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Name: Vanessa Ericka A.

Lara Year/ Section: BSED-3A SS9-World History 1


City- Religion Government Economy Writing & Literature Technology and

States & Inventions 
Stylus and clay table The Sumerians were
for their writing, also very inventive people.  It
Sumer Polytheistic A Agriculture maintained
known as is believed that they
combination the backbone of
“Cuneiform” invented the sailboat,
of monarch the Sumerian
the chariot, the wheel,
and local economy
the plow, and
councils that
“Epic of Gilgamesh” metallurgy. They
advised the
developed cuneiform,
the first written
language. They invented
games like checkers.
They made cylinder
seals that acted as a
form of identification.

City Their belief Theocracy The primary economic -- -reed boats; wagon
States in was foundation is fishing,
-wheel; bronze, copper,
Sumer: centred on agriculture.
Eridu, Ur, the god
and Uruk Enki; Enlil, -devised a number
and other system based on 60
many gods.
Akkadian Ashurism The Akkadian Empire's  The Akkadian empire is
empire economy was the first to invent
primarily composed of the abacus
agriculture. However,
although there was a
surplus of agricultural They also invent some
products, they were other cool things like
severely deficient of all wheels, not only things
other resources, such but also a road.
as metal
Babylonia Marduk is Monarchy Agricultural They used cuneiform Greatest Babylonian
n empire the production and system of pressing achievements was to
primary extensive networks of triangular shapes write laws down, but
god trade into clay there were always laws.
The laws clearly said
how you had to behave
and what your
punishment would be if
you did not behave

Assyran Ashurism Theocracy Cattle breeding, Many Assyrian The Assyrians were
agriculture, grain writings were extremely warlike, yet
product, fruit growing, contained in the one of the greatest
trade. massive library of Assyrian achievements
Ashurbanipal; was the library at
cuneiform; clay Nineveh

Royal annals were

often written on

1. Why were the early Mesopotamian city-states considered to be theocracies?

Answer: Since the religion had its beginnings in ancient Mesopotamia around five thousand
years ago, this paved the way to a more concentrated power. The religious systems in
these areas blended political with spiritual elements in a type of government knows as
theocracy, or rule by divine guidance.
2. Name at least two inventions of Sumerian and explain how those inventions affects your
lives today?
Answer: Metallurgy and Writing
Sumerians were some of the earliest people to make use copper in order to makes useful
items. And notice today, everything you see that seemed to be sturdy is made up of metal;
hence, this really helped a lot of aspect in our life today. Another, it is clear that sumerians
were using written communication by 2800 B.C. And eventually, this have able to help
transmitting information from the past, in order for us today to somehow comprehend
with the life before. We have been able to understand how it’s like, the living, and the way
of life, people from the past has got to experience.
3. Which one do you like best on the content of Hammurabi’s code? Explain why?
Answer: “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”
It is keenly being understood as an in dire need of justice, it must be equated to the
culprit. It simply denotes, that the punishment should match the crime. I chose this code
not because I support this manner of attaining justice; it just implicates a controversial
connotation that I deemed to be intrigued with. First, the most severe of all sentences is in
fact the death penalty. Also known as capital punishment. Mohandas Gandhi, the father of
non-violent resistance in the modern age, believes the world should stand up for what is
right in a peaceful way; leading to the creation of his philosophy discouraging revenge—“an
eye for an eye will make the world go blind.” In this, I could tell that this code only
annihilates that vengeance will eventually spiral out of control; it will wipe out everybody.
Remember: revenge does not terminate a conflict, rather, instigates further brutality.

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