Question Bank Subject: Digital Electronics and Computer Organization Subject Code: BCA - 202 (N)

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Subject: Digital Electronics and Computer Organization

Subject code: BCA - 202 (N)


1. What are logic gates? Explain the different types of logic gates with truth table and
logic circuit diagram.
2. What is duality principal?
3. Explain Boolean algebra with law.
4. State and prove De-Morgan’s theorem.
5. Why NAND and NOR gates are termed as Universal gates? Explain with examples.
6. Simplify the following Boolean expression using law
((A’+B+C’) (A’+B+C))’
7. Explain SOP (Sum of Product) and POS (Product of Sum) in Boolean function.
8. What do you understand by minterm and maxterm.
9. What do you understand by canonical cover. Define canonical expression and types of
Form used to represent canonical cover.
10. Explain K-map with design.
11. Simplify the following Boolean function-
F(A, B, C, D) = ∑m (0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 10)
12. Simplify the following product of sum expression
F (a, b, c, d) = Π (1, 3, 5, 7, 13, 15).
13. State the absorption law of Boolean algebra.
14. The simplified SOP (Sum of Product) form of the Boolean expression (P + Q' + R').
(P + Q' + R). (P + Q + R') will be?
15. What do you understand by don’t care condition in Boolean function.
16. Given f(x, y, w, z) = Σ m (0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 10) + Σ d (5, 6, 11, 15), where d represents
the don't-care condition in Karnaugh maps. Find a minimum sum of products (SOP)
form of f(x, y, w, z)?
17. Implement the following Boolean function with NAND gate only:
Y (A, B, C) =∑m (0, 1, 3, 5)

18. Implement XNOR gate using NOR gates only.

19. Simplify the following function using K – map,
Realize the SOP using only NAND gates.
20. Prove the following identity
(i) AB + A (B + C) +B (B + C) = B +AC
(ii) AB + A’B +A’B’ = A’ +B
(iii) AB’C + A’BC + ABC = AC +BC
1. Explain combinational circuit in detail.
2. Differentiate between combinational circuits and sequential circuits.
3. What is binary adder? Explain its type also.
4. Explain half adder circuit diagram and truth table.
5. What do you understand by addend and augend bit of half adder.
6. Explain full adder with block diagram using half adder
7. Explain half sub –tractor with circuit diagram and block diagram.
8. What do you understand by code converter? How it is used.
9. Explain binary to BCD converter with truth table.
10. Design a combinational logic circuit that has four inputs and one output. The output
produced is 1 when input is greater than 1000.
11. What is decoder?
12. What do you understand by decoder expansion? Explain with an example.
13. Construct a 5x32 decoder using 2x4 decoder and 3x8 decoder.
14. What is multiplexer? Construct a 16x1 multiplexer with two 8x1 and one 2x1 line

15. Implement the following function with a multiplexer:

F (A, B, C) =∑m (0, 2, 4, 7)

16. Implement the following function with a multiplexer:

F (A, B, C, D) =∑ (0, 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 15)

17. Implement a full adder circuit with multiplexer.

18. What do you understand by BCD to 7(seven) segment display decoder?
19. Explain the working of 8x3 line encoder.
20. Explain de-multiplexer in detail.
21. What is Encoder? Explain with example.
22. Define priority Encoder.

1. Explain Memory hierarchy with suitable diagram.

2. Explain the functionality of RAM.
3. Why RAM is called volatile.
4. Explain the functionality of ROM. Define its types.
5. How many 32K x 1 RAM chips are needed to provide a memory capacity of 256K-
6. Draw and explain block structure of ROM.
7. Explain the functionality of magnetic disk and magnetic tape.
8. Write a short note on Compact Disk (CD).
9. Differentiate between internal memory and external memory.
10. What do you understand PLA.
11. A combinational circuit is defined by the functions:
A = XY +XZ’
B = XY’+YZ+XZ’
Implement the circuit with PLA having three inputs.
12. What do you understand by floppy disks?
13. Define Hard disk in detail.
14. Describe RAM organization.
15. Design a logic construction of 32x4 ROM.


1. Differentiate between asynchronous sequential circuits and synchronous

sequential circuits.
2. Explain design procedure for Asynchronous sequential logic circuits.
3. What is flip fop? Explain at least two flip-flops with excitation table.
4. Explain clocked RS flip flop with the help of logic diagram and truth table.
5. Explain race condition in RS flip flop.
6. Explain clocked D flip flop with NAND gate only? Define the working of D flip
flop with truth table.
7. What is T flip flop? Why is called ‘toggle’. Explain its functionality.
8. Explain the functionality of JK flip flop. How it is differ from RS flip flop.
9. Show Master- Slave flip flop with circuit design.
10. Convert S R flip flop into J K flip flop and also draw excitation table
11. Construct a D flip flop using JK flip flop.
12. What is counter? Explain its classification.
13. Explain ring counter in detail.
14. Explain 3 bit up down Asynchronous counter?
15. What is modulus counter? Design 3-bit asynchronous counter using flip flop.
16. Design a Mod 7 binary counter. Draw its state diagram and circuit.
17. Design a counter that has repeated sequence of six states 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 using JK
flip flop.
18. What are Shift Registers? Discuss various types of Shift Registers
19. Differentiate between Serial-Input-Serial-Output(SISO) and Serial-Input-Parallel-
Output(SIPO) register
20. Draw a block diagram for 4-bit bi-directional shift registers with parallel load and
explain its operation.


1. Define static RAM in detail

2. Define dynamic RAM with functionality.
3. Differentiate between static and dynamic RAM.
4. The address of a memory location is 011010101. What is the main memory
capacity? If four bits are needed to uniquely identify a location within a block
then what is the block size?
5. What is memory unit? Is memory essential for computer systems?
6. Discuss auxiliary memory and write some example of auxiliary memory.
7. Write down the advantages and disadvantages of associative memory.
8. A computer system uses 16- bit memory addresses. It has a 2K-byte cache
organized in a direct-mapped manner with 64 bytes per cache block. Assume
that the size of each memory word is 1 Byte. Calculate the number of bits in
each of the tag, block, and word fields of the memory address.
9. Discuss cache memory and its level. How cache memory is useful?

10. What are different cache mapping techniques? Discuss.

11. Explain advantages of cache memory.

12. Consider a direct mapped cache of size 512 KB with block size 1 KB. There
are 7 bits in the tag.
Find- a) Size of main memory
b) Tag directory size.
13. Explain all the characteristics of Associative memory. How it is works.
14. Define virtual memory in detail? Also explain how it is works.
15. What do you understand by virtual address in virtual memory?
16. How many 128x8 RAM chips are needed to provide a memory capacity of 2048
bytes? How many lines of the address bus must be used to access 2048 bytes of
memory? How many of these lines
Will be common to all chips?
17. Explain the general scheme of virtual memory? Also explain advantages of
virtual memory.
18. What do you understand by physical address, Block size, Block index and Block
offset of main memory.
19. If main memory size is 16 MB and Block size is 128 bytes. How many bits are
required to represent-
a. physical address
b. Block offset
c. Block Index
20. Explain different types of registers. Classification according memory.

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