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REVISION UNIT 1,2,3 – English 11

I. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.
1) A. change B. children C. machine D. church
2) A. guitarist B. passenger C. generous D. village
3) A. other B. long C. possible D. constancy
4) A. hand B. bank C. sand D. band
5) A. money B. month C. monkey D. monitor
6) A. change B. hungry C. stronger D. single
7) A. fat B. any C. gas D. hat
8) A. glad B. geography C. glass D. give
9) A. hour B. happy C. husband D. hold
II. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
1) Most of the undeveloped countries need a lot of ....................... aid.
A. together B. unselfish C. mutual D. friend
2) He is too ....................... to lend me his bicycle.
A. selfish B. enthusiastic C. helpful D. pleasant
3) Suddenly she recognized the ....................... of the situation that made her laugh.
A. wonder B. pleasure C. understanding D. hunour
4) He is a .............person because he is always friendly with everyone.
A. helpful B. good-natured C. honest D. quick-witted
5) If you want to get a good result in every work, you should have a.............
A. loyalty B. sympathy C. constancy D. unselfishness
6) A ..................... friendship is a precious relation ship.
A. mutual B. sincere C. generous D. successful
7) A good marriage is based on ................................ .
A. trust B. loyalty C. secret D. A & B
8) The children seem to be totally ...........................of working quietly by themselves.
A. unable B. impossible C. incapable D. not able
9) They let their children ................................ up late at weekends.
A. staying B. stay C. to stay D. stayed
10) The children were eager ............................ their parents.
A. to see B. see C. seeing D. saw
11) I’d rather ........................... at home.
A. to stay B. staying C. stayed D. stay
12) Peter is very funny. He makes me ........................... a lot
A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughing D. laughed
13) They noticed him .......................... the agreement.
A. sign B. to sign C. signing D. signed
14) It’s important for her ............................ the office.
A. ringing B. ring C. rang D. to ring
15) They would .................. go by plane than spend a week traveling by train.
A. like B. rather C. prefer D. better
16) The boss made ......................... for a meeting after work.
A. us to stay B. us stay C. us staying D. us to staying
17) As I .................... the glass, it suddenly ...................... into two pieces.
A. cut/ broke B. was cutting/ broke C. cut/ was breaking D. was cutting/ had broken
18) A burglar .................. into the house while we ................... television.
A. broke/ were watching B. broke/ watched C. had broken/ watched D. broke/ had watched
19) When I ............................... home, I ........................... a phone call.
A. got/ received B. was getting/ was receiving C. got/ had received D. had got/ had received
20) They ................. small cups of coffee after they ..................... dinner.
A. had drunk/ finished B. drank/ finished C. were drinking/ finished D. drank/ had
21) It was midnight. Outside it ........................... very hard.
A. rains B. rained C. had rained D. was raining
22) When he ....................... at the station, his train already.....................
A. arrived/ left B. arrived/ had left C. had arrived/ left D. had arrived/ left
23) A person or thing that is loved and admired very much is the ..............
A. ideal B. idea C. idol D. fan
24) A short part of a film or movie that is shown separately is called a ......
A. picture B. clip C. news D. cartoon
25) She ..................... shyly at him and then lowered her eyes.
A. looked B. stared C. glanced D. sighted
26) This ........................ girl was disliked by the rest of the class.
A. helpful B. sneaky C. unselfish D. generous
27) He pulled a(n) ......................... of 10 pounds notes out of his pocket.
A. sum B. amount C. piece D. wad
28) I’ve never fallen in such a(n) ............................ situation before.
A. embarrassed B. embarrassing C. confused D. confusing
29) The children were ......................... about opening their presents.
A. interested B. fond C. keen D. excited
30) I know from ............................ that he’ll arrive late.
A. knowledge B. experience C. understanding D. reality
31) Andrew .................... the test before so he...................... it very easy.
A. did/ had found B. had done/ found C. was doing/ found D. did/ was founding
32) You ...................... your new hat when I ...................... you yesterday.
A. were wearing/ had met B. wore/ had met C. wore/ was meeting D. were wearing/ met
33) A date that is an exact number of years after the date of an important event is a(n) ...............
A. birthday B. celebration C. wedding D. anniversary
34) Dinner will be a cold ..........................., not a sit-down meal.
A. party B. meal C. dish D. buffet
35) He doesn’t know much about the subject, but he is ....................... .
A. joyful B. enthusiastic C. reserved D. calm
36) Steve thought his ........................... with Helen was changing.
A. relate B. relative C. relation D. relationship
37) He is ............................ for his elderly parents.
A. paying attention B. looking C. caring D. taking care
38) He is smartly ........................ when he comes to an interview.
A. dressed B. put on C. worn D. undressed
39) John had agreed ......................... me in his office.
A. to meet B. meeting C. to be met D. being met
40) it’s important for the figures ......................... regularly.
A. to update B. updating C. to be updated D. being updated
41) It is no good ............................ sorry for yourself.
A. to feel B. feeling C. feel D. felt
42) The man wanted to avoid ...................... on security cameras.
A. to see B. seeing C. to be seen D. being seen
43) Peter ........................ to go in for the exam.
A. avoided B. let C. advised D. decided
44) I tried ........................... the bus, but I missed it.
A. to catch B. catching C. to be caught D. being caught
45) The plants want ........................... daily.
A. to water B. watering C. to be watered D. being water
46) Will you remind me .................... this letter at the post office?
A. to post B. posting C. to be posted D. being posted
47) The goods ought ....................... two weeks ago.
A. to deliver B. delivering C. to be delivered D. being delivered
48) I have expected ......................... the secret of happiness.
A. to tell B. telling C. to be told D. being told
III. Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct form.
1) That was a very strange question (ask) _______________.
2) It was very kind of you (show) _______________ the way.
3) The teacher let him (stay) _______________ at home to finish the assignment.
4) It was quite a surprise (see) _______________ him again.
5) I overheard him (say) _______________ that he didn’t want to learn Math.
6) She stood there and watched him (drive) _______________ away.
7) It was very difficult for her (drive) _______________ the motorbike.
8) I could feel the robber (come) _______________ from the backdoor.
9) While Diana (watch) _____________ her favourite TV programme, there (be) ____________ a power cut.
10) Who (drive) _______________ the car at the time of the accident?
11) By the time Sheila (get) _______________ back, Chris (go) _______________ home.
12) David (eat) _______________ Japanese food before, so he (know) _______________ what to order.
13) I (do) _______________ some shopping yesterday, when I (see) _______________ your friend.
14) What were you (do) _______________ when I (come) _______________ to your office yesterday?
15) Laura (miss) _______________ the party because no one (tell) _______________ her about it.
16) I suddenly remembered that I (forget) _______________ my keys.
17) I don’t remember (tell) _______________ of the decision to change the company policy on vacations.
18) Ms Drake expects (consult) _______________ about any revisions in her manuscript before it is printed.
19) Sally gave a good speech that I couldn’t insist on (applaud) _______________ loudly when she finished.
20) Tommy admitted (throw) _______________ the rock through the window.
21) Paul really didn’t mind (surprise) _______________ the party to celebrate this fortieth birthday.
22) Anne hoped (invite) _______________ to join the private club.
23) Most people enjoy (travel) _______________ to different parts of the world.
24) May I change the TV channel, or do you want (watch) _______________ more of this programme?
IV. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.
1) I couldn’t make my car to start this morning.
2) There are a lot of work to do here.
3) I’m sure he is incapable in running a mile in four minutes.
4) Good friendship should be basing on mutual understanding.
5) I’m delighted hearing that you have made much progress in your study.
6) The thief asked her handing over her money.
7) He was terribly excited to ask to play for Manchester.
8) They chose not to be attended the meeting.
9) He could not decide whether to get a job or studying.
10) I dislike being talk about everywhere.
11) While I did my homework, I had a good idea.
12) Don’t make so much fusses over the children.
13) John’s friends had celebrated a farewell party for him last Sunday
14) After she bought herself a new motorbike, she sold her bicycle.
15) She did not know where most of the people in the room are from.
IV. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.
1. They allowed him to use their car.
 They let …………………………………………………………………………………………
2. Before he arrived at the station the train had left.
 After …………………………………………………………………………………………….
3 They sang a song. I heard them.
 I heard ………..……………………………………………………………………………………
4. Do you enjoy drinking a cup of coffee ?.
 Would you like ………………………………………………………………………………….
5. After she had done homework she went to school.
 Before ……………………………………………………………………………………………
6. We like playing football with our close friends at weekends.
 We want …………………………………………………………………………………………
7. To meet your parents is very nice.
 It is very …………………………………………………………………………………………
8. My parents ask me to have breakfast at home.
 My parents make …………………………………………………………………………………
9. I think you should travel by bus.
 I want you ……………………………………………………………………………………….
10. Walking in the rain is her enjoyment.
 She enjoys ……………………………………………………………………………………….
11. It is easy to speak to him.
 To speak to him ………………………………………………………………………………….
12. After he had bought the ticket he went to the cinema.
 Before he …………………………………………………………………………………………
13. They want to go shopping on Sunday mornings.
 They enjoy ……………………………………………………………………………………….
14. She crossed the road. I saw her
 I saw……………………………….…………………………….………………
15. Before she went to work she had eaten breakfast.
 After she ………………………………………………………………………………………….
16. He remembers to turn the light off before going out.
 He doesn’t…………………………………………………………………………………………
17.Jack left the office before I arrived.
 When………………………………………………………………………………………………
18.During lunch, someone rang the bell.
 While I……………………………………………………………………………………………..
I. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.
1) A. change B. children C. machine D. church
2) A. guitarist B. passenger C. generous D. village
3) A. other B. long C. possible D. constancy
4) A. hand B. bank C. sand D. band
5) A. money B. month C. monkey D. monitor
6) A. change B. hungry C. stronger D. single
7) A. fat B. any C. gas D. hat
8) A. glad B. geography C. glass D. give
9) A. hour B. happy C. husband D. hold
II. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
1) Most of the undeveloped countries need a lot of ....................... aid.
A. together B. unselfish C. mutual D. friend
2) He is too ....................... to lend me his bicycle.
A. selfish B. enthusiastic C. helpful D. pleasant
3) Suddenly she recognized the ....................... of the situation that made her laugh.
A. wonder B. pleasure C. understanding D. hunour
4) He is a .............person because he is always friendly with everyone.
A. helpful B. good-natured C. honest D. quick-witted
5) If you want to get a good result in every work, you should have a.............
A. loyalty B. sympathy C. constancy D. unselfishness
6) A ..................... friendship is a precious relation ship.
A. mutual B. sincere C. generous D. successful
7) A good marriage is based on ................................ .
A. trust B. loyalty C. secret D. A & B
8) The children seem to be totally ...........................of working quietly by themselves.
A. unable B. impossible C. incapable D. not able
9) They let their children ................................ up late at weekends.
A. staying B. stay C. to stay D. stayed
10) The children were eager ............................ their parents.
A. to see B. see C. seeing D. saw
11) I’d rather ........................... at home.
A. to stay B. staying C. stayed D. stay
12) Peter is very funny. He makes me ........................... a lot
A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughing D. laughed
13) They noticed him .......................... the agreement.
A. sign B. to sign C. signing D. signed
14) It’s important for her ............................ the office.
A. ringing B. ring C. rang D. to ring
15) They would .................. go by plane than spend a week traveling by train.
A. like B. rather C. prefer D. better
16) The boss made ......................... for a meeting after work.
A. us to stay B. us stay C. us staying D. us to staying
17) As I .................... the glass, it suddenly ...................... into two pieces.
A. cut/ broke B. was cutting/ broke C. cut/ was breaking D. was cutting/ had broken
18) A burglar .................. into the house while we ................... television.
A. broke/ were watching B. broke/ watched C. had broken/ watched D. broke/ had watched
19) When I ............................... home, I ........................... a phone call.
A. got/ received B. was getting/ was receiving C. got/ had received D. had got/ had received
20) They ................. small cups of coffee after they ..................... dinner.
A. had drunk/ finished B. drank/ finished C. were drinking/ finished D. drank/ had finished
21) It was midnight. Outside it ........................... very hard.
A. rains B. rained C. had rained D. was raining
22) When he ....................... at the station, his train already.....................
A. arrived/ left B. arrived/ had left C. had arrived/ left D. had arrived/ left
23) A person or thing that is loved and admired very much is the ..............
A. ideal B. idea C. idol D. fan
24) A short part of a film or movie that is shown separately is called a ......
A. picture B. clip C. news D. cartoon
25) She ..................... shyly at him and then lowered her eyes.
A. looked B. stared C. glanced D. sighted
26) This ........................ girl was disliked by the rest of the class.
A. helpful B. sneaky C. unselfish D. generous
27) He pulled a(n) ......................... of 10 pounds notes out of his pocket.
A. sum B. amount C. piece D. wad
28) I’ve never fallen in such a(n) ............................ situation before.
A. embarrassed B. embarrassing C. confused D. confusing
29) The children were ......................... about opening their presents.
A. interested B. fond C. keen D. excited
30) I know from ............................ that he’ll arrive late.
A. knowledge B. experience C. understanding D. reality
31) Andrew .................... the test before so he...................... it very easy.
A. did/ had found B. had done/ found C. was doing/ found D. did/ was founding
32) You ...................... your new hat when I ...................... you yesterday.
A. were wearing/ had met B. wore/ had met C. wore/ was meeting D. were wearing/ met
33) A date that is an exact number of years after the date of an important event is a(n) ...............
A. birthday B. celebration C. wedding D. anniversary
34) Dinner will be a cold ..........................., not a sit-down meal.
A. party B. meal C. dish D. buffet
35) He doesn’t know much about the subject, but he is ....................... .
A. joyful B. enthusiastic C. reserved D. calm
36) Steve thought his ........................... with Helen was changing.
A. relate B. relative C. relation D. relationship
37) He is ............................ for his elderly parents.
A. paying attention B. looking C. caring D. taking care
38) He is smartly ........................ when he comes to an interview.
A. dressed B. put on C. worn D. undressed
39) John had agreed ......................... me in his office.
A. to meet B. meeting C. to be met D. being met
40) it’s important for the figures ......................... regularly.
A. to update B. updating C. to be updated D. being updated
41) It is no good ............................ sorry for yourself.
A. to feel B. feeling C. feel D. felt
42) The man wanted to avoid ...................... on security cameras.
A. to see B. seeing C. to be seen D. being seen
43) Peter ........................ to go in for the exam.
A. avoided B. let C. advised D. decided
44) I tried ........................... the bus, but I missed it.
A. to catch B. catching C. to be caught D. being caught
45) The plants want ........................... daily.
A. to water B. watering C. to be watered D. being water
46) Will you remind me .................... this letter at the post office?
A. to post B. posting C. to be posted D. being posted
47) The goods ought ....................... two weeks ago.
A. to deliver B. delivering C. to be delivered D. being delivered
48) I have expected ......................... the secret of happiness.
A. to tell B. telling C. to be told D. being told
III. Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct form.
1) That was a very strange question (ask) TO ASK
2) It was very kind of you (show).TO SHOW the way.
3) The teacher let him (stay) .STAY at home to finish the assignment.
4) It was quite a surprise (see) TO SEE him again.
5) I overheard him (say) SAY that he didn’t want to learn Math.
6) She stood there and watched him (drive) DRIVE away.
7) It was very difficult for her (drive).TO DRIVE the motorbike.
8) I could feel the robber (come) COME from the backdoor.
9) While Diana (watch) was watching her favourite TV programme, there (be) was a power cut.
10) Who (drive) was driving the car at the time of the accident?
11) By the time Sheila (get) got back, Chris (go) had gone home.
12) David (eat) .had eaten Japanese food before, so he (know) knew what to order.
13) I (do) was doing some shopping yesterday, when I (see) .saw your friend.
14) What were you (do).doing when I (come) came to your office yesterday?
15) Laura (miss) .missed the party because no one (tell) .had told her about it.
16) I suddenly remembered that I (forget) .had forgot my keys.
17) I don’t remember (tell) being told of the decision to change the company policy on vacations.
18) Ms Drake expects (consult) to be consulted about any revisions in her manuscript before it is printed.
19) Sally gave a good speech that I couldn’t insist on (applaud) applauding loudly when she finished.
20) Tommy admitted (throw) throwing the rock through the window.
21) Paul really didn’t mind (surprise) .being surprisedby the party to celebrate this fortieth birthday.
22) Anne hoped (invite) .to be invited to join the private club.
23) Most people enjoy (travel) traveling to different parts of the world.
24) May I change the TV channel, or do you want (watch) .to watch more of this programme?
IV. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.
1) I couldn’t make my car to start this morning.
2) There are a lot of work to do here.
3) I’m sure he is incapable in running a mile in four minutes.
4) Good friendship should be basing on mutual understanding.
5) I’m delighted hearing that you have made much progress in your study.
6) The thief asked her handing over her money.
7) He was terribly excited to ask to play for Manchester.
8) They chose not to be attended the meeting. TO ATTEND
9) He could not decide whether to get a job or studying.
10) I dislike being talk about everywhere.
11) While I did my homework, I had a good idea.
12) Don’t make so much fusses over the children. FUSS
13) John’s friends had celebrated a farewell party for him last Sunday
14) After she bought herself a new motorbike, she sold her bicycle.
15) She did not know where most of the people in the room are from. HAD BEEN
IV. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.
1. They allowed him to use their car.
 They let …………………………………………………………………………………………
2. Before he arrived at the station the train had left.
 After …………………………………………………………………………………………….
3 They sang a song. I heard them.
 I heard ………..……………………………………………………………………………………
4. Do you enjoy drinking a cup of coffee ?.
 Would you like ………………………………………………………………………………….
5. After she had done homework she went to school.
 Before ……………………………………………………………………………………………
6. We like playing football with our close friends at weekends.
 We want …………………………………………………………………………………………
7. To meet your parents is very nice.
 It is very …………………………………………………………………………………………
8. My parents ask me to have breakfast at home.
 My parents make …………………………………………………………………………………
9. I think you should travel by bus.
 I want you ……………………………………………………………………………………….
10. Walking in the rain is her enjoyment.
 She enjoys ……………………………………………………………………………………….
11. It is easy to speak to him.
 To speak to him ………………………………………………………………………………….
12. After he had bought the ticket he went to the cinema.
 Before he …………………………………………………………………………………………
13. They want to go shopping on Sunday mornings.
 They enjoy ……………………………………………………………………………………….
14. She crossed the road. I saw her
I saw……………………………………..………….…………………………….………………
15. Before she went to work she had eaten breakfast.
 After she ………………………………………………………………………………………….
16. He remembers to turn the light off before going out.
 He doesn’t…………………………………………………………………………………………
17.Jack left the office before I arrived.
 When………………………………………………………………………………………………
18.During lunch, someone rang the bell.
 While I……………………………………………………………………………………………..
I. Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part.
1. A. singer B. strange C. generous D. dangerous
2. A. watch B. children C. school D. church
3. A. hour B. helpful C. hobby D. humour
4. A. money B. think C. nine D. seven
5. A. sing B. thing C. wrong D. finger
6. A. honest B. honour C. honey D. when
7. A. exhaust B. who C. laugh D. why
8. A. read B. parent C. ring D. store
9. A. farther B. pretty C. drink D. cry
10. A. bank B. line C. nine D. seven
11. A. machine B. chilly C. teach D. choose
12. A. chemistry B. charater C. scholarship D. which
13. A. village B. change C. finger D. manager
14. A. talk B. lovely C. lunch D. glass
15. A. should B. told C. hold D. cold
16. A. far B. dark C. target D. mat
17. A. heat B. repeat C. meat D. heart
18. A. beat B. tea C. lead D. head
19. A. month B. wonderful C. lovely D. woman
20. A. lunch B. sunny C. student D. subject

II. Fill each blank with a suitable word/phrase from the box.

Acquaintance mutual volunteered give and take loyal to incapable of

unselfish friend voluntary suspicious making a fuss sneaky
glanced voluntarily embarrassing idols volunteers
1. When she retired, she did a lot of __________________ service for the Red Cross.
2. She was not fired. She left the company __________________.
3. Despite many changes in his life, he remained __________________ his working principles.
4. She needs some __________________ to clean up the kitchen.
5. Last month the company __________________ to donate fifty trucks to help the flooded areas.
6. He started to get __________________ when she told him that she had been to Britain for many times
7. The girl was so shy that she didn’t look at him in the face. She just __________________ at him and looked away.
8. The children seem to be __________________ working quietly by themselves.
9. She complains noisily about anything she doesn’t like. She is the type of person who is always __________________.
10. She was in a very __________________ situatuation. She felt so stupid and didn’t know what to say.
11. He is a(n) __________________ man. He always helps people without thinking of his own benefit.
12. Teenagers nowadays often have their own __________________ who they really love and imitate in different ways.
13. I don’t like the look of that man. These is something __________________ about him.
14. A(n) __________________ is a person one simply knows, and a(n) __________________ is a person with whom
one has a deeper relationship.
15. Good friendship should be based on __________________ understanding.
16. You can’t always insist on your own way – there has to be some __________________.
III. Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D that best completes each sentence.
1. Yasu and Sun-Young decide to go ______ for a jacket.
A. shopping B. to shop C. shop D. for shopping
2. I wanted to stop ______ some presents, but we didn’t have enough time.
A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. to buying
3. I remember ______ the Queen in London.
A. meet B. to meet C. meeting D. to meeting
4. Sun-Young avoids ______ underwear at the thrift store.
A. buy B. to buy C. bought D. buying
5. The girls agreed _________________ the cake equally.
A. to be divided B. to divide C. dividing D. divide
6. It is expensive ______ in the department stores.
A. to shop B. to shopping C. shopping D. shop
7. She expected ______ for the job, but she wasn’t.
A. to select B. selected C. selecting D. to be selected
8. Max finished ___ his homework and then he went to the party with George and Bill.
A. do B. to be done C. to do D. doing
9. Please don’t forget ______ the baby. She needs to eat every two hours.
A. feeding B. fed C. to feed D. to be fed
10. I appreciated ________ of the matter the day before.
A. to be informed B. being informed C. to have been informed D. have been informed
11. Instead of _______ about the good news, John seemed to be indifferent.
A. exciting B. being excited C. to be excited D. to excite
12. Please forgive me, I didn't mean ______ you.
A. being upset B. to be upset C. to upset D. upsetting
13. My teacher advised me ________ on a computer course.
A. to be taken B. being taken. C. taking D. to take
14. The new students hope _______ in many of the school's social activities.
A. to participate B. participating C. to be participated D. being participating
15. We would like _______ to the president's reception, but we wasn't.
A. to have been invited B. being invited C. to be invited D. have been invited
16. They arrange ________ a tennis tournament this year.
A. to organize B. being organizing C. to be organized D. organizing
17. The new students hope _______ in many of the school’s social activities.
A. including B. being included C. to include D. to be included
18. John got into trouble when he refused ________ his briefcase for the customs officer.
A. opening B. being opened C. to open D. to be opened
19. Peter didn’t mention ________ about her progress report at work, but I’m sure she is.
A. concerning B. being concerned C. to concern D. to be concerned
20. You had better save some money for a rainy day. You can not count on ________ by your parents
every time you get into financial difficulty.
A. rescuing B. being rescued C. to rescue D. to be rescued
21. The tin opener seemed ________ for left-handed people.
A. to design B. to be designed C. to be designing D. being designed
22. I narrowly avoided ________ by the bus as it came round the corner.
A. running down B. to be run down C. to run down D. being run down
23. The window appeared _____ in a number of place.
A. be cracked B. to be cracked C. being cracked D. cracking
24. He denied _____ any money by his company.
A. paying B. to be paid C. being paid D. to pay
25. He ordered the work ____ at once.
A. started B. to start C. to be started D. starting
26. – Why do you call your son Hugo? - He wants _____ by that name.
A. to call B. to be called C. to be calling D. being called
27. The painting is believed _____ by a famous artist.
A. to do B. being done C. to have done D. to be done
28. – What do you think of the book? - Oh, exellent. It’s worth _____ a second time.
A. reading B. to read C. being read D. to be read
29. On her birthday, the girl is looking forward ________ a gift.
A. to be given B. to boing given C. to give D. to be giving
30. The children enjoy ________ to the zoo.
A. to be taken B. to take C. being taken D. taking
31. The man looked familiar. I ________ him somewhere before.
A. saw B. have seen C. had seen D. see
32. In spite of ________, we decided to go out.
A. we felt very tired B. feeling tired C. all of us felt tired D. tired
33. When we left the restaurant, we ________ the bill.
A. had paid B. were paying C. paid D. had been
34. When the firework ________ off, the dog ________ away.
A. had gone/ run B. went/ had gone C. went/ run D. went/ was running
35. In 1903, Marie Curie became the first woman ________ a Doctor of degree.
A. receiving B. receive C. receives D. to receive
36. The manager made his employees ________ the computer evening class.
A. attending B. attend C. to attend D. attendance
37. By the time she was twelve, she ________ on a career.
A. has already decided B. already has decided C. had already decided D. already decided
38. When I was a child, I ________ the violin.
A. was playing B. had played C. play D. played
39. They ________in Scotland for 10 years. Now, they live in London
A. lived B. have lived C. has been living D. had lived
40. We …………….… them before the reception yesterday.
A. haven’t met B. hadn’t met C. didn’t met D. wouldn’t met
IV. Rewriting
1. My father said I could use his car.
=> My father allowed………………………………………………..
2. Don’t stop him doing what he wants.
=> Let ………………………………………………………………..
3. Why don’t you put your luggage under the seat?
=> He suggested ………………………………………………………..
4. I will finish the work tonight If you like.
=> Would you like ………………………………………………..
5. I hate to get up early.
=> I can’t stand …………………………………………………..
6. The teacher didn’t allow the class to leave before 5:00.
=> The teacher made ………………………………………………
7. “I didn’t break the window,” the boy said.
=> The boy denied ………………………………………………..
8. They made us prepare refreshments for the party.
=> We .............................................................................................
9. They had a good meal and then went to dance.
=> After they ……………………………………………………..
10. I’d rather drive than be driven.
=> I prefer ………………………………………………………….
11. Her mother said that she should see a doctor.
=> Her mother recommended ………………………………………..
12. I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to live alone.
=> I advise ………………………………………………………….
13. I don’t like cheating in the exam.
=> I hate ………………………………………………………………….
14. You can try to convince him, but believe me, it’s a waste of time.
=> There is no point ………………………………………………………
15. He continued reading the newspaper although it was getting darker.
=> He went on ……………………………………………………………
16. I don’t like being stared at.
=> I object ……………………………………………………………..
17. I find singing in public all right.
=> I don’t mind ………………………………………………………
18. “Why don’t we go out for a drink?” she said.
=> She suggested …………………………………………………….
19. Do you have any intention of studying abroad?
=> Do you intend ……………………………………………………..
20. She crossed the road. I saw her
=> I saw………………………………………………………………
21. The teacher allowed me to stay at home to finish the assignment.
=> The teacher let …………………………………………………………
22. Ann began learning English when she was eight years old.
=> Ann has ………………………………………………………………………
23. We sat chatting after eating up the bowl of boiled potatoes.
=>After we……………………………………………………………………
24. We hung the clothes outside to dry after washing them.
=> After we ……………………………………………………………………
25. Seeing me entering the room, everyone stopped talking and looked at me.
=> When I ……………………………………………………………………

Spring school is an informal school. It provides classes to disavantaged children in Ho Chi Minh city. Around
30 street children live and study at school and about 250 children with special difficulties from district 1
regularly attend classes.
The Organization for Education Development co- operated with Spring School to set up English classes in
1998. Dance, theatre, singing and circus classes were set up a year later. Children from these classes participate
in fundraising performances. They raise money to continue their English and performance Arts classes.
Spring school requires volunteers to help organises their fundraising dinner held annually in June. This is an
exciting night in which children perform circus, theatre, dance, and singing at one of the largest hotels in Ho
Chi Minh city. They also need foreign volunteers to contact sponsors and help to expand the school required
from February until July to help organise these events.
It is hoped that more schools like Spring School will soon be found in other cities in Viet Nam.
1. What is the aim of Spring School?
2. Were dance, theatre, singing and circus classes were set up in 1999?
3. Where do children dance, sing and play music?
4. Why are foreign volunteers needed?
My best friend Jenny appeared on a TV quiz show a few nights ago. It was very exciting. We all knew
that she on, so all our friends met at her parents’ house to watch it. Her parents videoed it too, of
course. The programme started at half past seven. We screamed and clapped when we saw Jenny. She looked
great. She had had her hair done, and was wearing the new top she had bought the day before. She sat in the chair
in the middle of the studio while the presenter.asked her some questions. The questions got harder and harder as
they increased in value If she didn’t make any mistakes and get the most difficult question right, she would win a
million pounds. By this time, Jerry had won a thousand pounds. That was definitely hers, whatever happened.
She answered the next question correctly, which was worth five thousand pounds. I didn’t know the answer, but
she did know! Then with the next question, she took a risk but got the answer wrong. She was gone out of the
game. Still, she had her thousand pounds,and we were very proud of her.
1/ What is the name of the writer’s best friend ?
2/ How was a TV quiz show a few nights ago ?
3/ Why was she Jerry gone out of game?....................................................................
4/ Did she still have five thousand pounds?
Review English 11:
1. She has always remained ………to her political principles.
A. loyal B. loyalty C. faith D. faithfully
2. She was …….of hearing about their trip to India.
A. bored B. interested C. keen D. tired
3. The local people are very ……….to strangers.
A. comfortable B. hospitable C. enjoyable D. familiar
4. Claire has a wide circle of friends and …………….
A. neighborhood B. acquaintances C. friendship D. relations
5. Many of the stories are based …………….rumor.
A. on B. in C. at D. under
6. I can’t stand people with no ……….of humor.
A. ability B. sprit C. keenness D. sense.
7. I have nothing in…………..with Tim.
A. together B. common C. commonly D. altogether
8. The children seem to be totally capable ….working by themselves.
A. on B. of C. in D. for
9. Your friendship should be based on …………
A. basic B. fragile C. mutual D. blind.
10. Friendship is two-sided …………, it lives by give and take.
A. affair B. event C. aspect D. feature.
11. . She is not determined and often changes her ideas. What a / an …girl she is. A. uncertain B. mutual
C. suspicious D. changeable
12. If you only care about your interests and feelings, you are very ….
A. happy B. friendly C. loyal D. selfish
13. It is said that girls are more …………..than boys.
A. talkers B. talk C. talking D. talkative.
14. The quality we don’t like from a friend is …………
A. friendliness B. loyalty C. selfishness D. understanding
15. Don’t believe all the ……….you hear or you’ll lose trust in life.
A. stories B. rumours C. tales D. talks
16. We are easily ….by our friends so we have to choose friends carefully.
A. influenced B. attracted C. interested D. believe
17. I want to buy a skirt for my mother. She is not very tall. She is of medium…
A. height B. high C. tall D.length
18. Is there a ……….friendship between selfish people?
A. truthful B. true C. truly D. truth
19. A ………….friendship is a precious relationship.
A. sincere B. mutual C. generous D. successful
20. A good marriage is based on ……………. .
A. trust B. loyalty C. secret D. trust & loyalty
21. He is always loyal ……………his principles whatever happens.
A. with B. about C. on D. to
22. You should inform the police if you see anything ……………..
A. suspicious B. uncertain C. afraid D. unbelievable
23. Tom always pays for everyone when we go out. He is so ……….
A. careful B. greedy C. mean D. generous
24. She has all the ……………of a good teacher.
A. behavior B. qualities C. features D. deeds
25.You can’t always insist on your own way–There has to be some give and…
A. do B. make C. take D. to
26. My father took ……….. an interest in collecting stamps. He has a valuable stamp collection.
A. on B. up C. in D. over
27. True friendship will ………….as long as our lives.
A. spend B. take C. last D. keep
1. She glanced briefly …...his lapel badge
A. in B. on C. at D. up
2. ……my experience, very few people really understand the problem.
A. To B. In C. With D. From
3. She made a big ………about not having a window seat on the plane.
A. complaint B. fuss C. excitement D. interset
4. He …… the spot where the house used to stand.
A. pointed B. showed C. directed D. glanced
5. The boy glanced at me and turned away.
A. close look B. looked quickly C. direct look D. furtive look
6. The girl was so ……that she didn’t look at him in the face
A. shy B. confident C. impatient D. sneaky
7. I was taken ……………………by her story.
A. on B. up C. at D. in
8. I think that pop star is the ……………..of countless teenagers.
A. image B. figure C. sample D. idol
9. My most embarrassing …………happened a few years ago.
A. knowledge B. experience C. understanding D. reality
10. A short part of a film or movie that is shown separately is called a ….
A. picture B. clip C. holder D. cartoon
11. She ………………..shyly at him and then lowered her eyes.
A. looked B. stared C. glanced D. caught sight
12. This …………….girl was disliked by the rest of the class.
A. helpful B. sneaky C. unselfish D. generous
13. He pulled a /an …………..of 10 pound notes out of his pocket.
A. sum B. amount C. piece D. wad
14. Something that is ………….makes you feel shy or ashamed.
A. careful B. careless C. sneaky D. embarrassing
15. She stood in the mucky yard and hands plunged into the pockets of her …coat. A. floppy B.
soft C. tough D. gentle
16. We had an interesting journey. Accommodation is free and all we had to pay ……was meals. A. of
B. for C. to D. back
17. “I paid for the hat with the money you gave me for my birthday, of course, Dad” I ……….. .
A. talked B. told C. spoke D. replied
18. I was sure that the boy was a thief. He had ……………my money.
A. given B. gone C. disappeared D. stolen
19. The girl was busy …………… she would be when she grew up.
A. happy B. nice C imagining D. imagine
20. Lan got …….the bus and sat down next to the boy about her age.
A. on B. in C. at D. up
1. He got quite a lot of nice presents from his family, and one of them was a beautiful big drum.
A. books B. sweets C. gifts D. things
2. Somebody opened the door and the candle ………………….. .
A. blew over B. blew out C. blew off D. blew down
3. A lots of foods and drinks will be served …………….the party.
A. in B. at C. for D. with
4. They held a concert to mark the …………………of Mozart’s death.
A. occasion B. anniversary C. situation D. remembrance
5. When they finished singing, Lisa ………….the candles on the cake.
A. turned off B. blew out C. cleared up D. brought out
6. Jack’s mother …a birthday cake with seventeen lighted candles on it.
A. brought out B. showed on C. turned up D. took over
7. A date that is an exact number of years after the date of important event is a(n) ……
A. birthday B. celebration C. wedding D. anniversary
8. This victory was a ……………………….in our country’s history.
A. period B. milestone C. memory D. point of time
9. She ……………..her hands in delight.
A. shakes B. holds C. grasps D. claps
10. Bright posters ……the streets on the occasion of an anniversary.
A. decorate B. clear C. glorify D. colour
11. We all said, “ …” before Nam blew out the candles on the birthday cake.
A. Happy anniversary B. Happy New Year
C. Congratulations D. Happy birthday to you
12. All the ……….came to my party except Mr. Long, our form teacher.
A. visitors B. partners C. guests D. hosts
13. On my birthday, before I blew ………….the candles, I had prayed for my future and my family.
A. on B. out C. in D. at
14. What are you giving ……………….her son on his birthday?
A. to B. for C. from D. on
15. The climax of the New Year……………….was a firework display.
A. celebrate B. celebration C. celebrator D. celebratory
16. Your ………is the anniversary of the date on which you were born.
A. wedding B. birthday C. party D. congratulation
17. On the New Year Day, people say “Happy New Year” ………… their friends and relative.
A. with B. for C. from D. to
18. On the occasion of Christmas or New Year, people often send each other a …….. .
A. greeting card B. name card C. banker’s card D. charge card
19. ………anniversary is the day exactly 50 years after a marriage, often celebrated with a party.
A. Silver B. Copper C. Diamond D. Golden
STRUCTURE Choose the best answer
1. They let their children ................................ up late at weekends.
A. staying B. stay C. to stay D. stayed
2. Her father made her -------- her old teacher before she left for America
A to visit B visiting C visit D to have visited
3. The doctor advised --------------- late.
A me not to stay up B me not staying up
C me not stay up D I didn’t stay up
4. It is impossible ………..such a difficult thing without any help.
A. to do B. do C. doing D. done
5. Peter ........................ to go in for the exam.
A. avoided B. let C. advised D. decided
6. I tried ........................... the bus, but I missed it.
A. to catch B. catching C. to be caught D. being caught
7. The plants want ........................... daily.
A. to waterB. watering C. to be watered D. being water
8. Will you remind me .................... this letter at the post office?
A. to post B. posting C. to be posted D. being posted
9. They let their children ................................ up late at weekends.
A. staying B. stay C. to stay D. stayed
10.Peter is very funny. He makes me ........................... a lot
A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughing D. laughed
11. They noticed him .......................... the agreement.
A. sign B. to sign C. signing D. signed
12. It’s important for her ............................ the office.
A. ringing B. ring C. rang D. to ring
13. Andrew .................... the test before so he...................... it very easy.
A. did/ had found B. had done/ found
C. was doing/ found D. did/ was founding
14. You ................... your new hat when I .................... you yesterday.
A. were wearing/ had met B. wore/ had met
C. wore/ was meeting D. were wearing/ met
15. As I ................. the glass, it suddenly .................... into two pieces.
A. cut/ broke B. was cutting/ broke
C. cut/ was breaking D. was cutting/ had broken
Choose the underlined part among A,B,C or D that needs correcting.
11. While I did my homework, I had a good idea.
12. I heard him to leave the house early this morning.
13. She suggested taking the plane this evening or to go by train.
14. Most famous people do not like to asked personal questions.
15. She had begun to play the guitar when she was six
Rewrite the sentence or join the pairs of sentences beginning with the word(s) given.
1. Mr. Pinchley doesn’t allow his teenage children to go out in the evenings.
-> Mr. Pinchley makes………………………………………………
2. Jimmy got into his car and drove away. I saw this.
-> I saw……………………………………………………………….
3. Sue has been in Italy for the last three weeks.
-> Sue went to……………………………………………………
4. He did his homework, then he went to bed
-> After ………………………………………………………………..
1/ Would you close the door, please ?
- Would you mind _______________________________________ ?
2/ They didn’t allow us to smoke in here.
- They didn’t let _________________________________________.
3/ My teacher advised buying that book.
- My teacher advised us ____________________________________.
4/ The thief forced the bank manager to lie on the ground.
- The thief made _________________________________________.
5/ He has studied English for six years.
- He began ______________________________________________.
6/ It is necessary to master English.
- Mastering ______________________________________________.
7/ He spent two hours writing the essay.
- It took ________________________________________________.
8/ He is too young to ride a motorbike.
- He isn’t ______________________________________________.
9/ The bag was so heavy that she couldn’t carry it upstairs.
- The bag was too ________________________________________.
10/ He expects to hear from her as soon as possible.
- He is looking forward ____________________________________.

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