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The Mad Monks of Kiridor

Written by Dominic Bulone
Synopsis The Adherents usher the PCs to a feast in the main
shrine. There, an ancient stone carving shows the
PCs’ ship emitting rays of light. The Adherents ply
The PCs arrive at the planet Kiridor, which orbits a the PCs with locally-brewed sacrament wine hoping
red dwarf barely brighter than space. The only sign to render them helpless when the real Light
of civilization is a temple city surrounded by a thick Bringers ascend the temple to eat their ship’s
forest of jagged jade and amethyst crystals on one hyperfuel. For every hour that the players drink,
side and a swift river that flows into a deep pit, the they should make a Resilience check to avoid
Shadow Bore on the other. The Temple of Light is a becoming intoxicated, beginning at Average and
city shrine hewn out of a mountain of bronze stone, increasing in difficulty one level every hour.
its pillars shaped like sapients of all species with
their hands outstretched toward the sky. Chapter 2: Behind the Curtain
The PCs can discover the ruse a variety of ways:
• A crewmember on the last ship sacrificed who
has been “converted”, a Twi’Lek named Rora
hints that not everything is as it seems.
• A guarded room in the temple contains multiple
stone tablets of different ship types, which the
Adherents swap in as new ships arrive to fool
the crews into believing in the prophecy.
• On the landing pad, Adherents work secretly to
rig a primitive block and tackle to pull the ship
off the landing pad after its coaxium is eaten.
• A blinking light from a ship component can be
seen deep in the Shadow Bore. If the PCs climb
to the bottom they find a pile of rusting ships
with ripped open fuel tanks and decaying

Chapter 3: Why do gods need a

The Temple of Light is home to the Adherents of the
Light Bringers. The Adherents treat the PCs like Light At the third hour, the ground shakes and the
Bringers, gods from the stars. But secretly they’re Adherents began chanting “Light Bringers” and
planning to offer the hyper fuel in the PCs’ ship as a reaching up toward the sky. Several humanoid
sacrifice to the true Light Bringers, crystal alien creatures made of jade crystal emerge from the
creatures with explosive coaxium coursing through forest and climb the Temple. The creatures ignore
their veins! The light emitted from the real Light the PCs unless they attempt to interfere with their
Bringers is the only way the adherents can grow food attempts to rip open the PCs ship and eat the
the dim planet of Kiridor. coaxium inside!

Chapter 1: Arrival of the Gods

As the ship approaches the city, Adherents in jade-
colored robes light torches of green flame at the
top of the temple as landing lights. After landing
and disembarking, the Adherents bow to the
ground. A lone Adherent, an Ithorian named
Brother Wolo kneels but remains upright and says,
“Welcome, Light Bringers! Long have we waited for
your arrival in your metal chariot, to bring us the
enlightenment of the universe!”

A hard (ddd) Perception check reveals that

scorch marks and gouges from landing gear that
have been scrubbed and repaired. These gouges
lead over the side of the landing pad to a steep side
of the temple above the Shadow Bore.

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