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Foundation in Business and Information Technology

Foundation in Business


Miss Gan
Group Assignment
Assignment 1

Name Students ID
Table of Contents
Section 1...............................................................................................................................................3
Section 2...............................................................................................................................................6
Section 3...............................................................................................................................................7
Section 4...............................................................................................................................................8

Section 1


Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) is a compulsory registration as to starting up and a
legal and valid business. There is two type of business needed to register before starting up
which is traditional business and digital business [ CITATION SSM18 \l 17417 ] . There are several
law to protect and keep safety for consumer when there using online shopping as well as the
seller who starting a digital business. The relevant law for digital business is include the Sale
of Goods Act 1957 (SGA), Electronic Commerce Act 2006 (ECA), Personal Data Protection
Act 2010 (PDPA) and some more [ CITATION Bri17 \l 17417 ].
There are a number of trends affecting digital businesses. Many company started initiative e-
commerce, digital business, digital marketing to survive for their business. This two trend are
most of the company will take this matters to promoting their business and attract more user
to purchase their product or services. Below are some statistic that show some strategies
which affecting nowadays digital marketing trend.
Social media has become a vital tool for connecting people, building communities, voicing
out one’s opinion, and business marketing and advertising. There is 3.484 billion people are
now on social media, which equates to around 45% of the world's population. The survey
estimated that there are around 24.6 million social networking platform in Malaysia[ CITATION
MCM18 \l 17417 ].

Refers to the influencer statistic there is 38.8 % of marketers said that influencer marketing
is important to their brand of agency. For instance, Malaysia telecommunication are tend to
used social media and influencer to broaden their business through digital marketing which is
Facebook, Youtube advertisement, Instagram as well Twitter. There also give incentive to the
influencer that help them posting and promoting through social media [ CITATION San19 \l
17417 ].


With the rise of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 that emphasize the importance of staying
home, it is beneficial for telecom companies to enhance the industry. According to Liew Jia
Teng (2020), millions of people are now logging on to work from home, going online for
news, communications and entertainment increased the use of telecommunications. This has
boosted data consumption and wireless access to the internet, triggering huge demand for
telecoms services. However, according to Commerce Tools (2020), the telecom dealer who
can react fastest to market changes and pass on new offers to his customers ahead of the
competition has the advantage.
For mobile marketing, telecom companies allow consumers to utilize broadband access to
internet. This enables them to increase profit and customers’ trust and loyalty (Ian Linton,
2020). For e-commerce, over-the-top (OTT) service providers have disrupted the traditional
business of telcos by offering communication services through their various applications
(apps) [ CITATION OUB19 \l 17417 ].


Economic factors are the determinants of the success of a certain economy. Factors include
economic growth, exchange rates, inflation levels, interest rates, household disposable
income and unemployment rates. Such factors can have a direct or indirect long-term effect
on a business because they influence customer buying power and may potentially alter
demand/supply models in the economy.[ CITATION Bus18 \l 17417 ] According to [ CITATION
The20 \l 17417 ], Malaysia’s population is 32.4 million, unemployment rates (3.4%), inflation
(1.0%) and FDI Inflow ($8.1 billion). These are the trends affecting digital marketing
strategies such as email marketing and digital strategy, transformation and technologies
statistics. For email marketing statistics, one of the factors that affect this trend is number of
newsletters per week. For examples, the open rate for 1 newsletter is 33.40%, 2 newsletters
(26.87%), 3 newsletters (23.06%), 4 newsletter (21.32%), 5 newsletters (20.39), 6 newsletters
(18.53%), 7 newsletters (16.05%), 8 newsletters (17.79%) and etc. [ CITATION Get201 \l
17417 ] This shows that it will increase the open and click rates if you don't send more than
five newsletters a week. Next, digital strategy, transformation and technologies marketing
statistics. Digital strategy is most relevant to changes in business models, and uses
technology to create the capabilities a company needs to become a  digital business.
According to CoSchedule (2020), the most organized marketers are 397% more likely to
report success, top marketers set goals (367%), top marketers with a documented strategy
(313%), top marketers who proactively plan projects (356%) and top marketers using  agile
project management (252%). This shows that most organized marketers has the highest rate
to success in the marketing.


So many methods and efforts have been put in by governmental authorities to catalyse
growth, advancement and expansion in the tech and telecommunications sector for quicken
Malaysia towards the next phase of its digital transformation. For example, according to
Telecom Review Asia (2020), the MCMC will launch its National Fiberisation and
Connectivity Plan (NFCP) offering high quality, cost-effective and resilient digital
connectivity for the welfare of Malaysians all over the country.
Maxis is the only integrated communications service provider in Malaysia and has been
ahead of competitors technologically since their creation in 1995. Today, the bulk of Maxis
customers are pre-paid mobile plan users, and account for over three quarters of its total
customers, which is approximately 10.5 billion users. The company has a market cap of 14.3
billion USD and assets worth over 7.1 billion USD. Maxis is the largest telecom in
Malaysia[CITATION Placeholder1 \l 1033 ].
New strategy for future growth, Maxis made a significant change to its strategy, setting the
foundation to be a strong converged player in Malaysia. The Company has commenced
scaling its business to address opportunities in Enterprise solutions and converged services
across all segments, setting the development path over the next five years. Maxis announced
an incremental capex of RM1 billion over the next three years to support this new strategy
and its 5-year internal service revenue target of more than RM10 billion by year 2023
[CITATION Placeholder2 \l 1033 ]

Since the technology is getting better each day, they have the most recent of broadband
connection which is 5G. Many people doesn’t know that 5G stands for 5 th Generation. The
function is way better. It provides the greater speed and at the same time can max the ability
to connect for more that one device. This is the highly future massive changes of telecom.
[CITATION Placeholder3 \l 1033 ]


One of the political factors that are affecting telecommunication industry in Malaysia
currently is tax policy that has come into force which the Malaysia government has declared
that starting from 1 Sept 2018, the 6% Service Tax is replacing the Goods and Services Tax
(GST) which was at zero percent (0%). Essentially, all provision of telecommunication
services by telcos to customers are subjected to the 6% Service Tax. These include IDD calls,
telex, video conference, roaming, fax, VoIP, lease lines, bandwidth service, maintenance of
facilities, installation, etc. [ CITATION Max20 \l 17417 ].
The government is working together with telecommuncation companies and they will provide
the free data internet throughout MCO period. Government allocated RM600 million under
the Prihatin Rakyat Economic Stimulus Package for this initiative. Besides that, an additional
RM400 million will be invested to improve network coverage and capabilities in order to
provide high availability and quality telecommunications networks. This includes activities
such as performing network optimisation and radio capacity upgrades at areas with high
utilisation, performing traffic readjustment to cater to the rising bandwidth demand at
residential premises, upgrading wireless backhaul to fibre optic connections, increasing
domestic trunk capacities including laying new fibre optic infrastructure, increasing
interconnect bandwidth and releasing reserved capacities; Increasing international link
capacities and mobilising portable base stations as well as providing Wi-Fi access points to
manage network traffic at critical areas [CITATION adi20 \l 1086 ]. Telecommunications
environment in this country has been overcrowded sometimes. As a results, Telekom and
Celcom were merge later saw is Axiata Group. Other than that, Time dotCom’s mobile unit
by Maxis, lowering the number of operators from five to three.[ CITATION sha20 \l 1086 ].
Telecomunication is a communication in technology. Government will intervent for the step
up game in telecommunication areas which is 5G. But before that, the security must taken
alook by government. The government should consider the best deal and suitable for the
country. Malaysia plans to issue spectrum tenders in April and estimates that 5G
infrastructure development would cost some RM21.6 billion over five years. Huawei has
already signed a 5G deal with Malaysian mobile network operator Maxis and preliminary
agreements with other telcos such as Axiata Group’s Celcom and Telekom Malaysia. It will
encourages a healthy competition in providing the better services.[CITATION reu20 \l 1086 ]
For CTR statistics, since telcos nowadays are struggling to get back on their feet with
changes in technology, the average CTR on Facebook for 100telecom industry is 0.68%
respectively in 2019. For CPC (Cost Per Click), according to Mark Irvine (2019), Facebook
charges expensive cost for financial advertisers with an average cost per click of $3.89 which
is similar to Google. This explains why telecom industry charted as the second highest CPC
after finance.

Section 2

There are three types of digital marketing strategies used in the industry such as paid media,
earned media and owned media. Paid media is purchased media where investments are made
to pay for guests, coverage or otherwise. Earned media is publicity produced by public
relations and word-of – mouth. For owned media, it is the company's own control at a high
Firstly, paid media. telecommunication industries use various advertising channel. One of
them is display ads which called Trueview InStream which is skippable and long format ads.
This type of ads can normally be found on YouTube when you are watching any videos for
action. For example, Celcom has an TrueView InStream type of advertisement made
specially for Chinese New Year 2020 on YouTube. Next, is through PPC (Pay Per Click). For
example, MAXIS use PPC which people can click the subject in Google and the ads will
appear on the top. In addition, Facebook Sponsored Ad, Facebook Marketplace, and
Instagram sponsored Ad as well as Spotify ad are also considered as paid media. For
instance, Maxis and Digi are advertising their product through those platforms when there are
conducting some promotion activity.
Secondly, earned media. The earned media of the telecommunication industry is based on
reviews. These reviews can normally be found at comparison website such as Bitcatcha. For
example, Maxis Broadband is having 4 stars for their speed under Bitcatcha. Also,
telecommunication industry usually also has taglines and hashtags trended by the consumers.
For example, Celcom’s consumers trended #CelcomBestMOMents on Mother’s day featuring
videos from Celcom related about Mother’s and customer also can use another hashtag which
is #MaxisOne to complain about the Maxis’ customer service on Instagram. Umobile also get
a lot of earned media because of their unlimited plan for only RM30 which is cheap price for
a month. Then, the people are talking about their brands and suggesting with their members.
Lastly, owned media. Most of the telecommunication industry will have their owned media to
let user explore their product through their owned web page, or application. The main
purpose for having these methods is to let user easy get the information and they can know
the promotion up to date. For example, Malaysia have several quite common brands of
telecommunication they have their own web page or social media account to promote their
services and product as well as application. Another owned media advertising would be
social media advertising. Using their own social media for example Instagram, it costs
inexpensive and sometimes free and easy to promote the sales and promotion and interact
better with customers. In addition, telecommunication industries such as Maxis and TM are
having their own mobile apps to update any news or offers faster and easier. Customers can
also view and pay for their bills by using these apps. Moreover, telecommunication industry
is also be using text message advertising to advertise to their customers which send by their
own company. According to EzTexting (2020), which referring from Teradata, only 29% of
Tweets, 21% of emails, and 12% of Facebook posts are ever read. Text messages, on the
other hand, have an astonishing 98% read rate—90% within three minutes of sending
[ CITATION EzT20 \l 17417 ] . On top of that, they have youtube account to create the videos and
those videos will appear on top of suggestion videos on our youtube channel.

Section 3

Every coin has two sides which digital marketing strategies also came with strength and
weakness. First of all, the two digital marketing strategies bring a lot of outcome to the
telecommunication industry. The two types of digital marketing that we can evaluate in the
industry are paid media and owned media. As we paid media is defined as the purchase
media for investment and be pay to broadcast your brand to the bigger source of audience.
For owned media is, the company can control their own channels at a high stage.
The reason why paid media can be so useful because according to the [CITATION The19 \l
1033 ], Facebook is the largest social media platform in the world. The strength for Facebook
sponsored advertise is it can be directly contact with the audience and it is very effective for
product development. On the main benefits for Facebook is the company can direct contact,
communicate with visitors like setting up user-friendly chatbot in the website to easily
communicate with customers for better customer service. This shows that sponsored
advertisements can really reach out for the bigger audience. The weakness for this type of
media the audience may started to unfollow or felt unhappy when the pages not at work or
share widely. Therefore, the audience may think that is the pages is not working anymore or
the pages is only a fake account created, it will loss the trust from the audience.
Another Facebook platform which applying paid media would be Facebook marketplace.
There are several strengths of Facebook marketplace. Firstly, it won’t charge buyer and seller
to buy or sell when using their platform. Secondly, it has a good filter system that allows
customers to get very specific about what they want and lastly, the process to post up our
item is uncomplicated. On the other hand, the weaknesses are such; buyer’s protection is not
available. Furthermore, there’s no section for buyers to provide feedback/reviews. Moreover,
Facebook username and profile exposed when you sell or buy an item in the Marketplace
[ CITATION Eli19 \l 17417 ]

Next will be owned media. Most of these telecommunication industries have their own
websites and webpage to advertise their company’s promotion or product as well as the
company background and more information that will show in their own website. For
example, Amway Malaysia that shows the monthly promotion on their webpage so that
potential buyer would know about the information and also, they have the info about the
company background.
The strength for this type of strategies is the company provides customer a way to interact
with their own brand through the content that is special and different. On the other hand, this
can represent the good opportunity for business improve relationship with existing customers
and cultivate relationships with new prospects. Other than that, simple payment process from
customers which they will go to the website of our bank and transfer the money to the desired
account and can swipe their cards and pay their bills, which is safer and faster. For the
common example we can take Shoppe that according to Pang Tun Yau (2019), ShopeePay is
primarily designed as a means to enable instant payment for any purchase on Shopee.
Lastly, this digital strategy is taking a very long time to scale the market and its very
challenging to reach to their new audience. Moreover, the information that we share on
websites is completely traceable. This may be used for crime prevention or gaining market
data but our privacy is at stake. The possibility will occur that website can be hacked or
crashes. Without any written data or bills it’s impossible to track down past activities and
transactions made, the company can easily be shattered.

Section 4

The suggestion to improve the strategies is keep and make sure that the channel are working
all the time. This is due to the reason that there are many competitors in telecommunication
industry such as Maxis they using many platforms to promoting their services. As a result,
there have very strong customer services to the user which they could easy to communicate
their problem through the online customer service or website to solve the problem effectively.
When planning a digital strategy across different platform, it can be a huge challenge to
understand the need and demand for the audience, to make sure that meet the customer’s need
the company should always keep updating their channel or platform work well. Therefore,
they could build a strong platform between the customers and fulfil the customer’s demand as
well as maximize the satisfaction of the customers. For instance, Digi as well as Celcom
company and more telecommunication company there are very active in carry on promotion
plan to attract customers. The consumer can easily get the brochure through online and only
one click and get all the information. Moreover, try to keep the customer front of mind which
is working closely with the platform such as Facebook, Google, Youtube is a key to
identifying relevant, valuable audience and break new group for new customers acquisition
From the other view, one of the social media’s weakness is these market platforms is hardly
considered by customer as highly trustworthy and reliable. This industry can try to improve
their marketing strategy through posting the review or feedbacks from the customers that
show about the using experience. It can be video, pictures, screenshot that proof the
reputation of their own company. For instance, they can post their conversation with the
customers about the feedbacks after using Maxis, Digi or others company that related
telecommunication industry on any platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or etc. As
an examples, Facebook Marketplace is sellers need to build a professional page without
including inside information in order to avoid personal profile getting exposed to public and
inside the page, customers can review from comments sections below posts.
Lastly, the suggestion is for paid review is, do not keep making paid review to all the
influencer because sometimes people get annoyed that the influencer review the same product
and using the same words all over again. It shows no pure or natural thing of the products. It
shows that they doing that because of they have been paid not the sincere reviews from them.
So it will confuse the consumer or prospects to make a purchase of the goods.


Maxis’ mobile app TM’s mobile app

(owned media) (owned media)

Hashtag #CelcomBestMOMents
Hashtag #MaxisOne
(earned media)
(earned media)
Text message advertising Text message advertising
(owned media) (owned media)

Facebook Sponsored Ad
Instagram Sponsored Ad
(paid media)
(paid media)
Celcom’s TrueView InStream Ad, Reviews on Maxis, Bitcatcha
Youtube ( paid media)
(earned media)

TM’s social media, Instagram Celcom’s official website

(owned media) (owned media)
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