DPS Pune Fee Circular 202021 CLASSVIII

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Nyati County, Vill. Mohammadwadi, Pune – 411060 (020) 26970418/428 info@dpspune.com

DPS/Pun/Accts/Fee/Cir. No. H-01/2020-21 April 04, 2020

Dear Parent / Guardian,
Please read this Fee Circular carefully.
1. With the new academic session commencing, we wish to inform you about the change in the Fee Structure, effective
April, 2020. The new fee structure, applicable for academic session 2020-21 for your ward is –
a) Education Fee (Monthly) - INR 5,125.00
b) Transport Fee (Monthly; if your child uses school transport) - INR 2,350.00
c) Annual Miscellaneous Charge (Payable in April, 2020) - INR 20,500.00
2. Note that Education and Transport (if applicable) Fees are payable bi-monthly. The bi-monthly fees of your ward
will be debited directly from your account, through NACH, on the first working day of every alternate month. In
April, 2020, due to the prevailing circumstances, the Mandate will be sent for collection on the 7th. In case your
NACH Mandate Form has not yet been received / registered with NPCI, you would have received a separate
communication from us to contact the school Accounts office. Do ensure that, if required, the fresh NACH Mandate
Form is submitted to the school positively by April 30, 2020.
3. In April, 2020, apart from the Education and Transport (if applicable) Fee for April-May, 2020, the Annual
Miscellaneous Charge will also be payable. For reasons of accounting convenience, we may collect the total due
amount in three or four separate instalments, on consecutive days commencing on April 07.
4. You are requested to maintain sufficient balance in your account from which the fee amounts are to be debited on
the respective due dates every two months. Normally, the clearing house will debit your account on the first day of
the month in which the fees become payable. However, in the rare case of delay, you must ensure availability of
funds in your account.
5. If, at a later date, you wish to change your bank account from which the fees are being debited, you must contact
our Accounts Office. A fresh NACH Mandate Form will have to be submitted. Do remember that it takes
approximately one month for an NACH Mandate to be registered and till such time, if necessary, fees will continue
to be collected using the old NACH Mandate.
6. In the event of any of the bi-monthly NACH Mandates being dishonoured, you are expected to deposit the amount
through the payment gateway on our website, along with applicable Administrative Charge. For Administrative
Charge payable, you may refer to the Almanac.
7. Do note that the period for payment is calculated from the first day of the month in which the fee becomes due.
Also note that you can deposit the amount through payment gateway only AFTER we receive information about
the dishonour of the NACH Mandate. Additionally, the due amount, when shown on the payment gateway, is fixed
and cannot be altered.
8. For detailed information on payment through the payment gateway, please refer to the link titled “Online
Payments” appearing on the right side of our school website.
9. If your NACH Mandate is dishonoured for reasons of “Insufficient Balance”, but your Bank Statement / Pass Book
shows sufficient balance on the day (balance BEFORE the Mandate was presented), Administrative Charge will be
waived. You should bring the original Bank Statement / Pass Book, along with a photocopy, for verification by our
Accounts Office, within fifteen days of such dishonour. The photocopy will be retained for our records.
Administrative Charge will also be waived in case your bank account was sufficiently funded BEFORE presentation
of the NACH Mandate, but was dishonoured for reasons beyond your control or due to a fault in the banking
10. The school may or may not send an SMS, email or any notice as reminder in the case of presentation, or
subsequent dishonour, of any NACH Mandate. Non-receipt of such SMS, email or notice cannot be an excuse
for defaulting on any dues. It is expected that, as responsible parents / guardians, you shall ensure that your
ward’s fee reaches the school regularly and on time.
11. Do ensure that, if due, all fees for academic session 2019-20 are cleared at the earliest.
You may contact the school Accounts Office if you have any query.


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