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Effects of supine and lateral positions on cardiac

output and intracardiac pressures: an experimental

ABSTRACT Hemodynamic measurements in human subjects and in experimental animals are gener-
ally made in the supine position; not much attention is paid to potential beneficial or harmful effects of
right or left lateral positions on cardiac output or other hemodynamic variables. To evaluate the
potential influence of such positional changes on cardiac performance, we measured cardiac output and
left and right ventricular pressures (with micromanometer catheters) in anesthetized experimental
animals (eight dogs and nine pigs) in the supine, right lateral, and left lateral positions. Cardiac output
increased from supine to left lateral (mean SD, 2.6 +- 0.9 to 3.1 1.0 liters/min; p < .001) and

from supine to right lateral positions (2.6 0.9 to 3.1

± 1.1 liters/min; p < .001). There was an

associated decrease in arteriovenous oxygen saturation difference from supine to left lateral position
(31 + 8% to 24 4%; p < .001) and from supine to right lateral position (32 9% to 25 6%; p <
± ± ±

.001). Left ventricular systolic and end-diastolic pressures increased from supine to left lateral (128
17/9 ± 2 to 147 19/16 4 mm Hg; both p < .001) and from supine to right lateral positions (128 +

19/9 2 to 141 16/16 7 mm Hg; p < .01 and p < .001, respectively). Similarly, right ventricular
± ±

systolic and end-diastolic pressures also increased from supine to left lateral (30 7/3 + 2 to 38 +
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7/8 2 mm Hg; both p < .001) and from supine to right lateral positions (31 8/3 + 2 to 43 + 8/11
± ±

+ 4 mm Hg; both p < .001). Systolic and end-diastolic right ventricular pressures were significantly

higher in the right lateral position than in the left (both p < .001). Heart rate did not change with
positional maneuvers. Neither the sequence of positional changes nor the species of animal (dog vs pig)
had any apparent influence on the results. Roentgenographic analysis of the differences in height of the
right ventricle relative to the inferior vena cava suggests that changes in hydrostatic pressure may be
entirely responsible for the increases in right ventricular end-diastolic pressure when animals are
changed from the supine to the left or right lateral positions. We conclude that a change from supine to
lateral position significantly increases intracardiac pressures and cardiac output in experimental ani-
mals. If confirmed in humans, these findings may have significant implications for the assessment of
hemodynamic status of patients in intensive care unit and catheterization laboratory settings and for the
treatment of patients in low-cardiac output states.
Circulation 73, No. 3, 579-585, 1986.
IN INTENSIVE CARE UNITS, catheterization labo- beneficial or harmful effects of right or left lateral
ratories, and animal research facilities, cardiac output positions on cardiac output or other hemodynamic va-
is usually measured with the patient or animal in the riables. Indeed, there are few data concerning the in-
supine position; not much attention is paid to potential fluence of supine and lateral positions on cardiac out-
put in experimental animals or human beings. In
From the Charles A. Dana Research Institute and the Harvard-Thorn- pregnant women in the third trimester, cardiac output
dike Laboratory of the Beth Israel Hospital, Department of Medicine,
Beth Israel Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston. increases by a mean of up to 27% with a change from
Supported in part by grant RR-01032 from the General Clinical Re- supine to lateral positions.' In nonpregnant human
search Centers Program of the Division of Research Resources, Nation-
al Institutes of Health. Data analysis was performed on the Clinical subjects, contradictory results have been reported.1' 4
Center Core Lab Facilities. Some investigators have described a higher cardiac
Address for correspondence: Patricia C. Come, M.D., Department of
Medicine, Cardiology Division, Beth Israel Hospital, 330 Brookline output in the supine position as compared with right
Ave., Boston, MA 02215. and left lateral positions.4' 6 However, Whitman et al.'
Received June 12, 1985; revision accepted Nov. 29, 1985. found cardiac output to be higher in the left lateral
*Present address: First Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of
Medicine, Kagoshima University, Kagoshima City 890, Japan. position than in supine and right lateral positions,
Vol. 73, No. 3, March 1986 579
NAKAO et al.

while Ueland et al. could not demonstrate any differ-

1 tially in the supine position. After left and right ventricular
pressures had been stable for at least 30 min, cardiac output,
ence. The effect of supine and lateral positions on blood oxygen saturations, and left and right ventricular systolic
intracardiac pressures measured by micromanometer and end-diastolic pressures were measured. The positions of the
has not been reported to our knowledge. animals were then changed from supine to left lateral (three
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects dogs, three pigs) or from supine to right lateral (five dogs, six
pigs). Lateral positions were maintained for 20 min, with con-
of supine and left and right lateral positions on cardiac tinuous recordings of left and right ventricular pressures to
output and intracardiac pressures under controlled con- assess time course and stability of pressure changes. Measure-
ditions in anesthetized animals. Subsequent studies are ments of cardiac output, blood oxygen saturations, and left and
right ventricular systolic and end-diastolic pressures were re-
planned to evaluate hemodynamic changes with posi- peated between 10 and 20 min after change to the lateral posi-
tional maneuvers in human subjects. tion. The animals were then returned to the supine position,
micromanometer pressures were rematched with fluid-filled
Methods pressures as necessary, and measurements were repeated be-
Eight mongrel dogs weighing 18 to 28 kg and nine young pigs tween 10 and 20 min later. Positions were then changed to the
weighing 29 to 37 kg were studied. The use of two species alternate lateral position (left lateral in five dogs and six pigs and
enabled assessment of whether findings were species specific. right lateral in three dogs and three pigs), with continuous re-
The animals were anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital intra- cording of left and right ventricular pressure again to assess time
venously (25 mg/kg) and were ventilated by a Harvard pump course and stability of pressure changes. All measurements
with a tidal volume of 15 cc/kg room air and a respiratory rate of were repeated between 10 and 20 min after the change in posi-
15/min. High-fidelity micromanometer catheters (PC 470, Mil- tion. Because of technical factors, not all measurements could
lar Instruments, Houston, TX) were inserted into the left and be obtained in each animal.
right ventricles via the left carotid artery and the left internal Additional studies. To define the potential influence of
jugular vein, respectively. The zero reference point of pressures changes in height of the inferior vena cava (venous filling reser-
was taken at mid chest with each animal supine, and high- voir) relative to the right ventricle in supine, right lateral, and
fidelity micromanometer pressure signals were matched with left lateral positions, two additional dogs and two additional
pressures measured through the fluid-filled lumen of each cath- pigs were studied. Catheters were inserted into the right femoral
eter, during each supine recording. With the high-fidelity pres- vein and advanced into the right ventricle. Catheter position in
sure signals, right and left ventricular systolic pressures were the right ventricle was confirmed by pressure recording. Radio-
measured as the peak pressures during systole, and ventricular graphs were taken in the supine, right lateral, and left lateral
end-diastolic pressures were measured after the "a" wave, just positions. The height of the inferior vena cava relative to the
before the rapid systolic rise in ventricular pressure. The pres- right ventricle was measured in centimeters. The measurement
sures reported represent data averaged from at least 3 beats was corrected for magnification and was converted into equiv-
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recorded during end-expiration. A No. 7F Swan-Ganz catheter alent millimeters of mercury by dividing the number of centi-
was inserted into the pulmonary artery via the right femoral vein meters by the conversion factor of 1.36. Changes in height of
in each animal. Cardiac output was measured by the thermodilu- the inferior vena cava relative to the right ventricle with alter-
tion method (Edwards 9520A cardiac output computer, Santa ations in position from supine to left lateral and from supine to
Ana, CA). The injectate was 10 ml of normal saline at a tem- right lateral were then computed.
perature of 00 to 10 C. Each cardiac output value was the mean To assess the possibility of position-related compression of
of at least three consecutive determinations having variation of the inferior vena cava, seven additional pigs were studied. A
less than 10%. Oxygen saturations of systemic arterial and Swan-Ganz catheter was inserted into the right femoral vein and
mixed venous blood, drawn from the left ventricle and the advanced into the right atrium, where the position of the tip was
pulmonary artery, respectively, were measured by the reflec- confirmed by pressure recording. With the fluid-filled catheter
tance oximeter method (Reflection Oximeter, American Optical system, simultaneous pressures were then recorded in supine,
Corporation, Buffalo, NY). right lateral, and left lateral positions both from the catheter tip
Experimental protocol. All 17 animals were evaluated ini- in the right atrium and from the side-hole in the inferior vena

Effects of change from supine to lateral positions on hemodynamic variables (mean ± SD)
n Supine Left lateral Supine Right lateral
HR (bpm) 17 117+20 115+18 116+21 115+19
CO (l/min) 16 2.6+0.9 3.1+t .OA 2.6+0.9 3.1 + .A
AVO7SD(%) 11 31 +8 24 4A 32 9 25 6A
LVSP (mm Hg) 12 128 17 147 19A 128 19 141 16A
LVEDP (mm Hg) 12 9+2 16+4A 9+2 16±7A
RVSP (mm Hg) 17 30 7 38 7A 31+ 8 43 + 8AB
RVEDP (mm Hg) 17 3+2 8 2A 3+2 11 ±4A.B
HR = heart rate; CO = cardiac output; AVO2SD = arteriovenous oxygen saturation difference; LVSP = left ventricular
systolic pressure; LVEDP = left ventricular end-diastolic pressure; RVSP = right ventricular systolic pressure; RVEDP = right
ventricular end-diastolic pressure.
Ap < .01, right or left lateral vs supine.
Bp < .01, right vs left lateral.
cava located 30 cm from the catheter tip. The zero reference NS NS
I I 1 i p .
point of pressures was taken at mid chest in the supine position. / -
Statistical analysis. Measurements for all variables were 160r
determined to be normally distributed by the Wilkes-Shapiro
test, permitting use of parametric comparison methods. Var-
iances for each species (obtained from two-way analysis of 150 k
variance) were demonstrated equivalent by F test and the data
were therefore pooled. Resulting distributions were normal by
the Wilkes-Shapiro test, with homogeneous variances (Le- 140k
vene's test). Data were then analyzed for statistical significance
with an appropriate multiple-sample comparison test (two-way -

analysis of variance, followed by blocked Newman-Keuls test). 130 k

Data were considered significant at the p < .05 level. Measure- 0
ments are reported as mean -+- SD.
;1- \ --
(U 120 -
Hemodynamic data in supine and lateral positions
are summarized in table 1. There was no significant -0 1 10H
change in any of the hemodynamic measurements be- I.. 0=
tween both supine positions. Heart rate, measured in 100k
all 17 animals, did not change significantly with rota- -.9 i_
9-- _ _

tion into right or left lateral positions (figure 1). Cardi-

ac output, measured in 16 of 17 animals, increased 90k
after a change from supine to left lateral position (p <
.001) and from supine to right lateral position (p <
.001) (figure 2). Arteriovenous oxygen saturation dif- 801 9- --_
_ 9

ference, measured in 1 1 of 17 animals, decreased from -r

supine to left lateral position (p < .001) and from S L S R
supine to right lateral position (p < .001) (figure 3). In FIGURE 1. Changes in heart rate (HR) from supine (S) to left lateral
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each of the 11 animals with measurements of both (L) and right lateral (R) positions in 17 animals. Values in dogs and pigs
cardiac output and oxygen saturations, the increase in are shown by solid and dashed lines, respectively. Mean values are
cardiac output observed with a change in position from represented by the horizontal bars.
supine to right or left lateral was associated with a
p<O.OO 1 p<O.OO 1
corresponding decrease in arteriovenous oxygen satu- r

ration difference. 5.0 ,p

Left and right ventricular pressures, measured in 12 /
/ / /
and 17 animals, respectively, changed within 1 min of /

4.0 /
alteration in position in each animal, reached a stable /- -----

state by 1 to 5 min, and then remained stable through- 9-1 ,- *

out the subsequent recording period. The recorded

E 9v,--
-=/ -4

pressures are those obtained 10 min after change of 3.0 h

position. Left ventricular systolic pressure rose from 0aJ)
supine to left and right lateral positions (p < .001 and
p < .01, respectively) (figure 4). Left ventricular end- 0
diastolic pressure also increased from supine to left and 9-

right lateral positions (both p < .001) (figure 5). Both

right ventricular systolic and end-diastolic pressures 1.0 F
increased from supine to left and right lateral positions
(all p < .001) (figures 6 and 7). Systolic and end-
diastolic right ventricular pressures were both higher in fl L
the right lateral position than in the left lateral position S L S R
(both p < .001). FIGURE 2. Changes in cardiac output (CO) from supine (S) to left
When percent changes from supine to left and right lateral (L) and right lateral (R) positions in 16 animals. Values in dogs
lateral positions were compared, they were found to be and pigs are shown by solid and dashed lines, respectively. Mean values
equivalent for all except three variables. The percent are represented by the horizontal bars.

Vol. 73, No. 3, March 1986 581

NAKAO et al.

p (0.00 1 p 40.001 P(0.00 1 p<0.00

F , t

50 r 30



0 30t
I 20
C0 *..I -.,m
_ _

10k io1
wU- -4

0 1 1 A
FIGURE 3. Changes in arteriovenous oxygen saturation difference
(AVO2SD), given as differences in percent saturations, from supine (S) 1) 1

to left lateral (L) and right lateral (R) positions in 1 1 animals. Values in S L S R
dogs and pigs are shown by solid and dashed lines, respectively. Mean FIGURE 5. Changes in left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP)
values are represented by the horizontal bars. from supine (S) to left lateral (L) and right lateral (R) positions in 12
animals. Values in dogs and pigs are shown by solid and dashed lines,
respectively. Mean values are represented by the horizontal bars.
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190 P<0.00 1 P<.0 1


60 pC0.001 p< 0.00 1

180 I_ lI

170 A,?
160 -

150 _ 40 _
0) 140 _ E
a- 130h 0- 30F
CO 120 _ cc)
_i 20-

100 _
90 -

FIGURE 4. Changes in left ventricular systolic pressure (LVSP) from FIGURE 6. Changes in right ventricular systolic pressure (RVSP) from
supine (S) to left lateral (L) and right lateral (R) positions in 12 animals. supine (S) to left lateral (L) and right lateral (R) positions in 17 animals.
Values in dogs and pigs are shown by solid and dashed lines, respective- Values in dogs and pigs are shown by solid and dashed lines, respective-
ly. Mean values are represented by the horizontal bars. ly. Mean values are represented by the horizontal bars.

20 p'0.Oo 1 p<0.001 there was an 1 1.3 cm difference, equivalent to an 8.3

mm Hg difference in hydrostatic pressure. From su-
pine to right lateral position, the changes in height of
the right ventricle relative to the inferior vena cava
I ,p were 11.2 and 1 1.4 cm for dogs and pigs, respectively,
E equivalent to 8.2 and 8.4 mm Hg differences in hydro-
static pressure. In the seven pigs that underwent simul-
0 10 _ taneous measurements of mean right atrial and inferior
C] ,-m vena caval pressures with fluid-filled catheters, the
pressure gradients between inferior vena cava and right
.0/4< / / atrium were 3.8 + 0.8 mm Hg (mean ± SD) in the
supine position, 3.1 ± 0.6 mm Hg in the right lateral
- /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ position, and 5.4 + 0.9 mm Hg in the left lateral
0 dc position (figure 9). Each of the three gradients was
S L S R significantly different from the other two at the p <
FIGURE 7. Changes in right ventricular end-diastolic pressure .001 level.
(RVEDP) from supine (S) to left lateral (L) and right lateral (R) posi-
tions in 17 animals. Values in dogs and pigs are shown by solid and Discussion
dashed lines, respectively. Mean values are represented by the horizon- It is well known that certain positional changes may
tal bars. significantly affect cardiovascular performance. Car-
diac output, for example, decreases by approximately
increase in left ventricular systolic pressure was great- 15% to 30% when normal human subjects change from
er in the left lateral position (p < .05), and increases in a supine position to a 70 to 75 degree head-up tilt.7 8
right ventricular systolic and end-diastolic pressures This decrease has been attributed to a reduction in
were greater in the right lateral position (p < .01 and venous return, resulting from venous pooling in the
p < .05, respectively). lower extremities. In normal pregnant women in the
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The results of roentgenographic analysis of catheter third trimester, a change from supine to lateral posi-
position are shown in figure 8. In the two dogs studied, tions has been shown to increase cardiac output by a
the height of the right ventricle relative to the inferior mean of up to 27%. l-3 Compression of the inferior vena
vena cava differed by 8.4 cm with a change from cava by the gravid uterus in the supine position and
supine to left lateral position, equivalent to a difference relief of this compression upon changing to the lateral
in hydrostatic pressure of 6.2 mm Hg. In the two pigs, position are thought to be the physiologic basis of this
Dogs Pigs
lVC &--~ =1
T oVC _-
RV~~Iv lvc


Height of RV Dog A 8.2 0 -3.7 Pig A 13.0 1.5 1.2

relative to IVC Dog B 7.7 -0.7 -2.7 Pig B 12.7 1.6 1.8
mean 8.0 -0.4 -3.2 mean 12.9 1.6 1.5

Change in height of RV S-eL S-*R S-eL S-eR

relative to IVC
(cm) 8.4 11.2 11.3 11.4
(Equivalent mmHg) 6.2 8.2 8.3 8.4
FIGURE 8. The height of the catheter tip in the right ventricle (RV) relative to the height of the catheter in the inferior vena cava
(IVC) was assessed roentgenographically with animals in the supine (S), left lateral (L), and right lateral (R) positions.
Measurements (in cm) have been corrected for magnification of the x-ray film. The changes in height of the right ventricle
relative to the inferior vena cava with changes from supine to lateral positions were computed in centimeters and then converted
into equivalent millimeters of mercury hydrostatic pressure.

Vol. 73, No. 3, March 1986 583

NAKAO et al.

p 0.001 Our experimental study in anesthetized animals

1-~ yielded results different from those obtained in some
p<0.001 p(0.001
7r previous human studies.1 4,6 Cardiac output, measured
by the thermodilution method, rose significantly from
supine to both lateral positions. Changes in arteriove-
cm nous oxygen saturation differences support the validity
I _0
E of the thermodilution measurements. In the studies of
E 0
Ueland et al.' and others4 6 in awake human beings,
c 5F 0
reflex changes may have blunted or otherwise altered
U1) cc 0 the cardiac output response to lateral position, thereby
: 0 preventing expression of the hemodynamic changes
CO 4F seen in our study.
V 0 The effects of supine and lateral positions on ven-
0) E 0@
3 tricular pressures have not, to our knowledge, been
U) 0- S determined previously. However, several reports do
0 6 describe the effects of positional changes on aortic or
2k 0
pulmonary arterial pressures in human beings. New-
COa) ton9 and Eggers et al.'0 found no significant differences
0 among aortic pressures recorded in the supine and left
1 and right lateral positions, and Kennedy et al.'1 ob-
served no significant positional differences in pulmo-
nary arterial systolic pressure. Again, the differences
0 between these findings and our own may reflect reflex
Right Supine Left changes in the conscious human subject to maintain
lateral lateral constant arterial pressure. In addition, however, in
FIGURE 9. Differences between mean inferior vena caval pressure these previous studies, pressures were measured with
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(IVCP) and mean right atrial pressure (RA) in supine and lateral posi- fluid-filled catheters. When such catheters are used,
tions. The pressures were measured simultaneously in seven pigs by the zero reference point should optimally be changed
means of fluid-filled catheters. whenever a patient's position is altered during the
course of a study.'2 Since identification of the proper
observation. In one study of women in the last trimes- zero reference point in each position may be difficult,
ter of pregnancy, however, cardiac output was not actual changes in intravascular pressures may not be
increased by a change from supine to left lateral posi- detected. To exclude the potential for such error, we
tion, and it was lower in the right lateral than in the used high-fidelity micromanometers that do not re-
supine and left lateral positions.' quire that the zero reference point be changed in each
In nonpregnant subjects, previous studies have pro- position. In our experimental study, both systolic and
vided conflicting data regarding the effects of supine end-diastolic left and right ventricular pressures were
and lateral positions on cardiac output. Ueland et al.' significantly higher in lateral positions than in the su-
reported no change in cardiac output, measured by dye pine position.
dilution techniques, with changes from supine to later- The differences in height of the right ventricle rela-
al (side not defined) positions in women who were 6 to tive to the inferior vena cava, as determined from
8 weeks postpartum. Atkins et al.4 also observed no roentgenographic studies, suggest that changes in hy-
significant differences in cardiac output, estimated by drostatic pressure may be entirely responsible for the
impedance plethysmography, in supine and left and increases in right ventricular end-diastolic pressure
right lateral positions in 19 women. Newman et al.' when animals are changed from the supine to the left
however, reported higher cardiac output, estimated by lateral position and from the supine to the right lateral
transcutaneous Doppler flowmeter, in the supine than position. The increase in hydrostatic pressure would be
in left and right lateral positions in 30 women. And expected to increase right ventricular diastolic filling
Whitman et al.,5 measuring cardiac output by thermo- and stroke volume, accounting for the increases in
dilution technique in 50 adult patients after cardiac cardiac output and left ventricular filling pressure in
surgery, observed a slightly higher cardiac output in the lateral positions. The hydrostatic pressure differ-
left lateral than in right lateral or supine positions. ences, however, are somewhat larger than the changes
in right ventricular end-diastolic pressure observed in deterioration in arterial oxygen saturation that often
the 17 animals studied with micromanometer-tipped occurs when patients with bilateral pulmonary disease
catheters. This would raise the possibility of variable assume the left lateral position.13-15
compression of the inferior vena cava, perhaps by the
liver, in the three positions. Indeed, the pressure gradi- References
ents recorded between the inferior vena cava and right 1 Ueland K, Novy MJ, Peterson EN, Metcalfe J: Maternal cardiovas-
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bility of compression and suggest that compression 2. Vorys N, Ullery JC, Hanusek GE: The cardiac output changes in
various positions in pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 82: 1312,
may be greatest in the left lateral position. 1961
Several limitations of this study should be empha- 3. Lees MM, Scott DB, Kerr MG, Taylor SH: The circulatory effects
of recumbent postural change in late pregnancy. Clin Sci 32: 453,
sized. First, there are no data with regard to chamber 1967
volumes. Although thermodilution cardiac output 4. Atkins AJF, Watt JM, Milan P, Davies P, Crawford JS: The influ-
ence of posture upon cardiovascular dynamics throughout pregnan-
measurements and changes in arteriovenous oxygen cy. Eur J Obstet Gynaecol Reprod Biol 12: 357, 1981
saturation differences suggest that increases in preload 5. Whitman GR, Howaniak DL, Verga TS: Comparison of cardiac
are responsible for increases in left and right ventricu- output measurements in 20-degree supine and 20-degree right and
left lateral recumbent positions. Heart Lung 11: 256, 1982
lar end-diastolic pressures in the lateral positions, oth- 6. Newman B, Derrington C, Dore C: Cardiac output and the recum-
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7. Smith JJ, Bush JE, Wiedmeier VT, Tristani FE: Application of
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8. Rankin LS, Moos S, Grossman W: Alterations in preload and
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9. Newton KM: Comparison of aortic and brachial cuff pressures in
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inferior vena cava cannot be assessed further. Third, 1981
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two animal species significantly affect intracardiac 11. Kennedy GT, Bryant A, Crawford MH: The effect of lateral body
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pressures and cardiac output, it has not been deter- positioning on measurements of pulmonary artery and pulmonary
artery wedge pressures. Heart Lung 13: 155, 1984
mined that similar changes occur in other animal spe- 12. Grossman W: Cardiac catheterization and angiography, ed 2.
cies. In particular, whether and under what circum- Philadelphia, 1980, Lea & Febiger, p 1 1 1
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14. Mills RM, Mudge GH Jr, Lesch M: Coronary sinus blood flow in
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Vol. 73, No. 3, March 1986 585

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