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Test Scribd

1]why sudden spurt and interest in Ai technologies-> All the above

2]Learning algorithm attemps to minimize some measure of loss function,which ofthe follwing

are loss function?->Mean square error

3]Neirest neighbour is --- algorithm->supervised,classification

4]which of the following example of unsupervised learning?->Given a set of news articles found
on the web group them by same story

5]Deep learning utilizes a hirarchical level of artificial -- networks to carry outmachine learning-

6]What is output of training phase of Machine learning?->algorithm

7]Segmenting customers based on their similarity is ---problem?->Clustering

8]Machine learning algorithm are described as learning a-----(f) that best maps xto output y-
>target function

9]Which technique can be used to predict cancer->Classification and clustering

10]grouping human int male ,female, of other is a--- task->Classification and regression

11]-----set is used for model fine tuning and optimisation->validation

12]which of following is not deep learning framework?->MusicNet

13]Introduction of which layer in neural net aloows to complicated feature?->hidden

14]A machine trained to diffrence between cats and dogs->classification

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