Intelligence Flashcards

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Global Issues Final Flashcards | Quizlet 7/7/21, 8:16 PM

Congress established in 1776, interest went well

Committee of Secret beyond espionage: secret collection of
Correspondence information by spies, also concerned with analysis:
interpretation of information gathered by spies

collection & analysis has drastically changed as a

result of the surprise attack by the Japanese
against Pearl Harbor, vital data had been bottled
Intelligence mission
up by officials who feared Operation Magic, which
cracked Japanese military codes, would be

created by FDR via executive order, wartime

intelligence agency during World War II, and a
Office of Strategic Services
predecessor of the modern CIA, less effective
than Army & Naval intel

created the Department of Defense & gave

statutory authority of improved intel coordination
National Security Act of 1947 through the leadership of a Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA) placed them under the control of
the National Security Council (NSC)

led the intel agencies & served as the director of

Director of Central the CIA, mission of coordinating information from
Intelligence (DCI) the different secret agencies for presentation to
principal decision makers, currently Gina Haspel Page 2 of 27
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enacted in response to 9/11 in 2004, failed to

achieve goals of reformers, established both the
Intelligence Reform & position of Director of National Intelligence,
Terrorism Prevention Act elevated his position & gave him authority over
other agencies, & the National Counterterrorism

Support to military operations top US intel priority for government officials


office of DCI's new name, powers of office over

budgets remain slim, military intel agencies
Director of National
dominate spy spending, currently Daniel Coats,
Intelligence (DNI)
responsible for reporting to members of the SSCI
& HPSCI about all new findings

portion of budget goes here, capable of

intercepting int & domestic telephone & e-mail
communications, code-breaking center, became
National Security Agency
point of controversy when computer specialist
Edward Snowden leaked information to Russia,
revealed wiretapping of US citizens

National Geospatial takes photographs of enemy targets

Intelligence Agency (NGA)

National Reconnaissance administers NSA & NGA satellites, from production

Office (NRO) launching to their management in space

Defense Intelligence Agency analyzes global information gathered on military

(DIA) matters Page 3 of 27
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Federal Bureau of located in Justice Department, responsible for

Investigation (FBI) counterterrorism, counterintel & law enforcement

Bureau of Intelligence & located in State Department

Research (INR)

Department of Homeland intel unit within the Coast Guard

Security (DHS)

CIA now has its own manager, CIA is divided into

Director of CIA (DCIA)
5 sections which the DCIA directs

National Clandestine Service engaged in espionage, counterintel, & liaison

(NCS) (now called Directorate work, others carry our covert action, Special
of Operations) Operations Group deals with paramilitary activities

top CIA officer in each country, beneath him is the

case of operational officers & their native agents
Chief of Station (COS)
known as assets, located inside US embassies,

Directorate of Science & devoted to applying technology to espionage


carries out Agency's hiring, training, computer

processing, worldwide communications & logistics
Directorate of Support (DS)
& security, domestic spying during Vietnam War,
focus of Church Committee investigations in 1975 Page 4 of 27
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led Counterintelligence (CI) to spy on spies,

James Angleton
thwarted hostile agencies

driven by the intel cycle: process by which

information is acquired, converted into intel, &
Connection & analysis mission made available to policymakers, planning &
direction, collection, processing, production &
analysis & dissemination

national security officials gather to make a priority

Threat assessment ranking of the stream of dangers that confront the
US, Tier 1A are most pressing, is now Al Qaeda

Tasking selection of intel targets

up-to-the-minute information that is often vital in

Current intel times of crisis, CNN intel, we have become
enamored by this, often overlook research intel

study on a specific subject, accompanied by a

Research intel
long-range prediction Page 5 of 27
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use of machines such as satellites & drone aircraft,

includes signals intel (SIGINT) (today is mostly
NSA) which consists of telephone calls, social
media, & other forms of electronic transmissions,
geospatial intel (GEOINT) also known as imagery
intel (IMINT) which includes photographs of
Technical intel (TECHINT) targets taken by satellites, reconnaissance aircraft
& on the ground, hand-held cameras
measurement-&-signatures intel (MASINT) which
relies on the placement of concealed sensory
devices to determine the presence of radioactive
weaponry, lethal chemicals, & bacteriological

Human intel (HUMINT) use of spies

collected from non-secret sources such as

newspapers, libraries, radio broadcasts, business
Open-source intel (OSINT)
& industrial reports, or from accredited foreign
service officials

monitors global radio & television then translates

& circulates this information, overt collection
provides bulk of information but HUMINT &
Open Source Center
TECHINT help more in decision making, Colonel
Oleg Penkovsky brought information to the US &
the UK about Soviet missile bases

Intelligence collection costliest phase of the intel cycle Page 6 of 27
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sifts out the meaningful signals from the noise,

Processing phase
converting raw information into something usable

individuals responsible for the conversion of raw

Analysts (unevaluated) information into finished (evaluated)

preeminent among the daily documents produced

by the CIA & the other agencies, most tightly held
document in Washington, send out Terms of
President's Daily Brief (PDB)
Reference to other agencies, ask if there is
anything to send in, Clinton & Trump would not be

a statement of what is going to happen in any

country, in any area, in any given situation, as far
National Intelligence Estimate as possible into the future, classified study, based
(NIE) on extensive research by spy agencies, inter-
agency quality, gather physically, includes
footnotes (different perspectives)

current intel used by critics concerned about the

CNN intel erosion of NIEs & US deeper knowledge base for
understanding world affairs

rejection by policy makers of objective intel for

Politicization of intel
their own political purposes Page 7 of 27
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practice within the executive branch of

maintaining operational security through the
establishment of special channels that limit the
access of individuals to information

Most avid intel consumers Washington, Eisenhower, Kennedy & H. W. Bush

during Cold War, Senate investigators discovered

Operation Chaos use of unlawful intel operations against US anti
war protestors, spying on citizens

assertion by the president of constitutional

authority to withhold information from the
legislative & judicial branches of government,
Executive privilege
became most shrill in Watergate scandal, Nixon
argued the Oval Office conversations taped were

Court rejected the contention that a president had

US v. Nixon an absolute executive privilege & forced the
president to yield the tapes to investigators

intel program that involved the NSA, designed to

intercept all calls & telegrams sent abroad or
received by Americans, Ford claimed
Operation Shamrock
corporations were immune from congressional
appearances in this case because it was top

to delay in response to congressional requests for

Stonewall & slow roll
information Page 8 of 27
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withholding by the government of the right to

Prior restraint
publish information

Nixon failed to convince that prior restraint was

necessary when White House sought to prevent
NYT Co. v. US (Pentagon
publication of secret DOD history of Vietnam War,
Papers Case) 1971
Daniel Ellsberg responsible for leak, decided 6 to

Policy makers consumers of intel reports

Intel analysts producers

What was the nation's first Committee of Secret Correspondence

intel service, under then-
General George Washington,

Which US tragedy does the The Pearl Harbor attack

textbook identify as the most
devastating intel failure
before the 9/11 attacks?

The CIA was created by: The National Security Act of 1947

Under the Intelligence Director of the CIA

Reform & Terrorism
Prevention Act of 2004, the
head of the CIA is called: Page 9 of 27
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Which of the following is NOT Bureau of Intelligence & Research

an intel agency housed under
the Department of Defense?

How many agencies make up 16

the intel community housed
under the DNI's titular

Which section is the primary Directorate for Intelligence

analytical wing of the CIA &
larger US intel community?

The top CIA officer in each Chief of station

country is called the:

The first phase of the intel Planning & direction

cycle is:

The proper acronym for the OSINT

collection method
emphasizing non-secret
sources of intel is:

The costliest phase of the Collection

intel cycle is: Page 10 of 27
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The key challenge in the Signals, noise

processing phase of the intel
cycle is to separate out the
meaningful ___ from the ___.

The preeminent daily The President's Daily Brief

document produced by the
US intel community is known

While positive dialogue Politicization of intel

between producers &
consumers of intel may be
necessary, producers
sometimes misuse or reject
objective intel to suit their
own agendas, which is known

Tactics used by the President Slow rolling, stonewalling, executive privilege

& bureaucrats to delay
congressional access to
information include:

Law of Propinquity way of saying one's nearness to someone else Page 11 of 27
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closer to the Oval Office than the Sec of State

office, they often are travelling, are not in easy
access of the president, in the White House you
National Security Advisor pick up on the domestic policies that are pressing
on the president, when he comes seeking advice
on foreign policy, the NSA takes into account the
domestic arena

said that when Congress is kept in the dark, it

Robert Gates nearly always resulted in the regret of the
presidents involved

wanted to bomb Vietnam, extremely religious,

hated communists because they were atheists,
John Foster Dulles went to Eisenhower & advised him to save French
allies who were losing in war there by using
atomic bombs, Eisenhower said no

Great power challengers: Russia & China, Regional

Return of Geopolitics challenger: Iran, Hotspots: Afghanistan, Niger,
Yemen, Djibouti, Syria, Iraq

Democrats favor int alliances & free trade,

Republican believe immigrants represent a critical
Public attitudes toward int threat & that the US should be the dominant world
engagement leader, Democrats believe more than Republicans
that we should play a leadership role in world

Director of Central has no authority over the other agencies outside

Intelligence of the CIA Page 12 of 27
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in the intel community for 50 years, Former DNI,

Jim Clapper
now is Dan Coats

Geospatial (takes photos) Defense, Army, Navy,

8 military intel agencies
Air, Marine, Sec of Defense, Dept of Defense

intel disciplines such as imagery, wiretapping

phone calls can hurt you because often they can
be deceptions, helpful during WWII with
Germany, NGA & NSA have satellites, DIA is more
of a think tank, take data or raw information &
make sense of it, Dept of Homeland Security was
a reaction to 9/11, FBI captures bank robbers &
corporate crooks, mission of intel

Chapter 10 Diplomacy

in 1954, Senator Bricker introduced a

constitutional amendment to curb the president's
power over int agreement making, Eisenhower
Bricker Amendment
considered it to be a restraint on his ability to
conduct diplomacy through executive
agreements, was not passed

if successful, would have represented a victory for

the Bricker movement, aimed at blocking the
hated use of executive agreements with the
George Amendment
provision of a treaty, int agreements other than
treaties would become internal law only by act of
Congress Page 13 of 27
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process of times of peace, business of

Diplomacy communicating between governments, most
important power possessed by a nation

1) must be divested of the crusading spirit 2)

objectives of foreign policy must be defined in
terms of national interest & supported with
Hans Morgenthau's Rules for
adequate power 3) must look at political scene
from point of view of other nations 4) nations must
be willing to compromise on all issues that are not
vital to them

signaling to other nations that a diplomatic

settlement may be in their best interests because
Coercive diplomacy
the alternative could mean the introduction of
military force into the equation

Julian Assange exposed inner workings of

government, papers from Obama admin
transmitted to leakers through a London
organization, distributed to NY Times, exposed
American diplomatic initiatives & that the
Wikileaks Papers
government used mostly negotiations, & when this
failed, the use of economic carrots & sticks or
military, details about Iraq war, Russia & China
were a concern, reduce strength of Iran nuclear

project around the world an accurate picture of

Public diplomacy the US through radio, television broadcasts, &
other means of communications Page 14 of 27
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resume mutual cuts in strategic warheads &

delivery systems in Russia, sought to renew Nunn-
Strategic Arms Reduction
Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Program
Treaty of 1991 (START)
which aided former USSR in cleanup of WMD
sites, dismantling nuclear weapons

involves legislative authority, requires an easier

majority vote in both chambers of Congress,
Statutory agreement sometimes are bypassed in agreement, dominant
form of int commitment by US, regardless of
agreement policy content, used in NATO & WTO

treaties, statutory agreements, executive

agreements, require ⅔ Senate vote, majority vote
Form of int agreements
in both chambers of Congress, & no legislative

executive branch has excluded the Congress from

agreement making, supported by data from Cold
Evasion hypothesis
War, in less important diplomatic initiatives,
president will seek advice & consent of Senate

placement of US troops & weapons abroad, adds

Forward deployment to expensive portion of Pentagon's budget, can
lead US into war Page 15 of 27
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circumstances likely to result in war are made as

executive agreements, kept secret, & then
presented to Congress, lawmakers could either
Fait accompli
go along with diplomatic initiative or wreck the
arrangements by shutting off funds or barring

result was to convert the SEATO collective

security arrangement into a bilateral US-Thai
Rusk-Khoman Communique
defense pact, US Military Assistance Program for
Thailand shot up

US diplomatic obligations are stretched far

beyond the original intent of Congress or even
Creeping commitments the White House, occurs as executive branch
officials seek to fill in details once broad
agreement is reached

sense of the Senate that a national commitment by

the US to a foreign power results from affirmative
National Commitments action taken by executive & legislative branches of
Resolution 1969 US government through means of treaty,
convention, or other legislative instrumentality
intended to give effect to such a commitment Page 16 of 27
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Nixon prepared to override presidential veto,

signs this act into law in which the State
Department would have to report to Congress on
Case-Zablocki Act all int agreements being negotiated by executive
agreements, represented a significant move by
Congress toward institutional sharing in the
making of int agreements

executive branch informs Congress fully in two

Ex post facto reporting months after a commitment had already been
made to another country

Ante facto reporting done in advance of commitment

investigative arm of Congress, concluded

Government Accountability transmission of executive agreements to the
Office legislative branch under the provisions of the
Case-Zablocki Act suffered from omissions

expressed a sense of the Senate that any

significant int agreement should be cast as a
treaty & submitted to senators for their advice &
Treaty Powers Resolution consent, majority of Senate did not support,
however the initiative stimulated an exchange of
letters between chairman of the Committee & the
Department of State Page 17 of 27
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led to an understanding that, in the future, the

Department of State would inform the committee
Sparkman-Bennet letters of
periodically, on a confidential basis, of significant
int agreements which have been authorized for

nuclear arms reduction agreement, W. Bush

preferred to submit as a statutory agreement,
Treaty of Moscow
Senate complained, admin consented to treaty

movement of anti-Vietnam War "doves" during the

Senator J. William Fulbright 1970s meant to curb excessive executive

During the 1950s, a movement John Bricker

to severely restrict the
President's power over int
agreement making was led by
which Senator?

Approximately what 30%

percentage of US
ambassadorships are political

Private commentary on the personalities of

Among the revelations in the foreign leaders, instructions for Foreign Service
WikiLeaks trove of classified officers to collect personal data on foreign
material was: leaders, US negotiation strategies for managing
other countries Page 18 of 27
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A key diplomatic tactic used Public diplomacy

in the war against global
terrorism has focused on
projecting an accurate picture
of the US through various
forms of media, or what is

Which pivotal arms control New START

treaty does the textbook cite
as the centerpiece of the
Obama admin's effort to
reach out to Russia?

A sticking point in US- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

European relations since the
end of the Cold War has been
contributions & burden
sharing in the:

The textbook highlights the North African Maghreb

expansion of Al Qaeda into
which key region as a "global
hot spot" & challenge for US

Which form of int agreement Statutory agreement, 87%

is by far the most common in
the US? Page 19 of 27
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The evasion hypothesis posits Executive agreement

that the increase in ___ has
excluded Congress from
agreement making.

Between 1946 & 1974, 70%

approximately what
percentage of military
agreements concluded by
executive agreement should
have warranted closer
scrutiny by the legislative

According to the textbook, all Economic aid to Greece & Turkey

of the following cases
illustrate the misuse of
executive agreements except:
Military basing rights in Spain,
verbal commitments to
Thailand beyond the SEATO
treaty, economic aid to
Greece & Turkey, covert
action in Laos

The first "shot across the bow" Write a blank check for foreign aid to Latin
from the Fulbright-led Senate America
Foreign Relations Committee
in the late 1960s was the
committee's refusal to: Page 20 of 27
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What was the key weakness of The ex post facto reporting requirement
the Case-Zablocki Act, as
passed in 1972?

Which (ultimately Treaty Powers Resolution

unsuccessful) legislative
action promised to withhold
budgetary authorization if the
executive branch failed to
submit as a treaty an
agreement that a simple
majority in the Senate felt
should have been cast as

The House of Representatives New START

was asked to give statutory
agreement for all of the
following int commitments
except: NAFTA, New START,
World Trade Organization,
US-India nuclear agreement

Directorate of Support, Directorate of Analysis -

puts together reports for decision makers,
CIA directorates
Directorate for Science & Technology, Directorate
for Operations - covert actions

1) planning & direction 2) collection - Ints, most

Intelligence Cycle widely used is OSINT (open source) 3) processing
4) production & analysis 5) dissemination Page 21 of 27
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1) Office of the Director of Nat Intel 2) CIA 3) NSA

4) Defense Intel Agency 5) FBI 6) Dept of State -
Bureau of Intel & Research 7) Dept of Homeland
Security - Office of Intel & Analysis 8) Drug
Enforcement Admin - Office of Nat Security Intel
17 Major Intelligence 9) Dept of the Treasury - Office of Intel & Analysis
Agencies 10) Dept of Energy - Office of Intel & Counterintel
11) Nat Geospatial-Intel Agency 12) Nat
Reconnaissance Office 13) Air Force Intel,
Surveillance & Reconnaissance 14) Army Military
Intel 15) Office of Naval Intel 16) Marine Corps
Intel 17) Coast Guard Intel

covert action, recruit officers overseas, collect

info through human & other sources, evaluate intel
in regard to nat security, coordinate with other
CIA Officers
agencies or departments to collect nat intel
outside US, may use undercover surveillance or
so-called "spy" equipment

"we are facing a melting ice flow of cover" CIA

Bill Colby
agents are losing people willing to cover

fusion the Ints together, difficulty of distinguishing

All source fusion
between noise v. signals

giving meaning to acquired intel, turning raw intel

into understandable intel

Director of CIA Gina Haspel Page 22 of 27
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workhorse of federal government, read

Deputy Assistant Secretary
documents & pass on key information to president

Saudi journalist & author, October 2nd in Istanbul,

Turkey in Saudi consulate he was killed, Trump
said there will be extreme consequences but we
will wait it out because of our Saudi arms deal,
Jamal Khashoggi may have some family or business ties, oil there,
they are our regional ally, Turkey claims they have
tapes of the incident, Saudi Arabia sends mixed
messages, US is buying time, calculated killing by
15 member Saudi hit squad

188 available, 169 go to specific countries, 19 go to

int organizations, 148 of them are currently filled
Int positions which is not the norm, suggests Trump admin
places little importance here, US left UN Human
Rights Council

Rex Tillerson: former Sec of State, big oil, Exxon,

Mike Pompeo takes his place, 60% of high ranking
State Department officials have left because Trump cut budget by
33% there has been a 50% reduction to

Chapter 11 Military Force Page 23 of 27
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euphemism for invasion, Nixon ordered US troops

into Cambodia after North Vietnamese &
Incursion Vietcong enemy forces, sparked protest, Kent
State Univ, decision made without congressional
consolation or approval

introduced in Senate during Vietnam War,

proposal was the first time Congress had
restricted the deployment of troops during a war
Cooper-Church Amendment against the wishes of the president, sought to end
of 1970 funding to retain US troops in Cambodia & Laos,
end US support for Republic of Vietnam forces
outside territorial South Vietnam, Nixon pulled
troops once it was passed

most extreme & hazardous means for the pursuit

War power
of foreign policy ends, especially in age of WMDs

enacted by Congress a few days after 9/11 to

guard against further acts of terrorism, gives the
president authority to arrest or kill anyone who
Authorization for Use of
committed or assisted in the attacks, or who gave
Military Force (AUMF)
safe haven to the attackers, shooting of Osama bin
Laden, presidents have used this to go against

US war power is meant to persuade other nations

or terrorist organizations not to use their own
Deterrence military forces in ways that might endanger the
vital interests of the US & its allies, during the Cold
war achieved by threatening Page 24 of 27
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W. Weinberger's 6 commandments, guidelines for

future US military engagement 1) military action
had to involve vital national interests 2) US must
intend to win 3) operation had to have clear-cut
Weinberger Doctrine political-military objectives 4) objectives had to
be subjected to a continual reassessment 5) US
people had to be in support 6) all alternatives to
the use of over force had to have been tried first
& found wanting

No. 1 objective of foreign to prevent a nuclear attack against the US


argued that if US were to go to war, the nation

Powell Doctrine
should use overwhelming force to win quickly

unsettling global environment, US & other major

powers have 3 broad forms of military response
Nuclear Age
available to them: strategic nuclear, tactical
nuclear, & conventional

intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs)

submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) &
Strategic nuclear capability
long-range bombers equipped with nuclear
bombs or missiles

weapons that also rely on a nuclear reaction for

their destructive force but are more limited in
Tactical nuclear capability
scope & designed for relatively small targets on
the battlefield Page 25 of 27
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backpack warheads (for use by infantry to stop

tanks) howitzer shells, NATO Lance battlefield-
support missile & its Warsaw Pact Frog-7,
Theater nuclear weapons
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF)
European-based cruise & Pershing IIs on US side,
SS-20s & similar missiles on Soviet side

(Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces) treaty

between US & Russia to limit the number of
INF Treaty of 1988
intermediate range missiles each side owns, sign
the Cold War was ending

armaments that rely on non-nuclear technology,

Conventional capabilities everything from M-16 rifles to the blast effect of
chemical reactions like TNT

primary enemy targets are usually military

Counterforce centers

Countervalue targeting cities with large populations & industrial &

strategy communication centers

such as tactical nuclear warheads, radiation can

Low-yield weapons
cause more deaths than the heat or blast effects

gamma rays emitted in a wave when a nuclear

Electromagnetic pulse (EMP)
bomb explodes Page 26 of 27
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freezing of the Earth following the detonation of

large numbers of nuclear weapons in the
Nuclear winter aftermath of a major nuclear war, as a result of
soot from burning buildings rising into the
atmosphere & blocking out the sun's rays

NBCR weapons nuclear, biological, chemical, & radiological

may incorporate the use of smallpox virus or

Biological weapons
anthrax against targets

could include the dissemination of the lethal

Chemical weapons
nerve gas serin Page 27 of 27

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