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3, 1978) 753

Spectrophotometric Determination of Vitamin A in Oils and Fats


Tehran University, Department of Food Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, Tehran, Iran

A spectrophotometric method for deter- agents for determining vitamin A in feeds and
mining vitamin A based on interaction with foods (14). They found that, in general, the re-
50% trichloroacetic acid solution in dichloro- agents in DCM solutions produced the most stable
methane was developed. The blue reaction prod- blue complex. When we substituted DCM for
uct had a maximum absorption at 620 nm and chloroform in the TCA reagent solution, the re-

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obeyed Beer's law over the concentration range agent was completely stable in daylight, was more
of 0.5-5.0 fig retinol/ml solution. The molar sensitive, and was easily prepared. The principal
absorptivity of the reaction product was 1.58 X disadvantages of the Carr-Price reagent—rapid
10 5 . As much as 100 fig vitamin D 2 , and /?- fading of the developed color, interference of
carotene up to 12 times the vitamin A concen- moisture with the determination, difficulty in
tration, did not interfere with the determina- cleaning the cells, and possible toxicity of the re-
tion. The results obtained from the determina- agent—are avoided. In addition, the color-develop-
tion of vitamin A in cod liver oil and butter ing activity of the reagent is constant, and there
showed excellent agreement with the Carr-Price is no need for routine pre-standardization or
method, 43.013 (d). checking of the reagent. In the present investiga-
tion, the optimum conditions for the spectrophoto-
The colorimetric Carr-Price reaction is the offi- metric determination of vitamin A by using TCA
cial AOAC method (1) for determining vitamin A solution in DCM and the application of the
in feeds and foods. Other colorimetric reagents method for the determination of the vitamin in
such as glycerol dichlorohydrin (2-4), 2,3-dichloro- oils and fats are described.
propanol (5), trichloroacetic acid (6-8), trifluoro-
acetic acid (9, 10), and iodine (11) have been METHOD
used for the quantitative determination of vitamin Reagents and Apparatus
The reaction of trichloroacetic acid (TCA) with Reagents and chemicals used were analytical
vitamin A was reported by Rosenheim and Drum- grade.
mond (12), but Carr and Price (13) were unable (a) Trichloroacetic acid reagent.—50% (Cau-
to use the reagent for quantitative determination tion: TCA is corrosive; handle with care.) Dis-
of the vitamin. Later, Bayfield (6, 7) obtained satis- solve 25 g TCA crystals, with aid of gentle heat,
factory results for vitamin A in serum and liver by in 35 ml DCM and dilute to 50 ml with DCM.
using a freshly prepared saturated solution of TCA (b) Standard vitamin A solutions.—Dissolve ac-
in alcohol-free and recently distilled chloroform. curately weighed amount of USP Reference Stand-
Grys (8) improved the method by dissolving the ard Solution of vitamin A in 50 ml DCM. Prepare
reagent in anhydrous chloroform and using a fast- solutions containing 0.5-5.0 yjg retinol/ml by dilu-
measurement accessory with a dedicated recorder. tion with DCM. Use freshly prepared solutions.
Dehydrated magnesium chloride was used for the Work in subdued light or use low-actinic glass-
preparation of anhydrous chloroform, and the pre- ware.
pared reagent was stable for 5 hr with daylight (c) Potassium hydroxide solution.—See 43.009
excluded. TCA, because of its ready availability (g) (1).
and low toxicity, and the ease of cleaning of cells, (d) Spectrophotometer.—Beckman DB-GT with
was a suitable reagent for routine analysis for the 1.00 cm cells and Beckman 10 in. recorder.
vitamin. However, the reported TCA methods (6,
8) had no real advantage over the Carr-Price Preparation of Sample Assay Solution
method because of instability of the reagent and Carry out the following experiments as rapidly
special conditions required for its preparation. as consistent, in subdued light, and at low labo-
Recently, Subramanyam and Parrish tested ratory temperature.
antimony trichloride, trifluoroacetic acid, and TCA (a) Saponification.—Weigh accurate amount of
in solutions of chloroform, dichloromethane oil or fat containing 12.5-125 /tg retinol into 250
(DCM), and dichloroethane as colorimetric re- or 500 ml boiling flask. Digest sample as in

Address all correspondence to this author. Received May 23, 1977. Accepted October 5, 1977.

© Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Inc.
754 KAMANGAR & FAWZI: J. ASSOC. OFF. ANAL. CHEM. (VOL. 61, NO. 3, 1978)

43.013 (a) (1), ending with "Cool rapidly to room higher reagent concentrations. The color intensity
temp.". increased as the reagent concentration in chloro-
(b) Extraction.—Transfer solution to 125 or form increased. The color obtained by using 50%
250 ml separatory funnel. Wash flask 4 and 2 times reagent solution in DCM was more intense than
with 5 ml portions of water and alcohol, respec- that produced by the saturated reagent solution in
tively, and add washings to the separatory funnel. chloroform prepared by Grys (8) and also by the
Extract vitamin A by vigorous shaking with 20, antimony trichloride reagent 43.009(h) (1).
15, and five 10 ml portions of hexane. Combine The 50% reagent, solution in DCM was prepared
extracts in 125 ml separatory funnel. Wash extract and stored in tightly stoppered containers in the
3 times with 30 ml portions of tap water, followed daylight. The colo • intensity of the reaction prod-
by successive 30 ml portions of distilled water uct between the reagent and a known amount of

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until free of alkali. Let extract stand 15 min and vitamin A was measured at selected intervals of
draw off any separated water. time for as long JLS 4 months, and was the same
(c) Solvent removal.—Evaporate extract to dry- as that produced by using freshly prepared re-
ness under vacuum or nitrogen in water bath at agent. This finding is in close agreement with the
60-65°C. Dissolve residue immediately in DCM observations of Subramanyam and Parrish (14).
and adjust volume of solution to 25 ml. Nine standard series of 10 samples, ranging in
concentration from 0.4 to 9.2 /ig retinol/ml, were
Procedure prepared and treated by the proposed procedure.
Adjust spectrophotometer at 620 nm, using mix- The optimum cone entration range for the measure-
ture of 1 ml DCM and 2 ml TCA reagent solution. ments, 0.5-5.0 fug retinol/ml solution, conformed
Pipet exactly 1 ml DCM sample solution con- to Beer's law, at 620 nm and 1.00 cm optical path-
taining 0.5-5.0 fig retinol into spectrophotometer length. The molar absorptivity of the colored re-
cell and place cell in instrument. Cover cell com- action product at 620 nm was 1.58 X 105. The ab-
partment with piece of carton with small hole on sorbance of a solution containing 3.70 fig retinol/
cell side. Set chart speed to 0.1 in./sec, switch in- ml was 0.680±0.004. The relative standard deviation
strument on, and start recorder. Pipet exactly 2 of the calculated absorptivities in the optimum
ml TCA reagent solution from rapid delivery concentration range was 0.8%. The percentage ac-
pipet, within 1-2 sec, directly into cell and record curacy and the confidence limits of a solution con-
absorbance for 30 sec. taining 2.67 fig retinol/ml were calculated to be
0.4% and 2.68±0.02 fig, respectively.
Calculation The bluish violet of the reaction product of /?-
Calculate amount of vitamin A by comparison carotene and the reagent developed 5 sec after
with standard curve or factor. Determine recovery the reagent addition, and reached maximum in-
factor, R, for vitamin A by adding known amount tensity at 620 nm within 15-20 sec. Solutions con-
of vitamin A to samples, and proceeding with taining a known amount of vitamin A and dif-
entire analysis. ferent concentrations of /3-carotene were prepared
Vitamin A, fig/g = C X 25/(R X W) and analyzed by the recommended procedure. At-
tempts at absorbimce addition failed. Since the
where C = fig vitamin A/ml DCM solution calcu- color developed only after 5 sec, the speed of the
lated from curve or factor; and W = g sample. chart recorder wa« set at 1.0 in./sec, and the ab-
sorbance was recorded at 5 sec exactly. This al-
Results and Discussion lowed accurate determination of the vitamin in
The resulting bright blue complex from the re- the presence of 12 times its concentration of /3-
action between vitamin A and TCA reagent solu- carotene.
tion, following the recommended procedure, Vitamin D 2 reacts with the reagent, forming a
showed maximum absorption at 620 nm. Color yellow color which changes rapidly to yellowish
intensity at 620 nm was maximum 5 sec after re- brown. At low concentrations, the yellow color has
agent addition, remained constant 5 sec, and then no absorbance at 620 nm and does not interfere
decreased slowly. in the determination of vitamin A. Above 100 fig
Concentrations of 25, 50, 75, and 100% TCA vitamin D 2 /ml, the blue vitamin A reaction prod-
reagent in DCM and chloroform were prepared uct fades quickly and the absorbance recording
separately and treated, as described in the recom- is not accurate.
mended procedure, with a known concentration of The vitamin A contents of cod liver oil and
vitamin A solution prepared in the same solvent. butter were determined by the recommended pro-
Reagent solution in DCM showed maximum color cedure. To evaluate the accuracy of the method,
intensity with 50% solution and was constant with the results were compared with the Carr-Price
KAMANGAR & FAWZI: J. ASSOC. OFF. ANAL. CHEM. (VOL. 61, NO. 3, 1978) 755

Table 1. Comparison of proposed and Carr-Price (2) Sobel, A. E., & Werbin, H. (1945) J. Biol.
methods for determining vitamin A Chem. 159, 681-691
(fig retinol/g sample)
(3) Sobel, A. E., & Werbin, H. (1946) Ind. Eng.
Rel. std Found, Chem. Anal. Ed. 18, 570-573
Sample Carr-Price° TCA° dev. .% %b (4) Sobel, A. E., & Werbin, H. (1947) Anal.
Chem. 19, 107-112
Cod liver oil 240. 0 247.0 1. 0 102.9
Butter 3.,12 3.19 1. 4 102.2
(5) Blake, J. A., & Moran, J. J. (1976) Can. J.
Chem. 54, 1757-1764
° Mean of 5 determinations. (6) Bayfield, R. F. (1971) Anal. Biochem. 39,
Calculated on the basis of Carr-Price measure- 282-287
ments. (7) Bayfield, R. F. (1975) Anal. Biochem. 64,

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(8) Grys, S. (1975) Analyst 100, 637-639
method, 43.013(d) (1) (Table 1). Excellent agree- (9) Dugan, R. E., Frigerio, N. A., & Siebert,
ment of the 2 methods validates the proposed pro- J. M. (1964) Anal. Chem. 36, 114-117
cedure for determining vitamin A in oils and fats. (10) Gharbo, S. A., & Gosser, L. A. (1975) Analyst
100, 703-707
Acknowledgment (11) Al-Sulimany, F., & Townshend, A. (1973)
The authors wish to express their sincere thanks Anal. Lett. 6, 1029-1037
to Ali Shafiee for the facilities to carry out this (12) Rosenheim, 0., & Drummond, J. C. (1925)
work. Biochem. J. 19, 753-756
(13) Carr, F. H., & Price, E. A. (1926) Biochem.
REFERENCES J. 20, 497-501
(1) Official Methods oj Analysis (1975) 12th Ed., (14) Subramanyam, G. B., & Parrish, D. B. (1976)
AOAC, Washington, DC, sees 43.008-43.013 J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 59, 1125-1130

/ . Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 60, 1345-1349 (1977), Change average from 500 to 505.
"Comparison of Methods for Determining Pro-
benecid in Tablets and Flavored Oral Suspen-
sions Containing Ampicillin," by P. J. Vollmer,
R. Chastonay, C. Haneke, N. Kantor, and R.
Blyth, Table 2, Sample M

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