but you fail to file it. The
that is not effectively connected with a than $10,000 in cash or foreign following are reportable transactions.
U.S. trade or business. For more currency in one transaction (or a series • Any transaction that is the same as
information, see sections 1441 and of related transactions). or substantially similar to tax avoidance
1442, and Pub. 515, Withholding of Tax Form 8855, Election To Treat a transactions identified by the IRS as
on Nonresident Aliens and Foreign Qualified Revocable Trust as Part of an listed transaction.
Entities. Estate. This election allows a qualified • Any transaction offered under
Forms 1099-A, B, INT, LTC, MISC, revocable trust to be treated and taxed conditions of confidentiality and for
OID, R, S, and SA. You may have to (for income tax purposes) as part of its which the estate or trust paid a
file these information returns to report related estate during the election minimum fee (confidential transaction).
acquisitions or abandonments of period. • Any transaction for which the estate
secured property; proceeds from broker or trust or a related party has
and barter exchange transactions; Form 8865, Return of U.S. Persons contractual protection against
interest payments; payments of With Respect to Certain Foreign disallowance of the tax benefits
long-term care and accelerated death Partnerships. The estate or trust may (transaction with contractual
benefits; miscellaneous income have to file Form 8865 if it: protection).
payments; original issue discount; 1. Controlled a foreign partnership • Any transaction resulting in a loss of
distributions from pensions, annuities, (that is, owned more than a 50% direct at least $2 million in any single year or
retirement or profit-sharing plans, IRAs or indirect interest in a foreign $4 million in any combination of years
(including SEPs, SIMPLEs, Roth IRAs, partnership); ($50,000 in any single year if the loss is
Roth Conversions, and IRA 2. Owned at least a 10% direct or generated by a section 988 transaction)
recharacterizations), Coverdell ESAs, indirect interest in a foreign partnership (loss transactions).
insurance contracts, etc.; proceeds while U.S. persons controlled that • Any transaction substantially similar
from real estate transactions; and partnership; to one of the types of transactions

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identified by the IRS as a transaction of have optional filing methods available. be reported by that person on their own
interest. Pooled income funds have many similar income tax return.
See the Instructions for Form 8886 reporting requirements that other Example. The John Doe Trust is a
for more details and exceptions. Subchapter J trusts (other than grantor grantor type trust. During the year, the
type trusts and electing small business trust sold 100 shares of ABC stock for
Form 8918, Material Advisor trusts) have but there are some very
Disclosure Statement. Material advisors $1,010 in which it had a basis of $10
important differences. These reporting and 200 shares of XYZ stock for $10 in
who provide material aid, assistance, or differences and optional filing methods
advice on organizing, managing, which it had a $1,020 basis.
are discussed below by entity.
promoting, selling, implementing, The trust does not report these
insuring, or carrying out any reportable Grantor Type Trusts transactions on Form 1041. Instead, a
transaction, and who directly or A trust is a grantor trust if the grantor schedule is attached to the Form 1041
indirectly receive or expect to receive a retains certain powers or ownership showing each stock transaction
minimum fee, must use Form 8918 to benefits. This can also apply to only a separately and in the same detail as
disclose any reportable transaction portion of a trust. See Grantor Type John Doe (grantor and owner) will need
under Regulations section 301.6111-3. Trust on page 15 for details on what to report these transactions on his
For more information, see Form 8918 makes a trust a grantor trust. Schedule D (Form 1040). The trust may
and its instructions. not net the capital gains and losses, nor
In general, a grantor trust is ignored may it issue John Doe a Schedule K-1
for tax purposes and all of the income,
Additional Information deductions, etc., are treated as
(Form 1041) showing a $10 long-term
capital loss.
The following publications may assist belonging directly to the grantor. This
you in preparing Form 1041: also applies to any portion of a trust Optional Filing Methods for
• Pub. 550, Investment Income and that is treated as a grantor trust. Certain Grantor Type Trusts
Generally, if a trust is treated as owned
• Pub. 559, Survivors, Executors, and The following instructions apply
Administrators, and ! only to grantor type trusts that by one grantor or other person, the
trustee may choose Optional Method 1
• Pub. 590, Individual Retirement CAUTION are not using an optional filing
or Optional Method 2 as the trust’s
Arrangements (IRAs). method.
method of reporting instead of filing
File Form 1041 for a grantor trust
Form 1041. A husband and wife will be
Assembly and unless you use an optional filing
treated as one grantor for purposes of
Attachments these two optional methods if:
If the entire trust is a grantor trust, fill • All of the trust is treated as owned by
Assemble any schedules, forms, and in only the entity portion of Form 1041. the husband and wife, and
attachments behind Form 1041 in the Do not show any dollar amounts on the • The husband and wife file their
following order: form itself; show dollar amounts only on income tax return jointly for that tax
1. Schedule I (Form 1041); an attachment to the form. Do not use year.
2. Schedule D (Form 1041); Schedule K-1 (Form 1041) as the
Generally, if a trust is treated as
3. Form 4952; attachment.
owned by two or more grantors or other
4. Schedule H (Form 1040); If only part of the trust is treated as a persons, the trustee may choose
5. Form 4136; grantor trust, report on Form 1041 only Optional Method 3 as the trust’s
6. Form 8855; the part of the income, deductions, etc., method of reporting instead of filing
7. All other schedules and that is taxable to the trust. The amounts Form 1041.
forms; and that are taxable directly to the grantor
8. All attachments. are shown only on an attachment to the Once you choose the trust’s filing
form. Do not use Schedule K-1 (Form method, you must follow the rules
under Changing filing methods if you
Attachments 1041) as the attachment.
want to change to another method.
If you need more space on the forms or Also, the fiduciary must give the
grantor (owner) of the trust a copy of Exceptions. The following trusts
schedules, attach separate sheets. Use cannot report using the optional filing
the same size and format as on the the attachment.
printed forms. But show the totals on On the attachment, report: • A common trust fund (as defined in
the printed forms. • The name, identifying number, and section 584(a)).
Attach these separate sheets after address of the person(s) to whom the • A foreign trust or a trust that has any
all the schedules and forms. Enter the income is taxable; of its assets located outside the United
estate’s or trust’s EIN on each sheet. • The income of the trust that is States.
Do not file a copy of the decedent’s taxable to the grantor or another person • A qualified subchapter S trust (as
will or the trust instrument unless the under sections 671 through 678. Report defined in section 1361(d)(3)).
IRS requests it. the income in the same detail as it • A trust all of which is treated as
would be reported on the grantor’s owned by one grantor or one other
return had it been received directly by person whose tax year is other than a
the grantor; and calendar year.
Special Reporting • Any deductions or credits that apply • A trust all of which is treated as
Instructions to this income. Report these deductions owned by one or more grantors or other
and credits in the same detail as they persons, one of which is not a U.S.
Grantor type trusts, the S portion of would be reported on the grantor’s person.
electing small business trusts (ESBTs), return had they been received directly • A trust all of which is treated as
and bankruptcy estates all have by the grantor. owned by one or more grantors or other
reporting requirements that are The income taxable to the grantor or persons if at least one grantor or other
significantly different than other another person under sections 671 person is an exempt recipient for
Subchapter J trusts and decedent’s through 678 and the deductions and information reporting purposes, unless
estates. Additionally, grantor type trusts credits that apply to that income must at least one grantor or other person is

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146 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

not an exempt recipient and the trustee takes those items into account when Backup withholding. The following
reports without treating any of the figuring the grantor’s or other person’s grantor trusts are treated as payors for
grantors or other persons as exempt taxable income or tax; and purposes of backup withholding.
recipients. • Informs the grantor or other person 1. A trust established after 1995, all
Optional Method 1. For a trust treated as the owner of the trust that of which is owned by two or more
treated as owned by one grantor or by those items must be included when grantors (treating spouses filing a joint
one other person, the trustee must give figuring taxable income and credits on return as one grantor).
all payers of income during the tax year his or her income tax return. This 2. A trust with 10 or more grantors
the name and TIN of the grantor or statement satisfies the requirement to established after 1983 but before
other person treated as the owner of give the recipient copies of the Forms 1996.
the trust and the address of the trust. 1099 filed by the trustee.
This method may be used only if the Optional Method 3. For a trust The trustee must withhold 28% of
owner of the trust provides the trustee treated as owned by two or more reportable payments made to any
with a signed Form W-9, Request for grantors or other persons, the trustee grantor who is subject to backup
Taxpayer Identification Number and must give all payers of income during withholding.
Certification. In addition, unless the the tax year the name, address, and For more information, see section
grantor or other person treated as TIN of the trust. The trustee also must 3406 and its regulations.
owner of the trust is the trustee or a file with the IRS the appropriate Forms
co-trustee of the trust, the trustee must 1099 to report the income or gross Pooled Income Funds
give the grantor or other person treated proceeds paid to the trust by all payers If you are filing for a pooled income
as owner of the trust a statement that: during the tax year attributable to the fund, attach a statement to support the
• Shows all items of income, part of the trust treated as owned by following:
deduction, and credit of the trust; each grantor, or other person, showing • The calculation of the yearly rate of
• Identifies the payer of each item of the trust as the payer and each grantor, return,
income; or other person treated as owner of the • The computation of the deduction for
• Explains how the grantor or other trust, as the payee. The trustee must distributions to the beneficiaries, and
person treated as owner of the trust report each type of income in the • The computation of any charitable
takes those items into account when aggregate and each item of gross deduction.
figuring the grantor’s or other person’s proceeds separately. The due date for See section 642 and the regulations
taxable income or tax; and any Forms 1099 required to be filed thereunder for more information.
• Informs the grantor or other person with the IRS by a trustee under this You do not have to complete
treated as the owner of the trust that method is March 2, 2009 (March 31, Schedules A or B of Form 1041.
those items must be included when 2009, if filed electronically).
figuring taxable income and credits on Also, you must file Form 5227,
In addition, the trustee must give Split-Interest Trust Information Return,
his or her income tax return. each grantor or other person treated as for the pooled income fund. However, if
Grantor trusts that have not owner of the trust a statement that: all amounts were transferred in trust
TIP applied for an EIN and are • Shows all items of income, before May 27, 1969, or if an amount
going to file under Optional deduction, and credit of the trust was transferred to the trust after May
Method 1 do not need an EIN for the attributable to the part of the trust 26, 1969, for which no deduction was
trust as long as they continue to report treated as owned by the grantor or allowed under any of the sections listed
under that method. other person; under section 4947(a)(2), then Form
Optional Method 2. For a trust • Explains how the grantor or other 5227 does not have to be filed.
treated as owned by one grantor or by person treated as owner of the trust Note. Form 1041-A is no longer filed
one other person, the trustee must give takes those items into account when by pooled income funds.
all payers of income during the tax year figuring the grantor’s or other person’s
the name, address, and TIN of the taxable income or tax; and Electing Small Business
trust. The trustee also must file with the • Informs the grantor or other person
treated as the owner of the trust that Trusts (ESBTs)
IRS the appropriate Forms 1099 to
those items must be included when Special rules apply when figuring the
report the income or gross proceeds
figuring taxable income and credits on tax on the S portion of an ESBT. The S
paid to the trust during the tax year that
his or her income tax return. This portion of an ESBT is the portion of the
shows the trust as the payer and the
statement satisfies the requirement to trust that consists of stock in one or
grantor, or other person treated as
give the recipient copies of the Forms more S corporations and is not treated
owner, as the payee. The trustee must
1099 filed by the trustee. as a grantor type trust. The tax on the S
report each type of income in the
Changing filing methods. A trustee portion:
aggregate and each item of gross
proceeds separately. The due date for who previously had filed Form 1041 can • Must be figured separately from the
change to one of the optional methods tax on the remainder of the ESBT (if
any Forms 1099 required to be filed
by filing a final Form 1041 for the tax any) and attached to the return,
with the IRS by a trustee under this
method is March 2, 2009 (March 31, year that immediately precedes the first • Is entered to the left of the Schedule
tax year for which the trustee elects to G, line 7, entry space preceded by
2009, if filed electronically).
report under one of the optional “Sec. 641(c),” and
In addition, unless the grantor, or
methods. On the front of the final Form • Is included in the total tax on
other person treated as owner of the Schedule G, line 7.
trust, is the trustee or a co-trustee of 1041, the trustee must write “Pursuant
to section 1.671-4(g), this is the final The tax on the remainder (non-S
the trust, the trustee must give the
Form 1041 for this grantor trust,” and portion) of the ESBT is figured in the
grantor or other person treated as
check the Final return box in item F. normal manner on Form 1041.
owner of the trust a statement that:
• Shows all items of income, For more details on changing Tax computation attachment. Attach
deduction, and credit of the trust; reporting methods, including changes to the return the tax computation for the
• Explains how the grantor or other from one optional method to another, S portion of the ESBT.
person treated as owner of the trust see Regulations section 1.671-4(g). To compute the tax on the S portion:

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• Treat that portion of the ESBT as if it files a petition under any chapter of title 1. Net operating loss (NOL)
were a separate trust; 11 of the U.S. Code. carryovers;
• Include only the income, losses, 2. Charitable contributions
deductions, and credits allocated to the Who Must File carryovers;
ESBT as an S corporation shareholder 3. Recovery of tax benefit items;
and gain or loss from the disposition of Every trustee (or debtor-in-possession) 4. Credit carryovers;
S corporation stock; for an individual’s bankruptcy estate 5. Capital loss carryovers;
• Aggregate items of income, losses, under chapter 7 or 11 of title 11 of the 6. Basis, holding period, and
deductions, and credits allocated to the U.S. Code must file a return if the character of assets;
ESBT as an S corporation shareholder bankruptcy estate has gross income of 7. Method of accounting;
if the S portion of the ESBT has stock $8,950 or more for tax years beginning 8. Unused passive activity losses;
in more than one S corporation; in 2008. 9. Unused passive activity credits;
• Deduct state and local income taxes Failure to do so may result in an and
and administrative expenses directly estimated Request for Administrative 10. Unused section 465 losses.
related to the S portion or allocated to Expenses being filed by the IRS in the
the S portion if the allocation is bankruptcy proceeding or a motion to Income, Deductions, and
reasonable in light of all the compel filing of the return.
circumstances; Credits
• Deduct interest expense paid or The filing of a tax return for the Under section 1398(c), the taxable
accrued on indebtedness incurred to ! bankruptcy estate does not
CAUTION relieve the individual debtor of
income of the bankruptcy estate
acquire stock in an S corporation; generally is figured in the same manner
• Do not claim a deduction for capital his, her, or their individual tax as that of an individual. The gross
losses in excess of capital gains; obligations. income of the bankruptcy estate
• Do not claim an income distribution includes any income included in
deduction or an exemption amount; EIN property of the estate as defined in title
• Do not claim an exemption amount in Every bankruptcy estate of an individual 11, sections 541 and 1115. Section
figuring the AMT; and required to file a return must have its 1115 was added to title 11 of the U.S.
• Do not use the tax rate schedule to own EIN. The SSN of the individual Code by the Bankruptcy Abuse
figure the tax. The tax is 35% of the S debtor cannot be used as the EIN for Prevention and Consumer Protection
portion’s taxable income except in the bankruptcy estate. Act of 2005. Section 1115 of title 11 of
figuring the maximum tax on qualified the U.S. Code expands the definition of
dividends and capital gains. property of the estate in chapter 11
Accounting Period cases filed by individuals after October
For additional information, see 16, 2005, and in chapter 11 cases
A bankruptcy estate is allowed to have
Regulations section 1.641(c)-1. begun by creditors against an individual
a fiscal year. The period can be no
Other information. When figuring the longer than 12 months. debtor (involuntary cases) after that
tax and DNI on the remaining (non-S) date. Under section 1115 of title 11 of
portion of the trust, disregard the S When To File the U.S. Code, property of the
corporation items. File Form 1041 on or before the 15th bankruptcy estate includes (a) earnings
Do not apportion to the beneficiaries day of the 4th month following the close from services performed by the debtor
any of the S corporation items. of the tax year. Use Form 7004 to apply after the beginning of the case (both
for an extension of time to file. wages and self-employment income)
If the ESBT consists entirely of stock and before the case is closed,
in one or more S corporations, do not Disclosure of Return dismissed, or converted to a case
make any entries on lines 1 – 22 of page Information under a different chapter and (b)
1. Instead: Under section 6103(e)(5), tax returns of property described in section 541 of
• Complete the entity portion; individual debtors who have filed for title 11 of the U.S. Code and income
• Follow the instructions above for bankruptcy under chapters 7 or 11 of earned therefrom that the debtor
figuring the tax on the S corporation title 11 are, upon written request, open acquires after the beginning of the case
items; to inspection by or disclosure to the and before the case is closed,
• Carry the tax from line 7 of Schedule trustee. dismissed, or converted. If section 1115
G to line 23 on page 1; and of title 11 of the U.S. Code applies, the
The returns subject to disclosure to
• Complete the rest of the return. the trustee are those for the year the bankruptcy estate’s gross income
The grantor portion (if any) of an bankruptcy begins and prior years. Use includes, as described above, (a) the
ESBT will follow the rules discussed Form 4506, Request for Copy of Tax debtor’s earnings from services
under Grantor Type Trusts on page 11. Return, to request copies of the performed after the beginning of the
individual debtor’s tax returns. case and (b) the income from property
Bankruptcy Estates If the bankruptcy case was not
acquired after the beginning of the
The bankruptcy estate that is created case.
voluntary, disclosure cannot be made
when an individual debtor files a before the bankruptcy court has The income from property owned by
petition under either chapter 7 or 11 of entered an order for relief, unless the the debtor when the case began is also
title 11 of the U.S. Code is treated as a court rules that the disclosure is included in the bankruptcy estate’s
separate taxable entity. The bankruptcy needed for determining whether relief gross income. However, if this property
estate is administered by a trustee or a should be ordered. is exempted from the bankruptcy estate
debtor-in-possession. If the case is later or is abandoned by the trustee or
dismissed by the bankruptcy court, the Transfer of Tax Attributes From
debtor-in-possession, the income from
individual debtor is treated as if the the Individual Debtor to the the property is not included in the
bankruptcy petition had never been Bankruptcy Estate bankruptcy estate’s gross income. Also
filed. The bankruptcy estate succeeds to the included in income is gain from the sale
A separate taxable entity is not following tax attributes of the individual of the bankruptcy estate’s property. To
created if a partnership or corporation debtor: figure gain, the trustee or

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148 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

debtor-in-possession must determine gross income must be applied to DO NOT DETACH.” Attach Form 1040
the correct basis of the property. reduce certain tax attributes in a certain to Form 1041. Complete only the
To determine whether any amount order. Attach Form 982, Reduction of identification area at the top of Form
paid or incurred by the bankruptcy Tax Attributes Due to Discharge of 1041. Enter the name of the individual
estate is allowable as a deduction or Indebtedness (and Section 1082 Basis debtor in the following format: “John Q.
credit, or is treated as wages for Adjustment), to show the reduction of Public Bankruptcy Estate.” Beneath,
employment tax purposes, treat the tax attributes. enter the name of the trustee in the
amount as if it were paid or incurred by following format: “Avery Snow,
Tax Rate Schedule Trustee.” In item D, enter the date the
the individual debtor in the same trade
or business or other activity the debtor Figure the tax for the bankruptcy estate petition was filed or the date of
engaged in before the bankruptcy using the tax rate schedule below. conversion to a chapter 7 or 11 case.
proceedings began. Enter the tax on Form 1040, line 44. Enter on Form 1041, line 23, the
Administrative expenses. The If taxable income is: total tax from line 61 of Form 1040.
bankruptcy estate is allowed a But not
Of the Complete lines 24 through 29 of Form
Over — The tax is: amount 1041, and sign and date it.
deduction for any administrative over —
over —
expense allowed under section 503 of $0 $8,025 10% $0 In a chapter 11 case filed after
title 11 of the U.S. Code, and any fee or 8,025 32,550 $802.50 + 15% 8,025 October 16, 2005, the bankruptcy
charge assessed under chapter 123 of 32,550 65,725 4,481.25 + 25% 32,550
65,725 100,150 12,775.00 + 28% 65,725
estate’s gross income may be affected
title 28 of the U.S. Code, to the extent 100,150 178,850 22,414.00 + 33% 100,150 by section 1115 of title 11 of the U.S.
not disallowed under an Internal 178,850 ------ 48,385.00 + 35% 178,850 Code. See Income, Deductions, and
Revenue Code provision (for example, Credits earlier. The debtor may receive
section 263, 265, or 275). Prompt Determination of Tax a Form W-2, 1099-INT, 1099-DIV, or
Administrative expense loss. When Liability 1099-MISC or other information return
figuring an NOL, nonbusiness reporting wages or other income to the
To request a prompt determination of debtor for the entire year, even though
deductions (including administrative the tax liability of the bankruptcy estate,
expenses) are limited under section some or all of this income is includible
the trustee or debtor-in-possession in the bankruptcy estate’s gross income
172(d)(4) to the bankruptcy estate’s must file a written request for the
nonbusiness income. The excess under section 1115 of title 11 of the
determination with the IRS. The request U.S. Code. If this happens, the income
nonbusiness deductions are an must be submitted in duplicate and
administrative expense loss that may reported to the debtor on the Form W-2
executed under penalties of perjury. or 1099, or other information return
be carried back to each of the 3 The request must include a statement
preceding tax years and forward to (and the withheld income tax shown on
indicating that it is a request for prompt these forms) must be reasonably
each of the 7 succeeding tax years of determination of tax liability and: (a) the
the bankruptcy estate. The amount of allocated between the debtor and the
return type, and all the tax periods for bankruptcy estate. The
an administrative expense loss that which prompt determination is sought;
may be carried to any tax year is debtor-in-possession (or the chapter 11
(b) the name and location of the office trustee, if one was appointed) must
determined after the NOL deductions where the return was filed; (c) the
allowed for that year. An administrative attach a schedule that shows (a) all the
debtor’s name; (d) the debtor’s SSN, income reported on the Form W-2,
expense loss is allowed only to the TIN, or EIN; (e) the type of bankruptcy
bankruptcy estate and cannot be Form 1099, or other information return,
estate; (f) the bankruptcy case number; (b) the portion of this income includible
carried to any tax year of the individual and (g) the court where the bankruptcy
debtor. in the bankruptcy estate’s gross
is pending. Send the request to the income, and (c) all the withheld income
Carryback of NOLs and credits. If Centralized Insolvency Operation, P.O. tax, if any, and the portion of withheld
the bankruptcy estate itself incurs an Box 21126, Philadelphia, PA 19114 tax reasonably allocated to the
NOL (apart from losses carried forward (marked “Request for Prompt bankruptcy estate. Also, the
to the estate from the individual debtor), Determination”). debtor-in-possesion (or the chapter 11
it can carry back its NOLs not only to The IRS will notify the trustee or trustee, if one was appointed) must
previous tax years of the bankruptcy debtor-in-possession within 60 days attach a copy of the Form W-2, if any,
estate, but also to tax years of the from receipt of the request if the return issued to the debtor for the tax year if
individual debtor prior to the year in filed by the trustee or the Form W-2 reports wages to the
which the bankruptcy proceedings debtor-in-possession has been selected debtor and some or all of the wages are
began. Excess credits, such as the for examination or has been accepted includible in the bankruptcy estate’s
foreign tax credit, also may be carried as filed. If the return is selected for gross income because of section 1115
back to pre-bankruptcy years of the examination, it will be examined as of title 11 of the U.S. Code. For more
individual debtor. soon as possible. The IRS will notify details, including acceptable allocation
Exemption. For tax years beginning in the trustee or debtor-in-possession of methods, see Notice 2006-83, 2006-40
2008, a bankruptcy estate is allowed a any tax due within 180 days from I.R.B. 596, available at
personal exemption of $3,500. receipt of the request or within any 2006-40_IRB/ar12.html.
Standard deduction. For tax years additional time permitted by the
beginning in 2008, a bankruptcy estate bankruptcy court.
that does not itemize deductions is
allowed a standard deduction of
See Rev. Proc. 2006-24, 2006-22
I.R.B. 943, available
Specific Instructions
$5,450. 2006-22_IRB/ar12.html.
Discharge of indebtedness. In a title
11 case, gross income does not include Special Filing Instructions for Name of Estate or Trust
amounts that normally would be Bankruptcy Estates Copy the exact name of the estate or
included in gross income resulting from Use Form 1041 only as a transmittal for trust from the Form SS-4, Application
the discharge of indebtedness. Form 1040. In the top margin of Form for Employer Identification Number, that
However, any amounts excluded from 1040 write “Attachment to Form 1041. you used to apply for the EIN. If the

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 148 10/19/2009 10:14:22 AM


name of the trust was changed during of the estate is made to the heirs and more than 5% of the value of that
the tax year for which you are filing, other beneficiaries. The income earned portion. Also, the grantor is treated as
enter the trust’s new name and check from the property of the estate during holding any power or interest that was
the Change in trust’s name box in item the period of administration or held by either the grantor’s spouse at
F. settlement must be accounted for and the time that the power or interest was
If a grantor type trust (discussed reported by the estate. created or who became the grantor’s
below), write the name, identification spouse after the creation of that power
number, and address of the grantor(s) Simple Trust or interest. See Grantor Type Trusts on
or other owner(s) in parentheses after A trust may qualify as a simple trust if: page 11 for more information.
the name of the trust. 1. The trust instrument requires that Pre-need funeral trusts. The
all income must be distributed currently; purchasers of pre-need funeral services
Name and Title of 2. The trust instrument does not are the grantors and the owners of
provide that any amounts are to be pre-need funeral trusts established
Fiduciary paid, permanently set aside, or used for under state laws. See Rev. Rul.
Enter the name and title of the charitable purposes; and 87-127, 1987-2 C.B. 156. However, the
fiduciary. If the name entered is 3. The trust does not distribute trustees of pre-need funeral trusts can
different than the name on the prior amounts allocated to the corpus of the elect to file the return and pay the tax
year’s return, see Change in Fiduciary’s trust. for qualified funeral trusts. For more
Name and Change in Fiduciary on information, see Form 1041-QFT, U.S.
page 17. Income Tax Return for Qualified
Complex Trust
Funeral Trusts.
A complex trust is any trust that does
Address not qualify as a simple trust as Nonqualified deferred compensation
Include the suite, room, or other unit explained above. plans. Taxpayers may adopt and
number after the street address. If the maintain grantor trusts in connection
post office does not deliver mail to the Qualified Disability Trust with nonqualified deferred
street address and the fiduciary has a compensation plans (sometimes
P.O. box, show the box number A qualified disability trust is any
nongrantor trust: referred to as “rabbi trusts”). Rev. Proc.
instead. 92-64, 1992-2 C.B. 422, provides a
1. Described in 42 U.S.C.
If you want a third party (such as an 1396p(c)(2)(B)(iv) and established “model grantor trust” for use in rabbi
accountant or an attorney) to receive solely for the benefit of an individual trust arrangements. The procedure also
mail for the estate or trust, enter on the under 65 years of age who is disabled, provides guidance for requesting
street address line “C/O” followed by and rulings on the plans that use these
the third party’s name and street 2. All the beneficiaries of which are trusts.
address or P.O. box. determined by the Commissioner of
If the estate or trust has had a Social Security to have been disabled Bankruptcy Estate
change of address (including a change for some part of the tax year within the A chapter 7 or 11 bankruptcy estate is
to an “in care of” name and address) meaning of 42 U.S.C. 1382c(a)(3). a separate and distinct taxable entity
and did not file Form 8822, Change of from the individual debtor for federal
Address, check the Change in A trust will not fail to meet item 2 income tax purposes. See Bankruptcy
fiduciary’s address box in item F. above just because the trust’s corpus Estates on page 13.
If the estate or trust has a change of may revert to a person who is not
disabled after the trust ceases to have For more information, see section
mailing address (including a new ‘‘in
any disabled beneficiaries. 1398 and Pub. 908, Bankruptcy Tax
care of’’ name and address) after filing
its return, file Form 8822 to notify the
IRS of the change. ESBT (S Portion Only)
The S portion of an ESBT is the portion Pooled Income Fund
A. Type of Entity of the trust that consists of S A pooled income fund is a split-interest
corporation stock and that is not treated trust with a remainder interest for a
Check the appropriate box that as owned by the grantor or another
describes the entity for which you are public charity and a life income interest
person. See page 12 of the instructions retained by the donor or for another
filing the return. for more information about an ESBT. person. The property is held in a pool
If only a portion of a trust is a grantor with other pooled income fund property
type trust or if only a portion of an Grantor Type Trust and does not include any tax-exempt
electing small business trust is the S A grantor type trust is a legal trust securities. The income for a retained
portion, then more than one box can be under applicable state law that is not life interest is figured using the yearly
checked. recognized as a separate taxable entity rate of return earned by the trust. See
for income tax purposes because the section 642(c) and the related
There are special reporting regulations for more information.
grantor or other substantial owners
! requirements for grantor type
CAUTION trusts, pooled income funds,
have not relinquished complete
dominion and control over the trust.
electing small business trusts, and B. Number of Schedules
bankruptcy estates. See Special Generally, for transfers made in trust
Reporting Instructions on page 11. after March 1, 1986, the grantor is K-1 Attached
treated as the owner of any portion of a Every trust or decedent’s estate
Decedent’s Estate trust in which he or she has a claiming an income distribution
An estate of a deceased person is a reversionary interest in either the deduction on page 1, line 18, must
taxable entity separate from the income or corpus therefrom, if, as of enter the number of Schedules K-1
decedent. It generally continues to exist the inception of that portion of the trust, (Form 1041) that are attached to Form
until the final distribution of the assets the value of the reversionary interest is 1041.

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150 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

meet its section 6012 filing requirement trusts other than section 664 charitable
C. Employer for that tax year. remainder trusts.
Identification Number Excise taxes. If a nonexempt
Every estate or trust that is required to charitable trust is treated as a private F. Initial Return,
file Form 1041 must have an EIN. An foundation, then it is subject to the
EIN may be applied for: same excise taxes under chapters 41 Amended Return, etc.
• Online by clicking on the EIN link at and 42 that a private foundation is The EIN subject to. If the nonexempt charitable Amended Return
is issued immediately once the trust is liable for any of these taxes If you are filing an amended Form
application information is validated. (except the section 4940 tax), then it 1041:
• By telephone at 1-800-829-4933 from reports these taxes on Form 4720, • Check the “Amended return” box,
7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. in the Return of Certain Excise Taxes Under • Complete the entire return,
fiduciary’s local time zone. Assistance Chapters 41 and 42 of the Internal • Correct the appropriate lines with the
provided to callers from Alaska and Revenue Code. Taxes paid by the trust new information, and
Hawaii will be based on the hours of on Form 4720 or on Form 990-PF (the • Refigure the estate’s or trust’s tax
operation in the Pacific time zone. section 4940 tax) cannot be taken as a liability.
• By mailing or faxing Form SS-4, deduction on Form 1041.
If the total tax on line 23 is larger on
Application for Employer Identification the amended return than on the original
Number. Not a Private Foundation
return, you generally should pay the
If the estate or trust has not received its Check this box if the nonexempt difference with the amended return.
EIN by the time the return is due, write charitable trust (section 4947(a)(1)) is However, you should adjust this
“Applied for” in the space for the EIN. not treated as a private foundation amount if there is any increase or
For more details, see Pub. 583, under section 509. For more decrease in the total payments shown
Starting a Business and Keeping information, see Regulations section on line 25.
Records. 53.4947-1.
Other returns that must be filed. If a Attach a sheet that explains the
D. Date Entity Created nonexempt charitable trust is not reason for the amendments and
treated as though it were a private identifies the lines and amounts being
Enter the date the trust was created, or, changed on the amended return.
if a decedent’s estate, the date of the foundation, the fiduciary must file, in
decedent’s death. addition to Form 1041, Form 990 (or Amended Schedule H (Form 1040).
Form 990-EZ), Return of Organization If you discover an error on a Schedule
Exempt From Income Tax, if the trust H that you previously filed with Form
E. Nonexempt Charitable meets the filing requirements for either 1041, file an “Amended” Form 1041
and Split-Interest Trusts of those forms. and attach a corrected Schedule H.
If a nonexempt charitable trust is not In the top margin of your corrected
Section 4947(a)(1) Trust treated as though it were a private Schedule H, write “Amended,” (using
Check this box if the trust is a foundation, and it has no taxable red ink, if possible) and the date you
nonexempt charitable trust within the income under Subtitle A, it may answer discovered the error. Also, on an
meaning of section 4947(a)(1). lines 12a and 12b in Part V of Form attachment explain the reason for your
990 (line 43 in Part V of Form 990-EZ) correction. If you owe tax, pay the tax in
A nonexempt charitable trust is a instead of filing Form 1041 to meet its full with your amended Form 1041. If
trust: section 6012 filing requirement for that you overpaid tax on a previously filed
• That is not exempt from tax under tax year. Schedule H, depending on whether you
section 501(a); choose the adjustment or claim for
• In which all of the unexpired interests Section 4947(a)(2) Trust refund process to correct the error, you
are devoted to one or more charitable Check this box if the trust is a must either repay or reimburse the
purposes described in section split-interest trust described in section employee’s share of social security and
170(c)(2)(B); and 4947(a)(2). Medicare tax or get the employee’s
• For which a deduction was allowed consent to the filing of a refund claim
under section 170 (for individual A split-interest trust is a trust that:
taxpayers) or similar Code section for • Is not exempt from tax under section for their share. See Pub. 926,
501(a); Household Employer’s Tax Guide, for
personal holding companies, foreign
personal holding companies, or estates • Has some unexpired interests that more information.
or trusts (including a deduction for are devoted to purposes other than Amended Schedule K-1 (Form 1041).
estate or gift tax purposes). religious, charitable, or similar purposes If the amended return results in a
described in section 170(c)(2)(B); and change to income, or a change in
Nonexempt charitable trust treated • Has amounts transferred in trust after distribution of any income or other
as a private foundation. If a May 26, 1969, for which a deduction information provided to a beneficiary,
nonexempt charitable trust is treated as was allowed under section 170 (for an amended Schedule K-1 (Form 1041)
though it were a private foundation individual taxpayers) or similar Code must also be filed with the amended
under section 509, then the fiduciary sections for personal holding Form 1041 and given to each
must file Form 990-PF, Return of companies, foreign personal holding beneficiary. Check the “Amended K-1”
Private Foundation, in addition to Form companies, or estates or trusts box at the top of the amended
1041. (including a deduction for estate or gift Schedule K-1.
If a nonexempt charitable trust is tax purposes).
treated as though it were a private Other returns that must be filed. Final Return
foundation, and it has no taxable The fiduciary of a split-interest trust Check this box if this is a final return
income under Subtitle A, it may answer must file Form 5227. However, see the because the estate or trust has
Statement 15 on Part VII-A of Form Instructions for Form 5227 for the terminated. Also, check the “Final K-1”
990-PF, instead of filing Form 1041 to exception that applies to split-interest box at the top of Schedule K-1.

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 150 10/19/2009 10:14:23 AM


If, on the final return, there are Extraterritorial Income death that should be reported on the
excess deductions, an unused capital income tax return of the decedent’s
loss carryover, or an NOL carryover, Exclusion estate. When preparing the decedent’s
see the instructions for Schedule K-1, The extraterritorial income exclusion is final income tax return, report on line 5
box 11, on page 34. not allowed for transactions after 2006. of Schedule B (Form 1040) or Schedule
However, income from certain 1 (Form 1040A) the ordinary dividends
Change in Trust’s Name long-term sales and leases may still shown on Form 1099-DIV. Under the
qualify for the exclusion. For details and last entry on line 5, subtotal all the
If the name of the trust has changed to figure the amount of the exclusion,
from the name shown on the prior dividends reported on line 5. Below the
see Form 8873, Extraterritorial Income subtotal, write “Form 1041” and the
year’s return (or Form SS-4 if this is the Exclusion, and its separate instructions.
first return being filed), be sure to check name and address shown on Form
The estate or trust must report the 1041 for the decedent’s estate. Also,
this box. extraterritorial income exclusion on line show the part of the ordinary dividends
15a of Form 1041, page 1. reported on Form 1041 and subtract it
Change in Fiduciary from the subtotal.
Although the extraterritorial income
If a different fiduciary enters his or her exclusion is entered on line 15a, it is an
name on the line for Name and title of exclusion from income and should be Report capital gain distributions
fiduciary than was shown on the prior treated as tax-exempt income when TIP on Schedule D (Form 1041),
year’s return (or Form SS-4 if this is the completing other parts of the return. line 9.
first return being filed) and you did not
file a Form 8822, be sure to check this Line 1—Interest Income Line 2b—Qualified
box. If there is a change in the fiduciary
whose address is used as the mailing
Report the estate’s or trust’s share of Dividends
all taxable interest income that was Enter the beneficiary’s allocable share
address for the estate or trust after the received during the tax year. Examples
return is filed, use Form 8822 to notify of qualified dividends on line 2b(1) and
of taxable interest include interest from: enter the estate’s or trust’s allocable
the IRS. • Accounts (including certificates of share on line 2b(2).
deposit and money market accounts)
Change in Fiduciary’s Name with banks, credit unions, and thrift If the estate or trust received
If the fiduciary changed his or her name institutions; qualified dividends that were derived
from the name that he or she entered • Notes, loans, and mortgages; from IRD, you must reduce the amount
on the prior year’s return (or Form SS-4 • U.S. Treasury bills, notes, and on line 2b(2) by the portion of the
if this is the first return being filed), be bonds; estate tax deduction claimed on Form
sure to check this box. • U.S. savings bonds; 1041, page 1, line 19, that is
• Original issue discount; and attributable to those qualified dividends.
Change in Fiduciary’s • Income received as a regular interest Do not reduce the amounts on line 2b
holder of a real estate mortgage by any other allocable expenses.
investment conduit (REMIC). Note. The beneficiary’s share (as
If the same fiduciary who filed the prior
year’s return (or Form SS-4 if this is the For taxable bonds acquired after figured above) may differ from the
first return being filed) files the current 1987, amortizable bond premium is amount entered on line 2b of Schedule
year’s return and changed the address treated as an offset to the interest K-1 (Form 1041).
on the return (including a change to an income instead of as a separate
Qualified dividends. Qualified
‘‘in care of’’ name and address), and interest deduction. See Pub. 550.
dividends are eligible for a lower tax
did not report the change on Form For the year of the decedent’s death, rate than other ordinary income.
8822, check this box. Forms 1099-INT issued in the Generally, these dividends are reported
decedent’s name may include interest to the estate or trust in box 1b of
If the address shown on Form 1041 income earned after the date of death Form(s) 1099-DIV. See Pub. 550 for
changes after you file the form that should be reported on the income the definition of qualified dividends if
(including a change to an ‘‘in care of’’ tax return of the decedent’s estate. the estate or trust received dividends
name and address), file Form 8822 to When preparing the decedent’s final not reported on Form 1099-DIV.
notify the IRS of the change. income tax return, report on line 1 of
Schedule B (Form 1040) or Schedule 1 Exception. Some dividends may
be reported to the estate or trust as in
G. Section 645 Election (Form 1040A) the total interest shown
box 1b of Form 1099-DIV but are not
on Form 1099-INT. Under the last entry
If a section 645 election was made by on line 1, subtotal all the interest qualified dividends. These include:
filing Form 8855, check the box in item reported on line 1. Below the subtotal, • Dividends received on any share of
G. See Special Rule for Certain write “Form 1041” and the name and stock that the estate or trust held for
Revocable Trusts under Who Must File address shown on Form 1041 for the less than 61 days during the 121-day
and Form 8855 for more information decedent’s estate. Also, show the part period that began 60 days before the
about this election. of the interest reported on Form 1041 ex-dividend date. The ex-dividend date
and subtract it from the subtotal. is the first date following the declaration
of a dividend on which the purchaser of
Income Line 2a—Total Ordinary a stock is not entitled to receive the
Dividends next dividend payment. When counting
Special Rule for Blind Trust the number of days the stock was held,
If you are reporting income from a Report the estate’s or trust’s share of include the day the estate or trust
qualified blind trust (under the Ethics in all ordinary dividends received during disposed of the stock but not the day it
Government Act of 1978), do not the tax year. acquired the stock. However, you
identify the payer of any income to the For the year of the decedent’s death, cannot count certain days during which
trust but complete the rest of the return Forms 1099-DIV issued in the the estate’s or trust’s risk of loss was
as provided in the instructions. Also decedent’s name may include diminished. See Pub. 550 for more
write “Blind Trust” at the top of page 1. dividends earned after the date of details.

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152 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

• Dividends attributable to periods based on crops or livestock produced allowed to make an election under
totaling more than 366 days that the by a tenant. Enter the net profit or (loss) section 179 to expense certain tangible
estate or trust received on any share of from Schedule E on line 5. See the property.
preferred stock held for less than 91 instructions for Schedule E (Form 1040) The estate’s or trust’s share of
days during the 181-day period that for reporting requirements. depreciation, depletion, and
began 90 days before the ex-dividend If the estate or trust received a amortization should be reported on the
date. When counting the number of Schedule K-1 from a partnership, S appropriate lines of Schedule C (or
days the stock was held, include the corporation, or other flow-through C-EZ), E, or F (Form 1040), the net
day the estate or trust disposed of the entity, use the corresponding lines on income or loss from which is shown on
stock but not the day it acquired the Form 1041 to report the interest, line 3, 5, or 6 of Form 1041. If the
stock. However, you cannot count dividends, capital gains, etc., from the deduction is not related to a specific
certain days during which the estate’s flow-through entity. business or activity, then report it on
or trust’s risk of loss was diminished. line 15a.
See Pub. 550 for more details. Line 6—Farm Income or
Preferred dividends attributable to Depreciation. For a decedent’s
(Loss) estate, the depreciation deduction is
periods totaling less than 367 days are
subject to the 61-day holding period If the estate or trust operated a farm, apportioned between the estate and the
rule above. use Schedule F (Form 1040), Profit or heirs, legatees, and devisees on the
• Dividends on any share of stock to Loss From Farming, to report farm basis of the estate’s income allocable
the extent that the estate or trust is income and expenses. Enter the net to each.
under an obligation (including a short profit or (loss) from Schedule F on line
For a trust, the depreciation
sale) to make related payments with 6.
deduction is apportioned between the
respect to positions in substantially If an estate or trust has farm income beneficiaries and the trust on
similar or related property.
• Payments in lieu of dividends, but
! rental income and expenses
CAUTION based on crops or livestock
the basis of the trust income allocable
to each, unless the governing
only if you know or have reason to produced by a tenant, report the instrument (or local law) requires or
know that the payments are not income and expenses on Schedule E permits the trustee to maintain a
qualified dividends. (Form 1040). Do not use Form 4835 or depreciation reserve. If the trustee is
If you have an entry on line Schedule F (Form 1040) to report such required to maintain a reserve, the
TIP 2b(2), be sure you use income and expenses and do not deduction is first allocated to the trust,
Schedule D (Form 1041), the include the net profit or (loss) from such up to the amount of the reserve. Any
Schedule D Tax Worksheet, or the income and expenses on line 6. excess is allocated among the
Qualified Dividends Tax Worksheet, beneficiaries and the trust in the same
Line 7—Ordinary Gain or manner as the trust’s accounting
whichever applies, to figure the estate’s
or trust’s tax. Figuring the estate’s or (Loss) income. See Regulations section
trust’s tax liability in this manner will Enter from line 17, Form 4797, Sales of 1.167(h)-1(b).
usually result in a lower tax. Business Property, the ordinary gain or Depletion. For mineral or timber
loss from the sale or exchange of property held by a decedent’s estate,
Line 3—Business Income or property other than capital assets and the depletion deduction is apportioned
(Loss) also from involuntary conversions between the estate and the heirs,
If the estate operated a business, (other than casualty or theft). legatees, and devisees on the basis of
report the income and expenses on the estate’s income from such property
Line 8—Other Income allocable to each.
Schedule C (Form 1040), Profit or Loss
From Business (or Schedule C-EZ Enter other items of income not For mineral or timber property held
(Form 1040), Net Profit From included on lines 1, 2a, and 3 through in trust, the depletion deduction is
Business). Enter the net profit or (loss) 7. List the type and amount on an apportioned between the income
from Schedule C (or Schedule C-EZ) attached schedule if the estate or trust beneficiaries and the trust based on the
on line 3. has more than one item. trust income from such property
Items to be reported on line 8 allocable to each, unless the governing
Line 4—Capital Gain or include: instrument (or local law) requires or
(Loss) • Unpaid compensation received by permits the trustee to maintain a
the decedent’s estate that is IRD, and reserve for depletion. If the trustee is
Enter the gain from Schedule D (Form
1041), Part III, line 15, column (3) or
• Any part of a total distribution shown required to maintain a reserve, the
on Form 1099-R, Distributions From deduction is first allocated to the trust,
the loss from Part IV, line 16.
Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or up to the amount of the reserve. Any
Do not substitute Schedule D Profit-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance excess is allocated among the
! (Form 1040) for Schedule D
(Form 1041).
Contracts, etc., that is treated as
ordinary income. For more information,
beneficiaries and the trust in the same
manner as the trust’s accounting
see the separate instructions for Form income. See Regulations section
Line 5—Rents, Royalties, 4972, Tax on Lump-Sum Distributions. 1.611-1(c)(4).
Partnerships, Other Estates Amortization. The deduction for
and Trusts, etc. Deductions amortization is apportioned between an
Use Schedule E (Form 1040), estate or trust and its beneficiaries
Supplemental Income and Loss, to
Depreciation, Depletion, and under the same principles for
report the estate’s or trust’s share of Amortization apportioning the deductions for
income or (losses) from rents, royalties, A trust or decedent’s estate is allowed depreciation and depletion.
partnerships, S corporations, other a deduction for depreciation, depletion, The deduction for the amortization of
estates and trusts, and REMICs. Also and amortization only to the extent the reforestation expenditures under
use Schedule E (Form 1040) to report deductions are not apportioned to the section 194 is allowed only to an
farm rental income and expenses beneficiaries. An estate or trust is not estate.

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Allocation of Deductions for see Pub. 925, Passive Activity and Forms to file. See Form 8582,
At-Risk Rules. Passive Activity Loss Limitations, to
Tax-Exempt Income figure the amount of losses allowed
Generally, no deduction that would Passive Activity Loss and from passive activities. See Form
otherwise be allowable is allowed for Credit Limitations 8582-CR, Passive Activity Credit
any expense (whether for business or Limitations, to figure the amount of
for the production of income) that is In general. Section 469 and the credit allowed for the current year.
allocable to tax-exempt income. regulations thereunder generally limit
Examples of tax-exempt income losses from passive activities to the Transactions Between
include: amount of income derived from all
Related Taxpayers
• Certain death benefits (section 101), passive activities. Similarly, credits from
Under section 267, a trust that uses the
• Interest on state or local bonds passive activities are generally limited
accrual method of accounting may only
(section 103), to the tax attributable to such activities.
• Compensation for injuries or sickness These limitations are first applied at the deduct business expenses and interest
(section 104), and estate or trust level. owed to a related party in the year the
• Income from discharge of payment is included in the income of
Generally, an activity is a passive the related party. For this purpose, a
indebtedness in a title 11 case (section activity if it involves the conduct of any
108). related party includes:
trade or business, and the taxpayer
does not materially participate in the 1. A grantor and a fiduciary of any
Exception. State income taxes and trust;
business expenses that are allocable to activity. Passive activities do not
include working interests in oil and gas 2. A fiduciary of a trust and a
tax-exempt interest are deductible. fiduciary of another trust, if the same
properties. See section 469(c)(3).
Expenses that are directly allocable person is a grantor of both trusts;
Note. Material participation standards 3. A fiduciary of a trust and a
to tax-exempt income are allocated only for estates and trusts have not been
to tax-exempt income. A reasonable beneficiary of such trust;
established by regulations. 4. A fiduciary of a trust and a
proportion of expenses indirectly
allocable to both tax-exempt income For a grantor trust, material beneficiary of another trust, if the same
and other income must be allocated to participation is determined at the person is a grantor of both trusts;
each class of income. grantor level. 5. A fiduciary of a trust and a
If the estate or trust distributes an corporation more than 50% in value of
Deductions That May Be interest in a passive activity, the basis the outstanding stock of which is
of the property immediately before the owned, directly or indirectly, by or for
Allowable for Estate Tax the trust or by or for a person who is a
distribution is increased by the passive
Purposes activity losses allocable to the interest, grantor of the trust; and
Administration expenses and casualty and such losses cannot be deducted. 6. An executor of an estate and a
and theft losses deductible on Form See section 469(j)(12). beneficiary of that estate, except for a
706 may be deducted, to the extent sale or exchange to satisfy a pecuniary
otherwise deductible for income tax Losses from passive activities bequest (that is, a bequest of a sum of
purposes, on Form 1041 if the fiduciary TIP are first subject to the at-risk money).
files a statement waiving the right to rules. When the losses are
deduct the expenses and losses on deductible under the at-risk rules, the
passive activity rules then apply.
Line 10—Interest
Form 706. The statement must be filed
before the expiration of the statutory Enter the amount of interest (subject to
Rental activities. Generally, rental limitations) paid or incurred by the
period of limitations for the tax year the activities are passive activities, whether
deduction is claimed. See Pub. 559 for estate or trust on amounts borrowed by
or not the taxpayer materially the estate or trust, or on debt acquired
more information. participates. However, certain by the estate or trust (for example,
taxpayers who materially participate in outstanding obligations from the
Accrued Expenses real property trades or businesses are decedent) that is not claimed elsewhere
Generally, an accrual basis taxpayer not subject to the passive activity on the return.
can deduct accrued expenses in the tax limitations on losses from rental real
year that: (a) all events have occurred estate activities in which they materially If the proceeds of a loan were used
that determine the liability; and (b) the participate. For more details, see for more than one purpose (for
amount of the liability can be figured section 469(c)(7). example, to purchase a portfolio
with reasonable accuracy. However, all investment and to acquire an interest in
For tax years of an estate ending
the events that establish liability are a passive activity), the fiduciary must
less than 2 years after the decedent’s
treated as occurring only when make an interest allocation according to
date of death, up to $25,000 of
economic performance takes place. the rules in Temporary Regulations
deductions and deduction equivalents
There are exceptions for recurring section 1.163-8T.
of credits from rental real estate
items. See section 461(h). activities in which the decedent actively Do not include interest paid on
participated are allowed. Any excess indebtedness incurred or continued to
Limitations on losses or credits are suspended for the purchase or carry obligations on which
the interest is wholly exempt from
year and carried forward.
Deductions Portfolio income. Portfolio income is income tax.
not treated as income from a passive Personal interest is not deductible.
At-Risk Loss Limitations activity, and passive losses and credits Examples of personal interest include
Generally, the amount the estate or generally may not be applied to offset interest paid on:
trust has “at-risk” limits the loss it can it. Portfolio income generally includes • Revolving charge accounts used to
deduct for any tax year. Use Form interest, dividends, royalties, and purchase personal use property;
6198, At-Risk Limitations, to figure the income from annuities. Portfolio income • Personal notes for money borrowed
deductible loss for the year and file it of an estate or trust must be accounted from a bank, credit union, or other
with Form 1041. For more information, for separately. person;

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154 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

• Installment loans on personal use Expense Deduction, to figure the Department of Veterans Affairs, the
property; and allowable investment interest Federal Housing Administration, or the
• Underpayments of federal, state, or deduction. Rural Housing Service, and private
local income taxes. If you must complete Form 4952, mortgage insurance (as defined in
Interest that is paid or incurred on check the box on line 10 of Form 1041 section 2 of the Homeowners
indebtedness allocable to a trade or and attach Form 4952. Then, add the Protection Act of 1998 as in effect on
business (including a rental activity) deductible investment interest to the December 20, 2006).
should be deducted on the appropriate other types of deductible interest and Mortgage insurance provided by the
line of Schedule C (or C-EZ), E, or F enter the total on line 10. Department of Veterans Affairs and the
(Form 1040), the net income or loss Qualified residence interest. Interest Rural Housing Service is commonly
from which is shown on line 3, 5, or 6 of paid or incurred by an estate or trust on known as a funding fee and guarantee
Form 1041. indebtedness secured by a qualified fee, respectively. These fees can be
residence of a beneficiary of an estate deducted fully in 2008 if the mortgage
Types of interest to include on line insurance contract was issued in 2008.
10 are: or trust is treated as qualified residence
interest if the residence would be a Contact the mortgage insurance issuer
1. Any investment interest (subject to determine the deductible amount if it
to limitations — see below); qualified residence (that is, the principal
residence or the secondary residence is not included in box 4 of Form 1098.
2. Any qualified residence interest Prepaid mortgage insurance. If
(see later); and selected by the beneficiary) if owned by
the beneficiary. The beneficiary must the estate or trust paid premiums for
3. Any interest payable under qualified mortgage insurance that are
section 6601 on any unpaid portion of have a present interest in the estate or
trust or an interest in the residuary of allocable to periods after 2008, such
the estate tax attributable to the value premiums are treated as paid in the
of a reversionary or remainder interest the estate or trust. See Pub. 936, Home
Mortgage Interest Deduction, for an year in which they are allocated. No
in property for the period during which deduction is allowed for the
an extension of time for payment of explanation of the general rules for
deducting home mortgage interest. unamortized balance if the mortgage is
such tax is in effect. satisfied before its term. The two
See section 163(h)(3) for a definition preceding sentences do not apply to
Investment interest. Generally, of qualified residence interest and for
investment interest is interest (including qualified mortgage insurance provided
limitations on indebtedness. by the Department of Veterans Affairs
amortizable bond premium on taxable Qualified mortgage insurance
bonds acquired after October 22, 1986, or the Rural Housing Service.
premiums. Enter (on the worksheet Limit on the amount that is
but before January 1, 1988) that is paid below) the qualified mortgage
or incurred on indebtedness that is deductible. The estate or trust cannot
insurance premiums paid under a deduct mortgage insurance premiums if
properly allocable to property held for mortgage insurance contract issued
investment. Investment interest does the estate’s or trust’s AGI is more than
after December 31, 2006, in connection $109,000. If the estate’s or trust’s AGI
not include any qualified residence with qualified residence acquisition debt
interest, or interest that is taken into is more than $100,000, its deduction is
that was secured by a principal or limited and you must use the worksheet
account under section 469 in figuring secondary residence. See Prepaid
income or loss from a passive activity. below to figure the deduction. See How
mortgage insurance below if the estate to figure AGI for estates and trusts on
Generally, net investment income is or trust paid any premiums allocable page 22 for information on figuring AGI.
the excess of investment income over after 2008. If at least one other person
investment expenses. Investment was liable for and paid the premiums in Line 11—Taxes
expenses are those expenses (other connection with the loan, and the Enter any deductible taxes paid or
than interest) allowable after application premiums were reported on Form 1098, incurred during the tax year that are not
of the 2% floor on miscellaneous include the estate’s or trust’s share of deductible elsewhere on Form 1041.
itemized deductions. the 2008 premiums on the worksheet Deductible taxes include the following.
The amount of the investment below. • State and local income taxes. You
interest deduction may be limited. Use Qualified mortgage insurance is can deduct state and local income
Form 4952, Investment Interest mortgage insurance provided by the taxes unless you elect to deduct state

Qualified Mortgage Insurance Premiums Deduction Worksheet Keep for Your Records

1. Enter the total premiums the estate or trust paid in 2008 for qualified mortgage insurance for a contract issued
after December 31, 2006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.
2. Enter the estate’s or trust’s AGI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.
3. Enter $100,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.
4. Is the amount on line 2 more than the amount on line 3?
No. The deduction is not limited. Include the amount from line 1 above on Form
1041, line 10. Do not complete the rest of this worksheet.
Yes. Subtract line 3 from line 2. If the result is not a multiple of $1,000, increase it to
the next multiple of $1,000. For example, increase $425 to $1,000, increase
$2,025 to $3,000, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.
5. Divide line 4 by $10,000. Enter the result as a decimal. If the result is 1.0 or more, enter 1.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. .
6. Multiply line 1 by line 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.
7. Qualified mortgage insurance premiums deduction. Subtract line 6 from line 1. Enter the result here and
include the amount on Form 1041, line 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.


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and local general sales taxes. You Do not include any losses on b. Any qualified film the estate or
cannot deduct both. worthless bonds and similar obligations trust produced; or
• State and local general sales taxes. and nonbusiness bad debts. Report c. Electricity, natural gas, or potable
You can elect to deduct state and local these losses on Schedule D (Form water the estate or trust produced in
general sales taxes instead of state and 1041). the United States.
local income taxes. Generally, you can Do not deduct medical or funeral
elect to deduct the actual state and In certain cases, the United States
expenses on Form 1041. Medical includes the Commonwealth of Puerto
local general sales taxes (including expenses of the decedent paid by the
compensating use taxes) you paid in Rico.
estate may be deductible on the
2008 if the tax rate was the same as decedent’s income tax return for the The deduction does not apply to
the general sales tax rate. However, year incurred. See section 213(c). income derived from:
sales taxes on food, clothing, medical Funeral expenses are deductible only • The sale of food and beverages the
supplies, and motor vehicles are on Form 706. estate or trust prepared at a retail
deductible as a general sales tax even establishment;
if the tax rate was less than the general The following are examples of • Property the estate or trust leased,
sales tax rate. Sales taxes on motor deductions that are reported on line licensed, or rented for use by any
vehicles are also deductible as a 15a. related person; or
general sales tax if the tax rate was Bond premium(s). For taxable bonds • The transmission or distribution of
more than the general sales tax rate, acquired before October 23, 1986, if electricity, natural gas, or potable water.
but the tax is deductible only up to the the fiduciary elected to amortize the The deduction cannot exceed 6% of
amount of tax that would have been premium, report the amortization on this modified AGI or 50% of certain Form
imposed at the general sales tax rate. line. You cannot deduct the W-2 wages. QPAI, as well as Form W-2
Motor vehicles include cars, amortization for tax-exempt bonds. If wages, must be apportioned between
motorcycles, motor homes, recreational you made the election to amortize the the trust or estate and its beneficiaries.
vehicles, sport utility vehicles, trucks, premium, the basis in the taxable bond For more details, see Form 8903,
vans, and off-road vehicles. Also must be reduced by the amount of Domestic Production Activities
include any state and local general amortization. Deduction, and its separate
sales taxes paid for a leased motor For tax-exempt bonds, you cannot instructions.
vehicle. Do not include sales taxes paid deduct the premium that is amortized. Net operating loss deduction
on items used in a trade or business. Although the premium cannot be (NOLD). An estate or trust is allowed
An estate or trust cannot use the deducted, you must amortize the the NOLD under section 172.
Optional Sales Tax Tables for premium and reduce the estate’s or
individuals in Pub. 600, State and Local If you claim an NOLD for the estate
trust’s basis in the tax-exempt bond by or trust, figure the deduction on a
General Sales Taxes, to figure its the amount of premium amortized. In
deduction. separate sheet and attach it to this
the case of a premium on a tax-exempt
• State, local, and foreign real property bond, or if the fiduciary has made an
taxes. Estate’s or trust’s share of
election to amortize the premium on a
• State and local personal property taxable bond, the basis in the bond
amortization, depreciation, and
taxes. depletion not claimed elsewhere. If
must be reduced by the amount of
• Foreign or U.S. possession income amortization.
you cannot deduct the amortization,
taxes. You may want to take a credit for depreciation, and depletion as rent or
the tax instead of a deduction. See the For more information, see section royalty expenses on Schedule E (Form
instructions for Schedule G, line 2a, on 171 and Pub. 550. 1040), or as business or farm expenses
page 27 for more details. If you claim a bond premium on Schedule C, C-EZ, or F (Form
• The generation-skipping transfer deduction for the estate or trust, figure 1040), itemize the fiduciary’s share of
(GST) tax imposed on income the deduction on a separate sheet and the deductions on an attached sheet
distributions. attach it to Form 1041. and include them on line 15a. Itemize
each beneficiary’s share of the
Do not deduct: Casualty and theft losses. Use Form deductions and report them in the
• Federal income taxes; 4684, Casualties and Thefts, to figure appropriate box of Schedule K-1 (Form
any deductible casualty and theft
• Estate, inheritance, legacy, losses.
succession, and gift taxes; or
• Federal duties and excise taxes. Domestic production activities Line 15b—Allowable
deduction. The estate or trust may be Miscellaneous Itemized
Line 12—Fiduciary Fees able to deduct up to 6% of its share of Deductions Subject to the
qualified production activities income
Enter the deductible fees paid or (QPAI) from the following activities. 2% Floor
incurred to the fiduciary for Miscellaneous itemized deductions are
administering the estate or trust during 1. Construction performed in the
United States. deductible only to the extent that the
the tax year. aggregate amount of such deductions
2. Engineering or architectural
services performed in the United States exceeds 2% of AGI.
Fiduciary fees deducted on
TIP Form 706 cannot be deducted for construction projects in the United Among the miscellaneous itemized
on Form 1041. States. deductions that must be included on
3. Any lease, rental, license, sale, line 15b are expenses for the
exchange, or other disposition of: production or collection of income
Line 15a—Other Deductions a. Tangible personal property, under section 212, such as investment
Not Subject to the 2% Floor computer software, and sound advisory fees, subscriptions to
Attach your own schedule, listing by recordings that the estate or trust investment advisory publications, and
type and amount all allowable manufactured, produced, grew, or the cost of safe deposit boxes.
deductions that are not deductible extracted in whole or in significant part Miscellaneous itemized deductions
elsewhere on Form 1041. within the United States; do not include deductions for:

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156 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

• Interest under section 163, itemized deductions (chargeable to 1.02AMID = 1,102

• Taxes under section 164, income), which are subject to the 2% AMID = 1,080
• The amortization of bond premium floor. There are no other deductions.
under section 171, The trustee made a discretionary DNI = 11,920 (i.e., 13,000 – 1,080)
• Estate taxes attributable to IRD distribution of the accounting income of AGI = 20,980 (i.e., 32,900 – 11,920)
under section 691(c), or $17,500 to the trust’s sole beneficiary. Note. The income distribution
• Expenses paid or incurred in Because the actual distribution can deduction is equal to the smaller of the
connection with the administration of reasonably be expected to exceed the distribution ($17,500) or the DNI
the estate or trust that would not have DNI, the trust must figure the DNI, ($11,920).
been incurred if the property were not taking into account the allowable
held in the estate or trust. Enter the value of AMID on line 15b
miscellaneous itemized deductions, to
(the DNI should equal line 7 of
For other exceptions, see section determine the amount to enter on line
Schedule B) and complete the rest of
67(b). 15b.
Form 1041 according to the
How to figure AGI for estates and The trust also claims an exemption instructions.
trusts. You figure AGI by subtracting of $100 on line 20.
If the 2% floor is more than the
the following from total income on line 9 Using the facts in this example: deductions subject to the 2% floor, no
of page 1: AMID = 1,500 – (.02(AGI)) deductions are allowed.
1. The administration costs of the
In all situations, use the following
estate or trust (the total of lines 12, 14,
equation to compute the AGI: Line 18—Income
and 15a to the extent they are costs Distribution Deduction
incurred in the administration of the AGI = (line 9) – (the total of lines 12,
estate or trust) that would not have 14, and 15a to the extent they are costs If the estate or trust was required to
been incurred if the property were not incurred in the administration of the distribute income currently or if it paid,
held by the estate or trust; estate or trust that would not have been credited, or was required to distribute
2. The income distribution deduction incurred if the property were not held by any other amounts to beneficiaries
(line 18); the estate or trust) – (line 18) – (line during the tax year, complete Schedule
3. The amount of the exemption 20). B to determine the estate’s or trust’s
(line 20); Note. There are no other deductions income distribution deduction.
4. The domestic production claimed by the trust on line 15a that are However, if you are filing for a pooled
activities deduction claimed on line 15a; deductible in arriving at AGI. income fund, do not complete Schedule
and B. Instead, attach a statement to
Figuring AGI in this example, we get: support the computation of the income
5. The NOLD claimed on line 15a.
AGI = 35,000 – 2,000 – DNI – 100 distribution deduction.
For those estates and trusts whose Since the value of line 18 is not If the estate or trust claims an
income distribution deduction is limited known because it is limited to the DNI, income distribution deduction, complete
to the actual distribution, and not the you are left with the following: and attach:
DNI (that is, the income distribution is AGI = 32,900 – DNI • Part I (through line 26) and Part II of
less than the DNI), when computing the Schedule I (Form 1041) to refigure the
AGI, use the amount of the actual Substitute the value of AGI in the deduction on a minimum tax basis, and
distribution. equation: • Schedule K-1 (Form 1041) for each
For those estates and trusts whose AMID = 1,500 – (.02(32,900 – DNI)) beneficiary to which a distribution was
income distribution deduction is limited The equation cannot be solved until made or required to be made.
to the DNI (that is, the actual the value of DNI is known. The DNI can Cemetery perpetual care fund. On
distribution exceeds the DNI), the DNI be expressed in terms of the AMID. To line 18, deduct the amount, not more
must be figured taking into account the do this, compute the DNI using the than $5 per gravesite, paid for
allowable miscellaneous itemized known values. In this example, the DNI maintenance of cemetery property. To
deductions (AMID) after application of is equal to the total income of the trust the right of the entry space for line 18,
the 2% floor. In this situation there are (less any capital gains allocated to enter the number of gravesites. Also
two unknown amounts: (a) the AMID corpus or plus any capital loss from line write “Section 642(i) trust” in
and (b) the DNI. 4); less total deductions from line 16 parentheses after the trust’s name at
Computing line 15b. To compute line (excluding any miscellaneous itemized the top of Form 1041. You do not have
15b, use the equation below: deductions); less the AMID. to complete Schedules B of Form 1041
Thus, DNI = (line 9) – (line 15, and K-1 (Form 1041).
AMID = Total miscellaneous
column (2) of Schedule D (Form 1041)) Do not enter less than zero on line
itemized deductions – (.02(AGI))
– (line 16) – (AMID) 18.
The following example illustrates Substitute the known values:
how algebraic equations can be used to
DNI = 35,000 – 20,000 – 2,000 –
Line 19—Estate Tax
solve for these unknown amounts. Deduction (Including Certain
Example. The Malcolm Smith Generation-Skipping
Trust, a complex trust, earned $20,000 DNI = 13,000 – AMID
of dividend income, $20,000 of capital Substitute the value of DNI in the Transfer Taxes)
gains, and a fully deductible $5,000 equation to solve for AMID: If the estate or trust includes IRD in its
loss from XYZ partnership (chargeable AMID = 1,500 – (.02(32,900 – gross income, and such amount was
to corpus) in 2008. The trust instrument (13,000 – AMID))) included in the decedent’s gross estate
provides that capital gains are added to AMID = 1,500 – (.02(32,900 – for estate tax purposes, the estate or
corpus. Fifty percent of the fiduciary 13,000 + AMID)) trust is allowed to deduct in the same
fees are allocated to income and 50% tax year that the income is included that
to corpus. The trust claimed a $2,000 AMID = 1,500 – (658 – 260 + portion of the estate tax imposed on the
deduction on line 12 of Form 1041. The .02AMID) decedent’s estate that is attributable to
trust incurred $1,500 of miscellaneous AMID = 1,102 – .02AMID the inclusion of the IRD in the

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decedent’s estate. For an example of exemption if the trust’s modified AGI is entity or a partner in an expatriated
the computation, see Regulations less than or equal to $159,950. If its entity, or
section 1.691(c)-1 and Pub. 559. modified AGI exceeds $159,950, • The sum of the excess inclusions of
If any amount properly paid, complete the worksheet below to figure the estate or trust from Schedule Q
credited, or required to be distributed the amount of the trust’s exemption. To (Form 1066), line 2c.
by an estate or trust to a beneficiary figure modified AGI, follow the
NOL. If line 22 (figured without regard
consists of IRD received by the estate instructions for figuring AGI for line 15b
to the minimum taxable income rule
or trust, do not include such amounts in on page 21, except use zero as the
stated above) is a loss, the estate or
determining the estate tax deduction for amount of the trust’s exemption when
trust may have an NOL. Do not include
the estate or trust. Figure the deduction figuring AGI.
the deductions claimed on lines 13, 18,
on a separate sheet. Attach the sheet A qualified disability trust is any trust: and 20 when figuring the amount of the
to your return. NOL.
1. Described in 42 U.S.C.
If you claim a deduction for 1396p(c)(2)(B)(iv) and established Generally, an NOL may be carried
! estate tax attributable to
CAUTION qualified dividends or capital
solely for the benefit of an individual
under 65 years of age who is disabled,
back to the prior 2 tax years (3 years to
the extent the loss is an eligible loss; 5
gains, you may have to adjust the and years to the extent the loss is a farming
amount on Form 1041, page 1, line 2. All of the beneficiaries of which loss; 10 years to the extent the loss is a
2b(2), or Schedule D (Form 1041), line are determined by the Commissioner of specified liability loss). An estate or
18. Social Security to have been disabled trust may also elect to carry an NOL
Also, a deduction is allowed for the for some part of the tax year within the forward only, instead of first carrying it
GST tax imposed as a result of a meaning of 42 U.S.C. 1382c(a)(3). back. For more information, see the
taxable termination or a direct skip Instructions for Form 1045, Application
occurring as a result of the death of the A trust will not fail to meet item 2 for Tentative Refund.
transferor. See section 691(c)(3). Enter above just because the trust’s corpus
Complete Schedule A of Form 1045
the estate’s or trust’s share of these may revert to a person who is not
to figure the amount of the NOL that is
deductions on line 19. disabled after the trust ceases to have
available for carryback or carryover.
any disabled beneficiaries.
Use Form 1045 or file an amended
Line 20—Exemption return to apply for a refund based on an
All other trusts. A trust not described
Decedents’ estates. A decedent’s above is allowed a $100 exemption. NOL carryback. For more details, see
estate is allowed a $600 exemption. Pub. 536, Net Operating Losses
Trusts required to distribute all (NOLs) for Individuals, Estates, and
income currently. A trust whose
Tax and Payments Trusts.
governing instrument requires that all On the termination of the estate or
income be distributed currently is Line 22—Taxable Income
trust, any unused NOL carryover that
allowed a $300 exemption, even if it Minimum taxable income. Line 22 would be allowable to the estate or trust
distributed amounts other than income cannot be less than the larger of: in a later tax year, but for the
during the tax year. • The inversion gain of the estate or termination, is allowed to the
Qualified disability trusts. A qualified trust, as figured under section 7874, if beneficiaries succeeding to the property
disability trust is allowed a $3,500 the estate or trust is an expatriated of the estate or trust. See the

Exemption Worksheet for Qualified Disability Trusts

Only—Line 20 Keep for Your Records

Note: If the trust’s modified AGI* is less than or equal to $159,950, enter $3,500 on Form 1041, line 20.
Otherwise, complete the worksheet below to figure the trust’s exemption.

1. Maximum exemption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. $3,500

2. Enter the trust’s modified AGI* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.
3. Threshold amount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. $159,950
4. Subtract line 3 from line 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.
Note: If line 4 is more than $122,500, enter $2,333 on line 9 below. Do not complete lines 5
through 8.
5. Divide line 4 by $2,500. If the result is not a whole number, increase it to the next higher
whole number (for example, increase 0.0004 to 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.
6. Multiply line 5 by 2% (.02) and enter the result as a decimal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.
7. Multiply line 1 by line 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.
8. Divide line 7 by 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.
9. Exemption. Subtract line 8 from line 1. Enter the result here and on Form 1041, line 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.

*Figure the trust’s modified AGI in the same manner as AGI is figured in the line 15b instructions on page 21,
except use zero when figuring the amount of the trust’s exemption.


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158 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

instructions for Schedule K-1, box 11, already filed Form 1041-T, do not Line 26—Estimated Tax
codes D and E. attach a copy to your return.
Excess deductions on termination. Failure to file Form 1041-T by If line 27 is at least $1,000 and more
If the estate or trust has for its final year
deductions (excluding the charitable
! the due date (March 6, 2009, for
CAUTION calendar year estates and
than 10% of the tax shown on Form
1041, or the estate or trust underpaid
deduction and exemption) in excess of trusts) will result in an invalid election. its 2008 estimated tax liability for any
its gross income, the excess is allowed An invalid election will require the filing payment period, it may owe a penalty.
as an itemized deduction to the of amended Schedules K-1 for each See Form 2210 to determine whether
beneficiaries succeeding to the property beneficiary who was allocated a the estate or trust owes a penalty and
of the estate or trust. payment of estimated tax. to figure the amount of the penalty.
In general, an unused NOL Note. The penalty may be waived
carryover that is allowed to Line 24d—Tax Paid With
under certain conditions. See Pub. 505,
beneficiaries (as explained above) Form 7004 Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax, for
cannot also be treated as an excess If you filed Form 7004 to request an details.
deduction. However, if the final year of extension of time to file Form 1041,
the estate or trust is also the last year enter the amount that you paid with the Line 27—Tax Due
of the NOL carryover period, the NOL extension request. You must pay the tax in full when the
carryover not absorbed in that tax year
return is filed. Make the check or
by the estate or trust is included as an Line 24e—Federal Income money order payable to the “United
excess deduction. See the instructions Tax Withheld States Treasury.” Write the EIN and
for Schedule K-1, box 11, code A.
Use line 24e to claim a credit for any “2008 Form 1041” on the payment.
Line 24a—2008 Estimated federal income tax withheld (and not Enclose, but do not attach, the payment
repaid) by: (a) an employer on wages with Form 1041.
Tax Payments and Amount and salaries of a decedent received by
Applied From 2007 Return You may use EFTPS to pay the
the decedent’s estate; (b) a payer of
certain gambling winnings (for example,
TIP tax due for a trust. See
Enter the amount of any estimated tax Electronic Deposits on page 8.
payment you made with Form 1041-ES state lottery winnings); or (c) a payer of
for 2008 plus the amount of any distributions from pensions, annuities,
overpayment from the 2007 return that retirement or profit-sharing plans, IRAs, Line 29a—Credited to 2009
was applied to the 2008 estimated tax. insurance contracts, etc., received by a Estimated Tax
decedent’s estate or trust. Attach a Enter the amount from line 28 that you
If the estate or trust is the beneficiary copy of Form W-2, Form W-2G, or
of another trust and received a want applied to the estate’s or trust’s
Form 1099-R to the front of the return. 2009 estimated tax.
payment of estimated tax that was
credited to the trust (as reflected on the Except for backup withholding
Schedule K-1 issued to the trust), then
report this amount separately with the
! (as explained below), withheld
CAUTION income tax may not be passed Schedule A—Charitable
notation “section 643(g)” in the space through to beneficiaries on either
next to line 24a and include this amount Schedule K-1 or Form 1041-T.
in the amount entered on line 24a. Backup withholding. If the estate or General Instructions
Do not include on Form 1041 trust received a 2008 Form 1099
Generally, any part of the gross income
showing federal income tax withheld
! estimated tax paid by an
CAUTION individual before death. Instead, (that is, backup withholding) on interest
of an estate or trust (other than a
simple trust) that, under the terms of
include those payments on the income, dividends, or other income,
the will or governing instrument, is paid
decedent’s final income tax return. check the box and include the amount
(or treated as paid) during the tax year
withheld on income retained by the
for a charitable purpose specified in
Line 24b—Estimated Tax estate or trust in the total for line 24e.
section 170(c) is allowed as a
Payments Allocated to Report on Schedule K-1 (Form deduction to the estate or trust. It is not
1041), box 13, using code B, any credit necessary that the charitable
Beneficiaries for backup withholding on income organization be created or organized in
The trustee (or executor, for the final distributed to the beneficiary. the United States.
year of the estate) may elect under
section 643(g) to have any portion of its Line 24f—Credit for Tax Paid A pooled income fund or a section
estimated tax treated as a payment of 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust
estimated tax made by a beneficiary or
on Undistributed Capital treated as a private foundation must
beneficiaries. The election is made on Gains attach a separate sheet to Form 1041
Form 1041-T, Allocation of Estimated Attach Copy B of Form 2439, Notice to instead of using Schedule A of Form
Tax Payments to Beneficiaries, which Shareholder of Undistributed 1041 to figure the charitable deduction.
must be filed by the 65th day after the Long-Term Capital Gains. Additional return to be filed by
close of the trust’s tax year. Form trusts. Trusts, other than split-interest
1041-T shows the amounts to be Line 24g—Credit for Federal trusts or nonexempt charitable trusts,
allocated to each beneficiary. This Tax on Fuels that claim a charitable deduction also
amount is reported on the beneficiary’s file Form 1041-A unless the trust is
Enter any credit for federal excise taxes
Schedule K-1, box 13, using code A. required to distribute currently to the
paid on fuels that are ultimately used
Attach Form 1041-T to your return for nontaxable purposes (for example, beneficiaries all the income for the year
only if you have not yet filed it; an off-highway business use). Attach determined under section 643(b) and
however, attaching Form 1041-T to Form 4136, Credit for Federal Tax Paid related regulations.
Form 1041 does not extend the due on Fuels. See Pub. 510, Excise Taxes, Pooled income funds and charitable
date for filing Form 1041-T. If you have for more information. lead trusts also file Form 5227. See

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 158 10/19/2009 10:14:26 AM


Form 5227 for information about any Estates, and certain trusts, may • Allocated to corpus, and
exceptions. claim a deduction for amounts • Paid or permanently set aside for
Election to treat contributions as permanently set aside for a charitable charitable purposes.
paid in the prior tax year. The purpose from gross income. Such
fiduciary of an estate or trust may elect amounts must be permanently set Line 6—Section 1202 Exclusion
to treat as paid during the tax year any aside during the tax year to be used Allocable to Capital Gains Paid
amount of gross income received exclusively for religious, charitable, or Permanently Set Aside for
during that tax year or any prior tax scientific, literary, or educational
purposes, or for the prevention of
Charitable Purposes
year that was paid in the next tax year
for a charitable purpose. cruelty to children or animals, or for the If the exclusion of gain from the sale or
establishment, acquisition, exchange of qualified small business
For example, if a calendar year (QSB) stock was claimed, enter the part
estate or trust makes a qualified maintenance, or operation of a public
cemetery not operated for profit. of the gain included on Schedule A,
charitable contribution on February 7, lines 1 and 4, that was excluded under
2009, from income earned in 2008 or For a trust to qualify, the trust may section 1202.
prior, then the fiduciary can elect to not be a simple trust, and the set aside
treat the contribution as paid in 2008. amounts must be required by the terms
To make the election, the fiduciary of a trust instrument that was created
must file a statement with Form 1041 on or before October 9, 1969. Schedule B—Income
for the tax year in which the Distribution Deduction
Further, the trust instrument must
contribution is treated as paid. This
provide for an irrevocable remainder
statement must include:
interest to be transferred to or for the General Instructions
1. The name and address of the use of an organization described in
fiduciary; If the estate or trust was required to
section 170(c); or the trust must have distribute income currently or if it paid,
2. The name of the estate or trust; been created by a grantor who was at
3. An indication that the fiduciary is credited, or was required to distribute
all times after October 9, 1969, under a any other amounts to beneficiaries
making an election under section mental disability to change the terms of
642(c)(1) for contributions treated as during the tax year, complete Schedule
the trust. B to determine the estate’s or trust’s
paid during such tax year;
4. The name and address of each Also, certain testamentary trusts that income distribution deduction.
organization to which any such were established by a will that was Note. Use Schedule I (Form 1041) to
contribution is paid; and executed on or before October 9, 1969, compute the DNI and income
5. The amount of each contribution may qualify. See Regulations section distribution deduction on a minimum tax
and date of actual payment or, if 1.642(c)-2(b). basis.
applicable, the total amount of Do not include any capital gains for
contributions paid to each organization Pooled income funds. Do not
the tax year allocated to corpus and
during the next tax year, to be treated complete Schedule B for these funds.
paid or permanently set aside for
as paid in the prior tax year. Instead, attach a separate statement to
charitable purposes. Instead, enter
support the computation of the income
The election must be filed by the due these amounts on line 4.
distribution deduction. See Pooled
date (including extensions) for Form Income Funds on page 12 for more
1041 for the next tax year. If the original Line 2—Tax-Exempt Income
return was filed on time, you may make Allocable to Charitable
the election on an amended return filed Contributions Separate share rule. If a single trust
no later than 6 months after the due Any estate or trust that pays or sets or an estate has more than one
date of the return (excluding aside any part of its income for a beneficiary, and if different beneficiaries
extensions). Write “Filed pursuant to charitable purpose must reduce the have substantially separate and
section 301.9100-2” at the top of the deduction by the portion allocable to independent shares, their shares are
amended return and file it at the same any tax-exempt income. If the treated as separate trusts or estates for
address you used for your original governing instrument specifically the sole purpose of determining the
return. provides as to the source from which DNI allocable to the respective
For more information about the amounts are paid, permanently set beneficiaries.
charitable deduction, see section 642(c) aside, or to be used for charitable If the separate share rule applies,
and related regulations. purposes, the specific provisions figure the DNI allocable to each
control. In all other cases, determine beneficiary on a separate sheet and
Specific Instructions the amount of tax-exempt income attach the sheet to this return. Any
allocable to charitable contributions by deduction or loss that is applicable
Line 1—Amounts Paid or multiplying line 1 by a fraction, the solely to one separate share of the trust
Permanently Set Aside for numerator of which is the total or estate is not available to any other
Charitable Purposes From tax-exempt income of the estate or share of the same trust or estate.
Gross Income trust, and the denominator of which is
the gross income of the estate or trust. For more information, see section
Enter amounts that were paid for a Do not include in the denominator any 663(c) and related regulations.
charitable purpose out of the estate’s or losses allocated to corpus.
trust’s gross income, including any Withholding of tax on foreign
capital gains that are attributable to Line 4—Capital Gains for the persons. The fiduciary may be liable
income under the governing instrument Tax Year Allocated to Corpus for withholding tax on distributions to
or local law. Include amounts paid beneficiaries who are foreign persons.
during the tax year from gross income and Paid or Permanently Set For more information, see Pub. 515,
received in a prior tax year, but only if Aside for Charitable Purposes Withholding of Tax on Nonresident
no deduction was allowed for any prior Enter the total of all capital gains for the Aliens and Foreign Entities, and Forms
tax year for these amounts. tax year that are: 1042 and 1042-S.

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160 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

Specific Instructions Line 5 deductible by the estate or trust to the

In figuring the amount of long-term and extent of the DNI. The beneficiary
Line 1—Adjusted Total Income short-term capital gain for the tax year includes such amounts in his or her
included on Schedule A, line 1, the income to the extent of his or her
Generally, enter on line 1, Schedule B, proportionate share of the DNI.
the amount from line 17 on page 1 of specific provisions of the governing
Form 1041. However, if both line 4 and instrument control if the instrument
specifically provides as to the source Line 10—Other Amounts Paid,
line 17 on page 1 of Form 1041 are
losses, enter on line 1, Schedule B, the from which amounts are paid, Credited, or Otherwise
smaller of those losses. If line 4 is zero permanently set aside, or to be used for Required To Be Distributed
or a gain and line 17 is a loss, enter charitable purposes. Line 10 is to be completed only by a
zero on line 1, Schedule B. In all other cases, determine the decedent’s estate or complex trust.
If you are filing for a simple trust, amount to enter by multiplying line 1 of These distributions consist of any other
subtract from adjusted total income any Schedule A by a fraction, the numerator amounts paid, credited, or required to
extraordinary dividends or taxable stock of which is the amount of net capital be distributed and are referred to as
dividends included on page 1, line 2, gains that are included in the second tier distributions. Such amounts
and determined under the governing accounting income of the estate or trust include annuities to the extent not paid
instrument and applicable local law to (that is, not allocated to corpus) and are out of income, mandatory and
be allocable to corpus. distributed to charities, and the discretionary distributions of corpus,
denominator of which is all items of and distributions of property in kind.
Line 2—Adjusted Tax-Exempt income (including the amount of such If Form 1041-T was timely filed to
Interest net capital gains) included in the DNI. elect to treat estimated tax payments
To figure the adjusted tax-exempt as made by a beneficiary, the
interest: Reduce the amount on line 5 by any
allocable section 1202 exclusion. payments are treated as paid or
Step 1. Add tax-exempt interest credited to the beneficiary on the last
income on line 2 of Schedule A, any Line 8—Accounting Income day of the tax year and must be
expenses allowable under section 212 If you are filing for a decedent’s estate included on line 10.
allocable to tax-exempt interest, and or a simple trust, skip this line. If you
any interest expense allocable to Unless a section 643(e)(3) election
are filing for a complex trust, enter the is made, the value of all noncash
tax-exempt interest. income for the tax year determined property actually paid, credited, or
Step 2. Subtract the Step 1 total under the terms of the governing required to be distributed to any
from the amount of tax-exempt interest instrument and applicable local law. Do beneficiaries is the smaller of:
(including exempt-interest dividends) not include extraordinary dividends or 1. The estate’s or trust’s adjusted
received. taxable stock dividends determined basis in the property immediately
Section 212 expenses that are under the governing instrument and before distribution, plus any gain or
directly allocable to tax-exempt interest applicable local law to be allocable to minus any loss recognized by the
are allocated only to tax-exempt corpus. estate or trust on the distribution (basis
interest. A reasonable proportion of of beneficiary), or
section 212 expenses that are indirectly Lines 9 and 10
2. The FMV of such property.
allocable to both tax-exempt interest Do not include any:
and other income must be allocated to • Amounts deducted on prior year’s If a section 643(e)(3) election is made
each class of income. return that were required to be by the fiduciary, then the amount
distributed in the prior year; entered on line 10 will be the FMV of
Figure the interest expense allocable
to tax-exempt interest according to the • Amount that is properly paid or the property.
guidelines in Rev. Proc. 72-18, 1972-1 credited as a gift or bequest of a A fiduciary of a complex trust or a
C.B. 740. specific amount of money or specific decedent’s estate may elect to treat
property. (To qualify as a gift or any amount paid or credited to a
See Regulations sections 1.643(a)-5 bequest, the amount must be paid in
and 1.265-1 for more information. beneficiary within 65 days following the
three or fewer installments.) An amount close of the tax year as being paid or
Line 3 that can be paid or credited only from credited on the last day of that tax year.
income is not considered a gift or To make this election, see the
Include all capital gains, whether or not
bequest; or instructions for Question 6 on page 30.
distributed, that are attributable to
income under the governing instrument
• Amount paid or permanently set
aside for charitable purposes or The beneficiary includes the
or local law. For example, if the trustee
otherwise qualifying for the charitable amounts on line 10 in his or her income
distributed 50% of the current year’s
deduction. only to the extent of his or her
capital gains to the income
beneficiaries (and reflects this amount proportionate share of the DNI.
Line 9—Income Required To Be
in column (1), line 15 of Schedule D Complex trusts. If the second tier
(Form 1041)), but under the governing
Distributed Currently
distributions exceed the DNI allocable
instrument all capital gains are Line 9 is to be completed by all simple to the second tier, the trust may have
attributable to income, then include trusts as well as complex trusts and an accumulation distribution. See the
100% of the capital gains on line 3. If decedent’s estates that are required to line 11 instructions below.
the amount on Schedule D (Form distribute income currently, whether it is
1041), line 15, column (1) is a net loss, distributed or not. The determination of Line 11—Total Distributions
enter zero. whether trust income is required to be
distributed currently depends on the If line 11 is more than line 8, and you
If the exclusion of gain from the sale terms of the governing instrument and are filing for a complex trust that has
or exchange of QSB stock was the applicable local law. previously accumulated income, see
claimed, do not reduce the gain on line the instructions on page 30 to see if
3 by any amount excluded under The line 9 distributions are referred you must complete Schedule J (Form
section 1202. to as first tier distributions and are 1041).

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 160 10/19/2009 10:14:27 AM


Line 12—Adjustment for Expenses that are directly allocable estate’s or trust’s tax if the estate or
Tax-Exempt Income to tax-exempt income are allocated only trust files Schedule D (Form 1041) and
to tax-exempt income. A reasonable has:
In figuring the income distribution
deduction, the estate or trust is not
proportion of expenses indirectly • A net capital gain and any taxable
allocable to both tax-exempt income income, or
allowed a deduction for any item of the and other income must be allocated to • Qualified dividends on line 2b(2) of
DNI that is not included in the gross each class of income. Form 1041 and any taxable income.
income of the estate or trust. Thus, for
purposes of figuring the allowable Qualified Dividends Tax Worksheet.
income distribution deduction, the DNI If you do not have to complete Part I or
(line 7) is figured without regard to any Schedule G—Tax Part II of Schedule D and the estate or
tax-exempt interest. trust has an amount entered on line
Computation 2b(2) of Form 1041 and any taxable
If tax-exempt interest is the only income (line 22), then figure the
tax-exempt income included in the total Line 1a estate’s or trust’s tax using the
distributions (line 11), and the DNI (line worksheet below and enter the tax on
2008 tax rate schedule. For tax years
7) is less than or equal to line 11, then line 1a.
beginning in 2008, figure the tax using
enter on line 12 the amount from line 2. the Tax Rate Schedule below and enter Note. You must reduce the amount
the tax on line 1a. However, see the you enter on line 2b(2) of Form 1041 by
If tax-exempt interest is the only instructions for Schedule D (Form the portion of the section 691(c)
tax-exempt income included in the total 1041) and the Qualified Dividends Tax deduction claimed on line 19 of Form
distributions (line 11), and the DNI is Worksheet below. 1041 if the estate or trust received
more than line 11 (that is, the estate or qualified dividends that were IRD.
trust made a distribution that is less 2008 Tax Rate Schedule Line 1c — AMT. Attach Schedule I
than the DNI), then figure the (Form 1041) if:
If taxable
adjustment by multiplying line 2 by a income • The estate or trust must complete
fraction, the numerator of which is the is: Schedule B.
total distributions (line 11), and the But not
Of the • The estate or trust claims a credit on
denominator of which is the DNI (line Over —
over —
Its tax is: amount
line 2b, 2c, or 2d of Schedule G.
over —
7). Enter the result on line 12.
$0 $2,200 15% $0 • The estate’s or trust’s share of
2,200 5,150 $330.00 + 25% 2,200 alternative minimum taxable income
If line 11 includes tax-exempt 5,150 7,850 1,067.50 + 28% 5,150 (line 29 of Schedule I (Form 1041))
income other than tax-exempt interest, 7,850 10,700 1,823.50 + 33% 7,850 exceeds $22,500.
figure line 12 by subtracting the total of 10,700 ----- 2,764.00 + 35% 10,700
Enter the amount from line 56 of
the following from tax-exempt income Schedule I (Form 1041) on line lc.
included on line 11:
1. The charitable contribution Schedule D (Form 1041) and Line 2a—Foreign Tax Credit
deduction allocable to such tax-exempt Schedule D Tax Worksheet. Use Attach Form 1116, Foreign Tax Credit
income, and Part V of Schedule D (Form 1041) or (Individual, Estate, or Trust), if you elect
2. Expenses allocable to tax-exempt the Schedule D Tax Worksheet, to claim credit for income or profits
income. whichever is applicable, to figure the taxes paid or accrued to a foreign

Qualified Dividends Tax Worksheet—Schedule G, line 1a Keep for Your Records

Caution: Do not use this worksheet if the estate or trust must complete Schedule D (Form 1041).

1. Enter the amount from Form 1041, line 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... 1.

2. Enter the amount from Form 1041, line 2b(2) . . . . . . . . 2.
3. If you are claiming investment interest expense on Form
4952, enter the amount from line 4g; otherwise enter -0- 3.
4. Subtract line 3 from line 2. If zero or less, enter -0- . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... 4.
5. Subtract line 4 from line 1. If zero or less, enter -0- . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... 5.
6. Enter the smaller of the amount on line 1 or $2,200 . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... 6.
7. Is the amount on line 5 equal to or more than the amount on line 6?
Yes. Skip lines 7 and 8; go to line 9 and check the ‘‘No’’ box.
No. Enter the amount from line 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.
8. Subtract line 7 from line 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.
9. Are the amounts on lines 4 and 8 the same?
Yes. Skip lines 9 through 12; go to line 13.
No. Enter the smaller of line 1 or line 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.
10. Enter the amount from line 8 (if line 8 is blank, enter -0-) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.
11. Subtract line 10 from line 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.
12. Multiply line 11 by 15% (.15) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.
13. Figure the tax on the amount on line 5. Use the 2008 Tax Rate Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.
14. Add lines 12 and 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.
15. Figure the tax on the amount on line 1. Use the 2008 Tax Rate Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.
16. Tax on all taxable income. Enter the smaller of line 14 or line 15 here and on Sch. G, line 1a . . . . 16.


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162 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

country or a U.S. possession. The • Credit for employer-provided child estate or trust claims a credit for
estate or trust may claim credit for that care facilities and services (Form holding a qualified energy conservation
part of the foreign taxes not allocable to 8882). bond, clean renewable energy bond,
the beneficiaries (including charitable • Biodiesel and renewable diesel fuels Gulf tax credit bond, Midwestern tax
beneficiaries). Enter the estate’s or credit (Form 8864). credit bond, qualified forestry
trust’s share of the credit on line 2a. • Low sulfur diesel fuel production conservation bond, or qualified zone
See Pub. 514, Foreign Tax Credit for credit (Form 8896). academy bond. Include the credit on
Individuals, for details. • Distilled spirits credit (Form 8906). line 3. On the dotted line to the left of
• Nonconventional source fuel credit the entry, write “Form 8912” and the
Line 2b—Other Nonbusiness (Form 8907). amount of the credit. Also, be sure to
Credits • Energy efficient home credit (Form include the credit in interest income.
Alternative motor vehicle credit. • Energy efficient appliance credit Line 5—Recapture Taxes
Complete and attach Form 8910, (Form 8909).
Alternative Motor Vehicle Credit, if the Recapture of investment credit. If
estate claims a credit for alternative
• Alternative motor vehicle credit (Form the estate or trust disposed of
8910). investment credit property or changed
motor vehicles. Include the credit for • Alternative fuel vehicle refueling
nondepreciable property on line 2b. its use before the end of the recapture
property credit (Form 8911). period, see Form 4255, Recapture of
Alternative fuel vehicle refueling • Credits for affected Midwestern Investment Credit, to figure the
property credit. Complete and attach disaster area employers (Form
Form 8911, Alternative Fuel Vehicle recapture tax allocable to the estate or
5884-A). trust.
Refueling Property Credit, if the estate • Mine rescue team training credit
claims a credit for alternative fuel (Form 8923). Recapture of low-income housing
vehicle refueling property. Include the • Agricultural chemicals security credit credit. If the estate or trust disposed
credit for nondepreciable property on (Form 8931). of property (or there was a reduction in
line 2b. • Credit for employer differential wage the qualified basis of the property) on
payments (Form 8932). which the low-income housing credit
Line 2c—General Business • Carbon dioxide sequestration credit was claimed, see Form 8611,
Credit (Form 8933). Recapture of Low-Income Housing
• Credit for contributions to selected Credit, to figure any recapture tax
Do not include any amounts that community development corporations allocable to the estate or trust.
! are allocated to a beneficiary. (Form 8847). Recapture of qualified electric
CAUTION Credits that are allocated
• General credits from an electing vehicle credit. If the estate or trust
between the estate or trust and the large partnership. Report these credits claimed the qualified electric vehicle
beneficiaries are listed in the on Form 3800, line 1z. credit in a prior tax year for a vehicle
instructions for Schedule K-1, box 13, that ceased to qualify for the credit, part
on page 35. Generally, these credits The following general business
credits have special tax liability limits. or all of the credit may have to be
are apportioned on the basis of the recaptured. See Pub. 535 for details. If
income allocable to the estate or trust These limits are now figured in Part II of
Form 3800. See the Instructions for the estate or trust owes any recapture
and the beneficiaries. tax, include it on line 5 and write
Form 3800 for more information.
Enter on line 2c the estate’s or • Empowerment zone and renewal “QEVCR” on the dotted line to the left
trust’s total general business credit community employment credit (Form of the entry space.
allowed for the current year from line 32 8844). Recapture of the Indian employment
of Form 3800. The estate or trust must • Investment credit (Form 3468, Part III credit. Generally, if the estate or trust
file Form 3800 to claim any of the only). terminates a qualified employee less
general business credits. If the estate’s • Work opportunity credit (Form 5884). than 1 year after the date of initial
or trust’s only source of credits listed on • Alcohol and cellulosic biofuel fuels employment, any Indian employment
Part I for Form 3800 is from credit (Form 6478). credit allowed for a prior tax year by
passthrough entities, you may not be • Renewable electricity, refined coal, reason of wages paid or incurred to that
required to complete the source credit and Indian coal production credit (Form employee must be recaptured. See
form. See the Instructions for Form 8835, Part II). Form 8845 for details. If the estate or
3800 for more information. • Credit for employer social security trust owes any recapture tax, include it
The following general business and Medicare taxes (Form 8846). on line 5 and write “IECR” on the dotted
credits appear on Part I of Form 3800. • Qualified railroad track maintenance line to the left of the entry space.
• Investment credit (Form 3468, Part II credit (Form 8900).
only). • Low-income housing credit (Form Recapture of the new markets credit.
• Welfare-to-work credit (Form 8861). 8586, Part II). If the estate or trust owes any new
• Credit for increasing research markets recapture tax, include it on line
activities (Form 6765). Line 2d—Credit for Prior 5 and write “NMCR” on the dotted line
• Low-income housing credit (Form Year Minimum Tax
to the left of the entry space. For more
8586, Part I). information, including how to figure the
• Disabled access credit (Form 8826). An estate or trust that paid AMT in a recapture amount, see section 45D(g).
• Renewable electricity, refined coal, previous year may be eligible for a Recapture of the credit for
and Indian coal production credit (Form minimum tax credit in 2008. See Form employer-provided child care
8835, Part I only). 8801, Credit for Prior Year Minimum facilities. If the facility ceased to
• Indian employment credit (Form Tax — Individuals, Estates, and Trusts. operate as a qualified child care facility
8845). or there was a change in ownership,
• Orphan drug credit (Form 8820). Line 3—Total Credits part or all of the credit may have to be
• New markets credit (Form 8874). Credit to holders of tax credit bonds. recaptured. See Form 8882 for details.
• Credit for small employer pension Complete and attach Form 8912, Credit If the estate or trust owes any recapture
plan startup costs (Form 8881). to Holders of Tax Credit Bonds, if the tax, include it on line 5 and write

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 162 10/19/2009 10:14:28 AM


“ECCFR” on the dotted line to the left of interest” or “Section 453A(c) interest,” must be included on the return of the
the entry space. whichever is applicable. Attach a person who earned the income, even if
Recapture of the alternative motor schedule showing the computation. the income was irrevocably assigned to
vehicle credit and the alternative fuel Form 4970, Tax on Accumulation a trust by a contract assignment or
vehicle refueling property credit. Distribution of Trusts. Include on this similar arrangement.
See section 30B(h)(8) or section line any tax due on an accumulation The grantor or person creating the
30C(e)(5), whichever is applicable, for distribution from a trust. To the left of trust is considered the owner if he or
details. the entry space, write “From Form she keeps “beneficial enjoyment” of or
4970” and the amount of the tax. substantial control over the trust
Line 6—Household Form 8697, Interest Computation property. The trust’s income,
Employment Taxes Under the Look-Back Method for deductions, and credits are allocable to
If any of the following apply, get Completed Long-Term Contracts. the owner.
Schedule H (Form 1040), Household Include the interest due under the
If you checked “Yes” for Question 2,
Employment Taxes, and its instructions, look-back method of section 460(b)(2).
see Special Reporting Instructions on
to see if the estate or trust owes these To the left of the entry space, write
page 11.
taxes. “From Form 8697” and the amount of
1. The estate or trust paid any one interest due.
Question 3
household employee cash wages of Form 8866, Interest Computation
Check the “Yes” box and enter the
$1,600 or more in 2008. Cash wages Under the Look-Back Method for
name of the foreign country if either 1
include wages paid by checks, money Property Depreciated Under the
or 2 below applies.
orders, etc. When figuring the amount Income Forecast Method. Include
of cash wages paid, combine cash the interest due under the look-back 1. The estate or trust owns more
wages paid by the estate or trust with method of section 167(g)(2). To the left than 50% of the stock in any
cash wages paid to the household of the entry space, write “From Form corporation that owns one or more
employee in the same calendar year by 8866” and the amount of interest due. foreign bank accounts.
the household of the decedent or 2. At any time during the year the
Interest on deferral of gain from
beneficiary for whom the administrator, estate or trust had an interest in or
certain constructive ownership
executor, or trustee of the estate or signature or other authority over a
transactions. Include the interest due
trust is acting. bank, securities, or other financial
under section 1260(b) on any deferral
2. The estate or trust withheld account in a foreign country.
of gain from certain constructive
federal income tax during 2008 at the ownership transactions. To the left of
request of any household employee. Exception. Check “No” if either of the
the entry space, write “1260(b)” and the following applies to the estate or trust:
3. The estate or trust paid total cash amount of interest due.
wages of $1,000 or more in any • The combined value of the accounts
Form 5329, Additional Taxes on was $10,000 or less during the whole
calendar quarter of 2007 or 2008 to Qualified Plans (Including IRAs) and
household employees. year, or
Other Tax-Favored Accounts. If the • The accounts were with a U.S.
Note. See Amended Schedule H estate or trust fails to receive the military banking facility operated by a
(Form 1040) under F. Initial Return, minimum distribution under section U.S. financial institution.
Amended Return, etc., earlier for 4974, use Form 5329 to pay the excise
tax. To the left of the entry space, write Get Form TD F 90-22.1, Report of
information on filing an amended Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts,
Schedule H (Form 1040) for a Form “From Form 5329” and the amount of
the tax. to see if the estate or trust is
1041. considered to have an interest in or
Line 7—Total Tax signature or other authority over a
Other Information bank, securities, or other financial
Tax on ESBTs. Attach the tax account in a foreign country. You can
computation to the return. To the left of get Form TD F 90-22.1 from the IRS
the line 7 entry space, write “Sec. Question 1 website at
641(c)” and the amount of tax on the S If the estate or trust received f90221.pdf.
corporation items. Include this amount tax-exempt income, figure the allocation
in the total tax on line 7. of expenses between tax-exempt and If you checked “Yes” for Question 3,
taxable income on a separate sheet file Form TD F 90-22.1 by June 30,
See Electing Small Business Trusts 2009, with the Department of the
(ESBTs) on page 12 for the special tax and attach it to the return. Enter only
the deductible amounts on the return. Treasury at the address shown on the
computation rules that apply to the form. Form TD F 90-22.1 is not a tax
portion of an ESBT consisting of stock Do not figure the allocation on the
return itself. For more information, see return, so do not file it with Form 1041.
in one or more S corporations.
the instructions for Allocation of If you are required to file Form
Interest on deferred tax attributable Deductions for Tax-Exempt Income on
to installment sales of certain page 19. ! TD F 90-22.1 but do not, you
CAUTION may have to pay a penalty of up
timeshares and residential lots and
certain nondealer real property Report the amount of tax-exempt to $10,000 (more in some cases).
installment obligations. If an interest income received or accrued in
obligation arising from the disposition of the space provided below Question 1. Question 4
real property to which section 453(l) or Also, include any exempt-interest The estate or trust may be required to
453A applies is outstanding at the close dividends the estate or trust received file Form 3520, Annual Return To
of the year, the estate or trust must as a shareholder in a mutual fund or Report Transactions With Foreign
include the interest due under section other regulated investment company. Trusts and Receipt of Certain Foreign
453(l)(3)(B) or 453A(c), whichever is Gifts, if:
applicable, in the amount to be entered Question 2 • It directly or indirectly transferred
on line 7 of Schedule G, Form 1041, All salaries, wages, and other property or money to a foreign trust.
with the notation “Section 453(l) compensation for personal services For this purpose, any U.S. person who

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164 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

created a foreign trust is considered a exceptions relating to multiple trusts.

transferor; Schedule J (Form 1041) The trustee reports to the IRS the total
• It is treated as the owner of any part amount of the accumulation distribution
of the assets of a foreign trust under — Accumulation before any reduction for income
the grantor trust rules; or accumulated before the beneficiary
Distribution for Certain
• It received a distribution from a reaches age 21. If the multiple trust
foreign trust. Complex Trusts rules do not apply, the beneficiary
claims the exclusion when filing Form
An owner of a foreign trust must General Instructions 4970, as you may not be aware that the
TIP ensure that the trust files an beneficiary may be a beneficiary of
Use Schedule J (Form 1041) to report other trusts with other trustees.
annual information return on an accumulation distribution for a
Form 3520-A, Annual Information domestic complex trust that was: For examples of accumulation
Return of Foreign Trust With a U.S. • Previously treated at any time as a distributions that include payments from
Owner. foreign trust (unless an exception is one trust to another trust, and amounts
provided in future regulations), or distributed for a dependent’s support,
Question 5 • Created before March 1, 1984, see Regulations section 1.665(b)-1A(b).
An estate or trust claiming an interest unless that trust would not be Part II—Ordinary Income
deduction for qualified residence aggregated with other trusts under the
rules of section 643(f) if that section Accumulation Distribution
interest (as defined in section
163(h)(3)) on seller-provided financing applied to the trust. Enter the applicable year at the top of
must include on an attachment to the An accumulation distribution is the each column for each throwback year.
2008 Form 1041 the name, address, excess of amounts properly paid, Line 6—DNI for Earlier Years
and TIN of the person to whom the credited, or required to be distributed Enter the applicable amounts as
interest was paid or accrued (that is, (other than income required to be follows:
the seller). distributed currently) over the DNI of
the trust reduced by income required to Throwback
If the estate or trust received or be distributed currently. To have an year(s) Amount from line
accrued such interest, it must provide accumulation distribution, the 1969 – 1977 . . . . . . Schedule C, Form 1041, line 5
identical information on the person distribution must exceed the accounting 1978 – 1979 . . . . . . Form 1041, line 61
liable for such interest (that is, the 1980 . . . . . . . . . . Form 1041, line 60
income of the trust. 1981 – 1982 . . . . . . Form 1041, line 58
buyer). This information does not need 1983 – 1996 . . . . . . Schedule B, Form 1041, line 9
to be reported if it duplicates Specific Instructions 1997 – 2007 . . . . . . Schedule B, Form 1041, line 7
information already reported on Form
1098. Part I—Accumulation For information about throwback
Distribution in 2008 years, see the instructions for line 13.
Question 6 For purposes of line 6, in figuring the
Line 1—Distribution Under DNI of the trust for a throwback year,
To make the section 663(b) election to subtract any estate tax deduction for
treat any amount paid or credited to a Section 661(a)(2)
IRD if the income is includible in
beneficiary within 65 days following the Enter the amount from Schedule B of figuring the DNI of the trust for that
close of the tax year as being paid or Form 1041, line 10, for 2008. This is year.
credited on the last day of that tax year, the amount properly paid, credited, or
check the box. This election can be required to be distributed other than the Line 7—Distributions Made
made by the fiduciary of a complex amount of income for the current tax During Earlier Years
trust or the executor of a decedent’s year required to be distributed currently. Enter the applicable amounts as
estate. For the election to be valid, you follows:
must file Form 1041 by the due date
Line 2—DNI
(including extensions). Once made, the Enter the amount from Schedule B of Throwback Amount from line
election is irrevocable. Form 1041, line 7, for 2008. This is the year(s)
amount of DNI for the current tax year 1969 – 1977 . . . . . . Schedule C, Form 1041, line 8
determined under section 643(a). 1978 . . . . . . . . . . Form 1041, line 64
Question 7 1979 . . . . . . . . . . Form 1041, line 65
To make the section 643(e)(3) election Line 3—Distribution Under 1980 . . . . . . . . . . Form 1041, line 64
1981 – 1982 . . . . . . Form 1041, line 62
to recognize gain on property Section 661(a)(1) 1983 – 1996 . . . . . . Schedule B, Form 1041, line 13
distributed in kind, check the box and Enter the amount from Schedule B of 1997 – 2007 . . . . . . Schedule B, Form 1041, line 11
see the Instructions for Schedule D Form 1041, line 9, for 2008. This is the
(Form 1041). amount of income for the current tax Line 11—Prior Accumulation
year required to be distributed currently. Distribution Thrown Back to
Question 9 Line 5—Accumulation Any Throwback Year
Generally, a beneficiary is a skip Distribution Enter the amount of prior accumulation
person if the beneficiary is in a distributions thrown back to the
generation that is two or more If line 11, Schedule B of Form 1041 is
throwback years. Do not enter
generations below the generation of the more than line 8, Schedule B of Form
distributions excluded under section
transferor to the trust. 1041, complete the rest of Schedule J
663(a)(1) for gifts, bequests, etc.
and file it with Form 1041, unless the
To determine if a beneficiary that is a trust has no previously accumulated Line 13—Throwback Years
trust is a skip person, and for income. Allocate the amount on line 5 that is an
exceptions to the general rules, see the Generally, amounts accumulated accumulation distribution to the earliest
definition of a skip person in the before a beneficiary reaches age 21 applicable year first, but do not allocate
instructions for Schedule R of Form may be excluded by the beneficiary. more than the amount on line 12 for
706. See sections 665 and 667(c) for any throwback year. An accumulation

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 164 10/19/2009 10:14:29 AM


distribution is thrown back first to the Note. The alternative tax on capital
Throwback Amount from line
earliest preceding tax year in which gains was repealed for tax years year(s)
there is undistributed net income (UNI). beginning after December 31, 1978.
2002 . . . . . . . . . . Schedule D, the smaller
Then, it is thrown back beginning with The maximum rate on net capital gain of any gain on line 15a or
the next earliest year to any remaining for 1981, 1987, and 1991 through 2007 line 16, column (2)
preceding tax years of the trust. The is not an alternative tax for this 2003 . . . . . . . . . . Schedule D, the smaller
portion of the accumulation distribution purpose. of any gain on line 15a or
allocated to the earliest preceding tax line 16a, column (2)
year is the amount of the UNI for that Line 18—Regular Tax 2004 – 2007 . . . . . . Schedule D, the smaller
year. The portion of the accumulation Enter the applicable amounts as of any gain on line 14a
or line 15, column (2)
distribution allocated to any remaining follows:
preceding tax year is the amount by
which the accumulation distribution is Throwback Amount from line Line 22—Taxable Income
larger than the total of the UNI for all Enter the applicable amounts as
1969 – 1976 . . . . Form 1041, page 1, line 24 follows:
earlier preceding tax years. 1977 . . . . . . . . Form 1041, page 1, line 26
1978 – 1979 . . . . Form 1041, line 27 Throwback Amount from line
A tax year of a trust during which the 1980 – 1984 . . . . Form 1041, line 26c year(s)
trust was a simple trust for the entire 1985 – 1986 . . . . Form 1041, line 25c 1969 – 1976 . . . . . . . . Form 1041, page 1, line 23
year is not a preceding tax year unless 1987 . . . . . . . . Form 1041, line 22c 1977 . . . . . . . . . . . . Form 1041, page 1, line 25
(a) during that year the trust received 1988 – 2007 . . . . Schedule G, Form 1041, line 1a 1978 – 1979 . . . . . . . . Form 1041, line 26
outside income, or (b) the trustee did 1980 – 1984 . . . . . . . . Form 1041, line 25
not distribute all of the trust’s income Line 19—Trust’s Share of Net 1985 – 1986
1987 . . . .
Form 1041, line 24
Form 1041, line 21
that was required to be distributed Short-Term Gain 1988 – 1996 . . . . . . . . Form 1041, line 22
currently for that year. In this case, UNI For each throwback year, enter the 1997 . . . . . . . . . . . . Form 1041, line 23
for that year must not be more than the smaller of the capital gain from the two 1998 – 2007 . . . . . . . . Form 1041, line 22
greater of the outside income or income lines indicated. If there is a capital loss
not distributed during that year. or a zero on either or both of the two Line 26—Tax on Income Other
The term “outside income” means lines indicated, enter zero on line 19. Than Long-Term Capital Gain
amounts that are included in the DNI of Enter the applicable amounts as
Throwback Amount from line
the trust for that year but that are not year(s) follows:
“income” of the trust as defined in 1969 – 1970 . . Schedule D, line 10, column 2, or Throwback Amount from line
Regulations section 1.643(b)-1. Some Schedule D, line 12, column 2 year(s)
examples of outside income are: (a) 1971 – 1978 . . Schedule D, line 14, column 2, or
1969 . . . . . . . . . . . Schedule D, line 20
income taxable to the trust under Schedule D, line 16, column 2
1979 . . . . . . Schedule D, line 18, column (b), or 1970 . . . . . . . . . . . Schedule D, line 19
section 691; (b) unrealized accounts Schedule D, line 20, column (b) 1971 . . . . . . . . . . . Schedule D, line 50
receivable that were assigned to the 1980 – 1981 . . Schedule D, line 14, column (b), or 1972 – 1975 . . . . . . . Schedule D, line 48
trust; and (c) distributions from another Schedule D, line 16, column (b) 1976 – 1978 . . . . . . . Schedule D, line 27
trust that include the DNI or UNI of the 1982 . . . . . . Schedule D, line 16, column (b), or
other trust. Schedule D, line 18, column (b) Line 27—Trust’s Share of Net
1983 – 1996 . . Schedule D, line 15, column (b), or
Schedule D, line 17, column (b) Short-Term Gain
Line 16—Tax-Exempt Interest If there is a loss on any of the following
1997 – 2002 . . Schedule D, line 14, column (2), or
Included on Line 13 Schedule D, line 16, column (2) lines, enter zero on line 27 for the
For each throwback year, divide line 15 2003 . . . . . . Schedule D, line 14a, column (2), or applicable throwback year. Otherwise,
Schedule D, line 16a, column (2) enter the applicable amounts as
by line 6 and multiply the result by the 2004 – 2007 . . Schedule D, line 13, column (2), or
following: Schedule D, line 15, column (2) follows:
Throwback Amount from line Throwback Amount from line
year(s) Line 20—Trust’s Share of Net year(s)
1969 – 1977 . . . . Schedule C, Form 1041, line 2(a) Long-Term Gain 1969 – 1970 . . . . Schedule D, line 10, column 2
1978 – 1979 . . . . Form 1041, line 58(a) 1971 – 1978 . . . . Schedule D, line 14, column 2
Enter the applicable amounts as
1980 . . . . . . . . Form 1041, line 57(a)
1981 – 1982 . . . . Form 1041, line 55(a) follows:
1983 – 2007 . . . . Schedule B, Form 1041, line 2
Line 28—Trust’s Share of
Amount from line Taxable Income Less Section
1202 Deduction
Part III—Taxes Imposed on 1969 – 1970 . . . . . . 50% of Schedule D, line 13(e)
Enter the applicable amounts as
Undistributed Net Income 1971 – 1977 . . . . . . 50% of Schedule D, line 17(e)
For the regular tax computation, if there 1978 . . . . . . . . . . Schedule D, line 17(e), or line
31, whichever is applicable, Throwback year(s) Amount from line
is a capital gain, complete lines 18 less Form 1041, line 23
through 25 for each throwback year. If 1979 . . . . . . . . . . Schedule D, line 25 or line 27,
1969 . . . . . . . . . . . . Schedule D, line 19
the trustee elected the alternative tax 1970 . . . . . . . . . . . . Schedule D, line 18
whichever is applicable, less
1971 . . . . . . . . . . . . Schedule D, line 38
on capital gains, complete lines 26 Form 1041, line 23
1972 – 1975 . . . . . . . . Schedule D, line 39
through 31 instead of lines 18 through 1980 – 1981 . . . . . . Schedule D, line 21, less
1976 – 1978 . . . . . . . . Schedule D, line 21
Schedule D, line 22
25 for each applicable year. If there is 1982 . . . . . . . . . . Schedule D, line 23, less
no capital gain for any year, or there is Schedule D, line 24 Part IV—Allocation to
a capital loss for every year, enter on 1983 – 1986 . . . . . . Schedule D, line 22, less
line 9 the amount of the tax for each Schedule D, line 23 Beneficiary
1987 – 1996 . . . . . . Schedule D, the smaller
year identified in the instruction for line of any gain on line 16
Complete Part IV for each beneficiary.
18 and do not complete Part III. If the or line 17, column (b) If the accumulation distribution is
trust received an accumulation 1997 – 2001 . . . . . . Schedule D, the smaller
allocated to more than one beneficiary,
distribution from another trust, see of any gain on line 15c or attach an additional copy of Schedule J
Regulations section 1.665(b)-1A. line 16, column (2) with Part IV completed for each

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166 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

additional beneficiary. Give each on the respective Schedule K-1 when of DNI over the income required to be
beneficiary a copy of his or her you file Form 1041. Individuals and distributed currently.
respective Part IV information. If more business recipients are responsible for
than 5 throwback years are involved, giving you their TINs upon request. You See Regulations section 1.662(c)-4
use another Schedule J, completing may use Form W-9 to request the for a comprehensive example.
Parts II and III for each additional beneficiary’s identifying number. For complex trusts that have more
throwback year. than one beneficiary, and if different
Penalty. You may be charged a $50
If the beneficiary is a nonresident penalty for each failure to provide a beneficiaries have substantially
alien individual or a foreign corporation, required TIN, unless reasonable cause separate and independent shares, their
see section 667(e) about retaining the is established for not providing it. shares are treated as separate trusts
character of the amounts distributed to Explain any reasonable cause in a for the sole purpose of determining the
determine the amount of the U.S. signed affidavit and attach it to this amount of DNI allocable to the
withholding tax. return. respective beneficiaries. A similar rule
The beneficiary uses Form 4970 to applies to treat substantially separate
figure the tax on the distribution. The Substitute Forms and independent shares of different
beneficiary also uses Form 4970 for the You do not need IRS approval to use a beneficiaries of an estate as separate
section 667(b)(6) tax adjustment if an substitute Schedule K-1 if it is an exact estates. For examples of the application
accumulation distribution is subject to copy of the IRS schedule. The boxes of the separate share rule, see the
estate or generation-skipping transfer must use the same numbers and titles regulations under section 663(c).
tax. This is because the trustee may and must be in the same order and Gifts and bequests. Do not include in
not be the estate or generation-skipping format as on the comparable IRS the beneficiary’s income any gifts or
transfer tax return filer. Schedule K-1. The substitute schedule bequests of a specific sum of money or
must include the OMB number and the of specific property under the terms of
6-digit form ID code in the upper the governing instrument that are paid
Schedule K-1 (Form right-hand corner of the schedule. or credited in three installments or less.
Amounts that can be paid or credited
1041)— Beneficiary’s You must provide each beneficiary
only from income of the estate or trust
with the Instructions for Beneficiary
Share of Income, Filing Form 1040 or other prepared do not qualify as a gift or bequest of a
specific instructions for each item specific sum of money.
Deductions, Credits, etc. reported on the beneficiary’s Schedule Past years. Do not include in the
K-1. beneficiary’s income any amounts
What’s New deducted on Form 1041 for an earlier
On page 2 of Schedule K-1 (Form Inclusion of Amounts in year that were credited or required to
1041), we added two new credits that Beneficiaries’ Income be distributed in that earlier year.
may be passed through, the agricultural Character of income. The
chemicals security credit (code R) and Simple trust. The beneficiary of a
simple trust must include in his or her beneficiary’s income is considered to
the credit for employer differential wage have the same proportion of each class
payments (code T). Also, we removed gross income the amount of the income
required to be distributed currently, of items entering into the computation
the expired Hurricane Katrina housing of DNI that the total of each class has
credit (formerly code R). whether or not distributed, or if the
income required to be distributed to the DNI (for example, half dividends
General Instructions currently to all beneficiaries exceeds and half interest if the income of the
the DNI, his or her proportionate share estate or trust is half dividends and half
Use Schedule K-1 (Form 1041) to interest).
report the beneficiary’s share of of the DNI. The determination of
income, deductions, and credits from a whether trust income is required to be Allocation of deductions.
trust or a decedent’s estate. distributed currently depends on the Generally, items of deduction that enter
terms of the trust instrument and into the computation of DNI are
Grantor type trusts do not use applicable local law. See Regulations allocated among the items of income to
! Schedule K-1 (Form 1041) to
CAUTION report the income, deductions,
section 1.652(c)-4 for a comprehensive
the extent such allocation is not
inconsistent with the rules set out in
or credits of the grantor (or other section 469 and its regulations, relating
Estates and complex trusts. The
person treated as owner). See Grantor to passive activity loss limitations, in the
beneficiary of a decedent’s estate or
Type Trusts on page 11. following order.
complex trust must include in his or her
Who Must File gross income the sum of: First, all deductions directly
The fiduciary (or one of the joint 1. The amount of the income attributable to a specific class of income
fiduciaries) must file Schedule K-1. A required to be distributed currently, or if are deducted from that income. For
copy of each beneficiary’s Schedule the income required to be distributed example, rental expenses, to the extent
K-1 is attached to the Form 1041 filed currently to all beneficiaries exceeds allowable, are deducted from rental
with the IRS, and each beneficiary is the DNI (figured without taking into income.
given a copy of his or her respective account the charitable deduction), his Second, deductions that are not
Schedule K-1. One copy of each or her proportionate share of the DNI directly attributable to a specific class of
Schedule K-1 must be retained for the (as so figured), and income generally may be allocated to
fiduciary’s records. 2. All other amounts properly paid, any class of income, as long as a
credited, or required to be distributed, reasonable portion is allocated to any
Beneficiary’s Identifying or if the sum of the income required to tax-exempt income. Deductions
Number be distributed currently and other considered not directly attributable to a
As a payer of income, you are required amounts properly paid, credited, or specific class of income under this rule
to request and provide a proper required to be distributed to all include fiduciary fees, safe deposit box
identifying number for each recipient of beneficiaries exceeds the DNI, his or rental charges, and state income and
income. Enter the beneficiary’s number her proportionate share of the excess personal property taxes. The charitable

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deduction, however, must be ratably have attached a statement providing Part III. Beneficiary’s Share
apportioned among each class of additional information. For those
income included in DNI. informational items that cannot be of Current Year Income,
Finally, any excess deductions that reported as a single dollar amount, Deductions, Credits, and
are directly attributable to a class of enter the code and asterisk in the Other Items
income may be allocated to another left-hand column and enter “STMT” in
class of income. However, in no case the entry space to the right to indicate Box 1—Interest
can excess deductions from a passive that the information is provided on an Enter the beneficiary’s share of the
activity be allocated to income from a attached statement. More than one taxable interest income minus allocable
nonpassive activity, or to portfolio attached statement can be placed on deductions.
income earned by the estate or trust. the same sheet of paper and should be
Excess deductions attributable to identified in alphanumeric order by box Box 2a—Total Ordinary
tax-exempt income cannot offset any number followed by the letter code (if Dividends
other class of income. any). For example: “Box 9, Code Enter the beneficiary’s share of ordinary
A — Depreciation” (followed by the dividends minus allocable deductions.
In no case can deductions be
information the beneficiary needs).
allocated to an item of income that is
not included in the computation of DNI, Too few entry spaces on Schedule
Box 3—Net Short-Term Capital
or attributable to corpus. K-1? If the estate or trust has more Gain
You cannot show any negative coded items than the number of spaces Enter the beneficiary’s share of the net
amounts for any class of income shown in box 9 or boxes 11 through 14, do not short-term capital gain from line 13,
in boxes 1 through 8 of Schedule K-1. enter a code or dollar amount in the last column (1), Schedule D (Form 1041),
However, for the final year of the estate entry space of the box. In the last entry minus allocable deductions. Do not
or trust, certain deductions or losses space, enter an asterisk in the left enter a loss on line 3. If, for the final
can be passed through to the column and enter “STMT” in the entry year of the estate or trust, there is a
beneficiary(ies). See the instructions for space to the right. Report the additional capital loss carryover, enter in box 11,
box 11 for more information on these items on an attached statement and using code B, the beneficiary’s share of
deductions and losses. Also, the provide the box number, code, short-term capital loss carryover.
beneficiary’s share of depreciation and description, and dollar amount or However, if the beneficiary is a
depletion is apportioned separately. information for each additional item. For corporation, enter in box 11, using code
These deductions may be allocated to example: “Box 13, Code H — Alcohol B, the beneficiary’s share of all short-
the beneficiary(ies) in amounts greater and Cellulosic Biofuels Fuel and long-term capital loss carryovers as
than his or her income. See Credit — $500.00.” a single item. See section 642(h) and
Depreciation, Depletion, and related regulations for more
Amortization on page 18 and Rev. Rul. Specific Instructions information.
74-530, 1974-2 C.B. 188. Boxes 4a through 4c—Net
Beneficiary’s Tax Year Part I. Information About the Long-Term Capital Gain
The beneficiary’s income from the Estate or Trust Enter the beneficiary’s share of the net
estate or trust must be included in the On each Schedule K-1, enter the name, long-term capital gain from lines 14a
beneficiary’s tax year during which the address, and identifying number of the through 14c, column (1), Schedule D
tax year of the estate or trust ends. See estate or trust. Also, enter the name (Form 1041) minus allocable
Pub. 559 for more information, and address of the fiduciary. deductions.
including the effect of the death of a Do not enter a loss in boxes 4a
beneficiary during the tax year of the Item D through 4c. If, for the final year of the
estate or trust. If the fiduciary of a trust or decedent’s estate or trust, there is a capital loss
estate filed Form 1041-T, you must carryover, enter in box 11, using code
General Reporting check this box and enter the date it was C, the beneficiary’s share of the
Information filed. long-term capital loss carryover. (If the
If the return is for a fiscal year or a beneficiary is a corporation, see the
short tax year, fill in the tax year space Item E instructions for box 3.) See section
at the top of each Schedule K-1. On If this is the final year of the estate or 642(h) and related regulations for more
each Schedule K-1, enter the trust, you must check this box. information.
information about the estate or trust Gains or losses from the complete or
Note. If this is the final K-1 for the
and the beneficiary in Parts I and II partial disposition of a rental, rental real
beneficiary, check the “Final K-1” box at
(items A through I). In Part III, enter the estate, or trade or business activity that
the top of Schedule K-1.
beneficiary’s share of each item of is a passive activity must be shown on
income, deduction, credit, and any an attachment to Schedule K-1.
other information the beneficiary needs Part II. Information About the
to file his or her income tax return. Beneficiary Box 5—Other Portfolio and
Codes. In box 9 and boxes 11 through Complete a Schedule K-1 for each Nonbusiness Income
14, identify each item by entering a beneficiary. On each Schedule K-1, Enter the beneficiary’s share of
code in the column to the left of the enter the beneficiary’s name, address, annuities, royalties, or any other
entry space for the dollar amount. and identifying number. income, minus allocable deductions
These codes are identified in these (other than directly apportionable
instructions and on the back of the Item H deductions), that is not subject to any
Schedule K-1. Check the foreign beneficiary box if the passive activity loss limitation rules at
Attached statements. Enter an beneficiary is a nonresident alien the beneficiary level. Use boxes 6
asterisk (*) after the code, if any, in the individual, a foreign corporation, or a through 8 to report income items
column to the left of the dollar amount foreign estate or trust. Otherwise, check subject to the passive activity rules at
entry space for each item for which you the domestic beneficiary box. the beneficiary’s level.

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168 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

Boxes 6 through 8—Ordinary Note. An estate or trust cannot make the termination of the estate or trust to
Business Income, Rental Real an election under section 179 to the extent it is not absorbed by the
Estate, and Other Rental expense certain tangible property. estate or trust during its final tax year.
Depletion (code B). Enter the For more information, see Regulations
Income section 1.642(h)-4 for a discussion of
Enter the beneficiary’s share of trade or beneficiary’s share of the depletion
deduction under section 611 directly the allocation of the carryover among
business, rental real estate, and other the beneficiaries.
rental income, minus allocable apportioned to each activity reported in
deductions (other than directly boxes 5 through 8. See the instructions Only the beneficiary of an estate or
apportionable deductions). To assist on page 18 for a discussion of how the trust that succeeds to its property is
the beneficiary in figuring any depletion deduction is apportioned allowed to deduct that entity’s excess
applicable passive activity loss between the beneficiaries and the deductions on termination. A
limitations, also attach a separate estate or trust. Report any tax beneficiary who does not have enough
schedule showing the beneficiary’s preference item attributable to depletion income in that year to absorb the entire
share of income derived from each separately in box 12, using code H. deduction may not carry the balance
trade or business, rental real estate, Amortization (code C). Itemize the over to any succeeding year. An
and other rental activity. beneficiary’s share of the amortization individual beneficiary must be able to
deductions directly apportioned to each itemize deductions in order to claim the
Box 9—Directly Apportioned activity reported in boxes 5 through 8. excess deductions in determining
Deductions Apportion the amortization deductions taxable income.
between the estate or trust and the
beneficiaries in the same way that the Box 11, Codes B and
The limitations on passive
C—Unused Capital Loss
! activity losses and credits under
CAUTION section 469 apply to estates and
depreciation and depletion deductions
are divided. Report any AMT Carryover
trusts. Estates and trusts that distribute adjustment attributable to amortization Upon termination of the trust or
income to beneficiaries are allowed to separately in box 12, using code I. decedent’s estate, the beneficiary
apportion depreciation, depletion, and Box 10—Estate Tax Deduction succeeding to the property is allowed
amortization deductions to the as a deduction any unused capital loss
beneficiaries. These deductions are (Including Certain carryover under section 1212. If the
referred to as “directly apportionable Generation-Skipping Transfer estate or trust incurs capital losses in
deductions.” Taxes) the final year, use the Capital Loss
If the distribution deduction consists of Carryover Worksheet in the Instructions
Rules for treating a beneficiary’s for Schedule D (Form 1041) to figure
income and directly apportionable any IRD, and the estate or trust was
allowed a deduction under section the amount of capital loss carryover to
deductions from an estate or trust and be allocated to the beneficiary.
other rules for applying the passive loss 691(c) for the estate tax paid
and credit limitations to beneficiaries of attributable to such income (see the
line 19 instructions on page 22), then Box 11, Codes D and E—NOL
estates and trusts have not yet been Carryover
issued. the beneficiary is allowed an estate tax
deduction in proportion to his or her Upon termination of a trust or
Any directly apportionable deduction, share of the distribution that consists of decedent’s estate, a beneficiary
such as depreciation, is treated by the such income. For an example of the succeeding to its property is allowed to
beneficiary as having been incurred in computation, see Regulations section deduct any unused NOL (and any
the same activity as incurred by the 1.691(c)-2. Figure the computation on a ATNOL) carryover for regular and AMT
estate or trust. However, the character separate sheet and attach it to the purposes if the carryover would be
of such deduction may be determined return. allowable to the estate or trust in a later
as if the beneficiary incurred the tax year but for the termination. Enter in
deduction directly. Box 11, Code A—Excess box 11, using codes D and E, the
Deductions on Termination unused carryover amounts.
To assist the beneficiary in figuring If this is the final return of the estate or
any applicable passive activity loss trust, and there are excess deductions Box 12—AMT Items
limitations, also attach a separate on termination (see the instructions for
schedule showing the beneficiary’s Adjustment for minimum tax
line 22 on page 23), enter the purposes (code A). Enter the
share of directly apportionable beneficiary’s share of the excess
deductions derived from each trade or beneficiary’s share of the adjustment
deductions in box 11, using code A. for minimum tax purposes.
business, rental real estate, and other Figure the deductions on a separate
rental activity. sheet and attach it to the return. To figure the adjustment, subtract
Enter the beneficiary’s share of the beneficiary’s share of the income
Excess deductions on termination distribution deduction figured on
directly apportioned deductions using occur only during the last tax year of
codes A through C. Schedule B, line 15, from the
the trust or decedent’s estate when the beneficiary’s share of the income
Depreciation (code A). Enter the total deductions (excluding the distribution deduction on a minimum tax
beneficiary’s share of the depreciation charitable deduction and exemption) basis figured on Schedule I (Form
deductions directly apportioned to each are greater than the gross income 1041), line 44. The difference is the
activity reported in boxes 5 through 8. during that tax year. beneficiary’s share of the adjustment
See the instructions on page 18 for a Generally, a deduction based on an for minimum tax purposes.
discussion of how the depreciation NOL carryover is not available to a
Note. Schedule B, line 15 equals the
deduction is apportioned between the beneficiary as an excess deduction.
sum of all Schedule K-1s, box 1, 2a, 3,
beneficiaries and the estate or trust. However, if the last tax year of the
4a, 5, 6, 7, and 8.
Report any AMT adjustment or tax estate or trust is also the last year in
preference item attributable to which an NOL carryover may be taken AMT adjustment attributable to
depreciation separately in box 12, using (see section 172(b)), the NOL carryover qualified dividends, net short-term
code G. is considered an excess deduction on capital gains, or net long-term

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capital gains (codes B through D). If to report that amount on line 11 of Form provide any information the beneficiary
any part of the amount reported in box 8586. will need to report recapture of credits.
12, code A, is attributable to qualified • Qualified rehabilitation expenditures
dividends (code B), net short-term (code D). Attach a statement that Box 14—Other Information
capital gain (code C), or net long-term shows the dates, basis, and Enter the dollar amounts and applicable
capital gain (code D), enter that part expenditures and their corresponding codes for the items listed under Other
using the applicable code. line on Form 3468 for reporting each Information.
AMT adjustment attributable to item of information. Domestic production activities
unrecaptured section 1250 gain or • Basis of other investment credit information. The estate or trust
28% rate gain (codes E and F). Enter property (code E). Attach a statement allocates QPAI (whether positive or
the beneficiary’s distributive share of that shows the basis of and negative) and Form W-2 wages based
any AMT adjustments to the corresponding lines for reporting on the relative proportion of the trust’s
unrecaptured section 1250 gain (code property qualifying for the energy credit, or estate’s DNI that is distributed or
E) or 28% rate gain (code F), qualifying advanced coal project credit, required to be distributed to the
whichever is applicable, in box 12. and qualifying gasification project beneficiary. If the estate or trust has no
Accelerated depreciation, depletion, credit. If the statement shows an DNI for the tax year, QPAI and Form
and amortization (codes G through amount for line 5c, 5f, 5i, 5l, 11c, 11f, or W-2 wages are allocated entirely to the
I). Enter any adjustments or tax 11i, then the information for the estate or trust.
preference items attributable to subsequent line on Form 3468 must be
provided. Qualified production activities
depreciation, depletion, or amortization
that were directly apportioned to the • Work opportunity credit (code F). income (code C). Enter the
• Welfare-to-work credit (code G). beneficiary’s share, if any, of the
beneficiary. For property placed in estate’s or trust’s QPAI. The QPAI will
service before 1987, report separately • Alcohol and cellulosic biofuel fuels be less than zero if the cost of goods
the accelerated depreciation of real and credit (code H). If the credit includes sold and deductions allocated and
leased personal property. the small ethanol producer credit, apportioned to domestic production
Exclusion items (code J). Enter the attach a statement that shows the gross receipts (DPGR) is more than the
beneficiary’s share of the adjustment beneficiary’s share of the small ethanol estate’s or trust’s DPGR. See Form
for minimum tax purposes from producer credit, the number of gallons 8903, Domestic Production Activities
Schedule K-1, box 12, code A, that is claimed for the small ethanol producer Deduction, and its instructions for more
attributable to exclusion items credit, and the estate’s or trust’s details.
(Schedule I (Form 1041), lines 2 productive capacity for alcohol.
through 6 and 8). • Credit for increasing research Form W-2 wages (code D). Use
activities (code I). code D to report the beneficiary’s
Box 13—Credits and Credit • Renewable electricity, refined coal, share, if any, of Form W-2 wages. Do
Recapture and Indian coal production credit (code not enter more than 6% of the
J). Attach a statement that shows the beneficiary’s share, if any, of the
Enter each beneficiary’s share of the
amount of the credit the beneficiary estate’s or trust’s QPAI. See Form 8903
credits and credit recapture using the
must report on line 9 and line 29 of and its instructions for more details.
applicable codes. Listed below are the
credits that can be allocated to the Form 8835, in case the beneficiary is Foreign trading gross receipts
beneficiary(ies). Attach a statement if required to file that form in addition to (code G). Enter the beneficiary’s
additional information must be provided Form 3800. share, if any, of foreign trading gross
to the beneficiary as explained below. • Empowerment zone and renewal receipts. See Form 8873,
• Credit for estimated taxes (code community employment credit (code K). Extraterritorial Income Exclusion, for
A) — Payment of estimated tax to be • Indian employment credit (code L). more information.
credited to the beneficiary (section • Orphan drug credit (code M). Other information (code H). List on a
643(g)). • Credit for employer provided child separate sheet the tax information the
care and facilities (code N). beneficiary will need to complete his or
See the instructions for line 24b • Biodiesel and renewable diesel fuels her return that is not entered elsewhere
! on page 24 before you make an
CAUTION entry to allocate any estimated
credit (code O). If the credit includes on Schedule K-1.
the small agri-biodiesel credit, attach a
tax payments to a beneficiary. If the statement that shows the beneficiary’s For example, if the estate or trust
fiduciary does not make a valid share of the small agri-biodiesel credit, participates in a transaction that must
election, then the IRS will disallow the the number of gallons claimed for the be disclosed on Form 8886 (see page
estimated tax payment that is reported small agri-biodiesel credit, and the 10), both the estate or trust and its
on Schedule K-1 and claimed on the estate’s or trust’s productive capacity beneficiaries may be required to file
beneficiary’s return. for agri-biodiesel. Form 8886. The estate or trust must
• Credit for backup withholding (code • Nonconventional source fuel credit determine if any of its beneficiaries are
B). required to disclose the transaction and
(code P).
• The low-income housing credit (code • Credit to holders of tax credit bonds
provide those beneficiaries with
C). Attach a statement that shows the information they will need to file Form
beneficiary’s share of the amount, if (code Q). 8886. This determination is based on
any, entered on line 6 of Form 8586 • Agricultural chemicals security credit the category(ies) under which a
with instructions to report that amount (code R). transaction qualified for disclosure. See
on line 4 of Form 8586 or line 1d of • Energy efficient appliance credit the instructions for Form 8886 for
Form 3800 if the beneficiary’s only (code S). details.
source for the credit is a pass-through • Credit for employer differential wage
entity. Also, show the beneficiary’s payments (code T). Income tax withheld on wages
share of the amount, if any, entered on • Recapture of credits (code U). On an !
cannot be distributed to the
line 19 of Form 8586 with instructions attached statement to Schedule K-1,


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170 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We ask for the information on this form to carry out the Internal
Revenue laws of the United States. You are required to give us the information. We need it to ensure that you are complying
with these laws and to allow us to figure and collect the right amount of tax. Section 6109 requires return preparers to provide
their identifying numbers on the return.
You are not required to provide the information requested on a form that is subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act unless
the form displays a valid OMB control number. Books or records relating to a form or its instructions must be retained as long
as their contents may become material in the administration of any Internal Revenue law. Generally, tax returns and return
information are confidential, as required by Code section 6103.
The time needed to complete and file this form and related schedules will vary depending on individual circumstances. The
estimated average times are:
Form 1041 Schedule D Schedule I Schedule J Schedule K-1
Recordkeeping 37 hr., 32 min. 33 hr., 14 min. 17 hr., 27 min. 39 hr., 27 min. 7 hr., 39 min.
Learning about the law
or the form 19 hr., 17 min. 2 hr., 46 min. 4 hr., 28 min. 1 hr., 17 min. 47 min.
Preparing the form 39 hr., 22 min. 4 hr., 20 min. 4 hr., 57 min. 1 hr., 59 min. 57 min.
Copying, assembling, and sending the
form to the IRS 5 hr., 22 min. 16 min. ---- ---- ----

If you have comments concerning the accuracy of these time estimates or suggestions for making this form and related
schedules simpler, we would be happy to hear from you. You can write to the Internal Revenue Service, Tax Products
Coordinating Committee, SE:W:CAR:MP:T:T:SP, 1111 Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6526, Washington, DC 20224. Do not send
the tax form to this address. Instead, see Where To File earlier.


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A E Income in respect of a decedent Split-interest trust . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Accounting income . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Electing small business (See IRD) When to file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
AGI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 trusts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 29 Inter vivos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 4 Who must file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Alaska Native Settlement ESBT (S portion only) . . . . . . 15 Interest income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Revocable Living Trusts:
Trusts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 S portion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 IRD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Section 645 Election . . . . . . . . 17
Allowable miscellaneous itemized Elections: Deduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
deductions (AMID) . . . . . 21, 22 Section 643(e)(3) . . . . . . . . . . . 26 S
Amended return . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Section 643(g) . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 24
Section 645 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 M Second tier distributions . . . . . . 26
Amounts paid or permanently set Minimum taxable income . . . . . . 23 Separate share rule . . . . . . . . . . 25
aside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Special rule for qualified
revocable trusts . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Special filing instructions:
Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Treating contributions as paid in Bankruptcy estates . . . . . . . . . 14
Attachments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 N
prior tax year . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Electing small business
net operating loss . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 trusts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Electronic deposits . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Nonexempt charitable
B ESBTs (See Electing small Grantor trusts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
deduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Pooled income funds . . . . . . . 12
Bankruptcy estate . . . . . . 6, 13, 15 business trusts) Nonexempt charitable Split-interest trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Bankruptcy information . . . . . . . 13 Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 32 trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 24
Bankruptcy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 15 Substitute forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Beneficiary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Nonqualified deferred
Allocation of estimated tax Exemption for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 compensation plans . . . . . . . . 15
payment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 24 Foreign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 T
Complex trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Who must file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Tax rate schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Estate tax deduction . . . . . . . . . . 22 P Taxable income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Simple trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Estimated tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 24 Paid preparer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Throwback years . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Tax year for inclusion . . . . . . . 33 Allocation of payments to Paid preparer authorization . . . . 8
Trusts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Withholding on foreign beneficiaries . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 24 Penalties: Alaska Native Settlement . . . . 6
person . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Penalty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Estimated tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Blind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Blind trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Excess deductions . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Failure to provide a required Common trust fund . . . . . . . . . . 6
Exemption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 TIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Complex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Extraterritorial income Failure to provide information Domestic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
C timely . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Cemetery perpetual care exclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Exemption for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Late filing of return . . . . . . . . . . 9 Foreign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Late payment of tax . . . . . . . . . 9
Charitable deduction . . . . . . . . . . 24 F Grantor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Inter vivos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 4
Charitable remainder Fiduciary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 4, 7 Trust fund recovery . . . . . . . . . . 9 Nonexempt charitable . . . . . 16,
trusts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Fiduciary accounting income (FAI) Underpaid estimated tax . . . . . 9 24
Common trust fund . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 (See Accounting income) Pooled income funds . . . . . 12, 15, Pre-need funeral . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Final return . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 24, 25 Qualified disability . . . . . . . . . . 23
D First tier distributions . . . . . . . . . . 26 Pre-need funeral trusts . . . . . . . . 15 Qualified revocable . . . . . . . . . . 4
Decedent’s Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Foreign tax credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Simple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Definitions: Form 1041-T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 24 Q Split-interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Accumulation Form 8855 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Testamentary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 4
Qualified disability trust . . . . . . . 23
distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Who must file . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 32
Qualified revocable trust . . . . . . . 4
Beneficiary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 G Qualified settlement funds . . . . . . 6
Complex trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 General business credit . . . . . . . 28 Qualified small business W
Decedent’s Estate . . . . . . . . 3, 15 stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Where to file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
DNI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Grantor trusts . . . . . . . . . . 2, 11, 15
Backup withholding . . . . . . . . . 12 Who must file:
Fiduciary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Bankruptcy estate . . . . . . . . . . 13
Grantor trusts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Nonqualified deferred R
compensation plans . . . . . . 15 Decedent’s estate . . . . . . . . . . . 4
IRD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Returns: Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Outside income . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Optional filing methods . . . . . 11 Amended . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Pre-need funeral trusts . . . . . 15 Withholding on foreign
Pooled income fund . . . . . . . . 15 Common trust fund . . . . . . . . . . 6 person . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Revocable Living Trust . . . . . . 4 Special filing instructions . . . . 11
Electronic and magnetic
GST tax deduction . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Simple trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Final . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Trusts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 I Nonexempt charitable
Distributable net income (See Income distribution trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
DNI) deduction . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 22, 25 Qualified settlement
DNI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 25 funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6


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Publication 559
Cat. No. 15107U Contents
Department What’s New . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
of the
Survivors, Reminders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Service Executors, and Personal Representative . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Duties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Administrators Fees Received by Personal

Representatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Final Return for Decedent . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Filing Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . ..3
For use in preparing Income To Include . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..4
Exemptions and Deductions . . . . . . . ..5

2008 Returns Credits, Other Taxes, and

Payments . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 6
Name, Address, and Signature . ......7
When and Where To File . . . . . ......7
Tax Forgiveness for Armed
Forces Members, Victims of
Terrorism, and Astronauts . ..... 7
Filing Reminders . . . . . . . . . . ......8
Other Tax Information . . . . . . . . . .... 8
Tax Benefits for Survivors . . . . . .....8
Income in Respect of a Decedent .....9
Deductions in Respect of a
Decedent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Estate Tax Deduction . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Gifts, Insurance, and Inheritances . . . . 12
Other Items of Income . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Income Tax Return of an
Estate — Form 1041 . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Filing Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Income To Include . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Exemption and Deductions . . . . . . . . 17
Credits, Tax, and Payments . . . . . . . . 19
Name, Address, and Signature . . . . . . 20
When and Where To File . . . . . . . . . . 20
Distributions to Beneficiaries
From an Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Income That Must Be Distributed
Currently . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Other Amounts Distributed . . . . . . . . . 21
Discharge of a Legal Obligation . . . . . 21
Character of Distributions . . . . . . . . . 21
How and When To Report . . . . . . . . . 21
Bequest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Termination of Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Form 706 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Comprehensive Example . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Final Return for Decedent . . . . . . . . . 24
Income Tax Return of an
Estate — Form 1041 . . . . . . . . . . 25
Table A. Checklist of Forms and
Due Dates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Get forms and other information Table B. Worksheet To Reconcile

Amounts Reported in Name of
faster and easier by: Decedent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
How To Get Tax Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Mar 20, 2009

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174 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

• A worksheet to reconcile amounts re- In general, an executor and an administrator

What’s New ported in the decedent’s name on informa-
tion Forms W-2, 1099-INT, 1099-DIV, etc.
perform the same duties and have the same
The worksheet will help you correctly de- For estate tax purposes, if there is no execu-
Requests for extension to file Form 1041. termine the income to report on the dece- tor or administrator appointed, qualified, and
The automatic extension of time to file Form dent’s final return and on the return for acting within the United States, the term execu-
1041, U.S. Income Tax Return for Estates and either the estate or a beneficiary. tor includes anyone in actual or constructive
Trusts, has been decreased from six months to possession of any property of the decedent. It
five months. You can request an automatic includes, among others, the decedent’s agents
5-month extension of time to file Form 1041 by Comments and suggestions. We welcome
and representatives; safe-deposit companies,
your comments about this publication and your
filing Form 7004, Application for Automatic Ex- warehouse companies, and other custodians of
suggestions for future editions.
tension of Time To File Certain Business In- property in this country; brokers holding securi-
You can write to us at the following address:
come Tax, Information, and Other Returns. ties of the decedent as collateral; and the debt-
Internal Revenue Service ors of the decedent who are in this country.
SE:W:CAR:MP:T:T:SP A personal representative for a decedent’s
1111 Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6526 estate can be an executor, administrator, or any-
Reminders Washington, DC 20224 one in charge of the decedent’s property, so the
term personal representative will be used
Throughout this publication, section references We respond to many letters by telephone. throughout this publication.
are to the Internal Revenue Code unless other- Therefore, it would be helpful if you would in-
wise noted. clude your daytime phone number, including the Duties
area code, in your correspondence.
Estate tax return. Generally, if the decedent You can email us at * (The The primary duties of a personal representative
died during 2008, an estate tax return (Form asterisk must be included in the address.) are to collect all the decedent’s assets, pay the
706) must be filed if the gross estate is more Please put “Publications Comment” on the sub- creditors, and distribute the remaining assets to
than $2,000,000. ject line. Although we cannot respond individu- the heirs or other beneficiaries.
ally to each email, we do appreciate your The personal representative also must per-
Estate tax repeal. The estate tax is repealed form the following duties.
feedback and will consider your comments as
for decedents dying after 2009 and before 2011.
we revise our tax products. • Apply for an employer identification num-
Consistent treatment of estate and trust ber (EIN) for the estate.
Useful Items
items. Beneficiaries must generally treat es-
You may want to see:
• File any income tax return and the estate
tate items the same way on their individual re- tax return when due.
turns as they are treated on the estate’s return.
Publication • Pay the tax determined up to the date of
Individual taxpayer identification number discharge from duties.
❏ 950 Introduction to Estate and Gift
(ITIN). The IRS will issue an ITIN to a nonresi- Taxes Other duties of the personal representative in
dent or resident alien who does not have and is federal tax matters are discussed in other sec-
not eligible to get a social security number ❏ 3920 Tax Relief for Victims of Terrorist
tions of this publication. If any beneficiary is a
(SSN). To apply for an ITIN, file Form W-7, Attacks
nonresident alien, see Publication 515, With-
Application for IRS Individual Taxpayer Identifi- ❏ 4492 Information for Taxpayers Affected holding of Tax on Nonresident Aliens and For-
cation Number, with the IRS. It may take up to 6 by Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and eign Entities, for information on the personal
to 10 weeks to get an ITIN. Wilma representative’s duties as a withholding agent.
An ITIN is for tax use only. It does not entitle
Penalty. There is a penalty for failure to file
the holder to social security benefits or change Form (and Instructions)
a tax return when due unless the failure is due to
the holder’s employment or immigration status ❏ 1040 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return reasonable cause. Reliance on an agent (attor-
under U.S. law. ney, accountant, etc.) is not reasonable cause
❏ 1041 U.S. Income Tax Return for Estates
Photographs of missing children. The Inter- for late filing. It is the personal representative’s
and Trusts
nal Revenue Service is a proud partner with the duty to file the returns for the decedent and the
❏ 706 United States Estate (and estate when due.
National Center for Missing and Exploited Chil-
Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax
dren. Photographs of missing children selected Identification number. The first action you
by the Center may appear in this publication on should take if you are the personal representa-
pages that would otherwise be blank. You can ❏ 1310 Statement of Person Claiming tive for the decedent is to apply for an EIN for the
help bring these children home by looking at the Refund Due a Deceased Taxpayer estate. You should apply for this number as
photographs and calling 1-800-THE-LOST See How To Get Tax Help near the end of soon as possible because you need to enter it
(1-800-843-5678) if you recognize a child. this publication for information about getting on returns, statements, and other documents
publications and forms. that you file concerning the estate. You also
must give the number to payers of interest and
dividends and other payers who must file a re-
Introduction Personal
turn concerning the estate.
You can get an EIN by applying online at
This publication is designed to help those in or by calling
charge of the property (estate) of an individual Representative 1-800-829-4933, Monday through Friday. Gen-
who has died (decedent). It shows them how to erally, if you apply online, you will receive your
complete and file federal income tax returns and A personal representative of an estate is an EIN immediately upon completing the applica-
points out their responsibility to pay any taxes executor, administrator, or anyone who is in tion. You can also apply using Form SS-4, Appli-
due. charge of the decedent’s property. Generally, an cation for Employer Identification Number.
A comprehensive example, using tax forms, executor (or executrix) is named in a decedent’s Generally, if you apply by mail, it takes about 4
is included near the end of this publication. Also will to administer the estate and distribute weeks to get your EIN. See the form instructions
included at the end of this publication are the properties as the decedent has directed. An for other ways to apply.
administrator (or administratrix) is usually ap- Payers of interest and dividends report
following items.
pointed by the court if no will exists, if no execu- amounts on Forms 1099 using the identification
• A checklist of the forms you may need and tor was named in the will, or if the named number of the person to whom the account is
their due dates. executor cannot or will not serve. payable. After a decedent’s death, the Forms

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1099 must reflect the identification number of Form 4810. Form 4810, Request for Prompt Fees Received by
the estate or beneficiary to whom the amounts Assessment Under Internal Revenue Code Sec-
are payable. As the personal representative tion 6501(d), can be used for making this re-
Personal Representatives
handling the estate, you must furnish this identi- quest. It must be filed separately from any other All personal representatives must include in
fication number to the payer. For example, if document. their gross income fees paid to them from an
interest is payable to the estate, the estate’s EIN As the personal representative for the dece- estate. If paid to a professional executor or ad-
number must be provided to the payer and used dent’s estate, you are responsible for any addi- ministrator, self-employment tax also applies to
to report the interest on Form 1099-INT, Interest tional taxes that may be due. You can request such fees. For a nonprofessional executor or
Income. If the interest is payable to a surviving prompt assessment of any of the decedent’s administrator (a person serving in such capacity
joint owner, the survivor’s identification number taxes (other than federal estate taxes) for any in an isolated instance, such as a friend or rela-
must be provided to the payer and used to report years for which the statutory period for assess- tive of the decedent), self-employment tax only
the interest. ment is open. This applies even though the applies if a trade or business is included in the
If the estate or a survivor may receive inter- returns were filed before the decedent’s death. estate’s assets, the executor actively partici-
est or dividends after you inform the payer of the pates in the business, and the fees are related to
decedent’s death, the payer should give you (or Failure to report income. If you or the de- operation of the business.
the survivor) a Form W-9, Request for Taxpayer cedent failed to report substantial amounts of
Identification Number and Certification (or a sim- gross income (more than 25% of the gross in-
ilar substitute form). Complete this form to in- come reported on the return) or filed a false or
form the payer of the estate’s (or if completed by fraudulent return, your request for prompt as- Final Return
the survivor, the survivor’s) identification num- sessment will not shorten the period during
ber and return it to the payer. which the IRS may assess the additional tax. for Decedent
The deceased individual’s identifying num- However, such a request may relieve you of
ber must not be used to file an individual tax personal liability for the tax if you did not have The personal representative (defined earlier)
return after the decedent’s final tax return. It also knowledge of the unpaid tax. must file the final income tax return (Form 1040)
must not be used to make estimated tax pay- of the decedent for the year of death and any
ments for a tax year after the year of death. Request for discharge from personal liability returns not filed for preceding years. A surviving
for tax. An executor can make a request for spouse, under certain circumstances, may have
Penalty. If you do not include the EIN or the to file the returns for the decedent. See Joint
discharge from personal liability for a decedent’s
taxpayer identification number of another per- Return, later.
income, gift, and estate taxes. The request must
son where it is required on a return, statement,
be made after the returns for those taxes are Return for preceding year. If an individual
or other document, you are liable for a penalty
for each failure, unless you can show reasona- filed. To make the request, file Form 5495, Re- died after the close of the tax year, but before
ble cause. You also are liable for a penalty if you quest for Discharge From Personal Liability the return for that year was filed, the return for
do not give the taxpayer identification number of Under Internal Revenue Code Section 2204 or the year just closed will not be the final return.
another person when required on a return, state- 6905. For this purpose, an executor is an execu- The return for that year will be a regular return
ment, or other document. tor or administrator that is appointed, qualified, and the personal representative must file it.
and acting within the United States.
Within 9 months after receipt of the request, Example. Samantha Smith died on March
Notice of fiduciary relationship. The term
the IRS will notify the executor of the amount of 21, 2008, before filing her 2007 tax return. Her
fiduciary means any person acting for another
taxes due. If this amount is paid, the executor personal representative must file her 2007 re-
person. It applies to persons who have positions
turn by April 15, 2008. Her final tax return is due
of trust on behalf of others. A personal represen- will be discharged from personal liability for any
April 15, 2009.
tative for a decedent’s estate is a fiduciary. future deficiencies. If the IRS has not notified the
If you are appointed to act in any fiduciary executor, he or she will be discharged from
capacity for another, you must file a written no- personal liability at the end of the 9-month pe- Filing Requirements
tice with the IRS stating this. Form 56, Notice riod.
The gross income, age, and filing status of a
Concerning Fiduciary Relationship, can be used Even if the executor is discharged from decedent generally determine whether a return
for this purpose. The instructions and other re-
quirements are given on the back of the form. !
personal liability, the IRS will still be
able to assess tax deficiencies against
must be filed. Gross income usually is all income
received by an individual in the form of money,
File Form 56 as soon as all of the necessary the executor to the extent that he or she still has goods, property, and services that is not
information (including the EIN) is available. It any of the decedent’s property. tax-exempt. It includes gross receipts from
notifies the IRS that, as the fiduciary, you are self-employment, but if the business involves
assuming the powers, rights, duties, and privi- manufacturing, merchandising, or mining, sub-
Insolvent estate. Generally, if a decedent’s
leges of the decedent, and allows the IRS to mail tract any cost of goods sold. In general, filing
estate is insufficient to pay all the decedent’s
to you all tax notices concerning the person (or status depends on whether the decedent was
estate) you represent. The notice remains in debts, the debts due the United States must be
considered single or married at the time of
effect until you notify the IRS (by filing another paid first. Both the decedent’s federal income
death. See the income tax return instructions or
Form 56) that your relationship to the estate has tax liabilities at the time of death and the estate’s Publication 501, Exemptions, Standard Deduc-
terminated. income tax liability are debts due the United tion, and Filing Information.
States. The personal representative of an insol-
Request for prompt assessment (charge) of vent estate is personally responsible for any tax
tax. The IRS ordinarily has 3 years from the liability of the decedent or of the estate if he or Refund
date an income tax return is filed, or its due date, she had notice of such tax obligations or had
whichever is later, to charge any additional tax failed to exercise due care in determining if such A return should be filed to obtain a refund if tax
that is due. However, as a personal representa- obligations existed before distribution of the es- was withheld from salaries, wages, pensions, or
tive, you may request a prompt assessment of tate’s assets and before being discharged from annuities, or if estimated tax was paid, even if a
tax after the return has been filed. This reduces duties. The extent of such personal responsibil- return is not required to be filed. Also, the dece-
the time for making the assessment to 18 ity is the amount of any other payments made dent may be entitled to other credits that result in
months from the date the written request for before paying the debts due the United States, a refund. These advance payments of tax and
prompt assessment was received. This request except where such other debt paid has priority credits are discussed later under Credits, Other
can be made for any tax return (except the over the debts due the United States. The in- Taxes, and Payments.
estate tax) of the decedent or the decedent’s come tax liabilities need not be formally as- Form 1310. Generally, a person who is filing a
estate. This may permit a quicker settlement of sessed for the personal representative to be return for a decedent and claiming a refund must
the tax liability of the estate and an earlier final liable if he or she was aware or should have file Form 1310 with the return. However, if the
distribution of the assets to the beneficiaries. been aware of their existence. person claiming the refund is a surviving spouse

Publication 559 (2008) Page 3

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176 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

filing a joint return with the decedent, or a Personal representative may revoke joint re- close the partnership’s tax year for the remain-
court-appointed or certified personal represen- turn election. A court-appointed personal ing partners. The decedent’s distributive share
tative filing an original return for the decedent, representative may revoke an election to file a of partnership items must be figured as if the
Form 1310 is not needed. The personal repre- joint return that was previously made by the partnership’s tax year ended on the date the
sentative must attach to the return a copy of the surviving spouse alone. This is done by filing a partner died. To avoid an interim closing of the
court certificate showing that he or she was separate return for the decedent within one year partnership books, the partners can agree to
appointed the personal representative. from the due date of the return (including any estimate the decedent’s distributive share by
If the personal representative is filing a claim extensions). The joint return made by the surviv- prorating the amounts the partner would have
for refund on Form 1040X, Amended U.S. Indi- ing spouse will then be regarded as the separate
included for the entire partnership tax year.
vidual Income Tax Return, or Form 843, Claim return of that spouse by excluding the dece-
dent’s items and refiguring the tax liability. On the decedent’s final return, include the
for Refund and Request for Abatement, and the
court certificate has already been filed with the decedent’s distributive share of partnership
Relief from joint liability. In some cases, items for the following periods.
IRS, attach Form 1310 and write “Certificate one spouse may be relieved of joint liability for
Previously Filed” at the bottom of the form. tax, interest, and penalties on a joint return for 1. The partnership’s tax year that ended
items of the other spouse that were incorrectly within or with the decedent’s final tax year
Example. Mr. Green died before filing his
reported on the joint return. If the decedent qual- (the year ending on the date of death).
tax return. You were appointed the personal
ified for this relief while alive, the personal repre-
representative for Mr. Green’s estate, and you 2. The period, if any, from the end of the
sentative can pursue an existing request, or file
file his Form 1040 showing a refund due. You do partnership’s tax year in (1) to the dece-
a request, for relief from joint liability. For infor-
not need Form 1310 to claim the refund if you dent’s date of death.
mation on requesting this relief, see Publication
attach a copy of the court certificate showing you
971, Innocent Spouse Relief.
were appointed the personal representative.
Example. Mary Smith was a partner in XYZ
If you are a surviving spouse and you Income To Include partnership and reported her income on a tax
TIP receive a tax refund check in both your year ending December 31. The partnership uses
name and your deceased spouse’s The decedent’s income includible on the final a tax year ending June 30. Mary died August 31,
name, you can have the check reissued in your return is generally determined as if the person 2008, and her estate established its tax year
name alone. Return the joint-name check and a were still alive except that the taxable period is through August 31.
completed Form 1310 to your local IRS office or usually shorter because it ends on the date of
The distributive share of partnership items
the service center where you mailed your return. death. The method of accounting regularly used
A new check will be issued in your name and based on the decedent’s partnership interest is
by the decedent before death also determines
mailed to you. the income includible on the final return. This reported as follows.
section explains how some types of income are • Final Return for the Decedent — January 1
Death certificate. When filing the decedent’s reported on the final return. through August 31, 2008, includes XYZ
final income tax return, do not attach the death For more information about accounting partnership items from (a) the partnership
certificate or other proof of death to the final methods, see Publication 538, Accounting Peri- tax year ending June 30, 2008, and (b) the
return. Instead, keep it for your records and ods and Methods. partnership tax year beginning July 1,
provide it if requested. 2008, and ending August 31, 2008 (the
date of death).
Under the Cash Method
Nonresident Alien • Income Tax Return of the Estate — Sep-
If the decedent accounted for income under the tember 1, 2008, through August 31, 2009,
If the decedent was a nonresident alien who cash method, only those items actually or con- includes XYZ partnership items for the pe-
would have had to file Form 1040NR, U.S. Non- structively received before death are included in riod September 1, 2008, through June 30,
resident Alien Income Tax Return, you must file the final return. 2009.
that form for the decedent’s final tax year. See
the instructions for Form 1040NR for the filing Constructive receipt of income. Interest
requirements, due date, and where to file. from coupons on the decedent’s bonds was con- S Corporation Income
structively received by the decedent if the cou-
pons matured in the decedent’s final tax year, If the decedent was a shareholder in an S corpo-
Joint Return but had not been cashed. Include the interest in ration, include on the final return the decedent’s
the final return. share of the S corporation’s items of income,
Generally, the personal representative and the loss, deduction, and credit for the following peri-
Generally, a dividend was constructively re-
surviving spouse can file a joint return for the ods.
ceived if it was available for use by the decedent
decedent and the surviving spouse. However,
without restriction. If the corporation customarily 1. The corporation’s tax year that ended
the surviving spouse alone can file the joint
mailed its dividend checks, the dividend was within or with the decedent’s final tax year
return if no personal representative has been
includible when received. If the individual died (the year ending on the date of death).
appointed before the due date for filing the final
between the time the dividend was declared and
joint return for the year of death. This also ap- 2. The period, if any, from the end of the
the time it was received in the mail, the decedent
plies to the return for the preceding year if the corporation’s tax year in (1) to the dece-
did not constructively receive it before death. Do
decedent died after the close of the preceding
not include the dividend in the final return. dent’s date of death.
tax year and before filing the return for that year.
The income of the decedent that was includible
on his or her return for the year up to the date of Under an Accrual Method
death (see Income To Include, later) and the Self-Employment Income
income of the surviving spouse for the entire Generally, under an accrual method of account-
year must be included in the final joint return. Include self-employment income actually or
ing, income is reported when earned.
A final joint return with the decedent cannot constructively received or accrued, depending
If the decedent used an accrual method, only on the decedent’s accounting method. For
be filed if the surviving spouse remarried before the income items normally accrued before death
the end of the year of the decedent’s death. The self-employment tax purposes only, the dece-
are included in the final return.
filing status of the decedent in this instance is dent’s self-employment income will include the
married filing a separate return. decedent’s distributive share of a partnership’s
For information about tax benefits to which a Partnership Income income or loss through the end of the month in
surviving spouse may be entitled, see Tax Ben- which death occurred. For this purpose, the
efits for Survivors, later, under Other Tax Infor- The death of a partner closes the partnership’s partnership’s income or loss is considered to be
mation. tax year for that partner. Generally, it does not earned ratably over the partnership’s tax year.

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Community Income HSA, Archer MSA, or a Medicare (or accrued, if the decedent reported deductions
Advantage MSA on an accrual method) before death. This sec-
If the decedent was married and domiciled in a tion contains a detailed discussion of medical
community property state, half of the income The treatment of a health savings account expenses because, under certain conditions,
received and half of the expenses paid during (HSA), an Archer MSA, or a Medicare Advan- the tax treatment can be different for the medical
the decedent’s tax year by either the decedent tage MSA at the death of the account holder, expenses of the decedent. See Medical Ex-
or spouse may be considered to be the income depends on who acquires the interest in the penses, later.
and expenses of the other. For more informa- account. If the decedent’s estate acquires the
tion, see Publication 555, Community Property. interest, the fair market value (FMV) of the as-
sets in the account on the date of death is Exemptions
included in income on the decedent’s final re-
Interest and Dividend Income turn. The estate tax deduction, discussed later, You can claim the decedent’s personal exemp-
(Forms 1099) does not apply to this amount. tion on the final income tax return. If the dece-
If a beneficiary acquires the interest, see the dent was another person’s dependent (for
A Form 1099 should be received for the dece- discussion under Income in Respect of a Dece- example, a parent’s), you cannot claim the per-
dent reporting interest and dividends earned dent, later. For other information on HSAs, sonal exemption on the decedent’s final return.
before death and included on the decedent’s Archer MSAs, or Medicare Advantage MSAs,
final return. A separate Form 1099 should show see Publication 969, Health Savings Accounts
the interest and dividends earned after the date and Other Tax-Favored Health Plans. Standard Deduction
of the decedent’s death and paid to the estate or If you do not itemize deductions on the final
other recipient that must include those amounts return, the full amount of the appropriate stan-
on its return. You can request corrected Forms Coverdell Education Savings
dard deduction is allowed regardless of the date
1099 if these forms do not properly reflect the Account (ESA)
of death. For information on the appropriate
right recipient or amounts. Generally, the balance in a Coverdell ESA must standard deduction, see the income tax return
For example, a Form 1099-INT reporting in- be distributed within 30 days after the individual instructions or Publication 501.
terest payable to the decedent may include in- for whom the account was established reaches
come that should be reported on the final age 30, or dies, whichever is earlier. The treat-
income tax return of the decedent, as well as ment of the Coverdell ESA at the death of an Medical Expenses
income that the estate or other recipient should individual under age 30 depends on who ac-
Medical expenses paid before death by the de-
report, either as income earned after death or as quires the interest in the account. If the dece-
cedent are deductible, subject to limits, on the
income in respect of the decedent (discussed dent’s estate acquires the interest, the earnings
final income tax return if deductions are item-
later). For income earned after death, you on the account must be included on the final
income tax return of the decedent. The estate ized. This includes expenses for the decedent,
should ask the payer for a Form 1099 that prop- as well as for the decedent’s spouse and depen-
erly identifies the recipient (by name and identifi- tax deduction, discussed later, does not apply to
this amount. If a beneficiary acquires the inter- dents.
cation number) and the proper amount. If that is
not possible, or if the form includes an amount est, see the discussion under Income in Respect Qualified medical expenses are not de-
that represents income in respect of the dece-
of a Decedent, later.
The age 30 limitation does not apply if the
ductible if paid with a tax-free distribu-
tion from an HSA or an Archer MSA.
dent, report the interest as shown next under
How to report. individual for whom the account was established
or the beneficiary that acquires the account is an Election for decedent’s expenses. Medical
See U.S. savings bonds acquired from dece- individual with special needs. This includes an
dent under Income in Respect of the Decedent, expenses that were not paid before death are
individual who, because of a physical, mental, or liabilities of the estate and are shown on the
later, for information on savings bond interest emotional condition (including a learning disabil-
that may have to be reported on the final return. federal estate tax return (Form 706). However, if
ity), requires additional time to complete his or medical expenses for the decedent are paid out
her education.
How to report. If you are preparing the dece- of the estate during the 1-year period beginning
For more information on Coverdell ESAs, with the day after death, you can elect to treat all
dent’s final return and you have received a Form see Publication 970, Tax Benefits for Education. or part of the expenses as paid by the decedent
1099-INT for the decedent that includes
at the time they were incurred.
amounts belonging to the decedent and to an-
If you make the election, you can claim all or
other recipient (the decedent’s estate or another Accelerated Death Benefits
part of the expenses on the decedent’s income
beneficiary), report the total interest shown on
Accelerated death benefits are amounts re- tax return, if deductions are itemized, rather than
Form 1099-INT on Schedule 1 (Form 1040A) or
ceived under a life insurance contract before the on the federal estate tax return (Form 706). You
on Schedule B (Form 1040). Next, enter a sub-
death of the insured individual. These benefits can deduct expenses incurred in the year of
total of the interest shown on Forms 1099, and
also include amounts received on the sale or death on the final income tax return. You should
the interest reportable from other sources for file an amended return (Form 1040X) for medi-
assignment of the contract to a viatical settle-
which you did not receive Forms 1099. Then, cal expenses incurred in an earlier year, unless
ment provider.
show any interest (including any interest you the statutory period for filing a claim for that year
Generally, if the decedent received acceler-
receive as a nominee) belonging to another re- has expired.
ated death benefits either on his or her own life
cipient separately and subtract it from the sub- The amount you can deduct on the income
or on the life of another person, those benefits
total. Identify the amount of this adjustment as tax return is the amount above 7.5% of adjusted
are not included in the decedent’s income. This
“Nominee Distribution” or other appropriate des- gross income. The amounts not deductible be-
exclusion applies only if the insured was a termi-
ignation. nally or chronically ill individual. For more infor- cause of this percentage cannot be claimed on
Report dividend income for which you re- mation, see the discussion under Gifts, the federal estate tax return.
ceived a Form 1099-DIV, Dividends and Distri- Insurance, and Inheritances under Other Tax Making the election. You make the elec-
butions, on the appropriate schedule using the Information, later. tion by attaching a statement, in duplicate, to the
same procedure. decedent’s income tax return or amended re-
Exemptions turn. The statement must state that you have not
Note. If the decedent received amounts as a
nominee, you must give the actual owner a Form
and Deductions claimed the amount as an estate tax deduction,
and that the estate waives the right to claim the
1099, unless the owner is the decedent’s Generally, the rules for exemptions and deduc- amount as a deduction. This election applies
spouse. See General Instructions for Forms tions allowed to an individual also apply to the only to expenses incurred for the decedent, not
1099, 1098, 5498, and W-2G for more informa- decedent’s final income tax return. Show on the to expenses incurred to provide medical care for
tion on filing Forms 1099. final return deductible items the decedent paid dependents.

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178 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

Example. Richard Brown used the cash more information, see Publication 925, Passive the return covers less than 12 months. You may
method of accounting and filed his income tax Activity and At-Risk Rules. be able to claim the additional child tax credit
return on a calendar year basis. Mr. Brown died and get a refund if the credit is more than the
Passive activity rules. A passive activity is
on June 1, 2008, after incurring $800 in medical decedent’s liability. For more information, see
any trade or business activity in which the tax-
expenses. Of that amount, $500 was incurred in your income tax form instructions.
payer does not materially participate. To deter-
2007 and $300 was incurred in 2008. Richard
mine material participation, see Publication 925. Adoption credit. Depending upon when the
itemized his deductions when he filed his 2007
Rental activities are passive activities regard- adoption was finalized, this credit may be taken
income tax return. The personal representative
less of the taxpayer’s participation, unless the upon a decedent’s final income tax return if the
of the estate paid the entire $800 liability in
taxpayer meets certain eligibility requirements. decedent:
August 2008.
Individuals, estates, and trusts can offset
The personal representative may file an
passive activity losses only against passive ac- • Adopted an eligible child and paid quali-
amended return (Form 1040X) for 2007 claiming fied adoption expenses or
tivity income. Passive activity losses or credits
the $500 medical expense as a deduction, sub-
ject to the 7.5% limit. The $300 of expenses
that are not allowed in one tax year can be • Has a carryforward of an adoption credit
carried forward to the next year. from a prior year.
incurred in 2008 can be deducted on the final
If a passive activity interest is transferred
income tax return if deductions are itemized,
because a taxpayer dies, the accumulated un- Also, if the decedent is survived by a spouse
subject to the 7.5% limit. The personal represen-
used passive activity losses are allowed as a who meets the filing status of qualifying
tative must file a statement in duplicate with
deduction against the decedent’s income in the widow(er), unused adoption credit may be car-
each return stating that these amounts have not
year of death. Losses are allowed only to the ried forward and used following the death of the
been claimed on the federal estate tax return
extent they are greater than the excess of the decedent. See Form 8839, Qualified Adoption
(Form 706), and waiving the right to claim such a
transferee’s (recipient of the interest trans- Expenses, and its Instructions for more details.
deduction on Form 706 in the future.
ferred) basis in the property over the decedent’s
adjusted basis in the property immediately General business tax credit. The general
Medical expenses not paid by estate. If you
before death. The portion of the losses that is business credit available to a taxpayer is limited.
paid medical expenses for your deceased
equal to the excess is not allowed as a deduc- Any credit arising in a tax year beginning before
spouse or dependent, claim the expenses on
tion for any tax year. 1998 that has not been used up can be carried
your tax return for the year in which you paid
Use Form 8582, Passive Activity Loss Limi- forward for up to 15 years. Any unused credit
them, whether they are paid before or after the
tations, to summarize losses and income from arising in a tax year beginning after 1997 has a
decedent’s death. If the decedent was a child of
passive activities and to figure the amounts al- 1-year carryback and a 20-year carryforward
divorced or separated parents, the medical ex-
lowed. For more information, see Publication period.
penses can usually be claimed by both the cus-
925. After the carryforward period, a deduction
todial and noncustodial parent to the extent paid
may be allowed for any unused business credit.
by that parent during the year.
If the taxpayer dies before the end of the car-
Credits, Other Taxes, ryforward period, the deduction generally is al-
Insurance reimbursements. Insurance reim-
bursements of previously deducted medical ex-
and Payments lowed in the year of death.
penses due a decedent at the time of death and For more information on the general busi-
This section includes brief discussions of some
later received by the decedent’s estate are in- ness credit, see Publication 334, Tax Guide for
of the tax credits, types of taxes that may be
cludible in the income tax return of the estate Small Business.
owed, income tax withheld, and estimated tax
(Form 1041) for the year the reimbursements payments that are reported on the final return of
are received. The reimbursements are also in- a decedent.
cludible in the decedent’s gross estate. Other Taxes
Taxes other than income tax that may be owed
Credits on the final return of a decedent include
Deduction for Losses self-employment tax and alternative minimum
You can claim on the final income tax return any
A decedent’s net operating loss deduction from tax, which are reported on Form 1040.
tax credits that applied to the decedent before
a prior year and any capital losses (including death. Some of these credits are discussed Self-employment tax. Self-employment tax
capital loss carryovers) can be deducted only on next. may be owed on the final return if either of the
the decedent’s final income tax return. A net following applied to the decedent in the year of
operating loss on the decedent’s final income Earned income credit. If the decedent was
an eligible individual, you can claim the earned death.
tax return can be carried back to prior years.
(See Publication 536, Net Operating Losses income credit on the decedent’s final return 1. Net earnings from self-employment (ex-
(NOLs) for Individuals, Estates, and Trusts.) even though the return covers less than 12 cluding income described in (2)) were
You cannot deduct any unused net operating months. If the allowable credit is more than the $400 or more.
loss or capital loss on the estate’s income tax tax liability for the year, the excess is refunded.
return. For more information, see Publication 596, 2. Wages from services performed as a
Earned Income Credit (EIC). church employee were $108.28 or more.
At-risk loss limits. Special at-risk rules apply
Credit for the elderly or the disabled. This
to most activities that are engaged in as a trade Alternative minimum tax (AMT). The tax
credit is allowable on a decedent’s final income
or business or for the production of income. laws give special treatment to some kinds of
tax return if the decedent met both of the follow-
These rules limit the deductible loss to the income and allow special deductions and credits
ing requirements in the year of death. The dece-
amount for which the individual was considered for some kinds of expenses. The alternative
at risk in the activity. An individual generally will minimum tax (AMT) was enacted so that certain
be considered at risk to the extent of the money • Was a “qualified individual,” and taxpayers who benefit from these laws still pay
and the adjusted basis of property that he or she at least a minimum amount of tax. In general, the
contributed to the activity and certain amounts
• Had income (adjusted gross income (AGI) AMT is the excess of the tentative minimum tax
and nontaxable social security and pen-
the individual borrowed for use in the activity. An over the regular tax shown on the return.
sions) less than certain limits.
individual will be considered at risk for amounts
Form 6251. Use Form 6251, Alternative
borrowed only if he or she was personally liable
For details on qualifying for or figuring the Minimum Tax — Individuals, to determine if this
for the repayment or if the amounts borrowed
credit, see Publication 524, Credit for the Elderly tax applies to the decedent. See the form in-
were secured by property other than that used in
or the Disabled. structions for information on when you must
the activity. The individual is not considered at
attach the form to the tax return.
risk for borrowed amounts if the lender has an Child tax credit. If the decedent had a qualify-
interest in the activity or if the lender is related to ing child, you may be able to claim the child tax Form 8801. If the decedent paid AMT in a
a person who has an interest in the activity. For credit on the decedent’s final return even though previous year or had a credit carryforward, the

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decedent may be eligible for a minimum tax an income tax filing extension on behalf of a years in the period 1997 through 2007. Refunds
credit. See Form 8801, Credit for Prior Year decedent. are allowed for the tax years for which the period
Minimum Tax — Individuals, Estates, and for filing a claim for refund has not ended, as
Trusts. Tax Forgiveness for discussed later.
Armed Forces Members, Military or terrorist action defined. A military
Payments of Tax Victims of Terrorism, and or terrorist action means the following.
The income tax withheld from the decedent’s
Astronauts • Any terrorist activity that most of the evi-
salary, wages, pensions, or annuities, and the Income tax liability may be forgiven for a dece- dence indicates was directed against the
amount paid as estimated tax, for example, are dent who dies due to service in a combat zone, United States or any of its allies.
credits (advance payments of tax) that you must
claim on the final return.
due to military or terrorist actions, as a result of a • Any military action involving the U.S.
terrorist attack, or while serving in the line of duty Armed Forces and resulting from violence
as an astronaut. or aggression against the United States or
Name, Address, any of its allies, or the threat of such vio-
and Signature lence or aggression.
Combat Zone
Write the word “DECEASED,” the decedent’s Terrorist activity includes criminal offenses in-
name, and the date of death across the top of If a member of the Armed Forces of the United
States dies while in active service in a combat tended to coerce, intimidate, or retaliate against
the tax return. If filing a joint return, write the the government or civilian population. Military
name and address of the decedent and the zone or from wounds, disease, or injury incurred
in a combat zone, the decedent’s income tax action does not include training exercises. Any
surviving spouse in the name and address
liability is abated (forgiven) for the entire year in multinational force in which the United States is
space. If a joint return is not being filed, write the
which death occurred and for any prior tax year participating is treated as an ally of the United
decedent’s name in the name space and the
ending on or after the first day the person served States.
personal representative’s name and address in
the remaining space. in a combat zone in active service. For this Determining if a terrorist activity or mili-
purpose, a qualified hazardous duty area is tary action has occurred. You may rely on
Third party designee. You can check the treated as a combat zone. published guidance from the IRS to determine if
“Yes” box in the Third Party Designee area of
If the tax (including interest, additions to the a particular event is considered a terrorist activ-
the return to authorize the IRS to discuss the
tax, and additional amounts) for these years has ity or military action.
return with a friend, family member, or any other
person you choose. This allows the IRS to call been assessed, the assessment will be forgiven.
the person you identified as the designee to If the tax has been collected (regardless of the
date of collection), that tax will be credited or Specified Terrorist Victim
answer any questions that may arise during the
processing of the return. It also allows the desig- refunded.
The Victims of Terrorism Tax Relief Act of 2001
nee to perform certain actions. See the income Any of the decedent’s income tax for tax (the Act) provides tax relief for those injured or
tax package for details. years before those mentioned above that re- killed as a result of terrorist attacks, certain sur-
mains unpaid as of the actual (or presumptive) vivors of those killed as a result of terrorist at-
Signature. If a personal representative has date of death will not be assessed. If any unpaid
been appointed, that person must sign the re- tacks, and others who were affected by terrorist
tax (including interest, additions to the tax, and attacks. Under the Act, the federal income tax
turn. If it is a joint return, the surviving spouse additional amounts) has been assessed, this
must also sign it. If no personal representative liability of those killed in the following attacks
assessment will be forgiven. Also, if any tax was (specified terrorist victim) is forgiven for certain
has been appointed, the surviving spouse (on a collected after the date of death, that amount will
joint return) signs the return and writes in the tax years.
be credited or refunded.
signature area “Filing as surviving spouse.” If no
The date of death of a member of the Armed • The April 19, 1995, terrorist attack on the
personal representative has been appointed Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building
Forces reported as missing in action or as a
and if there is no surviving spouse, the person in (Oklahoma City).
charge of the decedent’s property must file and prisoner of war is the date his or her name is
sign the return as “personal representative.” removed from missing status for military pay • The September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
purposes. This is true even if death actually
Paid preparer. If you pay someone to pre- occurred earlier. • The terrorist attacks involving anthrax oc-
pare, assist in preparing, or review the tax re- curring after September 10, 2001, and
For other tax information for members of the
turn, that person must sign the return and fill in before January 1, 2002.
Armed Forces, see Publication 3, Armed
the other blanks in the paid preparer’s area of Forces’ Tax Guide.
the return. See the income tax package for de- The Act also exempts from federal income tax
tails. the following types of income.
Military or Terrorist Actions • Qualified disaster relief payments made
When and Where To File after September 10, 2001, to cover per-
The decedent’s income tax liability is forgiven if, sonal, family, living, or funeral expenses
The final income tax return is due at the same at death, he or she was a military or civilian incurred because of a terrorist attack.
time the decedent’s return would have been due employee of the United States who died be-
had death not occurred. A final return for a cause of wounds or injury incurred: • Certain disability payments received in tax
decedent who was a calendar year taxpayer is years ending after September 10, 2001 for
• While a U.S. employee, and injuries sustained in a terrorist attack.
generally due on April 15 following the year of
death, regardless of when during that year death • In a military or terrorist action. • Certain death benefits paid by an em-
occurred. However, when the due date falls on a ployer to the survivor of an employee be-
Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the return is The forgiveness applies to the tax year in
cause the employee died as a result of a
filed timely if filed by the next business day. which death occurred and for any prior tax year
terrorist attack.
The tax return must be prepared on a form in the period beginning with the year before the
for the year of death regardless of when during year in which the wounds or injury occurred. • Payments from the September 11th Victim
the year death occurred. Compensation Fund 2001.
Generally, you must file the final income tax Example. The income tax liability of a civil-
return of the decedent with the Internal Revenue ian employee of the United States who died in The Act also reduces the estate tax of individ-
Service Center for the place where you live. A 2008 because of wounds incurred while a U.S. uals who die as a result of a terrorist attack. See
tax return for a decedent can be electronically employee in a terrorist attack that occurred in Publication 3920, Tax Relief for Victims of Ter-
filed. A personal representative may also obtain 1998 will be forgiven for 2008 and for all prior tax rorist Attacks, for more information.

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180 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

Astronauts Identify all returns and claims for refund by 3. If you are the decedent’s spouse filing a
writing “Iraq — KIA,” “Enduring Freedom — KIA,” joint return with the decedent and no per-
For astronauts who died in the line of duty after “Kosovo Operation — KIA,” “Desert Storm — sonal representative has been appointed,
December 31, 2002, legislation extended the tax KIA,” or “Former Yugoslavia — KIA” in bold let- write “Filing as surviving spouse” in the
relief available under The Victims of Terrorism ters on the top of page 1 of the return or claim. area where you sign the return.
Tax Relief Act of 2001 (the Act). The decedent’s On Forms 1040 and 1040X, write the same
income tax liability is forgiven for the tax year in 4. If no personal representative has been ap-
phrase on the line for total tax. If the individual
which death occurs, and for the tax year prior to pointed and if there is no surviving spouse,
was killed in a terrorist or military action, put
death. For information on death benefit pay- the person in charge of the decedent’s
“KITA” on the front of the return and on the line
ments and the reduction of federal estate taxes, property must file and sign the return as
for total tax.
see Publication 3920. However, the discussions “personal representative.”
An attachment should include a computation
in that publication under Death Benefits and of the decedent’s tax liability and a computation 5. To claim a refund for the decedent, do the
Estate Tax Reduction should be modified for of the amount that is to be forgiven. On joint following.
astronauts (for example, by using the date of returns, you must make an allocation of the tax
death of the astronaut rather than September as described below under Joint returns. If you a. If you are the decedent’s spouse filing a
11, 2001). cannot make a proper allocation, you should joint return with the decedent, file only
For more information on the Act, see Publi- attach a statement of all income and deductions the tax return to claim the refund.
cation 3920. allocable to each spouse and the IRS will make b. If you are the personal representative
the proper allocation. and the return is not a joint return filed
You must attach Form 1310 to all returns and with the decedent’s surviving spouse,
Claim for Credit or Refund claims for refund. However, for exceptions to file the return and attach a copy of the
filing Form 1310, see Form 1310 under Refund, certificate that shows your appointment
If any of these tax-forgiveness situations applies earlier.
to a prior year tax, any tax paid for which the by the court. (A power of attorney or a
You must also attach proof of death that copy of the decedent’s will is not ac-
period for filing a claim has not ended will be includes a statement that the individual was a
credited or refunded. If any tax is still due, it will ceptable evidence of your appointment
U.S. employee on the date of injury and on the as the personal representative.) If you
be canceled. The normal period for filing a claim date of death and died as the result of a military
for credit or refund is 3 years after the return was are filing an amended return, attach
or terrorist action. For military and civilian em- Form 1310 and a copy of the certificate
filed or 2 years after the tax was paid, whichever ployees of the Department of Defense, attach
is later. of appointment (or, if you have already
DD Form 1300. For other U.S. civilian employ-
sent the certificate of appointment to
If death occurred in a combat zone or from ees killed in the United States, attach a death
IRS, write “Certificate Previously Filed”
wounds, disease, or injury incurred in a combat certificate and a certification (letter) from the
at the bottom of Form 1310).
zone, the period for filing the claim is extended federal employer. For other U.S. civilian employ-
by: ees killed overseas, attach a certification from c. If you are not filing a joint return as the
the Department of State. surviving spouse and a personal repre-
1. The amount of time served in the combat If you do not have enough tax information to sentative has not been appointed, file
zone (including any period in which the file a timely claim for refund, you can suspend the return and attach Form 1310.
individual was in missing status), plus the period for filing a claim by filing Form 1040X.
2. The period of continuous qualified hospital- Attach Form 1310, any required documentation
ization for injury from service in the combat currently available, and a statement that you will
zone, if any, plus file an amended claim as soon as you have the

3. The next 180 days.

required tax information. Other Tax Information
Joint returns. If a joint return was filed, only
Qualified hospitalization means any hospitaliza- the decedent’s part of the income tax liability is This section contains information about the ef-
tion outside the United States and any hospitali- eligible for forgiveness. Determine the dece- fect of an individual’s death on the income tax
zation in the United States of not more than 5 dent’s tax liability as follows. liability of the survivors (including widows and
years. widowers), the beneficiaries, and the estate.
This extended period for filing the claim also 1. Figure the income tax for which the dece-
applies to a member of the Armed Forces who dent would have been liable if a separate Tax Benefits for Survivors
was deployed outside the United States in a return had been filed.
designated contingency operation. 2. Figure the income tax for which the spouse Survivors can qualify for certain benefits when
would have been liable if a separate return filing their own income tax returns.
Filing a claim. Use the following procedures
had been filed.
to file a claim. Joint return by surviving spouse. A surviv-
3. Multiply the joint tax liability by a fraction.
• If a U.S. individual income tax return The numerator of the fraction is the
ing spouse can file a joint return for the year of
(Form 1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ) has not death and may qualify for special tax rates for
amount in (1), above. The denominator of the following 2 years, as explained under Quali-
been filed, you should make a claim for
the fraction is the total of (1) and (2). fying widows and widowers, later.
refund of any withheld income tax or esti-
mated tax payments by filing Form 1040. The amount in (3) above is the decedent’s
Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement, tax liability that is eligible for forgiveness. Decedent as your dependent. If the dece-
must accompany all returns. dent qualified as your dependent for a part of the
Filing Reminders year before death, you can claim the exemption
• If a U.S. individual income tax return has for the dependent on your tax return, regardless
been filed, you should make a claim for
To minimize the time needed to process the of when death occurred during the year.
refund by filing Form 1040X. You must file
decedent’s final return and issue any refund, be If the decedent was your qualifying child, you
a separate Form 1040X for each year in
sure to follow these procedures. may be able to claim the child tax credit or the
earned income credit.
1. Write “DECEASED,” the decedent’s name,
You must file these returns and claims at the and the date of death across the top of the
following address for regular mail (U.S. Postal Qualifying widows and widowers. If your
tax return.
Service). spouse died within the 2 tax years preceding the
2. If a personal representative has been ap- year for which your return is being filed, you may
Internal Revenue Service pointed, the personal representative must be eligible to claim the filing status of qualifying
P.O. Box 4053 sign the return. If it is a joint return, the widow(er) with dependent child and qualify to
Woburn, MA 01888 surviving spouse must also sign it. use the married-filing-jointly tax rates.

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Requirements. Generally, you qualify for If you have to include income in re- capital gain to the decedent, it will be a capital
this special benefit if you meet all of the following TIP spect of a decedent in your gross in- gain to you.
requirements. come and an estate tax return (Form
706) was filed for the decedent, you may be able Transfer of right to income. If you transfer
• You were entitled to file a joint return with to claim a deduction for the estate tax paid on your right to income in respect of a decedent,
your spouse for the year of death — you must include in your income the greater of:
that income. See Estate Tax Deduction, later.
whether or not you actually filed jointly.
• The amount you receive for the right or
• You did not remarry before the end of the Example 1. Frank Johnson owned and op-
current tax year. • The fair market value of the right you
erated an apple orchard. He used the cash
• You have a child, stepchild, or foster child method of accounting. He sold and delivered
who qualifies as your dependent for the 1,000 bushels of apples to a canning factory for
If you make a gift of such a right, you must
tax year. $2,000, but did not receive payment before his
include in your income the fair market value of
death. The proceeds from the sale are income in
• You provide more than half the cost of the right at the time of the gift.
respect of a decedent. When the estate was
maintaining your home, which is the princi- If the right to income from an installment
settled, payment had not been made and the
pal residence of that child for the entire obligation is transferred, the amount you must
estate transferred the right to the payment to his
year except for temporary absences. include in income is reduced by the basis of the
widow. When Frank’s widow collects the $2,000,
obligation. See Installment obligations, later.
she must include that amount in her return. It is
Example. William Burns’ wife died in 2006. not reported on the final return of the decedent Transfer defined. A transfer for this pur-
Mr. Burns has not remarried and continued or on the return of the estate. pose includes a sale, exchange, or other dispo-
throughout 2007 and 2008 to maintain a home sition, the satisfaction of an installment
for himself and his dependent child. For 2006, Example 2. Assume the same facts as in obligation at other than face value, or the cancel-
he was entitled to file a joint return for himself Example 1, except that Frank used the accrual lation of an installment obligation.
and his deceased wife. For 2007 and 2008, he method of accounting. The amount accrued
from the sale of the apples would be included on Installment obligations. If the decedent had
qualifies to file as a qualifying widower with de- sold property using the installment method and
pendent child. For later years, he may qualify to his final return. Neither the estate nor the widow
would realize income in respect of a decedent you collect payments on an installment obliga-
file as a head of household. tion you acquired from the decedent, use the
when the money is later paid.
Figuring your tax. Check the box on line 5 same gross profit percentage the decedent used
(Form 1040 or 1040A) under filing status on your Example 3. On February 1, George High, a to figure the part of each payment that repre-
tax return. Use the Tax Rate Schedule or the cash method taxpayer, sold his tractor for sents profit. Include in your income the same
column in the Tax Table for Married filing jointly, $3,000, payable March 1 of the same year. His profit the decedent would have included had
which gives you the split-income benefits. adjusted basis in the tractor was $2,000. Mr. death not occurred. For more information, see
The last year you can file jointly with, or claim High died on February 15, before receiving pay- Publication 537, Installment Sales.
an exemption for, your deceased spouse is the ment. The gain to be reported as income in If you dispose of an installment obligation
year of death. respect of a decedent is the $1,000 difference acquired from a decedent (other than by transfer
between the decedent’s basis in the property to the obligor), the rules explained in Publication
Joint return filing rules. If you are the surviv- 537 for figuring gain or loss on the disposition
ing spouse and a personal representative is and the sale proceeds. In other words, the in-
come in respect of a decedent is the gain the apply to you.
handling the estate for the decedent, you should
coordinate filing your return for the year of death decedent would have realized had he lived. Transfer to obligor. A transfer of a right to
with this personal representative. See Joint Re- income, discussed earlier, has occurred if the
turn, earlier under Final Return for Decedent. Example 4. Cathy O’Neil was entitled to a decedent (seller) had sold property using the
large salary payment at the date of her death. installment method and the installment obliga-
The amount was to be paid in five annual install- tion is transferred to the obligor (buyer or person
Income in Respect ments. The estate, after collecting two install- legally obligated to pay the installments). A
of a Decedent ments, distributed the right to the remaining transfer also occurs if the obligation is canceled
installments to you, the beneficiary. The pay- either at death or by the estate or person receiv-
All income the decedent would have received ments are income in respect of a decedent. ing the obligation from the decedent. An obliga-
had death not occurred that was not properly None of the payments were includible on tion that becomes unenforceable is treated as
includible on the final return, discussed earlier, Cathy’s final return. The estate must include in having been canceled.
is income in respect of a decedent. its income the two installments it received, and If such a transfer occurs, the amount in-
If the decedent is a specified terrorist you must include in your income each of the cluded in the income of the transferor (the estate
victim (see Specified Terrorist Victim,
earlier), income received after the date
three installments as you receive them. or beneficiary) is the greater of the amount re-
ceived or the fair market value of the installment
of death and before the end of the decedent’s Example 5. You inherited the right to re- obligation at the time of transfer, reduced by the
tax year (determined without regard to death) is ceive renewal commissions on life insurance basis of the obligation. The basis of the obliga-
excluded from the recipient’s gross income. This sold by your father before his death. You inher- tion is the decedent’s basis, adjusted for all
exclusion does not apply to certain income. For ited the right from your mother, who acquired it installment payments received after the dece-
more information, see Publication 3920. by bequest from your father. Your mother died dent’s death and before the transfer.
before she received all the commissions she If the decedent and obligor were related per-
had the right to receive, so you received the rest. sons, the fair market value of the obligation
The commissions are income in respect of a cannot be less than its face value.
How To Report
decedent. None of these commissions were in-
Income in respect of a decedent must be in- cludible in your father’s final return. The com-
cluded in the income of one of the following: missions received by your mother were included Specific Types of Income
in her income. The commissions you received in Respect of a Decedent
• The decedent’s estate, if the estate re- are not includible in your mother’s income, even
ceives it; on her final return. You must include them in This section explains and provides examples of
• The beneficiary, if the right to income is your income. some specific types of income in respect of a
passed directly to the beneficiary and the decedent.
Character of income. The character of the
beneficiary receives it; or
income you receive in respect of a decedent is Wages. The entire amount of wages or other
• Any person to whom the estate properly the same as it would be to the decedent if he or employee compensation earned by the dece-
distributes the right to receive it. she were alive. If the income would have been a dent but unpaid at the time of death is income in

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respect of a decedent. The income is not re- were owned by a cash method individual who year, a deduction for any federal estate tax re-
duced by any amounts withheld by the em- had chosen to report the interest each year (or sulting from the inclusion in your uncle’s estate
ployer. If the income is $600 or more, the by an accrual method individual) are transferred of the $94 increase in value.
employer should report it in box 3 of Form because of death, the increase in value of the
1099-MISC and give the recipient a copy of the bonds (interest earned) in the year of death up to Example 2. If, in Example 1, the personal
form or a similar statement. the date of death must be reported on the dece- representative had chosen to include the $94
Wages paid as income in respect of a dece- dent’s final return. The transferee (estate or ben- interest earned on the bond before death in the
dent are not subject to federal income tax with- eficiary) reports on its return only the interest final income tax return of your uncle, you would
holding. However, if paid during the calendar earned after the date of death. report $406 ($500 − $94) as interest when you
year of death, they are subject to withholding for The redemption values of U.S. savings cashed the bond at maturity. This $406 repre-
social security and Medicare taxes. These taxes bonds generally are available from local banks, sents the interest earned after your uncle’s
should be included on the decedent’s Form W-2 credit unions, savings and loan institutions, or death and was not included in his estate, so no
with the taxes withheld before death. These your nearest Federal Reserve Bank. deduction for federal estate tax is allowable for
wages are not included in box 1 of Form W-2. You also can get information by writing to the this amount.
Wages paid as income in respect of a dece- following address.
dent after the year of death generally are not Example 3. Your uncle died owning series
subject to withholding for any federal taxes. Bureau of the Public Debt HH bonds that he acquired in exchange for se-
P.O. Box 1328 ries EE bonds. You were the beneficiary on
Farm income from crops, crop shares, and Parkersburg, WV 26106-1328 these bonds. Your uncle used the cash method
livestock. A farmer’s growing crops and live-
of accounting and had not chosen to report the
stock at the date of death normally would not Or, on the Internet, visit: increase in redemption price of the series EE
give rise to income in respect of a decedent or bonds each year as it accrued. Your uncle’s
income to be included in the final return. How-
ever, when a cash method farmer receives rent personal representative made no election to in-
in the form of crop shares or livestock and owns clude any interest earned before death in the
the crop shares or livestock at the time of death, If the bonds transferred because of death decedent’s final return. Your income in respect
the rent is income in respect of a decedent and were owned by a cash method individual who of the decedent is the sum of the unreported
is reported in the year in which the crop shares had not chosen to report the interest each year increase in value of the series EE bonds, which
or livestock are sold or otherwise disposed of. and had purchased the bonds entirely with per- constituted part of the amount paid for series HH
The same treatment applies to crop shares or sonal funds, interest earned before death must bonds, and the interest, if any, payable on the
livestock the decedent had a right to receive as be reported in one of the following ways. series HH bonds but not received as of the date
rent at the time of death for economic activities of the decedent’s death.
1. The person (executor, administrator, etc.)
that occurred before death. Specific dollar amount legacy satisfied by
who must file the final income tax return of
If the individual died during a rental period, transfer of bonds. If you receive series EE or
the decedent can elect to include in it all of
only the proceeds from the portion of the rental series I bonds from an estate in satisfaction of a
the interest earned on the bonds before
period ending with death are income in respect specific dollar amount legacy and the decedent
the decedent’s death. The transferee (es-
of a decedent. The proceeds from the portion of was a cash method taxpayer who did not elect to
tate or beneficiary) then includes in its re-
the rental period from the day after death to the report interest each year, only the interest
turn only the interest earned after the date
end of the rental period are income to the estate. earned after you receive the bonds is your in-
of death.
Cash rent or crop shares and livestock received come. The interest earned to the date of death
as rent and reduced to cash by the decedent are 2. If the election in (1), above, was not made, plus any further interest earned to the date of
includible in the final return even though the the interest earned to the date of death is distribution is income to (and reportable by) the
rental period did not end until after death. income in respect of the decedent and is
not included in the decedent’s final return.
Example. Alonzo Roberts, who used the In this case, all of the interest earned Cashing U.S. savings bonds. When you
cash method of accounting, leased part of his before and after the decedent’s death is cash a U.S. savings bond that you acquired from
farm for a 1-year period beginning March 1. The income to the transferee (estate or benefi- a decedent, the bank or other payer that re-
rental was one-third of the crop, payable in cash ciary). A transferee who uses the cash deems it must give you a Form 1099-INT if the
when the crop share is sold at the direction of method of accounting and who has not interest part of the payment you receive is $10 or
Roberts. Roberts died on June 30 and was alive chosen to report the interest annually may more. Your Form 1099-INT should show the
during 122 days of the rental period. Seven defer reporting any of it until the bonds are difference between the amount received and the
months later, Roberts’ personal representative cashed or the date of maturity, whichever cost of the bond. The interest shown on your
ordered the crop to be sold and was paid is earlier. In the year the interest is re- Form 1099-INT will not be reduced by any inter-
$1,500. Of the $1,500, 122/365, or $501, is ported, the transferee may claim a deduc- est reported by the decedent before death, or, if
income in respect of a decedent. The balance of tion for any federal estate tax paid that elected, by the personal representative on the
the $1,500 received by the estate, $999, is in- arose because of the part of interest (if final income tax return of the decedent, or by the
come to the estate. any) included in the decedent’s estate. estate on the estate’s income tax return. Your
Form 1099-INT may show more interest than
Partnership income. If the partner who died you must include in your income.
had been receiving payments representing a Example 1. Your uncle, a cash method tax-
payer, died and left you a $1,000 series EE You must make an adjustment on your tax
distributive share or guaranteed payment in liq-
bond. He had bought the bond for $500 and had return to report the correct amount of interest.
uidation of the partner’s interest in a partnership,
not chosen to report the increase in value each Report the total interest shown on Form
the remaining payments made to the estate or
year. At the date of death, interest of $94 had 1099-INT on your Schedule 1 (Form 1040A) or
other successor in interest are income in respect
accrued on the bond, and its value of $594 at Schedule B (Form 1040). Enter a subtotal of the
of a decedent. The estate or the successor re-
date of death was included in your uncle’s es- interest shown on Forms 1099, and the interest
ceiving the payments must include them in in-
tate. Your uncle’s personal representative did reportable from other sources for which you did
come when received. Similarly, the estate or
not choose to include the $94 accrued interest in not receive Forms 1099. Show the total interest
other successor in interest receives income in
the decedent’s final income tax return. You are a that was previously reported and subtract it from
respect of a decedent if amounts are paid by a
third person in exchange for the successor’s cash method taxpayer and do not choose to the subtotal. Identify this adjustment as “U.S.
right to the future payments. report the increase in value each year as it is Savings Bond Interest Previously Reported.”
For a discussion of partnership rules, see earned. Assuming you cash it when it reaches
Publication 541, Partnerships. maturity value of $1,000, you would report $500 Interest accrued on U.S. Treasury bonds.
interest income (the difference between maturity The interest accrued on U.S. Treasury bonds
U.S. savings bonds acquired from decedent. value of $1,000 and the original cost of $500) in owned by a cash method taxpayer and redeem-
If series EE or series I U.S. savings bonds that that year. You also are entitled to claim, in that able for the payment of federal estate taxes that

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was not received as of the date of the individ- earned in the IRA both before and after Greg’s HSA, Archer MSA, or a Medicare Advantage
ual’s death is income in respect of a decedent. death). Income in respect of a decedent is the MSA. The treatment of an HSA, Archer MSA,
This interest is not included in the decedent’s total amount included in income less the income or a Medicare Advantage MSA, at the death of
final income tax return. The estate will treat such earned after Greg’s death. the account holder depends on who acquires
interest as taxable income in the tax year re- For more information on inherited IRAs, see the interest in the account. If the decedent’s
ceived if it chooses to redeem the U.S. Treasury Publication 590, Individual Retirement Arrange- estate acquired the interest, see the discussion
bonds to pay federal estate taxes. If the person ments (IRAs). under Final Return for Decedent, earlier.
entitled to the bonds (by bequest, devise, or If the decedent’s spouse is the designated
inheritance, or because of the death of the indi- Roth IRAs. Qualified distributions from a Roth beneficiary of the account, the account becomes
vidual) receives them, that person will treat the IRA are not subject to tax. A distribution made to that spouse’s Archer MSA. It is subject to the
accrued interest as taxable income in the year a beneficiary or to the Roth IRA owner’s estate rules discussed in Publication 969.
the interest is received. Interest that accrues on on or after the date of death is a qualified distri- Any other beneficiary (including a spouse
the U.S. Treasury bonds after the owner’s death bution if it is made after the 5-tax-year period that is not the designated beneficiary) must in-
does not represent income in respect of a dece- beginning with the first tax year in which a contri- clude in income the fair market value of the
dent. The interest, however, is taxable income bution was made to any Roth IRA of the owner. assets in the account on the decedent’s date of
and must be included in the income of the re- Generally, the entire interest in the Roth IRA death. This amount must be reported for the
spective recipients. must be distributed by the end of the fifth calen- beneficiary’s tax year that includes the dece-
dar year after the year of the owner’s death dent’s date of death. The amount included in
Interest accrued on savings certificates. unless the interest is payable to a designated income is reduced by any qualified medical ex-
The interest accrued on savings certificates (re- beneficiary over his or her life or life expectancy. penses for the decedent that are paid by the
deemable after death without forfeiture of inter- If paid as an annuity, the distributions must be- beneficiary within 1 year after the decedent’s
est) that is for the period from the date of the last gin before the end of the calendar year following date of death. An estate tax deduction, dis-
interest payment and ending with the date of the the year of death. If the sole beneficiary is the cussed later, applies to the amount included in
decedent’s death, but not received as of that decedent’s spouse, the spouse can delay the income by a beneficiary other than the dece-
date, is income in respect of a decedent. Interest distributions until the decedent would have dent’s spouse.
for a period after the decedent’s death that be- reached age 701/2 or can treat the Roth IRA as
comes payable on the certificates after death is his or her own Roth IRA.
not income in respect of a decedent, but is Part of any distribution to a beneficiary that is
Deductions in Respect
taxable income includible in the income of the not a qualified distribution may be includible in of a Decedent
respective recipients. the beneficiary’s income. Generally, the part in-
cludible is the earnings in the Roth IRA. Earn- Items such as business expenses, in-
Inherited IRAs. If a beneficiary receives a come-producing expenses, interest, and taxes,
ings attributable to the period ending with the
lump-sum distribution from a traditional IRA he for which the decedent was liable but that are
decedent’s date of death are income in respect
or she inherited, all or some of it may be taxable. not properly allowable as deductions on the de-
of a decedent. Additional earnings are the in-
The distribution is taxable in the year received cedent’s final income tax return will be allowed
come of the beneficiary.
as income in respect of a decedent up to the as a deduction to one of the following when paid:
For more information on Roth IRAs, see
decedent’s taxable balance. This is the dece-
dent’s balance at the time of death, including
Publication 590. • The estate or
unrealized appreciation and income accrued to Coverdell education savings account (ESA). • The person who acquired an interest in
date of death, minus any basis (nondeductible Generally, the balance in a Coverdell ESA must the decedent’s property (subject to such
contributions). Amounts distributed that are be distributed within 30 days after the individual obligations) because of the decedent’s
more than the decedent’s entire IRA balance for whom the account was established reaches death, if the estate was not liable for the
(includes taxable and nontaxable amounts) at age 30 or dies, whichever is earlier. The treat- obligation.
the time of death are the income of the benefi- ment of the Coverdell ESA at the death of an
ciary. individual under age 30 depends on who ac- Similar treatment is given to the foreign tax
If the beneficiary of a traditional IRA is the quires the interest in the account. If the dece- credit. A beneficiary who must pay a foreign tax
decedent’s surviving spouse who properly rolls dent’s estate acquires the interest, see the on income in respect of a decedent will be enti-
over the distribution into another traditional IRA, discussion under Final Return for Decedent, tled to claim the foreign tax credit.
the distribution is not currently taxed. A surviving earlier.
spouse also can roll over tax free the taxable Depletion. The deduction for percentage de-
part of the distribution into a qualified plan, sec- The age 30 limitation does not apply if pletion is allowable only to the person (estate or
tion 403 annuity, or section 457 plan. !
the individual for whom the account
was established or the beneficiary that
beneficiary) who receives income in respect of a
decedent to which the deduction relates,
Example 1. At the time of his death, Greg acquires the account is an individual with special whether or not that person receives the property
owned a traditional IRA. All of the contributions needs. This includes an individual who, because from which the income is derived. An heir who
by Greg to the IRA had been deductible contri- of a physical, mental, or emotional condition (because of the decedent’s death) receives in-
butions. Greg’s nephew, Mark, was the sole (including a learning disability), requires addi- come as a result of the sale of units of mineral by
beneficiary of the IRA. The entire balance of the tional time to complete his or her education. the decedent (who used the cash method) will
IRA, including income accruing before and after If the decedent’s spouse or other family be entitled to the depletion allowance for that
Greg’s death, was distributed to Mark in a lump member is the designated beneficiary of the income. If the decedent had not figured the de-
sum. Mark must include the total amount re- decedent’s account, the Coverdell ESA be- duction on the basis of percentage depletion,
ceived in his income. The portion of the comes that person’s Coverdell ESA. It is subject any depletion deduction to which the decedent
lump-sum distribution that equals the amount of to the rules discussed in Publication 970. was entitled at the time of death would be allow-
the balance in the IRA at Greg’s death, including Any other beneficiary (including a spouse or able on the decedent’s final return, and no de-
the income earned before death, is income in family member who is not the designated benefi- pletion deduction in respect of a decedent would
respect of the decedent. Mark may take a de- ciary) must include in income the earnings por- be allowed to anyone else.
duction for any federal estate taxes that were tion of the distribution. Any balance remaining at For more information about depletion, see
paid on that portion. the close of the 30-day period is deemed to be chapter 9 in Publication 535, Business Ex-
distributed at that time. The amount included in penses.
Example 2. Assume the same facts as in income is reduced by any qualified education
Example 1, except that some of Greg’s contribu- expenses of the decedent that are paid by the Estate Tax Deduction
tions to the IRA had been nondeductible contri- beneficiary within 1 year after the decedent’s
butions. To determine the amount to include in date of death. An estate tax deduction, dis- Income that a decedent had a right to receive is
income, Mark must subtract the total nondeduct- cussed later, applies to the amount included in included in the decedent’s gross estate and is
ible contributions made by Greg from the total income by a beneficiary other than the dece- subject to estate tax. This income in respect of a
amount received (including the income that was dent’s spouse or family member. decedent is also taxed when received by the

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recipient (estate or beneficiary). However, an represents income in respect of a decedent (the Insurance
income tax deduction is allowed to the recipient denominator). If the amount included in the re-
for the estate tax paid on the income. cipient’s income is less than the estate tax value The proceeds from a decedent’s life insurance
The deduction for estate tax can be claimed of the item, use the lesser amount in the numer- policy paid by reason of his or her death gener-
only for the same tax year in which the income in ator. ally are excluded from income. The exclusion
respect of a decedent must be included in the applies to any beneficiary, whether a family
recipient’s income. (This also is true for income Example 2. As the beneficiary of Jack’s es- member or other individual, a corporation, or a
in respect of a prior decedent.) tate (Example 1), you collect the $12,000 ac- partnership.
Individuals can claim this deduction only as counts receivable from his clients. You will
an itemized deduction on line 28 of Schedule A include the $12,000 in your income in the tax Veterans’ insurance proceeds. Veterans’ in-
(Form 1040). This deduction is not subject to the year you receive it. If you itemize your deduc- surance proceeds and dividends are not taxable
2% limit on miscellaneous itemized deductions. tions in that tax year, you can claim an estate tax either to the veteran or to the beneficiaries.
Estates can claim the deduction on the line pro- Interest on dividends left on deposit with the
deduction of $2,772 figured as follows:
vided for the deduction on Form 1041. For the Department of Veterans Affairs is not taxable.
alternative minimum tax computation, the de- Value included in your
duction is not included in the itemized deduc- income Estate tax
X Life insurance proceeds. Life insurance pro-
tions that are an adjustment to taxable income. Total value of income in qualifying for ceeds paid to you because of the death of the
If income in respect of a decedent is capital respect of decedent deduction
insured (or because the insured is a member of
gain income, you must reduce the gain, but not the U.S. uniformed services who is missing in
below zero, by any deduction for estate tax paid action) are not taxable unless the policy was
on such gain. This applies in figuring the follow- $12,000 turned over to you for a price. This is true even if
ing: X $4,620 = $2,772 the proceeds are paid under an accident or
• The maximum tax on net capital gain (in- health insurance policy or an endowment con-
cluding qualified dividends), If the amount you collected for the accounts tract. If the proceeds are received in install-
ments, see the discussion under Insurance
• The 50% exclusion for gain on small busi- receivable was more than $12,000, you would
received in installments, later.
ness stock, and still claim $2,772 as an estate tax deduction
because only the $12,000 actually reported on
• The limitation on capital losses. the estate tax return can be used in the above Accelerated death benefits. You can ex-
computation. However, if you collected less than clude from income accelerated death benefits
you receive on the life of an insured individual if
Computation the $12,000 reported on the estate tax return,
certain requirements are met. Accelerated
use the smaller amount to figure the estate tax
To figure a recipient’s estate tax deduction, de- death benefits are amounts received under a life
termine: insurance contract before the death of the in-
sured. These benefits also include amounts re-
• The estate tax that qualifies for the deduc- Estates. The estate tax deduction allowed an
ceived on the sale or assignment of the contract
tion and estate is figured in the same manner as just to a viatical settlement provider. This exclusion
discussed. However, any income in respect of a
• The recipient’s part of the deductible tax. decedent received by the estate during the tax
applies only if the insured was a terminally ill
individual or a chronically ill individual. This ex-
year is reduced by any such income that is clusion does not apply if the insured is a director,
Deductible estate tax. The estate tax is the properly paid, credited, or required to be distrib- officer, employee, or has a financial interest, in
tax on the taxable estate, reduced by any credits uted by the estate to a beneficiary. The benefi- any trade or business carried on by you.
allowed. The estate tax qualifying for the deduc- ciary would include such distributed income in
tion is the part of the net value of all the items in respect of a decedent for figuring the benefi- Terminally ill individual. A terminally ill in-
the estate that represents income in respect of a dividual is one who has been certified by a
ciary’s deduction.
decedent. Net value is the excess of the items of physician as having an illness or physical condi-
income in respect of a decedent over the items tion that reasonably can be expected to result in
Surviving annuitants. For the estate tax de-
of expenses in respect of a decedent. The de- death in 24 months or less from the date of
duction, an annuity received by a surviving an- certification.
ductible estate tax is the difference between the
nuitant under a joint and survivor annuity
actual estate tax and the estate tax determined Chronically ill individual. A chronically ill
contract is considered income in respect of a
without including net value. individual is one who has been certified as one
decedent. The deceased annuitant must have
died after the annuity starting date. You must of the following:
Example 1. Jack Sage used the cash
method of accounting. At the time of his death, make a special computation to figure the estate • An individual who, for at least 90 days, is
he was entitled to receive $12,000 from clients tax deduction for the surviving annuitant. See unable to perform at least two activities of
for his services and he had accrued bond inter- Regulations section 1.691(d)-1. daily living without substantial assistance
est of $8,000, for a total income in respect of a due to a loss of functional capacity, or
decedent of $20,000. He also owed $5,000 for Gifts, Insurance, • An individual who requires substantial su-
business expenses for which his estate is liable. and Inheritances pervision to be protected from threats to
The income and expenses are reported on health and safety due to severe cognitive
Jack’s estate tax return. Property received as a gift, bequest, or inheri- impairment.
The tax on Jack’s estate is $9,460 after cred- tance is not included in your income. However, if
its. The net value of the items included as in- property you receive in this manner later pro- A certification must have been made by a
come in respect of the decedent is $15,000 duces income, such as interest, dividends, or licensed health care practitioner within the previ-
($20,000 − $5,000). The estate tax determined rents, that income is taxable to you. The income ous 12 months.
without including the $15,000 in the taxable es- from property donated to a trust that is paid,
tate is $4,840, after credits. The estate tax that Exclusion limited. If the insured was a
credited, or distributed to you is taxable income
qualifies for the deduction is $4,620 ($9,460 − chronically ill individual, your exclusion of accel-
to you. If the gift, bequest, or inheritance is the erated death benefits is limited to the cost you
income from property, that income is taxable to incurred in providing qualified long-term care
Recipient’s deductible part. Figure the re- you. services for the insured. In determining the cost
cipient’s part of the deductible estate tax by If you receive property from a decedent’s incurred, do not include amounts paid or reim-
dividing the estate tax value of the items of estate in satisfaction of your right to the income bursed by insurance or otherwise. Subject to
income in respect of a decedent included in the of the estate, it is treated as a bequest or inheri- certain limits, you can exclude payments re-
recipient’s income (the numerator) by the total tance of income from property. See Distributions ceived on a periodic basis without regard to your
value of all items included in the estate that to Beneficiaries From an Estate, later. costs.

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Interest option on insurance. If an insurance insured’s death). The actuarial value of the re- lineal descendant (child, grandchild, etc.) of the
company pays you interest only on proceeds fund feature is $9,000. The amount held by the decedent, a lineal descendant of the decedent’s
from life insurance left on deposit, the interest insurance company, reduced by the value of the parent or spouse, or the spouse of any of these
you are paid is taxable. guarantee, is $41,000 ($50,000 − $9,000) and lineal descendants.
the excludable part of each installment repre- For more information on special-use valua-
Insurance received in installments. If you senting a return of principal is $1,640 ($41,000 ÷ tion, see Form 706.
receive life insurance proceeds in installments, 25). The remaining $1,060 ($2,700 − $1,640) is
you can exclude part of each installment from Increased basis for special-use valuation
interest income to you. If you should die before
your income. property. Under certain conditions, some or
receiving the entire $50,000, the refund payable
To determine the part excluded, divide the all of the estate tax benefits obtained by using
to the refund beneficiary is not taxable.
amount held by the insurance company (gener- the special-use valuation will be subject to re-
ally the total lump sum payable at the death of Flexible premium contracts. A life insurance capture. Generally, an additional estate tax must
the insured person) by the number of install- contract (including any qualified additional ben- be paid by the qualified heir if the property is
ments to be paid. Include anything over this efits) is a flexible premium life insurance con- disposed of, or is no longer used for a qualifying
excluded part in your income as interest. tract if it provides for the payment of one or more purpose within 10 years of the decedent’s death.
premiums that are not fixed by the insurer as to If you must pay any additional estate (recap-
Specified number of installments. If you
both timing and amount. For a flexible premium ture) tax, you can elect to increase your basis in
will receive a specified number of installments
contract issued before January 1, 1985, the pro- the special-use valuation property to its FMV on
under the insurance contract, figure the part of
ceeds paid under the contract because of the the date of the decedent’s death (or on the
each installment you can exclude by dividing the
death of the insured will be excluded from the alternate valuation date, if it was elected by the
amount held by the insurance company by the
recipient’s income only if the contract meets the personal representative). If you elect to increase
number of installments to which you are entitled.
requirements explained under section 101(f) of your basis, you must pay interest on the recap-
A secondary beneficiary, in case you die before
the Internal Revenue Code. ture tax for the period from the date 9 months
you receive all of the installments, is entitled to
after the decedent’s death until the date you pay
the same exclusion.
the recapture tax.
Example. As beneficiary, you choose to re-
Basis of Inherited Property For more information on the recapture tax,
ceive $40,000 of life insurance proceeds in 10 see Instructions for Form 706-A.
Your basis in property you inherit from a dece-
annual installments of $6,000. Each year, you dent is generally one of the following: S corporation stock. The basis of inherited S
can exclude from your income $4,000 ($40,000
÷ 10) as a return of principal. The balance of the • The FMV of the property at the date of the corporation stock must be reduced if there is
individual’s death; income in respect of a decedent attributable to
installment, $2,000, is taxable as interest in-
that stock.
come. • The FMV on the alternate valuation date
Specified amount payable. If each install- (discussed in the instructions for Form Joint interest. Figure the surviving tenant’s
ment you receive under the insurance contract 706), if so elected by the personal repre- new basis of property that was jointly owned
is a specific amount based on a guaranteed rate sentative for the estate; (joint tenancy or tenancy by the entirety) by
of interest, but the number of installments you • The value under the special-use valuation adding the surviving tenant’s original basis in the
will receive is uncertain, the part of each install- method for real property used in farming property to the value of the part of the property
ment that you can exclude from income is the or other closely held business (see Spe- (one of the values described earlier) included in
amount held by the insurance company divided cial-use valuation, later), if so elected by the decedent’s estate. Subtract from the sum
by the number of installments necessary to use the personal representative; or any deductions for wear and tear, such as de-
up the principal and guaranteed interest in the preciation or depletion, allowed to the surviving
contract. • The decedent’s adjusted basis in land to tenant on that property.
the extent of the value excluded from the
Example. The face amount of the policy is decedent’s taxable estate as a qualified Example. Fred and Anne Maple (brother
$200,000, and as beneficiary you choose to conservation easement (discussed in the and sister) owned, as joint tenants with right of
receive annual installments of $12,000. The in- instructions for Form 706). survivorship, rental property they purchased for
surer’s settlement option guarantees you this $60,000. Anne paid $15,000 of the purchase
amount for 20 years based on a guaranteed rate Exception for appreciated property. If you price and Fred paid $45,000. Under local law,
of interest. It also provides that extra interest or your spouse gave appreciated property to an each had a half interest in the income from the
may be credited to the principal balance accord- individual during the 1-year period ending on the property. When Fred died, the FMV of the prop-
ing to the insurer’s earnings. The excludable date of that individual’s death and you (or your erty was $100,000. Depreciation deductions al-
part of each guaranteed installment is $10,000 spouse) later acquired the same property from lowed before Fred’s death were $20,000.
($200,000 ÷ 20 years). The balance of each the decedent, your basis in the property is the Anne’s basis in the property is $80,000 figured
guaranteed installment, $2,000, is interest in- same as the decedent’s adjusted basis immedi- as follows:
come to you. The full amount of any additional ately before death.
payment for interest is income to you. Anne’s original basis . . . . . . $15,000
Appreciated property. Appreciated prop- Interest acquired from Fred (3/4
75,000 $90,000
Installments for life. If, as the beneficiary erty is property that had an FMV greater than its of $100,000) . . . . . . . . . . .
under an insurance contract, you are entitled to adjusted basis on the day it was transferred to Minus: 1/2 of $20,000 depreciation . . . . 10,000
receive the proceeds in installments for the rest Anne’s basis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $80,000
the decedent.
of your life without a refund or period-certain
guarantee, you figure the excluded part of each Special-use valuation. If you are a qualified Qualified joint interest. One-half of the
installment by dividing the amount held by the heir and you receive a farm or other closely held value of property owned by a decedent and
insurance company by your life expectancy. If business real property from the estate for which spouse as tenants by the entirety, or as joint
there is a refund or period-certain guarantee, the the personal representative elected special-use tenants with right of survivorship if the decedent
amount held by the insurance company for this valuation, the property is valued on the basis of and spouse are the only joint tenants, is included
purpose is reduced by the actuarial value of the its actual use rather than its FMV. in the decedent’s gross estate. This is true re-
guarantee. If you are a qualified heir and you buy spe- gardless of how much each contributed toward
cial-use valuation property from the estate, your the purchase price.
Example. As beneficiary, you choose to re- basis is the estate’s basis (determined under the Figure the basis for a surviving spouse by
ceive the $50,000 proceeds from a life insur- special-use valuation method) immediately adding one-half of the property’s cost basis to
ance contract under a life-income-with- before your purchase increased by any gain the value included in the gross estate. Subtract
cash-refund option. You are guaranteed $2,700 recognized by the estate. from this sum any deductions for wear and tear,
a year for the rest of your life (which is estimated You are a qualified heir if you are an ancestor such as depreciation or depletion, allowed on
by use of mortality tables to be 25 years from the (parent, grandparent, etc.), the spouse, or a that property to the surviving spouse.

Publication 559 (2008) Page 13

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186 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

Example. Dan and Diane Gilbert owned, as • In addition to obtaining such appraisal, the The provisions for public safety officers
tenants by the entirety, rental property they pur-
chased for $60,000. Dan paid $15,000 of the
taxpayer made a good faith investigation
of the value of the contributed property.
apply to a chaplain killed in the line of
duty after September 10, 2001, if the
purchase price and Diane paid $45,000. Under chaplain was responding to a fire, rescue, or
local law, each had a half interest in the income No waiver is available for the 40% addition to police emergency as a member or employee of
from the property. When Diane died, the FMV of tax (for gross valuation overstatement). a fire or police department.
the property was $100,000. Depreciation deduc- For transitional guidance on the definitions of
tions allowed before Diane’s death were “qualified appraisal” and “qualified appraiser,” Death benefits. The death benefit payable
$20,000. Dan’s basis in the property is $70,000 see Notice 2006-96, 2006-46 I.R.B. 902, avail- to eligible survivors of public safety officers who
figured as follows: able at die as a result of traumatic injuries sustained in
The definitions apply to appraisals prepared the line of duty is not included in either the
One-half of cost basis (1/2 of for: beneficiaries’ income or the decedent’s gross
$60,000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . estate. The benefit is administered through the
Interest acquired from Diane
50,000 $80,000
• Donated property for which a deduction of Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA).
(1/2 of $100,000) . . . . . . . . . more than $5,000 is claimed and
Minus: 1/2 of $20,000 depreciation . . . . 10,000 The BJA can pay the eligible survivors an
Dan’s basis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $70,000 • Returns filed after August 17, 2006. emergency interim benefit up to $3,000 if it de-
termines that a public safety officer’s death is
More information. See Publication 551, Ba- Holding period. If you sell or dispose of inher- one for which a death benefit will probably be
sis of Assets, for more information on basis. If ited property that is a capital asset, you have a paid. If there is no final payment, the recipient of
you and your spouse lived in a community prop- long-term gain or loss from property held for the interim benefit is liable for repayment. How-
erty state, see the discussion in that publication more than 1 year, regardless of how long you ever, the BJA may waive all or part of the repay-
about figuring the basis of your community prop- held the property. ment if it will cause a hardship. If all or part of the
erty after your spouse’s death. repayment is waived, that amount is not in-
Property distributed in kind. Your basis in cluded in income.
Depreciation. If you can depreciate property property distributed in kind by a decedent’s es-
you inherited, you generally must use the modi- Survivor benefits. Generally, a survivor
tate is the same as the estate’s basis immedi- annuity received by the spouse, former spouse,
fied accelerated cost recovery system (MACRS) ately before the distribution plus any gain, or
to determine depreciation. or child of a public safety officer killed in the line
minus any loss, recognized by the estate. Prop-
For joint interests and qualified joint inter- of duty is excluded from the recipient’s income.
erty is distributed in kind if it satisfies your right to
ests, you must make the following computations The annuity must be provided under a govern-
receive another property or amount, such as the
to figure depreciation. ment plan and is excludable to the extent that it
income of the estate or a specific dollar amount.
is attributable to the officer’s service as a public
• The first computation is for your original Property distributed in kind generally includes
safety officer.
basis in the property. any noncash property you receive from the es-
tate other than the following: The exclusion does not apply if the recipi-
• The second computation is for the inher- ent’s actions were responsible for the officer’s
ited part of the property. • A specific bequest (unless it must be dis- death. It also does not apply in the following
tributed in more than three installments); circumstances.
Continue depreciating your original basis under or
the same method you had used in previous • The death was caused by the intentional
years. Depreciate the inherited part using • Real property, the title to which passes misconduct of the officer or by the officer’s
MACRS. directly to you under local law. intention to cause such death.
MACRS consists of two depreciation sys- For information on an estate’s recognized gain • The officer was voluntarily intoxicated at
tems, the General Depreciation System (GDS) or loss on distributions in kind, see Income To the time of death.
and the Alternative Depreciation System (ADS). Include under Income Tax Return of an Es-
For more information on MACRS, see Publica- tate — Form 1041, later. • The officer was performing his or her du-
tion 946, How To Depreciate Property. ties in a grossly negligent manner at the
time of death.
Valuation misstatements. If the value or ad-
Other Items of Income
justed basis of any property claimed on an in- Some other items of income that you, as a survi-
come tax return is 150% or more of the amount Salary or wages. Salary or wages paid after
vor or beneficiary, may receive are discussed the employee’s death are usually taxable in-
determined to be the correct amount, there is a below. Lump-sum payments you receive as the
substantial valuation misstatement. If the value come to the beneficiary. See Wages, earlier,
surviving spouse or beneficiary of a deceased under Specific Types of Income in Respect of a
or adjusted basis is 200% or more of the amount employee may represent:
determined to be the correct amount, there is a Decedent.
gross valuation misstatement. • Accrued salary payments;
Rollover distributions. An employee’s sur-
Understatements. A substantial estate or • Distributions from employee profit-sharing, viving spouse who receives an eligible rollover
gift tax valuation misstatement occurs when the pension, annuity, and stock bonus plans;
distribution may roll it over tax free into an IRA, a
value of property reported is 65% or less of the or
qualified plan, a section 403 annuity, or a section
actual value of the property. A gross valuation • Other items that should be treated sepa- 457 plan. For more information, see Publication
misstatement occurs if any property on a return rately for tax purposes. 575, Pension and Annuity Income, and Form
is valued at 40% or less of the value determined 4972, Tax on Lump-Sum Distributions.
to be correct. The treatment of these lump-sum payments de-
pends on what the payments represent. Rollovers by nonspouse beneficiary. A
Penalty. If a misstatement results in an un- beneficiary other than the employee’s surviving
derpayment of tax of more than $5,000, an addi- If the decedent is a specified terrorist spouse may be able to roll over all or part of a
tion to tax of 20% of the underpayment can
apply. The penalty increases to 40% if the value !
victim (see Specified Terrorist Victim,
earlier), certain income received by the
distribution from an eligible retirement plan of a
deceased employee. The nonspouse benefi-
or adjusted basis reported is a gross valuation beneficiary or the estate is not taxable. For more ciary must be the designated beneficiary of the
misstatement. information, see Publication 3920. employee. The distribution must be a direct trus-
The IRS may waive all or part of the 20% tee-to-trustee transfer to your IRA that was set
addition to tax (for substantial valuation over- up to receive the distribution. The transfer will be
Public safety officers. Special rules apply to
statement) if the following apply:
certain amounts received because of the death treated as an eligible rollover distribution and the
• The claimed value of the property was of a public safety officer (law enforcement of- receiving plan will be treated as an inherited
based on a qualified appraisal made by a ficers, fire fighters, chaplains, ambulance crews, IRA. For more information on inherited IRAs,
qualified appraiser and and rescue squads). see Publication 590.

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Pensions and annuities. For beneficiaries 1041, even if the gross income of the estate is Income of the estate is taxed to either the
who receive pensions and annuities, see Publi- less than $600. estate or the beneficiary, but not to both.
cation 575. For beneficiaries of federal civil serv- A fiduciary for a nonresident alien estate with Nonresident alien beneficiary. As a resi-
ice employees or retirees, see Publication 721, U.S. source income, including any income that dent or domestic fiduciary, in addition to filing
Tax Guide to U.S. Civil Service Retirement Ben- is effectively connected with the conduct of a Form 1041, you may have to file the income tax
efits. trade or business in the United States, must file return (Form 1040NR) and pay the tax for a
Form 1040NR, U.S. Nonresident Alien Income nonresident alien beneficiary. Depending upon
Inherited IRAs. If a person other than the de- Tax Return, as the income tax return of the
cedent’s spouse inherits the decedent’s tradi- a number of factors, you may or may not have to
estate. file Form 1040NR for that beneficiary. For infor-
tional IRA or Roth IRA, that person cannot treat
A nonresident alien who was a resident of mation on who must file Form 1040NR, see
the IRA as one established on his or her behalf.
Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, or the Publication 519, U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens.
If a distribution from a traditional IRA is from
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands You do not have to file the nonresident
contributions that were deducted or from earn-
for the entire tax year will, for this purpose, be alien’s return and pay the tax if that beneficiary
ings and gains in the IRA, it is fully taxable
treated as a resident alien of the United States. has appointed an agent in the United States to
income. If there were nondeductible contribu-
tions, an allocation between taxable and nontax- file a federal income tax return. However, you
able income must be made. For information on must attach to the estate’s return (Form 1041) a
Schedule K-1 (Form 1041) copy of the document that appoints the benefi-
distributions from a Roth IRA, see the discus-
sion earlier under Income in Respect of a Dece- ciary’s agent.
As personal representative, you must file a sep-
dent. The inherited IRA cannot be rolled over You also must file Form 1042, Annual With-
arate Schedule K-1 (Form 1041), or an accept-
into, or receive a rollover from, another IRA. No holding Tax Return for U.S. Source Income of
able substitute (described below), for each
deduction is allowed for amounts paid into that Foreign Persons, and Form 1042-S, Foreign
beneficiary. File these schedules with Form
inherited IRA. For more information about IRAs, Person’s U.S. Source Income Subject to With-
see Publication 590. holding, to report and transmit withheld tax on
You must show each beneficiary’s taxpayer distributable net income (discussed later) actu-
identification number. A $50 penalty is charged ally distributed. This applies to the extent the
Estate income. Estates may have to pay fed-
for each failure to provide the identifying number distribution consists of an amount subject to
eral income tax. Beneficiaries may have to pay
of each beneficiary unless reasonable cause is withholding. For more information, see Publica-
tax on their share of estate income. However,
established for not providing it. When you as- tion 515.
there is never a double tax. See Distributions to
sume your duties as the personal representa-
Beneficiaries From an Estate, later.
tive, you must ask each beneficiary to give you a
taxpayer identification number (TIN). A nonresi- Amended Return
dent alien beneficiary that gives you a withhold-
ing certificate generally must provide you with a If you have to file an amended Form 1041, use a
Income Tax Return TIN (see Publication 515). A TIN is not required copy of the form for the appropriate year and
for an executor or administrator of the estate check the Amended return box. Complete the
of an Estate— unless that person is also a beneficiary. entire return, correct the appropriate lines with
Form 1041 As personal representative, you must also
furnish a Schedule K-1 (Form 1041), or a substi-
the new information, and refigure the tax liability.
On an attached sheet, explain the reason for the
tute, to the beneficiary by the date on which the changes and identify the lines and amounts
An estate is a taxable entity separate from the
Form 1041 is filed. Failure to provide this payee changed.
decedent and comes into being with the death of
the individual. It exists until the final distribution statement can result in a penalty of $50 for each If the amended return results in a change to
of its assets to the heirs and other beneficiaries. failure. This penalty also applies if you omit income, or a change in distribution of any in-
The income earned by the assets during this information or include incorrect information on come or other information provided to a benefi-
period must be reported by the estate under the the payee statement. ciary, you must file an amended Schedule K-1
conditions described in this publication. The tax You do not need prior approval for a substi- (Form 1041) and give a copy to each benefi-
generally is figured in the same manner and on tute Schedule K-1 (Form 1041) that is an exact ciary. Check the “Amended K-1” box at the top of
the same basis as for individuals, with certain copy of the official schedule or that follows the Schedule K-1.
differences in the computation of deductions specifications in Publication 1167, General
and credits, as explained later. Rules and Specifications for Substitute Forms
and Schedules. You must have prior approval Information Returns
The estate’s income, like an individual’s in-
come, must be reported annually on either a for any other substitute Schedule K-1 (Form
Even though you may not have to file an income
calendar or fiscal year basis. As the personal 1041).
tax return for the estate, you may have to file
representative, you choose the estate’s ac- Form 1099-DIV, Form 1099-INT, or Form
counting period when you file its first Form 1041. Beneficiaries. The personal representative
1099-MISC if you receive the income as a nomi-
The estate’s first tax year can be any period that has a fiduciary responsibility to the ultimate re-
nee or middleman for another person. For more
ends on the last day of a month and does not cipients of the income and the property of the
information on filing information returns, see the
exceed 12 months. estate. While the courts use a number of names
General Instructions for Forms 1099, 1098,
Once you choose the tax year, you generally to designate specific types of beneficiaries or
5498, and W-2G.
cannot change it without IRS approval. Also, on the recipients of various types of property, it is
sufficient in this publication to call all of them You will not have to file information returns
the first income tax return, you must choose the for the estate if the estate is the owner of record
accounting method (cash, accrual, or other) you beneficiaries.
and you file an income tax return for the estate
will use to report the estate’s income. Once you Liability of the beneficiary. The income on Form 1041 giving the name, address, and
have used a method, you ordinarily cannot tax liability of an estate attaches to the assets of identifying number of each actual owner and
change it without IRS approval. For a more com- the estate. If the income is distributed or must be furnish a completed Schedule K-1 (Form 1041)
plete discussion of accounting periods and distributed during the current tax year, the in- to each actual owner.
methods, see Publication 538. come is reportable by each beneficiary on his or
her individual income tax return. If the income Penalty. A penalty of up to $50 can be
Filing Requirements does not have to be distributed, and is not dis- charged for each failure to file or failure to in-
tributed but is retained by the estate, the income clude correct information on an information re-
Every domestic estate with gross income of tax on the income is payable by the estate. If the turn. (Failure to include correct information
$600 or more during a tax year must file a Form income is distributed later without the payment includes failure to include all the information
1041. If one or more of the beneficiaries of the of the taxes due, the beneficiary can be liable for required.) If it is shown that such failure is due to
domestic estate are nonresident alien individu- tax due and unpaid to the extent of the value of intentional disregard of the filing requirement,
als, the personal representative must file Form the estate assets received. the penalty amount increases.

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See the General Instructions for Forms gross estate may be allowed capital gain (or 1041), Capital Gains and Losses, with Form
1099, 1098, 5498, and W-2G, for more informa- loss) treatment. 1041. For additional information about the treat-
tion. ment of capital gains and losses, see the instruc-
Character of asset. The character of an
tions for Schedule D (Form 1041).
asset in the hands of an estate determines
Copy of the Will whether gain or loss on its sale or other disposi- Installment obligations. If an installment ob-
tion is capital or ordinary. The asset’s character ligation owned by the decedent is transferred by
You do not have to file a copy of the decedent’s depends on how the estate holds or uses it. If it the estate to the obligor (buyer or person obli-
will unless requested by the IRS. If requested, was a capital asset to the decedent, it generally gated to pay) or is canceled at death, include the
you must attach a statement to it indicating the will be a capital asset to the estate. If it was land income from that event in the gross income of
provisions that, in your opinion, determine how or depreciable property used in the decedent’s the estate. See Installment obligations under
much of the estate’s income is taxable to the business and the estate continues the business, Income in Respect of a Decedent, earlier. See
estate or to the beneficiaries. You should also it generally will have the same character to the Publication 537 for information about installment
attach a statement signed by you under penal- estate that it had in the decedent’s hands. If it sales.
ties of perjury that the will is a true and complete was held by the decedent for sale to customers,
Gain from sale of special-use valuation prop-
copy. it generally will be considered to be held for sale
erty. If you elected special-use valuation for
to customers by the estate if the decedent’s
farm or other closely held business real property
Income To Include business continues to operate during the admin- and that property is sold to a qualified heir, the
istration of the estate. estate will recognize gain on the sale if the fair
The estate’s taxable income generally is figured The gain from a sale of depreciable market value on the date of the sale exceeds the
the same way as an individual’s income, except
as explained in the following discussions. !
property between an estate and a ben-
eficiary of that estate will be treated as
fair market value on the date of the decedent’s
death (or on the alternate valuation date if it was
If the decedent is a specified terrorist ordinary income, unless the sale or exchange elected).
victim (see Specified Terrorist Victim
earlier), certain income received by the
was made to satisfy a pecuniary bequest. Qualified heirs. Qualified heirs include the
Sale of decedent’s residence. If the estate decedent’s ancestors (parents, grandparents,
estate is not taxable. See Publication 3920. etc.) and spouse, the decedent’s lineal descend-
is the legal owner of a decedent’s residence and
Gross income of an estate consists of all the personal representative sells it in the course ants (children, grandchildren, etc.) and their
items of income received or accrued during the of administration, the tax treatment of gain or spouses, and lineal descendants (and their
tax year. It includes dividends, interest, rents, spouses) of the decedent’s parents or spouse.
loss depends on how the estate holds or uses
royalties, gain from the sale of property, and For more information about special-use valu-
the former residence. For example, if, as the
income from business, partnerships, trusts, and ation, see Form 706 and its instructions.
personal representative, you intend to realize
any other sources. For a discussion of income
the value of the house through sale, the resi- Gain from transfer of property to a political
from dividends, interest, and other investment
dence is a capital asset held for investment and organization. Appreciated property trans-
income as well as gains and losses from the sale
gain or loss is capital gain or loss (which may be ferred to a political organization is treated as
of investment property, see Publication 550. For
deductible). This is the case even though it was sold by the estate. Appreciated property is prop-
a discussion of gains and losses from the sale of
the decedent’s personal residence and even if erty that has a fair market value (on the date of
other property, including business property, see
you did not rent it out. If, however, the house is the transfer) greater than the estate’s basis. The
Publication 544, Sales and Other Dispositions of
not held for business or investment use (for gain recognized is the difference between the
example, if you intend to permit a beneficiary to estate’s basis and the fair market value on the
If, as the personal representative, your du-
live in the residence rent-free and then distribute date transferred.
ties include the operation of the decedent’s busi-
it to the beneficiary to live in), and you later A political organization is any party, commit-
ness, see Publication 334. That publication
decide to sell the residence without first con- tee, association, fund, or other organization
provides general information about the tax laws
verting it to business or investment use, any gain formed and operated to accept contributions or
that apply to a sole proprietorship.
is capital gain, but a loss is not deductible. make expenditures for influencing the nomina-
Income in respect of a decedent. As the tion, election, or appointment of an individual to
Holding period. An estate (or other recipi-
personal representative of the estate, you may any federal, state, or local public office.
ent) that acquires property from a decedent and
receive income that the decedent would have
sells or otherwise disposes of it is considered to Gain or loss on distributions in kind. An
reported had death not occurred. For an expla-
have held that property for more than 1 year, no estate recognizes gain or loss on a distribution
nation of this income, see Income in Respect of
matter how long the estate and the decedent of property in kind to a beneficiary only in the
a Decedent under Other Tax Information, ear-
actually held the property. following situations.
lier. An estate may qualify to claim a deduction
for estate taxes if the estate must include in Basis of property. The basis used to figure 1. The distribution satisfies the beneficiary’s
gross income for any tax year an amount of gain or loss for property the estate receives from right to receive either:
income in respect of a decedent. See Estate Tax the decedent usually is its fair market value at
Deduction, earlier, under Other Tax Information. the date of death. See Basis of Inherited Prop- a. A specific dollar amount (whether pay-
erty under Other Tax Information, earlier, for able in cash, in unspecified property, or
Gain (or loss) from sale of property. During
other basis in inherited property. in both); or
the administration of the estate, you may find it
necessary or desirable to sell all or part of the If the estate purchases property after the b. A specific property other than the prop-
estate’s assets to pay debts and expenses of decedent’s death, the basis generally will be its erty distributed.
administration, or to make proper distributions of cost.
the assets to the beneficiaries. While you may The basis of certain appreciated property the 2. You elect to recognize the gain or loss on
have the legal authority to dispose of the prop- estate receives from the decedent will be the the estate’s income tax return (section
erty, title to it may be vested (given a legal decedent’s adjusted basis in the property imme- 643(e)(3) election).
interest in the property) in one or more of the diately before death. This applies if the property
The gain or loss is usually the difference be-
beneficiaries. This is usually true of real prop- was acquired by the decedent as a gift during
tween the fair market value of the property
erty. To determine whether any gain or loss the 1-year period before death, the property’s
when distributed and the estate’s basis in the
must be reported by the estate or by the benefi- fair market value on the date of the gift was
property. However, see Gain from sale of spe-
ciaries, consult local law to determine the legal greater than the donor’s adjusted basis, and the
cial-use valuation property, earlier, for a limit
owner. proceeds of the sale of the property are distrib-
on the gain recognized on a transfer of such
uted to the donor (or the donor’s spouse).
Redemption of stock to pay death taxes. property to a qualified heir.
Under certain conditions, a distribution to a Schedule D (Form 1041). To report gains If you elect to recognize gain or loss, the
shareholder (including the estate) in redemption (and losses) from the sale or exchange of capital election applies to all noncash distributions dur-
of stock that was included in the decedent’s assets by the estate, file Schedule D (Form ing the tax year except charitable distributions

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and specific bequests. To make the election, before the due date of the estate tax return. A To prevent a double deduction, amounts oth-
report the transaction on Schedule D (Form contribution deduction is allowed to the estate erwise allowable in figuring the decedent’s tax-
1041) attached to the estate’s Form 1041 and for estate tax purposes. able estate for federal estate tax on Form 706
check the box on line 7 in the “Other Information” For more information about contributions, will not be allowed as a deduction in figuring the
section of Form 1041. You must make the elec- see Publication 526, Charitable Contributions, income tax of the estate or of any other person
tion by the due date (including extensions) of the and Publication 561, Determining the Value of unless the personal representative files a state-
estate’s income tax return for the year of distri- Donated Property. ment, in duplicate, that the items of expense, as
bution. However, if you timely filed your return listed in the statement, have not been claimed
for the year without making the election, you can as deductions for federal estate tax purposes
still make the election by filing an amended Losses and that all rights to claim such deductions are
return within 6 months of the due date of the waived. One deduction or part of a deduction
return (excluding extensions). Attach Schedule Generally, an estate can claim a deduction for a can be claimed for income tax purposes if the
D (Form 1041) to the amended return and write loss it sustains on the sale of property. This appropriate statement is filed, while another de-
“Filed pursuant to section 301.9100-2” on the includes a loss from the sale of property (other duction or part is claimed for estate tax pur-
form. File the amended return at the same ad- than stock) to a personal representative of the poses. Claiming a deduction in figuring the
dress you filed the original return. You must get estate, unless that person is a beneficiary of the estate income tax is not prevented when the
the consent of the IRS to revoke the election. estate. same deduction is claimed on the estate tax
For more information, see Property distrib- For a discussion of an estate’s recognized return so long as the estate tax deduction is not
uted in kind under Distributions Deduction, later. loss on a distribution of property in kind to a finally allowed and the preceding statement is
beneficiary, see Income To Include, earlier. filed. The statement can be filed with the income
Under the related persons rules, you tax return or at any time before the expiration of
cannot claim a loss for property distrib-
uted to a beneficiary unless the distri- !
An estate and a beneficiary of that es-
tate are generally treated as related
the statute of limitations that applies to the tax
year for which the deduction is sought. This
bution is in discharge of a pecuniary bequest. CAUTION persons for purposes of the disallow-
waiver procedure also applies to casualty losses
Also, any gain on the distribution of depreciable ance of a loss on the sale of an asset between
incurred during administration of the estate.
property is ordinary income. related persons. The disallowance does not ap-
ply to a sale or exchange made to satisfy a Accrued expenses. The rules preventing
pecuniary bequest. double deductions do not apply to deductions for
Exemption taxes, interest, business expenses, and other
and Deductions Net operating loss deduction. An estate can items accrued at the date of death. These ex-
claim a net operating loss deduction, figured in penses are allowable as a deduction for estate
In figuring taxable income, an estate is generally tax purposes as claims against the estate and
allowed the same deductions as an individual. the same way as an individual’s, except that it
cannot deduct any distributions to beneficiaries also are allowable as deductions in respect of a
Special rules, however, apply to some deduc- decedent for income tax purposes. Deductions
tions for an estate. This section includes discus- (discussed later) or the deduction for charitable
contributions in figuring the loss or the loss car- for interest, business expenses, and other items
sions of those deductions affected by the special not accrued at the date of the decedent’s death
rules. ryover. For a discussion of the carryover of an
unused net operating loss to a beneficiary upon are allowable only as a deduction for administra-
termination of the estate, see Termination of tion expenses for both estate and income tax
Estate, later. purposes and do not qualify for a double deduc-
Exemption Deduction tion.
For information on net operating losses, see
An estate is allowed an exemption deduction of Publication 536. Expenses allocable to tax-exempt income.
$600 in figuring its taxable income. No exemp- When figuring the estate’s taxable income on
tion for dependents is allowed to an estate. Even Casualty and theft losses. Losses incurred Form 1041, you cannot deduct administration
though the first return of an estate may be for a from casualties and thefts during the administra- expenses allocable to any of the estate’s
period of less than 12 months, the exemption is tion of the estate can be deducted only if they tax-exempt income. However, you can deduct
$600. If, however, the estate was given permis- have not been claimed on the federal estate tax these administration expenses when figuring
sion to change its accounting period, the exemp- return (Form 706). You must file a statement the taxable estate for federal estate tax pur-
tion is $50 for each month of the short year. with the estate’s income tax return waiving the poses on Form 706.
deduction for estate tax purposes. See Adminis- Interest on estate tax. Interest paid on install-
tration Expenses, later. ment payments of estate tax is not deductible for
Charitable Contributions The same rules that apply to individuals ap- income or estate tax purposes.
ply to the estate, except that in figuring the
An estate qualifies for a deduction for amounts
adjusted gross income of the estate used to
of gross income paid or permanently set aside
for qualified charitable organizations. The ad-
figure the deductible loss, you deduct any ad- Depreciation and Depletion
ministration expenses claimed. Use Form 4684,
justed gross income limits for individuals do not
Casualties and Thefts, and its instructions to The allowable deductions for depreciation and
apply. However, to be deductible by an estate,
figure any loss deduction. depletion that accrue after the decedent’s death
the contribution must be specifically provided for
must be apportioned between the estate and the
in the decedent’s will. If there is no will, or if the
Carryover losses. Carryover losses resulting beneficiaries, depending on the income of the
will makes no provision for the payment to a
from net operating losses or capital losses sus- estate that is allocable to each.
charitable organization, then a deduction will not
be allowed even though all of the beneficiaries tained by the decedent before death cannot be An estate cannot elect to treat the cost
may agree to the gift. deducted on the estate’s income tax return.
of certain depreciable business assets
as an expense under section 179.
You cannot deduct any contribution from in-
come not included in the estate’s gross income.
Administration Expenses
If the will specifically provides that the contribu- Example. In 2008, the decedent’s estate re-
tions are to be paid out of the estate’s gross Expenses of administering an estate can be alized $3,000 of business income during the
income, the contributions are fully deductible. deducted either from the gross estate in figuring administration of the estate. The personal repre-
However, if the will contains no specific provi- the federal estate tax on Form 706 or from the sentative distributed $1,000 of the income to the
sions, the contributions are considered to have estate’s gross income in figuring the estate’s decedent’s son, Ned, and $2,000 to another
been paid and are deductible in the same pro- income tax on Form 1041. However, these ex- son, Bill. The allowable depreciation on the busi-
portion as the gross income bears to the total of penses cannot be claimed for both estate tax ness property is $300. Ned can take a deduction
all classes (taxable and nontaxable) of income. and income tax purposes. In most cases, this of $100 [($1,000 ÷ $3,000) × $300], and Bill can
You cannot deduct a qualified conservation rule also applies to expenses incurred in the sale take a deduction of $200 [($2,000 ÷ $3,000) ×
easement granted after the date of death and of property by an estate (not as a dealer). $300].

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Distribution Deduction The total tax-exempt interest earned by an This amount is included in the estate’s gross
estate must be shown in the “Other Information” income as income in respect of a decedent and
An estate is allowed a deduction for the tax year section of Form 1041. The beneficiary’s part of is allocated to the corpus of the estate. The
for any income that must be distributed currently the tax-exempt interest is shown on Schedule estate has two separate shares, one for the
and for other amounts that are properly paid, K-1 (Form 1041). benefit of Judy and one for the benefit of Ann. If
credited, or required to be distributed to benefi- any distributions are made to either Judy or Ann
ciaries. The deduction is limited to the distributa- Separate shares rule. The separate shares during the year, then, for purposes of determin-
ble net income of the estate. rule must be used if both of the following are ing the distributable net income for each sepa-
For special rules that apply in figuring the true. rate share, the $90,000 of income in respect of a
estate’s distribution deduction, see Bequest • The estate has more than one beneficiary. decedent must be allocated only to Judy’s
under Distributions to Beneficiaries From an Es- share.
tate, later. • The economic interest of a beneficiary
does not affect and is not affected by the Example 2. Assume the same facts as in
Distributable net income. Distributable net economic interest of another beneficiary. Example 1, except that you must fund Judy’s
income (determined on Schedule B of Form A bequest of a specific sum of money or of share first with DEF Corporation stock valued at
1041) is the estate’s income available for distri- property is not a separate share (see Bequest, $300,000, rather than the IRA proceeds. To de-
bution. It is the estate’s taxable income, with the later). termine the distributable net income for each
following modifications. separate share, the $90,000 of income in re-
If the separate shares rule applies, the sepa- spect of a decedent must be allocated between
Distributions to beneficiaries. Distribu- rate shares are treated as separate estates for the two shares to the extent they could poten-
tions to beneficiaries are not deducted. the sole purpose of determining the distributable tially be funded with that income. The maximum
Estate tax deduction. The deduction for net income allocable to a share. Each share’s amount of Judy’s share that could be funded
estate tax on income in respect of the decedent distributable net income is based on that share’s with that income is $150,000 ($450,000 value of
is not allowed. portion of gross income and any applicable de- share less $300,000 funded with stock). The
ductions or losses. You must use a reasonable maximum amount of Ann’s share that could be
Exemption deduction. The exemption de- and equitable method to make the allocations. funded is $450,000. Based on the relative val-
duction is not allowed. Generally, gross income is allocated among ues, Judy’s distributable net income includes
Capital gains. Capital gains are not auto- the separate shares based on the income each $22,500 ($150,000/$600,000 X $90,000) of the
matically included in distributable net income. share is entitled to under the will or applicable income in respect of a decedent and Ann’s dis-
However, you include them in distributable net local law. This includes gross income not re- tributable net income includes $67,500
income if any of the following apply. ceived in cash, such as a distributive share of ($450,000/$600,000 X $90,000).
partnership tax items.
• The gain is allocated to income in the ac- If a beneficiary is not entitled to any of the Income that must be distributed currently.
counts of the estate or by notice to the estate’s income, the distributable net income for The distributions deduction includes any income
beneficiaries under the terms of the will or that beneficiary is zero. The estate cannot de- that, under the terms of the decedent’s will or by
by local law. duct any distribution made to that beneficiary reason of local law, must be distributed cur-
• The gain is allocated to the corpus or prin- and the beneficiary does not have to include the rently. This includes an amount that may be paid
cipal of the estate and is actually distrib- distribution in its gross income. However, see out of income or corpus (such as an annuity) to
uted to the beneficiaries during the tax Income in respect of a decedent, later in this the extent it is paid out of income for the tax year.
year. discussion. The deduction is allowed to the estate even if the
personal representative does not make the dis-
• The gain is used, under either the terms of Example. Patrick’s will directs you, the ex- tribution until a later year or makes no distribu-
the will or the practice of the personal rep- ecutor, to distribute ABC Corporation stock and tion until the final settlement and termination of
resentative, to determine the amount that all dividends from that stock to his son, Edward, the estate.
is distributed or must be distributed. and the residue of the estate to his son, Michael.
The estate has two separate shares consisting Support allowances. The distribution de-
• Charitable contributions are made out of duction includes any support allowance that,
of the dividends on the stock left to Edward and
capital gains. under a court order or decree or local law, the
the residue of the estate left to Michael. The
distribution of the ABC Corporation stock quali- estate must pay the decedent’s surviving
Generally, when you determine capital gains spouse or other dependent for a limited period
fies as a bequest, so it is not a separate share.
to be included in distributable net income, the during administration of the estate. The allow-
If any distributions, other than the ABC Cor-
exclusion for gain from the sale or exchange of ance is deductible as income that must be dis-
poration stock, are made during the year to
qualified small business stock is not taken into tributed currently or as any other amount paid,
either Edward or Michael, you must determine
account. credited, or required to be distributed, as dis-
the distributable net income for each separate
Capital losses. Capital losses are excluded share. The distributable net income for Edward’s cussed next.
in figuring distributable net income unless they separate share includes only the dividends at-
Any other amount paid, credited, or required
enter into the computation of any capital gain tributable to the ABC Corporation stock. The
to be distributed. Any other amount paid,
that is distributed or must be distributed during distributable net income for Michael’s separate
credited, or required to be distributed is allowed
the year. share includes all other income.
as a deduction to the estate only in the year
Tax-exempt interest. Tax-exempt interest, Income in respect of a decedent. This in- actually paid, credited, or distributed. If there is
including exempt-interest dividends, though ex- come is allocated among the separate shares no specific requirement by local law or by the
cluded from the estate’s gross income, is in- that could potentially be funded with these terms of the will that income earned by the
cluded in the distributable net income, but is amounts, even if the share is not entitled to estate during administration be distributed cur-
reduced by the following items. receive any income under the will or applicable rently, a deduction for distributions to the benefi-
local law. This allocation is based on the relative ciaries will be allowed to the estate, but only for
• The expenses that were not allowed in
value of each share that could potentially be the actual distributions during the tax year.
computing the estate’s taxable income be-
funded with these amounts. If the personal representative has discretion
cause they were attributable to tax-exempt
as to when the income is distributed, the deduc-
interest (see Expenses allocable to tax-
Example 1. Frank’s will directs you, the ex- tion is allowed only in the year of distribution.
exempt income under Administration Ex-
ecutor, to divide the residue of his estate (valued The personal representative can elect to
penses, earlier).
at $900,000) equally between his two children, treat distributions paid or credited within 65 days
• The part of the tax-exempt interest Judy and Ann. Under the will, you must fund after the close of the estate’s tax year as having
deemed to have been used to make a Judy’s share first with the proceeds of Frank’s been paid or credited on the last day of that tax
charitable contribution. See Charitable traditional IRA. The $90,000 balance in the IRA year. The election is made by completing line 6
Contributions, earlier. was distributed to the estate during the year. in the “Other Information” section of Form 1041.

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If a tax return is not required, the election is income not included in the estate’s gross in- Credits
made on a statement filed with the IRS office come.
where the return would have been filed. The Estates generally are allowed some of the same
election is irrevocable for the tax year and is only Example. An estate has distributable net in- tax credits that are allowed to individuals. The
effective for the year of the election. come of $2,000, consisting of $1,000 of divi- credits generally are allocated between the es-
dends and $1,000 of tax-exempt interest. tate and the beneficiaries. However, estates are
Alimony and separate maintenance. Ali- Distributions to the beneficiary total $1,500. Ex- not allowed the credit for the elderly or the dis-
mony and separate maintenance payments that cept for this rule, the distribution deduction abled, the child tax credit, or the earned income
must be included in the spouse’s or former would be $1,500 ($750 of dividends and $750 of credit discussed earlier under Final Return for
spouse’s income may be deducted as income tax-exempt interest). However, as the result of Decedent.
that must be distributed currently if they are paid, this rule, the distribution deduction is limited to
credited, or distributed out of the income of the $750, because no deduction is allowed for the Foreign tax credit. The foreign tax credit is
estate for the tax year. That spouse or former tax-exempt interest distributed. discussed in Publication 514, Foreign Tax Credit
spouse is treated as a beneficiary. for Individuals.
Payment of beneficiary’s obligations. Any Denial of double deduction. A deduction
cannot be claimed twice. If an amount is consid- General business credit. The general busi-
payment made by the estate to satisfy a legal
ered to have been distributed to a beneficiary of ness credit is available to an estate that is in-
obligation of any person is deductible as income
an estate in a preceding tax year, it cannot again volved in a business. For more information, see
that must be distributed currently or as any other
be included in figuring the deduction for the year Publication 334.
amount paid, credited, or required to be distrib-
uted. This includes a payment made to satisfy of the actual distribution.
the person’s obligation under local law to sup-
port another person, such as the person’s minor Example. The decedent’s will provides that Tax
child. The person whose obligation is satisfied is the estate must distribute currently all of its in-
come to a beneficiary. For administrative conve- You cannot use the Tax Table that applies to
treated as a beneficiary of the estate. individuals to figure the estate tax. You must use
This does not apply to a payment made to nience, the personal representative did not
make a distribution of a part of the income for the the tax rate schedule in the Instructions for Form
satisfy a person’s obligation to pay alimony or 1041 to figure the estate tax.
separate maintenance. tax year until the first month of the next tax year.
The amount must be deducted by the estate in
Interest in real estate. The value of an inter- Alternative minimum tax (AMT). An estate
the first tax year, and must be included in the
est in real estate owned by a decedent, title to may be liable for the alternative minimum tax. To
income of the beneficiary in that year. This
which passes directly to the beneficiaries under figure the alternative minimum tax, use Sched-
amount cannot be deducted again by the estate
local law, is not included as any other amount ule I (Form 1041), Alternative Minimum Tax.
in the following year when it is paid to the benefi-
paid, credited, or required to be distributed. Certain credits may be limited by any tentative
ciary, nor must the beneficiary again include the
minimum tax figured on line 54, Part III of Sched-
amount in income in that year.
Property distributed in kind. If an estate dis- ule I (Form 1041), even if there is no alternative
tributes property in kind, the estate’s deduction Charitable contribution. The amount of a minimum tax liability.
ordinarily is the lesser of its basis in the property charitable contribution used as a deduction by If the estate takes a deduction for distribu-
or the property’s fair market value when distrib- the estate in determining taxable income cannot tions to beneficiaries, complete Part I and Part II
uted. However, the deduction is the property’s be claimed again as a deduction for a distribu- of Schedule I even if the estate does not owe
fair market value if the estate recognizes gain on tion to a beneficiary. alternative minimum tax. Allocate the income
the distribution. See Gain or loss on distributions distribution deduction figured on a minimum tax
in kind under Income To Include, earlier. basis among the beneficiaries and report each
Property is distributed in kind if it satisfies the Funeral and Medical Expenses beneficiary’s share on Schedule K-1 (Form
beneficiary’s right to receive another property or 1041). Also, show each beneficiary’s share of
amount, such as the income of the estate or a No deduction can be taken for funeral expenses any adjustments or tax preference items for de-
specific dollar amount. It generally includes any or medical and dental expenses on the estate’s preciation, depletion, and amortization.
noncash distribution other than the following: income tax return, Form 1041. For more information, see the Instructions for
Schedule I (Form 1041).
• A specific bequest (unless it must be dis- Funeral expenses. Funeral expenses paid by
tributed in more than three installments) or the estate are not deductible in figuring the es-
• Real property, the title to which passes tate’s taxable income on Form 1041. They are Payments
directly to the beneficiary under local law. deductible only for determining the taxable es-
tate for federal estate tax purposes on Form The estate’s income tax liability must be paid in
706. full when the return is filed. You may have to pay
Character of amounts distributed. If the de- estimated tax, however, as explained below.
cedent’s will or local law does not provide for the Medical and dental expenses of a decedent.
allocation of different classes of income, you The medical and dental expenses of a decedent Estimated tax. Estates with tax years ending
must treat the amount deductible for distribu- paid by the estate are not deductible in figuring 2 or more years after the date of the decedent’s
tions to beneficiaries as consisting of the same the estate’s taxable income on Form 1041. You death must pay estimated tax in the same man-
proportion of each class of items entering into can deduct them in figuring the taxable estate for ner as individuals.
the computation of distributable net income as federal estate tax purposes on Form 706. If If you must make estimated tax payments for
the total of each class bears to the total distribut- these expenses are paid within the 1-year pe- 2009, use Form 1041-ES, Estimated Income
able net income. For more information about the riod beginning with the day after the decedent’s Tax for Estates and Trusts, to determine the
character of distributions, see Character of Dis- death, you can elect to deduct them on the estimated tax to be paid.
tributions under Distributions to Beneficiaries decedent’s income tax return (Form 1040) for Generally, you must pay estimated tax if the
From an Estate, later. the year in which they were incurred. See Medi- estate is expected to owe, after subtracting any
cal Expenses under Final Return for Decedent, withholding and credits, at least $1,000 in tax for
Example. An estate has distributable net in- earlier. 2009. You will not, however, have to pay esti-
come of $2,000, consisting of $1,000 of taxable mated tax if you expect the withholding and
interest and $1,000 of rental income. Distribu-
tions to the beneficiary total $1,500. The distri-
Credits, Tax, credits to be at least:

bution deduction consists of $750 of taxable and Payments 1. 90% of the tax to be shown on the 2009
interest and $750 of rental income, unless the return or
This section includes brief discussions of some
will or local law provides a different allocation.
of the tax credits, types of taxes that may be 2. 100% of the tax shown on the 2008 return
Limit on deduction for distributions. You owed, and estimated tax payments reported on (assuming the return covered all 12
cannot deduct any amount of distributable net the estate’s income tax return, Form 1041. months).

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The percentage in (2) above is 110% if the Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the form Income That Must Be
estate’s 2008 adjusted gross income (AGI) was must be filed by the next business day.
more than $150,000 (and less than 2/3 of gross
Distributed Currently
Extension of time to file. You can request
income for 2008 or 2009 is from farming or Beneficiaries who are entitled to receive cur-
an automatic 5-month extension of time to file
fishing). To figure the estate’s AGI, see the in- rently distributable income generally must in-
structions for line 15b, Form 1041. Form 1041 by filing Form 7004, Application for
Automatic Extension of Time To File Certain clude in gross income the entire amount due
The general rule is that you must make your them. However, if the currently distributable in-
first estimated tax payment by April 15, 2009. Business Income Tax, Information, and Other
Returns. The extension is automatic, so you do come is more than the estate’s distributable net
You can either pay all of your estimated tax at income figured without deducting charitable
that time or pay it in four equal amounts that are not have to sign the form or provide a reason for
your request. You must file Form 7004 on or contributions, each beneficiary must include in
due by April 15, 2009; June 15, 2009; Septem- gross income a ratable part of the distributable
ber 15, 2009; and January 15, 2010. For excep- before the regular due date of Form 1041. Form
7004 can be electronically filed. For additional net income.
tions to the general rule, see the Instructions for
Form 1041-ES and Publication 505, Tax With- information, see the Instructions for Form 7004.
Example. Under the terms of the will of Ger-
holding and Estimated Tax. Generally, an extension of time to file a re- ald Peters, $5,000 a year is to be paid to his
If your return is on a fiscal year basis, your turn does not extend the time for payment of tax widow and $2,500 a year is to be paid to his
due dates are the 15th day of the 4th, 6th, and due. You must pay the total income tax esti- daughter out of the estate’s income during the
9th months of your fiscal year and the 1st month mated to be due on Form 1041 in full by the period of administration. There are no charitable
of the following fiscal year. If any of these dates regular due date of the return. For additional contributions. For the year, the estate’s distribut-
fall on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the information, see the Instructions for Form 7004. able net income is only $6,000. The distributable
payment must be made by the next business
net income is less than the currently distributa-
Where to file. As the personal representative ble income, so the widow must include in her
You may be charged a penalty for not paying
of an estate, file the estate’s income tax return gross income only $4,000 [($5,000 ÷ $7,500) ×
enough estimated tax or for not making the pay-
(Form 1041) with the Internal Revenue Service $6,000], and the daughter must include in her
ment on time in the required amount (even if you
gross income only $2,000 [($2,500 ÷ $7,500) ×
have an overpayment on your tax return). You Center for the state where you live or have your
can use Form 2210, Underpayment of Esti- principal place of business. A list of the states
mated Tax by Individuals, Estates, and Trusts, and addresses that apply is in the instructions
Annuity payable out of income or corpus.
to figure any penalty, or you can let the IRS for Form 1041.
figure the penalty. Income that must be distributed currently in-
You must send Form 1040NR to: cludes any amount that must be paid out of
For more information, see the Instructions for
Form 1041-ES and Publication 505. Also, see Department of the Treasury income or corpus (principal of the estate) to the
“Transfer of Credit for Estimated Tax Pay- Internal Revenue Service Center extent the amount is satisfied out of income for
ments”, later, for information regarding the Cincinnati, OH 45999-0048, U.S.A. the tax year. An annuity that must be paid in all
transfer of the estate’s estimated tax payments events (either out of income or corpus) would
to the beneficiary(ies). qualify as income that must be distributed cur-
Electronic filing. Form 1041 can be filed rently to the extent there is income of the estate
electronically. See the Instructions for Form not paid, credited, or required to be distributed to
Name, Address, 1041 for more information. other beneficiaries for the tax year.
and Signature
Example 1. Henry Frank’s will provides that
In the top space of the name and address area $500 be paid to the local Community Chest out
of Form 1041, enter the exact name of the estate
used to apply for the estate’s employer identifi- Distributions of income each year. It also provides that $2,000
a year is currently distributable out of income to
cation number. In the remaining spaces, enter
the name and address of the personal represen-
to Beneficiaries his brother, Fred, and an annuity of $3,000 is to
be paid to his sister, Sharon, out of income or
tative (fiduciary) of the estate.
From an Estate corpus. Capital gains are allocable to corpus,
but all expenses are to be charged against in-
Signature. The personal representative (or its
If you are the beneficiary of an estate that must come. Last year, the estate had income of
authorized officer if the personal representative
distribute all its income currently, you must re- $6,000 and expenses of $3,000. The personal
is not an individual) must sign the return. An
port your share of the distributable net income representative paid the $500 to the Community
individual who prepares the return for pay must
sign the return as preparer. You can check a box whether or not you have actually received it. Chest and made the distributions to Fred and
in the signature area that authorizes the IRS to If you are the beneficiary of an estate that Sharon as required by the will.
contact that paid preparer for certain informa- does not have to distribute all its income cur- The estate’s distributable net income (fig-
tion. See the instructions for Form 1041 for more rently, you must report all income that must be ured before the charitable contribution) is
information. distributed to you (whether or not actually dis- $3,000. The currently distributable income totals
tributed) plus all other amounts paid, credited, or $2,500 ($2,000 to Fred and $500 to Sharon).
The income available for Sharon’s annuity is
When and Where To File required to be distributed to you, up to your
only $500 because the will requires that the
share of distributable net income. As explained
When you file Form 1041 (or Form 1040NR if it earlier in Distributions Deduction under Income charitable contribution be paid out of current
applies) depends on whether you choose a cal- income. The $2,500 treated as distributed cur-
Tax Return of an Estate — Form 1041, for an
endar year or a fiscal year as the estate’s ac- rently is less than the $3,000 distributable net
amount to be currently distributable income,
counting period. Where you file Form 1041 income (before the contribution), so Fred must
there must be a specific requirement for current
depends on where you, as the personal repre- include $2,000 in his gross income and Sharon
distribution either under local law or the terms of
sentative, live or have your principal office. must include $500 in her gross income.
the decedent’s will. If there is no such require-
ment, the income is reportable only when distrib-
When to file. If you choose the calendar year Example 2. Assume the same facts as in
as the estate’s accounting period, the Form Example 1 except that the estate has an addi-
1041 for 2008 is due by April 15, 2009 (June 15, If the estate has more than one beneficiary, tional $1,000 of administration expenses, com-
2009, in the case of Form 1040NR for a nonresi- the separate shares rule discussed earlier under missions, etc., that are chargeable to corpus.
dent alien estate that does not have an office in Distributions Deduction may have to be used to The estate’s distributable net income (figured
the United States). If you choose a fiscal year, determine the distributable net income allocable before the charitable contribution) is now $2,000
the Form 1041 is due by the 15th day of the 4th to each beneficiary. The beneficiaries in the ex- ($3,000 − $1,000 additional expense). The
month (6th month in the case of Form 1040NR) amples shown next do not meet the require- amount treated as currently distributable income
after the end of the tax year. If the due date is a ments of the separate shares rule. is still $2,500 ($2,000 to Fred and $500 to

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Sharon). The $2,500, treated as distributed cur- children, Joe and Alice, in amounts at the discre- Ted is treated as having received $1,800 of
rently, is more than the $2,000 distributable net tion of the personal representative. The per- rental income.
income, so Fred has to include only $1,600 sonal representative also may invade the corpus
[($2,000 ÷ $2,500) × $2,000] in his gross income (principal) for the benefit of Scott’s wife and Charitable contribution made. If a charitable
and Sharon has to include only $400 [($500 ÷ children. contribution is made by an estate and the terms
$2,500) × $2,000] in her gross income. Fred and Last year, the estate had income of $6,000 of the will or local law provide for the contribution
Sharon are beneficiaries of amounts that must after deduction of all expenses. Its distributable to be paid from specified sources, that provision
be distributed currently, so they do not benefit net income is also $6,000. The personal repre- governs. If no provision or requirement exists,
from the reduction of distributable net income by sentative distributed the required $2,500 of in- the charitable contribution deduction must be
the charitable contribution deduction. come to Susan. In addition, the personal allocated among the classes of income entering
representative distributed $1,500 each to Joe into the computation of the income of the estate
and Alice and an additional $2,000 to Susan. before allocation of other deductions among the
Other Amounts items of distributable net income. In allocating
Susan includes in her gross income the
Distributed $2,500 of currently distributable income. The items of income and deductions to beneficiaries
other amounts distributed totaled $5,000 to whom income must be distributed currently,
Any other amount paid, credited, or required to
($1,500 + $1,500 + $2,000) and are includible in the charitable contribution deduction is not taken
be distributed to the beneficiary for the tax year
the income of Susan, Joe, and Alice to the ex- into account to the extent that it exceeds income
also must be included in the beneficiary’s gross
tent of $3,500 (distributable net income of for the year reduced by currently distributable
income. Such an amount is in addition to those
$6,000 minus currently distributable income to income.
amounts that must be distributed currently, as
Susan of $2,500). Susan will include an addi-
discussed earlier. It does not include gifts or
tional $1,400 [($2,000 ÷ $5,000) × $3,500] in her Example. The will of Harry Thomas re-
bequests of specific sums of money or specific quires a current distribution out of income of
gross income. Joe and Alice each will include
property if such sums are paid in three or fewer
$1,050 [($1,500 ÷ $5,000) × $3,500] in their $3,000 a year to his wife, Betty, during the ad-
installments. However, amounts that can be ministration of the estate. The will also provides
gross incomes.
paid only out of income are not excluded under that the personal representative, using discre-
this rule. If the sum of the income that must be tion, may distribute the balance of the current
distributed currently and other amounts paid, Discharge of a earnings either to Harry’s son, Tim, or to one or
credited, or required to be distributed exceeds Legal Obligation more of certain designated charities. Last year,
distributable net income, these other amounts the estate’s income consisted of $4,000 of tax-
are included in the beneficiary’s gross income If an estate, under the terms of a will, discharges
able interest and $1,000 of tax-exempt interest.
only to the extent distributable net income ex- a legal obligation of a beneficiary, the discharge
There were no deductible expenses. The per-
ceeds the income that must be distributed cur- is included in that beneficiary’s income as either
sonal representative distributed the $3,000 to
rently. If there is more than one beneficiary, currently distributable income or other amount
Betty, made a contribution of $2,500 to the local
each will include in gross income only a pro rata paid. This does not apply to the discharge of a
heart association, and paid $1,500 to Tim.
share of such amounts. beneficiary’s obligation to pay alimony or sepa-
rate maintenance. The distributable net income for determining
The personal representative can elect to the character of the distribution to Betty is
treat distributions paid or credited by the estate The beneficiary’s legal obligations include a
legal obligation of support, for example, of a $3,000. The charitable contribution deduction to
within 65 days after the close of the estate’s tax be taken into account for this computation is
year as having been paid or credited on the last minor child. Local law determines a legal obliga-
tion of support. $2,000 (the estate’s income ($5,000) minus the
day of that tax year. currently distributable income ($3,000)). The
The following are examples of other $2,000 charitable contribution deduction must
amounts distributed.
Character of Distributions be allocated: $1,600 [($4,000 ÷ $5,000) ×
$2,000] to taxable interest and $400 [($1,000 ÷
• Distributions made at the discretion of the An amount distributed to a beneficiary for inclu-
$5,000) × $2,000] to tax-exempt interest. Betty
personal representative. sion in gross income retains the same character
is considered to have received $2,400 ($4,000 −
for the beneficiary that it had for the estate.
• Distributions required by the terms of the $1,600) of taxable interest and $600 ($1,000 −
will upon the happening of a specific No charitable contribution made. If no chari- $400) of tax-exempt interest. She must include
event. table contribution is made during the tax year, the $2,400 in her gross income. She must report
you must treat the distributions as consisting of the $600 of tax-exempt interest, but it is not
• Annuities that must be paid in any event, taxable.
the same proportion of each class of items en-
but only out of corpus (principal).
tering into the computation of distributable net To determine the amount to be included in
• Distributions of property in kind as defined income as the total of each class bears to the Tim’s gross income, however, take into account
earlier in Distributions Deduction under total distributable net income. Distributable net the entire charitable contribution deduction. The
Income Tax Return of an Estate — Form income was defined earlier in Distributions De- currently distributable income is greater than the
1041. duction under Income Tax Return of an Es- estate’s income after taking into account the
tate — Form 1041. However, if the will or local charitable contribution deduction, so none of the
• Distributions required for the support of amount paid to Tim must be included in his
law specifically provides or requires a different
the decedent’s surviving spouse or other
allocation, you must use that allocation. gross income for the year.
dependent for a limited period, but only
out of corpus (principal).
Example 1. An estate has distributable net How and When To Report
If an estate distributes property in kind, the income of $3,000, consisting of $1,800 in rents
amount of the distribution ordinarily is the lesser and $1,200 in taxable interest. There is no provi- How you report your income from the estate
of the estate’s basis in the property or the prop- sion in the will or local law for the allocation of depends on the character of the income in the
erty’s fair market value when distributed. How- income. The personal representative distributes hands of the estate. When you report the income
ever, the amount of the distribution is the $1,500 each to Jim and Ted, beneficiaries under depends on whether it represents amounts
property’s fair market value if the estate recog- their father’s will. Each will be treated as having credited or required to be distributed to you or
nizes gain on the distribution. See Gain or loss received $900 in rents and $600 of taxable inter- other amounts.
on distributions in kind in the discussion Income est.
To Include under Income Tax Return of an Es- How to report estate income. Each item of
tate — Form 1041, earlier. Example 2. Assume in Example 1 that the income keeps the same character in your hands
will provides for the payment of the taxable inter- as it had in the hands of the estate. If the items of
Example. The terms of Michael Scott’s will est to Jim and the rental income to Ted and that income distributed or considered to be distrib-
require the distribution of $2,500 of income an- the personal representative distributed the in- uted to you include dividends, tax-exempt inter-
nually to his wife, Susan. If any income remains, come under those provisions. Jim is treated as est, or capital gains, they will keep the same
it may be accumulated or distributed to his two having received $1,200 in taxable interest and character in your hands for purposes of the tax

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treatment given those items. Generally, you re- with a copy of Schedule K-1 (Form 1041) or a Example 2. Mike Jenkins’ will provided that
port the dividends on line 9a of your Form 1040, substitute Schedule K-1. You should not file the his widow, Helen, would receive money or prop-
and the capital gains on your Schedule D (Form form with your Form 1040, but should keep it for erty to be selected by the personal representa-
1040). The tax-exempt interest, while not in- your personal records. tive equal in value to half of his adjusted gross
cluded in taxable income, must be shown on line estate. The identity of the property and the
8b of your Form 1040. Report business and Each beneficiary (or nominee of a benefi- money in the bequest are dependent on the
other nonpassive income in Part III of your ciary) who receives a distribution from the estate personal representative’s discretion and the
Schedule E (Form 1040). for the tax year or to whom any item is allocated payment of administration expenses and other
The estate’s personal representative should must receive a Schedule K-1 or substitute. The charges, which are not determinable at the date
provide you with the classification of the various personal representative handling the estate of Mike’s death. As a result, the provision is not a
items that make up your share of the estate must furnish the form to each beneficiary or bequest of a specific sum of money or of specific
income and the credits you should take into nominee by the date on which the Form 1041 is property, and any distribution under that provi-
consideration so you can properly prepare your filed. sion is a deduction for the estate and income to
individual income tax return. See Schedule K-1 Nominees. A person who holds an interest the beneficiary (to the extent of the estate’s
(Form 1041), later. in an estate as a nominee for a beneficiary must distributable net income). The fact that the be-
provide the estate with the name and address of quest will be specific sometime before distribu-
When to report estate income. If income the beneficiary, and any other required informa- tion is immaterial. It is not ascertainable by the
from the estate is credited or must be distributed tion. The nominee must provide the beneficiary terms of the will as of the date of death.
to you for a tax year, report that income (even if with the information received from the estate.
not distributed) on your return for that year. The Distributions not treated as bequests. The
personal representative can elect to treat distri- Penalty. A personal representative (or nom- following distributions are not bequests that
butions paid or credited within 65 days after the inee) who fails to provide the correct information meet all the requirements listed earlier that allow
close of the estate’s tax year as having been may be subject to a $50 penalty for each failure. a distribution to be excluded from the benefi-
paid or credited on the last day of that tax year. If Consistent treatment of items. You must ciary’s income and do not allow it as a deduction
this election is made, you must report that distri- treat estate items the same way on your individ- to the estate.
bution on your return for that year. ual return as they are treated on the estate’s Paid only from income. An amount that
Report other income from the estate on your income tax return. If your treatment is different can be paid only from current or prior income of
return for the year in which you receive it. If your from the estate’s treatment, you must file Form the estate does not qualify even if it is specific in
tax year is different from the estate’s tax year, 8082, Notice of Inconsistent Treatment or Ad- amount and there is no provision for installment
see Different tax years, next. ministrative Adjustment Request (AAR), with payments.
Different tax years. You must include your your return to identify the difference. If you do
not file Form 8082 and the estate has filed a Annuity. An annuity or a payment of money
share of the estate income in your return for your
return, the IRS can immediately assess and or of specific property in lieu of, or having the
tax year in which the last day of the estate’s tax
collect any tax and penalties that result from effect of, an annuity is not the payment of spe-
year falls. If the tax year of the estate is the
adjusting the item to make it consistent with the cific property or a sum of money.
calendar year and your tax year is a fiscal year
ending on June 30, you will include in gross estate’s treatment. Residuary estate. If the will provides for the
income for the tax year ended June 30 your payment of the balance or residue of the estate
share of the estate’s distributable net income Bequest to a beneficiary of the estate after all expenses
distributed or considered distributed during the and other specific legacies or bequests, that
calendar year ending the previous December A bequest is the act of giving or leaving property residuary bequest is not a payment of specific
31. to another through the last will and testament. property or a sum of money.
Generally, any distribution of income (or prop-
Death of individual beneficiary. If an indi- erty in kind) to a beneficiary is an allowable Gifts made in installments. Even if the gift
vidual beneficiary dies, the beneficiary’s share deduction to the estate and is includible in the or bequest is made in a lump sum or in three or
of the estate’s distributable net income may be beneficiary’s gross income to the extent of the fewer installments, it will not qualify as specific
distributed or be considered distributed by the estate’s distributable net income. However, a property or a sum of money if the will provides
estate for its tax year that does not end with or distribution will not be an allowable deduction to that the amount must be paid in more than three
within the last tax year of the beneficiary. In this the estate and will not be includible in the benefi- installments.
case, the estate income that must be included in ciary’s gross income if the distribution meets the
the gross income on the beneficiary’s final return Conditional bequests. A bequest of specific
following requirements.
is based on the amounts distributed or consid- property or a sum of money that may otherwise
ered distributed during the tax year of the estate • It is required by the terms of the will. be excluded from the beneficiary’s gross income
in which his or her last tax year ended. However, will not lose the exclusion solely because the
• It is a gift or bequest of a specific sum of
for a cash basis beneficiary, the gross income of payment is subject to a condition.
money or property.
the last tax year includes only the amounts actu-
ally distributed before death. Income that must • It is paid out in three or fewer installments Installment payments. Certain rules apply in
be distributed to the beneficiary but, in fact, is under the terms of the will. determining whether a bequest of specific prop-
distributed to the beneficiary’s estate after death erty or a sum of money has to be paid or credited
is included in the gross income of the benefi- to a beneficiary in more than three installments.
Specific sum of money or property. To meet
ciary’s estate as income in respect of a dece- this test, the amount of money or the identity of Personal items. Do not take into account
dent. the specific property must be determinable bequests of articles for personal use, such as
Termination of nonindividual beneficiary. under the decedent’s will as of the date of death. personal and household effects and automo-
If a beneficiary that is not an individual, for ex- To qualify as specific property, the property biles.
ample a trust or a corporation, ceases to exist, must be identifiable both as to its kind and its
Real property. Do not take into account
the amount included in its gross income for its amount.
specifically designated real property, the title to
last tax year is determined as if the beneficiary which passes under local law directly to the
were a deceased individual. However, income Example 1. Dave Rogers’ will provided that
that must be distributed before termination, but his son, Ed, receive Dave’s interest in the Rog-
which is actually distributed to the beneficiary’s ers-Jones partnership. Dave’s daughter, Marie, Other property. All other bequests under
successor in interest, is included in the gross would receive a sum of money equal to the value the decedent’s will for which no time of payment
income of the nonindividual beneficiary for its of the partnership interest given to Ed. The be- or crediting is specified and that are to be paid or
last tax year. quest to Ed is a gift of a specific property ascer- credited in the ordinary course of administration
tainable at the date of Dave Rogers’ death. The of the estate are considered as required to be
Schedule K-1 (Form 1041). The personal bequest of a specific sum of money to Marie is paid or credited in a single installment. Also, all
representative for the estate must provide you determinable on the same date. bequests payable at any one specified time

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under the terms of the will are treated as a single net operating loss carryover in figuring the alter- other heirs and the estate is less than that
installment. native minimum tax. amount, the spouse is the beneficiary to the
Testamentary trust. In determining the The first tax year to which the loss is carried extent of the deficiency.
number of installments that must be paid or is the beneficiary’s tax year in which the estate If decedent had a will. If the decedent had
credited to a beneficiary, the decedent’s estate terminates. If the loss can be carried to more
a will, a beneficiary normally means the residu-
and a testamentary trust created by the dece- than one tax year, the estate’s last tax year
ary beneficiaries (including residuary trusts).
dent’s will are treated as separate entities. (whether or not a short tax year) and the benefi-
Those beneficiaries who receive a specific prop-
Amounts paid or credited by the estate and by ciary’s first tax year to which the loss is carried
each constitute a tax year for figuring the num- erty or a specific amount of money ordinarily are
the trust are counted separately. not considered residuary beneficiaries, except
ber of years to which a loss may be carried. A
capital loss carryover from an estate to a corpo- to the extent the specific amount is not paid in
Termination of Estate rate beneficiary will be treated as though it re- full.
sulted from a loss incurred in the estate’s last tax Also, a beneficiary who is not strictly a resid-
The termination of an estate generally is marked
by the end of the period of administration and by year (whether or not a short tax year), regard- uary beneficiary, but whose devise or bequest is
the distribution of the assets to the beneficiaries less of when the estate actually incurred the determined by the value of the estate as re-
under the terms of the will or under the laws of loss. duced by the loss or deduction, is entitled to the
succession of the state if there is no will. These If the last tax year of the estate is the last tax carryover or the deduction. For example, this
beneficiaries may or may not be the same per- year to which a net operating loss may be car- would include the following beneficiaries.
sons as the beneficiaries of the estate’s income. ried, see No double deductions, later. For a • A beneficiary of a fraction of the dece-
general discussion of net operating losses, see
dent’s net estate after payment of debts,
Publication 536. For a discussion of capital
expenses, and specific bequests.
Period of Administration losses and capital loss carryovers, see Publica-
tion 550. • A nonresiduary beneficiary, when the es-
The period of administration is the time actually tate is unable to satisfy the bequest in full.
required by the personal representative to as- Excess deductions. If the deductions in the
semble all of the decedent’s assets, pay all the • A surviving spouse receiving a fractional
estate’s last tax year (other than the exemption
expenses and obligations, and distribute the as- share of the estate in fee under a statutory
deduction or the charitable contributions deduc-
sets to the beneficiaries. This may be longer or right of election when the losses or deduc-
tion) are more than gross income for that year,
shorter than the time provided by local law for tions are taken into account in determining
the beneficiaries succeeding to the estate’s
the administration of estates. the share. However, such a beneficiary
property can claim the excess as a deduction in
figuring taxable income. To establish these de- does not include a recipient of a dower or
Ends if all assets distributed. If all assets curtesy, or a beneficiary who receives any
are distributed except for a reasonable amount ductions for the beneficiaries, a return must be
filed for the estate along with a schedule show- income from the estate from which the
set aside, in good faith, for the payment of unas-
ing the computation of each kind of deduction loss or excess deduction is carried over.
certained or contingent liabilities and expenses
(but not including a claim by a beneficiary, as a and the allocation of each to the beneficiaries.
beneficiary), the estate will be considered termi- An individual beneficiary must itemize de- Allocation among beneficiaries. The total of
nated. ductions to claim these excess deductions. The the unused loss carryovers or the excess deduc-
deduction is claimed on Schedule A (Form tions on termination that may be deducted by the
Ends if period unreasonably long. If settle- 1040), subject to the 2% limit on miscellaneous successor beneficiaries is to be divided accord-
ment is prolonged unreasonably, the estate will itemized deductions. The beneficiaries can ing to the share of each in the burden of the loss
be treated as terminated for federal income tax claim the deduction only for the tax year in which or deduction.
purposes. From that point on, the income, de- or with which the estate terminates, whether the
ductions, and credits of the estate are consid- year of termination is a normal year or a short Example. Under his father’s will, Arthur is to
ered those of the person or persons succeeding tax year. receive $20,000. The remainder of the estate is
to the property of the estate.
No double deductions. A net operating to be divided equally between his brothers, Mark
loss deduction allowable to a successor benefi- and Tom. After all expenses are paid, the estate
Transfer of Unused ciary cannot be considered in figuring the ex- has sufficient funds to pay Arthur only $15,000,
Deductions to Beneficiaries cess deductions on termination. However, if the with nothing to Mark and Tom. In the estate’s
estate’s last tax year is the last year in which a last tax year, there are excess deductions of
If the estate has unused loss carryovers or ex- deduction for a net operating loss can be taken, $5,000 and $10,000 of unused loss carryovers.
cess deductions for its last tax year, they are the deduction, to the extent not absorbed in the The total of the excess deductions and unused
allowed to those beneficiaries who succeed to last return of the estate, is treated as an excess loss carryovers is $15,000 and Arthur is consid-
the estate’s property. See Successor benefi- deduction on termination. Any item of income or ered a successor beneficiary to the extent of
ciary, later. deduction, or any part thereof, that is taken into $5,000, so he is entitled to one-third of the un-
account in figuring a net operating loss or a used loss carryover and one-third of the excess
Unused loss carryovers. An unused net op- capital loss carryover of the estate for its last tax
erating loss carryover or capital loss carryover deductions. His brothers may divide the other
year cannot be used again to figure the excess two-thirds of the excess deductions and the un-
existing upon termination of the estate is al- deduction on termination.
lowed to the beneficiaries succeeding to the used loss carryovers between them.
property of the estate. That is, these deductions
Successor beneficiary. A beneficiary entitled
will be claimed on the beneficiary’s tax return.
to an unused loss carryover or an excess deduc- Transfer of Credit for
This treatment occurs only if a carryover would
tion is the beneficiary who, upon the estate’s Estimated Tax Payments
have been allowed to the estate in a later tax
termination, bears the burden of any loss for
year if the estate had not been terminated.
which a carryover is allowed or of any deduc- When an estate terminates, the personal repre-
Both types of carryovers generally keep their
tions more than gross income. sentative can elect to transfer to the beneficia-
same character for the beneficiary as they had
for the estate. However, if the beneficiary of a If decedent had no will. If the decedent ries the credit for all or part of the estate’s
capital loss carryover is a corporation, the cor- had no will, the beneficiaries are those heirs or estimated tax payments for the last tax year. To
poration will treat the carryover as a short-term next of kin to whom the estate is distributed. If make this election, the personal representative
capital loss regardless of its status in the estate. the estate is insolvent, the beneficiaries are must complete Form 1041-T, Allocation of Esti-
The net operating loss carryover and the capital those to whom the estate would have been dis- mated Tax Payments to Beneficiaries, and file it
loss carryover are used in figuring the benefi- tributed had it not been insolvent. If the dece- either separately or with the estate’s final Form
ciary’s adjusted gross income and taxable in- dent’s spouse is entitled to a specified dollar 1041. The Form 1041-T must be filed by the
come. The beneficiary may have to adjust any amount of property before any distributions to 65th day after the close of the estate’s tax year.

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Filing Form 1041-T with Form 1041 • Your father owned 500 shares of ABC paid $1,900 interest on his savings account at
does not change the due date for filing
Form 1041-T. The IRS will reject a late
Company stock that had cost him $10.20
a share in 1983. The stock had a mean
the First S&L of Juneville, in 2008, before he
filed election. If Form 1041-T is rejected and selling price (midpoint between highest
Form 1041 was filed based on a successful and lowest selling price) of $25 a share on Final Return
election then the personal representative must the day he died. He also owned 500
file an amended Form 1041, including amended shares of XYZ Company stock that had
for Decedent
Schedule K-1(s). cost him $30 a share in 1988. The stock From the papers in your father’s files, you deter-
The estimated tax allocated to each benefi- had a mean selling price on the date of mine that the $11,000 paid to him by his em-
ciary is treated as paid or credited to the benefi- death of $22. ployer (as shown on the Form W-2), rental
ciary on the last day of the estate’s final tax year • The appraiser valued your father’s auto- income, and interest are the only items of in-
and must be reported in box 13, Schedule K-1 mobile at $6,300 and the household ef- come he received between January 1 and the
(Form 1041) using code A. If the estate termi- fects at $18,500. date of his death. You will have to file an income
nated in 2008, this amount is treated as a pay- tax return for him for the period during which he
ment of 2008 estimated tax made by the • Your father owned a coin collection and a lived. (You determine that he timely filed his
beneficiary on January 15, 2009. stamp collection. The face value of the 2007 income tax return before he died.) The final
coins in the collection was only $600, but return is not due until April 15, 2009, the same
the appraiser valued it at $2,800. The date it would have been due had your father
stamp collection was valued at $3,500. lived during all of 2008.
Form 706 • Your father’s employer sent a check to The check representing unpaid salary and
your mother for $11,082 ($12,000 − $918 earned but unused vacation time was not paid to
Generally, for estate tax purposes, you must file for social security and Medicare taxes), your father before he died, so the $12,000 is not
Form 706, United States Estate (and Genera- representing unpaid salary and payment reported as income on his final return. It is re-
tion-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return. If death oc- for accrued vacation time. The statement ported on the income tax return for the estate
curs in 2008, Form 706 must be filed if the gross that came with the check indicated that no (Form 1041) for 2008. The only taxable income
estate is more than $2,000,000. amount was withheld for income tax. The to be reported for your father will be the $11,000
If you must file Form 706, it has to be done check was made out to the estate, so your salary (as shown on the Form W-2), the $1,900
within 9 months after the date of the decedent’s mother gave you the check. interest, and his portion of the rental income that
he received in 2008.
death unless you receive an extension of time to • The Easy Life Insurance Company gave Your father was a cash basis taxpayer and
file. Use Form 4768, Application for Extension of your mother a check for $275,000 be-
Time To File a Return and/or Pay U.S. Estate did not report the interest accrued on the series
cause she was the beneficiary of his life EE U.S. savings bonds on prior tax returns that
(and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Taxes, to insurance policy.
apply for an automatic 6-month extension of he filed jointly with your mother. As the personal
time. • Your father was the owner of several se- representative of your father’s estate, you
ries EE U.S. savings bonds on which he choose to report the interest earned on these
named your mother as co-owner. Your fa- bonds before your father’s death ($840) on the
ther purchased the bonds during the past final income tax return.
The rental property was leased the entire
Comprehensive several years. The cost of these bonds
totaled $2,500. After referring to the ap- year of 2008 for $1,000 per month. Under local
Example propriate table of redemption values (see
U.S. savings bonds acquired from dece-
law, your parents (as joint tenants) each had a
half interest in the income from the property.
dent, earlier), you determine that interest Your father’s will, however, stipulates that the
The following is an example of a typical situa-
of $840 had accrued on the bonds at the entire rental income is to be paid directly to your
tion. All figures on the filled-in forms have been
date of your father’s death. You must in- mother. None of the rental income will be re-
rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
clude the redemption value of these bonds ported on the income tax return for the estate.
On April 9, 2008, your father, John R. Smith, Instead, your mother will report all the rental
at date of death, $3,340, in your father’s
died at the age of 62. He had not resided in a income and expenses on Form 1040. Checking
gross estate.
community property state. His will named you to the records and prior tax returns of your parents,
serve as his executor (personal representative). • On July 1, 1994, your parents purchased a you find that they previously elected to use the
Except for specific bequests to your mother, house for $90,000. They have held the alternative depreciation system (ADS) with the
Mary, of your parents’ home and your father’s property for rental purposes continuously mid-month convention. Under ADS, the rental
automobile and a bequest of $5,000 to his since its purchase. Your mother paid house is depreciated using the straight-line
church, your father’s will named your mother one-third of the purchase price, or method over a 40-year recovery period. They
and his brother as beneficiaries. $30,000, and your father paid $60,000. allocated $15,000 of the cost to the land (which
After the court has approved your appoint- They owned the property, however, as is never depreciable) and $75,000 to the rental
ment as the executor, you should obtain an joint tenants with right of survivorship. An house. Salvage value was disregarded for the
employer identification number for the estate. appraiser valued the property at $120,000. depreciation computation. Before 2008,
(See Duties under Personal Representatives, You include $60,000, one-half of the $23,359 had been allowed as depreciation. (For
earlier.) Next, you use Form 56 to notify the value, in your father’s gross estate be- information on ADS, see Publication 946.)
Internal Revenue Service that you have been cause your parents owned the property as
appointed executor of your father’s estate. joint tenants with right of survivorship and Deductions. During the year, you received a
they were the only joint tenants. bill from the hospital for $615 and bills from your
Assets of the estate. Your father had the fol- father’s doctors totaling $475. You paid these
lowing assets when he died. Your mother also gave you a Form W-2, bills as they were presented. In addition, you find
Wage and Tax Statement, that your father’s other bills from his doctors totaling $185 that
• His checking account balance was $2,550
employer had sent. In examining it, you discover your father paid in 2008 and receipts for pre-
and his savings account balance was
that your father had been paid $11,000 in salary scribed drugs he purchased totaling $536. The
between January 1, 2008, and April 9, 2008 (the funeral home presented you a bill for $6,890 for
• Your father inherited your parents’ home date he died). The Form W-2 showed $11,000 in the expenses of your father’s funeral, which you
from his parents on March 5, 1979. At that box 1 and $23,000 ($11,000 + $12,000) in boxes paid.
time it was worth $42,000, but was ap- 3 and 5. The Form W-2 indicated $845 as fed- The medical expenses you paid from the
praised at the time of your father’s death eral income tax withheld in box 2. The estate estate’s funds ($615 and $475) were for your
at $150,000. The home was free of ex- received a Form 1099-MISC from the employer father’s care and were paid within 1 year after
isting debts (or mortgages) at the time of showing $12,000 in box 3. The estate received a his death. They will not be used to figure the
his death. Form 1099-INT for your father showing he was taxable estate so you can treat them as having

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been paid by your father when he received the (2)(b) on line 20c. The total depreciation deduc- Deductions. In November 2008, you re-
medical services. See Medical Expenses under tion allowed for the year is $2,097. ceived a bill for the real estate taxes on your
Final Return for Decedent, earlier. However, you parents’ home. The bill was for $2,250, which
Filing status. After December 31, 2008, when
cannot deduct the funeral expenses either on you paid. Include real estate taxes on line 11
your mother determines the amount of her in-
your father’s final return or on the estate’s in- (Form 1041). Real estate tax on the rental prop-
come, you and your mother must decide
come tax return. They are deductible only on the erty was $700; this amount, however, is re-
whether you will file a joint return or separate
federal estate tax return (Form 706). flected on Schedule E (Form 1040).
returns for your parents for 2008. Your mother
In addition, after going over other receipts You paid $325 for attorney’s fees in connec-
has rental income and $400 of interest income
and canceled checks for the tax year with your tion with administration of the estate. This is an
from her savings account at the Mayflower Bank
mother, you determine that the following items expense of administration and is deducted on
of Juneville, so it appears to be to her advantage
are deductible on your parents’ 2008 income tax line 14 (Form 1041). You must, however, file
to file a joint return.
return. with the return a statement in duplicate that such
Tax computation. The illustrations of Form expense has not been claimed as a deduction
Health insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,250 1040 and related schedules appear near the from the gross estate for figuring the federal
State income tax paid . . . . . . . . . . . . 891 end of this publication. These illustrations are estate tax on Form 706, and that all rights to
Real estate tax on home . . . . . . . . . . . 2,600 based on information in this example. The tax claim that deduction on Form 706 are waived.
Contributions to church . . . . . . . . . . . 3,830
refund is $482. The computation is as follows:
Distributions. You made a distribution of
Rental expenses included real estate taxes $2,000 to your father’s brother, James. The dis-
of $700 and mortgage interest of $410. In addi- tribution was made from current income of the
Salary (per Form W-2) . . . . $11,000
tion, insurance premiums of $260 and painting Interest income . . . . . . . 3,140 estate under the terms of the will.
and repair expenses for $350 were paid. These Net rental income . . . . . 8,183 The income distribution deduction ($2,000)
rental expenses totaled $1,720. Adjusted gross income . . . . $22,323 is figured on Schedule B of Form 1041 and
Your mother and father owned the property Minus: Itemized deductions 11,708 deducted on line 18 (Form 1041).
as joint tenants with right of survivorship and Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,615 You characterized the $2,000 that is in-
they were the only joint tenants, so her basis in Minus: Exemptions (2) . . 7,000
cluded in income and reported it on Schedule
this property upon your father’s death is Taxable income . . . . . . . . $3,615
K-1 (Form 1041) as follows:
$93,047. This is figured by adding the $60,000
Income tax from tax table $363
value of the half interest included in your father’s Minus: Tax withheld . . . . $845 Step 1
gross estate to your mother’s $45,000 share of Refund of taxes . . . . . . . $482 Allocation of Income & Deductions
the cost basis and subtracting your mother’s
$11,953 share of depreciation (including 2008 Type of Distributable
depreciation for the period before your father’s Income Tax Return Income Amount Deductions Net Income
death), as explained next. of an Estate—Form 1041 Interest
(15%) $ 2,250 (386) $ 1,864
For 2008, you must make the following com-
putations to figure the depreciation deduction. The illustrations of Form 1041 and the related Dividends
(5%) 750 (129) 621
schedules for 2008 appear near the end of this
1. For the period before your father’s death, Other
publication. These illustrations are based on the Income
depreciate the property using the same information that follows. (80%) 12,000 (2,060) 9,940
method, basis, and life used by your par- Total $15,000 (2,575) $12,425
ents in previous years. They used the 2008 income tax return. Having determined
mid-month convention, so the amount de- the tax liability for your father’s final return, you
Step 2
ductible for three and a half months is now figure the estate’s taxable income. You
Allocation of Distribution
$547. (This brings the total depreciation to decide to use the calendar year and the cash (Report on the Schedule K-1 for James)
$23,906 ($23,359 + $547) at the time of method of accounting to report the estate’s in-
your father’s death.) come. This return also is due by April 15, 2009. Line 1 – Interest
In addition to the amount you received from $2,000 × (1,864 ÷ 12,425) ........ $300
2. For the period after your father’s death, your father’s employer for unpaid salary and for Line 2b – Total dividends
you must make two computations. vacation pay ($12,000) entered on line 8 (Form $2,000 × (621 ÷ 12,425) . ........ 100
1041), you received a dividend check from the Line 5 – Other income
a. Your mother’s cost basis ($45,000) mi- $2,000 × (9,940 ÷12,425) ........ 1,600
XYZ Company on June 17, 2008. The check
nus one-half of the amount allocated to Total Distribution . . . . . . ........ $2,000
was for $750 and you enter it on line 2a (Form
the land ($7,500) is her depreciable ba-
1041). The amount is a qualified dividend and The estate took an income distribution de-
sis ($37,500) for half of the property.
you show the allocation to the beneficiaries and duction, so you must prepare Schedule I (Form
She continues to use the same life and
the estate on line 2b. The amount allocated to 1041), Alternative Minimum Tax, regardless of
depreciation method as was originally
the beneficiary ($121) is based on the distributa- whether the estate is liable for the alternative
used for the property. The amount de-
ble dividend income before any deductions. The minimum tax.
ductible for the remaining eight and a
estate received a Form 1099-INT showing The other distribution you made out of the
half months is $664.
$2,250 interest paid by the bank on the savings assets of the estate in 2008 was the transfer of
b. The other half of the property must be account in 2008 after your father died. Show this the automobile to your mother on July 1. This is
depreciated using a depreciation amount on line 1 (Form 1041). included in the bequest of property, so it is not
method that is acceptable for property In September, a local coin collector offered taken into account in computing the distributions
placed in service in 2008. You chose to you $3,000 for your father’s coin collection. Your of income to the beneficiary. The life insurance
use ADS with the mid-month conven- mother was not interested in keeping the collec- proceeds of $275,000 paid directly to your
tion. The value included in the estate tion, so you accepted the offer and sold him the mother by the insurance company are not an
($60,000) less the value allocable to the collection on September 23, 2008. asset of the estate.
land ($10,000) is the depreciable basis You will have to report the sale on Schedule
($50,000) for this half of the property. D (Form 1041) when you file the income tax Tax computation. The taxable income of
The amount deductible for this half of return of the estate. The estate has a capital the estate for 2008 is $10,025, figured as fol-
the property is $886 ($50,000 × gain of $200 from the sale of the coins. The gain lows:
.01771). See chapter 4 and Table A-13 is the excess of the sale price, $3,000, over the
Gross income:
in Publication 946. value of the collection at the date of your father’s Income in respect of a decedent . . . . $12,000
death, $2,800. See Gain (or loss) from sale of Dividends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750
Show the total of the amounts in (1) and property under Income Tax Return of an Es- Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,250
(2)(a), above, on line 17 of Form 4562, Depreci- tate — Form 1041 and its discussion, Income To Capital gain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
ation and Amortization. Show the amount in Include, earlier. $15,200

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198 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

Minus: Deductions and income list $1,650 as the balance of the expense of Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
distribution administering the estate. $850
Real estate taxes . . . . . . . . $2,250 You advise the court that you plan to pay Less deductions:
Attorney’s fee . . . . . . . . . . 325 Administration expense . . . . . . . . . . $1,650
$5,000 to Hometown Church under the provi-
Exemption . . . . . . . . . . . . 600 Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ($800)
Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 5,175
sions of the will, and that you will distribute the
Taxable income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,025 balance of the property to your mother, the re-
Note that because the contribution of $5,000 to
maining beneficiary.
The estate had a net capital gain, which Hometown Church was not required under the
includes 28% rate gain, and taxable income, so Gross income. After making the distribu- terms of the will to be paid out of the gross
you use the Schedule D Tax Worksheet to figure tions already described, you can wind up the income of the estate, it is not deductible and was
the tax, $2,418, for 2008. affairs of the estate. The gross income of the not included in the computation.
estate for 2009 is more than $600, so you must The estate had no distributable net income in
Note. For purpose of this example, we have file a final income tax return, Form 1041, for 2009, so none of the distributions made to your
illustrated the filled-in worksheet. You would not 2009 (not shown). The estate’s gross income for mother have to be included in her gross income.
file the worksheet with the return. You would 2009 is $850 (dividends $500 and interest Furthermore, because the estate in the year of
keep the worksheet for your records. $350). termination had deductions in excess of its
2009 income tax return for estate. On Janu- gross income, the excess of $800 will be allowed
Deductions. After making the following
ary 7, 2009, you receive a dividend check from as a miscellaneous itemized deduction subject
computations, you determine that none of the
the XYZ Company for $500. You also have inter- to the 2%-of-adjusted-gross-income limit to your
distributions made to your mother must be in-
est posted to the savings account in January mother on her individual return for the year
cluded in her taxable income for 2009.
totaling $350. On January 28, 2009, you make a 2009, if she itemizes deductions.
final accounting to the court and obtain permis- Gross income for 2009:
sion to close the estate. In the accounting, you Dividends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $500

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DECEASED John R. Smith -- April 6, 2008

Department of the Treasury—Internal Revenue Service


U.S. Individual Income Tax Return (99) IRS Use Only—Do not write or staple in this space.
For the year Jan. 1–Dec. 31, 2008, or other tax year beginning , 2008, ending , 20 OMB No. 1545-0074
Label Your first name and initial Last name Your social security number
(See L John R. Smith 234 00 7890
instructions A
B If a joint return, spouse’s first name and initial Last name Spouse’s social security number
on page 14.)
Use the IRS L Mary L. Smith 567 00 0123
label. Home address (number and street). If you have a P.O. box, see page 14. Apt. no.
Otherwise, H
E 6406 Mayflower St.
 You must enter
your SSN(s) above. 
please print R
or type. E City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code. If you have a foreign address, see page 14.
Checking a box below will not
Presidential Juneville, ME 00000 change your tax or refund.
Election Campaign  Check here if you, or your spouse if filing jointly, want $3 to go to this fund (see page 14)  You Spouse
1 Single 4 Head of household (with qualifying person). (See page 15.) If
Filing Status 2  Married filing jointly (even if only one had income) the qualifying person is a child but not your dependent, enter
Check only 3 Married filing separately. Enter spouse’s SSN above this child’s name here. 
one box. and full name here.  5 Qualifying widow(er) with dependent child (see page 16)

Boxes checked
6a Yourself. If someone can claim you as a dependent, do not check box 6a on 6a and 6b 2
Exemptions b  Spouse No. of children
(3) Dependent’s (4) if qualifying on 6c who:
c Dependents: (2) Dependent’s
relationship to child for child tax ● lived with you
(1) First name Last name social security number
you credit (see page 17) ● did not live with
you due to divorce
or separation
If more than four (see page 18)
dependents, see Dependents on 6c
page 17. not entered above
Add numbers on 2
d Total number of exemptions claimed lines above 

7 Wages, salaries, tips, etc. Attach Form(s) W-2 7 11,000

Income 8a Taxable interest. Attach Schedule B if required 8a 3,140
Attach Form(s) b Tax-exempt interest. Do not include on line 8a 8b
W-2 here. Also 9a Ordinary dividends. Attach Schedule B if required 9a
attach Forms 9b
b Qualified dividends (see page 21)
W-2G and
1099-R if tax 10 Taxable refunds, credits, or offsets of state and local income taxes (see page 22) 10
was withheld. 11 Alimony received 11
12 Business income or (loss). Attach Schedule C or C-EZ 12
13 Capital gain or (loss). Attach Schedule D if required. If not required, check here  13
If you did not 14 Other gains or (losses). Attach Form 4797 14
get a W-2, 15a IRA distributions 15a b Taxable amount (see page 23) 15b
see page 21.
16a Pensions and annuities 16a b Taxable amount (see page 24) 16b
Enclose, but do 17 Rental real estate, royalties, partnerships, S corporations, trusts, etc. Attach Schedule E 17 8,183
not attach, any 18 Farm income or (loss). Attach Schedule F 18
payment. Also, 19
please use 19 Unemployment compensation
Form 1040-V. 20a Social security benefits 20a b Taxable amount (see page 26) 20b
21 Other income. List type and amount (see page 28) 21
22 Add the amounts in the far right column for lines 7 through 21. This is your total income  22 22,323
23 Educator expenses (see page 28) 23
Adjusted 24 Certain business expenses of reservists, performing artists, and
Gross fee-basis government officials. Attach Form 2106 or 2106-EZ 24
Income 25 Health savings account deduction. Attach Form 8889 25
26 Moving expenses. Attach Form 3903 26
27 One-half of self-employment tax. Attach Schedule SE 27
28 Self-employed SEP, SIMPLE, and qualified plans 28
29 Self-employed health insurance deduction (see page 29) 29
30 Penalty on early withdrawal of savings 30
31a Alimony paid b Recipient’s SSN  31a
32 IRA deduction (see page 30) 32
33 Student loan interest deduction (see page 33) 33
34 Tuition and fees deduction. Attach Form 8917 34
35 Domestic production activities deduction. Attach Form 8903 35
36 Add lines 23 through 31a and 32 through 35 36
37 Subtract line 36 from line 22. This is your adjusted gross income  37 22,323
For Disclosure, Privacy Act, and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 88. Cat. No. 11320B Form 1040 (2008)

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Form 1040 (2008) Page 2

Tax 38 Amount from line 37 (adjusted gross income) 38 22,323
39a Check
if:  You were born before January 2, 1944,
Spouse was born before January 2, 1944, 
Blind. Total boxes
Blind. checked  39a
b If your spouse itemizes on a separate return or you were a dual-status alien, see page 34 and check here  39b
Standard c Check if standard deduction includes real estate taxes or disaster loss (see page 34)  39c
Deduction 40 Itemized deductions (from Schedule A) or your standard deduction (see left margin) 40 11,708
41 Subtract line 40 from line 38 41 10,615
● People who
checked any 42 If line 38 is over $119,975, or you provided housing to a Midwestern displaced individual, see
box on line 42 7,000
39a, 39b, or page 36. Otherwise, multiply $3,500 by the total number of exemptions claimed on line 6d
39c or who 43 Taxable income. Subtract line 42 from line 41. If line 42 is more than line 41, enter -0- 43 3,615
can be 363
claimed as a 44 Tax (see page 36). Check if any tax is from: a Form(s) 8814 b Form 4972 44
dependent, 45 Alternative minimum tax (see page 39). Attach Form 6251 45
see page 34.
46 Add lines 44 and 45  46 363
● All others:
Single or 47 Foreign tax credit. Attach Form 1116 if required 47
Married filing 48 Credit for child and dependent care expenses. Attach Form 2441 48
$5,450 49 Credit for the elderly or the disabled. Attach Schedule R 49
Married filing 50 Education credits. Attach Form 8863 50
jointly or 51 Retirement savings contributions credit. Attach Form 8880 51
widow(er), 52 Child tax credit (see page 42). Attach Form 8901 if required 52
$10,900 53 Credits from Form: a 8396 b 8839 c 5695 53
Head of 54 Other credits from Form: a 3800 b 8801 c 54
$8,000 55 Add lines 47 through 54. These are your total credits 55
56 Subtract line 55 from line 46. If line 55 is more than line 46, enter -0-  56 363
57 Self-employment tax. Attach Schedule SE 57
Other 58
58 Unreported social security and Medicare tax from Form: a 4137 b 8919
Taxes 59
59 Additional tax on IRAs, other qualified retirement plans, etc. Attach Form 5329 if required
60 Additional taxes: a AEIC payments b Household employment taxes. Attach Schedule H 60
61 Add lines 56 through 60. This is your total tax  61 363
Payments 62 Federal income tax withheld from Forms W-2 and 1099 62 845
63 2008 estimated tax payments and amount applied from 2007 return 63
If you have a 64a Earned income credit (EIC) 64a
child, attach b Nontaxable combat pay election 64b
Schedule EIC. 65 Excess social security and tier 1 RRTA tax withheld (see page 61) 65
66 Additional child tax credit. Attach Form 8812 66
67 Amount paid with request for extension to file (see page 61) 67
68 Credits from Form: a 2439 b 4136 c 8801 d 8885 68
69 First-time homebuyer credit. Attach Form 5405 69
70 Recovery rebate credit (see worksheet on pages 62 and 63) 70
71 Add lines 62 through 70. These are your total payments  71 845
Refund 72 If line 71 is more than line 61, subtract line 61 from line 71. This is the amount you overpaid 72 482
Direct deposit? 73a Amount of line 72 you want refunded to you. If Form 8888 is attached, check here  73a 482
See page 63  b Routing number  c Type: Checking Savings
and fill in 73b,
 d Account number
73c, and 73d,
or Form 8888. 74 Amount of line 72 you want applied to your 2009 estimated tax  74
Amount 75 Amount you owe. Subtract line 71 from line 61. For details on how to pay, see page 65  75
You Owe 76 Estimated tax penalty (see page 65) 76
Do you want to allow another person to discuss this return with the IRS (see page 66)? Yes. Complete the following. No
Third Party
Designee’s Phone Personal identification
Designee name  no.  ( ) number (PIN) 
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return and accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and
Sign belief, they are true, correct, and complete. Declaration of preparer (other than taxpayer) is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge.

Your signature Date Your occupation Daytime phone number
Joint return?
See page 15. Charles R. Smith, Executor 3-25-09 ( )
Keep a copy Spouse’s signature. If a joint return, both must sign. Date Spouse’s occupation
for your
records. Mary L. Smith 3-25-09
Paid Preparer’s
signature  Date
Check if
Preparer’s SSN or PTIN

Use Only
Firm’s name (or
yours if self-employed),
address, and ZIP code
Phone no. ( )
Form 1040 (2008)

Page 28 Publication 559 (2008)

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P U B L I C AT I O N 5 5 9 201

SCHEDULES A&B OMB No. 1545-0074

Schedule A—Itemized Deductions
(Form 1040)
Department of the Treasury
(Schedule B is on back) 2008
Internal Revenue Service (99)  Attach to Form 1040.  See Instructions for Schedules A&B (Form 1040). Sequence No. 07
Name(s) shown on Form 1040 Your social security number
John R. (Deceased) & Mary L. Smith 234 00 7890
Medical Caution. Do not include expenses reimbursed or paid by others.
and 1 Medical and dental expenses (see page A-1) 1 6,061
Dental 2 Enter amount from Form 1040, line 38 2 22,323
Expenses 3 Multiply line 2 by 7.5% (.075) 3 1,674
4 Subtract line 3 from line 1. If line 3 is more than line 1, enter -0- 4 4,387
Taxes You 5 State and local (check only one box):
a  Income taxes, or
(See b General sales taxes
 5 891

page A-2.) 6 Real estate taxes (see page A-5) 6 2,600

7 Personal property taxes 7
8 Other taxes. List type and amount 
9 Add lines 5 through 8 9 3,491
Interest 10 Home mortgage interest and points reported to you on Form 1098 10
You Paid 11 Home mortgage interest not reported to you on Form 1098. If paid
(See to the person from whom you bought the home, see page A-6
page A-5.) and show that person’s name, identifying no., and address 

Note. 11
12 Points not reported to you on Form 1098. See page A-6
interest is
for special rules 12
deductible. 13 Qualified mortgage insurance premiums (see page A-6) 13
14 Investment interest. Attach Form 4952 if required. (See
page A-6.) 14
15 Add lines 10 through 14 15
Gifts to 16 Gifts by cash or check. If you made any gift of $250 or
Charity more, see page A-7 16 3,830
If you made a 17 Other than by cash or check. If any gift of $250 or more,
gift and got a see page A-8. You must attach Form 8283 if over $500 17
benefit for it, 18 18
Carryover from prior year
see page A-7.
19 Add lines 16 through 18 19 3,830
Casualty and
Theft Losses 20 Casualty or theft loss(es). Attach Form 4684. (See page A-8.) 20
Job Expenses 21 Unreimbursed employee expenses—job travel, union dues, job
and Certain education, etc. Attach Form 2106 or 2106-EZ if required. (See page
Miscellaneous A-9.)  21
Deductions 22 Tax preparation fees 22
(See 23 Other expenses—investment, safe deposit box, etc. List type and
page A-9.) amount 
24 Add lines 21 through 23 24
25 Enter amount from Form 1040, line 38 25
26 Multiply line 25 by 2% (.02) 26
27 Subtract line 26 from line 24. If line 26 is more than line 24, enter -0- 27
Other 28 Other—from list on page A-10. List type and amount 
Deductions 28
Total 29 Is Form 1040, line 38, over $159,950 (over $79,975 if married filing separately)?
 No. Your deduction is not limited. Add the amounts in the far right column for

Deductions lines 4 through 28. Also, enter this amount on Form 1040, line 40.  29 11,708
Yes. Your deduction may be limited. See page A-10 for the amount to enter.
30 If you elect to itemize deductions even though they are less than your standard
deduction, check here 

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see Form 1040 instructions. Cat. No. 11330X Schedule A (Form 1040) 2008

Publication 559 (2008) Page 29

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202 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

Schedules A&B (Form 1040) 2008 OMB No. 1545-0074 Page 2

Name(s) shown on Form 1040. Do not enter name and social security number if shown on other side. Your social security number

Schedule B—Interest and Ordinary Dividends Sequence No. 08
1 List name of payer. If any interest is from a seller-financed mortgage and the
Part I buyer used the property as a personal residence, see page B-1 and list this
Interest interest first. Also, show that buyer’s social security number and address 
(See page B-1
and the
instructions for First S&L of Juneville 1,900
Form 1040,
line 8a.)
Mayflower Bank of Juneville 400
Series EE U.S. Savings Bonds -- Interest
Note. If you includible Before Decedent’s Death 840
received a Form
1099-INT, Form
1099-OID, or
statement from
a brokerage firm,
list the firm’s
name as the
payer and enter
the total interest
shown on that 2 Add the amounts on line 1 2 3,140
3 Excludable interest on series EE and I U.S. savings bonds issued after 1989.
Attach Form 8815 3 -0-
4 Subtract line 3 from line 2. Enter the result here and on Form 1040, line 8a  4 3,140
Note. If line 4 is over $1,500, you must complete Part III. Amount
5 List name of payer 
Part II
(See page B-1
and the
instructions for
Form 1040,
line 9a.)

Note. If you 5
received a Form
1099-DIV or
statement from
a brokerage firm,
list the firm’s
name as the
payer and enter
the ordinary
dividends shown
on that form.

6 Add the amounts on line 5. Enter the total here and on Form 1040, line 9a  6
Note. If line 6 is over $1,500, you must complete Part III.
You must complete this part if you (a) had over $1,500 of taxable interest or ordinary dividends; or (b) had Yes No
Part III a foreign account; or (c) received a distribution from, or were a grantor of, or a transferor to, a foreign trust.
Foreign 7a At any time during 2008, did you have an interest in or a signature or other authority over a financial
Accounts account in a foreign country, such as a bank account, securities account, or other financial account?
See page B-2 for exceptions and filing requirements for Form TD F 90-22.1 
and Trusts
b If “Yes,” enter the name of the foreign country 
page B-2.) 8 During 2008, did you receive a distribution from, or were you the grantor of, or transferor to, a
foreign trust? If “Yes,” you may have to file Form 3520. See page B-2 
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see Form 1040 instructions. Schedule B (Form 1040) 2008

Page 30 Publication 559 (2008)

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P U B L I C AT I O N 5 5 9 203

SCHEDULE E OMB No. 1545-0074

Supplemental Income and Loss
(Form 1040)
Department of the Treasury
(From rental real estate, royalties, partnerships,
S corporations, estates, trusts, REMICs, etc.) 2008
Internal Revenue Service (99) Attach to Form 1040, 1040NR, or Form 1041. See Instructions for Schedule E (Form 1040). Sequence No. 13
Name(s) shown on return Your social security number
John R. (Deceased) & Mary L. Smith 234 00 7890
Part I Income or Loss From Rental Real Estate and Royalties Note. If you are in the business of renting personal property, use
Schedule C or C-EZ (see page E-3). If you are an individual, report farm rental income or loss from Form 4835 on page 2, line 40.
1 List the type and address of each rental real estate property: 2 For each rental real estate property Yes No
House, 137 Main Street listed on line 1, did you or your family
A use it during the tax year for personal
Juneville, ME 00000 purposes for more than the greater of: A 
B ● 14 days or
● 10% of the total days rented at B
C fair rental value?
(See page E-3) C
Properties Totals
Income: (Add columns A, B, and C.)
3 Rents received 3 12,000 3 12,000
4 Royalties received 4 4
5 Advertising 5
6 Auto and travel (see page E-4) 6
7 Cleaning and maintenance 7
8 Commissions 8
9 Insurance 9 260
10 Legal and other professional fees 10
11 Management fees 11
12 Mortgage interest paid to banks,
etc. (see page E-5) 12 410 12 410
13 Other interest 13
14 Repairs 14 350
15 Supplies 15
16 Taxes 16 700
17 Utilities 17
18 Other (list) 


19 Add lines 5 through 18 19 1,720 19 1,720

20 Depreciation expense or depletion
(see page E-5) 20 2,097 20 2,097
21 Total expenses. Add lines 19 and 20 21 3,817
22 Income or (loss) from rental real
estate or royalty properties.
Subtract line 21 from line 3 (rents)
or line 4 (royalties). If the result is a
(loss), see page E-5 to find out if
you must file Form 6198 22 8,183
23 Deductible rental real estate loss.
Caution. Your rental real estate
loss on line 22 may be limited. See
page E-5 to find out if you must
f i l e Form 8582. Real estate
professionals must complete line
43 on page 2 23 ( ) ( ) ( )
24 Income. Add positive amounts shown on line 22. Do not include any losses 24 8,183
25 Losses. Add royalty losses from line 22 and rental real estate losses from line 23. Enter total losses here. 25 ( )
26 Total rental real estate and royalty income or (loss). Combine lines 24 and 25. Enter the result here.
If Parts II, III, IV, and line 40 on page 2 do not apply to you, also enter this amount on Form 1040,
line 17, or Form 1040NR, line 18. Otherwise, include this amount in the total on line 41 on page 2 26 8,183
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page E-8 of the instructions. Cat. No. 11344L Schedule E (Form 1040) 2008

Publication 559 (2008) Page 31

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204 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

Depreciation and Amortization

Form 4562 (Including Information on Listed Property)
OMB No. 1545-0172

Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
(99)  See separate instructions.  Attach to your tax return. Sequence No. 67
Name(s) shown on return Business or activity to which this form relates Identifying number
John R. (Deceased) & Mary L. Smith 234-00-7890
Part I Election To Expense Certain Property Under Section 179
Note: If you have any listed property, complete Part V before you complete Part I.
1 Maximum amount. See the instructions for a higher limit for certain businesses 1 $250,000
2 Total cost of section 179 property placed in service (see instructions) 2
3 Threshold cost of section 179 property before reduction in limitation (see instructions) 3 $800,000
4 Reduction in limitation. Subtract line 3 from line 2. If zero or less, enter -0- 4
5 Dollar limitation for tax year. Subtract line 4 from line 1. If zero or less, enter -0-. If married filing
separately, see instructions 5
(a) Description of property (b) Cost (business use only) (c) Elected cost

7 Listed property. Enter the amount from line 29 7

8 Total elected cost of section 179 property. Add amounts in column (c), lines 6 and 7 8
9 Tentative deduction. Enter the smaller of line 5 or line 8 9
10 Carryover of disallowed deduction from line 13 of your 2007 Form 4562 10
11 Business income limitation. Enter the smaller of business income (not less than zero) or line 5 (see instructions) 11
12 Section 179 expense deduction. Add lines 9 and 10, but do not enter more than line 11 12
13 Carryover of disallowed deduction to 2009. Add lines 9 and 10, less line 12  13
Note: Do not use Part II or Part III below for listed property. Instead, use Part V.
Part II Special Depreciation Allowance and Other Depreciation (Do not include listed property.) (See instructions.)
14 Special depreciation allowance for qualified property (other than listed property) placed in service
during the tax year (see instructions) 14
15 Property subject to section 168(f)(1) election 15
16 Other depreciation (including ACRS) 16
Part III MACRS Depreciation (Do not include listed property.) (See instructions.)
Section A
17 MACRS deductions for assets placed in service in tax years beginning before 2008 17 1,211
18 If you are electing to group any assets placed in service during the tax year into one or more
general asset accounts, check here 
Section B—Assets Placed in Service During 2008 Tax Year Using the General Depreciation System
(b) Month and (c) Basis for depreciation
(d) Recovery
(a) Classification of property year placed in (business/investment use (e) Convention (f) Method (g) Depreciation deduction
service only—see instructions)
19a 3-year property
b 5-year property
c 7-year property
d 10-year property
e 15-year property
f 20-year property
g 25-year property 25 yrs. S/L
h Residential rental 27.5 yrs. MM S/L
property 27.5 yrs. MM S/L
i Nonresidential real 39 yrs. MM S/L
property MM S/L
Section C—Assets Placed in Service During 2008 Tax Year Using the Alternative Depreciation System
20a Class life S/L
b 12-year 12 yrs. S/L
c 40-year 7-94 50,000 40 yrs. MM S/L 886
Part IV Summary (See instructions.)
21 Listed property. Enter amount from line 28 21
22 Total. Add amounts from line 12, lines 14 through 17, lines 19 and 20 in column (g), and line 21.
Enter here and on the appropriate lines of your return. Partnerships and S corporations—see instr. 22 2,097
23 For assets shown above and placed in service during the current year,
enter the portion of the basis attributable to section 263A costs 23
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions. Cat. No. 12906N Form 4562 (2008)

Page 32 Publication 559 (2008)

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P U B L I C AT I O N 5 5 9 205

Form 1041 (2004) Page 2

Schedule A Charitable Deduction. Do not complete for a simple trust or a pooled income fund.
1 Amounts paid or permanently set aside for charitable purposes from gross income (see page 20) 1
2 Tax-exempt income allocable to charitable contributions (see page 20 of the instructions) 2
3 Subtract line 2 from line 1 3
4 Capital gains for the tax year allocated to corpus and paid or permanently set aside for charitable purposes 4
5 Add lines 3 and 4 5
6 Section 1202 exclusion allocable to capital gains paid or permanently set aside for charitable
purposes (see page 20 of the instructions) 6
7 Charitable deduction. Subtract line 6 from line 5. Enter here and on page 1, line 13 7
Schedule B Income Distribution Deduction
1 Adjusted total income (see page 21 of the instructions) 1 12,625
2 Adjusted tax-exempt interest 2
3 Total net gain from Schedule D (Form 1041), line 15, column (1) (see page 21 of the instructions) 3
4 Enter amount from Schedule A, line 4 (reduced by any allocable section 1202 exclusion) 4
5 Capital gains for the tax year included on Schedule A, line 1 (see page 21 of the instructions) 5
6 Enter any gain from page 1, line 4, as a negative number. If page 1, line 4, is a loss, enter the
loss as a positive number 6 (200)
7 Distributable net income (DNI). Combine lines 1 through 6. If zero or less, enter -0- 7 12,425
8 If a complex trust, enter accounting income for the tax year as
determined under the governing instrument and applicable local law 8
9 Income required to be distributed currently 9
10 Other amounts paid, credited, or otherwise required to be distributed 10 2,000
11 Total distributions. Add lines 9 and 10. If greater than line 8, see page 22 of the instructions 11 2,000
12 Enter the amount of tax-exempt income included on line 11 12
13 Tentative income distribution deduction. Subtract line 12 from line 11 13 2,000
14 Tentative income distribution deduction. Subtract line 2 from line 7. If zero or less, enter -0- 14 12,425
15 Income distribution deduction. Enter the smaller of line 13 or line 14 here and on page 1, line 18 15 2,000
Schedule G Tax Computation (see page 22 of the instructions)
1 Tax: a Tax on taxable income (see page 22 of the instructions) 1a 2,502
b Tax on lump-sum distributions (attach Form 4972) 1b
c Alternative minimum tax (from Schedule I, line 56) 1c
d Total. Add lines 1a through 1c 䊳 1d 2,502
2a Foreign tax credit (attach Form 1116) 2a
b Other nonbusiness credits (attach schedule) 2b
c General business credit. Enter here and check which forms are attached:
Form 3800 Forms (specify) 䊳 2c
d Credit for prior year minimum tax (attach Form 8801) 2d
3 Total credits. Add lines 2a through 2d 䊳 3
4 Subtract line 3 from line 1d. If zero or less, enter -0- 4 2,502
5 Recapture taxes. Check if from: Form 4255 Form 8611 5 -0-
6 Household employment taxes. Attach Schedule H (Form 1040) 6
7 Total tax. Add lines 4 through 6. Enter here and on page 1, line 23 䊳
2,502 7
Other Information Yes No
1 Did the estate or trust receive tax-exempt income? If “Yes,” attach a computation of the allocation of expenses ⻫
Enter the amount of tax-exempt interest income and exempt-interest dividends 䊳 $
2 Did the estate or trust receive all or any part of the earnings (salary, wages, and other compensation) of any
individual by reason of a contract assignment or similar arrangement? ⻫
3 At any time during calendar year 2004, did the estate or trust have an interest in or a signature or other authority
over a bank, securities, or other financial account in a foreign country?

See page 24 of the instructions for exceptions and filing requirements for Form TD F 90-22.1. If “Yes,” enter
the name of the foreign country 䊳
4 During the tax year, did the estate or trust receive a distribution from, or was it the grantor of, or transferor to,

a foreign trust? If “Yes,” the estate or trust may have to file Form 3520. See page 24 of the instructions
5 Did the estate or trust receive, or pay, any qualified residence interest on seller-provided financing? If “Yes,”

see page 24 for required attachment
6 If this is an estate or a complex trust making the section 663(b) election, check here (see page 24) 䊳
7 To make a section 643(e)(3) election, attach Schedule D (Form 1041), and check here (see page 24) 䊳
8 If the decedent’s estate has been open for more than 2 years, attach an explanation for the delay in closing the estate, and check here 䊳
9 Are any present or future trust beneficiaries skip persons? See page 24 of the instructions ⻫
Form 1041 (2004)

Page 33

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206 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

Form 1041 (2008) Page 2

Schedule A Charitable Deduction. Do not complete for a simple trust or a pooled income fund.
1 Amounts paid or permanently set aside for charitable purposes from gross income (see page 25) 1
2 Tax-exempt income allocable to charitable contributions (see page 25 of the instructions) 2
3 Subtract line 2 from line 1 3
4 Capital gains for the tax year allocated to corpus and paid or permanently set aside for charitable purposes 4
5 Add lines 3 and 4 5
6 Section 1202 exclusion allocable to capital gains paid or permanently set aside for charitable
purposes (see page 25 of the instructions) 6
7 Charitable deduction. Subtract line 6 from line 5. Enter here and on page 1, line 13 7
Schedule B Income Distribution Deduction
1 Adjusted total income (see page 26 of the instructions) 1 12,625
2 Adjusted tax-exempt interest 2
3 Total net gain from Schedule D (Form 1041), line 15, column (1) (see page 26 of the instructions) 3
4 Enter amount from Schedule A, line 4 (minus any allocable section 1202 exclusion) 4
5 Capital gains for the tax year included on Schedule A, line 1 (see page 26 of the instructions) 5
6 Enter any gain from page 1, line 4, as a negative number. If page 1, line 4, is a loss, enter the
loss as a positive number 6 (200)
7 Distributable net income. Combine lines 1 through 6. If zero or less, enter -0- 7 12,425
8 If a complex trust, enter accounting income for the tax year as
determined under the governing instrument and applicable local law 8
9 Income required to be distributed currently 9
10 Other amounts paid, credited, or otherwise required to be distributed 10 2,000
11 Total distributions. Add lines 9 and 10. If greater than line 8, see page 26 of the instructions 11 2,000
12 Enter the amount of tax-exempt income included on line 11 12
13 Tentative income distribution deduction. Subtract line 12 from line 11 13 2,000
14 Tentative income distribution deduction. Subtract line 2 from line 7. If zero or less, enter -0- 14 12,425
15 Income distribution deduction. Enter the smaller of line 13 or line 14 here and on page 1, line 18 15 2,000
Schedule G Tax Computation (see page 27 of the instructions)
1 Tax: a Tax on taxable income (see page 27 of the instructions) 1a 2,418
b Tax on lump-sum distributions. Attach Form 4972 1b
c Alternative minimum tax (from Schedule I (Form 1041), line 56) 1c -0-
d Total. Add lines 1a through 1c  1d 2,418
2a Foreign tax credit. Attach Form 1116 2a
b Other nonbusiness credits (attach schedule) 2b
c General business credit. Attach Form 3800 2c
d Credit for prior year minimum tax. Attach Form 8801 2d
3 Total credits. Add lines 2a through 2d  3
4 Subtract line 3 from line 1d. If zero or less, enter -0-. 4
5 Recapture taxes. Check if from: Form 4255 Form 8611 2,418 5
6 Household employment taxes. Attach Schedule H (Form 1040) -0- 6
7 Total tax. Add lines 4 through 6. Enter here and on page 1, line 23  2,418 7
Other Information Yes No
1 Did the estate or trust receive tax-exempt income? If “Yes,” attach a computation of the allocation of expenses 
Enter the amount of tax-exempt interest income and exempt-interest dividends  $
2 Did the estate or trust receive all or any part of the earnings (salary, wages, and other compensation) of any
individual by reason of a contract assignment or similar arrangement? 
3 At any time during calendar year 2008, did the estate or trust have an interest in or a signature or other authority
over a bank, securities, or other financial account in a foreign country? 
See page 29 of the instructions for exceptions and filing requirements for Form TD F 90-22.1. If “Yes,” enter
the name of the foreign country 
4 During the tax year, did the estate or trust receive a distribution from, or was it the grantor of, or transferor to,
a foreign trust? If “Yes,” the estate or trust may have to file Form 3520. See page 29 of the instructions 
5 Did the estate or trust receive, or pay, any qualified residence interest on seller-provided financing? If “Yes,”
see page 30 for required attachment 
6 If this is an estate or a complex trust making the section 663(b) election, check here (see page 30) 
7 To make a section 643(e)(3) election, attach Schedule D (Form 1041), and check here (see page 30) 
8 If the decedent’s estate has been open for more than 2 years, attach an explanation for the delay in closing the estate, and check here 
9 Are any present or future trust beneficiaries skip persons? See page 30 of the instructions 
Form 1041 (2008)

Page 34 Publication 559 (2008)

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P U B L I C AT I O N 5 5 9 207

SCHEDULE I OMB No. 1545-0092

(Form 1041)
Alternative Minimum Tax—Estates and Trusts
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
 Attach to Form 1041. See the separate instructions
for Schedule I (Form 1041). 2008
Name of estate or trust Employer identification number
Estate of John R. Smith 10 0123456
Part I Estate’s or Trust’s Share of Alternative Minimum Taxable Income
1 Adjusted total income or (loss) (from Form 1041, line 17) 1 12,625
2 Interest 2
3 Taxes 3 2,250
4 Miscellaneous itemized deductions (from Form 1041, line 15b) 4
5 Refund of taxes 5 ( )
6 Depletion (difference between regular tax and AMT) 6
7 Net operating loss deduction. Enter as a positive amount 7
8 Interest from specified private activity bonds exempt from the regular tax 8
9 Qualified small business stock (see page 2 of the instructions) 9
10 Exercise of incentive stock options (excess of AMT income over regular tax income) 10
11 Other estates and trusts (amount from Schedule K-1 (Form 1041), box 12, code A) 11
12 Electing large partnerships (amount from Schedule K-1 (Form 1065-B), box 6) 12
13 Disposition of property (difference between AMT and regular tax gain or loss) 13
14 Depreciation on assets placed in service after 1986 (difference between regular tax and AMT) 14
15 Passive activities (difference between AMT and regular tax income or loss) 15
16 Loss limitations (difference between AMT and regular tax income or loss) 16
17 Circulation costs (difference between regular tax and AMT) 17
18 Long-term contracts (difference between AMT and regular tax income) 18
19 Mining costs (difference between regular tax and AMT) 19
20 Research and experimental costs (difference between regular tax and AMT) 20
21 Income from certain installment sales before January 1, 1987 21 ( )
22 Intangible drilling costs preference 22
23 Other adjustments, including income-based related adjustments 23
24 Alternative tax net operating loss deduction (See the instructions for the limitation that applies.) 24 ( )
25 Adjusted alternative minimum taxable income. Combine lines 1 through 24 25 14,875
Note: Complete Part II below before going to line 26.
26 Income distribution deduction from Part II, line 44 26 2,000
27 Estate tax deduction (from Form 1041, line 19) 27
28 Add lines 26 and 27 28 2,000
29 Estate’s or trust’s share of alternative minimum taxable income. Subtract line 28 from line 25 29 12,875
If line 29 is:
● $22,500 or less, stop here and enter -0- on Form 1041, Schedule G, line 1c. The estate or
trust is not liable for the alternative minimum tax.
● Over $22,500, but less than $165,000, go to line 45.
● $165,000 or more, enter the amount from line 29 on line 51 and go to line 52.
Part II Income Distribution Deduction on a Minimum Tax Basis
30 Adjusted alternative minimum taxable income (see page 6 of the instructions) 30 14,875
31 Adjusted tax-exempt interest (other than amounts included on line 8) 31
32 Total net gain from Schedule D (Form 1041), line 15, column (1). If a loss, enter -0- 32
33 Capital gains for the tax year allocated to corpus and paid or permanently set aside for charitable
purposes (from Form 1041, Schedule A, line 4) 33
34 Capital gains paid or permanently set aside for charitable purposes from gross income (see page
6 of the instructions) 34
35 Capital gains computed on a minimum tax basis included on line 25 35 ( 200 )
36 Capital losses computed on a minimum tax basis included on line 25. Enter as a positive amount 36
37 Distributable net alternative minimum taxable income (DNAMTI). Combine lines 30 through 36.
If zero or less, enter -0- 37 14,675
38 Income required to be distributed currently (from Form 1041, Schedule B, line 9) 38
39 Other amounts paid, credited, or otherwise required to be distributed (from Form 1041, Schedule B, line 10) 39 2,000
40 Total distributions. Add lines 38 and 39 40 2,000
41 Tax-exempt income included on line 40 (other than amounts included on line 8) 41
42 Tentative income distribution deduction on a minimum tax basis. Subtract line 41 from line 40 42 2,000
For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 1041. Cat. No. 51517Q Schedule I (Form 1041) (2008)

Publication 559 (2008) Page 35

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208 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

Schedule I (Form 1041) (2008) Page 2

Part II Income Distribution Deduction on a Minimum Tax Basis (continued)
43 Tentative income distribution deduction on a minimum tax basis. Subtract line 31 from line 37.
If zero or less, enter -0- 43 14,675
44 Income distribution deduction on a minimum tax basis. Enter the smaller of line 42 or
line 43. Enter here and on line 26 44 2,000
Part III Alternative Minimum Tax
45 Exemption amount 45 $22,500 00
46 Enter the amount from line 29 46
47 Phase-out of exemption amount 47 $75,000 00
48 Subtract line 47 from line 46. If zero or less, enter -0- 48
49 Multiply line 48 by 25% (.25) 49
50 Subtract line 49 from line 45. If zero or less, enter -0- 50
51 Subtract line 50 from line 46 51
52 Go to Part IV of Schedule I to figure line 52 if the estate or trust has qualified dividends or has
a gain on lines 14a and 15 of column (2) of Schedule D (Form 1041) (as refigured for the AMT,
if necessary). Otherwise, if line 51 is—
● $175,000 or less, multiply line 51 by 26% (.26).
● Over $175,000, multiply line 51 by 28% (.28) and subtract $3,500 from the result 52
53 Alternative minimum foreign tax credit (see page 7 of the instructions) 53
54 Tentative minimum tax. Subtract line 53 from line 52 54
55 Enter the tax from Form 1041, Schedule G, line 1a (minus any foreign tax credit from Schedule G, line 2a) 55
56 Alternative minimum tax. Subtract line 55 from line 54. If zero or less, enter -0-. Enter here and
on Form 1041, Schedule G, line 1c 56
Part IV Line 52 Computation Using Maximum Capital Gains Rates
Caution: If you did not complete Part V of Schedule D (Form 1041), the Schedule D Tax Worksheet,
or the Qualified Dividends Tax Worksheet, see page 8 of the instructions before completing this part.
57 Enter the amount from line 51 57
58 Enter the amount from Schedule D (Form 1041), line 22, line 13 of the
Schedule D Tax Worksheet, or line 4 of the Qualified Dividends Tax
Worksheet, whichever applies (as refigured for the AMT, if necessary) 58
59 Enter the amount from Schedule D (Form 1041), line 14b, column (2)
(as refigured for the AMT, if necessary). If you did not complete
Schedule D for the regular tax or the AMT, enter -0- 59
60 If you did not complete a Schedule D Tax Worksheet for the regular tax
or the AMT, enter the amount from line 58. Otherwise, add lines 58 and
59 and enter the smaller of that result or the amount from line 10 of
the Schedule D Tax Worksheet (as refigured for the AMT, if necessary) 60
61 Enter the smaller of line 57 or line 60 61
62 Subtract line 61 from line 57 62
63 If line 62 is $175,000 or less, multiply line 62 by 26% (.26). Otherwise, multiply line 62 by
28% (.28) and subtract $3,500 from the result  63
64 Maximum amount subject to the 0% rate 64 $2,200 00
65 Enter the amount from line 23 of Schedule D (Form 1041), line 14 of the
Schedule D Tax Worksheet, or line 5 of the Qualified Dividends Tax
Worksheet on page 27 of the Instructions for Form 1041, whichever applies
(as figured for the regular tax). If you did not complete Schedule D or
either worksheet for the regular tax, enter -0- 65
66 Subtract line 65 from line 64. If zero or less, enter -0- 66
67 Enter the smaller of line 57 or line 58 67
68 Enter the smaller of line 66 or line 67 68
69 Subtract line 68 from line 67 69
70 Multiply line 69 by 15% (.15)  70
If line 59 is zero or blank, skip lines 71 and 72 and go to line 73. Otherwise, go to line 71.
71 Subtract line 67 from line 61 71
72 Multiply line 71 by 25% (.25)  72
73 Add lines 63, 70, and 72 73
74 If line 57 is $175,000 or less, multiply line 57 by 26% (.26). Otherwise, multiply line 57 by
28% (.28) and subtract $3,500 from the result 74
75 Enter the smaller of line 73 or line 74 here and on line 52 75
Schedule I (Form 1041) (2008)

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P U B L I C AT I O N 5 5 9 209

OMB No. 1545-0092

(Form 1041) Capital Gains and Losses
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
 Attach to Form 1041, Form 5227, or Form 990-T. See the separate
instructions for Form 1041 (also for Form 5227 or Form 990-T, if applicable).
Name of estate or trust Employer identification number
Estate of John R. Smith 10 0123456
Note: Form 5227 filers need to complete only Parts I and II.
Part I Short-Term Capital Gains and Losses—Assets Held One Year or Less
(e) Cost or other basis (f) Gain or (loss) for
(a) Description of property (b) Date acquired (c) Date sold (see page 4 of the the entire year
(d) Sales price
(Example: 100 shares 7% preferred of “Z” Co.) (mo., day, yr.) (mo., day, yr.) instructions) Subtract (e) from (d)

b Enter the short-term gain or (loss), if any, from Schedule D-1, line 1b 1b

2 Short-term capital gain or (loss) from Forms 4684, 6252, 6781, and 8824 2

3 Net short-term gain or (loss) from partnerships, S corporations, and other estates or trusts 3
4 Short-term capital loss carryover. Enter the amount, if any, from line 9 of the 2007 Capital Loss
Carryover Worksheet 4 ( )
5 Net short-term gain or (loss). Combine lines 1a through 4 in column (f). Enter here and on line 13,
column (3) on the back  5
Part II Long-Term Capital Gains and Losses—Assets Held More Than One Year
(e) Cost or other basis (f) Gain or (loss) for
(a) Description of property (b) Date acquired (c) Date sold (d) Sales price (see page 4 of the the entire year
(Example: 100 shares 7% preferred of “Z” Co.) (mo., day, yr.) (mo., day, yr.) instructions) Subtract (e) from (d)
Coin Collection 4-9-08 9-23-08 3,000 2,800 200

b Enter the long-term gain or (loss), if any, from Schedule D-1, line 6b 6b

7 Long-term capital gain or (loss) from Forms 2439, 4684, 6252, 6781, and 8824 7

8 Net long-term gain or (loss) from partnerships, S corporations, and other estates or trusts 8

9 Capital gain distributions 9

10 Gain from Form 4797, Part I 10

11 Long-term capital loss carryover. Enter the amount, if any, from line 14 of the 2007 Capital Loss
Carryover Worksheet 11 ( )
12 Net long-term gain or (loss). Combine lines 6a through 11 in column (f). Enter here and on line 14a,
column (3) on the back  12 200
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 1041. Cat. No. 11376V Schedule D (Form 1041) 2008

Publication 559 (2008) Page 37

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210 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

Schedule D (Form 1041) 2008 Page 2

Part III Summary of Parts I and II (1) Beneficiaries’ (2) Estate’s
(3) Total
Caution: Read the instructions before completing this part. (see page 5) or trust’s
13 Net short-term gain or (loss) 13
14 Net long-term gain or (loss):
a Total for year 14a 200 200
b Unrecaptured section 1250 gain (see line 18 of the wrksht.) 14b
c 28% rate gain 14c 200 200
15 Total net gain or (loss). Combine lines 13 and 14a  15 200 200
Note: If line 15, column (3), is a net gain, enter the gain on Form 1041, line 4 (or Form 990-T, Part I, line 4a). If lines 14a and 15, column (2), are
net gains, go to Part V, and do not complete Part IV. If line 15, column (3), is a net loss, complete Part IV and the Capital Loss Carryover
Worksheet, as necessary.
Part IV Capital Loss Limitation
16 Enter here and enter as a (loss) on Form 1041, line 4 (or Form 990-T, Part I, line 4c, if a trust), the smaller of:
a The loss on line 15, column (3) or b $3,000 16 ( )
Note: If the loss on line 15, column (3), is more than $3,000, or if Form 1041, page 1, line 22 (or Form 990-T, line 34), is a loss, complete the Capital
Loss Carryover Worksheet on page 7 of the instructions to figure your capital loss carryover.
Part V Tax Computation Using Maximum Capital Gains Rates
Form 1041 filers. Complete this part only if both lines 14a and 15 in column (2) are gains, or an amount is entered in Part I or Part II and there is an
entry on Form 1041, line 2b(2), and Form 1041, line 22, is more than zero.
Caution: Skip this part and complete the worksheet on page 8 of the instructions if:
● Either line 14b, col. (2) or line 14c, col. (2) is more than zero, or
● Both Form 1041, line 2b(1), and Form 4952, line 4g are more than zero.
Form 990-T trusts. Complete this part only if both lines 14a and 15 are gains, or qualified dividends are included in income in Part I of Form 990-T,
and Form 990-T, line 34, is more than zero. Skip this part and complete the worksheet on page 8 of the instructions if either line 14b, col. (2) or line
14c, col. (2) is more than zero.
17 Enter taxable income from Form 1041, line 22 (or Form 990-T, line 34) 17
18 Enter the smaller of line 14a or 15 in column (2)
but not less than zero 18
19 Enter the estate’s or trust’s qualified dividends from
Form 1041, line 2b(2) (or enter the qualified dividends
included in income in Part I of Form 990-T) 19
20 Add lines 18 and 19 20
21 If the estate or trust is filing Form 4952, enter the
amount from line 4g; otherwise, enter -0-  21
22 Subtract line 21 from line 20. If zero or less, enter -0- 22
23 Subtract line 22 from line 17. If zero or less, enter -0- 23

24 Enter the smaller of the amount on line 17 or $2,200 24

25 Is the amount on line 23 equal to or more than the amount on line 24?
Yes. Skip lines 25 and 26; go to line 27 and check the “No” box.
No. Enter the amount from line 23 25
26 Subtract line 25 from line 24 26
27 Are the amounts on lines 22 and 26 the same?
Yes. Skip lines 27 thru 30; go to line 31. No. Enter the smaller of line 17 or line 22 27

28 Enter the amount from line 26 (If line 26 is blank, enter -0-) 28

29 Subtract line 28 from line 27 29

30 Multiply line 29 by 15% (.15) 30
31 Figure the tax on the amount on line 23. Use the 2008 Tax Rate Schedule for Estates and Trusts (see
the Schedule G instructions) 31

32 Add lines 30 and 31 32

33 Figure the tax on the amount on line 17. Use the 2008 Tax Rate Schedule for Estates and Trusts (see
the Schedule G instructions) 33
34 Tax on all taxable income. Enter the smaller of line 32 or line 33 here and on line 1a of
Schedule G, Form 1041 (or line 36 of Form 990-T) 34
Schedule D (Form 1041) 2008

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P U B L I C AT I O N 5 5 9 211

Final K-1 Amended K-1 OMB No. 1545-0092
Schedule K-1
(Form 1041) 2008 Part III Beneficiary’s Share of Current Year Income,
Deductions, Credits, and Other Items
Department of the Treasury 1 Interest income 11 Final year deductions
Internal Revenue Service For calendar year 2008,
or tax year beginning , 2008, 300
2a Ordinary dividends
and ending , 20
2b Qualified dividends
Beneficiary’s Share of Income, Deductions,
Credits, etc.  See back of form and instructions. 100
3 Net short-term capital gain
Part I Information About the Estate or Trust
A Estate’s or trust’s employer identification number 4a Net long-term capital gain

10-0123456 4b 28% rate gain 12 Alternative minimum tax adjustment

B Estate’s or trust’s name
4c Unrecaptured section 1250 gain

Estate of John R. Smith

Other portfolio and
nonbusiness income
C Fiduciary’s name, address, city, state, and ZIP code 1,600
6 Ordinary business income

Charles R. Smith, Executor 7 Net rental real estate income

6406 Mayflower Street 13 Credits and credit recapture
Juneville, ME 00000
8 Other rental income

9 Directly apportioned deductions

D Check if Form 1041-T was filed and enter the date it was filed
/ / 14 Other information

E Check if this is the final Form 1041 for the estate or trust
10 Estate tax deduction
Part II Information About the Beneficiary
F Beneficiary’s identifying number
G Beneficiary’s name, address, city, state, and ZIP code

James Smith
6407 Mayflower Street
*See attached statement for additional information.
Juneville, ME 00000
Note. A statement must be attached showing the
beneficiary’s share of income and directly apportioned
deductions from each business, rental real estate, and
other rental activity.
For IRS Use Only

H  Domestic beneficiary Foreign beneficiary

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 1041. Cat. No. 11380D Schedule K-1 (Form 1041) 2008

Publication 559 (2008) Page 39

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212 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

Schedule D Tax Worksheet Keep for Your Records

Complete this worksheet only if:

• On Schedule D, line 14b, column (2), or line 14c, column (2), is more than zero, or
• Both line 2b(1) of Form 1041 and line 4g of Form 4952 are more than zero.
Exception: Do not use this worksheet to figure the estate’s or trust’s tax if line 14a, column (2), or line 15, column (2), of Schedule D or Form
1041, line 22 is zero or less; instead, see the instructions for Schedule G, line 1a of Form 1041.
1. Enter the estate’s or trust’s taxable income from Form 1041, line 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 10,025
2. Enter qualified dividends, if any, from Form 1041, line 2b(2) . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 629
3. Enter the amount from Form 4952, line 4g . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.
4. Enter the amount from Form 4952, line 4e* . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.
5. Subtract line 4 from line 3. If zero or less, enter -0- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. -0-
6. Subtract line 5 from line 2. If zero or less, enter -0- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. 629
7. Enter the smaller of line 14a, col. (2) or line 15, col. (2) from Sch. D . . . . . 7. 200
8. Enter the smaller of line 3 or line 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. -0-
9. Subtract line 8 from line 7. If zero or less, enter -0- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. 200
10. Add lines 6 and 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. 829
11. Add lines 14b, column (2) and 14c, column (2) from Schedule D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11. 200
12. Enter the smaller of line 9 or line 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12. 200
13. Subtract line 12 from line 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13. 629
14. Subtract line 13 from line 1. If zero or less, enter -0-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14. 9,396
15. Enter the smaller of line 1 or $2,200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15. 2,200
16. Enter the smaller of line 14 or line 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16. 2,200
17. Subtract line 10 from line 1. If zero or less, enter -0- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17. 9,196
18. Enter the larger of line 16 or line 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18. 9,196
If lines 15 and 16 are the same, skip line 19 and go to line 20. Otherwise,
go to line 19.
19. Subtract line 16 from line 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19.
If lines 1 and 15 are the same, skip lines 20 through 32 and go to line 33. Otherwise, go to line 20.
20. Enter the smaller of line 1 or line 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20. 629
21. Enter the amount from line 19 (if line 19 is blank, enter -0-) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21. -0-
22. Subtract line 21 from line 20. If zero or less, enter -0- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22. 629
23. Multiply line 22 by 15% (.15) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23. 94
If Schedule D, line 14b, column (2) is zero or blank, skip lines 24 through 29 and go to line 30. Otherwise, go to
line 24.
24. Enter the smaller of line 9 (above) or line 14b, col. (2) (from Schedule D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.
25. Add lines 10 and 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.
26. Enter the amount from line 1 above . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.
27. Subtract line 26 from line 25. If zero or less, enter -0- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.
28. Subtract line 27 from line 24. If zero or less, enter -0- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28.
29. Multiply line 28 by 25% (.25) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29.
If Schedule D, line 14c, column (2) is zero or blank, skip lines 30 through 32 and go to line 33. Otherwise, go to
line 30.
30. Add lines 18, 19, 22, and 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. 9,825
31. Subtract line 30 from line 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31. 200
32. Multiply line 31 by 28% (.28) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32. 56
33. Figure the tax on the amount on line 18. Use the 2008 Tax Rate Schedule in the Instructions for Form 1041 . . . . . . . . . . 33. 2,268
34. Add lines 23, 29, 32, and 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34. 2,418
35. Figure the tax on the amount on line 1. Use the 2008 Tax Rate Schedule in the Instructions for Form 1041 . . . . . . . . . . . 35. 2,541
36. Tax on all taxable income (including capital gains and qualified dividends). Enter the smaller of line 34 or line 35
here and on line 1a of Sch. G, Form 1041 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36. 2,418

*If applicable, enter instead the smaller amount entered on the dotted line next to line 4e of Form 4952.

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P U B L I C AT I O N 5 5 9 213

Table A. Checklist of Forms and Due Dates For Executor, Administrator, or Personal Representative
Form No. Title Due Date**
As soon as possible. The identification number must
SS-4 Application for Employer Identification Number be included in returns, statements, and other
56 Notice Concerning Fiduciary Relationship As soon as all necessary information is available.*
United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax
706 9 months after date of decedent’s death.
6 months after cessation or disposition of
706-A United States Additional Estate Tax Return
special-use valuation property.
706-GS(D) Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Return for Distributions See form instructions.
706-GS(D-1) Notification of Distribution From a Generation-Skipping Trust See form instructions.
706-GS(T) Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Return for Terminations See form instructions.
United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax
706-NA Return, Estate of nonresident not a citizen of the United 9 months after date of decedent’s death.
712 Life Insurance Statement Part I to be filed with estate tax return.
1040 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return Generally, April 15th of the year after death.**
1040NR U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return See form instructions.
15th day of 4th month after end of estate’s tax
1041 U.S. Income Tax Return for Estates and Trusts
1041-T Allocation of Estimated Tax Payments to Beneficiaries 65th day after end of estate’s tax year.
Generally, April 15, June 15, Sept. 15, and Jan. 15
1041-ES Estimated Income Tax for Estates and Trusts
for calendar-year filers.**
Annual Withholding Tax Return for U.S. Source Income of
1042 March 15th.**
Foreign Persons
1042-S Foreign Person’s U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding March 15th.**
Application for Extension of Time To File a Return and/or Pay
4768 See form instructions.
U.S. Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Taxes
Request for Prompt Assessment Under Internal Revenue As soon as possible after filing Form 1040 or Form
Code Section 6501(d) 1041.
Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File U.S.
4868 April 15th.**
Individual Income Tax Return
Request for Discharge From Personal Liability Under Internal
5495 See form instructions.
Revenue Code Section 2204 or 6905
Application for Automatic Extension of Time to File Certain 15th day of 4th month after end of estate’s tax
Business Income Tax, Information, and Other Returns year.**
Report of Cash Payments Over $10,000 Received in a Trade
8300 15th day after the date of the transaction.
or Business
8822 Change of Address As soon as the address is changed.
* A personal representative must report the termination of the estate, in writing, to the Internal Revenue Service. Form 56 can be used for this purpose.
** If the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, file on the next business day.

Publication 559 (2008) Page 41

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214 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

Table B. Worksheet To Reconcile Amounts Reported in Name of Decedent

on Information Returns (Forms W-2, 1099-INT, 1099-DIV, etc.) Keep for Your Records

Name of Decedent Date of Death Decedent’s Social Security Number

Name of Personal Representative, Executor, or Administrator Estate’s Employer Identification Number (If Any)

Enter total amount Enter part of Amount Part of column C
shown on amount in reportable on that is income in
Source information return column A estate’s or respect of a
(list each payer) reportable on beneficiary’s decedent
decedent’s final income tax
return return (column A
minus column B)
1. Wages

2. Interest income

3. Dividends

4. State income tax refund

5. Capital gains
6. Pension income

7. Rents, royalties

8. Taxes withheld*

9. Other items, such as social security,

business and farm income or loss,
unemployment compensation, etc.

* List each withholding agent (employer, etc.)

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P U B L I C AT I O N 5 5 9 215

• Download forms, instructions, and publica- date it will be issued, please wait until the
How To Get Tax Help tions. next week before checking back.
• Order IRS products online. • Other refund information. To check the
You can get help with unresolved tax issues, status of a prior year refund or amended
order free publications and forms, ask tax ques- • Research your tax questions online. return refund, call 1-800-829-1954.
tions, and get information from the IRS in sev- • Search publications online by topic or
eral ways. By selecting the method that is best keyword. Evaluating the quality of our telephone
for you, you will have quick and easy access to services. To ensure IRS representatives give
tax help. • View Internal Revenue Bulletins (IRBs) accurate, courteous, and professional answers,
published in the last few years.
Contacting your Taxpayer Advocate. The we use several methods to evaluate the quality
Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) is an inde- • Figure your withholding allowances using of our telephone services. One method is for a
pendent organization within the IRS whose em- the withholding calculator online at second IRS representative to listen in on or
ployees assist taxpayers who are experiencing record random telephone calls. Another is to ask
some callers to complete a short survey at the
economic harm, who are seeking help in resolv- • Determine if Form 6251 must be filed us-
ing tax problems that have not been resolved end of the call.
ing our Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)
through normal channels, or who believe that an Assistant. Walk-in. Many products and services
IRS system or procedure is not working as it
should. • Sign up to receive local and national tax are available on a walk-in basis.
You can contact the TAS by calling the TAS news by email.
toll-free case intake line at 1-877-777-4778 or • Get information on starting and operating • Products. You can walk in to many post
TTY/TDD 1-800-829-4059 to see if you are eligi- a small business. offices, libraries, and IRS offices to pick up
ble for assistance. You can also call or write your certain forms, instructions, and publica-
local taxpayer advocate, whose phone number tions. Some IRS offices, libraries, grocery
and address are listed in your local telephone stores, copy centers, city and county gov-
Phone. Many services are available by
directory and in Publication 1546, Taxpayer Ad- ernment offices, credit unions, and office
vocate Service — Your Voice at the IRS. You supply stores have a collection of products
can file Form 911, Request for Taxpayer Advo- available to print from a CD or photocopy
cate Service Assistance (And Application for • Ordering forms, instructions, and publica- from reproducible proofs. Also, some IRS
Taxpayer Assistance Order), or ask an IRS em- tions. Call 1-800-829-3676 to order cur- offices and libraries have the Internal Rev-
ployee to complete it on your behalf. For more rent-year forms, instructions, and enue Code, regulations, Internal Revenue
information, go to publications, and prior-year forms and in- Bulletins, and Cumulative Bulletins avail-
structions. You should receive your order able for research purposes.
Low Income Taxpayer Clinics (LITCs).
within 10 days.
LITCs are independent organizations that pro- • Services. You can walk in to your local
vide low income taxpayers with representation • Asking tax questions. Call the IRS with Taxpayer Assistance Center every busi-
in federal tax controversies with the IRS for free your tax questions at 1-800-829-1040. ness day for personal, face-to-face tax
or for a nominal charge. The clinics also provide help. An employee can explain IRS letters,
tax education and outreach for taxpayers with
• Solving problems. You can get
request adjustments to your tax account,
face-to-face help solving tax problems
limited English proficiency or who speak English or help you set up a payment plan. If you
every business day in IRS Taxpayer As-
as a second language. Publication 4134, Low need to resolve a tax problem, have ques-
sistance Centers. An employee can ex-
Income Taxpayer Clinic List, provides informa- tions about how the tax law applies to your
plain IRS letters, request adjustments to
tion on clinics in your area. It is available at www. individual tax return, or you are more com-
your account, or help you set up a pay- or at your local IRS office. fortable talking with someone in person,
ment plan. Call your local Taxpayer Assis-
Free tax services. To find out what services visit your local Taxpayer Assistance
tance Center for an appointment. To find
are available, get Publication 910, IRS Guide to Center where you can spread out your
the number, go to
Free Tax Services. It contains lists of free tax records and talk with an IRS representa-
tacts or look in the phone book under
information sources, including publications, tive face-to-face. No appointment is nec-
United States Government, Internal Reve-
services, and free tax education and assistance essary — just walk in. If you prefer, you
nue Service.
programs. It also has an index of over 100 can call your local Center and leave a
TeleTax topics (recorded tax information) you
• TTY/TDD equipment. If you have access message requesting an appointment to re-
to TTY/TDD equipment, call solve a tax account issue. A representa-
can listen to on your telephone.
1-800-829-4059 to ask tax questions or to tive will call you back within 2 business
Accessible versions of IRS published prod-
order forms and publications. days to schedule an in-person appoint-
ucts are available on request in a variety of
ment at your convenience. If you have an
alternative formats for people with disabilities. • TeleTax topics. Call 1-800-829-4477 to lis-
ongoing, complex tax account problem or
ten to pre-recorded messages covering
Internet. You can access the IRS web- a special need, such as a disability, an
various tax topics.
site at 24 hours a day, 7 appointment can be requested. All other
days a week to: • Refund information. To check the status of issues will be handled without an appoint-
your 2008 refund, call 1-800-829-1954 ment. To find the number of your local
• E-file your return. Find out about commer-
during business hours or 1-800-829-4477 office, go to or
cial tax preparation and e-file services
(automated refund information 24 hours a look in the phone book under United
available free to eligible taxpayers.
day, 7 days a week). Wait at least 72 States Government, Internal Revenue
• Check the status of your 2008 refund. Go hours after the IRS acknowledges receipt Service.
to and click on Where’s My of your e-filed return, or 3 to 4 weeks after
Refund. Wait at least 72 hours after the mailing a paper return. If you filed Form Mail. You can send your order for
IRS acknowledges receipt of your e-filed 8379 with your return, wait 14 weeks (11 forms, instructions, and publications to
return, or 3 to 4 weeks after mailing a weeks if you filed electronically). Have the address below. You should receive
paper return. If you filed Form 8379 with your 2008 tax return available so you can a response within 10 days after your request is
your return, wait 14 weeks (11 weeks if provide your social security number, your received.
you filed electronically). Have your 2008 filing status, and the exact whole dollar
tax return available so you can provide amount of your refund. Refunds are sent Internal Revenue Service
your social security number, your filing out weekly on Fridays. If you check the 1201 N. Mitsubishi Motorway
status, and the exact whole dollar amount status of your refund and are not given the Bloomington, IL 61705-6613
of your refund.

Publication 559 (2008) Page 43

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 215 10/19/2009 10:15:35 AM

216 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

DVD for tax products. You can order of January 2009. • Tax law changes for 2009.
Publication 1796, IRS Tax Products – The final release will ship the beginning
• Tax Map: an electronic research tool and
DVD, and obtain: of March 2009.
finding aid.
• Current-year forms, instructions, and pub- Purchase the DVD from National Technical • Web links to various government agen-
Information Service (NTIS) at cies, business associations, and IRS orga-
• Prior-year forms, instructions, and publica- cdorders for $30 (no handling fee) or call nizations.
tions. 1-877-233-6767 toll free to purchase the DVD
• “Rate the Product” survey — your opportu-
for $30 (plus a $6 handling fee).
• Tax Map: an electronic research tool and nity to suggest changes for future editions.
finding aid. Small Business Resource Guide • A site map of the guide to help you navi-
• Tax law frequently asked questions. 2009. This online guide is a must for gate the pages with ease.
every small business owner or any tax-
• Tax Topics from the IRS telephone re- payer about to start a business. This year’s • An interactive “Teens in Biz” module that
sponse system. guide includes: gives practical tips for teens about starting
their own business, creating a business
• Internal Revenue Code — Title 26 of the • Helpful information, such as how to pre- plan, and filing taxes.
U.S. Code. pare a business plan, find financing for
• Fill-in, print, and save features for most tax your business, and much more. The information is updated during the year.
forms. • All the business tax forms, instructions, Visit and enter keyword “SBRG” in
the upper right-hand corner for more informa-
• Internal Revenue Bulletins. and publications needed to successfully
manage a business. tion.
• Toll-free and email technical support.
• Two releases during the year.
– The first release will ship the beginning

Page 44 Publication 559 (2008)

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 216 10/19/2009 10:15:37 AM



CPE Quizzer Instructions

The CPE Quizzer is divided into three Modules. There is a processing fee for each Quizzer
Module submitted for grading. Successful completion of Module 1 is recommended for 7
CPE Credits.* Successful completion of Module 2 is recommended for 7 CPE Credits.*
Successful completion of Module 3 is recommended for 2 CPE Credits.* You can complete
and submit one Module at a time or all Modules at once for a total of 16 CPE Credits.*
To obtain CPE credit, return your completed Answer Sheet for each Quizzer Module to CCH
Continuing Education Department, 4025 W. Peterson Ave., Chicago, IL 60646, or fax
it to (773) 866-3084. Each Quizzer Answer Sheet will be graded and a CPE Certificate of
Completion awarded for achieving a grade of 70 percent or greater. A Quizzer Answer Sheet
for each Module is located after the Quizzer questions for this Course.
Express Grading: Processing time for your Answer Sheet is generally 8-12 business days.
If you are trying to meet a reporting deadline, our Express Grading Service is available for
an additional $19 per Module. To use this service, please check the “Express Grading”
box on your Answer Sheet and provide your CCH account or credit card number and
your fax number. CCH will fax your results and a Certificate of Completion (upon
achieving a passing grade) to you by 5:00 p.m. the business day following our receipt
of your Answer Sheet. If you mail your Answer Sheet for Express Grading, please
write “ATTN: CPE OVERNIGHT” on the envelope. NOTE: CCH will not Federal
Express Quizzer results under any circumstances.

NEW ONLINE GRADING gives you immediate 24/7 grading with instant results and no
Express Grading Fee.
The CCH Testing Center website gives you and others in your firm easy, free access
to CCH print Courses and allows you to complete your CPE Quizzers online for im-
mediate results. Plus, the My Courses feature provides convenient storage for your
CPE Course Certificates and completed Quizzers.
Go to to complete your Quizzer online.

Accreditation: All CCH Continuing Education programs are prepared in accordance

with the AICPA’s Statement on Standards for Formal Group and Self-Study Programs,
as well as with the guidelines of various state boards of accountancy. In addition, CCH
is registered as a sponsor of Continuing Professional Education with the National As-
sociation of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA). State boards, however, have final
authority over the approval of individual Courses.

* Recommended CPE credit is based on a 50-minute hour. Participants earning

credits for states that require self-study to be based on a 100-minute hour will
receive ½ the CPE credits for successful completion of this Course. Because CPE
requirements vary from state to state and among different licensing agencies,
please contact your CPE governing body for information on your CPE requirements
and the applicability of a particular Course for your requirements.

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 225 10/19/2009 10:15:43 AM

226 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

Date of Completion: The date of completion on your Certificate will be the date that
you put on your Answer Sheet. However, you must submit your Answer Sheet to CCH
for grading within two weeks of completing it.
Expiration Date: February 28, 2010
Evaluation: To help us provide you with the best possible products, please take a mo-
ment to fill out the Course Evaluation located at the back of this Course and return it
with your Quizzer Answer Sheets.

CCH is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a
sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State
boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE
credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be addressed to the National Registry of
CPE Sponsors, 150 Fourth Avenue North, Suite 700, Nashville, TN 37219-2417. Web site: www.

CCH is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a
Quality Assurance Service (QAS) sponsor of continuing professional education. State boards of
accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints
regarding registered sponsors may be addressed to NASBA, 150 Fourth Avenue North, Suite 700,
Nashville, TN 37219-2417. Web site:

CCH has been approved by the California Tax Education Council to offer courses that provide
federal and state credit towards the annual “continuing education” requirement imposed by the
State of California. A listing of additional requirements to register as a tax preparer may be obtained
by contacting CTEC at P.O. Box 2890, Sacramento, CA, 95812-2890, toll-free by phone at (877)
850-2832, or on the Internet at

Prerequisite: None Recommended CPE: Processing Fee:

Course Level: Basic 7 hours for Module 1 $60.00 for Module 1
Field of Study: Taxes 7 hours for Module 2 $60.00 for Module 2
2 hours for Module 3 $20.00 for Module 3
16 hours for all Modules $140.00 for all Modules
CTEC Course Number: CTEC Federal Hours: CTEC California Hours:
1075-CE-7993 for Module 1 3 hours for Module 1 N/A for Module 1
1075-CE-7983 for Module 2 3 hours for Module 2 N/A for Module 2
1075-CE-7973 for Module 3 1 hours for Module 3 N/A for Module 3
7 hours for all Modules N/A for all Modules

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 226 10/19/2009 10:15:43 AM


Quizzer Questions: Module 1

1. Which of the following statements is not correct? 6. Which of the following is not an item of income
in respect of a decedent (IRD)?
a. The taxation of trusts and estates is governed by
Subchapter J of the Internal Revenue Code. a. Capital gains on common stock sold by the
b. Form 1041 is an income tax return for most fiduciary after the decedent’s death but owned
types of trusts and decedent’s estates. by the decedent at the time of death.
c. Form 1041 supports the entity theory since all b. Salary earned by the decedent at the time of
income received by a trust or estate is taxed to his or her death but payable to the estate after
the entity. death.
c. The proceeds from the completed sale of
2. Which of the following entities does not use farm produce that were not paid before the
Form 1041? decedent’s death.
d. Accrued interest on Series EE bonds not report-
a. Family limited liability company ed on the decedent’s final income tax return.
b. Decedent’s estate
c. Complex trust
7. A simple or complex trust must file a return if:
3. Which of the following schedules has a special ver- a. It had gross income of $600 or more
sion that is unique to Form 1041? b. It had any taxable income
c. It had a nonresident alien beneficiary
a. Schedule C d. All of the above
b. Schedule D
c. Schedule E
8. Which type of entity has an $9,350 gross income
d. Schedule F
filing threshold for 2009?
4. Which one of the following is not a benefi- a. Bankruptcy estate
ciary? b. Decedent’s estate
c. Grantor trust that is not a revocable grantor trust
a. An heir
b. A fiduciary
9. Even though the executor and trustee elect to treat
c. A legatee
a qualified revocable trust (QRT) as part of the
d. A devisee
estate for income tax purposes both the estate and
trust must file Form 1041. True or False?
5. Which term is not used to describe the property
held in trust?
10. The benefits to making a Section 645 election
a. Principal include each of the following except:
b. Corpus
a. The income from the revocable trust becomes
c. Income
tax free.
d. Res
b. The trust can elect a fiscal year for tax reporting
c. For the first two years after the decedent’s
death, the trust does not have to make esti-
mated tax payments.

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 227 10/19/2009 10:15:45 AM

228 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

11. A decedent’s estate has a fiscal year ending August 17. Which statement concerning a qualified disability
31. The due date for the estate’s income tax return trust is not correct?
for 2009 is:
a. The trust can be established for a beneficiary only
a. October 15, 2009 up to the age of 65.
b. December 15, 2009 b. The trust can be set up by the disabled per-
c. April 15, 2010 son.
c. The trust must be set up by a parent, grandpar-
12. A trust wants an automatic extension of time to ent, legal guardian or court, for the benefit of a
file Form 1041. To obtain this extension, it must disabled person.
timely file which of the following forms? d. The trust is not disqualified merely because
corpus may revert to a person who is not
a. Form 2758 disabled after the trust ceases to have any
b. Form 4868 disabled beneficiaries.
c. Form 7004
18. Which statement about a charitable remainder trust
13. With respect to a filing extension for the income tax is correct?
return of a decedent’s estate, which of the following
statements is correct? a. It can be set up during a person’s lifetime or by
a. An estate can never obtain a filing extension. b. It can have a noncharitable remainderman.
b. An estate can obtain an automatic filing c. Income beneficiaries are exempt from taxation.
c. An estate can request and receive a filing exten-
19. Which of the following statements about the por-
sion if there is reasonable cause.
tion of an electing small business trust (ESBT)
holding stock in an S corporation is not correct?
14. All of the following statements about where to file
the fiduciary return are correct except: a. It is a separate trust.
b. It cannot claim an exemption amount.
a. The filing address depends on whether or not a c. The tax on income of the portion of the trust
payment is enclosed with the return. owning S corporation stock is figured at the high-
b. The filing location generally is based on the
est marginal rate imposed on trusts and estates.
location of the beneficiaries. d. Items of income, deduction, credit, etc. of the
c. The filing location generally is based on the
portion of the trust owning S corporation stock
location of the fiduciary. are allocated to the beneficiary.
15. A simple trust (assuming no distributions of prin- 20. Which feature makes an Alaska Native settlement
cipal) is: trust unique?
a. Qualified Subchapter S trust a. The trust can elect to be taxed on its income at
b. Qualified terminable interest property trust the lowest federal rates for unmarried individual
c. Both of the above taxpayers.
d. None of the above b. Income earned by the trust is tax free.
c. The trust can accumulate income for the health,
16. A complex trust is: education and welfare of its beneficiaries.
a. A charitable remainder trust
b. A discretionary trust
c. All of the above
d. None of the above

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 228 10/19/2009 10:15:45 AM


21. Which of the following statements about abusive 27. On the Form 1041 for a decedent’s estate, the
trusts is not correct? fiduciary must indicate if the estate has been open
for more than _____ years.
a. Deductions claimed by a trust formed to pay
the personal expenses of the grantor on a tax- a. One
deductible basis will be disallowed and the b. Two
grantor may be subject to penalties. c. Three
b. Charitable lead and remainder trusts can never
be considered abusive trusts. 28. For fiduciary accounting purposes, the allocation
c. The IRS has included abusive trusts in its list of of receipts between income and principal is based
the “Dirty Dozen” tax scams. primarily on the local law and secondarily on the
governing instrument. True or False?
22. A decedent’s estate filing Form 1041 need not attach
a copy of the will to the return. True or False? 29. Which statement concerning the Uniform Principal
and Income Act (UPAIA) is not correct?
23. Which of the following information is not required
a. Not all states have enacted the most recent ver-
to be included on page 1 of Form 1041?
sion of the act.
a. The name and address of the fiduciary b. The act authorizes the trustee to make alloca-
b. The name and address of the beneficiary tions of some principal to income (and some
c. The date the entity was created income to principal) in order to distribute a fair
d. The number of Schedule K-1s attached share to the income beneficiary.
c. The UPAIA overrides a grantor’s/decedent’s
24. Which statement is correct regarding the income wishes.
tax return for a decedent’s estate?
30. Some states give the trustee discretion to convert a
a. It must show the estate’s employer identification
trust to a noncharitable unitrust if the beneficiaries
number (EIN).
have no objections. True or False?
b. It must show the decedent’s Social Security
number (SSN).
c. The fiduciary can file the return under either
31. Which of the following statements is not correct?
the estate’s EIN or the decedent’s SSN. a. Depreciation is allocated to the entity only to the
extent it is not allocated to the beneficiary.
25. Which of the following statements is not correct? b. For property held by a trust, if the governing
instrument requires or permits the trustee to
a. A trust (other than qualified revocable trusts
maintain a depreciation reserve, depreciation
that elect to be treated and taxed as part of the
is first allocated to the trust up to the amount
estate) must use a calendar year
of the reserve, with any excess allocated to the
b. An estate must use a calendar year
beneficiary according to the accounting rules.
c. An estate may use a calendar year
c. The Code Sec. 179 first-year expense deduction
is allocated between the fiduciary and benefi-
26. Which of the following statements about Form ciary on the basis of income allocable to each.
1041 is correct?
a. The amount of tax-exempt income must be 32. Which of the following statements is not correct?
reported in the Income section on page 1 of
a. State income taxes allocable to tax-exempt in-
Form 1041.
come can be deducted.
b. The amount of tax-exempt income must be
b. Business expenses allocable to tax-exempt in-
reported in the Other Information section on
come can be deducted.
page 2 of Form 1041.
c. Expenses directly related to tax-exempt income
c. Tax-exempt income is not reported on Form
must be allocated only to that income.
d. No expenses allocable to tax-exempt income can
be deducted.

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 229 10/19/2009 10:15:45 AM

230 1 0 4 1 P R E PA R AT I O N A N D P L A N N I N G G U I D E

33. A trust receives $2,000 of tax-exempt interest, 35. Assuming the same facts as in questions 33 and 34,
$8,000 of taxable dividends, and no other income. what portion of the fees is deductible?
The percentage of tax-exempt income to gross
a. $500
income is:
b. $400
a. 0 percent c. $0
b. 20 percent
c. 100 percent

34. Assuming the same facts as question 33 and as-

suming further that the trustee had accounting fees
of $500, what portion of these fees is not deduct-
a. $0
b. $100
c. $500

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 230 10/19/2009 10:15:46 AM

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 236 10/19/2009 10:15:46 AM


Module 1: Answer Sheet

NAME ________________________________________________________________________________

COMPANY NAME ______________________________________________________________________

STREET _______________________________________________________________________________

CITY, STATE, & ZIP CODE _______________________________________________________________

BUSINESS PHONE NUMBER ____________________________________________________________

E-MAIL ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________________

DATE OF COMPLETION ________________________________________________________________

CFP REGISTRANT ID (for Certified Financial Planners) _________________________________________

CRTP ID (for CTEC Credit only) ________________________________ (CTEC Course # 1075-CE-7993)

On the next page, please answer the Multiple Choice questions by indicating the appropriate letter next
to the corresponding number. Please answer the True/False questions by marking “T” or “F” next to the
corresponding number.
A $60.00 processing fee will be charged for each user submitting Module 1 for grading.
Please remove both pages of the Answer Sheet from this book and return them with your com-
pleted Evaluation Form to CCH at the address below. You may also fax your Answer Sheet to
CCH at 773-866-3084.

You may also go to to complete your Quizzer online.


Check Enclosed Visa Master Card AmEx

Discover CCH Account* _____________________________________

Card No. ______________________________________ Exp. Date ___________________

Signature _____________________________________

* Must provide CCH account number for this payment option

EXPRESS GRADING: Please fax my Course results to me by 5:00 p.m. the business day
following your receipt of this Answer Sheet. By checking this box I authorize CCH to charge
$19.00 for this service.

Express Grading $19.00 Fax No. _________________________________

Mail or fax to:

CCH Continuing Education Department

4025 W. Peterson Ave.
Chicago, IL 60646-6085
Fax: 773-866-3084 PAGE 1 OF 2

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 237 10/19/2009 10:15:46 AM



Module 1: Answer Sheet

Please answer the Multiple Choice questions by indicating the appropriate letter next
to the corresponding number. Please answer the True/False questions by marking “T”
or “F” next to the corresponding number.

1. 10. 19. 28.

2. 11. 20. 29.

3. 12. 21. 30.

4. 13. 22. 31.

5. 14. 23. 32.

6. 15. 24. 33.

7. 16. 25. 34.

8. 17. 26. 35.

9. 18. 27.

Please complete the Evaluation Form (located after the Module 3 Answer Sheet) and
return it with this Quizzer Answer Sheet to CCH at the address on the previous page.
Thank you.


1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 239 10/19/2009 10:15:47 AM

1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 240 10/19/2009 10:15:47 AM


Evaluation Form
Please take a few moments to fill out and mail or fax this evaluation to CCH so that we can better
provide you with the type of self-study programs you want and need. Thank you.

About This Program

1. Please circle the number that best reflects the extent of your agreement with the following
Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree

a. The Course objectives were met. 5 4 3 2 1

b. This Course was comprehensive and organized. 5 4 3 2 1
c. The content was current and technically accurate. 5 4 3 2 1
d. This Course was timely and relevant. 5 4 3 2 1
e. The prerequisite requirements were appropriate. 5 4 3 2 1
f. This Course was a valuable learning experience. 5 4 3 2 1
g. The Course completion time was appropriate. 5 4 3 2 1

2. This Course was most valuable to me because of:

Continuing Education credit Convenience of format

Relevance to my practice/ Timeliness of subject matter
employment Reputation of author
Other (please specify) _________________________________________________

3. How long did it take to complete this Course? (Please include the total time spent reading
or studying reference materials and completing CPE Quizzer).
Module 1 Module 2 Module 3
4. What do you consider to be the strong points of this Course?

5. What improvements can we make to this Course?


1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 249 10/19/2009 10:15:48 AM



Evaluation Form cont’d

General Interests

1. Preferred method of self-study instruction:

Text Audio Computer-based/Multimedia Video

2. What specific topics would you like CCH to develop as self-study programs?


3. Please list other topics of interest to you ________________________________________________


About You

1. Your profession:
CPA Enrolled Agent
Attorney Tax Preparer
Financial Planner Other (please specify) _________________________

2. Your employment:
Self-Employed Public Accounting Firm
Service Industry Non-Service Industry
Banking/Finance Government
Education Other ____________________________________

3. Size of firm/corporation:
1 2-5 6-10 11-20 21-50 51+

4. Your Name _______________________________________________________

Firm/Company Name __________________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip Code ________________________________________________________________
E-mail Address ________________________________________________________________



1041_Prep_Book_10.indb 251 10/19/2009 10:15:48 AM

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