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Urban Transit for Livable Cities

References and Bibliography


Most materials in this course are based on Vuchic’s Transit Trilogy, referred to as “VB1-3“
(Vuchic Books 1-3):

1. VB1 Vuchic, Vukan R., 2007, Urban Transit Systems and Technology; John Wiley & Sons;
618 pages. Translated into Japanese, Serbian and Turkish.

2. VB2 Vuchic, Vukan R., 2005, Urban Transit Operations, Planning and Economics; John
Wiley & Sons; 660 pages. Translated into Chinese 2012, Turkish 2016.

3. VB3 Vuchic, Vukan R. 1999, Transportation for Livable Cities, Center for Urban Policy
Research, Rutgers University; 376 pages. Translated into Russian 2011, Turkish 2015;
Georgian 2021.

The table below shows where major materials for each edX Section (1-8) are found in the
Trilogy books (VB1-3).
edX Section VB1 Chapters VB2 Chapters VB3 Chapters
1 1, 2, 3, 4 1 1, 2, 3, 4
2 5 4
3 6, 7, 8 4, 5,
4 6, 7, 8
5 6, 7, 8
6 6, 7, 8, 9 5
7 10 10, 11, 12 6, 7, 8
8 10 10, 11, 12 6, 7, 8

Urban Transit for Livable Cities: References and Bibliography | Property of Penn Enginieering

1. American Public Transportation Association (APTA). 2020 Public Transportation Fact

Book. Washington, DC.

2. Boyce, D & H. William. 2015. Forecasting Urban Travel: Past, Present and Future.
Cheltenham, UK.

3. European Cooperation in Science and Technology. 2011. Buses with High Level of Service
– BHLS. Strasbourg, France. European Science Foundation.

4. Girnau, G., A. Müller-Hellman & F. Blennemann. 2,000; Light Rail Transit in Germany (in
German and English). Köln, Germany. Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen (VDV).

5. Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). 2016. Traffic Engineering Handbook.

Washington, DC.

6. Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). 2017. Transportation Planning Handbook.

Washington, DC.

7. Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). Highway Capacity Manual, 2017. Guide for
Multimodal Mobility Analysis. Washington, DC.

8. International Union of Public Transport (UITP). 2019. Public Transport Trends. Brussels,
Belgium. UITP.

9. Jacobs, Jane.1961. The death and life of great American cities. New York; Vintage Books.

10. Kittelson and Associates, 2003, Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual. TCRP
Report 100, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.

11. Litman, Todd. 2002. Automobile dependency as a cost. Victoria, BC, Canada. Victoria
Transport Policy Institute.

Urban Transit for Livable Cities: References and Bibliography | Property of Penn Enginieering
12. Meyer M. D. & E. J. Miller. 2001. Urban Transportation Planning, 2nd Edition. McGraw-
Hill. New York.

13. Newman P. & J. Kenworthy. 1998. Sustainability and Cities: Overcoming Automobile
Dependence. Island Press, Washington, DC.

14. Pucher, J. & S. Kurth. 1995. Verkehrsverbund: the success of regional public transport in
Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Transport Policy, Elsevier, Vol. 2(4), p. 279-291,

15. Schwartz, Samuel I. 2015. Street Smart – the Rise of Cities and the Fall of Cars. Public
Affairs, New York.

16. Shoup, Donald. 2005. High Cost of Free Parking. American Planning Association. Chicago.

17. Smeed, Reuben J. 1961.The traffic problem in towns. Manchester Statistical Society.

18. Transportation Research Board (TRB). 1975-2018 – Proceedings of Light Rail Transit
Conferences 1-14.

19. UITP. 2003. PT financing: exploring all the options. Public Transport International, special
issue 06.

20. Vuchic, V. R., 1994, Bus Transit System – Its Underutilized Potential; DOT-T-94-20,
Federal Transit Administration (FTA), Washington, DC.

21. Vuchic, Vukan R., 2014, Maintaining performance with full automation; Railway Gazette
International (RGI) - Metro Report International, March, p. 36-39. London, UK.

22. Vuchic, Vukan R., 2014, Planning, design and operation of rail transit networks; Railway
Gazette International (RGI) - Metro Report International, December, p. 48-53. London,

Urban Transit for Livable Cities: References and Bibliography | Property of Penn Enginieering

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