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The bar charts below show the percentages of men and women in employment

in three countries in 2005 and 2015.

The two bar charts illustrate the employment rates by gender of Canada, South
Korea and Sweden in 2 years, 2005 and 2015 with the measured unit in percents.
Overall, the proportion of men employees was higher than women in those
countries and tended to increase from 2005 to 2015.
As can be observed from the first picture, the percentage of men employed in
Sweden was the highest, standing at approximately 80% while South Korea’s
and Canana’s were a bit lower, aroung 75% and 61% respectively. Over the next
10 years, those numbers went up except for Sweden with a decline of nearly 10%
in its portion.
There was about 45% of female in Sweden having jobs whilist Canada’s quantity
was just under 40% and South Korea had exactly 30% in its share. Those figures
also took leaps between 2005 and 2015 and the most significant rise belonged to
Canada, which jumped by roughly 15%.

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