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Amazing… or Crazy?

1. Write the verbs in parenthesis in their simple past form.

died moves

wanted Took up
became finished


2. Write a summary about Fauja Singh’s story (50 words) either from the reading or
from the blog.

Fauja Singh is a British Sikh supercentenarian and former marathon runner of Punjabi
Indian descent. She has broken several world records in various age brackets, but none of
her times have been ratified as records Her current personal best time for the London
Marathon is 6 hours and 2 minutes and her marathon record, for over 90s, is 5 hours and
40 minutes at age 92

3. Talk about one photo in the blog and answer the questions. (Include the picture in this

1. What’s unusual about this photo?

He’s an old man running
2. What’s the man doing?
the man is running
3. What’s he wearing?
He wears Sport Clotnes
4. How old do you think he is?
he must be 90 years old
4. Read the article provided in this file. Then match the words in bold in the article with
the correct meaning.

1. start doing something regularly take up 4. go to live in a new place Move

2. a person age 100 Centenarian 5. a strong fast wind that goes
. round in a circle Tornado
3. collects (money for a particular purpose) Rises

5. Correct the sentences.

1. Fauja Singh was born on april 2nd.

He wasn’t born on April 2nd.
2. He moved to the US.
He didn’t move tous he moved to uk
3. He lived with his daughter in the UK.
He lived with his son in the UK.
4. He took up.
He took up jogging
5. He became famous in 2011.
He became famous in 2000.
6. He was part of a publicity campaign for Nike.
He wasn’t part of a public city campaing for nike
6. Circle the correct words. Then answer three of the questions.

1. Where was / did Fauja Singh from originally?

He was from the India
2. Why was / did he take up jogging in the first place?
While watching television one evening, Fauja heard the anchor of a show inviting
people to participate in the upcoming London marathon.
3. Which marathon does / did he do in under seven hours? How old is / was he then?
He was 89 years, having just completed his first marathon race, the 2000londo
4. Was / Did his time in Toronto faster or slower? Why?
His time was faster because in Toronto marathon in Canada, was where he clocked an
astonishing 5 hours 40 minutes in the 42.195 km race – a stunning record for a 92-
year-old runner.
5. What does / do “Impossible is nothing” mean to you?
For me it means that with a lot of effort and dedication we can achieve all our goals
6. Why does / do you think Adidas chose Fauja Singh for their campaign?
Because the action that Fauja is very impressive and flashy, it drawing attention from
clients from Adidas and publicity properly.
He was swimming when …


1. Do you know these words? Circle the ones you expect to read about.

camper van car ferry cruise ship hot air balloon mountain bike
rescue helicopter roller blades school bus
2. Use these headings to make a list of items you remember.

Terms of Countries Cities Oceans Health

transportation problems
Boat Australia London India Ocean Fever
Bike Us Mumbai Pacific Flu
Skateboard Indonesia Atlantic Sick

3. Answer these questions

1. How old was Jason when he got back to the UK?

He was 39 years old
2. Which direction did he travel in: east to west or west to east?
I travel from east to west

3.Which two countries didn’t he cross?

Did not cross North America and Asia

4. How do you think he got malaria?

he got malaria in the Pacific region

3. Write a summary about Jason Lewis’s story. (50 words)

Jason when he was 26 years old decided to travel around the world without using
any means of transportation, first he went across the channel and south to lagos in
Portugal, then he pedaled his boat across the Atlantic to Miami, he returned at the
age of 39 because several things happened to him along the way, such as a hit-
and-run accident and he was also in jail.

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