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Arabis, Katherine Cloie Lumakang, Trissha Hans

Bestudio, Kim Te, Hyacinthe

Debalos, Jucelle Timcang, Leo
Lasala, Ben Group 3/BSN-1H

XV - The Digestive System

Answer box:

1. Parotid gland

2. Sublingual gland

3. Submandibular gland

4. Pharynx

5. Stomach

6. Pancreas

7. Spleen

7. Transverse colon

8. Descending colon

9. Ascending colonial

10. Cecum

11. Sigmoid colon

12. Rectum

13. Appendix

14. Anal canal

15. Anus

16. Ileum

17. Jejunum

18. Duodenum

19. Gallbladder

20. Liver

21. Esophagus

22. Tongue

23. Mouth (oral cavity)

Answer box:

1. Parotid duct

2. Buccinator muscle

3. Mucous membrane (cut)

4. Ducts of the sublingual gland

5. Sublingual gland

6. Submandibular duct

7. Submandibular gland

8. Masseter muscle

9. Parotid gland
Organ Carbohydrates Fats Protein

Salivary Gland Amylase-digest Lipase- Digest Mucin- Digest

Liver Bile- converts excess Bile Salts- Emulsify Bile- Conversion of

carbohydrates into fats, breaking fats protein into forms that
forms that are stored globules into small are stored for later
for later use. droplets. use.

Pancreas Pancreatic Amylase- Lipase- Digest Protease

continues Emulsify fats to (Carboxypeptidase,
polysaccharide fatty acids and Trypsin,
digestion that began glycerol. Chymotrypsin)-
in the oral cavity. Digest protein.

Small Intestine Disaccharides- Pepsin- Emulsify fats. Peptidase- break

breakdown peptide bonds in
disaccharides into proteins to form
monosaccharide. amino acid.

Answer box:

1. Upper lip

2. Gingiva covering the maxillary alveolar


3. Tongue

4. Frenulum of the tongue

5. Openings of the submandibular ducts

6. Gingiva covering the mandibular alveolar


7. Lower lip
8. Incisors

9. Canine

10. Premolars

11. Molars

12. Cheek

13. Uvula

14. Soft palate

15. Hard palate

Answer box:

1. Third Molar (Wisdom Tooth)

2. Second Molar

3. First Molar

4. Second Premolar

5. First Premolar
6. Canine

7. Lateral Incisor

8. Central Incisor

Structure Age

1. Second Molar Erupts at 20-40 months; lost at

9-11 years

2. First Molar Erupts at 10-16 months; lost at

9-11 years

3. Canine Erupts at 16-20 months; lost at

8-11 years

4. Lateral Incisor Erupts at 8-11 months; lost at

6-8 years

5. Central Incisor Erupts at 6-8 months; lost at

5-7 years
Answer box:
1. Fundus

2. Body

3. Serosa

4. Longitudinal muscle layer

5. Circular muscle layer

6. Oblique muscle layer

7. Submucosa

8. Mucosa

9. Rugae

10. Duodenum

11. Pyloric antrum

12. Pyloric canal

13. Pyloric orifice

14. Pyloric sphincter

Answer box:

1.The taste, smell, or thought of food or tactile
sensation of the food in the mouth stimulate the
medulla oblongata (green arrows)
2. Vagus nerves carry parasympathetic action
potentials to the stomach ( pink arrows), where
enteric plexus neurons are activated.
3. Postganglionic neurons stimulate secretion by
parietal and chief cells and stimulate gastrin and
histamine secretion by endocrine cells.
4. Gastrin is carried through the blood back to
the stomach (purple arrow), where, along with
histamine. It stimulates secretion.
Answer box:

1. Distention of the stomach stimulates
mechanoreceptors (stretch receptors) and activates
a parasympathetic reflex. Action potentials
generated by the mechanoreceptors are carried by
the vagus nerves to the medulla oblongata(green
2. The medulla oblongata increases action potentials
in the vagus nerves that stimulate secretions by
parietal and chief cells and stimulate gastrin and
histamine secretion by endocrine cells (pink arrow).
3. Distention of the stomach also activates local
reflexes that increase stomach secretions (orange
4. Gastrin is carried through the circulation back to
the stomach (purple arrow), where, along with
histamine, it stimulates secretion.
Answer box:

1. Chyme in the duodenum with a pH less than 2 or
containing fat digestion products (lipids) inhibits
gastric secretions by three mechanisms (2-4).
2.Chemoreceptors in the duodenum are stimulated
by H+ (low pH) or lipids. Action potentials generated
by the chemoreceptors are carried by the vagus
nerves to the medulla oblongata (green arrow),
where they inhibit parasympathetic action potentials
(pink arrow), thereby decreasing gastric secretions.
3.Local reflexes activated by H+ or lipids also inhibit
gastric secretion (orange arrows)
4.Secretin and cholecystokinin produced by the
duodenum (brown arrows) decrease gastric
secretions in the stomach.
Answer box:

1. A mixing wave initiated in the body of the stomach

progresses toward the pyloric sphincter (pink arrows
directed inward).

2. The more fluid part of the chyme is pushed toward the

pyloric sphincter (blue arrows), whereas the more solid
center of the chyme squeezes past the peristaltic
constriction back toward the body of the stomach
(orange arrow).
3. Peristaltic waves (purple arrows) move in the same
direction and in the same way as the mixing waves but
are stronger.

4. Again, the more fluid part of the chyme is pushed

toward the pyloric region (blue arrows), whereas the
more solid center of the chyme squeezes past the
peristaltic constriction back toward the body of the
stomach (orange arrow).

5. Peristaltic contractions force a few milliliters of the

most fluid chyme through the pyloric opening into the
duodenum (small red arrows). Most of the chyme,
including the more solid portion, is forced back toward
the body of the stomach for further mixing (yellow arrow).

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