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School of Management Sciences

Department of Business Management

Business Management – OBS 114

OBS 114 0
Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences
© 2010 University of Pretoria
Table of Contents

Organisational Component

1 GENERAL PREMISE AND EDUCATIONAL APPROACH ....................................................2

2 CONTACT INFORMATION....................................................................................................2

3 STUDY MATERIAL................................................................................................................3

4 LECTURE PERIODS / INSTRUCTIONAL LANGUAGE.........................................................3

5 ASSESSMENT.......................................................................................................................5

6 GENERAL..............................................................................................................................9

7 CHANNEL OF COMMUNICATION FOR STUDENT PROBLEMS.........................................9

Study Component

1 MODULE SPECIFICATIONS.............................................................................................11

2 MODULE STRUCTURE (in terms of weeks)...................................................................12

3 STUDY THEMES AND UNITS...........................................................................................13

4 LEARNING OUTCOMES...................................................................................................16

5 SELF STUDY ACTIVITIES.................................................................................................17

6 THE PLAGIARISM POLICY OF THE UNIVERSITY...........................................................17

OBS 114 1
Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences
© 2010 University of Pretoria

Significance of this course The importance of this course is:

To assist the student in gaining insight into the fundamentals and
dynamics of the modern business world
To facilitate comprehension of the different roles played in the
business world
To lead students to apply management principles and techniques
in the field of business
Educational approach The student has to study the units according to the lecturing
programme prior to the actual lectures. This enables the lecturer to
facilitate a class discussion, which can solve problems and provide
impetus for further discussions. The emphasis thus moves from
formal lecturing to self-study. It is expected that students should
be able to identify the relationships between study units and elements
of these units, to enhance a holistic perception of the study field.
Instructions for using the This study guide is student centred. It will be expected that students
study guide read through the study guide and also use it before every contact
session to prepare themselves for each lecture. This should enable
them to participate productively in class activities which may include:
case studies, group discussions and presentations, class exercises,
as well as topics already completed.


2.1 Subject coordinators at the different campuses

Lecturer Building & Telephone E-mail address

Office number number
MAIN CAMPUS Mrs MN Moos E & M Building, (012) 420 4667
Subject Room 3.61
GROENKLOOF Mrs S Badenhorst ** ** **
** To be announced

2.2 Helpdesk

To assist students with subject-related enquiries, the department of business management has
since 2005, established a “helpdesk”, situated in the E&M Building. The helpdesk has proven a
valuable service especially for purposes of enquiries about assessment marks, appointments
with lecturers and other associated matters. The helpdesk details are as follows:

Helpdesk Building & Office number Telephone E-mail address Office hours
Mrs. T. Morris E&M Building, Room 3.27 (012) 420 6255 Monday to Friday
08:30 – 15:30

OBS 114 2
Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences
© 2010 University of Pretoria
2.3 Lecturers’ Consulting hours

Respective lecturers will announce consulting hours individually during the first lecture. It is
advised that students exploit these times to engage lecturers in discussions pertaining to
whatever subject-related problems they might have.

Appointments with lecturers must however be made via the helpdesk staff or alternatively
through the departmental secretary, Mrs Terblanche (E&M building 3.45, Tel no 420 2411). The
subject coordinator may only be contacted in cases where the student’s lecturer has not
satisfactorily resolved student queries. Appointments must be made with the subject coordinator,
Mrs MN Moos, prior to consultation via e-mail.


Prescribed book

Nieman, GH. & Bennett, A. (2006). Business Management : A value chain approach
(2nd edition). Pretoria: Van Schaik Publishers.

Note: The previous edition will not suffice because new chapters have been added in the
second edition.


Groenkloof Campus

Group Instructional Language Time Venue Lecturer

G English Tuesday, 07:30 L3 Mrs S Badenhorst
01 Thursday, 08:30 L2
Friday, 07:30 L2
G English Tuesday, 08:30 L3 Mrs S Badenhorst
02 Thursday, 07:30 L2
Friday, 12:30 L2

Main Campus

During the orientation week, students were placed in one of eleven lecture groups based upon a
convenient criterion decided upon by the department. The large number of students registered for
OBS 114 in the main campus necessitates this. Students should attend classes for only the lecture
groups in which they are placed and NOT change to another group without the consent of the
subject coordinator.

Lectures will be offered either in English or Afrikaans at the main campus on the basis of lecture
groups. The lecture groups as well as associated times and venues are shown in the table on the
next page. Should certain circumstances dictate an alternative placement for a student, the consent
of the subject head must be obtained.

OBS 114 3
Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences
© 2010 University of Pretoria

Group Instructional Time Venue Lecturer

G 01 Afrikaans Tuesday 15:30 – 16:20 HSB 4.1
Wednesday 14:30 – 15:20 Law Building 1.5 Mrs R Strydom
Friday 15:30 – 16:20 EMB 4.150
G 02 Afrikaans Tuesday 15:30 – 16:20 EMB 4.151 Mrs MN Moos
Wednesday 14:30 – 15:20 HSB 4.1
Friday 15:30 – 16:20 IT 4.4 Mr E le Roux
G 03 Afrikaans Tuesday 14:30 – 15:20 HSB 4.3
Wednesday 15:30 – 16:20 IT 4.4 Mrs MN Moos
Friday 14:30 – 15:20 EMB 4.150
G 04 Afrikaans Monday 13:30 – 14:20 Law Building 1.5 Dr R Maritz
Wednesday 12:30 – 13:20 Muller Hall
Thursday 16:30 – 17:20 AE Annex Mrs MN Moos
G 05 English Monday 13:30 – 14:20 HSB 4.1 Mrs S Badenhorst
Wednesday 12:30 – 13:20 Roos Hall
Thursday 16:30 – 17:20 EMB 4.150 Ms G Chiloane
G 06 English Tuesday 14:30 – 15:20 EMB 4.151 Mr C eresia-Eke
Wednesday 15:30 – 16:20 EMB 4.150
Friday 14:30 – 15:20 Law Building 1.5 Ms G Chiloane
G 07 English Tuesday 14:30 – 15:20 IT 2.23
Wednesday 15:30 – 16:20 IT 4.5 Ms T Nayager
Friday 14:30 – 15:20 EMB 4.152
G 08 English Monday 13:30 – 14:20 EMB 4.151 Dr M Botha
Wednesday 12:30 – 13:20 HSB 4.1
Thursday 16:30 – 17:20 EMB 4.151 Dr I le Roux
G 09 English Monday 13:30 – 14:20 HSB 4.3
Wednesday 12:30 – 13:20 South Hall Mrs E van Amerom
Thursday 16:30 – 17:20 Law Building 1.5
G 10 English Tuesday 15:30 – 16:20 IT 4.5
Wednesday 14:30 – 15:20 EMB 4.152 Mr C Eresia-Eke
Friday 15:30 – 16:20 EMB 4.152
G 11 English Tuesday 15:30 – 16:20 IT 4.4
Wednesday 14:30 – 15:20 IT 4.4 Ms Z Taljaard
Friday 15:30 – 16:20 EMB 4.151
Note:Usage of the third lecture period for each group will be predicated upon the discretion of the group
lecturer or subject coordinator. Students would however be informed whenever this is to be the case.

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Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences
© 2010 University of Pretoria

5.1 Assessment Components

Assessment of students would be based upon:

a) Quizzes and/or Exercises which would account for 10% of the student’s final marks
b) Semester test(s) which would account for 40% of the student’s final marks
c) Examination which would account for 50% of the student’s final marks

Student’s performance in this course would be determined by the final mark (FM) obtained. A
student’s final mark is computed from the semester mark (SM) and the examination mark (EM)
both of which carry equal weights (50% each). To be deemed to have passed the subject, a
student must have obtained a minimum FM of 50% subject to the condition that a minimum 40%
mark had been obtained in the examination. The semester mark (SM) is computed from Test
and Quiz scores obtained in the subject during the course of the semester. The method of
computation of SM and FM for OBS 114 students would be posted on ClickUP in the course of
the semester.

• In order to qualify to write the exam, a student must have obtained a minimum
semester mark (SM) of 40%
• In order to pass this course, the student must obtain a minimum exam mark of 40%.
To emphasise the importance of this requirement, a student who may have a 70%
SM but scores 30% during the exam would have failed the course even though
his/her FM will be 50%. The reason for this is that the student has failed to meet the
minimum exam mark requirement given that his/her EM is lower than 40%.
• To qualify for a re-exam (supplementary), a student needs to have obtained a final
mark in the 40 – 49% range. Students with lower marks would have to re-register for
the course in the subsequent year.

5.2 Assessments

Due to the large number of students in their first year, the department is forced to make use of
assessment mainly through a combination of multiple-choice questions and short-essay type
questions. While the structure for tests and examinations would be similar, the durations for tests
and examinations would be 1hour and 2hours respectively. Duration for quizzes and/or exercises
will be communicated to students via ClickUP.

5.2.1 Quizzes and/or exercises

Students are advised to write all quizzes and/or exercises issued during the period of their
attendance of the module. Specific details concerning the format, scope, duration etc for
quizzes/exercises would be posted on ClickUP.

5.2.2 Semester tests

Semester test(s) written by students would account for a weight of 40% of the student’s final
mark. All tests will comprise two sections. The first section would be made up of multiple-choice
questions while the second section would take an essay-type form. Students registered for OBS
114 would be expected to write two semester tests (Test 1 and 2).

Two official semester tests have been scheduled as follows:

Semester Test Date Time Scope

Test 1 10 March 2010 ** Chapters 1, 2, 5, 6 & 7
Test 2 05 May 2010 ** Chapters 8, 9, 11, 12 & 13
** To be announced

OBS 114 5
Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences
© 2010 University of Pretoria
5.2.3 Sick test

The sick test would only be for students who may have missed earlier tests (for instance, due to
doctor-certified health reasons) but have obtained permission from the department of business
management to write the sick test. Students must complete a sick permit collected at the
helpdesk and bring it with them on the day the sick test will be written.

Semester Test Date Time Scope

Sick test: 12 May 2010 ** All chapters covered till 07 May
** To be announced

5.2.4 Examination

Students are advised to consult the official examination timetable for examination dates and
venues. Students should note that some exam dates may change with time and so must retain
the responsibility to continuously check the notice boards between the Old Club Hall and the
Academic Information Service (Library) to note any changes in dates and times.

5.2.5 Re-exams (Supplementary Examination)

Supplementary examinations are not granted automatically, but the final results obtained are
considered individually to determine whether a supplementary examination should be granted.
Generally, though, only students that have obtained a final mark within the 40% - 49% range for
OBS 114 are granted the opportunity for a re-examination.

It is the policy of the Department of Business Management not to make any previous
examination or test papers available to students. We believe that students that study only
questions will not gain the required insight into the prescribed literature. The desired
approach should be for students to study the prescribed literature and then see how they
can account for their knowledge when questions are put to them during the
test/examination session.

5.3 Absence from scheduled quizzes, tests and examinations

5.3.1 Quizzes / exercises

There would be NO opportunity granted to re-write quizzes/exercises. Students would have

only one opportunity to write each quiz/exercise. Relevant information regarding this assessment
component would be posted on ClickUP, so students should ensure that they keep abreast with all
module notices. Excuses such as claiming to be ignorant of the notices among others would not
be tenable. Indeed, no excuses would be acceptable.

5.3.2 Tests

In cases where poor health or work-related circumstances prevent a student from writing the test,
he/she will have to submit a medical certificate or employer’s declaration to the HELPDESK of the
Department of Business Management within THREE working days of the test in question. Your
name, student registration number and the subject code must be clearly indicated on the document
that you hand in.

Often students will go to the doctor after they have recovered and compel the doctor to then write a
sick note saying: “I was informed that the patient was sick”. According to the Health Professions
Council of South Africa, the validity of such a medical certificate is questionable and so, can be
refused. On this premise therefore, the Department of Business Management has decided that
such medical certificates will NOT be accepted. Furthermore, no affidavit or declarations in respect
OBS 114 6
Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences
© 2010 University of Pretoria
of any other reasons for absence will be accepted. For instance, the fact that some other tests
have to be written on that same day will not be seen as a valid excuse.

Students may only miss one semester test, since this concession will only be made once. Tests,
however, cannot be re-written to improve poor marks obtained from a previous attempt.

5.3.3 Examinations

The Faculty Administration deals with matters related to absence from scheduled examinations.
Applications in respect of this should therefore be directed to faculty administration.

5.4 Test and examination instructions

These assessment-related instructions have been provided here because experience has shown
that students often fail to read through these regulations during the test/exam time even though
they appear on the examination papers / answer scripts.

• No candidate may enter the test/examination hall later than half an hour after the test /
examination session has commenced and no candidate may leave the test/examination hall
earlier than half an hour after the test/examination session has commenced.
• Candidates are obliged to immediately execute all instructions given by an invigilator.
• Candidates may not take into the test/examination hall or have in their possession any
unauthorised apparatus, books, notes or paper of whatever nature or size.
• Once the invigilator has announced that the test/examination has commenced, all conversation
or any other form of communication between candidates must cease. During the course of the
test/examination, there must not be communication of any nature between candidates.
• No candidates may assist or attempt to assist another candidate, or obtain assistance or
attempt to obtain assistance from another candidate with regard to any form of information.
• Candidates shall not act dishonestly in any respect.
• Writing on any paper other than that supplied for test/examination purposes is strictly
prohibited. Candidates may also not write on the blotting paper or the examination paper
except if, in the case of the latter, they are required to fill answers or to respond to multiple-
choice questions therein.
• Rough work should be done in the test/examination answer book and then crossed out. Pages
may not be removed from the answer book.
• Smoking is not permitted in the test/examination hall and candidates may not leave the
test/examination hall during the test/examination in order to smoke outside.
• Only in exceptional circumstances will a candidate be given permission to leave the
test/examination hall temporarily, and this must be done, only under the supervision of an
• Candidates may not remove used or unused answer books or blotting paper form the
test/examination hall.
• When the invigilator announces that the time for the test/exam has expired, candidates must
stop writing immediately.


Candidates are seriously warned to desist from contravening any of these instructions.
If found guilty, a candidate could forfeit all credits for a whole year and may also be
suspended from the University (and consequently from all South African Universities)
for a period that could range from one year to permanent suspension.

5.5 Quizzes, tests and examination venues

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Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences
© 2010 University of Pretoria
5.5.1 Quizzes / Exercises
If necessary, venues for common writing of quizzes and/or exercises would be announced on
ClickUP. In the event of no venue announcement being made, students are advised to complete
all quizzes/exercises ONLY in any of the university’s LANS.

5.5.2 Tests

• Main campus - Venues will be announced one week prior to the test. The information will
also be made available on Click-up and at the departmental office notice board (EMB, Dept
of Bus. Mgt Foyer). Placement of students in test venues is usually done according to
students’ surnames and must be adhered to since venues have fixed seating capacity and
test papers are supplied according to the number of students expected. Students that
ignore this provision will have 4% subtracted from scores obtained by them for that
particular test.
• Groenkloof campus - Venue allocation would follow a similar procedure, as that outlined for
the man campus, above. Consequently, the penalty for writing a test in the wrong venue
would also be applicable.

5.5.3 Examinations

University Administration determines the venues for examinations. Information about groups and
the venues will be displayed on the notice boards between the Old Club Hall and the Academic
Information Service (Library) at the appropriate time.

Supplementary examinations for the first semester usually take place in the month of June.
Students are however advised to consult ClickUP for more specific information. Timetables will also
be available on the Internet:, “student online”.

5.6 Tests and Examination results

5.6.1 Results of Quizzes

Results of quizzes would be made available to the student via ClickUP

5.6.2 Results of Tests

Test results will be displayed on ClickUP. Lecturers will announce script perusal
dates/time/venue where applicable.

Perusal is a 5-minute inspection event that provides an opportunity for students that
doubt the test results to compare their answers with the marking memorandum. In the
case of any errors with student marks, lecturers would adjust these. It is important to
note that such perusals present the only opportunity for change of marks, as test marks
would not be re-visited thereafter.

5.6.3 Results of examinations

Results for first year students would be published on selected notice boards at the different
campuses. Students may contact the HELPDESK for specific information in this regard. However,
the results for second and third year, as well as postgraduate students will only be available on the
MTN line (telephone 083 123 111) and Internet at, “student online”. Results will
be mailed to individual candidates after the examination period.

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Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences
© 2010 University of Pretoria

6.1 Students with special needs

The University of Pretoria is keen to accommodate students’ special needs. These needs are
catered for without compromising academic standards. It is however the student’s responsibility to
inform his/her lecturer in good time of any special needs in order to ensure that this is catered for
during quizzes, tests or examinations.

6.2 ClickUP system

ClickUP is an important university communication medium utilised by the department.

ClickUp is used among others for providing students with lecture presentation slides and
quizzes, publishing test marks, making important announcements etc. Since all students
have access to ClickUP, no excuses will be acceptable if a student claims to be ignorant
about matters that are published on ClickUP. Students are therefore encouraged to visit
ClickUP regularly.


7.1 Election of a Class representative

It is expected that the class would elect a Class Representative by the second meeting of the
group but not later than the end of February (for the first semester). This person will act as the
spokesperson of the group and as liaison between the lecturers and students. The person’s
name and contact numbers must be given to the Course Coordinator/Responsible lecturer as
well as the Head of Department.

7.2 Grievance Procedure

The following procedural steps must be followed, in the event of any student-related problem as
it concerns OBS 114:

This basic procedure that is outlined below, calls for candidates to exhaust each step before
proceeding to the next level with a problem. Do not take short cuts or eliminate a person or
step in seeking a solution.

Step 1: Discuss with Class Representative/Lecturer

If a student has a module-related problem he/she must discuss it with the Class Representative.
The Class Representative must determine whether it is a general or an individual problem, and
discuss it firstly with the particular lecturer offering the module without reference to the person
from whom the problem emanated.

Step 2: Discuss with the Course Coordinator/Subject Head/Lecturer

If the student is not satisfied with the outcome, he/she and the Class representative must then
take up the matter with the Course Coordinator/Subject head/Lecturer. If the Course
Coordinator/Subject head/Lecturer cannot solve the problem, it must be taken up with the
relevant Head of Department.
Step 3: Discuss with Head of Department/Chairperson of School

A student, who is dissatisfied with the outcomes of steps 1 and 2, may then contact the Head of

OBS 114 9
Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences
© 2010 University of Pretoria
Department, or the Chairperson of the School. If the Head of Department or Chairperson of the
School can not solve the problem, it should be taken up with the Head: Student Administration.

Step 4: Discuss with Student Administration

In the event of the problem not being solved after the discussion with the Head of Department /
Chairperson of the School, the student concerned may refer the matter to Student
Administration. Steps 5 to 6 will be the sequence of actions if the complaint has not been solved
by this stage.

Step 5: Discuss with Dean

Step 6: Refer to Dean of Students/Relevant Vice Principal

The Principal’s decision will be final.

7.3 General conduct expected from candidates

1. It is important that candidates take note of the procedures set out in the study guide or by
lecturers in class or other subject-related notices.

2. Candidates must read the “Manual on Discipline and Disciplinary Measures (Candidates)”

3. It is important that you study the General Rules and Regulations pertaining to your
course/ degree as many problems are the result of candidates not being aware of these


Student / Candidate: Enrolled student at the University of Pretoria

Class Representative: Person appointed by the class of a certain module/s to coordinate information,
feedback and to represent the class

Lecturer: Person offering the lecture in a certain module/s

Subject Head / Course coordinator: Person coordinating a certain module/s

Head of Department: Person at the head of the department

Chairperson of School: The Chairs of the four following Schools in the Faculty: Economic Sciences;
Management Sciences; Financial Sciences, and Public Management and Administration

Student Administration: Faculty administration on Level 1 and 2 of EMS building

Dean: The Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences

Dean of students: The Dean that oversees all student affairs at the University

Principal: The person in Top Management of the University responsible for the Faculty of Economic and
Management Sciences


OBS 114 10
Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences
© 2010 University of Pretoria
1.1 Purpose statement
This module will help students gain understanding of the general dynamics of business
organisations and equip the student with knowledge of important issues that must be considered
in the quest for business and management success.

1.2 Presumed learning level

It is assumed that students have knowledge of business entities and in some instances, their
business activities in South Africa.

1.3 Critical cross-field outcomes

The critical cross field relevant outcomes include among others, knowledge and understanding
of the:
• Value adding concept and the elements of the business environment.
• Business functions and leadership.
• Primary and secondary activities in the value chain.
• Contemporary matters in modern business management.

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Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences
© 2010 University of Pretoria

Week Dates Chapter and study unit Comment

1 27 – 29 Jan 2010 Information and orientation Purchase text book
2 01 – 05 Feb 2010 Chapter 1 - Study unit 1
3 08 – 12 Feb 2010 Chapter 2 - Study unit 2 Quiz 1 – ClickUp assessment
Chapters 1 & 2

The opening and closing times for

the assessment will be announced.
4 15 – 19 Feb 2010 Chapter 5 - Study unit 3
5 22 – 26 Feb 2010 Chapter 6 - Study unit 4 Quiz 2 - ClickUp assessment
Chapter 5 & 6

The opening and closing times for

the assessment will be announced.
6 01 – 05 March 2010 Chapter 7 - Study unit 5 Quiz 3 - ClickUp assessment
Chapters 1, 2, 5, 6 & 7

The opening and closing times for

the assessment will be announced.
7 08 –12 March 2010 Chapter 8 - Study unit 6 Semester Test 1
10 March 2010
(Chapters 1, 2, 5, 6 & 7)

8 15 – 19 March 2010 Chapter 9 - Study unit 7 Quiz 4 - ClickUp assessment

Chapters 8 & 9
16/03/10 – 1st quarter
ends The opening and closing times for
OBS 114

17/03/10 – 2nd quarter the assessment will be announced.

9 22 – 26 March 2010 Chapter 11 - Study unit 8 22 March 2010 - Public Holiday
10 29 - 31 March 2010 Chapter 12 - Study unit 9 Quiz 5 - ClickUp assessment
Chapters 11 & 12
Lectures end for April
recess The opening and closing times for
the assessment will be announced.
01 – 11 April 2010 - Semester break
11 12 – 16 April 2010 Chapter 13 - Study unit 10
12 19 - 23 April 2010 Chapter 14 - Study unit 11
13 26 – 30 April 2010 Chapter 18 - Study unit 12 Quiz 6 - ClickUp assessment
Chapters 8, 9, 11, 12, 13 & 14
26 April 2010
– No lectures The opening and closing times for
27 April 2010 the assessment will be announced.
– Freedom Day
28 April 2010 – Monday timetable
14 03 - 07 May 2010 Chapter 18 - Study unit 12 Semester Test 2
05 May 2010
(Chapters 8, 9, 11, 12 & 13)

15 10- 14 May 2010 Chapter 19 - Study unit 13 Sick test

12 May 2010

All the chapters covered until 07

May 2010
16 17 - 18 May 2010 Revision Lectures end for 1 semester

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© 2010 University of Pretoria

APPROACH (see learning outcomes on page 3 of textbook)

Sections Preparation
Chapter 1 Introduction Read and study the
Functional areas of Business Management chapter
The role of needs in the Business Cycle • Attempt the discussion
The Free Market System questions
Need satisfaction institutions in the free market • Attempt case studies
system and do the experiential
The organisation as a system with value-adding exercises
Adding competitive value

3.2. STUDY UNIT 2: ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS (see learning outcomes on page 26 of


Sections Preparation
Chapter 2 Introduction Read and study the
The environment of the organisation in perspective chapter
International environment • Attempt the discussion
Macro environment questions
Market environment • Attempt case studies
Micro-environment and do the experiential
Environmental analysis and scenario development exercises

3.3. STUDY UNIT 3: GENERAL MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP (see learning outcomes on
page 85 of textbook)

Sections Preparation
Chapter 5 Introduction Read and study the
Management skills and roles chapter
Management levels • Attempt the discussion
Planning and strategy questions
Organising • Attempt case studies
Leadership and do the experiential
Control exercises
Managerial decision-making
Managing and competitive advantage

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Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences
© 2010 University of Pretoria
3.4. STUDY UNIT 4: PURCHASING AND INBOUND LOGISTICS (see learning outcomes on page
117 of textbook)

Sections Preparation
Chapter 6 Introduction Read and study the
Purchasing chapter
Transportation • Attempt the discussion
Warehousing questions
Inventory management • Attempt case studies
and do the experiential


(see learning outcomes on page 138 of textbook)

Sections Preparation
Chapter 7 Introduction Read and study the
Tasks of production and operations management chapter
Layout of operations • Attempt the discussion
Quality control questions
Production and operations management aids • Attempt case studies
Outbound logistics and do the experiential
Research and development exercises

3.6. STUDY UNIT 6: MARKETING MANAGEMENT (see learning outcomes on page 158 of

Sections Preparation
Chapter 8 Introduction Read and study the
The marketing concept chapter
Market orientations • Attempt the discussion
Marketing management defined questions
The role of marketing • Attempt case studies
Marketing strategy and do the experiential
Customer service exercises


on page 185 of textbook)

Sections Preparation
Chapter 9 Introduction Read and study the
Interrelationship of financial management within the chapter
PLEASE organisation • Attempt the discussion
NOTE: Budget planning and control questions
Sections Financial measurement and reporting • Attempt case studies
9.1 – 9.4, Management of working capital and do the experiential
9.6 – 9.7 Financial performance measurement and analysis exercises

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© 2010 University of Pretoria
3.8. STUDY UNIT 8: HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (see learning outcomes on page 243
of textbook)

Sections Preparation
Chapter 11 Introduction Read and study the
The task and scope of human resources management chapter
(HRM) • Attempt the discussion
Human resources provision questions
Human resources retention • Attempt case studies
Governance affecting HRM and do the experiential

3.9. STUDY UNIT 9: COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT (see learning outcomes on page 266 of

Sections Preparation
Chapter 12 Introduction Read and study the
What is communication? chapter
Internal communication • Attempt the discussion
Communication with the external environment questions
Barriers to effective communication • Attempt case studies
Overcoming communication barriers and do the experiential

outcomes on page 285 of textbook)

Sections Preparation
Chapter 13 Introduction Read and study the
Information as a resource chapter
Information and the IT-function • Attempt the discussion
Electronic business questions
Protecting information on the internet • Attempt case studies
and do the experiential

3.11. STUDY UNIT 11: MANAGING DIVERSITY (see learning outcomes on page 303 of textbook)

Sections Preparation
Chapter 14 Introduction Read and study the
Nature of diversity chapter
Problems, challenges and benefits of diversity in the • Attempt the discussion
workplace questions
Reasons for increasing diversity in the work place • Attempt case studies
Concepts that impact on employment practices and and do the experiential
diversity exercises
Managing diversity

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© 2010 University of Pretoria
3.12. STUDY UNIT 12: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (see learning outcomes on page 377
of textbook)

Sections Preparation
Chapter 18 Introduction Read and study the
Environmental responsibility chapter
The ecological environment and the potential for • Attempt the discussion
damage questions
Managing the environment • Attempt case studies
South African legislation on the environment and do the experiential
International standards exercises
Adapting a different paradigm

3.13. STUDY UNIT 13: CORPORATE GOVERNANCE (see learning outcomes on page 404 of

Sections Preparation
Chapter 19 Introduction Read and study the chapter
Corporate governance and principles involved • Attempt the discussion
The necessity for good corporate governance questions
Corporate governance in the King II report • Attempt case studies and do
the experiential exercises


Every topic discussed in class has study objectives. These objectives are achieved when the
student has mastered the unit. Understanding of the unit is often tested by the use of
concepts like define, explain, distinguish, describe etc. These measures / objectives should
be seen as the minimum (and not the maximum) knowledge required for the specific study
unit. To assist the student to prepare properly, the meaning of some of these knowledge-
testing concepts are outlined in the table on the next page.

Cognitive act Illusive action

Knowledge Describe, explicate, name, list, state, give, indicate, show, recognise, identify,
(Know) sketch, review, illustrate, draw and complete
Comprehension Explain, expound, interpret, reformulate, elucidate, illustrate with the aid of ….,
(Insight) translate, decipher, derive, extrapolate, infer, predict, interpolate, manipulate,
argue, summarise and outline
Application Calculate, figure, prove, process, determine, demonstrate, show how to …,
How would one in practice …, apply, utilise, deduce, make conclusions,
generalise, prepare and classify
Analysis Differentiate, distinguish, discriminate, sort, compare with respect to …,
indicate differences / similarities, contrast, analyse, investigate, organise, order
and pair off
Synthesis Design, plan, devise a treatment, create, develop, produce, compile, combine,
diagnose, diagnostics, advise, recommend, suggest, fashion, compose,
indicate relationship and relate
Evaluation Express a verdict, indicate preference, take a stand, decide, judge, criticise,
select, assess, evaluate and justify or motivate

OBS 114 16
Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences
© 2010 University of Pretoria

It is the responsibility of each student to attempt the case studies and discussion questions at the
back of each chapter in the textbook. Also, following the completion of each study unit, students
are advised to attempt the exercises per chapter, bearing in mind, the knowledge-test concepts in
the table above.



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98 of 1978. The University of Pretoria places a high premium on its academic standards and
subscribes to a value system that requires strong action against plagiarism. Being regarded
as a serious contravention of the University's rules, plagiarism can lead to expulsion from the
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Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences
© 2010 University of Pretoria

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