BSBMKG418 Task 2 - Boonrak

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Boonyaphilad Boonrak BSBMKG418 Task 2


Task 2 Presentation on current issues in the marketing communication

industry (Research & Presentation)

Hudson, The evolution of a global recruitment, rpo and talent management leader across the
world and around the corner, Hudson connects, advises, and supports organisations and their
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increasing productivity at every stage of the employment lifecycle.
a. Identify at least two key trends of current concern for the marketing
communications industry.
Mobile Search
 More Google searches take place on mobile devices than on computers in 10 countries
including the U.S. and Japan. (Google, 2021)
 49% of B2B researchers who use their mobile devices for product research do so while at
work. (Google, 2021)
 65% of smartphone users agree that when conducting a search on their smartphones, they
look for the most relevant information regardless of the company providing the
information. (Google, 2021)
 51% of smartphone users have discovered a new company or product when conducting a
search on their smartphone. (Google, 2021)
 48% of consumers start mobile research with a search engine. (Smart Insights, 2021)
 26% of consumers start mobile research with a branded app. (Smart Insights, 2021)
 72% of adult internet users use Facebook. (Pew Research Center, 2015)
Only 45% of marketers think that their Facebook efforts are effective. (Social Media
Examiner, 2021)
 Facebook posts with images see 2.3X more engagement than those without images.
(Buzzsumo, 2021)
 Facebook continues to have the most engaged users -- 70% log on daily, including 43%
who do so several times a day. (Pew Research Center, 2015)
Boonyaphilad Boonrak BSBMKG418 Task 2

 Facebook sends 82% of social media traffic to longer stories and 84% of social traffic to
shorter news articles. (Pew Research Center, 2016)
 63% of Facebook and Twitter users say each platform serves as a source for news about
events and issues outside the realm of friends and family. (Pew Research Center, 2015)
 74% of people say they use Facebook for professional purposes. (HubSpot, 2017)
 In the past two years, content consumption on Facebook has increased 57%. (HubSpot,
 76% of people use their Facebook feed to find interesting content. (HubSpot, 2016)
Facebook has 1.13 billion daily active users. (Statista, 2021)
The word as stakeholder means any person with an interest in the business. The various
stakeholders in business have differing roles and their level of involvement in the enterprise
varies from full-time to barely involve at all. The company’s CEO seeks to utilize the skills,
experience and knowledge of each stakeholder group to further the organization’s long-term
 Employees
Top management may set the overall strategic direction for the company, but the employees
are responsible for carrying out the tasks specified in the company’s strategic plan in an
efficient manner. Without the employees performing their roles proficiently, the company
will not reach its revenue and profit potential.
 Stockholders
Stockholders’ initial role is to provide the capital a company needs to grow and expand, or in
the case of a startup venture, the capital it needs to launch its products or services into the
 Customers
The role of customers is critical to the company’s survival and success. Through the purchase
decisions they make each day, they select which companies will prosper and which will fail.
They also provide valuable feedback to the company about its products and customer service
 Vendors
Boonyaphilad Boonrak BSBMKG418 Task 2

A company’s ability to fill its customer orders on time and bring the highest quality goods to
the marketplace depends in part on the role its vendors or suppliers play.
 The Community
The community provides the skilled workforce that a company depends upon to maintain its
competitive edge.
b. List relevant digital communications technologies, platforms and devices.
Electronic mail, known as email, is the sending and receiving of messages electronically over the
Internet. Email has been in use for over 25 years and is the most widely used Internet tool. Email
has evolved from being a fixed communication tool between one computer and another, and can
now be accessed via portable devices such as cell phones, MP3 players, tablets and more. This is
only made possible through the use of wireless internet cards built into these devices. Email is a
software technology that requires the use of a computer or mobile device (hardware technology).
Short Message Service (SMS)
The term short message service is often referred to as texting. Texting is most commonly used
for short messages. However with the use of software SMS can now be used from PC to
Cellphone, Iphone etc. SMS is a hardware technology that is used on a cellphone however can be
a software technology if used via a PC.
The web has been around for some time now and many businesses have incorporated a website
as part of their operations. A website is another way that an organisation can communicate with
their customers or potential customers. Organisations primarily used websites to advertise
products and services. However today, organisations use websites to sell products and services
through online shopping and offer online support to customers

c. Describe the current and future impact of the trends on the marketing communications
industry as a whole.
Boonyaphilad Boonrak BSBMKG418 Task 2

The current impact for the trend on the marketing communication industry is to develop strategy
that applies to digital marketing tool and media. It impacts on 4Ps (product, price, place, and
promotion) directly as organization need to develop and
design marketing aspects that correspond to current impact of trend. For future trend impact will
involve cost to develop marketing activity and technology used in marketing including
knowledge and skill of marketer to adapt and use new communication.
d. Describe at least one strategic response by the team or organisation, including the impact
of the trend on roles within the team, using everyday activities to illustrate impact.
Providing regular communication on marketing communication to team and management is one
strategy to address trend and impact of trend to organization.
As for strategic response to the impact of trend on roles within the team, it will involve
developing marketing plan. Once the team has developed the overall marketing strategy, each
team member is responsible for implementing a corresponding marketing plan for the areas of
responsibility. These responsibilities include deciding on the promotional material for his market
segment and pricing. Impact on marketing communication trend will affect to decide on strategy
and activity using for developing marketing plan that address technology requirement and
customer expectation
e. Briefly describe a suggested process of keeping up-to-date on trends, conducting formal
and informal research, sharing knowledge and continuously incorporating new knowledge
into work roles.
News Aggregation Sites
There are a number of great news sites out there that keep up with all the developments in the
tech world. Techmeme is nice because it aggregates the top stories and removes the task of
searching and switching between sites in order to consume the day’s information. Curation sites
like Techmeme and Reddit are interesting because they help get everything
You want in one place.

Smart Personalization Algorithms

The rapid pace of change in technology makes it difficult to stay on top of new trends. But the
smart personalization algorithms that power the feeds of Twitter, Facebook and Google News
have helped keep you current.
Boonyaphilad Boonrak BSBMKG418 Task 2

Subscribe to trade journals

What better way to be in-the-know about specific issues in your industry than to subscribe to a
journal that’s devoted to covering them? But subscribing alone isn’t
enough; you have to actually read the thing – albeit in print or online. I prefer print. My monthly
ritual is to take a stack of trade journals to a local cafe, turn off my phone, grab my highlighter
and notepad, and read all of them at once. Others prefer to consume magazines and journals in
bite-size chunks. Whatever your approach, make sure the information is getting in your brain
rather than simply lining your shelves or taking up space in your inbox.
Formal research method - surveys are expensive from that of informal research. There is a lot
of paper work involved in formal research as it is a primary information.
Informal research - consist of secondary information and only a little bit paper work is involved
in it. Informal research is an idea of getting a quick feedback of the peoples response to a
particular idea or action.This is asking a various group of people orally about their ideas, seeing
their reactions to a particular situation.
Knowledge sharing
 Use a social intranet to encourage employee interaction
An intranet is a company-exclusive service that acts as a social platform, information hub and
employee communication portal.Some examples of intranet services include Honey, Igloo and
Slack. All of these services allow employees to share information with coworkers, and many
incorporate the use of topic tags or hashtags to make previously shared information more
searchable. This allows employees to seek and share information about common problems,
minimizing the need for managers to step in.
 Use a Kanban tool to share knowledge about team workflow.
Kanban is a workflow system that helps you organize your tasks into buckets. Often, these
buckets are the different stages of your workflow process. For example, you might have a bucket
for “Ideation,” “Prototype,” “Development” and “Completed.” As projects move from the
ideation phase to the completed phase, you can see where they are in the process and maintain
realistic deadline goals for your customers.
Boonyaphilad Boonrak BSBMKG418 Task 2

References trends/ 65580.html

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