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Choose the most suitable answer and write the letter on the space provided before the number.

____1. ______you are punctual, you will miss the ferry.

a. If b. Although c. Since d. Unless

____2. Andy threw a slab of meat at the wild animal ___he wanted to distract it.

a. and b. although c. because d. unless

____ 3. ______you are afraid of wild animals, you should not go to the safari park.

a. For b. Although c. If d. However

____4. I cannot move about ______ I still failed my examinations in the end.

a. and b. for c. because d. unless

____5.I took her advice ____ I still failed my examinations in the end.

a. if b. for c. despite d. but

____6. I sent in many entry forms for the lucky draw ______ I did not win a prize.

a. and b. but c. or d. so that

____7. I did not buy the sports shoes _____they were on sale.

a. although b. and c. unless d. if

____8. ______ I was near the market, I decided to by some fish and meat to cook for dinner.

a. Unless b. Since c. Although d. However

____9. You must make a reservation ____ you will not be able to get a seat at the restaurant.

a. or else b. and c. unless d. if

___10. The crew tried to save the passengers _____ many of them drowned when the ship capsized.

a. but b. and c. or else d. unless

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